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4 When decomposition reaction is

carried out in the presence of sunlight,| 2AgBr(s) Sunlight

the process is called photochemical|
(Silver bromide) (Silver) (Bromine)
5. Electrolysis: When decomposition
reaction is carried out with the help 2H,O() Electriccurrent 2Hog +
of electric current, the process is| (Water) Og)
(Hydrogen gas) (Oxygen gas)
called electrolysis.
6. In a displacement reaction, more
reactive element displaces a less
» FeSO4(aq) +Cu(s)
reactive element from a compound. (Copper sulphate) (Iron sulphate) (Copper)
7. The reactions in which two different NagSOg(ag) + BaCl-(ag) BaSO(s) + 2NaCl(aq)
atoms or
groups of atoms are (Sodium (Barium (Barium (Sodium)
displaced by other atoms or groups of sulphate) chloride) sulphate) chloride)
atoms, i.e., two compounds exchange
their ions and of the
formed is insoluble, are said to be
double displacement reactions.
8. The reactions in
which acid or acidic|
oxide reacts with the base or basic
2NaOH+ HSO4 > Na,SO4 + 2H,O
(Sodium (Sulphuric (Sodium (Water)
oxides to form salt and water are hydroxide) acid) sulphate)
called neutralization reactions.

Some usually asked equations in exams for balancing:

2CO(g) +Og) 2CO(g)
(Carbon monoide) (Oxygen) (Carbon dioxide)
2FeSO (s) FeOg(s) + SOl8) + SO3(8)
Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI 2KNO3 + Pbl
(Lead nitrate) (Potassium (Potassium (Lead Iodide)
iodide) nitrate)
CaO(s) + HO Ca(OH)2 + Heat
(Quick lime) (Slaked lime)
NaCl + AgNO3 -

AgCl NaNO3
(Sodium (Silver (Silver (Sodium
chloride) nitrate) chloride) nitrate)

Ca+2HNO3 Ca(NO3)2 + H2T

. Mg +2HNO, Mg(NO3)h + H1
2Al+3H2S04 Alz(SO)3 + 3H2 1t

NaCO0, +2HCI H0 +CO2

2NaCl +

Ca(OH) +
CO CaCO3 + H,O
Zn+HSO4 ZnSO4 +H2t
Z n + 2HCI ZnCl2 + H2T
4Zn+10HNO3 4Zn(NO3}2 +5H,0 + N,O
Zn +2NaOHHeat NaZnO2 +H2
On Tips Notes 17
Redox (Oxidation and Reduction) Reaction:
Oxidation (HCl is oxidized)

MnO,)+4HCI (conc.) MnCl aq) +C18) + 2H,O

Reduction (MnO, is reduced)

CHAPTER 2 Acids, Bases and Salts

Chapter Analysis
List of Topics 2018 2019 2020
Acids, bases and salts: Their definitions in terms of 1Q3 M) 1Q(3M)
furnishing of H and OH ions, general properties,
examplesand uses, amphoteric oxides
Concept of pH scale (Definition related to logarithm 10(3M) 10(3M) 1Q(1 M)
not required), importance of pH in everyday life
Or Or
Preparation and uses of sodium hydroxide, bleaching| 1Q(3M)
powder, baking soda, washing soda and Plaster of Paris.| Or 1Q(3M) 1Q(3 M)
1Q(3 M)
Note : Based on above analysis, it can important topics from this chapter are pH
be concluded that
soda and washing soda, reasoning questions,
change, preparation and uses of sodium hydroxide, baking
chemical equations).
amphoteric oxides (its examples and
Key Points and Concepts
litmus solution red are called acids. Acids are sour in taste. They give
Those substances which turn blue
aqueous solution. eg.:
H ions in HCI, HSO, HNO, CH,COOH
into ions completely are called strong acids, e.g. H,SO,
Those acids which dissociates citric acid, acetic acid.
dissociates into ions completely are called weak acids, eg.
Those acids which do not
Chemical properties of acids:
(a) Reaction with
Acid+ Metal S a l t + Hydrogen gas
2HCl(ag) + Zn (s) Z n C l , (ag) + Ha ()

Reaction with metal

carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates:
b) + Acid Salt+ CO, + H,O
Metal carbonate/metal hydrogen carbonate 2NaCl(aq)+ CO(g) +HO()
Na,COs(s) +2HCl(aq)
NaClag) + CO:(8) + H,O()
NaHCO3(s) + HCl{aq)
When carbon dioxide gas is passed through calcium
dioxide (Lime water test):
Test for carbon
it turns milky due to the formation of calcium carbonate.
hydroxide (lime water), CaCOs) HO)
Ca(OH)2aq) + CO:(8)
(White ppt.)
CaCO(s)+ H2O() +CO8) Ca(HCO);(ay)
due to the
is passed through lime water, milkiness disappear
When excess of carbon dioxide
formation of calcium hydrogen carbonate.
Neutralization reaction: It is a reaction in
which an acid reacts with base to give salt and wateras
Acid + Base Salt+ Water
NaOH(q)+ HCl(9) NaClay) +HO)
(d) Reaction with metal oxide :
Metal oxide + Acid Salt +Water

CuO(s)+ 2HCl(4q) >CuClhaq) +H,O)

18 , CldsS-X

(e) Reaction with water: Acid reacts with water and produces hydrogenions in solution.
HCIg)H (g)+CI (a9)
Chemical properties of base :
(a) Reaction with metal:
Base+Metal Salt + Hydrogen
2NaOH(aq) + Zn()Na,ZnO(6) + H:8)
(b) Reaction with non - metallic oxide:

