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Experimental Studies on the

Response of the Fiber Optic
Evanescent Field Absorption
Published online: 15 Dec 2010.

To cite this article: B. D. GUPTA S. K. KHIJWANIA (1998) Experimental Studies on

the Response of the Fiber Optic Evanescent Field Absorption Sensor, Fiber and
Integrated Optics, 17:1, 63-73, DOI: 10.1080/014680398245064

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E xp er im en tal Stu d ies on th e R es p on s e of th e
Fib er Op tic E van es cen t Field Ab s or p tion Sen s or

De partme nt of Physics
Indian Institute of Te chnology De lhi
New De lhi, India

In th e presen t stu d y th e respo n se o f th e fib er optic ev a n escen t field absorptio n sen so r

h as been an alyzed experim en ta lly. Th e d epen den ce of ev an escen t absorban ce o n
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sam ple (d ye ) con cen tra tio n h as been fo u n d to be n o n lin ear, in con trad ic tio n to
th eo retica l pred ictio n s. Th e am o u n t o f n on lin earity as w ell as ev a n escen t absorban ce
h as been fo u n d to depen d o n th e pH o f th e sam ple. As th e pH d ecreases, th e
a m o u n t of n o n lin earity an d ev an escen t absorban ce d ecrease. It h as been sh ow n th at
th e n o n lin earity an d h igh ev an escen t absorban ce at h igh pH v alu e o ccu r becau se o f
th e ad so rptio n o f th e positiv ely ch arged d ye m o lecu les on th e su rface o f th e silica
co re of th e pla stic -c la d silica (PC S) fib er, w h ic h is gen erally u sed fo r th e sen sor. A
lin ear respo n se h as been o bta in ed at pH clo se to 2.0 , at w h ic h th e presen ce o f a
trem en do u s am ou n t of H io n s in th e sam ple restricts th e a dso rptio n o f th e d ye
m o lec u les. Th e fo llo w in g em piric al relatio n h as been fo u n d to fit th e experim en ta l
3 r 2 1r 3
d ata : g s 1.1 C q 1.6 (pH ) C , w h ere g is th e ev an escen t absorptio n co efficien t
an d C is th e co n cen tratio n of th e d ye. Th e first term is d u e to th e sim ple Beer’s la w
w h ile th e secon d term is th e co n trib u tio n of th e pH d epen d en t d ye ad so rptio n . In
a dd itio n , w e h av e fo u n d th a t th e in crease in core d ia m eter in creases th e co n trib u tio n
of ad sorptio n .

K eywor d s absorption, adsorption, e vane sce nt wave , fiber optics, p H, sensor

In re ce nt years the re has bee n re markable progress in the de ve lopm e nt of

multimode optical fibe r e vane sce nt field absorption se nsors for industrial applica-
tions because of the ir conside rable advantage s ove r traditional sensors w 1 ] 15 x .
Some of the advantage s are re mote and distributed se nsing, on-line me asureme nts,
simple de sign, and low cost. The optical fibe r e vane sce nt fie ld absorption sensors
are based on attenuate d total refle ction s ATR . spe ctroscopy. The te chnique relie s
on the pe ne tration of the e vane sce nt wave of a totally inte rnally re flecte d ray into
an absorbing me dium surrounding the core of the fiber. The amount of absorption
de pe nds on both the amplitude of the e vane sce nt field in the absorbing m e dium
and the numbe r of re flections within the se nsing re gion. The light of wave le ngth
close to the pe ak absorption wave le ngth of the fluid is coupled into one of the e nds
of the fibe r, while the othe r e nd is conne cte d to a powe r me te r. As the conce ntra-
tion of the fluid around the unclad re gion of the fibe r incre ase s, the output powe r

Received 13 June 1997; accepted 3 July 1997.

