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KARNOFSKY PERFORMACE SCALE nonprofessional people and aims to improve the

quality of life for the terminally ill and their

 Created by David A. Karnofsky used to assist families. May be independently funded,
functionality on how pt. is able to carry out associated with the hospital, or based in the
activities of daily living. It is traditionally used for patient's home.
cancer patients but is now used to variety of  The term Hospice is frequently misunderstood
health conditions. This scale comes in the form of and is equated with imminent death and many
an 11 items index. persons mine. On the contrary, Hospice care
 In using Karnofsky Performance Scale saves time. focuses on quality of life on the wishes of the
In order to use the KPS you need to indicate which patient and family an easing distress at the end of
part of the scale your patient belongs. Tick the life and the months preceding death.
rating that best describes your patient when you  Hospice care teams are nurses, doctors, social
are engaging with this scale. And determine what workers, spiritual advisors, and trained
goes into your care plan for the patient. This scale volunteers. The team works together with the
comes In the form of an 11 items index starting at patient who is dying, the caregiver, and/or the
100 which is normal there are no complications family to provide the medical, emotional, and
and no evidence of disease. 90 in which there are spiritual support needed.
minor symptoms but patient is able to carry on
normal activity. 80 here there are some symptoms PALLIATIVE CARE –
and when doing some normal activity, they do it
 The word palliative as defined in Blackwell’s
with effort. 70 patients can care for themselves
Dictionary of nursing, anything which serves to
but cannot do active work, they are unable to
elevate but cannot cure a disease. Providing relief
carry on normal activity which means they can't
but not cure.
do some light Works. 60 here occasional
 Palliative care is a specialized medical care for
assistance is needed, patient requires personal
people living with a serious illness. This type of
assistance. 50 in this considerable assistance is
care is focused on providing relief from the
needed, frequent medical care is a must. 40
symptoms and stress of the illness.
patient may be disabled and requires assistance
 This type of care is provided by a specially trained
and special care. 30 they can be severely disabled
team of doctors, nurses and other specialists who
and hospital admission is indicated although
work together with the patients other doctors to
death is not imminent. 20 patient is very sick,
provide an extra layer of support. Palliative care is
hospital admission and active treatment is
based on the needs of the patient and not on the
present. 10 here patients Is fatal and is declining
patient's prognosis. It is appropriate at any age
rapidly. And lastly 0 which means patient is dead.
and at any stage in a serious illness.
 Palliative care also improves quality of life,
relieves the suffering from symptoms and stress ,
helps you much the retirement options to your
goals, and can work together with your other


 Constipation defined by Blackwell’s Dictionary of
HOSPICE CARE – nursing. An implied chronic condition of
infrequent and often difficult evacuation of the
 Hospice - As defined in Blackwell’s Dictionary of
feces; maybe due to lack of normal tone of the
nursing, any shelter for the poor, sick, orphan
intestine, insufficient food or fluid intake,
children, or travelers. Today, the term usually
obstruction, the presence of tumor or diverticuli,
refers to a caring community of professional and
or to habitual failure to empty the rectum.
 Most Constipation patients are treated with  OTC meds: Loperamide (Imodium), guidance
lifestyle modifications such as scheduled of a healthcare provider is necessary as this
toileting after meals, scheduled toileting after may not be suitable for all.
meals, increased fluid intake and increase
 Probiotics supplement
dietary fiber intake (Beans, broccoli, berries,
avocados, apples, whole grains and more).  Maintain good and proper hygiene
Adding five with your diet increases the
weight of your stool and speeds its passage
through your intestines.
 Consulting healthcare provider may
 Depression is a diminution of power activity,
recommend a specific number of grams of
either mental or physical. In psychiatry,
fiber to consume each day.
depression states are now classified as neurotic
 Biofeedback therapy and digital rectal disorders and categorized as major affective
stimulation can enhance bowel movements disorders, and further categorized as bipolar
but should be used under doctor's supervision disorders that are identified as mixed, manic, or
for optimal effectiveness. depressed, and as major depression, single
episode or recurrent. Depression is considered
 It biofeedback is one method/therapy nga na neurotic when the condition follows an event or
teach people paano ig relax and strengthen situation that the individual can identify, and
muscles habang na poop hehe. psychotic when it is due to a dramatic situation
 Feces softeners, such as docusate sodium, can that the individual can identify and is
soften feces and help it pass more easily. Fiber accompanied by severe functional impairment,
supplements, such as psyllium, can also be including insomnia, anorexia, weight loss,
used to boost fiber consumption. impotence, and often delusions. This is defined by
Blackwell’s Dictionary of nursing.
 Suppositories and laxatives are last resort
treatments for severe constipation, typically  Managing depression in older persons
prescribed under medical supervision, necessitates a holistic strategy that
providing immediate relief. addresses physical, emotional, and social
 Stress, anxiety, or depression can exacerbate
constipation, necessitating the provision of  Assess for other medical disorders or
emotional support and addressing mental drugs contributing to depressive
health issues to effectively manage the symptoms. Consider psychotherapy like
condition. (cognitive-behavioral therapy) CBT or
(interpersonal therapy) IPT for older
individuals, resolving harmful thought
patterns and providing emotional support.
 In cases where psychotherapy is
 Diarrhea as defined in blackwell's Dictionary of
insufficient or symptoms are severe,
nursing is a loose or watery and frequent
antidepressant drugs like selective
evacuation of stools with or without discomfort.
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or
 Diarrhea can be treated at home with plenty serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake
of liquids to replace lost fluids and (SNRIs) may be administered.
 Medications should be closely monitored
 bananas, rice, apple sauce and toast or what for effectiveness and potential side
we call the brat diet. Can help ease the effects, particularly in older adults who
symptoms. Potatoes, peanut butter, and may be taking multiple medications.
skinless chicken or turkey are also other good
 Encourage social
food choices.
engagement/involvement in activities that
promote a sense of purpose.
 Assess for suicidal ideation, establish a and drink near the end of life either because they
safety plan if necessary, and seek have no desire for it or find the effort of eating or
emergency help if self-harm is imminent. drinking to be too much.

