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Latin America Technical Information Notes

LATIN: 090507-2-0-O
Issue Date: 16 June 2009 Expiration Date: 16 July 2010
To: Latin America Countries Region Authorized Servicers
From: LACR Indirect Subscriber Engineering Group Plantation, Florida, USA
Subject: MOTOTRBO Intermittent Dropped Calls on Specific Receive Frequencies
The information contained in this LATIN is provided to assist Level III - IV Authorized Servicers in their diagnostic
process for the product(s) and conditions specified below. The information contained in this L.A.T.I.N. is for
internal purposes and for use only by Motorola Authorized Service Centers under an Authorized Servicer contract
and as described in the Motorola Latin America Countries Region Authorized Servicer Handbook. This L.A.T.I.N is
for information only. No warranty is implied or authorized.

Description: MOTOTRBO subscriber radios may intermittently drop a call

due to specific receive frequencies.
Models: All MOTOTRBO portable and mobile radios.
Detailed Information: Receiving radios will drop a voice call after being in
a call and un-muted for a random period of time. During the call hang timer,
the receiving radio is unable to recover the call via late entry. After the call
hang timer has expired, the receiving radio will unmute to the call but
eventually will drop it again.

This issue will potentially happen if the receive frequency is programmed

close to the border of a Self Quieter frequency (Self-Quieter Frequency

VHF 170.390MHz, 170.410MHz

UHF Band 1 426.590MHz, 426.610MHz
UHF Band 2 497.690MHz, 497.710MHz

This issue will potentially happen if the RX frequency is programmed close to

the border of Self Quieter frequency range (with AFC adjustment range of

VHF 170.386MHz to 170.394MHz, 170.406MHz to 170.414MH

UHF Band 1 426.586MHz to 426.594MHz, 426.606MHz to 426.614MHz
UHF Band 2 497.686MHz to 497.694MHz, 497.706MHz to 497.714MHz

See the following example:

Latin America Technical Information Notes

Datecode of units affected by this issue:

Any subscriber unit with System Release R1.0, R1.1, R1.2, R1.3 and R1.4 firmware,
shall exhibit this issue. This issue does not dependent on hardware.

Datecode of units with solution in place:

This issue will be resolved in System Release 1.5.

This L.A.T.I.N. is for informational purposes only. No warranty is implied or


If you have any questions concerning this LATIN, please use the “Contact Us”
feature on the MOL website at


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