Guess Paper English

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‫‪Guess Paper 2023‬‬

‫اکایمیب اکوعتزی‬
‫صرف پانچ دن میں تیاری کریں‬

‫ادمحلوہللاعموطررپ‪ 80‬دصیفےک‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫ہیامتموساالتاپٹسرپیپزےسےیلےگںیہ۔‬
‫ہیوساالتااہتنیئامہ ںیہ‪ .‬وجہکابرابررپیپزںیمٓارےہ ںیہ‬
‫پیپ رپ ڈی ایف‬ ‫ے‬ ‫ٓ‬
‫تمام بکس ےک گیس ر‬ ‫چاہت ےہی تو‬ ‫می اچھے مارکس لینا‬ ‫پیپ‬
‫ر ے‬ ‫پ‬‫ا‬ ‫اگر‬
‫ےکلیگوگل پر رسچ کریں‬ ‫ڈنلوڈ ے‬
‫ے‬ ‫ان سواالت کو ویب سائیٹ ےس وضاحت ےک‬
‫‪Guess Paper TestPoint‬‬ ‫تی بار ےضور ے‬
‫پڑھی۔‬ ‫ساتھ دو ےس ے ے‬

‫ارگٓاپرہوصرتںیمونرکی احلصرکاناچےتہںیہوتوبیاسٹیئےساجرک یبسےکاطمقبامتم وساالت‬
‫مکازمکدوےسنیتابرڑپںیھ۔ ایھچایترییہٓاوکپرہوصرتںیمونرکی دولایتکس‬
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

B. The work
A. The work C. The work D. The work
will have been
will be will have will have been
They will have completed the work by the time we get completed by
completed by
them by the
completed by completed by B
the time we the time we the time we
time we get
get there get there have got there

" You may go home as soon as your work is done". The A. Simple B. complex C. Compound D. Imperative
given sentence is an example of. sentence sentence sentence sentence B
3 "All Along " means: A. Altogether B. All the time C. Agree D. None B
4 "At" is : A. Article B. Adjective C. Preposition D. None C
C. A difficult
5 "Behind the scene" means: A. There after B. Privately
D. None B
B. Make D. None of the
6 "Eat humble pie" means what? A. Infect
C. Make a noise
above B
C. Feel
7 "Feel blue" means A. Feel sad B. Feel Happy
D. Feel angry A
"Fortune favors the brave" . which type of noun is the
underline word .
A. Concrete B. Collective C. Abstract D. Proper C
A. The council B. The Council C. The Council
is urged to was urged to has urged to
9 "He urged the council to reduce the rates'"
reduce the reduce the reduce the
D. None B
rates rates rates

"If they are busy people, they will miss the news". The given A. First B. Second C. third D. Zero
sentence is a kind of the sentence condition condition condition condition A
D. Keep
A. Keep at a B. Keep at the
11 "Keep at bay" idiom
distance keep shore
C. Keep in mind thinking about A

B. To adopt C. To reveal
12 "Let the cat out of bag." idiom meaning A. To save cat
measures secret
D. None C
"marlowe simply prepared the way for the master who was B. William D. Thomas
the follow. "who is the master referred to in this remark?
A. Ben Johnson
C. John webster
Middleton B
A. Rough C. Exact D. An easy
14 "Rule of Thumb" means what _____?
B. Fixed Rule
estimation choice A
A. To
15 "To catch on "means
B. To hang C. To hold D. To take C
A. To start B. To end the C. To start a D. To end up
16 "To ice the break" means what?
quarreling hostility conversation partnership C
A. To hide C. To evade D. To say
17 "To save one's face" means what?
B. To oppose
disgrace plainly C
18 "To say the word "means A. Conversation B. Talk C. Tell D. None D
A. Why I was B. Why were C. Why were D. Why was he
"Why did he defraud you of your earnings" choose the
correct Active voice
defraud of you defraud of you defraud of defraud of my B
your earnings your earning my earning earning

A. (a)(c)(b)(d) B. (e)(c)(b)(d) C. (a)(e)(b)(d)

20 (a) key (b) door (c) lock (d) room (e) switch on
(e) (a) (c)
D. none A

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

(choose with correct capitalization and punctuation) Where

A. Where are B. Where are C. Where are D. Where are
are Faraz and Saad going?, Where are faraz and Saad
going?, Where are Faraz and saad going?, Where are Faraz,
Faraz and Saad faraz and Saad Faraz and saad Faraz and Saad A
going? going? going? going?
and Saad going?, Where are Faraz and Saad going!

22 . Antonyms: Careful is most nearly opposite in meaning to A. Important B. Neligible C. Negligent D. Cautious C
. Children present their ideas, while drawing. (Which word
is an abstract noun)?
A. ideas B. Drawing C. their D. Present A
. Choose the correct spelling for the missing word: It only
did he play the guitar, he played the ___ as well.
A. Ukulele B. Ukulate C. Ukulele D. Ukalele A
. Choose the correct spelling for the missing word: My best
friend is an ___ optimist.
A. incorrigable B. Incorrigible C. Incorriggible D. Incorigible B
. Choose the correct verb: He ___ urged all public sector to
focus their activity
A. done B. did C. has D. does C
27 . Choose the word that is similar in meaning DAINTY A. Reduce B. Refined C. Groan D. Trap B
28 . Find the word that is misspelled A. No mistakes B. Babys C. People D. Women B

D. He had
A. He had been B. He had been C. He had been
been singing a
29 . Grammar: he had been singing a son since five hours singing a song singing a sond singing a song
song for five D
to five hours. until five hours. till five hours.
. I have always liked your positive attitude; it has ___
affected our working relations
A. Favorably B. Candidly C. Woefully D. Adversely A
. My brother, singer, has been awarded best singer. (Which
word is an appositive noun)?
A. best B. awarded C. the singer D. has been C
32 . Spelling correction: Ampror A. eympror B. eumpror C. ampror D. emperor D
A. The tenth of B. The tenth of C. The tenth of D. The tenth of
33 . Words meanings: Clime
riyal takka a robio a dollar D
34 __ he decided to leave A. That B. This C. Then D. None C
B. Telephone
35 __ me as soon as possible.Its urgent A. Call up
C. Call D. None C
36 ___ do you go to gym? A. when B. How many C. How often D. None C
___ first step in a rational solution to any problem is the
recognition of the fact that a problem exists.
A. A B. An C. The D. No article C
38 ___ man I saw in the market was tall. A. A B. An C. The D. No article C
39 ___ money is important but I can't buy ____ happiness. A. The/The B. A/The C. An/An D. No article D
C. Search D. None of
40 ___ pane can not be found in power point. A. Clip Art B. Word art
results these B
D. No article
41 ___ people of this city are extremely generous. A. A B. An C. The
required C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

___- sign is used at the end of a sentence or a short phrase B. Sign of

which express very strong feeling.
A. Exclamation
C. Both D. None A
43 ___ Teacher should be friendly to his or her students. A. An B. The C. A D. No article C
44 ___ teachers should be friendly to ____ students. A. The/the B. A/A C. An/An D. No article D
45 ___ water ? is essential for life. A. The B. A C. An D. No article D
D. None of
46 ___ with nervous pets ,the vets office A. Crowded B. Crowd C. Crowing
these A
47 ____ cow ? gives us milk?. A. The B. An C. A D. No article C
____ directors may terminate ____ chairman's
appointment at any time.
A. The/A B. The/The C. A/The D. A/A B
49 ____ dolphins are very intelligent. A. The B. A C. An D. No article D
____ elected him president, the people gave him their royal
support .
A. have B. having C. being D. none B
51 ____ good education is a system that makes student better. A. A B. An C. The D. No article A
52 ____ higher you go, ___ cooler you feel. A. A/A B. A/The C. An/An D. The/The D
____ honestly shown by Sarfraz Ahmed during the match
was praised by all.
A. A B. An C. The D. No article C
D. No article
54 ____ honesty of the teacher is praised by all. A. A B. An C. The
required C
55 ____ iron is a hard metal. A. A B. An C. The D. No article D
D. No article
56 ____ jury has given its decision. A. A B. An C. The
required C
57 ____ keys are these? A. which B. who C. whose D. None C
58 ____ man in the grey suit is my boss. A. A B. An C. The D. No article C
59 ____ man is mortal. A. A B. The C. An D. No article D
60 ____ manager was absent today. A. A B. An C. The D. Both A & B C
D. No article
61 ____ milk which I take from milkman is very good in quality. A. A B. An C. The
required C
____ moon shone, and the floor of heaven was studded D. None of the
with silver stars.
A. A B. An C. The
above C
D. None of the
63 ____ old moon asked the three. A. A B. An C. The
above A
____ Pakistani regime has has gone about on an arms D. None of the
shopping splurge.
A. A B. An C. The
above C
65 ____ president of Pakistan is Arif Alvi. A. A B. An C. The D. No article C
66 ____ prime minister of Pakistan visited Iran last month. A. A B. The C. An D. No article B
67 ____ rich should help ____ poor. A. A/A B. AN/AN C. The/The D. No article C
68 ____ Shahbaz is waiting outside for you. A. An B. A C. The D. No article B
D. No article
69 ____ Shazia wants to meet you. A. A B. An C. The
required A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. No article
70 _____ Cattle give us milk. A. A B. An C. The
required D
D. None of the
71 _____ earth rotates on its axis. A. A B. An C. The
above C
72 _____ elderly couple strolled along ___ beach A. An /the B. A /the C. An /that D. none A
D. None of the
73 _____ Holy Quran is the holy book of Muslims. A. A B. An C. The
above C
_____ little knowledge of computers that he possessed D. No article
proved a boon for him in getting job.
A. A B. An C. The
required C
D. No article
75 _____ Man is mortal. A. A B. An C. The
required D
D. None of the
76 _____ milk is good for health. A. A B. An C. The
above A
D. None of the
77 _____ moon came from behind the mountains. A. A B. An C. The
above A
_____ moon was just above the horizon, making a broad D. None of the
golden pathway to them.
A. A B. An C. The
above C
79 _____ refers to the existence of differences within a group. A. Peace B. Diversity C. Tolarance D. conflict D
80 _____ that word in dictionary A. Look upon B. Look up C. Look on D. None B
D. even
81 _____ the weather was horrible they still went outside. A. provided B. until C. therefore
thought D
D. No article
82 _____ water is necessary for life. A. A B. An C. The
required D
D. No Article
83 ______ Ahmed is a very beautiful boy. A. A B. An C. The
required D
______ Bangladeshi government granted privileges to the D. none of the
company the day before yesterday.
A. A B. An C. the
above C
D. No Article
85 ______ boy is swimming in the pool. A. A B. An C. The
required A

______ Danish soldiers who battled the German soldiers D. None of the
must have wondered why they were fighting.
A. A B. An C. The
above C
D. None of the
87 ______ dog is a faithful animal. A. A B. An C. The
above C
D. No Article
88 ______ European dish is very famous. A. A B. An C. The
required A
D. None of the
89 ______ Japanese books are very old. A. A B. An C. The
above C
D. No article
90 ______ Pakistani team will arrive England tomorrow. A. A B. An C. The
required C
D. None of the
91 ______ prime minister will decide the matter. A. A B. An C. The
above A
D. None of the
92 ______ teaching profession is good for women. A. A B. An C. The
above A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. None of the
93 ______ Urdu is a sweet language of Pakistan. A. A B. An C. The
above D
D. None of the
94 ______ winters are generally very cold here. A. A B. An C. The
above A
_______ after__________ of the Holy Quran _________ D. None of the
A. Were B. Was C. Are
above B
_______ Chinese were hardworking and had the usual D. None of the
fortune attending those who work hard
A. A B. An C. The
above C
97 _______ dolphin is a very intelligent animal. A. A B. The C. An D. No article B
98 _______ earth revolves around ________ sun. A. A/The B. The/The C. The/A D. A/An B
D. all of the
99 _______ is state of calmness and tranquility. A. Peace B. war C. aggression
above A
_______ serious injuries, he managed to play well in the
last match.
A. For B. By C. To D. Despite D
_______ the constitution of new housing units at the rate
101 of one every month, there is still a shortage of A. Through B. Despite C. By D. For B
D. No article
102 ________ fish can't live without water. A. A B. An C. The
required D
D. None of the
103 ________ moon gave no light! A. A B. An C. The
above C
________ pollution control measures are expensive, many
industries hesitate to adopt them.
A. Because B. However C. Although D. None A
105 _________ food, the pilgrims carried some medicines. A. Beside B. Besides C. Regarding D. Offering B
D. All of the
106 _________ of them will not refute the charges. A. Both B. Neither C. Either
above B
107 _________ you search his pocket you will find the watch. A. For B. If C. As D. As far as B
108 _________ your phone while driving. A. Turn around B. turn off C. turn D. turning B
__________ the wife ________ the husband were not on D.
good terms.
A. Both/and B. either/and C. nobody/and
anybody/and A
110 ___________ climber has a sudden fall A. Hasty B. Mountain C. Fall D. None A
___________ his children his nephews were also present at
the ceremony.
A. Beside B. Besides C. From D. Since B
D. none of
112 ___________ honest man is always respected by all A. a B. an C. as
these B
___________ of the two pencils will do it must be black in D. All of the
color and its length must be shorter.
A. Either B. Any C. Some
above A
___________ only dark chocolates are delicious, _________ D. None of the
also they can be healthy too.
A. If, but B. Not, but C. If, then
above B
____________ Arshad, Aslam was also present in the
A. Beside B. Besides C. On D. Upon B
D. No article
116 _____________ fire broke out in his village last night. A. The B. An C. A
required C
_____________ section of the society is feeling the pinch of D. None of the
rising prices and corruptions.
A. Everyone B. Every C. Anybody
above. B
D. None of the
118 ________________ but some students was present. A. Nothing B. nobody C. Both A and B
above B
119 ________________ is the best policy. A. Integrity B. Honesty C. Silence D. Telling B
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

