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Marine Systems A/S

IPH Marine Automation
Telephone:+45 55 78 72 00

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DK-4700 Naestved, Denmark
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Reg.No.: 35 985

Columbia Ship Management


System 3

Users Manual & On-line manual

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CSM – Users manual & on-line manual

Table of Contents:

1. General introduction........................................................................................................... 1
2. Hardware requirements ...................................................................................................... 1
3. Danfoss system................................................................................................................... 1
4. View menu.......................................................................................................................... 2
4.1 Update status....................................................................................................................... 6
5. Alarm menu ........................................................................................................................ 7
6. Alarm handling ................................................................................................................. 10
7. The displays ...................................................................................................................... 11
7.1 Main menu ........................................................................................................................ 11
7.2 Ballast................................................................................................................................ 12
7.3 Bilge .................................................................................................................................. 13
7.4 FW tanks ........................................................................................................................... 14
7.5 Fuel oil .............................................................................................................................. 15
7.6 Fuel report......................................................................................................................... 16
7.7 Auto inclining system....................................................................................................... 17
7.8 Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................... 18
8. Daily operation ................................................................................................................. 19
8.1 Control and value fields ................................................................................................... 19
8.2 Alarm indicators ............................................................................................................... 19
8.3 Display selection............................................................................................................... 19
8.4 On/off valves..................................................................................................................... 20
8.5 Continuous valves ............................................................................................................ 21
8.6 Pumps (ON/OFF) ............................................................................................................. 22
8.7 Tank details....................................................................................................................... 23
9. System status .................................................................................................................... 25
10. On-line error codes ........................................................................................................... 26
10.1 Trouble shooting............................................................................................................... 27
11. Abbreviations.................................................................................................................... 34
12. System layout...................................................................................................................... 1

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1. General introduction

Chapter 1-6 is general introduction to the program and describes the menus in the View- and
alarm program.

Chapter 7-8 is specific for the project; chapter 9-10 is trouble shooting, and chapter 12 shows
the system layout and chapter 11 lists the abbreviations.

2. Hardware requirements

Min. 1.7 GHz processor
Min. 40 GB hard disc

The program shall be run with a resolution at 1280*1024

The configuration is configured such it can be operated with a touch screen and a stylus pen.

P-Net connection
The workstation is connected to the P-Net field bus via a PC to P-Net interface connected in
the computers LPT port.

3. Danfoss system

The Danfoss system (version 3) is a graphic user interface for the complete tank monitoring
system. The system has 4 different programs running.

View: Is the program the operator will use for his daily operations.

Project: Is the project configuration tool, used for setup of the complete configuration. The
project is protected by password and the operator will not use this program.

VIGO: Is the driver for the PC to communicate out on the P-Net field bus.

Alarm: Is the alarm list for the tank monitoring system.

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4. View menu


Menu that opens a project, the open command is not accessible in run mode.

The print menu makes a screen dump, on the attached printer of the actual display.

Print Setup…
Menu for the normal windows setup of connected printers.

Stops the running configuration, the menu is password protected.

Exits the View program, the menu is password protected.

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The function is used when other programs as e.g. Microsoft Excel, Access, Word etc. are
embedded in the View

Show a list of the defined links.

Open the selected object


Enter password
Menu opens a window for key in of the password for enabling password protected operations.

Clear password
Clears an already keyed in password

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Take over the control

In configurations with more than one workstation witch can control the process it is blocked
for operation from more than on workstation at a time. This menu is used to take the control
to the actual workstation.

There are two ways to take the control:

Master takes over:

If the workstation is configured as an master it can take over the control without having
the workstation in control to release it, he is only informed by a dialog box that another
have taken the control.

Slave takes over:

If the workstation is configured as a slave it can not take over the control without
having the workstation in control to release it.

Give over the control

This menu releases the control enabling others to take over the control.

When this menu is ticked on the computer reads the text for each control when the pointer is
rested on it.

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Normal windows arrange of more windows

Normal windows arrange of more windows

Arrange Icons
Normal windows arrange of more windows

More windows…
If more windows in the view configuration is accessible they can be selected in this menu.

Dynamic menu witch holds a list of opened windows. The windows can be opened from here.
The actual opened window is marked with an “√”

Please refer to the dedicated chapter, for further information

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Opens the index for the on line help file (this document).

