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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2014, 49, 787–796 787

Original article
Headspace solid-phase micro extraction coupled to
comprehensive two-dimensional with time-of-flight mass
spectrometry applied to the evaluation of Nebbiolo-based wine
volatile aroma during ageing

Matteo Bordiga,* Gianluca Piana, Jean Daniel Co€ısson, Fabiano Travaglia & Marco Arlorio
Universita’ degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale ‘A. Avogadro’, Dipartimento di Scienze del Farmaco, Largo Donegani 2, 28100 Novara, Italy
(Received 26 March 2013; Accepted in revised form 28 August 2013)

Summary This study presents the application of a headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) method on
the analysis of Nebbiolo-based wine volatiles by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography
(GC9GC) and time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS). The aroma patterns were established for dif-
ferent samples of Nebbiolo-based wines, aged in oak wood barrels for 18 months at constant temperature.
The methodology allowed for the simultaneous analysis of over 130 different volatile compounds detected
in the headspace. The odour activity values (OAVs) were assessed to identify potentially important odor-
ants of Nebbiolo-based wine during ageing. The highest OAVs were obtained for several compounds such
as ethyl octanoate, ethyl hexanoate, isoamyl acetate, b-damascenone, ethyl cinnamate, ethyl 3-methylbu-
tanate and acetaldehyde. Ethyl butanoate, octanoic acid, ethyl dihydrocinnamate and c-nonalactone were
also at concentrations higher than their corresponding threshold. Also vanillin, (E)-whisky lactone,
(Z)-whisky lactone, guaiacol and 4-ethyl guaiacol seem to be important odorants after oak wood ageing
Keywords Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography, headspace solid-phase micro extraction, Nebbiolo, oak wood, wine

Extraction of volatile compounds from oak barrels

depends on several factors, including the botanical and
The flavour of wine results from a series of different geographical origin of the wood (Garde-Cerdan et al.,
biochemical and technological processes. Aroma for- 2002) as well as the degree of oak toasting (Chatonnet
mation is influenced by several factors: environment, et al., 1999). The thermal treatment causes thermal deg-
grape variety, ripeness, fermentation conditions and radation of some components of oak wood, which pro-
biological factors (Antonelli et al., 1999; Estevez et al., duces several volatile compounds. Furanic compounds
2004). The flavour of wine is due to the presence of an are formed through thermal degradation of carbohy-
extremely complex pattern, in both quantitative and drates, volatile phenols from the thermal degradation
qualitative terms. The chemical composition of wine of lignin, and oak lactones are products of the dehydra-
aroma continues to change during ageing especially if tion of the acids present in wood (Sanz et al., 2011).
the technological procedure is performed in wood bar- Oak wood contains a high level of volatile com-
rel (primarily oak wood) (Bloem et al., 2008). In wine- pounds that have a great impact on wood-matured wine
making, this common practice helps refine the aroma. The main volatile compounds susceptible to
stability, spontaneous clarification and the formation migration from oak wood to wine are the two whisky
of a complex aroma, and thus improving the quality lactone isomers [(Z)-Whisky lactone and (E)-Whisky
of the wine (Puech et al., 1999; Tominaga et al., 2000). lactone], furfural and its derivatives, phenolic aldehyde
Contact with the barrel modifies the wine composi- such as vanillin, and volatile phenols such as guaiacol
tion due to compounds extracted from the wood (e.g. and its derivatives (Ribereau-Gayon et al., 2006).
tannins, phenolic acids and volatile compounds). The sample preparation is a fundamental step for a
representative and significant analysis of complex
*Correspondent: Fax: +39 0321 375751; matrices such as wine, and commonly the applied
e-mail: methods are time-consuming, expensive and often offer

© 2013 Institute of Food Science and Technology
788 2D-GC evaluation of Nebbiolo-based wine ageing M. Bordiga et al.