_________________ of the two students will complete the D. None of the

A. Either B. Any C. Both A and B
above A
D. All of the
121 ____________________ the two students did the work. A. Neither B. Either C. None
above A
122 _________she is clever, she often makes mistakes. A. Beside B. Despite C. Since D. Although D
‫تم ے‬
‫ن کل ے‬
______you call your friend yesterday ?‫اپت دوست کو‬
‫فون کیا تھا؟‬
A. have B. had C. will D. did D
B. Confronted
124 _____the evidence produced against him A. confirm with
C. continued D. None B
____Turkish delegation along with two ambassador ____
visiting Pakistan .
A. A/ is B. A/are C. A/ was D. None A
126 ___the contrary, I am proud of it . A. in B. on C. at D. None B
127 ___wright brothers invented ___airplane A. The/A B. The/An C. The/The D. None C
128 “A fair-weather friend” means what? A. False friend B. Good friend C. Loyal Friend D. Close friend A
C. a rich, older,
B. a small or D. a dull or
A. an man who
insignificant depressing
exceedingly supports or
member of a person who
129 “A wet blanket” means complicated
spends lavishly
spoils other D
problem or on a usually
organization or people’s
deadlock much younger
system enjoyment

A. To get used C. to face the D. to train

130 “Acclimatize” means what?
B. To rest
challenge oneself A
B. Complete in
131 “Comprehensive” mans what? A. Lengthy
every respect
C. Laborious D. Brief B
132 “Industrious” means____________? A. Sensible B. Successful C. Diligent D. Painful C
A. To be on the C. To be
B. To be D. To bear the
133 “To face the music” means front seat in
greeted rudely
offered warm
consequences D
the concert hospitality
134 A believer smiles in public and ____ in private. A. wept B. weeping C. weep D. weeps D
D. None the
135 A bicycle for two or more people A. Harrow B. Tandem C. Tricycle
above B
A body of persons appointed to hear evidence or judge and
give their verdict.
A. Committee B. Laywer C. Audience D. Jury D
137 A book published after the death of its author: A. Novel B. Death Book C. Holy Book D. Posthumous D
‫ایک ر‬
138 A doctor who treats children:‫ڈاکپ جو بچوں کا عالج کرتا ےہ؟‬ A. Pedophile B. Fatalist C. Cardiologist D. Pediatrician D
139 A drowning man catches _______ a straw. A. Up B. At C. On D. Over B
A. The board B. The C. The board of D. The board
of directors are directors are directors were of directors are
A fair resolution to the matter is being sought by the Board
of Directors: ( Choose the correct Passive voice)
seeking a fair seeking a fair seeking a fair seeks a fair A
resolution to resolution to resolution to resolution to
the matter the matter the matter the matter

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

141 A family of young animals A. Brood B. Clutch C. neat D. offspring A

142 A fool dog fell--- water? A. into B. inside C. in D. none A
C. a rich, older,
B. a small or D. a dull or
A. an man who
insignificant depressing
exceedingly supports or
member of a person who
143 A Gordian Knot means: complicated
spends lavishly
spoils other A
problem or on a usually
organization or people’s
deadlock much younger
system enjoyment

144 A group of cattle is called: A. Herd B. Swarm C. Troop D. Company A

A. A Prejudiced B. Offer
145 A Jaundiced Eye Means?
Person gratitude
C. An intelligent D. None A
A large procession was taken__________ against rising
A. about B. out C. in D. for B
147 A man's best friend is his _______. A. Dog B. Shirt C. Money D. House A
148 A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute. A. Arbitrator B. Valuer C. Auditor D. Broker A
149 A Person Employed to Drive a Private or Hired Car A. Servant B. LTV C. Chauffeur D. Jockey C
A person who asserts his opinion arrogantly without
sufficient evidence is called:
A. Radical B. Fanatic C. Dogmatic D. Atheist C
C. Space D. None of
151 A person who goes into space is called A. Astronaut B. Astronomer
Scientist these A
152 A person who has loud voice is called: A. Accused B. Offender C. Guilty E. Stentorian D
A person who is made to bear the misdeeds of another is
called :
A. Scapegoat B. Culprit C. Victim D. Criminal A
‫انسان ےس محبت ے‬
A person who loves mankind is called ---‫کرن‬ A. B.
‫واال شخص کہالتا ےہ۔‬ Philanthropist Physiotherapist
C. Both D. None A
A person whose thoughts are turned inward and who never
opens his heart to others:
A. Extrovert B. Introvert C. Both D. None B
156 A place where birds are kept is called: A. Zoo B. Armory C. Aviary D. Apiary C
157 A place where wild animals live is called A. Forest B. Stable C. Lair D. Sanctuary C
158 A remedy which can cure all aliments: A. Antiobodic B. Panacea C. Epidemic D. Pandemic B
A rumor that the corporation was close to the ____ caused A. annual BOD B. dividend D. brink of
panic among its creditors and stockholders. meeting declaration
C. new venture
bankruptcy D
A. Positive
160 A sentence that expresses the a command or request?
B. Optative C. Interrogative D. Imperative D
161 A speech without preparation is called A. Extempore B. Temporary C. Conspiracy D. Massacre A
162 A statement that can have a double meaning is? A. Ambiguous B. Epigraph C. Ambivalent D. None A
163 A supporter of the cause of woman : A. Feminist B. Effeminate C. Shophit D. None A
164 A thief made away ________ my cell phone. A. For B. About C. By D. With D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A tree fell ________ the railway line that caused an

A. Across B. Into C. On D. Till A
D. None of
166 A word formed from the initial letters of other words? A. Acronym B. Palindrome C. Anagram
these A
A young person who learns the particular skills or trades is
A. Learner B. Recruit C. Apprentice D. Probationer C
C. With Regard D. With
168 Abbreviation "e.g." means what? A. As For As B. For Example
To Reference To B
169 Aboriginal synonym A. Native B. Real C. Modern D. None A
According to me, she is sick or As I know, she is sick. A. According to B. As I know, C. Both are D. Both are
(Sentence Correction) me, she is sick she is sick wrong correct B
D. We must
A. We shall not B. We have not C. We should
Active Voice of “Indiscipline should not be encouraged by not
encouraging encouraging not encourage
encouraged C
indiscipline indiscipline Indiscipline
172 Adamant antonym A. Unsure B. Abominate C. Both D. None A
Add one letter (from the choices) to make new word. RING
Select appropriate answer from the following.
A. T B. Z C. B D. C C
Adults suffering _________ chicken pox can develop all
kinds of complications.
A. From B. To C. With D. Off A
175 After Lunch lets go for a coffee? Here is after used as: A. Adjective B. Noun C. Adverb D. Preposition D
‫ کا ے‬agile
176 Agile Antonym:‫مپادف؟‬ A. Stiff B. Fast C. Beautiful D. None A
177 Ahmad______ smoking abruptly. A. Gave to B. Gave in C. Gave up D. Gave for C
178 Air is ___________ most essential thing for life. A. A B. The C. Some D. Any B
179 Ali is ___ shower for last 15 minute ? A. Taking B. bathing C. all D. none A
180 Ali is ________ good boy. A. A B. An C. The D. No Article A

181 Ali works in ___ from others A. Stand out B. Stand in C. Both D. None A
182 Alice is not at home at the movement . She ____ work . A. Is at B. Is on C. Was at D. Was on A
All communication with outside world has been
A. Out B. Away C. Down D. Off D
184 All is not well ______ the automobile sector. A. To B. Of C. Down D. In D
All parts of speech except known and pronouns can be
modified by _____.
A. adjective B. preposition C. conjunction D. adverb D
186 An “above board” person means? A. Dishonest B. Cruel C. Honest D. Wise C
187 Analogies : candid : indirect :: honest: ____. A. Devious B. Truthful C. Wicked D. Frank C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

188 Analogies : restrain: curb :: recant: ____ A. Resent B. Entertain C. Retract D. Foretell C
189 Analogies: refined :plebeian:: selective:___ A. Ordinary B. Refresh
D. None C
190 Analogles: excitable: stoical :: delighted : _____ A. Entertained B. Retrained C. Confined D. Ranked D
A. Morning is B. Day is to C. Long is to
191 Analogue Young is to old
to night night short
D. None A
D. none of
192 anatomy of categorical: A. absolute B. certain C. conditional
these C
193 Ancestors antonym A. Decedents B. Elders C. Olders D. None A
And all day long the sun plays hide and seek with the D.
shadows' (Which figurative device is used here)
A. Alliteration B. Metaphor C. Simile
Personification D

A. Many B. Many C. Many D. Many

people are people were people will be people can be
provoked by provoked by provoked by provoked by
Anger provokes many people to take hasty decisions which anger to take anger to take anger to take anger to take
they later regret very much. hasty decisions hasty decisions hasty decisions hasty decisions A
which are very which are very which are very which are very
much much much much
regretted later regretted later regretted later regretted later

196 Animals which lay eggs are called_________ A. Viviparous B. Mammals C. Oviparous D. Vertebrates C
197 Annihilate synonym : A. To destroy B. Fail C. Both D. None A
198 Antontm of GUTTY A. courageous B. brave C. bold D. timid D
199 Antonym of " Paucity " is___ A. Shallow B. Presence C. Surplus D. Scarcity C
200 Antonym of "Bravery" is A. Failure B. Politeness C. Cowardice D. Weakness C
201 Antonym of "Comic" A. Tragic B. Absurd C. Awkward D. Amusing A
202 Antonym of "Courage" is A. Valour B. Humility C. Timidity D. Weakness C
203 Antonym of "Folly" is? A. Right B. exact C. mistake D. wisdom D
204 Antonym of "Gather" A. Display B. Disperse C. Dispute D. divide B
205 Antonym of "Hardly" is A. Sometimes B. Often C. Softly D. Mostly C
206 Antonym of "Incur" is ____ A. Attract B. Avoid C. Earn D. Invite B
207 Antonym of "Original" is A. Sample B. Duplicate C. Copy D. None B
‫خاموش" کا ے‬
208 Antonym of "quiescent" is___"‫مپادف ےہ‬ A. Lackadaisical B. Active C. Dull D. Prescient B
209 Antonym of "Sacred" A. Profane B. Enormous C. Pious D. Perpetual A
210 Antonym of "Stale" A. Sour B. Dry C. Fresh D. Flag C
211 Antonym of ‘Applicable’? A. Upset B. Irrelevant C. Maximum D. Incredulous B
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

212 Antonym of “Dwarf” is:"Dwarf" ‫کا متضاد ےہ‬ A. gaint B. tiny C. huge D. enormous A
213 Antonym of “Reward” is: A. Penalty B. Advance C. Construction D. Acceptance A
214 Antonym of Advocate A. Opponent B. Helper C. Well wisher D. None A
215 Antonym of 'Ambiguity' is? A. Puzzle
C. enigma D. None B
216 Antonym of Ashamed? A. Proud B. Nameless C. anonymous D. None A
217 Antonym of Auspicious is? A. Lucky B. Luckless C. Happiness D. None B
218 Antonym of Benefit : A. Profit B. Blockage C. disadvantage D. None C
219 Antonym of Costly is : A. Intention B. Inexpensive C. High D. Expensive B
220 Antonym of DEXTEROUS is _____________? A. Inexpert B. Acute C. Active D. Able A
221 Antonym of famous is A. Rich B. Obscure C. Incorriggible D. none B
222 Antonym of FOIBLE is_________? A. Feasible B. Luxurious C. Forte D. Powerless C
223 Antonym of FOREMOST is _____________? A. Unimportant B. Hindmost C. Disposed D. Mature A
224 Antonym of FRIVOLOUS is _____________? A. Trivial B. Silly C. Petty D. Wise D
225 Antonym of fuzzy A. clear B. blurred C. bleary D. None A
226 Antonym of GIGANTIC A. Tiny B. Fragile C. slight D. Weak A
227 Antonym of Grab A. Release B. Grip C. Both D. None A
228 Antonym of GRASP A. Govern B. release C. dry up D. ensure B
229 Antonym of Homogeneous A. Different B. Similar C. Both D. None A
230 Antonym of Incredulous A. Credulous B. Fake C. False D. None A
231 Antonym of Intriguing A. riveting B. fascinating C. Dispiriting D. None C
232 Antonym of Jinx? A. Evil Eye B. Charm C. Beautiful D. Good luck D
233 Antonym of Lavish A. deficient B. inadequate C. insufficient D. All A
234 Antonym of lofty A. Low B. High C. Long D. None A
235 Antonym of Menacing A. remote. B. ominous C. looming D. none B
236 Antonym of OBSOLETE is: A. Conducive B. rare C. useless D. recent D
237 Antonym of Offensive A. Polite B. hard C. Illegal D. None A
238 Antonym of overt A. prominent B. happy C. hidden D. none C
239 Antonym of potent A. strong B. impotent C. both D. none B
240 Antonym of Precedents A. Ultimate B. model C. exemplar D. None A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