The authors are grateful to Profe ssor A. K. Ghatak for constant encourage ment. The
pre sent work was partially supporte d by the Council of Scie ntific and Industrial Research
s India . .
Addre ss corresponde nce to Dr. B. D. Gupta, Physics De partme nt, Indian Institute of
Te chnology, New De lhi 110016, India. E-mail: bdgupta@ physics.iitd.erne

F ib er a n d In tegrated O p tic s, 17:63 ] 73, 1998
Copyright Q 1998 Taylor & Francis
0146-8030 r 98 $12.00 q .00
64 B . D . G u p ta a n d S. K. Kh ijw a n ia

re ce ive d by the de te ctor de creases. This loss in powe r is used as a criterion for
de te cting and de termining the conce ntration of the fluid. So far, the e xpe rime ntal
re sults obtaine d pre dict a nonline ar de pe nde nce of e vane sce nt absorbance on the
fluid concentration w 6, 10, 12, 15 x and he nce do not follow Be e r’ s law of absorption.
The nonline ar response of a sensor is not advantage ous be cause for the fabrication
of the se nsor the line ar range of the response is pre ferre d. Furthe r, the e xpe rime n-
tally me asure d e vane scent absorbance s are significantly highe r than the value s
pre dicted by the standard e vane sce nt wave mode ls based on B e e r’s law.
The aim of the pre sent article is to analyze thoroughly the response of the
fibe r optic e vane sce nt fie ld absorption se nsor. The re sponse curves have bee n
obtained for differe nt p H value s of the fluid. It has be e n shown from the se
e xpe rime nts that the nonline arity in response curve and the une xpe cte d highe r
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value s of e vane sce nt absorbance occur be cause of the adsorption of the dye
mole cule s on the surface of the silica core of the fibe r. This has bee n furthe r
supported by the e mpirical re lation de te rmine d to fit the e xpe rime ntal data on the
re sponse curve .

E v a n es ce n t Wav e M od el
Conside r a ste p-inde x multim ode optical fiber whose cladding from the m iddle
portion has be e n replace d by an absorbing fluid. If a ray is launche d into the fibe r,
it can be treate d as a plane wave . W he n such a ray is refle cted at the core -cladding
inte rface , the fie ld associate d with the plane wave e xte nds beyond the interface in
the cladding region. The amplitude of this field de creases e xpone ntially with
increasing distance from the inte rface and is re ferre d to as an e vane sce nt fie ld. If
this fie ld inte racts with the absorbing fluid, attenuation of the powe r of the
propagating ray will re sult. If P0 is the powe r transmitted by the fiber in the
absence of an absorbing fluid, the n the powe r transmitte d in the pre sence of the
fluid is give n by w 16 x
P s P 0 e xp s y g L . s 1.

whe re g is the e vane sce nt absorption coe fficient of the fluid and L is the le ngth of
the sensing re gion s i.e ., the unclad region .. In the case of a m e ridional ray making
an angle u , with the norm al to the core-cladding interface in the se nsing re gion, g
is given by w 5 x
a l n 2 cos u cot u
g s u .s 1r 2
s 2.
2 p r n 12 cos 2 u c s sin 2 u y sin 2 u c

whe re l is the fre e space wave le ngth of the light launche d into the fibe r of core
radius r , n 1 is the re fractive inde x of the core, u c w s sin y 1 s n 2 r n 1 .x is the critical
angle of the sensing re gion with re spe ct to the normal to the core -cladding
inte rface , n 2 is the re fractive inde x of the absorbing fluid, a s s « C . is the bulk
absorption coe fficient of the fluid, and « and C are its molar absorption coe fficie nt
and conce ntration, re spe ctively. For the rays launche d in the fiber in the range
u 1 F u F u 2 the e ffe ctive e vane sce nt absorption coe fficie nt is give n by
Hu 2
p s u .g s u . d u
s u
s 3.
ps u . du
Hu 1
Respo n se o f Ev a n escen t F ield A b so rption Sen so r 65

whe re p s u . is the powe r distribution of rays. If the light is launche d into the fibe r
from a collimate d source s such as a laser . using a microscope obje ctive such that
the be am is focuse d onto the fibe r e nd face at the axial point, the n w 8 x

n 1 sin u cos u

ps u . A 2
s 1 y n 12 cos 2 u .