specific advantages or disadvantages for certain spe- focused on this period of time. The barrels used in this
cific chemical class extraction. study were new and constituted from French Quercus
Headspace solid-phase micro extraction (HS-SPME) robur oak species, medium type of toasting.
is simple, fast, inexpensive, sensitive, easy-to-automate, All standard chemicals (Table S1) used were pur-
solvent-free and can be considered an excellent alterna- chased from Sigma–Aldrich (Milan, Italy). Water was
tive to other methods (Zalacain et al., 2004). An obtained from Milli-Q instrument (Millipore Corp.,
important analytical problem is related to the presence Bedford, MA, USA).
of several different chemical classes in wine volatile
aroma. Then, a specific process of extraction must be
Headspace SPME extraction
considered, and SPME may be regarded as a good
device for this specific target (Bonino et al., 2003). A Supelco fibre holder (Bellefonte, PA, USA) and a
Comprehensive multidimensional gas chromatogra- 50/30-lm divinylbenzene-carboxenpoly(dimethylsilox-
phy (GC9GC) coupled with time-of-flight (TOF) mass ane) (DVB-CAR-PDMS) fibre were used. This triphasic
detection combined with HS-SPME represents a rela- fibre has been previously described as the most suitable
tively new technique for the characterisation of vola- for adsorbing a large range of volatile compounds from
tiles complex profiles. This method has provided a wines and other alcoholic beverages (Rodrigues et al.,
major advantage in analysing complex samples where 2008; Bordiga et al., 2013). 5 mL of each wine was
the number of analytes may be both large and/or pres- added with 3 g of NaCl (salt saturation of the sample
ent at trace levels as is the case with wine (Ryan et al., was reached to obtain maximum extraction perfor-
2004; Ryona et al., 2010). mance) and maintained for 10 min at 35 °C under
The principal aim of this work was the evaluation magnetic stirring. The fibre was exposed for 20 min for
of HS-SPME techniques coupled with GC9GC/TOF- the extraction of all samples. Subsequently, the fibre
MS for the headspace analyses of different Nebbiolo- was removed from the sample, and the analytes were
based wines from Piedmont, Italy. With this cultivar, thermally desorbed in the injector port of the GC.
vinified as a single variety, high quality and interna-
tionally renowned wines are produced, namely Barolo
D.O.C.G. (Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of
Origin) characterised by long oak wood ageing period. All chromatographic analyses were performed using a
Oak barrels have long been used in fine winemaking, GC9GC/TOF-MS from Thermo Electron S.p.A.
especially for wood-positive effects, namely the ceding (Rodano, Milan, Italy). The apparatus used was
of pleasant aromas and the regulation of red wine col- equipped with a split/splitless injector. The first col-
our. This study proposes to assess the changes in the umn was a DB-5 (30 m 9 0.25 mm i.d. 9 0.25 lm
volatile profile of Nebbiolo-based wine aged in oak film thickness); the second column a DB-WAX
wood over 18 months. (1.20 m 9 0.1 i.d. mm 9 0.1 lm film thickness). Both
columns were from J&W Scientific (Folsom, CA,
USA). The columns, both contained in a single oven,
Materials and methods
were connected using a glass press-fit connector. The
cryogenic modulation was obtained with a CO2 dual-
jet system, installed at the head of the second dimen-
In this work, the influence of oak wood storage/ageing sion column. This device was controlled by a 2D-GC
on the aromatic profile of Nebbiolo-based wines was on-off Wave Modulator (Thermo Electron). Separa-
investigated. For this purpose, typical wine samples tion was performed starting at 50 °C, held for 5 min,
(100% Nebbiolo cultivar) were used. Wine samples temperature increased at a rate of 5 °C/min to 230 °C
were checked at four time points over 18 months. The and finally held for 15 min. Analysis was performed at
first point, designated ‘starting wine’, was analysed 1.0 mL min 1 constant flow; helium was used as car-
immediately after the wines were considered ready to rier gas. Due to the signal enhancement obtained by
undergo barrel ageing period. Then, the other time modulation of flow eluting from the first column into
points were defined at ‘6’, ‘12’ and ‘18 months’, respec- the second, with a smaller diameter, analysis was
tively, at constant storage temperatures in oak wood performed with 10:1 split ratio, to not saturate column
barrels. Each time point was the result of three repli- 2. Desorption of compounds from fibres was per-
cates of four different barrels (n = 12). The model wines formed with split-injection at a temperature of 250 °C.
were produced following the standard protocols used A modulation of 2.5 s was applied on the dual-jet
for the ‘Barolo D.O.C.G.’ wine appellation that requires modulator. The transfer line temperature was 230 °C,
a period of refining in wood for at least 18 months; and the MS source temperature was 220 °C. The mass
otherwise, the wine cannot be denominated ‘Barolo’ but spectral data acquisition rate was 25 Hz for all analy-
only ‘Nebbiolo’. This is the reason why this study has ses. The data were collected over a mass range of

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2D-GC evaluation of Nebbiolo-based wine ageing M. Bordiga et al. 789