241 Antonym of Precision A. Vagueness B. Happy C. sad D. None A

‫کا ے‬
Antonym of PRESIMONY is _____________?‫مپادف‬
_____________ ‫ ےہ؟‬PRESIMONY
A. Verbosity B. Generosity C. Clan D. Tenderness B
243 Antonym of Quotidian
B. certain C. Secret D. premature A
244 Antonym of Retrieve A. Lose B. Profit C. Surplus D. None A
245 Antonym of shameful A. Dignity B. Guilt C. Pride D. Happy A
246 Antonym of Solicitous A. Inattentive B. concerned C. attentive D. caring A
‫خرچ کا ے‬
247 Antonym of spendthrift‫مپادف‬ ‫فضول ر‬ A. bold B. mean C. cautious D. miser D
248 Antonym of the word EXTENUATE ? A. Alleviate B. Preclude C. Worsen D. Subdue B
249 Antonym of word "Shining". A. Dark B. Light C. Both D. None A
250 Antonym, of selfish A. Selfless B. Proud C. Intelligent D. None A
251 Antonyms of Amicable A. Cordial B. Polite C. Hostile D. Friendly C
252 Antonyms of APPEAR. A. Disappear B. Vanish C. Seem D. Unseen A
253 Antonyms of Dishevelled. A. untidy B. unkempt C. scruffy D. tidy D
254 Antonyms of Intrepid A. fearless B. unafraid C. undaunted D. timid D
D. None of
255 Antonyms of Obstinate A. Nestled B. Compliant C. Guilty
these B
256 Antonyms of SLOWLY. A. Quickly B. Swiftly C. loudly D. gradually A
257 Antonyms of Stalwart ______? A. weak B. soft C. flimsy D. feeble D
258 Antonyms of Untoward A. Proper B. unexpected C. unforeseen
unanticipated A
259 Antonyms of WORSEN A. harden B. very bad C. deteriorate D. constructive D
260 Archaic is most dissimilar to A. Haunted B. Ancient C. Modern D. Tangible C
261 Are you coming to ____ Party A. A B. An C. The D. Towards C
B. Are your
A. Are your C. Are not your D. Are you not
lessons not
262 Are you not revising your lessons? lessons not be
being revised
lessons revised being revising B
revised by you? by you? your lessons?
by you
263 Are you…….that house? A. Buy B. Buys C. Buying D. Bought C
264 As ________ me, I will be happy to lend a hand. A. In B. About C. For D. Of C
265 As crow flies ___ the sky A. in B. on C. at D. None A
As delicate and ________ as insect bodies are, it is
A. Beautiful. B. Fragile. C. impervious. D. refined.
266 remarkable that over the ages enough of them have _____,
Disappeared Survived Multiplied awakened A
preserved in amber, for scientists to trace insect evolution.

ASEAN is an alliance ____________ the ten south-east

Asian nations.
A. Among
Page 12 of 98
B. Between C. Upon D. On B‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

Aslam gave the dog a bone. (Choose the indirect object of

the sentence)
A. Aslam B. Bone C. Dog D. The C
269 Aslam is ___ a book. A. wrote B. writing C. write D. None B
C. To have
270 Aslam is believed ________________ this window. A. To break B. To be broken
D. To breaking C
A. Aslam liked C. Aslam was D. Aslam likes
B. Aslam liked
the show to be liked the show the show to be
271 Aslam likes Sajad to start the show.
started by
the show to be
to be started started by A
start by Sajad
Sajad by Sajad Sajad

C. Aslam told
A. Aslam said B. Aslam told D. Aslam told
me that if he
me that if I me that if he me that if he
heard any
272 Aslam said to me, "If I hear any news, I will phone you." heard any hear any news,
news, he
hear any news, C
news, I would he will phone he will phone
would phone
phone me. me. me
273 Aslam___ force himself to work on till late in the night. A. Could B. Would be C. Used to D. None C
At first glance, It looks like a diplomatic love-fest. (Which
word is a compund noun)?
A. Love-fest B. Glance C. Like D. Diplomatic A
At least you are original I have never heard "that kind of an A. That kind of B. These kinds C. That sort of D. That kind of
excuse" until now. excuse of excuses an excuse an excuse B
A. Cement : D. Seam :
276 Auger : Carpenter ::
B. Awl : Cobbler C. Apron : Chef
Seamstress B
277 BAKERY : BREAD A. Cafe: salad B. Cafe :coffee C. Cafe :water D. None B
278 Barking Dogs _______ Bite A. never B. always C. do D. often A
279 Barren antonyms?‫بنجر متضاد الفاظ؟‬ A. Fertile B. Lazzy C. Stale D. None A
Before designing a public park, the architect must ____ the
A. Consider B. Considers C. Recognize D. Recognizes A
Before designing a public park, the architect must ________ D. None of the
the public.
A. Consider B. Considers C. Considered
above A
A. Men,
women and
B. The shops D. Men,
children C. During
are thronged women and
Before festivals the shops are thronged with men, women throng the festival people
and children making various purchase. shops before
by people
throng the
children make A
making purchases
festival making shops
purchases during festivals

Benefitted a great deal ….. taking that online training D. none of

A. from B. for C. with
these A
284 Birds of a feather _____________ together. A. Fly B. Sit C. Flock D. Swim C
B. Thought: C. Inspiration:
285 Boat : Wake :: A. Path: Trail
Rumination Music
D. Foot: Track D
Both parties must adhere ____ _______ ____ the terms of
the contract.
A. By B. In C. With D. To D
B. Pottery: D. Ceramics:
287 Bread: Oven:: A. Silo: corn
Page 13 of 98 wheel
C. Iron: furnace
kiln D‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

288 Brevity pays in debate A. Conciseness B. Sharpness C. Quickness D. Confidence A

Brush is too painting as pencil is to ___.‫برش بہت پینٹنگ ےہ‬

‫جیسا کہ پنسل ___ ےہ۔‬
A. Notebook B. book C. map D. drawing D
290 Buoyant synonym A. Despising B. Cheerful C. Support D. Worthy B
A. To B. Have
291 By next week we shall ________ the course.
completed completed
C. Completing D. Completed B
292 Camouflage synonym A. deception B. Favor C. Both D. None A
293 Can he see his wife again? No he ___ A. can not B. Could not C. can D. None A
D. How can he
294 Can he swim?I do not think he knows ___ A. Swimming B. To swim C. How to swim
swim A
D. Can we be
A. Can he be B. Can we be C. Can he be
295 Can we rely on him?
relied on? relied by him? relied by us?
relied on by A

A. Can this big B. Can this big C. Could this D. Could this
296 Can we send this big parcel by air? parcel be sent parcel sent by big parcel be big parcel sent A
by air? air? sent by air? by us by air?

Cannon had __________ unique qualities _________ it was

used widely in ancient times.
A. such, that B. such, so C. that, since D. that, that A
298 Can't you hear that _________ is knocking the door? A. Nothing B. Either C. Another D. Someone D
A. Pressure: B. Sugar: C. Aversion: D. Hostility:
299 Carbohydrate: Obesity::
Extrusion cavities regression war D
A. Patrons: B. Animals: C. Helium: D. Passenger:
300 Cargo: Ship ::
Library Barn Dirigible Airplane D
D. Village life
301 Cartography is the science of drawing: A. Isotherns B. Maps C. Isobars
scenes B
'Cat is to Kitten' as Dog is to ---------------'?'‫بچ ےک ےلی‬
‫بیل بیل ےک ے‬
‫' ےہ؟‬--------------- ‫ےہ' جیسا کہ کتا‬
A. colt B. puppy C. calf D. baby B
303 Chagrin: A. joy. B. brave C. worried C
A. The old lady B. The old lady C. The old lady
asked her son asked her son asked her son
Change the narration :the old lady said to her son" Is it not if it was not his if it was not his That it was not
your duty to help me in my old age"? duty to help duty to help his duty to
D. None A
her in her old himin her old help her in her
age age old age

A. She ordered B. She told him C. She said to

D. She advised
him to please that he should him to consult
305 Change the narration: She said to him, "Consult a doctor".
consult a go to a medical a doctor
him to consult D
a doctor
physician practitioner immediately

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

B. Did you C. Does my

Change the voice of the following sentences, "Do you know A. Is my father
my father?" known to you?
know my father known D. None A
father? to you?

B. Sweets have
A. We do not C. We are not D. None of
307 Change the voice: "Sweets are not liked by us"
like sweets
not been liked
liking sweets these A
by us

A. She is B. She is taken C. Tea is being D. Tea is taken

308 Change Voice of the following: She takes tea.
drunken tea. by tea. taken by her. by her. D
Check the weather condition _____ travelling.‫موسم یک حالت‬ D. None of the
‫چیک کریں _____ سفر۔‬
A. Previous B. Earlier C. Initial
above D
310 Children are fond __________ chocolates and computing. A. With B. Off C. In E. Of D
China and Pakistan entered _______________ various
A. Into B. in C. on D. for A
A. Courteous B. Courteous
C. Courteous
and gallant and gallant
and gallant
312 Chivalrous means ___ person ,especially ,especially
D. None A
towards towards
towards man
woman animals
Choose a word opposite in meaning: Good-Mannered‫کا‬
313 ‫ ے‬Good-Mannered
A. gallant B. ill-mannered C. civilized D. armored B
B. Center : D. Troupe:
314 Choose correct Analogy Constellation: Stars: A. Earth : Moon
C. Rain: Water
Actors D
Choose correct meaning of the idiom“To talk through ones A. To talk B. To talk C. To talk D. To speak at
hat” fluently nonsense wisdom random B
D. All are
316 Choose correct spelling. Oxygin, Oxygen, Oxegen A. Oxygin B. Oxygen C. Oxegen
wrong B
A. No I have B. No I have C. No I have
317 Choose grammatically correct sentence never been to never been to been to a rock D. None A
a rock concert a concert concert

A. He is a B. He is C. He is
318 Choose one of correct sentence He is coward boy?
cowardly boy cowarding boy cowardly boys
D. None A
319 Choose the antonym of "Enigma" A. Mystery B. Postmortem C. Demise D. Clarity D
320 Choose the antonym of :Laborious A. Diligent B. Lazy C. Frivolity D. None B
321 Choose the antonym of :Sacrilegious A. Pious B. Impious C. Profane D. None A
322 Choose the antonym of :Wrath A. Solace B. Peace C. Delight D. None B
323 Choose the antonym of SYMPATHY A. Enmity B. Cruelty C. Abhorrence D. None B
Choose the appropriate preposition. Do not take any notice
______ him
A. About B. On C. Of D. In C
Choose the appropriate preposition. Wreckage from the
plane was scattered ____ a wide area.
A. Over B. From C. On D. At A
Choose the appropriate Preposition: Dr Baker is very good
________, Children
A. By B. Of C. With D. From C
Choose the appropriate pronouns to complete the
327 sentence: When the little boy grabbed the lizard _____ tail A. It’s/his B. Its/his C. Its/he’s D. It’s/one’s B
broke off in _____ hand.
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

Choose the appropriate word for " A critical judge of any art
or craft "
A. Referee B. Arbitrator C. Connoisseur D. Magistrate C
Choose the appropriate word for "the practice of taking
329 someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's A. Original B. Plagiarism C. Fake D. Inspired B
Choose the best option that express the meaning of the
word " Obloquy":
A. Sermon B. Opprobrium C. Fetid D. Obsession B
331 Choose the best similar, synonym word of CONDEMN A. Underrate B. ate C. Blame D. Avoid C
A. Theater B. Library: D. Museum:
332 Choose the correct Analogy of "Archive:Document".
:Performances Borrowers
C. Dainty: Taste
Artifacts D
A. Garrulous : B. Business : D. Glutton :
333 Choose the correct Analogy of "Lecher: Lust"
Cottage Profit
C. Pith : Herb
Greed D
A. Delineate : B. Mediate : C. Compile : D. Deflect :
334 Choose the correct Analogy of “Parry : Blow”:
Issue Dispute Evidence Criticism D
A. Violence : B. Fight : C. Challenge:
335 Choose the correct Analogy of Argument: Debate::
Peace Contest Opponent
D. Give: Take B
choose the correct analogy of native : aboriginal :: naive :
A. learned B. arid unsophisticate D. tribe C
C. story : D. Orchestra :
337 Choose the correct Analogy of: Actors : Troupe A. garden : leaf B. band : singer
comedian Musician D
338 Choose the correct antonym of "Paean". A. Emollient
C. Dirge D. Rend C
D. None of the
339 Choose the correct Antonyms of "Drunk"? A. Sensitive B. Sensational C. Sober
above C
340 Choose the correct Antonyms of "Rife": A. Rare B. Void C. Convert D. Wither B
341 Choose the correct Antonyms of "Scurrilous". A. Moral B. Offending C. Strident D. Decent D
342 Choose the correct Antonyms of "spurn" A. Accept B. Shun C. Evade D. Quaff A
A. Please give B. Will you C. Tania
D. Tania asked
me an lend me your requested her
Choose the correct direct or indirect sentence: Tania said to her friend to
her friend, “can you lend me an umbrella”
umbrella Tania umbrella Tania friend to lend
give her an C
requested to asked her her an
her friend friend? Umbrella

D. To caught
Choose the correct meaning of idiom: "To fish in troubled A. To benefit B. To indulge C. To
fish in
344 waters ."‫می‬ ‫محاورے ےک صحیح ے‬
‫ "مشکل پانیوں ے‬:‫معن کا انتخاب کریں‬ from other in all aggravate the
disturbed A
‫"مچھلیاں مارنا۔‬ peoples trouble conspiracies situation
C. To get
Choose the correct meaning of the idiom" play ones card A. To do B. Change the D. Being to
right" something risky parties
benefit of
improve C
A. To find
B. To criticized C. To destroy D. To cut some
346 Choose the correct meaning of the idiom" To pick holes" some reason
someone something part of an item B
to quarrel
A. Neither Ali C. Neither Ali
B. Neither Ali
nor Ahmad nor Ahmad
347 Choose the correct one
have taken
nor Ahmad has
have taken
D. None B
taken his lunch
their lunch their lunch

Choose the correct one word to replace the given sentence B.