Context Help
Sets your pointer to a question mark and allows you to select help on specific items.

About View…
Menu that shows the program version and the licensed user for the view program.

4.1 Update status

In the main window at the status bar right side two “mills” are rotating.

The left one is rotating every time the P-Net is polled.

The right one is rotating every time the display is updated.

The “mills” can stand still when no updates are necessary.

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5. Alarm menu


Prints out the alarm list on the attached printer.


When ticked on the unacknowledged alarms are indicated with a star.

When ticked on the node from where the alarm is generated is indicated.

When ticked on the node name from where the alarm is generated is indicated.

When ticked on the alarm number in the node from where the alarm is generated is indicated.

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When ticked on the group number in the node from where the alarm is generated is indicated.

When ticked on the group name in the node from where the alarm is generated is indicated.

When ticked on the alarm name in the node from where the alarm is generated is indicated.

Alarm Text
When ticked on the alarm text in the node from where the alarm is generated is indicated.

When ticked on the alarm value is indicated. Only actual for analogue values

When ticked on the alarm date in the node from where the alarm is generated is indicated.

When ticked on the alarm time in the node from where the alarm is generated is indicated.


Acknowledge can be done in different ways. Either from this menu, or by the <DEL> key on
the keyboard or using the pointer to click on the alarms to be acknowledged.

Acknowledge can also be done direct on the controller.

Menu used for disabling or enabling separate alarms.

Menu used for disabling or enabling of complete alarm groups.

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Views the alarm log file, the log holds the last 10.000 logged alarm operations. (Alarm active,
alarm acknowledged, alarm normal, alarm disabled, alarm enabled and system alarms)


About Alarm List…

Menu that shows the program version and the licensed user for the alarm program.

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6. Alarm handling

The alarm list is showed as a small icon always on top. See below.

Unacknowledged alarms Acknowledged alarms No alarms

The number indicates how many alarms are in the list.

By activating the icon with the pointer the alarm list opens.

An alarm is indicated with name, alarm text, value and the date and time it occurred.

An unacknowledged alarm is acknowledged with the pointer. Multiple alarms are

acknowledged by dragging the pointer over the actual alarms. To manually disable alarms
select the menu “enable/disable” in the “alarm” menu and the following display appears.

Select the alarm to be disabled or enabled. When finished leave the display.

Manually disabled alarms are indicated as a blue alarm in the alarm list. And the icons lower
half will also be coloured blue and marked with a “D” for disabled.

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7. The displays

7.1 Main menu

From the main menu it is possible to select all main displays configured. For further details
e.g. for tanks it shall be selected on lower display levels.

By activating the Danfoss logo a window with the specific project details will appear.

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7.2 Ballast

From the ballast display control of all valves and pumps for ballasting can be done.

By activating the “tank name” a tank detail display will appear.

Ballast system in auto inclining mode

From this display the ballast system is prepared for auto inclining mode. When the auto
inclining mode is selected all valves, not to be used by the auto inclining mode, is locked in
closed position. Auto inclining on, is indicated by the “On/Off” button turns green.

When the valve is locked it is indicated with a padlock on top of the valve icon.

The auto inclining can only be enabled when all valves is closed.

If change to auto inclining mode fails an alarm is given.

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7.3 Bilge

From the bilge display control of all valves and pumps for bilge can be done.

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7.4 FW tanks

No control can be done from this display, only monitoring.

By activating the “tank name” a tank detail display will appear.

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7.5 Fuel oil

From the fuel display control of all valves and pumps for fuelling can be done.

By activating the “tank name” a tank detail display will appear.

From here the bunker panels can be turned off during sea voyages to prevent unnecessary
alarming. The bunker panels are enabled when the “On/Off” button is green.

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7.6 Fuel report

No control can be done from this display, only monitoring.

The display is closed by means of the “red cross - close” in the upper right corner of the

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7.7 Auto inclining system

When the ballast system is set in auto inclining mode the control is automatically done from
this display. Before start of the auto inclining, the ballast system shall be ready (done from the
ballast display). When the ballast system is ready it is indicated by a green square. If the
ballast system is not ready, the auto inclining can not be started. No alarm dedicated to the
auto inclining system must be active. If so, the auto inclining can not be started and if it is
started it will be stopped. Following alarms will stop the auto inclining system:

- Level alarm (high or low) in the two tanks.