35–500 lm. Total ion current chromatograms (TIC) time-of-flight mass detection may now be regarded as
were finally processed by automated data processing an emerging technology that provides considerably
software Xcalibur 1.4 SR1. more chemical selectivity than GC/MS, and thus
Peak identifications were based on comparison of should be ideally suited to the analysis of complex
their mass spectra with pure standard from Sigma- matrices like wine.
Aldrich and/or with those reported by the MainLib GC9GC/TOF-MS provides multidimensional data
NIST05 commercial library (Table S1). Furthermore, (retention times on two columns, peak intensity) and a
more careful attention was provided by the manual complete mass spectral plot at each retention time
inspection of the mass spectra and/or by the use of coordinate in the 2D separation space. Separation on
additional data, such as the experimentally determined the two columns and MS analysis are performed in
retention index (RI) values and values reported in the real time by means of a modulation system. The differ-
bibliography for chromatographic columns similar to ence of polarity between two columns leads to the
that used as the first dimension column in the present optimal separation of complex mixtures of volatiles.
work. For the determination of the RI, calculated on Clearly, the effect of saturation in a GC9GC system is
the first dimension (DB5 column), a C6–C24 n-alkane more critical on second column, which is generally a
series was used. Table S1 lists the compounds very short column. A balance between a very low satu-
identified in the volatile fraction of the wine samples. ration effect of principal compounds and the resolu-
Semi-quantitative data of the aroma compounds were tion of ‘in trace’ compounds is required. This aspect
calculated by relating the peak areas of volatiles to the could be particularly important regarding the identifi-
peak area of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) used as cation of these compounds often characterised by a
internal standard. The concentration of volatiles was highly odoriferous impact.
expressed as lg L 1 (Table 1). Table 1 reports the qualitative/quantitative charac-
terisation results of aromatic profile from the wine
samples. There were valuable changes in the wine vola-
Odour activity values
tile composition during the oak barrel ageing period.
The contribution of each volatile compound to wine Esters quantitatively represented the largest group
aroma was evaluated qualitatively via its associated of volatile compounds in Nebbiolo-based wines. Sig-
descriptor and quantitatively via its OAVs. OAVs were nificant quantitative differences in the behaviour of
calculated using the equation OAV = c/t, where c is esters during storage in oak barrels were detected.
the total concentration (lg L 1) of each compound Esters are important components of wine aroma, espe-
detected in the samples and t is the odour threshold cially for their fruity and floral notes, and their levels
value (lg L 1) of the compound in water/ethanol solu- revealed the importance of wood contact time even to
tion (references are shown in Table 2). distinguish wines in the same commercial category.
Fatty acid ethyl esters such as ethyl hexanoate, ethyl
octanoate or ethyl decanoate together with acetates
Statistical analysis
like isoamyl acetate, 1-hexyl acetate or 2-phenylethyl
Results were expressed as mean  standard deviation acetate gradually reduced their concentrations from 6
(SD) of at least three independent experiments. Differ- to 18 months (Fig. 1a). On the contrary, levels of
ences among samples were estimated by analysis of diethyl succinate and isobutyl acetate increased pro-
variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s ‘honest signifi- gressively as a consequence of hydrolysis-esterification
cant difference’; the statistical significance level was set balances previously reported (Ferreira et al., 2000).
to 0.05. All statistical analyses were performed using Alcohols contents were generally affected during
the free statistical software R 2.10.0 version (R Devel- storage. Average alcohol content, mainly 1-hexanol
opment Core Team, 2008). (Fig. 1b) and 1-octanol (Fig. 1c), decreased in major
proportion in wines aged over 6 months. Their con-
centration in wines matured for 12 months was around
Results and discussion
25% and 30% lower compared with that wines
matured 6 months. C6 compounds such as 1-hexanol,
Evolution of Nebbiolo-based wine aroma during ageing
(E)-3-hexen-1-ol and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, which supply
A HS-SPME-GC9GC/TOF-MS method was applied ‘vegetal’ and ‘herbaceous’ tones to the wine, usually
for the comprehensive separation of the volatile aroma have a negative effect on wine quality when their con-
of Nebbiolo-based wines matured in oak barrel for centration values are above their odour thresholds.
18 months at constant temperature. The SPME tech- However, in this study, only 1-hexanol, in starting
nique represents a good ‘trap’ for major and minor wine and 6 months aged wine, respectively, showed
volatiles of wine, both polar and nonpolar organic values slightly higher than its threshold. Concerning
compounds. Comprehensive 2D-GC coupled with 1-heptanol, a major proportion decreased over

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790 2D-GC evaluation of Nebbiolo-based wine ageing M. Bordiga et al.

Table 1 Mean quantitative value (lg L 1) and standard deviation (SD) of volatile compounds in wine samples during oak wood ageing at
constant temperature

Starting wine 6 months 12 months 18 months

Wine lg/L (n = 12) (n = 12) (n = 12) (n = 12)