(A speech delivered without any preparation).
A. extempore
C. temporary D. exemplary A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

349 Choose the correct opposite word of AVERSE___? A. Oppose B. Hostile C. Incline D. Loath C
350 Choose the correct opposite word: CONTINGENT A. Liable B. Guarded C. Reliant D. Subject B
351 Choose the correct opposite word: CONTINUAL A. Periodic B. Eternal C. Steady D. Incressantly A
352 Choose the correct opposite word: LAWFUL A. Illicit B. Illegal C. Authorized D. Errant B
353 Choose the correct opposite word: PRECEDE A. Lead B. Follow C. Gobefore D. Herald B
Choose the correct option If he was here, he would settle A. If he had B. If he were D. If he would
this dispute among the two of us : been here
C. If he is here
be here B
choose the correct option_______? bureaucracy, burecary,
bureaucrecy, buruaucracy‫پربتائی‬
‫ے‬ ‫درست سپیلنگ‬
A. bureaucracy B. burecary C. bureaucrecy D. buruaucracy A
A. You will be B. You shall be C. You would D. You would
Choose the correct passive structure of: I shall help you in helped in helped in be helped in to be helped in
making your assignment. making making your making making B
assignment assignment assignment assignment
choose the correct plural form of the word "sheep"‫لفظ‬
"‫بھپ" یک صحیح جمع شکل کا انتخاب کریں‬
A. sheepes B. sheep C. sheepses D. sheeps B
A. It is ages B. It has been
Choose the correct sentence. It is ages since he has arrived C. Both are D. Both are
OR It has been ages since he arrived
since he has ages since he
correct wrong B
arrived arrived

A. looking B. looking C. looking

Choose the correct sentence. looking forward to seeing
you, I am looking forward to see you soon
forward to forward for forward D. None A
seeing seeing towards seeing

C. The rice is
Choose the correct sentence. The rice is a summer crop, A. The rice is a B. Rice is a D. All are
Rice is a summer crop summer crop summer crop
the summer
wrong B
A. They are B. They are C. They are D. They are
Choose the correct sentence. They are independent independent independent independent independent
361 women, they earn money themself, They are independent women, they women, they women, they women, they B
women, they earn money themselves earn money earn money earn money earn money
themself themselves themselfs byself
Choose the correct spelling Fanaticism,Fanaticisim‫درست‬
‫ے‬ ‫سپیلنگ‬
A. Panaticism B. Fanaticisim C. Fanaticism D. Fanatizism C
choose the correct spelling. Amateur, Ameteur, Aematur,
A. Amateur B. Ameteur C. Aematur D. Amature. A
Choose the correct spelling. Dialogua, Diologue, Dialogue, D. All are
All are wrong
A. Dialogua B. Diologue C. Dialogue
wrong C
Choose the correct spelling. Farefathers, D. All are
A. Farefathers B. Forofathers C. Forefathers
wrong C
D. All are
366 Choose the correct spelling. Monoment, Monument A. Monoment B. Monument C. Monumint
wrong B
Choose the correct spelling. Palacee, Palace, Pelace, All are D. All are
A. Palacee B. Palace C. Pelace
wrong B
Choose the correct spelling. Pletform, Plateform, Platform, D. All are
All are wrong
A. Pletform B. Plateform C. Platform
wrong C
D. All are
369 Choose the correct spelling. Servive, Surviwe, Survive A. Servive B. Surviwe C. Survive
wrong C
Choose the correct spelling. Shakespearee, Shakespear, A. D. All are
Shakespeare, All are wrong Shakespearee
B. Shakespear C. Shakespeare
wrong C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

Choose the correct spelling. Trooble, Tirouble, Trouble, All D. All are
are wrong
A. Trooble B. Tirouble C. Trouble
wrong C
Choose the correct spelling: Lieutenant, Leiutenant,
Leutenant, Leftenant.‫بتائی‬
‫صیح سپیلنگ ے‬
A. Lieutenant B. Leiutenant C. Leutenant D. Leftenant. A
373 Choose the correct Synonym of " Reticent". A. Repetitious B. Reserved C. Restful D. Emit B
C. To say
D. To authorize
374 Choose the correct synonym of "Enunciate": A. To start B. Deliberate pronounce
somebody C

375 Choose the correct synonym of "Indubitable". A. Fraudulent B. Certain
D. Unbelievable B
376 Choose the correct synonym of "Prodigal". A. Steadfast B. Prudent C. Skeptic D. Wasteful D
C. con-
377 Choose the correct synonym of RETALIATION______? A. revenge B. pardon
D. none A
378 Choose the Correct Synonym of the word "Eradicate" A. Accept B. Eliminate C. Endorse D. Install B
Choose the correct verb: Sometimes, I like to spend my
time alone, it __ my mind too.
A. Refreshes B. Refresh C. Refreshed D. Is refreshes A
D. none of
380 choose the correct Word A. Concious B. Conscious C. Conseious
these B
Choose the correct word for the sentence: He quarreled
with his boss___ of the consequences
A. Headless B. Helpless C. Both D. None A
382 Choose the correct word:. A. Boycot B. Bicott C. Bycot D. Boycott D
Choose the correctly spelt word? Committee, Comittee,
Commitee, Comitee.
A. Commettee B. Commitee C. Committe D. Committee D
384 Choose the countable noun. Flour, Salt, Honey, Spoon A. Flour B. Salt C. Honey D. Spoon D
385 Choose the exclamation mark in the following. A. ? B. . C. : D. ! D
Choose the incorrect plural. Stories, Grapefruits, Furniture,
A. Stories B. Grapefruits C. Furniture D. Knowledges D
B. Located
387 Choose the meaning of REMOTE A. Located near
C. Near D. Remove B

Choose the misspelt word? Annex, Aniversary, Animate,

388 Animosity.‫ کون ےس الفاظ غلط ےہی؟‬Aniversary, Annex,Animate, A. Annex B. Aniversary C. Animate D. Animosity B
389 Choose the most appropriate antonym of "vilify" A. To Praise B. To sing C. To weep D. To Sleep A
390 Choose the near Antonym of "Brusque". A. Rude B. Brash C. Courteous D. Corrupt C
391 Choose the near Antonym of "Vague": A. Blurred B. Immaterial C. Compulsory D. Definite D
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word COTERIE.
A. Family B. Institution C. Mob D. Group D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the

given word. ASSIMILATE
A. Arrange B. Receive C. Absorb D. Assemble C
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word. EXCRUCIATE
A. Extract B. Imprison C. Torture D. Refine C
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word. FATIGUE:
A. Sweating B. Drowsiness C. Weariness D. Tension C
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word. MAIM
A. Slit B. Disfigure C. Slash D. Severe B
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word. MASTICATE
A. Chew B. Swallow C. Lavour D. Drink A
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word. MINIMUM
A. Minimal B. Lowest C. Meagre D. Little B
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word. OBEISANCE:
A. Obedience B. Indifference C. Insult D. Disrespect A
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word. OUTRË
A. Traditional B. Real C. Fair D. Eccentric D
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word. PERFIDY:
A. Deceit B. Treachery C. Conceit D. Debauchery B
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
402 italicized part of the sentence. For quick promotion. He hit A. Incite B. Praise C. Conciliate D. Evict C
on a plan to propitiate the manager.

Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the

A. B.
403 italicized part of the sentence. If you lack in magnanimity,
Purposiveness Management
C. Planning D. Generosity D
all your wealth and luxury is melees.
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
404 italicized part of the sentence. Poets and writers are A. Sensitive B. Sensible C. Aesthetic D. Sensual A
sensuous by nature.
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the A.
405 italicized part of the sentence. The antidote to these Consequence B. Result of C. Remedy for D. Cause for C
problems is hard to find. of

Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the

406 italicized part of the sentence. The man vehemently denied A. Hysterically B. Forcefully C. Devoutly D. Serenely B
all the charges of corruption that were levelled against him.

Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the

A. Beautifully
407 italicized part of the sentence. The petals of the flowers are
B. Prominent C. Colorful D. Scented B
usually conspicuous to attract birds for pollination.

Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the

408 italicized part of the sentence. They tolerated him though A. Indecent B. Cowardly C. Silly D. Mean B
they dished his craven behavior.
Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
409 italicized part of the sentence. Those who man government A. Operate B. Control C. Rule D. Administer A
run shops also have their palm greased.
Choose the opposite words. Dark-Night, Big-Large, Neat-
Clean, Polite-Rude
A. Dark-Night B. Big-Large C. Neat-Clean D. Polite-Rude D
C. Courage,
A. Mine, hers, B. Leave, live, D. Leave, live,
411 Choose the possessive pronouns in the following:
ours, theirs fry
fry A

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. Barbara is B. The actor C. Do not ruin

very ambitious bears a striking your good
412 Choose the sentence that contains a misspelled word. and knowns resemblance reputation by D. No mistakes B
how to set to Abraham mistake the
goals. lincoin. wrong decision.

413 Choose the synonym of "Haggard". A. Gaunt B. Irascible C. Wise D. Sluggish A

414 Choose the synonym of "Succinct" A. Slowly B. Tranquil C. Ratify D. Concise D
‫ےک ے‬
Choose the synonym of “Ditto”?"Ditto" ‫مپادف کا انتخاب‬
A. Fake B. The Whole C. The Same D. Opposite C
416 Choose the synonym of Bring Up_? A. follow B. raise C. track D. none B
417 Choose the word most similar word STUBBORN A. Fearless B. Shameless C. Loyal D. Inflexible D
418 Choose the word nearest in meaning to "Gloomy"? A. Dim B. Sad C. Worthy D. Hidden B
419 Choose the word nearest in meaning to "Portray" A. Express B. print
D. draw D
420 Choose the word opposite in meaning to "CONFESS" A. Deny B. Contest C. Refuse D. Contend A
421 Choose the word opposite in meaning to "Magnify"? A. Shrink B. Diminish C. Conceal D. none A
422 Choose the word opposite in meaning to ABASH : A. Proud B. Gale C. Ugly D. Sad A
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
A. Suppression B. Applause C. Denunciation D. Termination C
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
A. Admiration B. Fondness C. Obedience D. Agreement A
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
A. Heaven B. Misery C. Paradise D. Happiness B
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
A. Lethargic B. Musical C. Strident D. Literary C
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word: A.
GRADUALLY Thoughtlessly
B. Impulsively C. Suddenly D. Hastily C
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
A. Stimulate B. Release C. Strengthen D. Generate B
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
A. Insult B. Injure C. Aggravate D. Offend D
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
A. Egoist B. Fool C. Rogue D. Snob B
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
A. Brave B. Naked C. Wanton D. Unblushing A
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word:
A. Strange B. Ridiculous C. Low D. Mean B
433 Choose the word opposte in meaning to "Nervous"? A. Bold B. Doubtful C. Timid D. Shrewish A
434 Choose the word similar in meaning to "Magnify"? A. Diminish B. Enlarge C. Shrink D. Decrease B
435 Choose the word that has incorrect spelling A. Celibrate B. Athletic C. Dilemma D. None A
436 Choose the word that has incorrect spelling: A. Threshold B. Desert
D. Principle C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

437 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning ABUNDANT A. Ample B. Enough C. Scant D. Great C
438 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning ADORE A. Hate B. Despise C. Love D. Gentle B
439 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning NOTION A. Stingy Misapprehensi C. Fate D. Belief B
440 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning OPPOSITE A. Contrary B. Plain C. Rarely D. Agreeing D
441 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning PROMISCUOUS A. Selective
C. Sharp D. Perplex A
442 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning QUERULOUS A. Complaining B. Allay C. Litigious D. Contended D
443 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning SALACIOUS A. Lustful B. Frigid C. Lecherous D. Succeed B
444 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning SCOFF A. Sneer B. Respect C. Soothe D. Assist B
445 Choose the word that is opposite in meaning USURP A. Assume B. Origin C. Inherit D. Custom C
446 Choose the word that is similar in meaning AUTHENTIC A. Serve B. Genuine C. Spurious D. Strive B
447 Choose the word that is similar in meaning AXIOM A. Elude B. Maxim C. Absurdity D. Shirk B
448 Choose the word that is similar in meaning BEMOAN A. Acclaim B. Galvanize C. Defect D. Lament D
449 Choose the word that is similar in meaning CARICATURE A. Parody B. Secondary C. Basic D. Sequence A
450 Choose the word that is similar in meaning CONTRABAND A. Devise B. Illicit C. Coincidence D. Plan B
451 Choose the word that is similar in meaning DEBILITY A. mislead B. gather C. suppose D. Frailty D
452 Choose the word that is similar in meaning EFFEMINATE A. Robust B. Manly C. Womanish D. Foam C
453 Choose the word that is similar in meaning GAWKY A. Enduring B. Vain C. Clumsy D. Breed C
Choose the word that is spelled correctly ? Parliment
.Parlimint, Parliament.
A. Parliament B. Parliamint C. Parliamant D. None A
Choose the word with correct spelling: Exhausting,
Exhcsting, Exhusting, Exhousting,
A. Exhausting B. Exhcsting C. Exhusting D. Exhousting A
456 Choose the word wrongly spelt
B. Enervate C. Effigy D. Euganic D
457 Chose Correct Spelling. A. Patiance B. Patence C. Paitence D. Patience D
458 Chose the antonyms of ABATE A. Free B. Augment C. Provoke D. Wane B
459 Chose the antonyms of DEARTH A. Poverty B. Jack C. Abundance D. Foreign C
460 Chose the antonyms of MALODOROUS A. Acrid B. Pungent C. Fragrant D. Delicious C
461 Chose the antonyms of: EXPOUND A. Besmirch B. Confuse C. Confine D. Condemn C
462 Chose the best opposite, antonyms word of AROMATIC A. Tart B. Disagreeable C. Sour D. Odorous D
463 Chose the best opposite, antonyms word of CONFESS A. Contest B. Refuse C. Deny D. Contend C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