- Pump or valve fault.
- Emergency stop activated.
- Excessive heeling more than 2.5º.

The pumps used shall be selected here. It can be one pump at a time or both of them at the
same time.

The inclining hysterese shall be adjusted here. When the auto inclining is active and the heel
exceeds the limit, the system automatically tries to adjust the vessel to upright position again.

The auto inclining can also be used to pre-incline the vessel to a given limit. This is only done
one time, and then stopped when the limit is reached.

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7.8 Miscellaneous

From the miscellaneous display control of the PU can be done. And the draft system can be

Power Unit (PU)

Set power on or stop the PU from here. When the “power on” is set, the PU is automatically
controlled by the pressure switches in the unit.

The motor status will be indicated in either “stop”, “st-by” or “running” mode.

Draft system
The actual calculated drafts are indicated here, and also at the ballast display.

The actual SG (normal sea water = 1.025 T/m3) for the sea water shall be keyed in, to have a
correct reading.

The draft sensors are used to compensate tanks calculations for trim and heel. The feature can
be set off if one sensor is broken. The compensation is on when the “On/Off” button is green.

Redundant field bus

The error rate shall be = 0 when the field bus is ok. If not an alarm is generated.

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8. Daily operation
In the following the daily operation are described. How to operate the system and what
information can be read from it.

8.1 Control and value fields

A control is indicated as a 3D raised button, can be set-points, pumps, valves, display

selections etc.

When the pointer is slides over a controllable field it will change from the normal pointer to a

A value is indicated as a 3D sunken field, can be tank volume, pump pressures, alarm
indicators etc.

8.2 Alarm indicators

A square is used to indicate alarms.

Normal situation:

Unacknowledged alarm situation: (flashing, freq. 1Hz)

Acknowledged alarm situation:

8.3 Display selection

In the bottom of each display, display-selection buttons is available. By activating it the
program will change to the selected display.

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8.4 On/off valves

When activating the valve icon with the pointer the below control opens. From here it is
possible to give a valve set-point for the valve to open/close at.

Normal dialog Dialog with “more” opened.

When the dialog is opened with “more” details it is possible to see the valve operating status
as well. The status is indicated with the following icons:


The icon indicating the valve status can be following:

Closed valve:

Middle position:

Open valve:

The icon is turned 90º according to the closed icon.

Valve fault:

Open the valve dialog, and see in the operating status what causes the fault.

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8.5 Continuous valves

When activating the valve icon with the pointer the below control opens. From here it is
possible to give a valve a command between 0-100%.

Normal dialog Dialog with “more” opened.

When the dialog is opened with “more” details it is possible to see the valve operating status
as well. The status is indicated with the following icons:


The position system for the modulating valves can be calibrated when the “more” details is
showed. With the valve closed activate the “set 0%” button and the value will be set to 0.
Here after open the valve and activate the “Set 100%” button and the value will be set to 100.

In case of the modulating position system is faulty the feedback value is fixed at 50%. It is
then possible to reset the position system at the “reset” button. If this does not help, the
feedback signal shall be checked, that it is within the range (200-2000Ω).

Please refer to On/Off valves for valve icons.

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8.6 Pumps (ON/OFF)

When activating the pump icon with the pointer the below control opens. From here it is
possible to give the pump a start/stop signal.

The icon indicating the pump status can be following:

Pump running:

Pump stopped:

The icon is turned 90º according to the running icon.

Pump error:

Local running:

Local stopped:

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8.7 Tank details

Ballast tanks

By activating the tank name on the ballast tanks below detailed display will appear.

Following values are monitored on the ballast tanks:

- The volume in m3.
- The percentage innage.
- The weight in tonne.
- The lvel in the tank.

The operator shall key in the following data:

- Specific gravity for the ballast water @ 15°C, (Seawater = 1.025 T/M3)

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Service tanks

By selecting the tank name on the service tanks below detailed display will appear.

No detailed information concerning volume, weight etc. is monitored at the tank detail
display, since they all are monitored at the service tank display.