Substitution of p s u . and g s u . in E q. s 3 . give s

« C l n 1 1 y n 12 s cos 2 u 1 q cos 2 u 2
. q n 14 cos 2 u 1 cos 2 u 2
g s
p r s n 12 y n 22 . s cos 2 u y cos 2 u
e ff
1 2.

u cos 3 u d u
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Hu 1
s 1 y n 12 cos 2 u . s n 212 sin 2 u y 1 .
s 4.

whe re n 12 s n 1 r n 2 . If all the bound rays are propagating in the fibe r, the n
u 1 s sin y 1 s n cl r n 1 . and u 2 s 90 8 , whe re n cl is the re fractive inde x of the fibe r
cladding. E quation s 4 . can also be writte n as

g s k s 5.

whe re k is a constant and de pe nds on the launching conditions, the absorbing

material, and the fibe r parame te rs. E quation s 5 . predicts that, for given launching
conditions, absorbing mate rial, and the fibe r, the e vane sce nt absorption coe fficie nt
is directly proportional to the conce ntration of the absorbing fluid and inverse ly
proportional to the fiber core radius. It may be noted that the de rivation of E q. s 5 .
is based on Be e r’ s law and an e vane sce nt wave approach.

E xp er im e n t
The e xpe rime ntal setup of the se nsor is shown in Figure 1. Plastic-clad-silica s PCS .
fibe rs of 200- and 600-m m core diame te rs of 0.17 num e rical ape rture s NA . with
n 1 s 1.457 we re use d. The be am from a He -Ne lase r ope rating at 632.8 nm was
focused using a microscope obje ctive s NA s 0.4, 20 = . on the input face of the

Fig u r e 1. Expe rime ntal se tup of the se nsor.

66 B . D . G u p ta a n d S. K. Kh ijw a n ia

fibe r. The othe r e nd of the fibe r was conne cte d to a powe r me ter. The total le ngth
of the fibe r in all e xpe rim e nts was about 50 cm . About 5-cm le ngth of the cladding
was removed from the ce ntral re gion of the fibe r. After re moving cladding, the
core was cle ane d and inse rte d into a cylindrical glass ce ll through two holes of
diame te rs slightly greate r than the diame ter of the fiber. The unclad portion of the
fibe r was ke pt in the middle of the ce ll, and both hole s we re the n se aled. The ce ll
also had facilitie s for filling and draining of the fluid used for e xpe rim e nts. The
glass cell was ke pt over a magne tic stirrer. Me thylene blue dye dissolved in
de ionize d wate r was used as the fluid. This was chose n because its pe ak absorbance
is close to the wave le ngth of the He -Ne lase r, which has bee n use d as a light source
in the prese nt study. The e xpe rime nts we re carried out on me thyle ne blue dye
solution of differe nt conce ntrations and of diffe rent p H value s. To me asure the
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p H, the e le ctrode of a p H me te r was dippe d into and continuously kept in the dye
solution. The p H was incre ase d and de creased by adding a ne gligible amount of
NaO H and HCl in the fluid, re spe ctive ly. B e fore noting the p H, the fluid was
stirre d using a magne tic stirre r. Afte r e ach m e asureme nt with dye , the ce ll and the
core of the fibe r we re cleane d using 5% KO H solution in e thanol w 12 x . In the
e xpe rime nt the transmitte d powe rs through the fibe r we re me asured se parate ly for
the dye solution, P , and the solvent, i.e ., de ionize d wate r, P 0 , in the ce ll. The se
value s, along with the le ngth of the unclad portion of the fibe r, we re use d to
calculate the e vane scent absorption coe fficie nt g from E q. s 1 ..