464 Chose the best opposite, antonyms word of CONSPICUOUS A. Indifferent B. Harmless C. Insignificant D. Unknown C
465 Chose the best opposite, antonyms word of GATHER A. Separate B. Suspend C. Scatter D. Spend C
466 Chose the best opposite, antonyms word of GLUT A. Dearth B. Limit C. Drain D. Supply A
467 Chose the best opposite, antonyms word of INFALLIBLE A. Dubious
C. Erring D. Unreliable A
468 Chose the best opposite, antonyms word of LEVITY A. Stupidity B. Gravity C. Lofty D. Absurdity B
469 Chose the best similar, synonym word of CONGREGATION A. Assembly B. Meeting C. Combination D. Collection A
470 Chose the best similar, synonym word of DELIRIOUS--- A. Content B. Happy C. Insane D. Amused C
471 Chose the best similar, synonym word of DETECT A. Discover B. Invent C. Determine D. Fix A
C. Over
472 Chose the best similar, synonym word of EXTRAVAGANZA. A. Profligacy B. Spectacular
D. Falsification B
Chose the best similar, synonym word of FICKLE .FICKLE ‫ےک‬
473 ‫ ے‬،‫بہپین مشابہ‬
‫مپادف لفظ کا انتخاب کریں۔‬ ‫ے‬ A. Constant B. Nervous C. Changeable D. Poor C
474 Chose the best similar/synonym word of HASSLE A. Greed B. Wrangle C. Gossip D. Jealousy B
475 Chose the best similar/synonym word of ROTUND A. Flat B. Fat C. Foolish D. Weak B
D. To
A. Try to meet B. To avoid the C. To make accompany
476 Chose the correct meaning of idiom: Beat around the bush ?
George Bush main topic noise someone in a B
477 Chose the correct word. A. Badminton B. Baddmintion C. Badmenton D. Bedminton A
478 Chose the synonym of this word: APPALL A. Delirious B. Covered C. Dismay D. Confuse C
479 Chose the synonym of this word: INSCRUTABLE A. Difficult B. Mysterious C. Inflexible D. Wary B
480 Chose the synonym of this word: REEL A. Whirl B. Fish C. Hit D. Mistake A
481 Chose the synonym of this word: REVEL A. To resist B. Enjoy C. Annoy D. Envy B
A. I shall be C. I was D. I should be
B. I am obliged
obliged to go obliged to go obliged to go
482 Circumstances will oblige me to go.
by the
to go by the
by the by the A
circumstances circumstances circumstances
A. Hair`s B. by the skin C. narrow D. to apply
483 Close shave means what?
breadth of one`s teeth escape economy C
484 Clouds __ the sky A. in B. upon C. on D. to A
A. Bread : C. Burger : D. Grapes :
485 Coffee : Beverages ::
B. Milk : Tea
Snacks Wine C
486 Complet it: Raining cats and _________? A. wolf B. Dog C. Dogs D. fox C
Complete the proverb "Make hay while the ________
A. Moon B. Jupiter C. Sun D. Earth C
D. None of
488 Complete the proverb: A stitch in time saves ____________. A. Eleven B. Twelve C. Ten
these D
D. None of
489 Concern antonym A. Anxiety
Page 22 of 98
B. Convenience C. Happyness
these A‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

490 Contemporary synonym A. Recent B. Old C. Elder D. None A

491 Conversation synonym A. discussion
C. Both D. None C
Correct abbreviated form of et cetera used in the end of
sentence appears like which one of the following form
A. Etc B. e.t.c. C. E.t.c.. D. etc D
A. Foundation :
493 Correct Analogy of Asylum: Refuge:
B. Pig: Log C. Stir; Fly D. Lull:Storm C
494 Correct spelling
B. Hankerchief C. Handkrchef D. None A
495 Correct spelling __ A. Renaissance B. Renaisance C. Renaissanc D. None A
496 Correct spelling choose? A. Misspell B. Mispell C. Misspel D. Both A & B A
Correct spelling of Alfabait, Alphabit, Alphabait, and
A. Alfabait B. Alphabit C. Alphabait D. Alphabet D
Correct spelling: acommodate, accommodate, B. D.
A. acommodate
C. accomodate
accommodaite B
Correct spelling: etiquette, ettiquete, ettiquete,
‫صیح سپیلنک ے‬
A. etiquette B. liquite C. ettiquete D. etequitte A
Correct the sentence by using right option, " I am tired as i A. I was B. I have been C. I had been D. I will be
am working since morning." working working working working B
501 Delicious means ____________. A. Beautiful B. Tasty C. Soft D. Precious B
502 Demography studies what? A. Births B. Deaths C. Hearts D. Both A & B D
503 Despite his illness Asad was ___ in winning his team
B. Instrumental C. Useless D. Vagarious A
504 Detectable synonym : A. Loathsome B. Deprave C. Flavorful D. None C
505 Detest close meaning A. Argue B. Hate C. Discover D. Reveal B
A. Are the date B. Was he C. Were the D. Did the date
and time remembering date and time and time be
506 Did he remember the date and time?
remembered the date and remembered remembered C
by him? time? by him? by him?

A. ‫ن‬‫کیا انہوں ے‬ B. ‫ن‬‫کیا انہوں ے‬ ‫کیا انہوں ے‬

C. ‫ن‬ ‫ان می ےس ی‬
D. ‫کوپ‬ ‫ے‬
507 Did they not write?
‫نہی کھایا‬
‫ے‬ ‫نہی پیا؟‬
‫ے‬ ‫نہی پڑھا؟‬
‫ے‬ ‫نہی‬
‫ے‬ D
D. None of the
508 Did you ____ well last night? A. Sleep B. Slept C. Sought
above A
509 Difficult is to easy and Several is to _________. A. Many B. Some C. none D. universal A
B. Carelessness C. Money :
510 Dishonesty : Distrust :: A. Murder : Jail
: Accident Pickpocket
D. Hand : Paper B
511 Do not ___ a noise please. A. make B. Made C. Spread D. Give A
512 Do not guess ____me. A. On B. At C. In D. From B
513 Do not intrude _______ the privacy of anyone. A. With B. Of C. On D. In C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. none of
514 Do not Jeer ___________ poor A. on B. over C. at
these C
A. Let the B. Let the C. Let the D. Let the
515 Do not open the window. window not be window not window not be window not be A
opened opened open opening
516 Do not put much reliance ---- his promises. A. at B. on C. with D. about B
A. You are B. You are C. You were D. You should
517 Do not smoke here. advised not to advised not to advised not to be advised not A
smoke here smoke there smoke here to smoke here

Do not stay in the grasslands after dark as some animals

become ________ when they see humans.
A. Alerted B. Aggressive C. Threatened D. Provoked B
Do you __ the world "essay" is drived from a Latin world
A. Know B. Known C. tell D. none A
Do you have _____ English dictionary? I need to look up
___ words.
A. a/a B. an/an C. the/the D. no article/a D
Do you have--- passport? you need --- passport to travel
outside--- country.
A. a/a B. the/the C. an /the D. a/a./the D
522 Do you see ___ blue sky A. a B. the C. an D. none B
D. No article
523 Do you still live in __________ Peshawar? A. A B. An C. The
required D
B. Was an C. Will an D. Can an
A. Is an essay
524 Does she write an essay?
written by her?
essay written essay written essay written A
by her? by her? by her?
525 Don`t worry. There is nothing to be afraid ________. A. In B. Of C. At D. To B
526 Don’t eat an apple __________ three days. A. From B. Since C. For D. Until C
Don't add too much salt to you food. (Here SALT is an A. Abstract C. Collective D. Concrete
example of) Noun
B. Proper Noun
Noun Noun D
528 Don't be late --- ? A. has you B. have you C. should you D. none D
529 Drought antonym A. Surplus B. thirst C. dryness D. None A
Due to his _________ reputation, few were surprised when A. modest, B. inescapable, C. insufficient, D. admirable,
he joined the fight against _______ medical reforms. acceptable legitimate overpowering unjust D
A. Blackboard : D. Sponge :
531 Duster : Chalk ::
B. Eraser : Pen C. Cloth : Air
Water D
Each occupation has its own ______, bankers, lawyers and
computer professionals, for example,all use among B.
themselves language which outsiders have difficulty
A. Merits
C. Rewards D. Jargon D

D. Distributive
533 Each of the boys gets the prize. Each word is: A. Pronune B. Noune C. Preposation
Pronoun D
534 Each of the soldiers______ in the uniform. A. are B. were C. have D. is D
A. policy in B. a policy to
C. to maintain D. Have it both
535 Eat one's cake and have it means coach fighting keep dog as a
disease cat ways D
among friends house guard

Education must focus ---- helping students gain information

management and innovation skills
A. on
Page 24 of 98
B. in C. at D. with A‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. Pets are B. Pets are C. Pets are

537 Elizabeth keeps pets (passive) being kept by being kepeed kept by D. None C
Elizabeth by Elizabeth Elizabeth
538 Embracing antonyms A. Free B. Reject C. Exclude D. All D
539 Emily is falling _____ the horse. A. In B. Of C. Onto E. Off D
A. The war B. The war C. The war D. The war
540 End the war now. must be ended must ended must be ended must be ended A
now now now by him then

541 enthusiastic : blase :: upright : ? A. Deplore B. prone C. unlikely D. passionate B

A. The theory B. The theory C. The theory D. The theory
542 Epistemology is the theory of _____?
of the universe of languages of the earth of knowledge D
A. Life of
Prophet C. Advantages
B. World is
Essay Topics: Write only One Essay (LAT Paper held in July- Muhammad and D. Write only
2019) ‫ ﷺ‬During the
disadvantages One Essay D
global village
preaching of of Social Media
544 Even if she _______ them, they wouldn’t have come. A. Asks B. Has asked C. Had asked D. Would ask C
Everyone in this universe is accountable to God ----his
actions .
A. for B. against C. of D. about A
A. This book B. This book C. This book is D. This book
546 Everyone must read this book. should be read has to be red to be read by must be read D
by everyone by everyone everyone by everyone

Everyone should _____________ himself against illness

since medical care has now become expensive.
A. Vaccinate B. Insure C. Brace D. Ensure B
Everyone should be __________ duties and assignments
according to his abilities.
A. Told B. Suggested C. Advised D. Delegated D
A. It was B. It will be C. It can D. It is thought
thought that thought that thought that that
Everyone thinks that the educational system should be
educational educational educational educational D
system should system should system should system should
be reformed be reformed be reformed be reformed

550 Excise is most dissimilar to A. Staple B. Organize C. Retain D. Sleep A

551 Extensive antonym A. Narrow B. wast C. Big D. None A
552 Factitious antonym: A. genuine B. Fake C. Unnatural D. None A
553 Faint Heart never won fair lady. WON is A. Verb B. Adverb C. Preposition D. None A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

554 Faisalabad is famous ___its textile mills A. for B. of C. on D. None A

555 Fate smiled ———— him in all his ventures A. At B. On C. Over D. above B
556 Fatima Jinnah is ___________ Madr-I-Millat. A. Calling B. Was Called C. Will be called D. Called D
A. A wedding B. A wedding C. A wedding
party is party is being party was D. None of
557 Fazal attends a wedding party. write its passive voice?
attended by attended by being attended these A
Fazal. Fazal. by Fazal.

A. Height B. D. None of
558 Fear of height is called ___
phobia claustrophobia
C. Acrophobia
these C
D. None of
559 Febriphobia is a fear of________ A. Fire B. Wealth C. Fever
these C
560 Fertile antonym A. fruitful B. Barren C. lush D. none B
561 fill in the black "Aslam is senior ________ me " A. for B. to C. on D. of B
Fill in the blank . He has good ___over the world famous
A. Hold B. Expertise C. Command D. None C
Fill in the blank by inserting appropriate preposition in the
563 statement "Nobody in our group has a genius _______ A. of B. on C. in D. for D
winning friend and convincing people"
Fill in the blank: Do you always come to the office ______
A. On B. By C. In D. From B
565 Fill in the blank: There has been a fall …… prices? A. in B. with C. to D. on A
Fill in the blanks by inserting appropriate preposition in the
A. Between, B. out of,
566 statement, “I could not get in _______ the door so I had to
into between
C. through, in D. out of, into C
climb _______ a window” from the given choice.