Non- metallic oxide +Base> Salt + Water

COg)+Ca(OH)}z(ag) CaCO,(s)+ H;O)
(c)Reactionwith water: Bases give OH ions in presence of water.
Amphoteric oxides: Some metallic oxides that react with both acids and bases are called amphoteric oxides.
Alkalies : An alkali is a base that dissolves in water. eg. NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)}2, NHOH.
All alkalies are bases but all bases are not alkalies
Strength of an acid and base can be determined with the help of universal indicator and pH scale.
p H scale gives the measure of hydrogen ion concentration in a solution. It measures from 0 (very acidic)
to 14 (very alkaline). 7 indicates neutral pH.
Examples of pH in our daily life:
Stomach produces HCI, which help in digestion of food.
pH change in the mouth is the cause of tooth decay.
Bee sting leaves an acid which causes pain and irritation.
Plants require a specific pH range for healthy growth.
Change in pH (less than 5.6) of rain may cause acid rain, which has a deleterious effect on aquatic life.
Hydrated salts which are white in colour:
Washing soda : Na,CO,.10H,0

Gypsum: CaSO4.2H,0
Plaster of Paris: CaSO H,O

Reaction of different solutions with different indicators:

Colour change (if any) Colourchange (if any)
S. No. Name of the solution
Phenolphthalein Blue litmus
Sodium carbonate turns pink
2. Hydrochloric acid no change turns redd
3. Sodium chloride no change no change

The chemical formula of baking soda is NaHCO, (sodium hydrogen carbonate).
It is prepared by using sodium chloride.
NaCl+H,0 +CO2 + NH3 NH,CI + NaHCO
On heating:
2NaHCO3Hcat NazCO3 + HO+CO2
Green Vitriol
The chemical formula of Green Vitriol is FeSO47HO.
FeSO4.7H,0 is green in colour and loses water of crystallisation when it is heated.
It is then decomposed to Fe03 (brown coloured), SO2 and SO3.
FeSO + 7H,0
2FeSO) Fe,0,() + SO:(¢) +
Plaster of Paris: SO;(8)
The chemical formula of Plaster of Paris is
CasOH,O (Calcium sulphate hemihydrate)
When Plaster of Paris reacts with
water, it forms gypsum.
CaSO4H0+1 H,oCasO,2H,0
(Plaster of Paris)
Washing Soda and its Properties:
The chemical formula of
washing soda is Na,CO%.10H,0 and its chemical name is sodium carbonate.
NaCl+H,0 +CO + NHa NH,CI +NaHCO3
2NaHCO Na,CO, +CO + H0
lower than
Na,COg+ 10H,O 32C Na,CO3.10H,0
It is a basic salt because when dissolved in water it gives a strong base NaOH.
It is used as a cleansing agent for domestic purposes and also used in paper and glass industry. It is
also used for manufacture of Borax.
Bleaching Powder and its uses:
The chemical formula of bleaching powder is CaOClh
By passing chlorine into dry slaked lime Ca(OH)» bleaching powder is obtained.
Ca(OH) +ClhCaOCh + H,O
()Used for bleaching cotton and linen in the textile industry and wood pulp in paper industry etc.
(ii) It is used for disinfecting drinking water.
Important Diagrams:
pH Indicator
Acidic nature increasing Basic nature increasing
0 14


Increase in H" ion concentration Decrease in H" ion concentration

Setup which shows acid solution in water conducts electricity

6 Volt battery Bulb



Dilute HC
CHAPTER 3 Metals and Non-Metals
Chapter Analysis
List of Topics 2018 2019 2020
Properties of metals and Non-metals; Reactivity series 1Q(2M)
Formation and properties of ionic compounds. Basic 10(5M) 1Q(5M)
metallurgical processes; Corrosion and its prevention Or
1Q(5 M)
Note: Based on above analysis, it can be concluded that important topics from exam point of view are
extraction of pure metals, extraction of copper and diagram on electrolytic refining of copper, reasoning
questions on properties of metals and reactivity series.

Key Points and Concepts

Elements can be classified as metals and non-metals.
Electronic configuration of some metals and non-metals:

Type of Atomic Number of electrons in shells

element number L M

Noble gases Helium (He) 2

Neon (Ne) 10 2 8

Argon (Ar) 18 2 8 8
Metals Sodium (Na) 11 2 8

Magnesium (Mg) 12 8 2
Aluminium (Al) 13 2 8 3
Potassium (K) 19 2 8 8 1
Calcium (Ca) 20 8 2
Non-metals Nitrogen (N) 2

Oxygen (O) 2 6
Fluorine () 2
Phosphorus (P) 15 2

Sulphur (S) 16 8 6
Chlorine (CI) 17 3
Properties of lonic Compounds:
lonic compounds are solids and are somewhat hard because of the strong force of attraction between
the positive and negative ions. These compounds are generally brittle and break into pieces when
pressure is applied.

lonic compounds have high melting and boiling points.

Electrovalent compounds are generally soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents such as
kerosene, petrol etc.
lonic compounds conduct electricity in the molten state.
On Ti

Re-activity Series
Potassium Most reactive
Na Sodium
Ca Calcium
Mg Magnesium
Al Aluminium
Reactivity decreases
Zn Zinc
Fe Iron
Pb Lead
[H] Hydrogen
Cu Copper
Hg Mercury
Ag Silver
Gold Least reactive

Chemical Properties of Metals:

Condition Chemical Equation
Metal oxide
Metals are burnt in air Metal + Oxygen
Example 1: 2CuO
2Cu +O2 [Copper(II) oxide]
Example 2:
4A1 +302 2A1,03
(Aluminium) (Aluminium oxide)
Metals react with water Metal+ Water > Metal oxide + Hydrogen
Metal oxide+ Water > Metal hydroxide
2HO()2KOH(a9) + Hz(g) + heat energy
Example 2:
2Na(s)+ 2H0() 2NaOH(ag) + H2lg)+ heatenergy
Example 3:Ca(s)+ 2H,O() Ca(OH)2(aq) + H28)

