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 low recuperative powers

 very susceptible to changes in the weather
 symptoms are constantly changing and
 well-selected remedies fail to improve, and
 cold is taken from the slightest exposure.
 Of great value in epilepsy, neurasthenia and in nervous children.
 Diarrhœa in children running for weeks, extreme wasting, bluish pallor, exhaustion.
 Mentally deficient children.
 Enlarged tonsils. Skin affections,
 Very sensitive, mentally and physically.
 General exhaustion.
 Nervous weakness.
 Trembling.
 Epilepsy.
 Tabes mesenterica
 Consumption
 Asthma.
 Bones, caries of.
 Bronchitis.
 Catarrhal pneumonia.
 Erysipelas.
 erythema.
 Hæmaturia.
 Hæmoptysis.
 Headache.
 Lungs, œdema of.
 Mania.
 Nephritis.
 Night-terrors.
 Œdema glottidis.
 Paralysis.
 Phthisis.
 Pleurisy.
 Pneumonia, acute.
 Tuberculosis.
Mind.--Contradictory characteristics of Tuberculinum are mania and melancholia, insomnia and sopor. Irritable, especially when awakening.
Mind, abusive (p. 1)
Mind, anxiety, fever, during (p. 6)
Mind, break things, desire to (p. 10)
Mind, cheerful, gay, happy (See Mirth) (p. 10)
Mind, cursing (p. 17)
Mind, despair (p. 35)
Mind, destructiveness (p. 36)
Mind, dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending (p. 37)
Mind, escape, attempts to (p. 39)
Mind, excitement, excitable (p. 40)
Mind, fear, dogs, of (p. 44)
Mind, fear, happen, something, will (p. 45)
Mind, forgetful (See Memory) (p. 48)
Mind, hopeful (p. 52)
Mind, ideas abundant, clearness of mind (p. 52)
Mind, idiocy (p. 53)
Mind, irritability (See Anger) (p. 57)
Mind, loquacity, heat, during (p. 63)
Mind, memory, weakness of (See Mistakes) (p. 64)
Mind, mistakes, name of object seen instead of one desired (p. 67)
Mind, mood, alternating (p. 67)
Mind, mood, changeable, variable, etc. (p. 68)
Mind, shrieking (p. 79)
Mind, speech, nonsense (p. 82)
Mind, starting, sleep, on falling (p. 83)
Mind, strange things, everything seems (See Delusions) (p. 84)
Mind, thoughts, persistent (See Delusions) (p. 87)
Mind, thoughts, persistent, night (p. 87)
Mind, travel, desire to (p. 89)
Mind, work, aversion to mental (p. 95
Although naturally of a sweet disposition, became taciturn, sulky, snappish, fretty, irritable, morose, depressed and melancholic, even to insanity.
Suddenly became unconscious while sewing or talking, began screaming,
tearing her hair,
beating her head with her fists, or
trying to dash it against wall or floor ;

Head, bores head in pillow (p. 108)

Head, eruption, herpes, circinatus (p. 116)
Head, hair, falling (p. 120)
Head, hair, lustreless (p. 120)
Head, hydrocephalus (p. 128)
Head, inflammation, tubercular (p. 128)
Head, lice (p. 129)
Head, motions of, rolling head (p.


Teeth, grinding, sleep, during

Stomach, aversion, food
Stomach, desires, delicacies
Stomach, desires, milk, cold


Rectum, constipation (See Inactivity) (p. 606)

Rectum, constipation, alternating with diarrhœa (p. 607)
Rectum, constipation, painful


Perspiration, midnight, after (p. 1295)

Perspiration, clammy (p. 1295)
Perspiration, cold (p. 1296)
Perspiration, exertion, mental (agg.) (p. 1297)
Perspiration, motion, brings on chilliness (p. 1298)
Perspiration, odor, fetid (p. 1298)
Perspiration, profuse (p. 1299)
Perspiration, single parts (p. 1300)


Great desire for sleep;

drowsiness during day;
after dinner.─Inclination to sleep in mornings.─
Shivering when beginning to sleep.─
Cold feet in bed.─Troubled sleep;
Sleep disturbed from 3 a.m.─
Sleeplessness on account of constant coughing.─
Many dreams;
disturbed sleep, interrupted by fearful dreams;
gloomy dreams;
dreams of shame;
cries out in dreams.


Generalities, abscesses, glands (p. 1343)

Generalities, bathing, cold agg. (p. 1346)
Generalities, change of, weather agg. (p. 1347)
Generalities, change of, weather, cold to warm agg. (p. 1347)
Generalities, cold in general agg. (p. 1348)
Generalities, cold, place, entering a, agg. (p. 1349)
Generalities, cold, tendency to take (p. 1349)
Generalities, cold, wet weather agg. (p. 1350)
Generalities, emaciation (p. 1357)

Modalities.--Worse, motion, music; before a storm; standing; dampness; from draught; early morning, and after sleep. Better, open air.

Dose.--Tuberculin needs more frequent repetition in children's complaints than nearly every other chronic remedy (H. Fergie Woods)

Complementary : Hydrastis to fatten patients cured with Tuberculinum.

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