Tier 1 Classic Donut 1

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Classic Donuts



580g Whole Milk
22g Instant Yeast/44g Fresh Yeast
220g Whole Eggs
1000g Strong White Bread Flour
50g Diastatic Malt Powder (Optional - See Notes)
100g Sugar
6g Salt
Zest ½ Lemon (Optional)
½ Tsp Vanilla Bean Paste (Optional)
Fresh Grated Nutmeg (Optional)
80g Unsalted Butter

3 Litres Vegetable Oil For Frying

Chocolate Glaze
200g Dark Chocolate
4 Tsp Water
4 Tsp Honey
60g Unsalted Butter

Cinnamon Sugar
200g Caster Sugar
3.5g Cinnamon

Recipe From Bake It Better | mattadlard.com

Copyright © 2020 Matt Adlard. All Rights Reserved
2g Salt

Vanilla Glaze
200g Icing/Powdered Sugar
100g Whole Milk
Splash of Vanilla Extract
Pinch Salt


Stand Mixer
Dough Scraper
Rolling Pin
3” & 1” Cookie Cutter
Wire Rack
Slotted Spoon
Medium Bowl
Hand Whisk
Deep Fat Fryer or Large Deep Saucepan
Digital Thermometer



1. Add the milk into a saucepan and bring it to around 30C. Make sure it isn’t too hot or it
will kill the yeast.

- 580g Whole Milk

2. Pour the milk into the bowl of a stand mixer and add in the yeast. Whisk the mixture
until the yeast has dissolved. Then, whisk in the whole eggs.

- 22g Instant Yeast/44g Fresh Yeast

- 220g Whole Eggs

3. Next, add the bread flour and diastatic malt powder on top. Add the dough hook to
your stand mixer, and mix on a medium low speed, just until the flour has been
absorbed. Cover the dough and allow it to rest for 30 minutes.

Recipe From Bake It Better | mattadlard.com

Copyright © 2020 Matt Adlard. All Rights Reserved
- 1000g Strong White Bread Flour
- 50g Diastatic Malt Powder (Optional)

4. After 30 minutes, add the sugar,salt, lemon zest, fresh nutmeg & vanilla. Mix on a
medium low speed until full incorporated.

- 100g Sugar
- 6g Salt

5. Next, add in the soft butter, just a small piece at a time. Once it is fully incorporated, mix
the dough on a medium speed for 10-15 minutes until it passes the window pane test.

- 80g Unsalted Butter, Soft

6. Very lightly oil the top of the dough and then add a sheet of cling film over the bowl.
Proof for 30m at room temperature, then place it in the refrigerator overnight (minimum
12 hours)

7. Lightly flour your work surface and remove the dough from the fridge. Roll it out until it
is about ½” thick.

8. Flour a 3” & 1” cookie cutter and punch out donut shapes. Lightly flour the ring mold
every time.

9. Lift the cut donuts onto squares of parchment paper, and place them into a deep tray.
Ensure you brush the squares of parchment lightly with oil or dust with flour to ensure
the donut doesn’t stick. Brush off any excess flour off the donut. Cover the tray with
cling film and proof the donuts until they have doubled in size, about 30m - 1 hour.

10. Just before the donuts are proofed, heat your oil to 180C (355F). Using a deep fat fryer
will result in much more consistent donuts as it is able to maintain a constant
temperature, however you can also add oil into a large, deep saucepan and check the
temperature with a digital thermometer.

11. Lift the donuts up, and flip them into the hot oil, with the parchment paper still on. Cook
for 20s, then carefully remove the parchment paper. Cook them for a further 60s, then
flip. Cook for another 80s on the other side. They should be a nice, even golden colour
all around.

12. Lift the donuts out with a strainer and place them onto a wire cooling rack or a piece of
kitchen paper.

Recipe From Bake It Better | mattadlard.com

Copyright © 2020 Matt Adlard. All Rights Reserved
Chocolate Glaze

1. Into a medium bowl, add the chocolate, butter, honey & water. Place this over a pan of
gently simmering and stir until melted.

- 200g Dark Chocolate

- 4 Tsp Water
- 4 Tsp Honey
- 60g Unsalted Butter

2. Dip the cooled donut into the glaze while it is still warm.

Cinnamon Sugar

1. Place all the ingredients into a medium bowl and stir until combined.

- 200g Caster Sugar

- 3.5g Cinnamon
- 2g Salt

2. Toss the warm donut in the sugar mixture.

Vanilla Glaze

1. Place the icing sugar and salt into a bowl and whisk to combine. Slowly pour in the milk
& vanilla extract and whisk until smooth.

- 200g Icing/Powdered Sugar

- 100g Whole Milk
- Splash of Vanilla Extract
- Pinch Salt

2. Dip the donut in the glaze.

Recipe From Bake It Better | mattadlard.com

Copyright © 2020 Matt Adlard. All Rights Reserved
Recipe Notes:

Diastatic Malt Powder

- Diastatic Malt Powder is optional however it is very common dough enhancer, used in a
lot of baking products. What essentially does is helps the dough to rise faster and also
improves the texture of the dough. It allows for more starch to sugar conversion which
results in a superior spring, moister crumb, and a more shelf stable product. This is
optional though.

Refrigerating The Dough

- Chilling the dough will make it considerably easier to work with and also helps to
improve the flavour due to the extended fermentation period. If you do want to make
them all in the same day then you can do the following:
- Proof the dough for 1 hour at room temperature
- Place it in the fridge for 2-3 hours
- Remove from the fridge, cut the donuts and follow the usual instructions of
proofing and frying.
- Once you have cut the donuts, you can also proof them in the refrigerator again if you
are not ready to fry them. Ensure they are well covered and proof in the fridge for up to
16 hours then fry immediately from the fridge when you are ready.

Recipe From Bake It Better | mattadlard.com

Copyright © 2020 Matt Adlard. All Rights Reserved

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