Example 4
2Al()+ 3H,Og)- AlO%(s) + 3H2(g)
3Fe(s)+4H,O(g)> Fe304(s) + 4H2(8)
Example 5
K0 + H0 2KOH
Metals react with acids Metal + Dilute acid Salt +Hydrogen
Culs)+ 2HCl(ag) CuClhlag) + Hzl8)
Metal A + Salt solution of B Salt solution of A + Metal B
Metals react with solutions
of other metal salts
Fe(s) + CuSO4(aq)_ FeSO4(ag) +Cu(s)
Chemical Properties of Non-metals:
(a) Reaction with oxygen: Non-metals form acidic oxides.

e.g. C(s)+Og) CO28)

b) Reaction with water: Non-metals do not reactwith water, because they do not release any electrons
Reaction with dilute acids: No reaction
(d) Reaction with saltsolutions: A more reactive non-metal will displace less reactive non-metal from
its salt solution.
(e) Reaction with chlorine: Non-metals react with chlorine to form chloride.

e.g H2+Clh 2HCI

(Reaction with hydrogen: Non-metals reacts with hydrogen to form hydrides.
e.g. H2 +S HS
Reaction between metals and non-metals
Reactivity of an element is the tendency to attain a completely
filled valence shell.
Atoms of metals can lose electrons from valence shells to form cations while atoms of non-metals

can gain electrons in valence shell to form anions.

Opposite charged ions attract each other and are held by strong electrostatic forces of attraction
forming ionic compounds.
Formation of Sodium Chloride
Na Nat+ e
2,8,1 2,8
(Sodium cation)
CI+e Cl
2,8,7 2,8,8
(Chloride anion)
Na C(Na"):or NaCl
Formation of Magnesium Chloride
Mg Mg?* + 2e
2, 8, 2 2,8
(Magnesium cation)
CI+e C
2,8,7 2,8,8
(Chloride anion)
Mg (Mg or MgClh
Important Diagrams:
Electron dot structure

Sodium (Na) -2, 8,1 Chlorine (CI) -2,8,7

Oxygen (0)-2,6 Magnesium (Mg) -2, 8,2

CHAPTER 4 Carbon And Its Compounds

Chapter Analysis
List of Topics 2018 2019 2020
Carbon and its Properties, Homologous Series and IUPAC| 1Q(3 M)
1Q(2M) 2Q(1 M)
10(3 M)
Carbon Compounds, Soap and Detergents 1Q(2M) 10(5M)
Note : Based on above analysis, it can be concluded that
important topics from this chapter are structure
of carbon compound, formation of covalent bonds,
homologous series, their properties and generat
formulas, structure and examples of saturated carbon compounds, molecular formula and electron dot
structure of ethene.
Kev Points and Concepts
Carbon is a tetravalent non-metal. It forms covalent bond because the atomic number of carbon is 6 and
its electronic configuration is 2, 4. So, to attain a noble gas configuration it requires four more electrons
in its valence shell. Carbon attains the noble gas configuration by sharing its valence electrons with
other atoms. Such mutual sharing of electrons between atoms to attain a stable noble
gas configuration
is called covalent bonding.
Carbon compounds are mostly covalent compounds formed by the sharing of the outermost
Properties of carbon which enable it to form enormously large number of compounds are catenation
and tetravalency.
Catenation is the property of carbon atom to form covalent bonds with other atoms ofcarbon.
Tetravalency: Carbon requires 4 electrons to form tetravalent. It is because it has a valency of4.
As a result, carbon atom is capable of bonding with atoms of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur,
chlorine and other elements. The smaller size of carbon atom enables nucleus to hold the shared
pair of electrons strongly, thus carbon compounds are very stable in general
Covalent and lonic Compounds:

S. No. Covalent Compounds Ionic Compounds

1. They are readily soluble in organic solvent. They are not soluble in organic
2. They do not ionise. They ionise in organic medium.
3. They are bad conductors of heat and electricity. | They
are good conductors of heat and electricity.
4. They have weak force of attraction between | They have strong force of attraction between
the molecules.
the molecules.

Formation of Molecules:
Hydrogen Shared electrons

Hydrogen atoms

> Shared electrons Chlorine

Chlorine atoms molecule
H molecule(H)H H-H

Shared electrons Nitrogen Shared electrons

0= 0
Nitrogen atoms Nitrogen molecule
Oxygen atoms Oxygen molecule
cGH) H-¢-H

Water Carbon Dioxide

:0: H-0- H or o

Classification of Hydrocarbons

Aliphatic or open Cyclic or closed

chain compounds chain compounds

Saturated Unsaturated Alicyclic Aromatic

Alkanes (Paraffins)
CyH2n+2 Alkenes (Olefins) Alkynes
CHp CHan-2
Alkyl Group:
Alkylgroup-R Derived from Alkane Name of Alkyl group
-CH Methane methyl
-CHs Ethane ethyl
-CHy Propane propyl
and so on
Homologous Series of Alkene: Formula for Alkene: C,H2n(n * 1)
No. of carbon atomss Name of the Alkene Molecular formula
Ethene CaH4
3 Propene CgH
Butene CAHg
5 Pentene
Homologous Series of Alkyne: Formula for Alkyne: C,H2z-2 (n * 1)
No. of carbon atoms Name of the Alkyne Molecular formula
Ethyne CH
3 Propyne CgH4
4 Butyne CaHs
5 Pentyne CHg
Common Functional Groups:
Functional group Class General Formula Example
>C =C < Alkene
CyHa (n1) HC = CH2

-C=C- Alkyne C,Han-2(n :1) HC= CH

-X (E CI, Br, 1) Haloalkane R-X CH3-CI
-OH Alcohol R-OH CH-OH
-H R-C-H
Aldehyde H,C--H
Ketones R- -R
C-OH Carboxylic acid OH
C-0- Ester

on the body and mind of and if she

woman 28. (i) Chlorine
is not ready, her health will be adversely (ii) 3rd period
affected. Contraceptive methods help in (ii) 17th group
avoiding pregnancy and also help in keeping CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)%
(iv) 2,8,7
gaps between two children so that women's
body recovers. These methods help in limiting 29. Just before Starch test- Pale yellow
number of children to one or two. test Blue black
Just after Starch

26. () Dispersion: Breaking up of white light

into component colours
6CO+6H,0 SunlightCH,0,+ 60,
(ii) Red colour deviates the least and violet O, is obtained from water (H,O), as splitting
deviates the most. of water results in formation of hydrogen
CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] 1+1 (used for making glucose) and oxygen (by.

