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Reservoir Engineering 1 Questions with answers

1.Analogy :

uses near analog petroleum recovery projects to estimate reservoir recovery efficiencies

-can be used to estimate reservoir parameters

-supplement of the volumetric method

2.API gravity :

Specific gravity scale developed by the American Petroleum Institute (water API is 10)

Between a bottom-water drive and an Edge-water drive reservoir, which one could have a greater oil
recovery factor. :Edge-water drive

Bubble point pressure :(saturation pressure): pressure below which the first gas bubble evolves from the
liquid phase

3.Capillary pressure :

pressure difference across interface of two immiscible fluids in capillaries

Categorization of Reserves and Resources :Horizontal axis based on uncertainty of recoverable volumes

Causes of abnormal reservoir pressures :-temperature change

-geological changes: uplifting, surface erosion, downthrown

4.Classification of Reserves and Resources :

Vertical axis, based on projects chance of commerciality

5.Combinations Drive :

-water and free gas are available to displace oil, with solution gas drive

6.Commercial (Resource) :

-meets evaluator's economic criteria

-no contingencies that prevent development

-all internal/external approvals expected

-intent to initiate development

7.Compaction drive :

-pore volume contraction, reduces porosity, forcing fluids out of pore space


least effective

oil - 2-5%

8.Conventional Reservoirs :

1. Subsurface porous and permeable sedimentary rock having commercial quantities of oil and gas

2. A single hydraulically connected system

9.Define porosity :

The ratio of void space to total (bulk) volume of rock

porosity = (vbulk-vgrain)/vbulk

10.Define relative permeability :

ratio of effective permeability of one phase to the absolute permeability




11.Define reservoir engineering :

The application of scientific principles to the drainage problems arising during development and
production of oil and gas reservoirs

12.Definition of reserves :

estimated volumes of petroleum substances anticipated to be commercially recoverable and marketable

from a given date forward, under existing economic conditions, by established operating practices and
under current government regulations

13.Describe the reservoir behavior in terms of reservoir pressure, oil production and produced gas-oil
ratio (GOR) for an undersaturated oil reservoir under solution gas drive as primary drive mechanism :

1. Rapid reservoir pressure decline

2. Oil production rate constantly declining

3. Low initial production GOR, equal to the solution gas-oil ratio, and increasing once the reservoir
pressure is below the bubble point pressure

14.Discovery (Resource) :

significant quantity of potential moveable hydrocarbons established through testing, sampling and or

15.Distribution of fluids in a reservoir :

1. Gas Cap

2. Oil Column

3. Aquifer

4. Contacts (gas oil or oil water)

16.Fluid saturation (S) :

The fraction of pore volume occupied by a given phase (gas, oil or water)



17.From the following primary drive mechanism of oil reservoirs, which one could have the highest
recovery factor?

a) Solution gas drive

b) Gas cap drive

c) Natural water drive :

Natural water drive

18.Gas Cap Drive :-expansion of free gas


oil - 20-40%

gas - 70-90%

19.Gas formation volume factor :

Volume occupied by gas at reservoir P-T divided by volume occupied by same gas at standard conditions

20.Gas reservoirs :

Dry gas - hydrocarbons will always be in vapor phase from reservoir to surface

Wet gas - hydrocarbons will be in the vapor phase at reservoir, some liquids condense out at surface

retrograde-condensate - some liquids condense out at reservoir, reducing amounts of liquid at surface

21.Gas Viscosity :

viscosity increases with pressure increasing

22.Gravity Drainage :

-Oil drains down dip from gas cap, gas migrate up dip from oil column


oil - 30-70%

23.Hydrocarbon maturation :

degradation of organic material or kerogen

24.Isothermal compressibility :

fractional change in volume of a fluid as pressure changes at constant temperature

25.List classes of reservoir fluids based on its API gravity :

-Extra Heavy (4-10 API)

-Heavy (10-20 API)

-Medium (20-30 API)

-Light (30-50 API)

-Condensate (50-70 API)

26.List depositional environments from where reservoir rocks form :

-Aeolian sands



-River and floodplain

-Submarine fan

27.List three differences between unconventional reservoirs and conventional reservoirs. :