4 Ethyl acetate 27 620A  353 27 823A  35.1 28 536B  68.6 28 998C  180
7 Ethyl propionate 2967A  41.0 2725B  38.8 2530C  45.8 2440C  65.5
12 Ethyl isobutyrate 2020A  158 2176A  39.5 2286AB  15.2 2456B  145
15 Isobutyl acetate 1512A  28.9 1908B  45.1 2526C  73.7 3060D  60.0
16 Ethyl butanoate 163.0A  10.0 152.0A  8.00 134.0B  4.00 88.0C  13.1
19 Ethyl 2-Butenoate 447.3A  12.2 482.2AB  10.1 513.0B  16.0 599.8C  12.7
20 Ethyl 2-methyl-butanoate 11.0A  3.02 13.4A  3.01 25.6B  5.06 30.6B  3.05
22 Ethyl 3-methyl-butanoate 18.0A  2.08 20.1A  2.00 24.0AB  6.02 27.0B  3.00
28 Isoamyl acetate 651.0A  9.16 592.2B  12.3 343.3C  14.5 258.5D  10.1
32 Ethyl pentanoate 240.3A  12.3 243.3A  40.4 258.3AB  7.64 272.3B  6.81
34 Methyl hexanoate 622.6A  7.37 620.4A  2.34 610.6B  10.0 600.8B  11.2
37 Ethyl 2-hydroxy-3-methyl-butanoate 102.3A  9.50 140.0B  20.0 155.3B  5.03 210.2C  8.38
38 Isoamyl propionate 487.3A  20.0 411.6B  10.4 376.6C  15.2 351.6C  11.5
44 Ethyl hexanoate 739.4A  3.14 710.9B  10.0 631.3C  15.0 505.0D  2.11
47 1-Hexyl acetate 2096A  96.0 1790B  105 1420C  131 1042D  11.3
53 Ethyl 2-hexenoate 1216A  19.2 1226A  30.5 1290B  10.0 1310B  10.1
55 Ethyl 2-furancarboxylate 920.3A  10.0 930.0A  26.4 976.6B  25.1 1043C  6.21
56 Isoamyl butanoate 401.6A  9.07 400.5A  0.96 386.6B  15.2 388.6B  6.11
58 Ethyl 2-hydroxy-4-methyl-pentanoate 148.3A  4.73 201.3B  6.11 320.0C  20.0 346.6C  14.5
59 Isoamyl lactate 1212A  9.85 1213A  37.8 1279B  17.9 1315B  14.6
67 Ethyl heptanoate 1256A  9.07 1060B  52.9 896.6C  65.0 836.3C  4.73
69 Ethyl 3-(methylthio)propanoate 717.6A  6.81 699.2A  18.8 623.3B  25.1 614.0B  5.29
70 Isoamyl 2-methyl butyrate 248.0A  7.21 256.0A  6.93 295.3B  17.4 374.6C  9.61
72 Ethyl methyl succinate 948.6A  6.11 972.8AB  25.7 1093B  100 1228C  2.65
73 Heptyl acetate 241.0A  11.0 203.3B  15.2 38.0C  10.5 0.00  0.00
75 Methyl octanoate 446.3A  12.9 472.1A  26.9 506.6B  40.4 531.3B  7.77
80 Benzyl ethanoate 1221A  11.5 1137B  72.9 753.3C  55.0 614.3D  6.03
82 Ethyl benzoate 447.3A  6.43 333.3B  41.6 256.6C  45.0 226.3C  6.03
83 Diethyl succinate 6506A  40.4 7113B  80.3 8353C  233 8774D  24.2
85 Ethyl 7-octenoate 10.0A  2.00 9.67AB  0.58 9.33B  0.78 9.31B  0.80
87 Ethyl octanoate 875.0A  58.2 771.6B  44.5 698.6C  43.0 621.4D  51.8
89 Methyl salicylate 32.6A  3.06 25.5B  6.48 19.3B  2.08 16.6C  1.53
90 Diethylmethylsuccinate 306.3A  5.69 314.4A  7.18 316.6A  15.2 353.3B  4.16
95 Ethyl benzene acetate 206.0A  5.29 197.6A  9.71 148.3B  17.5 145.3B  5.51
96 2-Methylbutyl hexanoate 89.0A  4.58 78.6B  9.61 58.3C  7.64 42.6D  2.52
97 2-Phenylethyl acetate 438.6A  8.08 416.2A  20.0 336.6B  35.1 280.3C  3.51
99 Ethyl salicylate 31.3A  1.53 28.8A  4.23 20.3B  2.52 18.6B  1.53
101 Diethyl glutarate 53.0A  3.61 55.3A  4.04 65.6B  5.13 67.6B  5.69
108 4-Terpineol acetate 10.3A  0.58 9.89A  0.77 9.85AB  0.92 8.67B  0.58
111 Methyl decanoate 49.0A  4.58 46.0A  5.20 44.0B  4.58 42.6B  2.52
112 Methyl geranate 40.0A  3.00 33.3B  11.5 27.6C  4.04 28.0C  2.00
114 Isobutyl octanoate 21.3A  3.21 22.5A  2.12 23.1A  1.84 23.6A  3.21
115 Ethyl dihydrocinnamate 10.2A  1.03 12.4AB  2.02 14.3AB  5.03 17.3B  5.01
118 Butyl benzoate 20.6A  1.15 22.7B  3.66 23.5B  3.20 25.0C  1.73
119 Ethyl 9-decenoate 237.6A  6.81 215.8B  19.5 183.3C  15.2 166.6D  3.06
122 Ethyl decanoate 354.0A  6.00 284.6B  60.8 223.3BC  20.8 208.6C  9.02
126 Isoamyl octanoate 878.0A  7.21 832.6A  40.5 633.3B  35.1 651.6B  12.5
129 Ethyl cinnamate 11.3A  1.53 14.2A  5.00 18.0B  1.73 17.6B  0.67
130 Methyl dodecanoate 9.00A  1.73 9.30A  0.50 9.14A  0.78 8.67A  0.58
131 Ethyl vanillate 58.6A  8.08 96.6B  25.1 273.3C  25.1 289.6C  7.51
133 Ethyl dodecanoate 130.3A  3.51 125.7A  5.27 116.6B  20.8 107.3B  4.93
136 2-Phenylethyl hexanoate 19.3A  3.06 17.4A  3.86 17.3A  3.79 17.0A  0.85
138 Ethyl tetradecanoate 11.6A  1.53 9.78AB  3.27 8.22B  3.02 8.33B  1.53
139 Ethyl hexadecanoate 30.3A  2.52 24.7AB  5.21 21.6B  2.08 16.6C  1.34

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Table 1 (Continued)

Starting wine 6 months 12 months 18 months

Wine lg/L (n = 12) (n = 12) (n = 12) (n = 12)

