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Her anxiety was so great that she broke a glass(anxious)

2.The audience burst into applause at the end of the play(applaud)
3.He felt very discouraged when he saw he had failed the exem again(courage)
4.The work is still at a very experimental level (experiment)
5.It's the most frightening film I've ever seen (fright)
6.It' s very unhealthy to live in a damp room (health)
7.They have a big jewelry shop in London (Jewel)
8.How much does membership of this club cost? (member)
9.He promised to come out, but he is very unreliable(rely)
10.How much do you weigh? (weight)
chữa bài đây pà kon:
đầu tiên là chữa bài 2 vì bài 3 có mỗi 1 người làm nên không chữa:)

chú ý câu 1,5,6,9 nhé vì câu khác mọi người làm đúng hết rồi
6.theo đáp an là imitation măc dù người post cũng ko hỉu chỗ này:)
Mọi người chú ý đọc cả câu để tìm nghĩa toàn cục rồi hãy làm nhé
dạng bài này đôi khi đòi hỏi mình làm từ trái nghĩa
đọc ko kĩ đề sẽ rrất dễ mất điểm
exercise 3:
1. troublesome
h tiếp tục làm 1 bài nữa nhe
Exercise 4
1.His behaviour always..embarrasses. me at parties (EMBARRASS)
2.The new film is..exceptionally .good( except)
3.She felt a sense of..loss. when her friend went to live abroad (LOSE)
4.You need a lot of..patience.to be a teacher (PATIENT)
5.i am afraid you aren't suitably..qualified.for the job.
6.The weather 'll be bright with..occasional.showers.( OCCASION)
7.Most birds.migrate..in the winter.(MIGRATORY)
8.He draws cartoon for a..humorous..magazine(HUMOR)
9.Do you have a .national..costume in your country?(NATION)
10.What is the .length..of the runway at this airport?(LONG)[/QUOTE]
cam on da post bài, tớ làm thử nhé
1. I was late because I underestimated how much time I need (ESTIMATE)
2. He wrote the book alone, so he doesn't have a.co-author ( AUTHOR)
3. Even if you are good at a game, you shouldn't
4. It is very rude to interrupt someone in.mid-sentence(SENTENCE)
5. Many buildings were.built after the earthquake in 1980(BUILD)
6. Most people who work feel that they are.underpaid (PAY)
7. She is having a rest because she had been.working.....(WORK)
8. I'd lost my key so I couldn't.unlock the door When I got home(LOCK)
9. He is thinking of taking early.retirement.....next year(RETIRE)
10. People with very.sensitive skin shouldn't go sunbathing for long
tớ thay mặt mit tớ post ket quả bài mit nhé
1. I was late because I underestimated how much time I need (ESTIMATE)
2. He wrote the book alone, so he doesn't have a.co-author ( AUTHOR)
3. Even if you are good at a game, you shouldn't
4. It is very rude to interrupt someone in.mid-sentence(SENTENCE)
5. Many buildings were.rebuilt after the earthquake in 1980(BUILD)
6. Most people who work feel that they are.underpaid (PAY)
7. She is having a rest because she had been.working.....(WORK)
8. I'd lost my key so I couldn't.unlock the door When I got home(LOCK)
9. He is thinking of taking early.retirement.....next year(RETIRE)
10. People with very.sensitive skin shouldn't go sunbathing for long
Exercise 7:
1.She is one of the greatest performers to appear in this theater.
2.The performance she gave last night was marvellous
3.I received a lot of encouragement from my friends
4.Does this arrangement suit you?
5.Conversation is one of the most enjoyable forms of
entertainment6.Advertisesing is such a competitive profession
7.Have you seen the lastest advertisement Pepsi??
8.There is a lot of competition show business.
9. There were 50.competitors in the talent contest.
10.Photography is a popular hobby
Exercise 8:
1.She is a collect0r of theater programmes
2.She has one of the biggest collections in the USA
3.The judge told him it was irresponsible to drink and drive, and banned him for
a year
4.This poem shows the wonderful sensibility of the poet.
5.She divorced him because of his unkindness to the children
6.The evening was enjoyably spent playing cards and talking.
7.The key were locked inside the car ,luckily, a side window was open
8.Due to the clerk's stubbornness, we missed the train.
Exercise 9
1Thousands of people are living in misery after the earthquake.
2.The thing I hate about John is his unreliability
3.It was a complete failure due to poor planning
4.Their friendship has lasted a lifetime
5.He was turned down for the job becayse he wasn't qualified
6. In parts of the country the unemployment situation is terrible. As many as
20% of the working population is without a job.

3.He is completely unemployable! Not only he is lazy but he is dishonest,too

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