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Princess Sumaya University for Technology

The King Hussein School for Information Technology

Computer Science Department

ABET Course Syllabus – Fall Semester 2023/2024

CS11102 Introduction to Computer Science

1. Course Information

Catalog Introduction to Computer Science. Components of PC and data

Description representation. Low level data representations (Binary, hexa, octal,
conversions, binary arithmetic). Computer Networks and Internet, Software
Engineering, Security, Introduction to programming computers. Evolution of
programming languages and techniques. Problem solving using
computers. Flowcharts. Problem solving through analysis and then through
an introduction to programming language (Basic program structure, main
function, I/O control structures, loop).

Credit Hours 3

Prerequisite No

Course Type Lecture

Required/Elective Required

Textbook ● Foundations of Computer Science 4th Edition Behrouz A.

Forouzan. ISBN-13: 978-1-4737-5104-0
● Starting Out with Programming Logic and Design, 5th Edition By
Tony Gaddis Pearson, 2018, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-480115-5

References ● Video Lectures on Number Systems (Khan Academy)

● C: How to Program, by Deitel and Deitel
Instructor Dr. Ahmad Klaib

Class Schedule Section 4: Mon, Wed (12:30-14:00)

Section 9: Sun, Tue, Thursday (14:00-15:00)

Class Location Section 4: (205)

Section 9: (203)

Office Hours Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday: 13:00 – 14:00

Monday and Wednesday: 14:00-15:00

2. Course Contents

Week(s) Topic(s)

1 Introduction

2 Number Systems (Quiz 1) 28-Oct-2023

3 Data Storage

4 Operations on Data

5 Computer Organization (Quiz 2) 18-Nov-2023

6 Computer Networks and Internet (Overview, Application Layer, Transport Layer,

Network Layer, Data-Link Layer, Physical Layer, Transmission Media)

7 Software Engineering (The Software Lifecycle , Analysis Phase , Design Phase ,

Implementation Phase , Testing Phase , Documentation )

8 Security (Introduction , Confidentiality ,Other Aspects of Security ,Firewall)

Quiz(3) 16 – Dec-2023

9 Introduction to Problem Solving: Input, Processing, and Output

10 One way (Decision Structures and Boolean Logic)

11 Two way and multiway (Decision Structures and Boolean Logic) Quiz 4 (6 Jan

12 Repetition Structures: Condition-Controlled Loops, Count-Controlled Loops

13 Repetition Structures: Sentinels

14 Nested Loops
15 Revision

16 Exam Week
3. Course Outcomes

CLO Assessment
1. Compare and convert decimal numbers to other systems and Assignment, Discussion,
perform basic operations on them @2. Exams

2. Explain the components, history and purpose of Assignment, Discussion,

computers@3. Exams

3. Be able to discuss and explain basic definitions of computer Assignment, Discussion

science @2.

4. Select and declare suitable variables for data input and output Assignment, Discussion,
@2. Exams

5. To develop good programming skills and to develop problem Assignment, Exams

solving skills via C-programming language @2.

4. Assessment Policy

Assessment Tool Expected Due Date Weight

Activities All Course duration 30

4 Quizzes( best 3)

Midterm Exam TBD 30

Final Exam TBD 40

5. Contribution of the Course to the Professional Component

Computer Science Topics 100%

General Education 20%

Mathematics & Basic Sciences 20%

6. Expected level of proficiency from students entering the course

Mathematics Some

Physics Not applicable

Technical writing Not applicable

Computer programming Some

7. Material available to students, instructors, TAs, and department at the end of


Students Department Instructors TA(s)

Course objectives and outcomes form X X X

Lecture notes, homework assignments, X X X
and solutions

Samples of homework solutions from 3 X


Samples of lab reports of 3 students X

Samples of exam solutions from 3 X


Course performance form from student X X


End-of-course instructor survey X X

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