3 1-Propanol 155.0A  7.00 149.3A  2.08 132.0B  3.00 122.6C  7.09
5 Isobutanol 4474A  55.0 4829B  71.7 5192C  65.8 5372D  121
10 3-Methyl-1-butanol 48 895A  510 48 086AB  74.5 46 730B  98.4 46 203C  83.7
11 2-Methyl-1-butanol 31 717A  235 31 121AB  94.7 30 669B  35.8 30 411B  207
13 1-Pentanol 3763A  58.5 3830A  35.1 3863AB  30.5 3945B  43.6
21 (E)-3-Hexen-1-ol 249.0A  10.5 204.3B  4.51 142.3C  19.6 82.1D  5.80
23 (Z)-3-Hexen-1-ol 350.0A  3.61 326.6AB  30.5 270.0B  30.0 182.6C  7.51
25 Furfuryl alcohol 1562A  20.4 1605A  22.0 2193B  179 2748C  42.3
27 1-Hexanol 9424A  83.0 9093B  60.8 7137C  99.0 6803C  76.3
39 1-Heptanol 2306A  33.4 2026B  83.2 1823BC  107 1302C  46.0
49 1-Hexanol, 2-ethyl- 713.6A  5.69 723.3A  15.8 816.6B  15.8 866.3C  10.9
52 Benzyl alcohol 2.20A  1.01 3.05A  2.03 6.01B  1.51 7.62B  2.14
62 1-Octanol 866.0A  6.56 760.0B  40.0 526.6C  30.5 489.6C  5.51
74 2-Phenylethyl alcohol 23 663A  77.6 23 003AB  105 21 696B  195 20 133C  10.4
84 Nonanol 29.3A  2.08 25.2A  7.12 13.6B  5.51 8.67C  0.58
2 Acetaldehyde 3160A  92.0 3247A  65.0 4087B  140 4497C  185
17 Hexanal 161.0A  7.00 156.3A  3.46 116.0B  29.4 49.1C  3.82
18 Furfural 935.0A  15.1 1356B  81.4 2246C  40.8 2635D  60.6
24 Isobutyraldehyde, diethyl acetal 152.0A  7.00 205.6B  5.13 223.3BC  25.1 245.3C  12.8
35 Benzaldehyde 3.02A  2.14 4.20A  1.05 7.08B  1.09 9.10C  1.14
36 5-Methyl-furfural 83.6A  7.51 82.2A  1.95 154.0B  5.29 244.2C  3.04
46 Octanal 1173A  66.5 1006A  41.6 583.3B  85.0 423.6C  12.9
54 Benzeneacetaldehyde 467.3A  6.43 410.0B  26.4 297.0C  20.6 179.5D  4.39
71 Nonanal 217.3A  11.3 207.7AB  8.80 185.3B  12.8 158.6C  8.08
78 (E)-2-Nonenal 21.6A  2.08 18.8B  2.83 0.00  0.00 0.00  0.00
79 3-Phenylpropanal 29.0A  2.65 27.0A  3.46 25.0AB  1.00 23.6B  2.08
91 Decanal 130.0A  4.00 116.6B  15.2 96.6B  15.2 49.3C  3.06
100 Cinnamylaldehyde 244.0A  5.29 231.3A  12.0 220.0AB  20.0 210.0B  0.00
109 Undecanal 19.3A  2.08 16.2B  5.39 10.8C  0.96 8.67D  0.52
123 Vanillin 31.3A  1.53 38.4A  7.93 92.3B  6.81 108.6C  10.9
134 Tetradecanal 355.6A  5.13 317.5B  33.0 230.0C  26.4 137.0D  6.08
6 3-Pentanone 102.3A  2.52 122.6B  9.02 186.3C  6.51 245.0D  27.8
41 2-Methyl-2-hepten-6-one 472.0A  9.17 435.6B  12.5 320.0C  20.0 309.0C  6.56
42 2-Octanone 457.6A  10.7 411.0B  10.1 336.6C  35.1 258.3D  6.66
60 Acetophenone 1.03A  0.94 2.06AB  1.02 3.06B  0.91 3.10B  1.05
65 2-Nonanone 660.6A  7.02 560.0B  40.0 436.6C  47.2 480.6C  6.51
86 4-Methylacetophenone 41.6A  1.53 35.8B  5.83 19.3C  2.08 19.3C  2.52
106 2-Undecanone 20.3A  2.52 19.2A  1.92 17.6B  2.08 17.3B  0.58
125 2-T-butyl-5-propyl-[1,3]dioxolan-4-one 9.67A  0.58 13.2AB  3.67 14.3B  1.15 16.6B  0.58
127 Trans-Geranylacetone 10.6A  1.15 10.8A  2.01 9.56A  4.11 8.67B  0.58
43 b-Myrcene 551.3A  9.07 453.3B  25.1 140.0C  52.9 85.3C  3.79
50 Limonene 11.3A  1.53 9.67A  0.58 9.33AB  0.58 8.92B  1.01
51 Eucalyptol 10.0A  1.00 12.0A  2.00 15.3B  1.53 18.1C  1.61
61 (E)-Linalool oxide (trans furan) 29.3A  .04 106.6B  20.8 280.3C  20.0 312.0C  9.85
64 (Z)-Linalool oxide (cis furan) 52.6A  3.06 123.3B  15.2 192.0C  23.0 216.0C  7.94
66 p-Cymenene 19.6A  1.53 18.4A  2.12 13.6B  2.08 11.5B  2.65
68 Linalool 40.0A  3.00 38.0A  3.46 18.0B  7.21 0.00  0.00
76 ( )-Camphor 324.0A  14.0 296.6A  15.2 83.3B  15.2 0.00  0.00
77 Nerol oxide 10.6A  2.08 11.7A  1.92 13.6B  1.53 16.3B  2.08
88 a-Terpineol 20.0A  3.00 18.0A  3.46 15.0AB  4.36 8.33B  0.58
92 b-Cyclocitral 10.3A  1.53 10.8A  0.96 13.3B  1.53 14.3B  2.52
121 b-Damascenone 2.16A  0.38 1.89A  0.27 1.32B  0.32 0.73C  0.38

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792 2D-GC evaluation of Nebbiolo-based wine ageing M. Bordiga et al.

