Animal Hormones

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Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Animal Hormones
Islet of Langerhans aka Pancreatic islets
4 cells
1. Alpha cells secrete Glucagon
2. Beta cells secrete Insulin
- Insulin de ciency causes Diabetes
- Insulin -> Sugar controlling hormone
3. Delta cells secrete Somatostatin
4. PP cells secrete Pancreatic Polypeptide

GHIH - Growth Hormone Inhibit Hormone

The pancreas acts both as an endocrine gland as well as an exocrine gland.

Pituitary Gland (Brain)

Master Gland
Growth Hormone - Somatotropin
Releases Growth hormone (Somatotropin)

Endocrine gland are regulated by the Pituitary Gland

Pineal gland (Brain)

Melatonin hormone - Regulates sleep wake cycle

Thyroid Gland (Neck)

Secretes Thyroxine - Regulates body metabolism
Secretes Calcitonin - Regulates calcium and phosphate level
Causes of Goiter include: Iodine de ciency (Thyroxine dysfunction)

Adrenal Gland (Kidney) In Pair

In Pair • Testes
Secretes Adrenaline • Ovaries
Regulates heart rate and blood pressure • Adrenal Gland

Testes Ovaries
In Pair In Pair
Androgens hormone secretes Testosterone Estrogen and Progesterone
Development of sperms and male characteristics Development of eggs and female characteristics

Hypothalamus Gland
Master of the master gland - super gland (Master switchboard)
Stimulates Pituitary gland to release Gonadotropin
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

Thymus Gland (Upper Chest)

Thymus makes WBCs called T lymphocytes aka T cells
Lymphocytes develop in the thymus and bone marrow

Himanshu Yadav
Adrenal gland produces "Cortisol" aka Stress hormone
Adrenaline - Increases Cardiac output
Estrogen - Regulation of female sex behaviour
Progesterone - Supports Pregnancy
Placenta Special Tissue - The embryo gets nutrition from the mother’s blood.
Oxytocin - Releases milk during sucking

Himanshu Yadav

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