 nausea or vomiting - nausea may be due to

Constipation, having a reduced appetite, or
 PAIN certain medicines they are taking. It could also be
 Pain according to the Blackwell’s Dictionary of caused by emotional distress.
nursing is a physical or mental suffering. A state of  Constipation - Medications used to treat pain and
localized or generalized discomfort that ranges shortness of breath it can cause Constipation.
from mild distress to acute agony; Usually caused Other causes include a lack of physical activity,
by injury to apart or disturbance of the normal dehydration, decreased fiber intake, and the
condition or functioning of a part of the body. progression of the underlying terminal illness.
 Assess the pain thoroughly, taking into  Fatigue - Fatigue is one of the common symptoms
account its location, intensity, quality, and in end of life.
any aggravating or relieving
circumstances. To quantify pain severity,  isolation and drifting away - some people that are
use a pain scale such as the Numeric near in death, they naturally start to focus inward
Rating Scale (NRS) or the Faces Pain Scale. and may separate from the world around them,
including friends and family . It is important to
 Select appropriate medications: non- remember that any and all emotions are normal
opioids (acetaminophen), NSAIDs when someone is dying this doesn't mean that
 Monitor for potential drug interactions, & you should back away.
adverse effects  Incontinence - both urinary incontinence ( loss of
 Physical therapy/rehabilitation programs bladder control) and fecal incontinence( loss of
bowel control ) are common near the end of life .
 Fall prevention This can be a result of surgery or illness, or
because the person is simply too weak to go to

the bathroom.
SIGNS OF DYING  Skin changes - hands and feet may become colder
 Pain - can also be determined by the factors like and the skin may look blotchy, purplish, and
emotional distress, interpersonal conflicts, and mottled as person nears. These changes happen
the non-acceptance of one's own death. Pain is because the heart is no longer able to pump blood
not only determined by medical conditions. as effectively to the limbs.

 Shortness of breath - this is one of the most  delirium - confusion, agitation, and restlessness
common end of life symptoms also known as are common near the end of life. Delirium
dyspnea. Even if a person doesn't have lung (sudden confusion and disorientation) can be
disease, dyspnea can occur because the organ caused by the progression of the terminal disease,
systems of the body are interconnected. a failing respiratory system (providing less oxygen
to the brain), or medications they are taking),
 Anxiety - is normal at the end of life as a person there may even be episodes of hallucinations
contemplates their own death or struggles where they see or hear things that are not there
through the stages of dying. This is commonly
expressed as agitation, worrying, sweating,  death rattle - is a sign that death is near. Also
stomach upset, nausea, sleeping problems, known as “end stage wet respirations,” it is when
shortness of breath, and heart palpitations saliva and mucus build up in the airway due to the
weakening of the muscles in the lungs and the
 decreased appetite and thirst - As a body starts to trachea. With each breathe, the passing of air
shut down, it no longer needs as many calories through these fluids causes a rattling sound. At
and nutrition to function at such lower levels. this stage, the focus will be placed on preventing
Although it is normal for people to refuse food
the patient from choking, this may involve turning loosen their power to clear out fluids as well as
them into their side or elevating their head. the relaxation of the throat muscles

 Early stage of dying – a patient we'll begin eating
and drinking more quickly less. This period can
last anywhere from a few days to several weeks.
For many patients, eating becomes more of a
burden than a joy at this point. During at this
stage, the body starts conserving energy and does
not need as much nourishment as it did in the
past. To provide comfort. You can offer
basements bits of food, sips of fluid or ice chips,
but it is important to respect the patient’s wishes
when it comes to eating and drinking.

 Middle stage of dying - this is marked by changes

in the patient's physical appearance that could
last a few hours or several days. Patient will
become increasingly less responsive to their
surroundings and those around them. As the
body's circulation slows down, blood is reserved
for helping major internal organs function. The
patient's hands and feet might feel cold and could
become darker in appearance during this stage,
loved ones can offer blankets to increase comfort
as the patient's circulation changes. However,
heating pads and electric blankets are not advised
because the patient will be unable other charge if
they are becoming too hot. Loved ones should
assume the patient can hear everything they say.
Experts suggest speaking softly to the patient and
touching them gently only if they normally like
being touched. This is a good time for prayer or
meditation. It is not recommended to ask the
patient questions that requires answers.

 Last stage of dying - during the final stage of

dying, disorientation and restlessness will grow.
There will be significant changes in the patient's
breathing and continence. Patients bowel
movements may stop entirely, or they become
incontinent. Their breathing may become shallow
and irregular come out with long pauses so that
grow frequent as death approaches . There may
also be sounds of chest congestions and throat
rattling in the last hours. The restlessness noted in
the stage is attributed to changes in metabolism,
while the kidney and bowel functions are affected
by this decreasing circulation. Relaxing muscles
can lead to incontinence. The slowing of blood
circulation internal organs causes the lungs to

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