The operator shall key in the following data:

- Specific gravity for the product @ 15°C.
- Alarm limits for high and low level

When bunkering the high level alarm can be adjusted to the amount to be bunkered and used
as an indicator for the operator that the adjusted level is reached.

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9. System status
The system actual status can be monitored when selecting the “Status” key in the menu bar in
the view program. Below displays appears when “Status” is activated:

The complete P-Net field bus networks items are monitored for communication, module and
channel status. Each item can be opened for further detail.


Refer to on-line error codes for further details.

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10. On-line error codes

It is possible to monitor the system for various malfunctions.

The error messages from the controller provide a quick reference to repair the system and
connected equipment such as sensors. An error message can contain the following:

Errors that can occur in the field are listed below followed by a description how to remedy the

Error Text Description Error Type

WD TIMEOUT Watch dog time out Box
WP M FAIL Write protected memory failure Box
INT M FAIL Internal data memory failure Box
PROGM FAIL Program memory failure Box
SIG>MAX Signal greater than maximum Channel
SIG<MIN Signal less than minimum Channel
OVERFLOW Output overflow Channel
UNDERFL. Output underflow Channel
SETP.ERR Data error on set point Channel
OVERHEAT Over heated Channel
RESET Reset Box
OVERLOAD Over load error Channel
FEEDBACK Feedback error Channel
PRGERROR Program error Channel
E.SHORTC External short-circuit Channel
UNDERLD. Under load error Channel
I.SHORTC Internal short-circuit error Channel
I.DISCON Internally disconnected Channel
HIGH AL. High alarm error Channel
LOW AL. Low alarm error Channel
INTERROR Internal error Channel
NO LOAD No load error Channel
REFERROR Reference error Channel
BATTERY LOW Battery low Box
NO ANSWER No answer from a node Box
DATALEN ERR Data length error Box
SUMCHK ERR Sum check error Box
OVER/FR ERR Overrun / framing error Box
BUFTIME ERR Buffer timing error Box
DATA ERROR The data are not valid Box
SEC.NET ERR Second net error P-NET®
SLAVE ALARM Slave alarm Box
SHORTCIRC. Short-circuit error P-NET®
NET NO. ERR Net number error P-NET®
BUSY ERROR Net busy error P-NET®
BUFSIZE ERR Buffer full error Box
OUT OF SYNC Out of synchronisation error Box
OTHER ERROR Other error Box
ERROR ?? Unspecified error Box or P-NET®

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10.1 Trouble shooting

85 Message WD TIMEOUT
Description Watch dog time out
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250
Cause The internal watch dog facility of the module has been activated
due to lag of communication
Remedy Check the communication cables between the controller and the
interface modules or disable the watch dog facility, if not

91 Message WP M FAIL
Description Write protected memory failure
Modules PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250
Cause EEPROM memory failure
Remedy Switch the write enable flag on and off again.
If this does not help replace the module

92 Message INT M FAIL

Description Internal data memory failure
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250
Cause RAM memory failure
Remedy Replace the module

93 Message PROGM FAIL

Description Program memory failure
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250
Cause EPROM memory failure
Remedy Replace the module

A0 Message SIG>MAX
Description Signal greater than maximum
Modules PD3221 PD3240 PD3250
Cause The signal from the attached equipment to the interface module is
greater than the specified maximum.
The cause depends on the channel set-up:
Pt100 Signal is higher than 200°C + 10% = 220°C
Voltage Signal is higher than 100mV + 10% = 110mV
4-20mA Signal is higher than 20mA + 10% = 22mA
0-20mA Signal is higher than 20mA + 10% = 22mA
Remedy Repair the sensor or cable to the interface module

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A1 Message SIG<MIN
Description Signal less than minimum
Modules PD3221 PD3240 PD3250
Cause The signal from the attached equipment to the interface module is
less than the specified minimum.
The cause depends on the channel set-up:
Pt100 Signal is less than -100°C - 5% = -105°C
4-20mA Signal is less than 4mA - 5% = 3mA
Remedy Repair the sensor or cable to the interface module

Description Output overflow
Modules PD3221
Cause The error occurs, if the analog output exceeds 100% of full-scale
Remedy Adjust the set point and/or full-scale. Please note that the output is
held at 100% in case of this error