Fill in the blanks: _____ his children, his nephews and

nieces were also present.
A. Besides B. Outside C. Beside D. Before A
568 Fill in the blanks: He prohibited entering ______ A. In B. From C. To D. At B
Fill in the blanks: Start now and go on ____ you reach the
A. To B. Unless C. Up D. Until D
570 Fill in the blanks: The police probe ___ the case A. In B. Into C. Over D. With B
Fill in the blanks: The report concludes sadly that ________ D. Very
students have ___________ knowledge of Physics.
A. Some/A lot B. Both/While C. None/Any
Few/Some D
Fill in the correct preposition: "I will be ready _______ the
time you get here"
A. At B. By C. Of D. On B
Find a similar meaning to" Anonymous""‫ملی‬ ‫گمنام" ےک ساتھ ے‬
‫جلی معن تالش کریں۔‬‫ے‬ A. Gracious B. Nameless C. Friendly D. Foreign B
Find an objective sentence "Is everything alright with you?
Yes, I am fine."
A. I B. You C. Everything D. With B
A. He asked B. They asked C. He wanted
Find correct indirect speech of He asked: “Who speak D. None of
who speak “Who speak to know who
these C
French. French?” spoke French
Find Correct Spelling: Bregadier, Bragedier, Breegader,
A. Bregadier B. Bragedier C. Breegader D. Brigadier D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. C. D.
Find Correct Spelling: Parleamentareans, Parlamentarans, B.
Parleementarins, Parliamentarians
Parleementarin Parliamentaria D
ans s ns
D. None of
578 Find out the correct synonym INDIFFERENCE A. Apathy B. Concern C. Disquiet
these A
579 Find out the correct synonym PEEVISH A. Cranky B. Crabby C. Stubborn D. All of these A
580 Find out the correct synonym PLAGUE A. Epidemic B. Pestilence C. Both A & B D. None C
581 Find out the correct synonym UPRIGHT A. Virtuous
C. Both A & B D. None B
D. None of
582 Find out the correct synonym YEARN A. Least for B. Crave C. Unwanted
these B
583 Find out the misspelled word. A. Jockey B. Equestrian C. Maneuver D. no mistakes D
D. None of the
584 Find out the word that misspelled word from the following. A. Bookkeeping B. Accounting C. Bankrupsy
above C
585 Find out the word that misspelled.
B. advisement C. description D. no mistakes D
586 Find out the word that misspelled.. A. Sincerely B. Faithfully C. Reliability D. no mistakes D
Find out which part of the sentence has an error; the after
morning (a) she woke to the (b) light through the window. (
A. A B. B C. C D. D A
588 Find the correct spelling. Galvanize, Galvaneze, A. Galvanize B. Galvaneze C. Galwanize D. Gallvanize A
Find the error. No sooner did she see the tiger when she A. When she B. As fast as C. She see the D. No sooner
ran as fast as she could. ran she could tiger did A
Find the word similar meaning "Benevolent"‫جلی لفظ کو‬‫ملی ے‬
‫تالش کریں جس ےک ے‬
‫معن "بنیادی" ہوں‬
A. beneficial B. careless C. diligent D. generous D
591 Find the word that is misspelled A. Visionary B. Virtuoso C. Vigor D. None D
592 Find the word that is misspelled: A. Vacency B. Concerned C. Both D. None A
593 Find the word that is misspelled___ A. No mistakes
C. Reversel D. Pertain C
D. None of
594 Fish Jumped from one pond ________ the other pond. A. In B. Into C. To
these B
595 FOOD is to HUNGER as SLEEP is to ____________ ? A. weariness B. Dream C. night D. rest A
596 Food which agrees with one's taste A. Pungent B. Palatable C. Sensuous D. Edible B
597 For his novelty , gift ordered to me ___ very lovely. A. Were B. Is C. Are D. Was D
Four independent__________testified to seeing him at the
scene of the crime.
A. Persons B. Witnesses C. Spectators D. All of these B
599 Friend is to enemy as love is to _____ A. Friendship B. Jealousy C. Mistrust D. Hatred D
C. Cry : D. Convulsion :
600 Fury: Ire:: Amusement: B. Joke : Laugh
Whisper Spasm D
601 Germinate opposite meaning: A. Allen B. Decay C. Resolve D. None B
602 Give the near Antonym of "Mettle": A. Courage B. Nerve C. Pluck D. Cowardly D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

603 Giving undue favour to one's own kith and kin is termed as? A. Favoritism B. Nepotism C. Corruption Misunderstandi B
604 Go on ______ the crossroad. A. Until B. From C. To D. Till C
605 Government by a king or queen is called: A. Monarchy B. Oligarchy C. Plutocracy D. Bureaucracy A
D. Rules to
A. Art of B. science of C. Composing
606 Grammar can be defined as
politics oratory poetry
words into D
larger unit of

D. Grapes
A. Grapes are B. Grapes were C. Grapes will
should be sour
607 Grapes taste sour. sour when sour when be sour when
when they are A
they are tasted they are tasted they are tasted

608 Green pepper is very rich __________ vitamin C? A. Of B. Off C. In D. About C

Gul Majeed recommended____ goods dentist but ___
dentist was not available.
A. a/an B. the/a C. a/the D. None C
Had the police not reached there in time the bandits A. Would have C. will have D. did have
_____________ him. killed
B. would killed
killed killed A
611 Hand _________ answer sheet to me. A. From B. With C. On D. Over D
A. Haris B. Haris C. Haris
exclaimed that exclaimed with exclaimed that
612 Haris said,"How clever I am"
he was very sorrow that he we was very
D. None A
clever was very clever clever

D. None of the
613 Have something to eat before you ________ A. Left B. Leave C. Leaving
above B
614 Have you ______ them? A. See B. Saw C. Seeing D. Seen D
Having finished at college Sohail thought of going of going
to Lahore in search ________ some job.
A. Of B. Off C. To D. With A
616 He ---- his job Last week ? A. Left B. Right C. Join D. None A
D. None of
617 He ____ go . A. must B. ought to C. Both A&B
these A
D. will have
618 He _________ his work before father arrived. A. Finished B. Has finished C. Had finished
finished C
A. Promised, B. Promised, C. Promised, D. Promised,
619 He __________ to come but he ___________.
did not did not have did have not did will have A
620 He __________ to Lahore yesterday. A. Had gone B. Went C. Goes D. Was gone B
He …… to contact the nearest police station for the last B. has been D. None of
twenty minutes?
A. was trying
C. kept trying
these C
E. No
622 He advised ____________ me to work hard. A. To B. With C. Beyond Preposition D
D. None of
623 He always comes ___home late A. to B. at C. both
these D
624 He and ______ are playing. A. I B. Am C. is D. are A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

625 He arrived ___ to catch the train ? A. On time B. In time C. at time D. none A
A. I was asked B. He asked me D. I was asked
C. I was asked
that I should that I should to finish the
626 He asked me to finish the work in time.
finish the work finish the work
to finish the
work in time D
work in time
in time in time by him

627 He began his career 20 years ago ___ a doctor. A. Like B. As C. Such as D. Of B
B. Present D. Past
628 He began to move quickly. (Which tense is it?) A. Past perfect
C. Future Tense
Indefinite D
He bore a banner with a strange device. Here "with a C. Adverb D. Adjective
strange device" is a
A. Noun phrase Prepositional
phrase phrase D
He came ________ the room and jumped _________ the
swimming pool.
A. Out, In B. Out, Into C. Out of, into D. Out of, in C
631 He can afford to be generous _________ he is rich. A. That B. If so C. Because D. Unless C
632 He cares ________ the environment. A. In B. At C. For D. About D
D. none of
633 He complains _______headache. A. for B. at C. of
these C
He cried hysterically as the flames enveloped his house:
Hysterically used as?
A. Verb B. Adverb C. Noun D. Pronoun B
635 He deals ___ sugar. A. with B. of C. in D. to C
636 He deals _____ Rice. A. Out B. Of C. In D. On C
He decided their cases with" justice". The underlined word A. Abstract C. Collective D. Concrete
"Justice" is an /a noun
B. proper noun
noun noun. A
638 He decided to dress in a gray suit in order to be : A. Conspecious
C. Both D. None B
C. The decision
A. It was B. The decision
that the car D. He decided
decided that was made by
639 He decided to sell the car.
the car should him to sell the
must be sold that the car B
was made by should be sold
be sold car
640 He did not _________ a letter. A. Write B. Wrote C. Written D. Writes A
641 He did not reply _________ me. A. To B. Too C. Of D. On A
642 He died _________ cholera. A. On B. For C. Of D. With C
643 He died __________ heart attack in 1982. A. From B. With C. By D. Of D
E. No
644 He discussed ___________ the topic with me. A. About B. With C. Above Preposition D
645 He does not know how to hatband his resources A. manage B. govern C. rule D. watch A
646 He does not leave his house --- 9 am A. on B. in C. at D. by D
A. He does not B. He did not C. He was not D. He should
647 He does not like people praising him. like being like being like being not like being A
praised praised praised praised
648 He gave an expeditious reply A. exact
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B. slow C. elaborate D. prompt D‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. I will be
A. I was given a B. I am given a C. I could given
given a flower
649 He gave me a flower yesterday. flower by him flower by him a flower by
by him A
yesterday yesterday him yesterday
C. I should be D. I will be
A. I was given a B. I am given a
650 He gave me a gift.
gift by him gift by him
given a gift by given a gift by A
him him
He gave up smoking two years ago. He ___ 40 cigarettes a A. Have been C. used to
day . Smoking
B. Had smoked
D. none C
652 He got the job _________ influence. A. With B. From C. Of D. On A
653 He got tired _________ over work. A. Over B. Because of C. For D. With B
654 He greatly feels _____________ the needy. A. About B. For C. With D. Against B
B. had felt C. had felt such
A. has felt such
such melancholy
melancholy that he D. None of
655 He had heard the story many times and as many times that he
that he thinks thought his these C
thought his
his eyes would eyes would
eyes will water
water water

656 He has ___ ulcer on his leg A. a B. an C. every D. big B

657 He has been suffering from fever ____ the last 3 days . A. since B. for C. from D. None B
658 He has eaten nothing ________ a long time. A. For B. Since C. With D. From A
659 He has great liking _________ his children. A. From B. At C. For D. To C
660 He has no trust ___________ his own skill. A. On B. It C. To D. In D
661 He has not met her Mother___ long; A. Since B. For C. At D. With A
D. none of
662 He has the good reputation ______ being a teacher. A. of B. with C. in
these A
663 He heard train___ coming. A. Is B. were C. will D. was D
A. I am helped B. I will be C. I was being D. I was helped
664 He helped me. (Passive Voice)
by him helped by him helped by him by him D
B. at enmity
665 He is __ me. A. at enmity to
C. at enmity for D. at enmity B
D. None of
666 He is ______ SDO in KE A. An B. a C. The
these A
667 He is ____M.A A. an B. a C. the D. none A
668 He is a good ___ of football. A. Playing B. Player C. Play D. None B
669 He is accused ____ theft. A. Of B. Over C. With D. In A
670 He is afraid ___ change A. of B. in C. at D. on A
671 He is an intelligent student . Here Intelligent is a/an: A. Adverb B. Preposition C. Adjective D. None C
672 He is blind ______ one eye.‫وہ ایک آنکھ ______ اندھا ےہ۔‬ A. in B. of C. to D. with A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

673 He is capable _______ being an excellent student A. Of B. For C. To D. With A

He is capable __________ doing this work within the
stipulated period.
A. At B. Of C. From D. With B
He is found of searching on the internet .( searching in
given sentence)
A. infinitive B. gerund C. main verb D. none B
He is in Dutch with his family members. Here "In Dutch" C. in good
means what?
A. In love B. in bad terms
D. in trouble D
He is interested ____________ learning Spanish.‫اےس ہسپانوی‬
‫دلچسن ےہ‬
‫ر‬ ‫ے‬
______ ‫سیکھت‬
A. With B. In C. At D. On B
678 He is now ashamed___ his conduct A. from B. with C. of D. by C
679 He is proud ______________ his riches. A. In B. To C. For D. Of D
680 He is quite good ______ making paintings. A. in B. at C. on D. about B
681 He is suffering ___________ anaphylactic shock. A. With B. To C. On D. From D
682 He is superior _____ me. A. Than B. To C. With D. From B
683 He is the youngest _____ seven children. A. Of B. Among C. From D. In B
684 He is very good __________ making stories. A. On B. At C. In D. Towards B
685 He is very popular ___ his employes A. With B. At C. On D. As A
686 He is very proud ____________ his car. A. For B. That C. About E. Of D
687 He is waiting __________ meet you since morning. A. for B. to C. up to D. for to B
688 He kept ____________ from school for three years. A. In B. off C. away D. of C
He left no stone unturned to get a job. (here opposite of A. Traveled for D. Made
'left no stone unturned' is) and wide
B. Went abroad C. Did not try
untiring efforts C
He looks down upon his poor cousins. In the above
sentence the phrasasl verb "Looks down" means what?
A. Despises B. Follows C. Cheats D. Helps A
He looks upset, I think he took the criticism ____ ____
______ heart.
A. To B. In C. About D. Of A
692 He loves ___ TV . A. Watch B. Watching C. Watched D. To Watch D
693 He loves ____ television. A. Watching B. Watches C. Watch D. Watched A
He made an exhaustive list of the items his secretary should
attend to, chose the antonym of exhaustive
A. meticulous B. short C. interesting D. incomplete D
695 He may be slow __ understanding A. At B. With C. to D. None A
696 He met her before. Here BEFORE is an example of? A. Adjective B. Conjunction C. Adverb D. Noun C
He must work very hard and make up for the lost time. In
the above sentence, the word "And" is a/an:
A. Interjection B. Conjunction C. Determiner D. Verb B
A. I am B. I was C. I will be D. I should be
ordered to ordered to ordered to ordered to
698 He ordered me to bring a glass of water.
bring a glass of bring a glass of bring a glass of bring a glass of B
water by him water by him water by him water by him
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

699 He parked his bicycle ___________ the wall. A. Against B. Before C. At D. About A
700 He parted _________all his possessions happily. A. For B. With C. On D. from B
He performs different roles convincingly as he is a
_________ actor.
A. Versatile B. verbose C. voracious D. virtuous A
702 He quits the country_____his will: A. On B. by C. for D. to B
He rammed his truck _________ the back of the one in
A. Against B. In C. Into D. To C
704 He ran as ___________ as he could‫وہ جتنا __ بھاگ سکتا تھا۔‬ A. cleverly B. fastly C. fast D. solemny B
705 He ran fast and delicately. Pick the verb. A. Ran B. And C. Fast D. None A
706 He reached the examination centre ________ time. A. On B. With C. Form D. Of A
D. None of the
707 He relied on _______. A. She B. Her C. Hers
above B
He reminded them to wish shandana when they were A. HeHe said B. He said to C. He said to D. He said to
saying goodbye.(choose the correct narration) to them, them, they, them, B
E. No
709 He resembles ___________ his father. A. As B. With C. About Preposition D
He ruled wisely for many years. In the above setence the D. None of the
word "wisely" is an
A. Adjective B. Adverb C. Article
above B
711 He run twelve miles --- 2 hours . A. in B. of C. at D. on A
D. None of
712 He runs ______. A. Fastly B. Fast C. A&B both
these B
A. He asked B. He asked
C. He asked if
713 He said "Do i have to do it." that he had to that he has to
he had to do it
D. None C
do it do it
714 He said ________ me not to worry. A. To B. With C. Of D. On A
A. Worth B. Movie C. Worth D. watching
715 He said that it was a ___
watching movie worth watching watch movie movie A
D. He
B. He C. He exclaimed
He said to her ," What a hot day? choose the correct A. He said that
indirect speech it was a hot day
exclaimed that exclaimed that sorrowfully B
it was a hot day it is a hot day that it was a
hot day
A. He prayed
B. He said to C. He told her
He said to her, "May you succeed"(Change into indirect to God that D. She wished
narration) she may
her that she that she might
her success D
might succeed succeed
D. He
A. He said her C. He told her
B. He said that exclaimed that
718 He said to her, “what a hot day!” that it was a
it was a hot day
that it was a
it was a very D
hot day hot day
hot day