R es u lts a n d D is cu s s io n
In pre vious studies w 6, 10, 12, 15 x the e vane scent absorbance was obtaine d e xpe ri-
me ntally as a function of conce ntration of the absorbing fluid. In all the se studie s
the re sponse curve was found to be nonline ar. To study the re sponse curve in more
de tail, we have me asure d e vane sce nt absorbance of me thylene blue dye solution of
fixed conce ntration as a function of p H of the solution. The p H was varied from 1
to 12. Figure s 2 ] 7 show the variation of the e vane sce nt absorption coe fficie nt with
p H for dye conce ntrations 1.6, 3, 10, 25, 35, and 50 m M. In the se figure s, circles are

F igu r e 2. V ariation of e vanesce nt absorption coe fficient of 1.6 m M dye solution with p H.
Respo n se o f Ev a n escen t F ield A b so rption Sen so r 67
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F igu r e 3. Same as Figure 2 e xcept that the conce ntration of the dye is 3 m M.

the e xpe rime ntal points. All e xpe rime nts we re carrie d out with a fibe r of core
radius 300 m m and sensing le ngth e qual to 6 cm. The following conclusions can be
drawn from the se re sults. First, for a given conce ntration of the dye, the e vane sce nt
absorbance de pe nds on the p H of the solution, and se cond, the de pe nde nce is
nonline ar. As the p H increases, the e vane sce nt absorbance incre ase s. The rate of
increase is slow at low p H but incre ase s rapidly as p H incre ase s.
Figure 8 shows the variation of e vane scent absorption coe fficie nt with the dye
conce ntration at p H s 10.5. It can be se e n that the response is nonline ar in
nature and is similar to the re sponses reporte d in the lite rature w 6, 10, 12, 15 x . It

Fig u r e 4. Same as Figure 2 e xcept that the conce ntration of the dye is 10 m M.
68 B . D . G u p ta a n d S. K. Kh ijw a n ia
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F igu r e 5. Same as Figure 2 e xcept that the conce ntration of the dye is 25 m M.

doe s not match E q. s 5 ., de rive d on the basis of Be e r’s law and e vane sce nt wave
approach. To see the role of p H on this nonline arity, we plotte d response curve s at
differe nt p H value s. Figures 9 and 10 show the results for p H s 4.0 and 2.4.
Again, circle s are the e xpe rime ntal points. From Figure s 8 ] 10, it may be note d that
as the p H of the fluid de creases, the amount of nonline arity in the re sponse curve
de creases. At p H s 2.4 the re sponse is ve ry close to line ar. In addition, it may be
note d that as p H de creases, the value of e vane sce nt absorption coe fficie nt for a
given conce ntration of the dye de creases. At p H s 2.4 the de crem e nt is about 3
time s that obtaine d at p H s 10.5. Thus in previous studie s w 6, 10, 12, 15 x a line ar
re sponse could not be obtaine d because all those e xpe rime nts we re carried out at

F igu r e 6. Same as Figure 2 e xcept that the conce ntration of the dye is 35 m M.
Respo n se o f Ev a n escen t F ield A b so rption Sen so r 69
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Fig u r e 7. Same as Figure 2 e xcept that the conce ntration of the dye is 50 m M.

p H close to 7. High p H is also the reason for une xpe cte dly high value s of the
e vane scent absorbance in those studie s. In the e vane sce nt wave mode ls re ported in
the lite rature the role of p H was not conside re d, and because of this, those mode ls
could not e xplain the nonline ar nature of the response curve . W e have found the
following e mpirical re lation to fit our e xpe rime ntal data:
3r 2 r3
g s 1 .1 C q 1 .6 s p H . C1 s 6.

The curves plotted in Figure s 8 ] 10 correspond to E q. s 6 .. If we com pare E q. s 6 .

with E q. s 5 . obtaine d on the basis of the e vane sce nt wave mode l, we find that the
first term matche s with E q. s 5 . in terms of conce ntration de pe nde nce , while the

F igu r e 8. V ariation of e vanesce nt absorption coe fficient with dye conce ntration. The p H of
the dye solution for each conce ntration is 10.5.
70 B . D . G u p ta a n d S. K. Kh ijw a n ia
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F igu r e 9. Same as Figure 8 e xcept that the p H of the dye solutions is 4.0.