Table 1 (Continued)

Starting wine 6 months 12 months 18 months

Wine lg/L (n = 12) (n = 12) (n = 12) (n = 12)

124 Thujopsene 0.00  0.00 3.33A  1.53 5.00AB  1.00 8.67B  1.15
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
14 Toluene 98.3A  8.02 93.1A  2.25 89.0AB  2.65 83.1B  3.88
26 Ethylbenzene 734.6A  15.0 1223B  60.2 2376C  75.0 2586C  41.6
29 Styrene 61.0A  6.56 57.0A  3.00 49.6B  1.53 48.5B  4.30
30 Benzene, 1,3-dimethyl- 84.0A  4.00 115.6B  16.2 212.6C  15.5 232.1C  10.6
31 Benzene, 1,2-dimethyl- 32.0A  2.65 46.3B  6.03 89.6C  2.52 99.6D  6.81
57 Benzene, (ethoxymethyl)- 612.6A  10.2 569.3B  26.1 396.6C  15.2 348.6D  4.16
94 Benzene, 2-methoxy-4-methyl-1-(1-methylethyl)- 151.0A  3.61 158.0A  6.24 175.3B  18.5 177.3B  5.13
98 4-Ethoxystyrene 310.6A  3.06 283.5B  25.5 199.0C  11.5 130.0D  6.00
120 Biphenyl 228.3A  6.66 208.7B  16.9 190.0C  10.0 154.3D  5.13
33 c-Butyrolactone 3821A  89.4 3546B  61.1 2309C  27.6 2095D  46.3
107 (Z)-Whisky lactone 23.6A  3.51 55.3B  18.5 120.0C  20.0 194.6D  3.79
113 (E)-Whisky lactone 51.6A  2.08 83.3B  20.8 203.3C  25.1 277.0D  6.56
117 c-Nonalactone 218.6A  6.11 212.4A  10.7 159.0B  2.65 155.0B  4.36
Volatile Phenols
63 Guaiacol 8.86A  2.13 21.6B  2.08 29.2C  2.25 31.3C  1.74
102 4-Ethyl guaiacol 10.3A  1.53 23.4B  15.1 83.3C  15.2 96.0C  4.00
1 Sulphur dioxide 384.6A  11.2 391.0A  3.37 416.3B  4.51 424.5B  12.3
8 Acetal 104.0A  9.17 203.3B  7.09 299.3C  10.0 422.0D  10.4
9 1,3-Dioxolane, 2,4,5-trimethyl- 147.3A  7.37 215.6B  8.73 315.3C  13.6 354.6D  23.3
40 2H-pyran, 2-ethenyltetrahydro-2,6,6-trimethyl- 506.6A  16.2 663.3B  70.9 900.0C  40.0 1031D  21.2
45 Benzofuran 101.0A  8.54 123.3AB  5.77 155.3B  5.03 174.0C  3.61
48 1,4-Cineol 609.6A  10.0 573.3A  40.4 520.0B  20.0 515.0B  13.2
81 Octanoic acid 2139A  10.1 1953B  50.3 1483C  104 1345D  5.13
93 Cyclohexane, isothiocyanato- 11.3A  1.53 14.2B  5.00 14.0B  5.29 18.0C  1.73
103 Geranylethyl ether 30.0A  3.00 27.0A  5.20 16.6B  5.77 16.0B  1.73
104 Anethol 22.3A  2.52 20.2A  3.66 14.0B  5.29 8.67B  0.58
105 Vitispirane 11.3A  1.15 14.2AB  5.00 14.6AB  5.03 16.6B  1.53
110 Azulene 29.6A  2.52 26.7A  5.00 19.3B  1.15 18.6B  1.15
116 Naphthalene, 1,2-dihydro-1,5,8-trimethyl- 30.0A  3.61 27.6A  4.04 24.6B  1.53 25.0B  3.61
128 2-Phenylpyridine 9.67A  1.53 9.11A  0.96 7.89B  1.84 8.33B  0.51
132 1,6,10-Dodecatrien-3-ol, 3,7,11-trimethyl- 11.3A  1.53 10.4A  4.07 8.22B  2.91 9.33AB  1.15
135 2-(Methylthio)phenyl isothiocyanate 11.6A  2.08 10.5A  3.15 9.33AB  0.58 7.67B  0.32
137 Naphthalene, 1,6-dimethyl-4-(1-methylethyl)- 12.3A  2.08 10.8A  2.50 9.78AB  2.27 7.67B  0.51

Values with different letters in the same row are significantly different (estimated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s ‘honest signifi-
cant difference’ test, P < 0.05). Bold type (Compounds that increase their content during ageing).

