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Little Kindness Monster

A knitting pattern by Rachel Borello Carroll

I call this monster a Little Kindness. Knit a Little Kindness. Share a Little
Kindness. Give a Little Kindness.

This pattern is free and always will be. I hope it inspires you. Invite over some friends you
haven’t seen in awhile and knit Little Kindnesses together with scraps from your stash. Knit a
Little Kindness for someone and drop it in the mail for them with a nice card to let them know
you’re thinking of them. Take your neighbor a Little Kindness and a plate of cookies. Just give
one to somebody and say, “hey, this silly little thing made me smile and I thought it might make
you smile, too.” Because in the end, I don’t think anyone ever wished they hadn’t spent time on
being kind.

Please note: The pattern is written out twice below. The first set of instructions is for knitting in
the round on a set of double pointed needles. The second set of instructions is for knitting flat on
two needles.

Copyright 2017 Rachel Borello Carroll for Yarnigans

All rights reserved
Please feel free to redistribute as desired but attribute to Yarnigans
Thank you!
1 set of 4 size US3 double pointed needles OR a set of US 3 knitting needles (single point)
Small amount of worsted weight yarn in color of your choosing
Monster eyes: I used size 12mm black acrylic animals eyes from but you could
use buttons or felt or whatever you like! Go wild
Pink embroidery thread for mouth and embroidery needle
Contrasting worsted weight wool for hat
Small amount of polyfil
Contrasting worsted weight wool for heart (optional)
Yarn needle

K: Knit
P: Purl
CO: Cast on
Dpns: Double pointed needles
M1: Make one stitch by picking up and knitting into the bar before the next stitch
Kfb: Knit through the front loop of the next stitch, then the back loop of the same stitch, to
increase by one
K2tog: Knit the next two stitches together to decrease by one stitch
BO: Bind off

Gauge isn’t important here. The specified yarn and gauge results in a fairly tight fabric. For a
worsted weight yarn you could probably go up as high as a US 6 needle. You could also make
this on thicker or thinner yarn and adjust needle accordingly. Just use whatever scrap yarn you
have and your best knitterly judgement.

In the Round
CO 3.
Distribute over 3 needles and begin to work in the round.
Rnd 1: Kfb 3 times (6 sts total)
Rnd 2: Kfb 6 times (12 sts)
Rnd 3: [K1, kfb] 6 times (18 sts)
Rnd 4: [K2, kfb] 6 times (24 sts)
Rnd 5: [K3, kfb] 6 times (30 sts)
Rnd 6: K
Rnd 7: [K4, kfb] 6 times (36 sts)

Copyright 2017 Rachel Borello Carroll for Yarnigans

All rights reserved
Please feel free to redistribute as desired but attribute to Yarnigans
Thank you!
Rnds 8-20: K
Rnd 21: [K2tog, k16] 2 times (34 sts)
Rnds 22-25: K
Rnd 26: [K2tog, k15] 2 times (32 sts)
Rnds 27-28: K
Rnd 29: [K2tog, k14] 2 times (30 sts)
Rnds 30-31: K
Redistribute stitches over two needles, parallel to each other, 15 stitches on each needle.
Stuff body. Attach plastic safety eyes at round 15 with 8 stitches between them. Once eyes are
attached and body is stuffed in a way you like, use a three-needle bind off to finish the body.

Ears (make 2):

Work ears back and forth in garter stitch on two needles.
Cast on 3.
Row 1: K
Row 2: K1, kfb, k1 (4 sts)
Row 3: K
Row 4: K2, m1, k2 (5 sts)
Row 5: K
Row 6: K2, kfb, k2 (6 sts)
Row 7: K
Row 8: K3, m1, k3 (7 sts)
Row 9: K
Row 10: K3, kfb, k3 (8 sts)
Rows 11-15: K
Bind off, leaving a long enough tail for sewing the ear to the head.
Fold the bound-off edge in half. Sew this to the head, open edge facing front.
Repeat for other side.

Limbs (make 4):

CO 8 sts.
Distribute over 2 or 3 dpns and join to work in the round.
Rnds 1-10: K
Cut yarn, use a yarn needle to thread through all stitches, pull tight to close end of limb. Stuff
limb lightly and roll between palms to even them out. Sew to sides of body and bottom of body
to make arms and legs.

CO 40 sts in a contrasting color.
Rnd 1: [K1, p1] 20 times, distributing over dpns and working in the round.
Rnds 2-17: [K1, p1] 20 times
Rnd 18: K2, BO 4, k10, bo 4, k to end of rnd

Copyright 2017 Rachel Borello Carroll for Yarnigans

All rights reserved
Please feel free to redistribute as desired but attribute to Yarnigans
Thank you!
Rnd 19: K2, CO 3 over bound off stitches to create first earhole, k11, CO 3 sts over second
earhole, k to end of rnd
Rnds 20-21: K
Rnd 22: K2tog 19 times
Rnd 23: K2tog 9 times, k1
Cut yarn, use a yarn needle to thread through remaining stitches, pull tight and tie off. Weave in
ends. Put the hat onto monster’s head and fold up the brim.

