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Under Graduate Diploma In Computer Applications (U.G.D.C.

II – Semester Examination – 2017-2018
iwoZ&Lukrd fMIyksek va”kdkfyd f}rh; lel= ijh{kk 2017– 2018
Subject: Computer Applications
CAUD – 201: Office Automation Package
Time: 2 Hours Max Mark: 70
Note: This question paper comprises of three Sections A, B and C. All
questions are compulsory.
इस प्रश्नपत्र में तीन खंड अ, ब तथा स हैं | सभी प्रश्न अननवार्य हैं |

Section – A / खंड अ
This section consists of five questions; each sub question carries 2 marks. Answer these questions in
not more than 50 words.
इस खंड में पांच उप-प्रश्न हैं | प्र्र्ेक उप-प्रश्न के 2 अंक हैं | प्र्र्ेक का उ्तर अधिक से अधिक
50 शब्दों में दें |
1. a) Distinguish between Save and Save As.
Lkso rFkk lso ,t+ es vUrj crkb,A 2

b) What do you mean by Word Wrap?

oMZ jSi ls vki D;k le>rs gS\
c) Write the full form of DBMS and RDBMS.
Mhñchñ,eñ,lñ rFkk vkjñMhñchñ,eñ,lñ dk iwjk uke fyf[k,A
d) Can you use the same name for two or more files?
D;k vki nks ;k nks ls vf/kd Qkbyksa ds fy, ,d leku uke iz;ksx dj ldrs gSa\ 2

e) Name two ways to edit cell content.

Lsky dUVsUV dks ,fMV djus ds nks rjhds crkb;saA 2

Section – B / खंड ब
Answer in about 200 words. Each question carries 10 marks.
प्र्र्ेक प्रश्न का उ्तर 200 शब्दों में दें | प्र्र्ेक प्रश्न 10 अंकों का है |
2. What are the uses and features of MS PowerPoint? How do you
make a PowerPoint Presentation? Use suitable example to explain it.
MS PowerPoint ds D;k iz;ksx (use) ,oa y{k.k (features) gS\ vki ,d ikoj ikWbaV
iztUs Vs”ku fdl izdkj rS;kj djsx
a as\ le>kus ds fy, mfpr mnkgj.k dk iz;ksx djsAa
or/vFkok 10
What are Auto Filter and Advance Filter in MS Excel? How are they
MS Excel esa Auto Filter rFkk Advance Filter D;k gaS\ bUgsa fdl izdkj vIykbZ
dj ldrs gSa\
3. What is Mail Merge? Explain using suitable example?
esy etZ D;k gS\ mfpr mnkgj.k dk iz;ksx djds le>k;saA
or/vFkok 10
Define the following in relation to spreadsheet application:
LiszM”khV ,Iyhds”ku ds ifjizs{; esa fuEu dks ifjHkkf’kr djsaA
Range ¼jsta ½, Formula ¼QWkjewyk½, Function ¼QaD”ku½
4. Find out the errors and rectify them in the formulae given below?
= Sum (B: D) for first row
= Maximum (A1/B5)
= Sum (A1; B5)
= Min (B5*B10)
uhps fn, x;s QkewZyk es xyrh dks <wfa <;s vkSj mUgsa lgh dfj,&
= Sum (B: D) for first row
= Maximum (A1/B5)
= Sum (A1; B5) 10
=Min (B5*B10)
Define the terms:/ fuEu dks ifjHkkf’kr djs%a
Hyperlink ¼हाइपरल क ं )
Web Layout ¼osc ysvkmV½
Bookmark ¼बकु माकय)
Change Case ¼pst
a dsl½

Section – C / खंड स
Answer the following questions, each question carries 15 marks.
ननEu प्रश्नों के उ्तर दीजिर्े | प्र्र्ेक प्रश्न 15 अंकों का है |
5 What are pre-defined functions? Explain the use of MAX, MIN, AVG
and COUNT function in MS Excel.
MS Excel esa pre-defined QUd”ku fdls dgrs gSa\ MS Excel ds QaD”ku MAX,
MIN, AVG rFkk COUNT ds iz;ksx mnkgj.k lfgr le>kb;sA
What are DBMS and RDBMS? How can you create a “Table” using
Design View? Describe “Primary Key” in detail.
DBMS ,oa RDBMS D;k gS\ vki fMtkbu O;w dk mi;ksx djds ßVscyÞ dSls
rS;kj dj ldrs gSa\ Þizkbejh dhÞ dks foLrkj iwoZd fyf[k,A

6. What do you understand by Slide Show of the Power Point

Presentation? How can you setup the show to run the Presentation
continuously until Escape?
ikoj IokabV esa LykbM “kks ls vki D;k le>rs gSaA vki fdlh iztsUVs”ku ds “kks dks
fdl izdkj lsV dj ldrs gSa rkfd og izstsUVs”ku rc rd pys tc rd fd
Escape key dks u nck;k tk;A
or/vFkok 15
Distinguish between Number and Auto Number data type fields. Give
examples of each. Write down the procedure to create a form using
wizard, considering Table is already made.
uEcj ,oa vkVks uEcj MkVk QhYM esa D;k vUrj gS\ izR;sd dk mnkgj.k nhft,A
fotkMZ dk mi;ksx djds QkeZ cukus dh fof/k fyf[k,] tcfd Vscy igys ls cuh
gqbZ gksA ____________

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