se cond te rm in E q. s 6 . is additional. The first te rm is nothing but Be e r’ s law, while

the second te rm is similar to the Fre undlich e mpirical powe r law for adsorption,
which is e xpresse d as w 17 x

1r n
X s KC s 7.

whe re X is the quantity of solute s dye m olecules . adsorbed, C is the e quilibrium

conce ntration of the dye solution, K is a constant, and n is a parame ter with a
value gre ater than unity. Comparing the se cond te rm of E q. s 6 . with the adsorption
e quation, we find that the constant K is proportional to s p H . 3 2 and n s 3. This
implie s that the nonline arity in the response curve is due to the adsorption of dye
on the silica core of the fiber, and the phe nome non is p H de pe nde nt. The

F igu r e 10. Same as Figure 8 e xce pt that the p H of the dye solutions is 2.4.
Respo n se o f Ev a n escen t F ield A b so rption Sen so r 71

adsorption phe nom e non is also responsible for the high value s of e vane sce nt
absorbance , which could not be e xplaine d on the basis of e vane sce nt wave mode ls.
The re sults obtaine d above can also be e xplaine d on the basis of che mical
principle s. As me ntione d e arlie r, the fibe r used in the prese nt study and by othe r
workers for the e vane sce nt wave absorption se nsor has a core made of silica. Its
surface is ne utral, having no ne t surface charge . W he n the unclad portion of the
fibe r is imme rse d in an aque ous solution, H q ions, O H y ions, and H 2 O react with
the surface of the silica core . This re sults in the de velopme nt of charges on the
surface of the core . At ve ry low p H, whe re the re is a high conce ntration of H q
ions, a positive surface charge is de ve lope d on the silica surface. As the p H of the
solution is increased, the conce ntration of H q ions is re duce d, and he nce a
re duction in the positive charge s at the surface take s place . At highe r p H, O H y
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ions dominate , resulting in the formation of ne gatively charged siloxyl group on the
surface, and he nce the surface of the silica core becom e s ne gatively charge d. In the
pre se nt study the e xpe rime nts have be e n carried out on me thyle ne blue dye
dissolve d in de ionize d wate r. The dye has a positively charge d chromophore .
The re fore at very high p H the re will be a strong e le ctrostatic attraction be twe e n
the dye molecule s and the silica surface , resulting in the binding of the dye
mole cule s to the surface . Thus the conce ntration of the dye increases at the
surface as com pared to the bulk solution. Since the interaction of the e vane sce nt
fie ld with the dye occurs only ne ar the surface , this incre ase in conce ntration
e nhance s absorption as compared to bulk absorption. Thus the surface loading
affe cts the se nsor response . At low dye conce ntration the dye chromophores
inte ract with the surface charge s and bind to the m. As the conce ntration is
increased, the dye starts accumulating on the surface of the core , which results in
the saturation of the re sponse . As the p H is re duce d, the e le ctrostatic attraction
be twe e n the silica surface and me thylene blue dye chrom ophores is reduce d
be cause of the reduction in the ne gative charge s on the silica surface . At ve ry low
p H the attraction be come s ne arly zero, and he nce no surface loading or adsorption
of dye occurs. Thus a line ar response is obtaine d at low p H .
W e have also studied the e ffe ct of core diame te r on the e vane scent absorption
coe fficie nt. To se e the e ffe ct, e xpe rime nts we re carrie d out at p H s 10 with fibe rs
of core radii 100 and 300 m m with 6-cm unclad le ngth and 0.17 as the nume rical
ape rture. In Figure 11 we have plotted the ratio of e vane sce nt absorption coe ffi-
cie nts obtaine d for two diffe re nt core radii as a function of conce ntration of the
dye. The figure shows that at ve ry low conce ntration, the ratio g s 100 . r g s 300 . is
close to 3. As the conce ntration incre ase s, the ratio de cre ase s rapidly. If the
conce ntration is furthe r incre ase d, the ratio de cre ases slowly, and at high concen-
trations it ge ts saturate d to about 1.3. A ccording to E q. s 5 ., de rive d on the basis of
the e vane sce nt wave mode l, the e vane sce nt absorption coe fficie nt is inverse ly
proportional to the fiber core radius. This im plie s that the saturated value of the
ratio should be e qual to 3. Howe ve r, the obse rved value s i.e ., 1.3 . is much smalle r
than this. This is because the fibe r with core radius 300 m m has larger surface area
as compared to the fiber with 100-m m core radius. Since the adsorption phe -
nome non de pe nds on the surface are a, the e vane sce nt absorption coe fficie nt
obtained for 300-m m core fibe r is m uch highe r than that predicte d by the
e vane scent wave mode l.
In sum mary, we have carried out de taile d e xpe rime ntal studie s on the fibe r
optic e vane sce nt field absorption se nsor to unde rstand the reasons for nonline ar
72 B . D . G u p ta a n d S. K. Kh ijw a n ia
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F igu r e 11. V ariation of the ratio of the evanescent absorption coe fficient for 100-m m core
radius fibe r with that for 300-m m core radius fibe r with the dye conce ntration. The re sults
have bee n plotte d for p H s 10.0.