OR product).
The phenomenon of change in the direction [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2018-1913
of propagation of light caused by the large
number of particles present in the atmosphere 30. Pea Plant/ Garden pea/Pisum sativum
is called scattering of light. F-All tal; F- Tall and short
Example: The path of beam of light becomes Phenotypic Ratio-Tall : Short
visible through a colloidal solution due to 3:1
scattering of light. 2 Genotypic ratio- TT : Tt: tt
1:2:1 1+141
SECTION C ICBSE Marking Scheme, 2019
27. (a) A group of organic compounds havingthe Detailed Answer:
same functional group and similar structures Mendel used Pisum sativum (Pea plant) for his
in which any two successive members differ experiment.
by-CH Mendel took a tall pea (TT) plant and a short
(b)) All members have similar chemical pea (tt) plant. When he crossed both, the first
filial generation (F) obtained were tall. When
F progeny was self-pollinated, all plants
(i) There is gradation in the physical obtained in F2 generation were not tall. Instead
properties. 4 (orany other) three tall pea
(c) Name Ethanoicacid/Acetic acid (dominant) plants and one short
pea (recessive) plant were obtained.
FormulaCH,COOH Parents TT tt
[CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017] (Tal)
Carbon cannot form C cation because
F generation
removal of 4 electrons from a carbon atom
would require a large amount of energy. Tt
Carbon cannot form C anion because it (Tall)
would be difficult for the nucleus with 6 Selfing of F: Tt X Tt
protons to hold on to 10 electrons. (Tall) (Tall)
Hence, carbon atoms share electrons forming T
covalent compounds. TT Tt
Covalent compounds do not form ions/ Tall Tall
charged particles and therefore do not Tt tt
conduct electricity Tall Short
Inter molecular forces of attraction are weak, Phenotypic ratio and genotypic ratio shou
hence they have low melting and boiling be in the
same horizontal
points. Phenotypic ratio Genotypic ratio
[CBSE Marking Scheme, 20171 3 Tall:1 short 1 Pure Tall (TT:2 Hybrid (
1 Pure short (tt)
Commonly Made Error 33. A coil of 149
many turns of
Most students explain this answer incorrectly. wrapped cosely in the Isulated copper wire

shape of a
cylinder. 1
Answering Ti
Practice a number of examples for Monohybrid
and Dihybrid cross.

31. ()


Distinguishing features:
Solenoid Bar Magnet
1. Field disappear | No effect
of current
stopping the current. on field.

Strength of the field

Strength cannot be
can be changed changed.
by changing the

3. Direction can be Direction is fixed

reversed by changing and cannot be
the direction of reversed.
current through it.

(Any two features) 2

[CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015]3
32. 52 10 Q 15 Q
CBSE Marking Scheme, 2019]

34. CH/Simplest hydrocarbon

30 V
R = R, + R + R, = 30 n 1

I 30
Covalent bonds
V across 10 2 =IR = 1x 10 10 V
I across 10 2 = 1 A ) No ions or charged particles are
release of eEE and eEEs are not
(i) Due to weak covalent bonds (ii) Interfere in
Carbon dioxide and released.
water are produced/
CH+20 CO+ 2H,O CBSE Marking Scheme,202013+2
%+1+%+1+1+1 36. (i) He should use a concave mirror as it forms
[CBSE Marking Scheme, 2019] real images.
candle flame between the
(ii) He should place the
Commonly Made Error focus and centre of curvature of the mirror to
Students often make mistake while drawing the wall.
get the magnified image
electron dot structures.
(c) The ray diagram for the fornmation of the image
Answeringup is shown below:
Understand the basic concepts involved in
drawing the dot structure. Make sure that you
have dots for all shared bonds.

35. (a) Female reproductive system O'
Name of parts: C
1: Fallopian tube/Oviduct
4: Cervix

5:Vagina %+ % x5 (d) Yes, he can get a diminished image of the

candle flame when the object is located at
(b) Contraception: Method to avoid pregnancy %
infinity. OR beyond C 2+1+1+1
Advantages: OR
i) Proper gap between two pregnancies (a) (i) Pole - Centre of the reflecting surface of
(ii) Avoiding unwanted pregnancy the mirror.
(ii) Keeping population under control % x3
(ii) Centre of curvature - The centre of the
ICBSE Marking Scheme, 2019] hollow sphere of which the reflecting
Commonly Made Error surface is a part.
Students often identify incorrect labels. Many (iii) Principal axis- Straight-line passing
of them forget to answer the 2nd part of the through the pole and the centre of
questions. curvature of a spherical mirror.
(iv) Principal focus -

Incident rays parallel

Answering TIp to principal axis, after reflection, either
.While studying the reproductive system offe- cor verge or appear to diverge from a
male, stress on the structure and function of fixed point the
every part.
principal axis calle
principal focus of the spherical mirror.
OR 4x