A. He B. He asked his C. He ordered

requested his maid servant his maid
719 He said to his maid servant, "bring me a glass of milk." maid servant that to bring servant to D. All of these C
that bring him him a glass of bring him a
a glass of milk milk glass of milk
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. He
He said to me "please help me". change direct into indirect B. He told me C. He asked to D. None of
requested me
please help him help him these A
to help him

A. He told me B. He told me C. He told me

that he had that he had that he have
He said to me ,"I expect you to attend the function ," D. None of
change the narration -
expected me expected me expected me
these A
to attend the to attendance to attend the
function the function function

722 He said to me leave the room and do not come again A. He said, B. He ask, C. He told, D. none A
D. He shouted
A. He told me B. He asked me C. He forbade
723 He said to me, "Not to smoke."
not to smoke not to smoke me to smoke
at me not to C

A. He asked B. He asked me C. He asked me D. He asked

me if anybody had anybody if anybody had me if anybody
724 He said to me, “Has anybody been unkind to you ?”
had been been unkind to been unkind to had been D
unkind to him me you unkind to me.

A. He ordered B. He ordered C. He ordered D. He ordered

the arrogant the arrogant the arrogant the arrogant
He said to the arrogant servant, “Do not provoke me
servant not to servant not to servant to servant not to A
provoke him provoke her provoke him provoke
unnecessarily unnecessarily unnecessarily unnecessarily

A. He asked B. He asked C. He asked

them if they them that they them if they
726 He said to them will you listen to such a man ?( indirect)
will listen to will listen to would listen to
D. None C
such a man such a man such a man

A. He said that B. He said that C. He said that D. He told that

727 He said, "He does not like beef". he does not he did not he did not like he does not C
like beef liked beef beef liked beef
C. He said that
A. He said that B. He said that D. He said that
Honesty would
728 He said, "Honesty is the best policy.“ Honesty is the Honesty was
be the best
Honesty will be A
best policy the best policy the best policy
C. He said that
A. He said that B. He said that
he had been D. All of the
729 He said, "I have been writing this essay". he is writing he was writing
writing that above C
this essay this essay

B. He said that
A. He said that C. He said that
he had visited D. None of the
730 He said, "I visited Oxford yesterday." he was visited
he had been
above B
Oxford visited Oxford.
previous day.

C. He
A. He B. He D. He said that
He said, "What a beautiful scene!"(Change into indirect exclaimed that wondered that what a
narration) it was a very it was a
what a
beautiful scene A
beautiful scene
beautiful scene beautiful scene it was
it was
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. He swore by B. He swore by C. He swore by

D. All are
732 He said, 'By God I am not guilty'. God that he is God that he God that he
correct C
not guilty. will not guilty. was not guilty.

He showed great tenacity _________ purpose in bringing

the task to completion.
A. Of B. For C. At D. In A
He showed me how to fix a car and _______ a wheel.‫ن‬ ‫اس ے‬
734 ‫ے‬
‫پہت کو ٹھیک کرن کا طریقہ دکھایا۔‬
‫مجھے ایک کار اور _______ ایک ے‬
A. change B. displace C. place D. fix C
735 He spoke these words ___his face A. On B. At C. In D. Of A
736 He succeeded ____ killing the tiger. A. Into B. From C. Of D. In D
737 He suggests that the meeting ___ postponed. A. be B. would be C. is D. must A
738 He swore___ God A. To B. Be C. Of D. From C
739 He takes honor…..his great command in Computer Science. A. from B. with C. : in D. without B
A. is fond of C. is afraid of D. wants to set
740 He tames animals because he _____________
B. hates them
them them free A
A. I am taught B. I am taught C. I am teach D. I am taught
741 He teaches me English.
English by him English by her English by him English him A
B. We are D. We were
A. Grammar C. Grammar
taught teached
742 He teaches us grammar. was taught to
grammar by
will be taught
grammar by B
us by him. to us by him.
him. him.
743 He told me that he ________ watching the movie. A. Was finished B. Had Finished C. Is Finished D. Not Finished B
A. I was taken B. I am taken C. I should be D. I was taken
to hospital by to hospital by taken to to hospital by
744 He took me to hospital and the doctors operated me. her and her and hospital by her him and D
operated by operated by and operated operated by
the doctors the doctors by the doctors the doctors

D. None of the
745 He took the pen from ____________. A. I B. Me C. Mine
above B
746 He tried to _______ my ring. A. Stile B. Steel C. Steal D. Still C
747 He walked _________ the end of the street yesterday. A. Till B. Upto C. From D. With B
He was _______ of all valuable possessions.‫قیمن‬ ‫اس کا تمام‬
‫مال _________ گیا۔‬
A. robbed B. stolen C. pinched D. established A
749 He was ________ such a hurry that he forgot his keys. A. At B. In C. With D. By B
750 He was _________ of theft in the court. A. Charged B. Blamed C. Accused D. Reported C
751 He was __________ from all charges leveled against him? A. Liberated B. Exonerated
D. Released B
he was _____________ success, writing not for the sake of A. indifferent
fame, but for the sheer of love of poetry to
B. destined for C. eager for D. tired by A
He was afflicted by the modern malaise of instability and
fear of life. Here 'malaise' means
A. Stagnation B. Curse C. Spite D. Sickness D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

754 He was afraid ___ his death? A. By B. to C. from D. of D

C. a person
who helps D. a person
He was an accomplice in committing a murder. (here
synonym of ACCOMPLICE is)
A. Helper B. Partner another who harbors C
person to crimes
commit a crime

He was compensated __________________ the loss of her

A. Over B. In C. For D. Against C
B. A car was D. A car was
A. A car was C. A car driven
being driven been driven by
driven by him, by him, when
757 He was driving a van, when accident occurred.
when the
by him, when
the accident
him, when the B
accident accident
accident occur. occur.
occurred. occurred.

He was embarrassed because everybody was laughing

__________ him?
A. In B. At C. For D. On B
B. To resign
A. He was Circumstances D. Registration
759 He was obliged to resign.
make to resign
was his
obliged him to obliged him C
760 He was sentenced _________death A. on B. with C. to D. None C
761 He was shy __________ fighting with his opponent. A. On B. Of C. To D. With B
He was sick _________ hunger. He hadn’t eaten anything
for two days.
A. By B. At C. With D. From C
He was unfit _________ the job as he was lacking _______ D. Among,
A. For, In B. To, on C. For, At
under A
764 He was waiting _______________ the door. A. At B. Of C. Over D. On A
765 He went to Lahore______train A. On B. With C. By D. None C
B. I shall have C. I shall have D. I shall have
A. I shall
766 He will be transferred by me ( passive)
transfer him
to transferred to transfering been A
him him transferred him

C. A new D. A new
A. A new B. A new
camera is camera was
767 He will buy a new camera camera will be camera is
being bought being bought A
bought by him bought by him
by him by him
C. This house
A. This house B. This house
would have D. None of
768 He will buy this house would be will be bought
been bought these B
bought by him by him
by him
D. None of
769 He will not turn ______________ my respect A. on B. over C. down
these C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

770 He wore a beautiful dress. Beautiful is : A. Adverb B. Adjective C. Noun D. Pronoun B

771 He worked hard lest he _____fare badly at the examination. A. would B. could C. should D. none C
B. A picture in
D. A picture
A. In the the C. In the
would be
competition he competition competition he
772 He would draw a picture in the competition.
would have to would have would be
drawn by him D
in the
draw a picture been drawn by drawn a picture
773 He would enjoy this, if he _______ present. A. Has B. Had been C. Was D. Were D
B. This essay
A. The essay C. The essay D. He wrote
would have
774 He would have written this essay in time. was written on
been written
was written by the essay on B
time him in time time
by him in time

A. Second D. None of
775 He, she and it are _________ pronouns?
B. First person C. Third person
these C
He___ sing high notes when he was young but his voice has
A. Ought to B. Would C. Could D. None B
777 Heavy rain prevented us __________ going to the cinema. A. From B. To C. Towards D. With A
778 Her eyes were filled _____tears. A. By B. With C. On D. In B
A. Here is a B. Here was a C. Here should D. Here will be
779 Here is a question to solve. question to be question to be be a question a question to A
solved solved to be solved be solved

B. Appropriate
780 High time means A. Bad time
C. Both D. None B
781 His attitude is very hostile, chose the antonym of hostile A. friendly B. kind C. humane D. helpful A
His books are well known for their progressive ideas, chose B. Old-
the antonym of progressive
A. useless
C. complex D. reactionary D
A. New books B. New books C. New books D. New books
783 His father will buy him new books were bought was bought for will bought for will be bought D
for him him him for him

784 His hands numbed __ cold A. from B. with C. at D. None B

785 His income ___ than yours A. less B. is less C. least D. little B
786 His logic . . . . . . . . everyone, including the experts. A. surprised B. defied C. teased D. None A
D. None the
787 His opponents launched a political ______ against him. A. Regimen B. Remission C. Tirade
above C
788 His proposal fell out for ____of support A. need B. desire C. want D. necessity C
789 His style is quite transparent A. witty B. lucid C. involved D. verbose B
His urbane attitude won him many friends, chose the
antonym of word urbane
A. rude B. rustic C. violent D. indifferent B
791 Honest and hardworking people____ liked by everyone. A. Are B. Is C. Am D. Was A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

Honesty is the best policy. In the above sentence, which

word is an abstract noun?
A. Honesty B. Best C. Policy D. Is A
793 How ___ money do you have? A. more B. much C. many D. none B
How does he look like ? I know he shaves his head ,but does
he have any facial?
A. Expressions B. Hairs C. Nose D. None A
795 How many plays ___ Shakespeare write? A. Have B. did C. do D. none B
How often do you go out? In the above sentence, the words
"How Often" denote:
A. Place B. Frequency C. Duration D. Distance B
D. Exclamatory
797 How pretty she is ! this sentence is related to which type? A. negative B. positive C. Interrogative
Sentences D
798 Huddle synonym : A. Confuse B. Neutral C. Genuine D. Crowd D
799 I ___ lie from now‫می ___ ابیھ ےس جھوٹ بولتا ہوں۔‬
‫ے‬ A. don't B. won't C. haven't D. none B
800 I ___________ you that you shall win today's competition. A. Guarantee B. Ensure C. Assure D. Decline C
801 I _____________ tennis every Saturday. A. Was playing B. Played C. Play D. Plays C
D. No
802 I accompanied _________ him. A. With B. Without C. Above preposition D

I am _________ forward to our picnic scheduled next

803 ‫ے‬ ‫می اگےل ے‬
month.‫مہیت ےک ےلی ےط شدہ ہماری پکنک ےک ےلی آگ جا رہا ہوں۔‬ ‫ے‬
A. looking B. planning C. seeing D. going A
804 I am ____________ sure as your are. A. Quite B. As C. Very D. perfectly B
805 I am afraid ______________ cats. A. Off B. Of C. In D. On B
806 I am bargaining ___ him A. with B. on C. to D. all A
807 I am bit week ________ geography but I am trying hard. A. in B. at C. on D. over A
808 I am fed up _________ his mess A. With B. Of C. About D. In A
809 I am fond _________ reading newspapers. A. Off B. Of C. In D. For B
810 I am glad _______ your success. A. To B. For C. Of D. At B
811 I am glad ---your shortcoming? A. from B. for C. of D. to B
812 I am not ___ good. A. Feel B. feeling C. felt D. None B
813 I am not acquainted ____ her father. A. Of B. With C. On D. From B
D. none of
814 I am not concerned______ his affairs. A. of B. about C. for
these B
815 I am quite content to stay here. (Here content means) A. Happy B. Frightened C. Eager D. Determined A
I am reading a novel that my mother ____________ last
A. Is B. Will C. Be D. Had D
D. None of
817 I am satisfied ____________ his performance. A. By B. On C. With
these C
818 I am searching ‫ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬my car? A. To
Page 37 of 98
B. For C. Of D. About C‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. None of
819 I am senior____. . A. to him B. than he C. than him
these A
820 I am sick ___ this nasty job. A. With B. In C. Of D. Over C
I am sorry about what happened yesterday. It_____ happen
A. Shan't B. won't C. was D. none B
I am sorry this property is not available any longer ,it ---- to A. Was being D. has been
a businessman. sold
B. is sold C. will be sold
sold D
A. I was B. I have been C. I had been D. No
823 I am tired as I am working since 8 o'clock in the morning.
working working working improvement B
824 I am very much ________ to meet you. A. delighted B. delighting C. delight to D. delight A
825 I am worried _____________ my exams. A. At B. In C. About D. Of C
A. A latter is B. A latter is C. A latter is
826 I am writing a letter: being written been written been written D. None A
by me by me by my
D. None of
827 I as well as he __________ in the meeting A. Is B. Am C. Are
these A
E. No
828 I begged __________ him to give a piece of bread. A. To B. About C. With Preposition D
A. Direct B. Indirect
829 I brought him a glass of water. Brought word is
objective objective
C. Subject D. Adjective A
830 I can not come to see you ____ tomorrow A. By B. Till C. Until D. Unless C
I can`t get out this stain. In the above sentence the phrasal
verb "Get out" means what?
A. Remove B. spead C. polish D. figured A
832 I can’t help you, I am short ——–money at present. A. on B. of C. from D. at A
A. This picture B. This picture C. This picture D. This picture
833 I cannot draw this picture. cannot be cannot be could not be could not be A
drawn by me drawn by I drawn by me drawn by I