12 months, and its concentration in wines matured methyl ester also behaved similarly, but with a more
18 months was 30% lower (Fig. 1c). The tendency regular trend. According to Jarauta et al. (2005), this
observed in 1-propanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol and fact may be related to the disappearance of com-
2-methyl-1-butanol was quite similar, although a smal- pounds in the wood-aged wines as a consequence of
ler amount decreased. On the contrary, isobutanol and sorption processes.
1-pentanol showed a positive trend during ageing, the Similarly, levels of terpenic alcohols, compounds
latter slightly less pronounced than the former. The typically characterised by fruity aromas, showed a sig-
content of 2-phenylethyl alcohol, aromatic compound nificant reduction during ageing (e.g. a-terpineol, linal-
characterised by ‘flowery’ and ‘sweet’ notes, appeared ool). The storage in barrels can result in natural
higher in the starting wine than in the 18 months aged changes in the content of these aromatic compounds,
wine, but with values always above its perception leading to the conversion of their respective oxides.
thresholds (Fig. 1b). Octanoic acid contents showed For example, linalool was not detected after
significant decreases mainly in the 6–12 months period, 18 months of ageing because its molecule quickly gen-
while hexanoic acid methyl ester and decanoic acid erates furanic and pyranic derivates (linalool oxides)

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Table 2 Odour activity values of free aroma compounds in Nebbiolo-based wines during oak wood ageing


Odour description Odour threshold (lg L ) Starting 6 months 12 months 18 months

(E)-3-Hexen-1-ol Green 400 0.62 0.51 0.36 0.21
(E)-Linalool oxide (trans furan) Sweet, pine, floral 500A 0.06 0.21 0.56 0.62
(E)-Whisky lactone Coconut 200D 0.26 0.42 1.02 1.39
(Z)-3-Hexen-1-ol Cut grass 400E 0.88 0.82 0.68 0.46
(Z)-Linalool oxide (cis furan) Sweet, pine, floral 500A 0.11 0.25 0.38 0.43
(Z)-Whisky lactone Coconut 200D 0.12 0.28 0.60 0.97
1-Hexanol Green, cut grass 8000D 1.18 1.14 0.89 0.85
1-Hexyl acetate Green, floral 1500D 1.40 1.19 0.95 0.70
2-Methyl-1-butanol Burnt, alcohol 60 000B 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.51
2-Phenylethyl alcohol Floral, roses 14 000D 1.69 1.64 1.55 1.44
3-Methyl-1-butanol Burnt, alcohol 60 000B 0.81 0.80 0.78 0.77
4-Ethyl guaiacol Leather, phenolic 33B 0.31 0.71 2.53 2.91
5-Methyl-furfural Spicy, caramel 20 000D 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01
Acetaldehyde Pungent, ripe apple 500A 6.32 6.49 8.17 8.99
Benzaldehyde Sweet, fruity 350B 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03
Diethyl succinate Vinous 200 000D 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04
Ethyl 2-methyl-butanoate Green-fruity, pineapple 18C 0.61 0.72 1.39 1.67
Ethyl 3-methyl-butanoate Green-fruity, pineapple 3C 6.00 6.67 8.00 9.00
Ethyl 9-decenoate Light fruity, fatty 150E 1.58 1.44 1.22 1.11
Ethyl butanoate Fruity, pineapple 20C 8.15 7.60 6.70 4.40
Ethyl cinnamate Honey, cinnamon 1.5B 7.56 9.48 12.00 11.78
Ethyl decanoate Sweet, fruity 200B 1.77 1.42 1.12 1.04
Ethyl dihydrocinnamate Floral, pollen 2B 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.50
Ethyl hexanoate Green, apple 14B 52.79 50.71 45.07 36.07
Ethyl octanoate Sweet, fruity 6D 145.83 128.50 116.33 103.50
Ethyl vanillate Honey, vanillin 990A 0.06 0.10 0.28 0.29
Furfural Sweet, woody, almond 14 000D 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.19
Furfuryl alcohol Faint burnt 2000D 0.78 0.80 1.10 1.37
Guaiacol Smoky, hospital 10C 0.80 2.10 2.90 3.10
Isoamyl acetate Banana 30A 21.70 19.73 11.43 8.63
Linalool Floral 25A 1.60 1.52 0.72 0.00
Octanoic acid Sweet, cheese 500B 4.28 3.91 2.97 2.69
Vanillin Vanillin 60A 0.52 0.64 1.54 1.81
b-Damascenone Sweet, fruity 0.05A 42.00 36.00 26.00 14.00
b-Phenylethyl acetate Pleasant, floral 250D 1.75 1.66 1.35 1.12
c-Butyrolactone Sweet, caramel 35 000E 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.06
c-Nonalactone Sweet, coconut 30C 7.29 7.08 5.30 5.17

 et al. (2004); EGo
Guth (1997); BFerreira et al. (2000); CEscudero et al. (2007); DCullere  mez-Mıguez et al. (2007).

(Fig. 2a), characterised by lower fruity notes (Bordiga period (Fig. 2a, b). Generally, in this study, the furan-
et al., 2013). These results suggest that terpene levels ic compound levels were lower than their perception
in Nebbiolo-aged wines are hardly affected by the thresholds; only in 12 and 18 months samples, furfuryl
casks storage. alcohol showed values slightly higher.
Benzenic compound levels underwent considerable Several lactones were identified in the samples.
changes during ageing as concentrations of benzalde- These compounds are extremely important to the sen-
hyde and benzyl alcohol were lower in young wines sory characteristics of wines namely when aged in oak
than in aged wines, although their levels increased wood. Their odour description depends on the chemi-
regularly up to 18 months. cal structure, functional groups and side chain length
Another group of aromatic molecules detected were obtained following cyclisation of the corresponding
the furanic compounds, formed by degradation of car- c-hydroxycarboxylic acid. Two of the most affected
bohydrates. The major components of this group were compounds by the storage in oak casks were whisky
furfural, furfuryl alcohol and 5-methyl-furfural, whose lactone isomers, according to previous studies (Garde-
concentrations showed a positive trend during ageing Cerdan et al., 2002; Cadahia et al., 2009).