● Embroider on the monster’s smile. I like to use pearl cotton pink thread and a split stitch
or outline stitch to make the mouth on my monster. The DMC thread website has a lot of
great information on types of stitches if you have never embroidered before.
● Add the duplicate stitch heart to your monster. I haven’t written out a chart for this, (I
don’t think you smarty knitters need me to!) but here is a close-up of the heart. I’ve just
added mine with a simple duplicate stitch and pink wool.

Copyright 2017 Rachel Borello Carroll for Yarnigans

All rights reserved
Please feel free to redistribute as desired but attribute to Yarnigans
Thank you!
Knitted Flat

CO 5 using long tail cast on.
Row 1: Kfb 5 times. (10 sts total)
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: Kfb 10 times. (20 sts total)
Row 4: Purl.
Row 5: [K1, kfb] 10 times. (30 sts)
Row 6: Purl.
Row 7: [K2, kfb] 10 times. (40 sts)
Rows 8-20: Work in St st (P all sts on WS, K all sts on RS).
Row 21: K2, k2tog, k16, k2tog, k18. (38 sts)
Row 22: Purl.
Row 23: K2, k2tog, k14, k2tog, k16. (36 sts)
Row 24: Purl.
Row 25: K2, k2tog, k12, k2tog, k14. (34 sts)
Row 26: Purl.
Row 27: K2, k2tog, k10, k2tog, k12. (32 sts)
Row 28: Purl.
Row 29: K2, k2tog, k8, k2tog, k10. (30 sts)
Row 30: Purl.
Row 31: Knit.
Bind off.

Ears (make 2):

Cast on 3.
Row 1: K
Row 2: K1, kfb, k1 (4 sts)
Row 3: K
Row 4: K2, m1, k2 (5 sts)
Row 5: K
Row 6: K2, kfb, k2 (6 sts)
Row 7: K
Row 8: K3, m1, k3 (7 sts)
Row 9: K
Row 10: K3, kfb, k3 (8 sts)
Rows 11-15: K
Bind off, leaving a long enough tail for sewing the ear to the head.
Fold the bound-off edge in half. Sew this to the head, open edge facing front.

Copyright 2017 Rachel Borello Carroll for Yarnigans

All rights reserved
Please feel free to redistribute as desired but attribute to Yarnigans
Thank you!
Repeat for other side.

Limbs (make 4):

CO 10 sts.
Rows 1-9: Work in St st (K on RS, P on WS).
Row 10: P2tog 5 times. (5 sts)
Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Use your yarn needle or tapestry needle to thread yarn tail through
remaining stitches. Pull tight to draw them together. Use mattress stitch to sew the limb into a
tube. Leave the cast-on edge open and stuff the limb through there.

CO 42 sts in contrasting color.
Rows 1-17: [K1, p1] 20 times.
Row 18: K10, BO 4, k10, bo 4, k to end of row. ​The bound-off stitches are the beginnings of
Row 19: P to first earhole, CO 3 to cover it, p11, CO 3 to cover second earhole, p to end of row.
Row 20: Knit.
Row 21: Purl.
Row 22: K2tog 20 times. (20 sts)
Row 23: Purl.
Row 24: K2tog 10 times. (10 sts)
Row 25: Purl.
Row 26: K2tog 5 times. (5 sts)
Cut yarn, use a yarn needle to thread through remaining stitches, pull tight and tie off. Use
mattress stitch to seam from the crown of the hat, down the back, and all the way to the brim.
Weave in ends.

● Fold the body in half, WS together, and use mattress stitch to seam from the top of the
head down to the BO edge. This seam will run down the back of the body. Reorient the
body so that the seam is in the back and you are looking at the “face.”
● Add safety eyes or embroider on eyes in row 15, 8 sts apart. Embroider on a smile
between and slightly below them.
● Stuff the body lightly and sew shut the BO edge. Weave in any ends.
● Fold the ears in half at the CO edge, and sew to the head on row 5, on opposite sides of
the head.
● Stuff the limbs and sew to the sides for arms and to the lower edge of the body for legs.
● Put the hat onto the head and fold up the brim.
● Optional: add a duplicate stitch pink heart to your monster’s chest. See images above for
a close up.

Copyright 2017 Rachel Borello Carroll for Yarnigans

All rights reserved
Please feel free to redistribute as desired but attribute to Yarnigans
Thank you!

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