B1 Message UNDERFL.
Description Output underflow
Modules PD3221
Cause The error occurs, if the analog output falls below 0%
Remedy Adjust the set point and/or zero point. Please note that the output is
held at 0% in case of this error

B2 Message SETP.ERR
Description Data error on set point
Modules PD3221
Cause The error occurs, if the set point is an indirect variable and the
channel of the variable pointed at has an error
Remedy Remove the error of the indirect variable

Description Overheated
Modules PD3100
Cause The output power FET’s has exceeded its maximum temperature
e.g. due to over current
Remedy 1. Remove possible short-circuit or overload
2. Lower the ambient temperature to the module (max. 70°C)

D1 Message RESET
Description Reset
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250
Cause Internal or External reset of the module:
Internal Caused by power failure or, if the power has been
removed from the module
External The module has been reset via the P-NET
Remedy Check the power supply to the module

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Description Overload error
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221
Cause The overload error is set, if the current in the output load exceeds
MaxCurrent (default 1A)
Remedy Check the device (valve, pump etc.) to which the output is

Description Feedback error
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221
Cause The feedback error is set, if there is a feedback error
Remedy Check the feedback signal from the device (valve, pump etc.) to
which the output is connected

Description Program error
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221
Cause The error occurs, if attempt is made to set an output which has been
configured as input
Remedy Check the configuration / program

Description External short-circuit
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221
Cause The error occurs, if an external short-circuit error is detected
Remedy Remove the external short-circuit

E2 Message UNDERLD.
Description Underload error
Modules PD3120 PD3221
Cause The error occurs, if the load is disconnected
Remedy Check the connected equipment e.g. broken bulb or disconnected

E3 Message I.SHORTC
Description Internal short-circuit error
Modules PD3120 PD3221
Cause The error occurs, if the output transistor is short-circuited
Remedy Replace the module

E4 Message I.DISCON
Description Internal disconnected
Modules PD3120 PD3221
Cause The error occurs, if the output transistor is disconnected
Remedy Replace the module

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E5 Message HIGH AL.

Description High alarm error
Modules PD3221 PD3240 PD3250
Cause The input signal is above the high limit
Remedy Bring the input signal below the high alarm limit or disable the
function, if not needed

E6 Message LOW AL.

Description Low alarm error
Modules PD3221 PD3240 PD3250
Cause The input signal is less than the low limit
Remedy Bring the input signal above the low alarm limit or disable the
function, if not needed

Description Internal error
Modules PD3221 PD3240 PD3250
Cause An internal error is indicated
Remedy If the module continuously indicates internal error, the module has
to be replaced

E8 Message NO LOAD
Description No load error
Modules PD3221
Cause The error occurs, if the output current falls below a pre-set limit
Remedy Check the output signal

Description Reference error
Modules PD3221 PD3250
Cause Broken Pt-100 sensor or wrong wire connection
Remedy Change sensor or correct wiring


Description Battery low
Modules PD5000
Cause The controller battery is low
Remedy Battery pack must be replaced
Please note:
Don’t disconnect the power supply to the controller while the
battery pack is replaced

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F0 Message NO ANSWER
Description No answer from a node
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000
Cause 1. No power supply to the module
2. The P-NET communication to the module is shorted,
disconnected or has wrong polarity
3. The address of the module is incorrectly set-up
4. The module is defective
Remedy 1. Repair the power supply to the module or replace fuses
2. Check the ABS connections and polarity between the
controllers and the modules
3. Check the set-up conditions
4. Replace the module


Description Data length error
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000
Cause The communication between the controller and one or more of the
interface modules does not work.
1. No power supply to the module
2. The P-NET communication to the module is shorted,
disconnected or has wrong polarity
3. The interface modules contain internal errors or there is a
conflict between the physically node and the specified type of
node or an address conflict
4. The controller contains internal errors or the number of
masters is set-up incorrectly
Remedy 1. Repair the power supply to the module or replace fuses
2. Check the ABS connections and polarity between the
controllers and the modules
3. Check the set-up or replace the interface modules
4. Check the set-up or replace the controller


Description Sum check error
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000
Cause See F1
Remedy See F1