© 2013 Institute of Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2014
794 2D-GC evaluation of Nebbiolo-based wine ageing M. Bordiga et al.

(a) 18 months according to other studies (Jarauta et al.,

2005; Fernandez de Sim on et al., 2008). However, the
accumulation of these compounds was much greater
after 12–18 months of ageing, indicating the impor-
tance of wood contact time (Fig. 2c).
The most important compounds of this group in
terms of its contribution to wine aroma are vanillin
and, even if in a secondary way, ethyl vanillate, wood-
extractable compounds associated with ‘vanilla’ and
‘chocolate’ odour descriptors, which were mainly
extracted in the first 12 months of ageing.
Lastly, among the chemical groups of norisopre-
noids, b-damascenone was detected in sample wines.
This molecule, normally considered a positive contribu-
tor to wine aroma, is responsible for the sweet, baked
(b) apple and fruity notes. Moreover, due to its low odour
threshold, it can have a great sensorial impact on wine.

Odour activity values

As a preliminary step to achieve the identification of
the potentially most important odorants of Nebbiolo-
based wine during ageing, the OAVs (the ratio
between the concentration of each volatile compound
with the corresponding odour threshold) were assessed.
On the basis of their threshold and odour description,
the most representative odorants in samples were ten-
tatively established. As shown in Table 2, at least
(c) twenty four components were present at concentra-
tions higher (OAVs > 1) than their corresponding
odour thresholds, nine components with OAVs com-
prised between 0.1–1 and 4 with values <0.1. Thus,
these twenty four compounds exhibit an aroma index
value higher than the unity considered to contribute
individually to the Nebbiolo-based wine aroma. Obvi-
ously, during ageing, it was possible to highlight both
positive and negative trends among the intensities of
these odorants in the different wine samples.
According to the results presented in Table 2, the
seven most potent aromas of each wine are substan-
tially the same. The highest OAVs were obtained for
Figure 1 Change in different aromatic compounds content
several well-known by-products of yeast metabolism
(expressed as lg L 1 wine) in Nebbiolo-based wine during oak wood
storage (four time points from left to right: starting wine, 6, 12 and
such as ethyl octanoate, ethyl hexanoate, isoamyl
18 months). (a) esters, (b) and (c) alcohols. acetate, b-damascenone, ethyl cinnamate, ethyl 3-meth-
ylbutanate and acetaldehyde. Ethyl butanoate, octanoic
acid, ethyl dihydrocinnamate and c-nonalactone were
Both levels underwent positive exponential increase also at concentrations higher than their corresponding
from 6 to 18 months providing a direct relation with thresholds and seem to be important odorants of this
the length of ageing period of wines (Fig. 2c). On the wine.
contrary, c-butyrolactone and c-nonalactone showed a The relevant content of vanillin, associated with
decreasing trend during time. ‘vanilla’ and ‘chocolate’ odour descriptors, with OAVs
Volatile phenols such as guaiacol and derivatives higher than 1 for 12 and 18 months of ageing samples,
(e.g. 4-ethyl guaiacol) showed a direct relationship should be considered to have a sensorial contribution
between the period of wood ageing and the wines’ vol- for these red wines.
atile composition. Guaiacol was extracted constantly Similarly, the two whisky lactone isomers showed a
and almost linearly in wines matured from 6 to substantially linear increasing trend during oak wood

International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2014 © 2013 Institute of Food Science and Technology
2D-GC evaluation of Nebbiolo-based wine ageing M. Bordiga et al. 795

(a) (b)


Figure 2 Change in different aromatic com-

pounds content (expressed as lg L 1 wine)
in Nebbiolo-based wine during oak wood
storage (four time points from left to right:
starting wine, 6, 12 and 18 months). Terp-
enes, aldehydes, lactones and volatile phe-
nols evenly distributed (a, b and c)
considering their content in wine samples.

storage period. Particularly, (E)-whisky lactone are responsible for the ‘vanilla’, ‘smoky’ and ‘toasty’
achieved OAVs higher than 1 for 12 and 18 months, tones of this wine.
while (Z)-whisky lactone reached a value of 0.97 only
in 18 months samples.
Guaiacol and 4-ethyl guaiacol, responsible for
‘smoky’ and ‘leather’ tones, respectively, generally This work was funded by a grant from Regione Pie-
showed OAVs higher than 1 for 12 and 18 months of monte (Ricerca Agricola 2008). Dr. Matteo Bordiga
ageing samples (guaiacol even starting from the 6th was the recipient of a fellowship from the Italian
month with a value of 2.10). Their contents showed Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali Ministry
positive trends during ageing so proving that their sen- (Food-Link project). The authors thank Shelby Punu
sorial contribute becomes increasingly important with for editorial assistance.
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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2014 © 2013 Institute of Food Science and Technology

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