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September 2022

Praise and gratitude I say to God Almighty for his blessings and grace so that I
am still given the opportunity to be able to complete this revew journal.
I made this critical journal review in order to fulfill the completion of
assignments in the Student Development course, hopefully this revew critical journal
can add insight and knowledge for readers. In writing this revew journal, I naturally
cannot solve it by myself without the help of the other party. I realized that this revew
journal is far from perfect because there are still many shortcomings. Therefore, I
humbly apologize and expect constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement
and improvement going forward. Finally, I would like to congratulate you on reading
and hopefully the material in the critical journal revew in the form of this paper can be
useful as it should be for readers.

Medan, 26 September 2022


(Alfian Manalu)

 First Journal
Journal Title The relationship between the level of self-control and the tendency
to adolescent behavior
Journal Name Journal of learner development
Volume and No VOL.01 NO.02,JUNI 2012
Year the Journal Was 2012
Author Of The Iga Serpianing And Retno Suminar
Reviewer Alfian Manalu
Dates in Review 26 September 2022
 Jurnal Kedua
Journal Title Information services assist learners in improving career
Journal Name Journal of learner development
Volumes and Pages VOL.1 HAL.10
Year the Journal Was 2015
ISSN 2460-1187
Author Of The Richma Hidayati
Reviewer Alfian Manalu
Dates in Review 26 September 2022
The relationship between the level of self-control and the tendency to
juvenile delinquency behavior
Background Delinquency behavior in adolescents today
has experienced a significant increase in
recent years. The various juvenile
delinquency behaviors that teenagers are
carrying out today include cases of drug
abuse, drinking alcohol, wild racing and so
on. According to an expert juvenile
delinquencyis a collection of various
adolescent behaviors that are not socially
acceptableso that criminal acts occur. To
find out the initial picture of the current
juvenile delinquency behavior, a study was
carried out through interviews conducted on
several upper-middle students. Which aims
to see if there is a negative relationship
between self-control and the tendency of
juvenile delinquency behavior.

Purpose To examine empirically whether there is a

negative relationship between self-control
and juvenile delinquency behavior.
Benefit The benefit of this study is that we know
the increase in juvenile delinquency
behavior that occurs and the factors that
cause that increase to occur.

The study was conducted by empirically

Research Methods
using data collection tools in the study in
the form of a psychological scale, then a
self-control variable tool consisting of
36butirdiadaptasidations from the self-
control scale owned by Tangney et al
(2004), and also using a tool for the
tendency of juvenile delinquency behavior
compiled by themselves.

Research Steps The study was conducted on students of

SMK X Kediri with an age range of 12-22
years which amounted to 265 people. Where
the author conducted interviews with several
high school students in The Netherlandsto
see the initial picture of the current juvenile
delinquency behavior by obtaining data
analysis from the product moment
colleration technique with the help of the
SPSS statistics program version i6 for
widows where the significant level used in
this study was 5 % or with a large
probability of terrorization value.
Research Objectives The purpose of his research is to find out
what factors make juvenile delinquency
Results and discussion Based on the results of data analysis, a
correlation coefficient of -0.318 was
obtained, with a significance of 0.000.
Significance p=0.000 <0.05, the number
means The null hypothesis (Ho) was
rejected and this research hypothesis (Ha)
was accepted. An alternative hypothesis
reads that there is a negative relationship
between self-control and the tendency to
accept juvenile delinquency behavior.
Coefficient - 0.318 expresses the strong
weak relationship between the two
variables. The negative sign (-) indicates the
direction of the opposite-comparative
relationship between the two variables. That
is, the higher the self-control score, the
lower the tendency to juvenile delinquency
behavior. Similarly, the lower the self-
control score, the higher the behavior of
juvenile delinquency. A correlation of -
0.318it is stated that the correlation between
self-control and adolescent tendency is in
the moderate range.

Advantages of Journals 1. In this journal, we easily understand

because it has an abstract
2. In this journal, there are questions
when conducting research.
Journal Weaknesses 1. In this journal there is no ISSN
2. In this journal do not use advice

Conclusion After empirical testing, namely by

conducting interviews with several high
school students, it can be concluded through
the analysis of the author that there is a
relationship between self-control and the
tendency of adolescent behavior, where if a
person's self-control score is high, a person's
tendency to behavior juvenile delinquency
will be low, but on the contrary if a person's
own control score is low, the tendency of
juvenile delinquency behavior will be low,
but on the contrary if a person's own control
score is low, then the tendency of juvenile
delinquency behavior will be low, but vice
versa if a person's own control score is low,
the tendency of juvenile delinquency
behavior will be tall.

Information Services Help Learners In Improving Career Understanding

Abstract Students will always be faced with a number of

alternatives, both related to life, personal, social,
learning, and career. Difficulty making decisions
related to the career plans to be chosen for his
future. Therefore, they need to get full career
information services, guidance and companions
in order to gain an adequate understanding of
their various conditions and characteristics, both
about talents, interests, and ideals. Strengths and
weaknesses that exist in him and are not wrong
in determining the career he chooses.

Background Science and technology are developing very

rapidly and require individuals to choose a career
that suits their interests, abilities and in
accordance with expectations. Information
services are a type of service in counseling
guidance in schools that are very important to
help students to avoid various problems that can
interfere with the achievement of student
development, whether related to personal, social,
learning, or career. Students will always be faced
with a number of alternatives, both related to
their personal, social, learning and career lives.
Each individual is unique and in its handler
should not be disguised. Career information
services are essential for learners. Learners who
obtain information services and a better
understanding are not only about the world of
karie that they can only about the world of
careers they can achieve but also about their
understanding of themselves ...

Research Objectives The purpose of this information service is to help

students to be able to make appropriate decisions
about something in the personal, social, learning
and career fields based on the information they
have obtained that is adequate.

Results and Discussion In this way, it manages to increase the learner to

choose a career according to the right interests
that exist in the learner.

Research Methods The research method used is direct research.

Advantages of Journals 1. In this journal uses language that is easy

for readers to understand.
2. In this journal there are suggestions
Journal Weaknesses 1. In this journal using a bibliography that is
less than in the comparison journal
2. In this journal there is a repeated
Conclusion This information service is very important, given
that students facing a difficulty often need
information about their environment.
Understanding gained through services used as
reference material in improving learning
activities and achievements.

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