F3 Message OVER/FR ERR

Description Overrun / framing error
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000
Cause See F1
Remedy See F1

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Description Buffer timing error (Transmit / receive timeouts)
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000
Cause See F1
Remedy See F1


Description The data are not valid
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000
Cause See F1
Remedy See F1

F7 Message SEC. NET ERR

Description Second net error
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000
Cause This error message is caused by an error on the second P-NET. The
first P-NET and the second P-NET are connected by a
controller working as a bridge between the two P-NETs
Remedy Go to the controller located on the second P-NET, and check the
error messages on that computer


Description Slave alarm
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000
Cause General error in module
Remedy 1. Check the connected sensors
2. If all sensors are OK replace the module

Description Short-circuit error
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000 ????
Cause The P-NET communication cable wires B and S are short-circuited
somewhere in the P-NET loop
Remedy Repair the P-NET loop

FA Message NET NO. ERR

Description Net number error
Modules PD5000
Cause Communication set-up error in controller software
Remedy Replace the software of the controller. This should be carried out
by authorised persons only


Description Net busy error
Modules PD5000
Cause The P-NET is busy due to too much communication
Remedy Since the error occurs in peak periods with heavy load on the P-
NET, just wait for a while.
If the error is permanent, contact DANFOSS

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Description Buffer full error
Modules PD5000
Cause Communication buffer in one of the modules is of incorrect size
Remedy Replace the module in question


Description Out of synchronisation error
Modules PD5000
Cause Bad synchronisation between the number of masters or duplicate P-
NET addresses
Remedy Set-up the number of masters to be equal in all masters and/or the
P-NET addresses


Description Other errors
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000
Cause The error occurs :under the following circumstances:
1. Attempt to write to a write protected variable
2. Attempt to read/write a non existing variable
3. Type mismatch when reading/writing a variable
4. Instruction is not valid on this type of variable
Remedy 1. Change the configuration in the controller
2. Change the firmware

FF Message ERROR??
Description Unspecified error
Modules PD3100 PD3120 PD3221 PD3240 PD3250 PD5000
Cause This error message is given, if the controller detects an unknown
error code.
1. No power supply to the module
2. The P-NET communication to the module is shorted,
disconnected or has wrong polarity
3. The controller is defective
4. One or more of the interface modules are defective
Remedy 1. Repair the power supply to the module or replace fuses
2. Check the ABS connections and polarity between the
controllers and the modules
3. Replace the controller
4. Replace the relevant module

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11. Abbreviations

DMS Danfoss Marine Systems A/S.

DPI-C Direct Position Indicator – Continuous.
VPI-E Volumetric Position Indicator – Endpoint.
USB Universal Serial Bus.
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply.
PU Power Unit, hydraulic.

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12. System layout

ECR Deck office

17" touch monitor
with CPU
Hardwired emergency break Loading computer
for automatic list pumps and Workstation Workstation (Not DMS supply)
Automatic list correction
230VAC 230VAC

P-Net connection box P-Net connection box P-Net connection box P-Net connection box
Power supply 24VDC Power supply 24VDC Power supply 24VDC Power supply 24VDC

Redundant P-Net fieldbus

Engine room Deck



Valve panel. 7



Valve panel. 7



Tank panel
60 pcs. controls

30 pcs. controls Power suppply 230VAC

1 2 3
+- 1 2 3 +- 1 2 3
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 0 .
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
0 . F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
0 .



Power suppply 230VAC Power suppply 230VAC Bunker PS

18 core cable

18 core cable

Bunker SB

Hydraulic valve actuators & Hydraulic valve actuators & 34 pcs. tank & draft.
DPI-E/DPI-C valve indikations DPI-E/DPI-C valve indikations 6 pcs. temperatures.
6 pcs. 85/95% HFO/MDO high level.
2 pcs. PU controls.
6 pcs. Ballast/GS/HFO/MDO pumps.
12 pcs. Pump suction/discharge pressure.
4 pcs. Alarm out puts.
2 pcs. Bunker panels.
2 pcs. Inclinometers (internal wired)

Date: 040927 Ver: 1

System layout
Init: FHL Page: 1 of 1
For Jinling Shipyard
Hull: JLZ030401/02/03/04 DRW NO.: M492P0802

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