Prostate glands and seminal vesicle add their (b) )

secretions that the sperms are in a fluid
so A M
their transport
(seminal fluid) and it makes D
easier and also provides nutrition. Testes
secrete testosterone which brings about

changes in the appearances in the boys at the At

time of puberty. Infinity
sex selected abortion
(ii) Female foeticides/illegal B
of female fetus. N
Answering Tip SECTIONC
.Learn and understand the basic concepts of
each periodic classification and make a list 27. Acid
Hydrochloric acid/HCI
Base Sodium hydroxide/NaODH
of how each one differs from the other one.
Understanding and making points in each Neutral Salt
periodic classification and learning them is the When it forms brown crystals combined wi
best way to avoid confusions and mistakes. impurities.
Drying up of
"Properties of elements are the periodic
function of their atomic number" (a) The cake will have
a bitter taste because of the
formation of Na,CO/sodium carbonate while
(i) There are 18 groups.
(ii) There are 7 periods in the modern baking/heating
periodic (b) By adding tartaric acid
1+%+ (c) The liberated CO2 gas.
23. Nitrogenous waste present in urine is uric acid [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2018] 1+1+1
or urea.
The basic filtration unit of kidney is nephron. Commonly Made Error
1+1 .Usually students get confused with baking
24. (a) Reasons:
powder and baking soda.
i) Pea plant is small and easy to grow.
(i) A large number of true breeding varieties Answering Tip
of pea plant are available. .Learn the chemical formulae and practice al
(ii) Short life cycle. the preparation reactions.
(iv) Both self and cross-pollination can be
made possible. (Any two reasons) 28. Vertical Column-Groups
Horizontal Rows- Periods
2x h =1 (i) Metallic character increases.
(b) Contrasting characters
Round/Wrinkled seeds Reason: Ability to lose electrons increases on
Tall/Short plants moving down the group due to increase in
distance between the nucleus and the valence
White/Purple flowers electrons/decrease in the attraction between
Green/Yellow seeds (Any two) 2 x % the nucleus and the valence electrons. 1
25. (a) Magnetic field line 1 (ii) Atomic radius decreases.
Path which a hypothetical free north pole Reason : The nuclear
along charge increases on
moving from left to right across a period
would tend to move. By drawing a tangent to
the magnetic field line at that point. 1 resulting in increase in the attraction between
OR the nucleus and the valence electrons.
(b) Yes. ICBSE Marking Scheme, 2017
With change in current in the coil X, the 29. (i) Genetics is the branch of biology that
magnetic field associated with it also changes with the study of deals
around the coil Y placed near it. This change in
heredity and variations. 1
(i) Gregor Johann Mendel, garden
(ii) Garden pea plants were easily available/t*
magnetic field induces a current in the coilY.1 pea.
26. In a food chain, the number of trophic levels grow in one season/ fertilization was easy.
are limited to 4-5. This is because according to
10% law of energy transfer, only 10% of energy (Any two) % + %
passes from one trophic level to next. Thus the 30. () Ovary Produces egg
female sex hormone/ estrogen.female game
amount of energy goes on decreasing with +%
successive trophic levels. After five trophic i) Fallopian tube Transfer of ovum to t
levels, existence of organisms would become uterus, site for fertilization +%

impossible with such negligible amount of (1) Uterus Site of implantation of zygote
energy 2 development of embryo.
OR ICBSE Marking Scheme, 2017
We need to clean of aquarium because ofthe: 31. Cause of dispersion of white ligh : Different
i) absence of natural decomposer. colours of light bend
through different ang
(ii) stagnancy of water. 1+1 With respect to the incident
ray as they P
through a prism.
ated copP ir turns of
copper wire wrapp
() Correct diagram are not drawn shape of cylinde is called closely in the
(ii) Thearrows are not by students solenoid.
(ii) Colours R and V are not
(iv) Both prism are not drawnmarked properly
Answering Tip
Practice drawing diagrams with
lings and markings. proper labe
The angle between the
and the extended incident ray Magnetic field lines through and around
emergent ray is called the angle of current carrying solenoid. a
deviation. 1%+1%
This is because the different colours ICBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
through a glass prism at different travel
speeds. SECTIOND
Deviation of 34.
red light
White S. No. Metals Non-Metals
1. Lose electrons
light to Gain electrons
form positive ions/ | to form negative
electropositive in ions are
electronegative in
Angular nature.
spread Screen 2. React with dilute acids | Do not react with
Commonly Made Error toliberate hydrogen diluteacids
Students often draw incorrect diagram. 3. Generally metal Generally non
Oxides are basic in metal oxides are
Answering Tip nature. acidic in nature.
Draw correct and labelled
diagram. Deviation
oflight should be marked completely. The rays (b) (i) Painting
should not intersect with other relevant rays. (ii) Oiling
(ii) Galvanization
32. Given, Radius, r =
0.01 cm =
0.01 x 104 m. (vi) Alloying
Resistivity, p = 50 x 10* Am. ICBSE Marking Scheme, 2018]5
Resistivity, R = 10 2 Commonly Made Error
Students get confused and interchange the
R p propertiesof metals and non-metals.
RT2 Answering Tip
I= .Don't get confused between acceptor and
gainer of electron concept.
Learn and understand the properties of both
10x3.14x0.01x10x0.01x104 metals and non-metals with examples.
18. Study the diagram of human respiratory system and answer the following questions?