1. Unconventional reservoir's accumulations are widespread throughout a large area

2. Unconventional reservoir's are not affected by hydrodynamic influences

a. buoyant forces

b. influence of water column

3. Unconventional reservoir's don't produce economic volumes without assistance from massive
stimulation treatments or special recovery processes and technologies


1. Subsurface porous and permeable sedimentary rock having commercial quantities of oil and gas

2. A single hydraulically connected system

28.Measurement of reservoir pressure at bottom of well :

Bottom hole shut-in pressure: measured when well is shut-in, approximates reservoir pressure in new
reservoirs with no pressure depletion

Bottom hole flowing pressure: measured when well is producing, indicates pressure of formation fluids
near the wellbore

29.Mention four depositional environments from where source rocks form :

Source rocks form form anaerobic environments with accumulation of organic material



-Coastal and shallow marine environments

-Deep marine environments

30.Mention two basic Hydrocarbon traps :

-Structural traps: closures formed by structural movement within the earth

-Stratigraphic traps: closures formed by sedimentation and diagenesis

-Structural/Stratigraphic traps
31.Methods of estimating reserves (direct) :

(Direct methods used in later stages of production, performance analysis based on dynamic data)

-Material Balance

-Decline curve analysis

-Numerical simulation

32.Methods of estimating reserves (indirect) :

(Indirect methods used during exploration, appraisal and initial development. Estimate OGIP/OOIP and



33.Natural water drive :

-expansion of aquifer water with influx into reservoir displacing hydrocarbon fluids


oil - 35-75%

gas - 50-70%

34.Oil formation volume factor :

Volume of oil in reservoir divided by volume of oil at surface

35.Oil reservoirs :

Undersaturated oil - no free gas present at reservoir (reservoir pressure>= bubble point of oil)

Saturated oil - can have a free gas cap at reservoir (reservoir pressure<bubble point of oil)

36.Oil Viscosity :

above the bubble point: viscosity decreases with pressure decreasing

below bubble point: viscosity increases with pressure decreasing

37.Overpressure reservoirs :

initial pressure greater that normal hydrostatic pressure

38.Permeability :

Capacity of rock to transmit fluid (hydraulic conductivity)

- Controls the directional movement and flow rate of reservoir fluids in the porous medium

- Connected pores are required for a rock to be permeable

-Defined from Darcy's law

39.Plot a typical curve of solution gas-oil ratio, Rs, as a function of pressure, for pressure values above
and below the bubble point pressure. Assume a bubble point pressure of 3000 psia. :
40.Primary Reservoir Drive Mechanisms :

-Solution gas drive

-Gas cap drive

-Natural water drive

-Compaction drive

-Gravity drainage

-Combinations drive

41.Properties of reservoir fluids :

1. API gravity

2. Bubble point pressure

3. Formation volume factor

4. Solution gas-oil ratio

5. Isothermal compressibility

6. Viscosity

42.Properties of reservoir rock :

1. Porosity

2. Permeability

3. Fluid Saturation

4. Wettability

5. Capillary pressure

43.Real Gas Law :

Volume of a real gas usually is less than the volume of an ideal gas


44.Reservoir pressure :

makes reference to the fluids pressure within the reservoir

45.Reservoir rock :

Oil and gas accumulations occur within pore spaces of sedimentary rocks (sandstones and carbonates)

46.Seal or cap rock :

low to zero permeability: well cemented lithologies, mud rock and evaporite beds (mudstone)

47.Solution Gas Drive :

-expansion of oil and originally dissolved gas

oil - 5-30%

gas - 70-90%

48.Solution gas-oil ratio :

Amount of gas dissolved in oil at reservoir, expressed at standard conditions

49.T or F? Higher Temperatures during Hydrocarbon maturation results in generation of more liquid
hydrocarbon (crude oil) :

False, higher temperatures result in more gas.