re sponse and une xpe ctedly high e vane scent absorbance , which are in contradiction
to the oretical predictions based on Be e r’ s law and the e vane sce nt wave approach.
The p H -de pe nde nt adsorption of the dye on the surface of the silica core has bee n
shown to be the main cause . The e ffect of dye adsorption can be de creased if the
e xpe rime nts are carried out at low p H of the fluid.

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13. Gupta, B. D., A. K. Tom ar, and A. Sharma. 1995. A nove l probe for an evanescent wave
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15. Gupta, B. D., H. Dode ja, and A. K. Tomar. 1996. Fibe r-optic e vane sce nt fie ld absorption
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17. Atkins, P. W. 1994. Ph ysical ch em istry, pp. 992 ] 993. London: O xford University Pre ss.
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B iogr ap h ie s
B . D. G u p ta re ce ive d his B.Sc. s Hons.. s 1973 . and M.Sc. de gree s in physics s 1975 . from
Aligarh Muslim Unive rsity s India . and a Ph.D. de gre e in physics s 1979 . from the Indian
Institute of Te chnology, Ne w Delhi. In 1978 he joine d the Indian Institute of Te chnology,
Ne w Delhi, whe re he is currently an assistant professor of physics. Dr. Gupta also worke d at
the Unive rsity of Gue lph s Canada . in 1982 ] 1983, the University of Toronto s Canada . in
1985, and Florida State Unive rsity s USA . in 1988. In 1993 he visited the De partme nt of
Electronic and E lectrical Engine ering at the Unive rsity of Strathclyde s UK. to work on fibe r
optic che mical sensors unde r the Indo-B ritish Fibre O ptics Proje ct. In 1992, he was awarde d
the ICTP Associateship by the Inte rnational Centre for The ore tical Physics, Trieste s Italy. ,
which he held for 6 conse cutive years. In this capacity, he visited ICTP s Italy. in both 1994
and 1996. Dr. Gupta is a recipient of the 1991 Gowri Me morial Award of the Institution of
Electronics and Te lecom munication Engine ers s India .. He has publishe d about 35 re search
pape rs including 3 re view articles. His curre nt are a of interest is fiber optic se nsors. He is a
life member of the O ptical Socie ty of India and the Indian Chapter of ICTP.

S. K . K h ij wan ia re ce ive d his B.Sc. s 1989 . and M.Sc. s 1993 . de gre es in physics from the
University of Gorakhpur s India . . He was selected for the V isiting Stude nt Rese arch
Program me by IUCAA ] Pune s India . in 1990 and V isiting Rese arch Fe llowship of Indian
Space Re search O rganization in 1994. In 1993 he joined the Nuclear Scie nce Centre, New
Delhi, as a research fe llow. He has be en working toward a Ph.D . degree at the Fibe r O ptics
Group, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Te chnology, Ne w Delhi, since De ce mber
1994. His fie lds of inte re st are fibe r optic se nsors and optical fibe r comm unications.

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