(a) The balloon like structures present in 'S' is:

() Nephron (i) Alveoli
(ii) Bronchi (iv) Bronchiole
(b) Which of these organ is surrounded by cartilaginous rings ?
) P i) Q
(ii) R (iv) S
(c) Which of these statements is incorrect
regarding human lungs?
(i) It is the secondary organ for respiration.
(i) It is located on the two sides of heart.
(ii) The membrane that encloses lungs is pleural membrane.
(iv) The alveolar epithelium of lungs is norn-ciliated epithelium.
(d) Trachea is divided into two smaller tubes called
() Bronchi i) Bronchioles
(ii) Larynx (iv) Alveoli
(e) Which of these is the function of balloon like structure
present in lungs?
) Exchange of gases (i) Absorption of nutrients
(ii) Transport of food (iv) Removal of waste materials
19. Carefully understand the given diagram of human male
four questions.
reproductive system and answer any




(a) The parts labelled as A and B are and

() Seminal vesicle and prostate gland respectively.
(ü) Prostate gland and seminal vesicle
(iii) Urethra and prostate gland
(iv) Urethra and seminal vesicle
(b) Which ot these hormones is produced by organ X ?
(i) Estrogen (ii) Progesterone
(ii) Testosterone (iv) Adrenalin
(c) Which of these is the function of the hormone released by organ X?
i) It controls gamete formation.
(i) It develops sexual characteristics in human males.
(ii) It develops sexual characteristics in human females.
(iv) Both (6) and (i)
(d) The substances that are transported by tubes C and D respectively are:
(i) C-Sperms, D- Semen and urine
(i) C-Semen, D- Unine
(ii) C-Uine, D- Saliva
(iv) C-Sperms, D-Saliva
fe) Which of the following statements is correct about sperms and eggs of humans
i) Sperms contain one of the two types of sex chromosomes ie., X chromosomes and Y
i) Egg contains one type of sex chromosomes only ie., X chromosome.
(ii) Sperms contain one type of sex chromosomes only i.e. Y chromosome
(iv) Both () and (i)
E20. Understand the given diagram and answer any four questions.
In the given diagram, two coils of insulated copper wire are wound over a non-conducting8
cylinder as shown. Coil P has larger number of turns.
Coil P Coil S


(a) What will you observe when key Kis closed?

(i) A momentary deflection shown by the galvanometer
(ii) A momentary deflection shown by the galvanometer
but in opposite direction.
(ii) No momentary deflection shown by the galvanometer
(iv) None of these.
(b) Give for your observations.

is involved in this?
(c) Which of the phenomenon
i) Electromagnetic induction (i) Tyndall effect
(ii) Heating effect (iv) Ohm's law

d) Name of two coils used in this experiment.

(e) The rule which gives the direction of induced current is:
rule (i) Fleming's left hand rule
) lemings right hand
(iv) Maxwell corkscrew rule
(ii) Maxwell right hand rule

21. When Hydrogen gas is passed over heated copper (1) oxide, copper and steam are formed. Write
the balanced chemical equation with physical states for this reaction. State what kind of chemical
reaction is this ? 2
22. What is bleaching powder ? How is it prepared? List two uses of bleaching powder. 2
23. Name the following:
(i) A metal, which is preserved in kerosene.
(i) A lustrous coloured non-metal.

(iii) A metal, which can melt while kept on palm.

(iv) A metal, which is a poor conductor of heat. 2
Arrange the metals iron, magnesium, zinc and copper in the increasing order of their reactivity.
What will be the two made by the student when iron filings are added to sulphate solution? 2
A 24. Give reasons for the following:
() The muscular walls of ventricles are thicker than the walls of atria.
(ii) Arteries have thick elastic walls. 2
Draw a diagram of cross-section of the human heart and label the following parts:

()Rightventricle (i) Aorta

(iii)Left atrium (iv) Pulmonary arteries.
25. determine north and south pole of an electromagnet with the
How can
iron bar ?
help of magnetised
26. State the physical quantity which is equal to the ratio of potential difference and current. Define
its SI unit. 2

B 27. A compound X of sodium is used as an antacid and it decomposes on strong heating.
() Name the compound X and give its chemical formula ?
(i) Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the decomposition of X' ?
(ii) Give one use of compound X besides an antacid ?
(a) For the preparation of cakes, baking powder is used. If at home your mother uses baking soda
instead of baking powder, how will it affect the taste of the cake and
why ?
(b) How is baking soda be converted into baking powder?
(c)What makes the cake soft and spongy ? 3
28. State reason for the following:
() Non-metals cannot displace hydrogen from the acids.
(i) Hydrogen is nota metal, yet it is placed in the activity series of metals.

Gi) Aluminium is more reactive than iron, yet its corrosion is less than that of 3
A 29, Write three types of blood vessels ? Give one important feature of each ? 3
20 Tn one of his experiments with pea plants Mendel observed that when a pure tall pea plant 1s
crossed with a pure dwarf pea plants, in the first generation, F, only tall plants appear.
)What happens to the traits of the dwarf plants in this case?
i When the F1 generation plants were self-tertilised, he observed that in the plants of
generation, Fa, both tall plants and dwarf plants were present. Why it happened ? Explai
21 How will you create an artificial aquatic ecosystem, which is self-sustainable ?
310 32. It is desired to obtain an erect image of an object, using concave mirror of focal length of 12 cm.
) What should be the 111
range of the object distance in the above case ?
(ii) Will the image be smaller or larger than the object ? Drawa
of ray diagram to show the formation
image in
this case.
(ii) Where will the image of this
object be, if it is placed 24 cm in front of the mirror 7
(i) Write the tormula for Resistance in
terms of p, L and A. If the area of cross section of wire is
mode (i) A/3 (i) 3A.
(ii) Find the Resistance in each case and
write in which case it will be maximum and
33. Explain the role of UV radiation in formation of ozone with the
the pollutant and write its role in help of a chemical reaction. Name
depletion of ozone layer ? 3
34. (a) Define the following terms?
() Valency, (ii) Atomic size.
(b) How do the valency and the atomic size of the elements
along a period in the modern periodic table ? vary while going from left to right
Two elements 'A and 'B'
belong to the 3r" period of Modern periodic table and are in group 2 and
13 respectively. Compare their
following characteristics in tabular form:
(i) Number of electrons in their atoms
(ii) Size of their atoms
(ii) Their tendencies to lose electrons
(iv) The formula of their oxides
(v) Their metallic character
(vi) The formula of their chlorides. 5
35. (a) What is pollination? Give its two types.
(b) Drawa longitudinal section of female reproductive part of a flower showing germination of
pollen grain. Label on it the following:
i) Stigma;
(i) Pollen tube with a male germ cell;
(ii) Female germ cell. 5
36. (a) Write an activity for observing scattering of light in colloidal solution ?
(b) On the basis of this activity explain why sky appears red at sunrise or sunset ? 5
What is Tyndall effect? What is its causes ? Name two phenomena observed in daily life which
are based on Tyndall effect. 5
114 Proton