50.The measured contact (or wetting) angle of a water drop on a water-wet solid surface with oil as
the continuous phase :


51.The measured contact (or wetting) angle of a water drop on an water-wet solid surface with oil as
the continuous phase is :

<90 degrees

52.True or False: an undersaturated-oil reservoir always has a gas-cap :


53.True or False: Higher temperatures during hydrocarbon maturation results in generation of more
liquid hydrocarbon (crude oil) :

False, higher temperatures during hydrocarbon maturation results in the generation of more gas

54.True or False: Natural water drive may affect negatively the ultimate recovery in a gas
reservoir :True

55.True or False: Oil formation volume factor, Bo, remains constant above the bubble point
pressure :False

56.True or False: Solution gas-oil ratio, Rs, decreases above bubble point pressure, p>pb :False

57.True or False: The updated definitions of reserves and resources in the SPE Petroleum Resources
Management system were designed to include unconventional resources. :True

58.Type of seals :Top, bottom, lateral and faults

59.Types of kerogen :

Type 1: generates oil (planktonic algae and amorphous organic material)

Type 2: generates gas and waxy oil (mixed marine and terrestrial organic material)

Type 3: generates only gas (terrestrial woody organic matter)

60.Unconventional Reservoirs :

1. Accumulations are widespread throughout a large area

2. Not affected by hydrodynamic influences

a. buoyant forces

b. influence of water column

3. Don't produce economic volumes without assistance from massive stimulation treatments or special
recovery processes and technologies

61.Underpressure reservoirs :

initial pressure lower than normal hydrostatic pressure

62.Viscosity :

measure of resistance to flow exerted by a fluid

63.Volumetric basic steps :

1. Determine net volume of reservoir, using volumetric mapping

2. Determine rock/fluid parameters

3. Calculate volumes initially in-place of oil, gas and or condensate

4. Estimate recovery efficiencies for oil, gas and or condensate

64.Volumetrics :

calculates the initially in-place volume of fluids in the reservoir based on geologic and engineering data

65.Wettability :

The tendency of a fluid to spread on (or adhere to) a solid surface in the presence of another immiscible

-Oil wet (>90)

-Water Wet (<90)

-Intermediate wet (=90)

66.What are the four basic components of a Petroleum System? :

1. Source

2. Reservoir

3. Seal or cap

4. Trap

67.What are the primary reservoir drive mechanisms? :

primary reservoir drive mechanisms are physical phenomena (expansion of fluids with decrease in
pressure) that promote production of hydrocarbons from the reservoir rock using the natural energy of
the reservoir (pressure)

68.What are the three categories of petroleum reserves and resources according to the SPE PRMS,
based on the range of uncertainty of estimated volumes? :

Reserves: Proved, probable and possible

Contingent Resources: 1C, 2C, 3C

Prospective Resources: Low estimate, best estimate, high estimate

69.What are the three classes of petroleum reserves and resources according to the SPE Petroleum
Resource Management System (PRMS), based on their chance of commerciality? :

Reserves, contingent resources and prospective resources

70.What are the three fundamental functions of a Reservoir Engineer? :

1. Estimation of hydrocarbons in-place

2. Calculation of recovery factor

3. Forecast of production

71.What is a petroleum reservoir? (conventional) :

1. A subsurface porous and permeable rock having commercial quantities of oil and gas

2. A sedimentary rock

3. A single hydraulically connected system

4. A critical component of the petroleum system

72.What is needed to classify a hydrocarbon accumulation as Discovered? :

Significant quantity of potential moveable hydrocarbons established through testing, sampling and/or

73.What is the difference between the two Types of Permeability? :

Absolute: porous media is 100% saturated by one phase

Effective: conductance of one fluid when medium is saturated with more than one fluid

Relative: Ratio of effective of one phase to absolute

74.What is the free water level? :

the free water level is a reference point for the calculations of water saturation distribution, based on
capillary pressure were Pc=0psi

75.What is the transition zone :

The transition zone is the depth interval with varying water saturation from the aquifer (Sw=1) to the oil
zone (Sw=Swr)

76.Why does the oil formation volume factor increase with decreasing pressure for pressures greater
than the bubble point pressure? :

The expansion of light hydrocarbons dissolved in the liquid oil phase, during a decrease of reservoir
pressure, is responsible for the increase in oil volume at reservoir conditions

77.Why does the oil viscosity increase with decreasing pressure for pressures lower than the bubble
point pressure? :

The vaporization of light hydrocarbon components out of the liquid oil phase, forming a free gas phase,
makes the liquid oil phase more viscous. Light hydrocarbon components tend to act as lubricators
between heavier molecules

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