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Content Standard The learner demonstrates

understanding of grammatical
structures of English to be able to
communicate effectively in oral and
written forms

The learner shows proficiency in

Performance Standard constructing grammatically correct
sentences in varied theme-based oral
and written activities
Give the synonyms and antonyms of
Learning Competency common adjective EN3G-IVh-5.6

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define synonyms and antonyms;
b. Give examples of synonyms and antonyms of common adjective;
c. Apply their understanding of synonyms and antonyms in active
Time Frame: 1 hour
Materials: Projetor, laptop,Cartolina, Flash Cards
Reference: BEAM-DLP4 Module21-Using
antonyms and synonyms

A. Preparatory Activity

 Prayer:

- The teacher will call a student to lead the prayer

 Greeting
- Good morning everyone!

 Attendance

- (Checking the attendance of students)

- Verygood! No one is absent today.

 Review

-As a sort of review, the teacher will ask some students to recall
the lesson from the previous discussion.

 Setting of Standards

1. Listen carefully to your teacher.

2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
3. Always follow the directions.
4. Raise your right hand if you have something to say.
5. Show respect and kindness to your classmate.

 New Lesoon

 Motivation

- The teacher will show show different pictures and the, she will ask
her students what do the picture were all about.

 Presentation

- The teacher will ask the student on what the activity all about.

B. Developmental Activities

 Activity

- The teacher will read a short story and after that the teacher will
give some question.

 Analysis

- Base on the story who are the main characters?

 Abstraction

- So now, who can say his or her own understanding about

( The students will answered)

SYNONYMS-are words that mean the same of almost the same.

Ex: Applauded, cheered, rooted they all show approval or admiration.

Give some words that’s has the same meaning of small.

ANTONYMS- That are words that mean opposite or nearly opposite things.

Ex :Kind and cruel means opposite things.

( The teacher will give more example)

 Application

The teacher will give another activity.

DIRECTIONS: Give the opposite of the following word that is shown

1. Look
2. Modern
3. Elderly
4. Young
5. Pretty

 Evaluation

DIRECTIONS: Answer the following question, you can write on a piece

of paper.

1. what are the antonyms?

A. Rhyming words
B. Word with opposite meaning
C. Words with similar meaning

2. What are the synonyms?

A. Rhyming words
B. Words with opposite meaning
C. Words with similar meaning

3. Which is a synonym strong?

A. Mighty
B. Weak
C. Tiny
4. Which is an antonym of strong?

A .Mighty
B .Weak

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