(a) forces baoth pointing into the plane of paper.
(b) forces both pointing out of the plane of paper
(c) forces pointing into the plane of paper and out of the plane of paper, respectively.
(d) forces pointing opposite and along the direction of the uniform magnetic field, respectively. 1
Directions: For question numbers 14 and 16, two statements are given- one labelled Assertion
(A) and the other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the
codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given
(a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
() A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true
A14. Assertion (A): Rainbow formation in the sky takes place during rainfall.
Reason (R): Rainbow formation is due to dispersion oflight and internal reflection. 1
15. Assertion (A): Bending a wire does not affect electrical resistance
Reason (R) : Resistance of wire is proportional to resistivity of material. 1
16. Assertion (A): Metals are sonorous.
Reason (R): They are generally brittle in the solid state; they break into pieces when hammered.
Assertion (A): lonic compounds are solid and hard.
Reason (R): They have strong force of attraction between positive and negative ions.
Directions Answer Q. No 17- 20 contain five sub-parts each. You are
expected to answer any
four sub-parts.
17. A metal is treated with dilute sulphuric acid. The gas evolved is collected by the method shown
in the figure:

(a) Identify the gas.

() Hydrogen gas (i) Carbon dioxide gas
(i) Nitrogen gas (iv) Sulphur dioxide gas
(b) Which of the following statement is correct about the
It is soluble in water.
(i) It is
i) heavier than air.
It is insoluble water. (iv) Both
(ii) (ii) and (ii)
(c) How it helps in fat digestion?
(d) The digestion of food starts in
() A (i) D
(ii) E (iv) F
(e) In case of diarrhea, which major process does not takes
i) Absorption of food
place normally in region F?
(i) Absorption of water
(ii) Secretion of hormones (iv) Removal of waste material

21. A student added few
pieces of aluminium metal to two test tubes A and B containing aqueous
solutions of iron sulphate and copper
sulphate. In the second part of her experiment, she added
iron metal to another test tubes Cand D
containing aqueous solutions ofaluminium sulphate and
copper sulphate. In which test tube or test tubes will she observe colour change ? On the basis of
this experiment, state which one is the most reactive metal and why. 2
Arrange the metals iron, magnesium, zinc and copper in the increasing order of their reactivity.
What will be the two made by the student when iron filings are added to sulphate solution ? 2
22. How do guard cells regulate opening and closing of stomatal pores ? 2
23. The refractive indices of glass and water with respect to air areand 4 respectively. If speed of

light in glass is 2 x 10" m/s, find the speed of light in water. 2

24. List two properties of the images formed by convex mirrors. Draw ray diagram in support of your
answer. 2
Why spectrum is formed when white light is passed through a glass prism ? 2
25. State the factors on which at a given temperature the resistance of a
cylindrical conductor depends.
State the SI unit of resistivity. 2
26. Why must we conserve our forest ? List two factors responsible for causing deforestation.

27. (i) Write two observations when lead nitrate is heated in a test tube?
(ii) Name the type of reaction?
(iii) Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the above reaction?
Name any elementsof grouponeand write their electronic
configurations ? What similarity
do you observe in their electronic configurations? Write the formula of oxide for any of the above
said element.
An element 'X has mass number 35 and number of neutrons 18. Write atomic number and
electronic configuration of X. Also write group number, period number and valency of 'X. 3
29. What is carpel ? Write the function of its various parts. 3
30. In human beings, the statistical probability of getting either a male or a female child is 50%. Give
reasons and explain with the help ofa diagram? 3
B 31. An object of height 5 cm is placed perpendicular to the principal axis of a concave lens of length 10
cm.If the distance of the object from the optical centre of the lens is 20
cm, determine the position,
nature and size of the image formed using the lens formula.
32. Name, state and explain with an example the rule used to determine the direction of force
experienced by a current carrying conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field? 3
33. (i) Create a terrestrial food chain depicting four trophic levels.
(i) Why do we not find food chains of more than four trophic levels in nature ? 3

34. Write balanced chemical equations for the following statements
(i) Bleaching powder is kept open in air.
(ii) Blue crystals of copper sulphate are heated.
(iii) Chlorine gas is passed through dry slaked lime.
(iv) Carbon dioxide gas is passed through lime water
(v) NaOH solution is heated with zinc granules. 5
Write the chemical nameof Na,CO,.10H,O and Na,C0,? Write the significance of 10HO? Mention
the term used for water molecules attached with a salt ? With the help of a chemical equation,
explain the method of preparation of both Na,CO.10H,O and Na,CO, ? Also, list two uses of
Na,CO.1OH,O. 5
3 5 . () Identify any two parts from the given diagram which carry oxygenated and deoxygenated

(ii) Explain the process of double circulation with the help of a flow chart ?
36. () What is meant by potential difference? State its SI unit.
(ii) Name device that helps to maintain a potential difference across a
conductor ?
(ii Calculate (a) the highest, (b) the lowest resistance that can be obtained by the combination
of four coils of resistances 4S2, 82, 122 and 242 ? 5
(a) Two identical resistors each of resistance 10 ohm are connected in
(i) Series, (ii)
turn to a battery of 6V. Calculate the ratio of power consumed
in the two cases.
by the combination of resistor
(b) List two factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends ?
(c) Write a difference between an ammeter and voltmeter? 5
A 23. () What were the limitations of Dobereiner's triad ?
(i) Why did Mendeleev leave some gaps in his periodic
table 2
24. Give two advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction. 2
Write two functions of each (i) Testis, (ii) Ovaries.
25. Magnetic field lines are shown in the given diagram. A student makes a statement that magnetic

diagram and mark the

field at X is stronger than at Y. Justify this statement. Also redraw the
direction of magnetic field lines.

