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Instructions to Candidates:

1. Time Allowed: 3 Hours.

2. Answer all Questions in Section A and Section B.
3. Section A is to be done on the given computer and Section B should be written on
the answer sheet provided.
4. Calculators are allowed provided they are not programmable.
5. No books, dictionaries, papers, cell phones or any other written materials are
allowed in this examination.
6. Candidates who break IUM examination regulations or commit any malpractice
will be disqualified from the examinations.

Total Marks: 100

Examiner: Ms Petrus
Moderator: Ms Mutasa
Section A

Question One
1. You are required to create a website for “Legend Brand Clothing”. The website has Four
(4) pages with screen shots of each page shown below. You are to develop the 4 pages
exactly as shown on the screenshots.
2. We have Four Pages namely: Index.html, Logo.html, Gallery.html and Contact
3. All the screenshots of the different four (4) pages and the necessary image files for the
website are stored in the folder “Web development Exams”, which is located on your
4. All files for this exam should be saved in this folder.
5. Rename the given folder to “CE370UY_SUPP_EXAMS_Student Number”, for
example “WED60US_SUPP_EXAMS -170013529”.
6. Part of the code for the html file for the home page,” index.html” is provided for you in
the folder. You are NOT allowed to modify the given html code for the home page,
you are only to add the missing codes.
7. You are to write the CSS code for the file mystyle.css. The background colour of the
footer and menus is #A3E4D7.
8. Each page is customised by using CSS and divided by using DIV tags, you are to provide
such codes on both of the pages and make use of the provided images.
9. On the contact us page, you should validate the form by using JAVASCRIPT. The user
must able to send a responsive message.

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The home page:

The Logo page

The Gallery Page

The Contact Us Page

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[Total: 80 Marks]

Section B – Theory Part

Question 2 - (Answer any four questions)

a) Distinguish between the Internet backbone and an Internet service provider (ISP).
Name at least two national ISP.
b) What is a domain name? How does the current domain name system try to resolve
a hostname?
c) What is a firewall, what does it accomplish, and how does it accomplish it?
d) What is an IP address, and how is it composed? Discuss the relationship between
a hostname and an IP address? How many hosts are possible in Class C networks,
in Class B networks, and in Class A networks?
e) Differentiate between HTTP and SMTP.
f) What do you understand by Web Server? Discuss its functionality in detail.

(5 Marks each)
[Total Marks: 20]

End of Question Paper!

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