2 6 . Whatis a solenoid ? Mention two ways to increase the strength of the field of a solenoid. 2

27. You are provided with 90 mL of distilled water and 10 mL of concentrated sulphuric acid to
prepare dilute sulphuric acid.
i) What is the correct way of preparing dilute sulphuric acid ? Give reason.
(i) How will the concentration of H,o* ions change on dilution? 3
28. What is a homologous series of carbon compounds? Give an example and list its three
characteristics. 3
What are covalent compounds ? How are they different from ionic
properties of covalent compounds.
compounds ? List any two
29. List in tabular form three distinguishing features between
nutrition. autotrophicnutrition and heterotrophic
30. A cross was made between pure breeding pea plants one with
round and green seeds and the
other with wrinkled and yellow seeds.
() Write the phenotype of F, progeny ? Give reason for your answer?
(ii) Write the different types of F, progeny obtained along with their
ratio when F, progeny was
A 31. In the figure given below, a
narrow beam of white light is shown to pass through a
glass prism. After passing through the prism, it produces a triangular
spectrum XY on the screen.

() Name the phenomenon.

(ii) State the colours seen at X and Y.
i) Why do different colours of white light bend at different
32. Derive an expression for electric
angles through a
prism? 3
the potential difference applhea to it, 18
consumed in a device in
terms of V, I andt, where V is
current flows ?
the current drawn by it and is the
time for which the
Sample Questioi
lines around bar magnet. List any two properties of
diagram to show the magnetic field
33. Draw a
magnetic field lines.


34. State the reason for the following:

(i) Aluminium oxide is called an amphoteric oxide.
blue solution pale green.
(ii) An iron strip dipped in a blue copper sulphate solution turns the
(ii) Hydrogen gas is not evolved when most metals react with nitric
(iv) Calcium does not occur in free state in nature.
(v) Sodium or potassium metals are kept immersed under kerosene.
3 5 . (a) Write the functions of following parts in human female reproduction system ?
() Ovary, (i) Oviduct, (ii) Uterus
(b) Describe in brief the structure and function of placenta ?
lead to fertilization ?
What is pollination ? How does it occur in plants ? How does pollination
36. An object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from a concave lens of focal length 30 cm.
(i) Use lens formula to determine the distance of the image from the lens.
(ii) List four characteristics of the image (nature position, size, erect/inverted) in this case.
(iii)Draw a labelled diagram to justify your answer of part (i). 5
) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image by a convex lens when an object is placed
in front of the lens between its optical centre and principal focus.
(i) In the above ray diagram mark the object-distance (u) and the image-distance () with their
proper signs (+ve or - ve as per the new Cartesian sign convention) and state how these
distances are related to the focal length (f) of the convex lens in this case.
(iii) Find the power of a cornvex lens which forms a real, and inverted
image of magnification -1
of an object placed at a distance of 20 cm from its optical centre.
27. In the reaction:
MnO+ 4HCI > MnCl, + 2H,0 + Cl2
(a) Name the compound (i) oxidised, (i) reduced.
(b) Define oxidation and reduction on its basis.
28. 1gof solid sodium chloride is taken in a clean and dry test tube and 2mL of conc. sulphuric acid
is added to it. If the gas evolved is tested first with dry and then with wet blue litmus
paper, in
which case will the litmus paper change colour ? Give reason for your answer?
can be drawn about the nature of the evolved
What inference
gas ? Support your answer with chemical equation
for the reaction. 3
2 9 . Mention the pathway of urine starting from the organ of its formation. Name four substances
which are reabsorbed from the initial filtrate in the tubular part of the
nephron? 3
30. In the context of reproduction of species state the main difference between fission and
fragmentation. Also give one example of each.
What is
multiple fission ? How does it occur in an organism ? Explain briefly. Name one organism
which exhibits this type of reproduction. 3
31. (i) What is visible spectrum?
(i) Whyis red used as the stopping light at traffic signals?
(ii) Two triangular glass prisms are kept together connected through their rectangular side. A
light beam is passed through one side of the combination. Will there be any dispersion?
Justify your answer. 3
32. Explain whether an alpha partice will experience any force in a magnetic field if
(i) Itis placed in the field at rest ?
(ii) It moves in the magnetic field parallel to field lines.
(ii)It moves in the magnetic field perpendicular to field lines. 3
33. While teaching the chapter "Our Environment" the teacher stressed upon the harmful effects
of burning of fossil fuels, plastic paper etc. The students noticed the extensive use of plastic and
polythene in daily life, which canbe avoided and the surroundings can be keptclean. They decided
to make their school "Plastic and Polythene" free and motivated each other for its minimum use.
(a) Why should the use of polythene and plastic be reduced in daily life ?
(b) In what way the students would have avoided the use of plastic and polythene in their school

(c) How the students would have motivated each other for the success of their decision. 3

3 4 . (a) The modern periodic table has been evolved through the early attempts of Dobereiner,
Newland and Mendeleev. List one advantage and one limitation of all the three attempts.

(b) Name the scientist who first of all showed that atomic number of an element is a more
fundamental property than its atomic mass? 5
35. (a) Name the organ that produces sperms as well as secretes a hormone in human males. Name

the hormone it secretes and write its functions?

where fertilisation occurs?
(6) Name the parts of the human female reproductive system
() Explain how the embryo gets nourishment inside the mother's body. 5
of this
vegetative propagation ? List with brief explanation three advantages practising
What is
which are grown
process for growing same types of plants. Select two plants from the following
by this process:
Banana, Wheat, Mustard, Jasmine, Gram. 5

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