I can't understand him he is really a queer fellow, chose the

antonym of queer
A. strange B. careless C. ordinary D. unusual C
I checked all primary classrooms, no one was there. (Which
word is a compound noun?
A. Checked B. Classrooms C. Primary D. There B
I complete my homework. (Identify the object in the
A. Homework B. Complete C. I D. My A
E. No
837 I consider him ________ my best friend. A. As B. As for as C. Off preposition D
838 I could be there ---- stadium A. in B. on C. at D. by A
I could not get a seat in the front seat ___________ I came
A. Though B. Because C. When D. As A
I could not recognize her voice on phone. (Which word is an
abstract noun?)
A. Phone B. Could not C. The D. Voice D
I did not ____ to university yesterday‫یونیورسن‬ ____ ‫می کل‬‫ے‬
‫نہی گیا تھا۔‬
A. went B. go C. gone D. going B
842 I do my work _____ carefully to make mistakes. A. so B. very C. too D. more C
843 I do not have much ___ its just two small bags: A. Bags B. Space C. Luggage D. Weight C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. I do not like B. I do not like C. I did not like

D. I do not like
844 I do not like people hating me. hated by people hating people hating
being hated D
people by me me
I do not like the idea and "moreover" I think it is legal. Here
the word "moreover" is a/an:
A. Adverb B. adjective C. article D. interjection A
846 I do not see why he is so unkind _________ his brother A. Of B. At C. With D. To D
D. Article not
847 I don’t like __________ dogs? A. An B. A C. The
required D
848 I don’t like ____________ dogs. A. A B. An C. The D. Not required D
I don't really want to go, besides, it's too late now. (here
BESIDES is an example of)
A. Adverb B. Preposition C. Conjunction D. Noun C
850 I enjoy ________ tennis. A. Playing B. To play C. Playing D. To playing A
851 I enjoy______sitting alone. A. Himself B. Herself C. Myself D. None C
852 I enjoyed reading________ book you gave me. A. The B. A C. Any D. Some A
853 I entrusted him ___________ this work. A. From B. With C. Of D. For B
854 I expected a reply to my letter _________ the next few days A. Of B. On C. In D. Out C
855 I fell over _________ chair again. A. an B. a C. the D. on C
A. A surprise B. A surprise C. A surprise
party was party were party is given
856 I gave him a surprise party when he came back home given to him given to him to him when D. none A
when he came when he came he came back
back home back home home

857 I got ____ headache. A. The B. An C. A D. No article C

D. none of
858 I got _____ the bus and went to the Hotel. A. upon B. on C. in
these B
859 I had privilege ___ knowing him. A. With B. Of C. To D. From B
I have been in such a picke since I saw you last. In the above
sentence the word "Since" is a:
A. Preposition B. Conjunction C. Determiner D. Adverb A
861 I have been living in this city ___ ten years. A. since B. for C. from D. none B
862 I have been teaching English _____________ June. A. For B. From C. Since D. Till C
I have never felt so embarrassed in my life. In the above A. Adverb of B. Adverb of
sentence, the word "never" is: frequency degree
C. Adjective D. none A
864 I have two cars __ neighter are air conditioned A. But B. Because C. Where D. And A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. I heard the B. I heard the C. I hear the

865 I heard the echo in the cave: choose the plural form. echo in the echoes in the echoes in the D. All B
caves cave cave
I hope you will enjoy yourself at the reunion party this
weekend because I won't be able to be there___
A. oneself B. myself C. yourself D. himself B
867 I inquired ____ the servant if his master was at home. A. of B. in C. on D. at A
868 I insisted ---- going A. On B. To C. For D. None A
A. Did not B. Didn't
869 I knew Sarah was very busy , so I ____ her .
annoy disturb
C. Annoy D. None B
D. All of the
870 I know about__________. A. He B. Him C. His
above B
D. She should
A. She is B. She was C. She will be
871 I know her.
known to me known to me known to me
be known to A
872 I like ……… music. A. Listening B. To Listening C. Listening to D. Listen to B
A. My new B. My new C. My new D. My new
873 I like my new jeans. jeans are liked jeans were jeans will be jeans can be A
by me liked by me liked by me liked by me
874 I lived in Holland _________ the 1990s. A. In B. At C. On D. To A
875 I looked _______ her children when she was ____ hospital A. After, In B. After, At C. At, In D. Towards, at A
D. None of
876 I make him ______ a letter for me. A. to write B. wrote C. writing
these. A
877 I met ___ European‫یورپ ےس مالقات یک۔‬
‫می ن ___ ر‬
‫ے‬ A. A B. An C. The D. None A
I never miss a football match.I __________ fond of it since
my childhood.
A. Will be B. Has been C. Have been D. None C
879 I parted the curtains……looked out into the audience. A. And B. but C. we D. are A
880 I prefer __________ by air. A. Going B. To going C. To be going D. to go D
881 I prefer ____die than humiliation: A. by B. to C. off D. than B
882 I prefer driving ____ travelling by train A. on B. to C. from D. none B
883 I ran ten kilometres with out A. Stopping B. stopped C. none D. stop A
C. I remember
A. I remember B. I remember D. I remember
myself being
I was taken to being taken to taken to the
884 I remember my sister taking me to the museum.
the museum the museum
taken to the
museum by my B
museum by my
by my sister by my sister sister

885 I saw ____ thousand rupees note under the chair A. a B. and C. the D. No article A
886 I saw a _______ birds in the sky. A. Bunch B. Tam C. Flock D. Crowd C
A. A beautiful B. A beautiful C. A beautiful D. A beautiful
887 I saw a beautiful bird. bird is seen by bird was seen bird will be bird should be B
me by me seen by me seen by me

888 I saw him jumping _______ the wall. A. on

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B. at C. over D. None C‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

889 I shall look _______ the matter. A. In B. Onto C. Into D. With C

890 I shall take revenge ______ you. A. With B. For C. On D. By C
A. She should C. She should
B. She should D. She should
have been met have been
891 I should have met her yesterday.
by me
be meeting me
meeting by me
be meet by me A
yesterday yesterday
yesterday yesterday
I take down my notes carefully. In the above sentence, D. To write
"take down" means what?
A. To hide B. To remove C. To publish
down D
I talked to the stranger____ car had broken down on the
A. Who B. Whose C. Which D. None B
E. No
894 I thanked ______ him. A. To B. Of C. Off Preposition D
D. None of
895 I took the glass and hide it _________ the table. A. Below B. Under C. Above
these B
896 I visit Faisal Mosque _______ I go to Islamabad. A. Wherever B. Whenever C. Where D. Once B
897 I want to go ______ England next year. A. From B. Of C. On D. To D
898 I was _________ a bad temper so I fought with my friend. A. in B. on C. at D. with A
899 I was addicted ___________ smoking. A. To B. Too C. With D. Off A
900 I was angry ___ him ___ lying to me. A. For-With B. To-For C. With-For D. To-With C
901 I was very tired. _______, I could not join them. A. Meanwhile B. Furthermore C. For Example
Consequently D
902 I was writing on the book ____ is mine when he arrived. A. Which B. Who C. Whome D. None A
903 I went ____________ her home. A. To B. In C. Above D. About A
I went there because I was invited. In the above sentence,
the word “because” is a:
A. Noun B. Determiner C. Interjection D. conjunction D
A. Past B. present C. Future
905 I will be having lunch with him. Mark the tense
continuous continuous continuous
D. Past perfect C
906 I will give you a lift if it____________. A. Rain B. Was raining C. Raining D. Rains D
I will have been studying Italian for three years. Here 'will C. Adjective
have been studying' is an example of:
A. Noun Phrase B. Verb Phrase
Prepositional B
A. Adjective B. Adverb
908 I will not make the same mistakes that you did.
clause clause
C. Noun clause D. None A
909 I wish I ----- applied for that job. A. have had B. had C. have D. none B
910 I worked morning till noon. Here 'till' is an example of? A. Noun B. Preposition C. Conjunction D. Verb C
911 I, ____ your king, will lead you. A. who is B. who am C. who D. who was B
912 I’ll have my assistant ________ for an appointment. A. Called B. Calling C. will call D. call B
913 I’m not accustomed ___________ being interrupted. A. of B. to C. for D. with B
A. The library C. The library
B. The library
914 Identify correct sentence? loss its all
lost its all book
lost its all D. none C
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books books‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

915 Identify the "countable noun":"‫قابل شمار اسم" یک شناخت کریں‬ A. sand B. salt C. soap D. soil C
Identify the action word in the following. But, Above, Over,
By, Walk
A. But B. Above C. Over D. Walk D
B. C.
917 Identify the correct spelling: A. Compacinate
Compasionatte Compassionate
D. None C
Identify the correct spelling: Deceitful, Decetful, Deceetiful,
918 Deicietful‫ہچ یک شناخت کریں‬‫ درست ے‬Deceitful, Decetful, A. Deceitful B. Decetful C. Deceetiful D. Deicietful A
Deceetiful, Deicietful
identify the correct spelling: Receved, Received, Recevied,
919 Recived‫ہچ یک شناخت کریں‬‫ درست ے‬Receved, Received, Receved, A. Receved B. Received C. Receved D. Recived B
Identify the correct spellings: Affecton, Afection, Affection,
920 Effection‫ صحیح امال یک شناخت کریں‬Affecton, Afection, A. Affecton B. Afection C. Affection D. Effection C
Affection, Effection
Identify the correct spellings: Bureucracy, Bureaucracy,
Beaucracy, Boreauracy‫پربتائی‬
‫ے‬ ‫درست سپیلنگ‬
A. Bureucracy B. Bureaucracy C. Beaucracy D. Boreauracy B
D. We look
A. I hope B. Not all is C. I wished him
Identify the jumbled (confused or meaningless) sentence receiving you
from the following set of sentences:
everything well with the all the best in
forward to D
went well there world the future
date an early
Identify the word Bold in the given sentence: I was just
Walking ALONG singing to myself.
A. Conjection B. Adverb C. Adjective E. Preposition D
B. To C. To bring
A. Make D. None of
924 Idiom ” To make amend for” means___________?
possible effort
compensate chance in
these B
for damage something
C. A night
925 Idiom A pipe dream Unattainable B. A day dream
D. None A
A. very easy to B. Very
926 Idiom cake and pie
eat Thought
C. Thought Task D. None A
A. Very likely B. Very likely
927 Idiom on the cards
to happen to occur
C. Both D. None A
B. Had been , C. Have been ,
928 If I ___ hungry, I ----- eaten something. A. get have
would have have
D. None B
929 If I ____________ this record, I would give you a big treat. A. Break B. Breaks C. Broken D. Broke D
930 If I _____________ you, I would not do it. A. Am B. had been C. Was D. Were D
B. would D. Would have
931 If I had money, I ________ it now. A. will purchase
C. would have
purchased B
A. Will B. Have C. Would D. Have
932 If I have money , I __ it tomorrow
purchase purchase purchase purchased A
933 If Melt is to Liquid then Freeze is to: A. Solid B. Ice C. Crystal D. Condense A
934 If she were free, she _______ to you. A. Can talk B. Could talk C. Would talk D. all are wrong C
935 If wishes ---- horses, beggars would ride A. were B. was C. have D. none A
D. None of
936 If you ___________ go by bus, you will get late. A. Will B. Shall C. May
these D

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

If you don't care for the blemishes of his style, you will find
that the writer has a powerful message to convey
A. excellences B. qualities C. accusations D. faults D
If you study hard, you will pass the test. Identify the A. Second B. Zero C. Third D. First
conditional sentence Conditional Conditional Conditional Conditional D
A. You was get B. You will get C. You were
939 If you work hard _____
success success get success
D. None B
D. None of
940 Ignominy is a synonym: A. Honour B. Cantonment C. Humiliation
these C
In a list of languages ranked by number of native (L1)
speakers where does English come?
A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth C
In a sentence in passive voice _____________ is not D. None of
A. Subject B. Object C. Verb
these A
In Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry, what is the fate of those who B. Everlasting D. Mild
fail to observe the sacred duty of blood vengeance?
A. Banishment
melancholia B
to Christianity
A. Personal
944 In English __________ shows the difference of sex.
B. Gerund C. Adverb D. Adjective A
B. Common D. Material
945 In English grammar “Quaid-e-Azam” is a: A. Proper Noun
Noun A
In the test, we will _________ your work and then give you D. None of
detailed feedback.
A. Measure B. Check C. Assess
these C
A. To be B. To be able
unable to to decide
947 In two minds means?
decide about about some
C. Both D. None A
some thing things
A. Lady
In which novel of his Lawrence dealt with psychological B. Sons of C. The D. The boy in
phenomenon known as “Oedipus Complex”?
lovers Trespasser the bunch B
B. Obviously C. Delegate
949 Incapable of being affected, or cancelled ,or obliterated: A. Indelible
Option Option
D. Delible A
A. She said B. She said C. She asked
Indirect speech of : She said, “I shall get up early in the that she would that he will get that he would
morning”. get up early in up early in the get up early in
D. None A
the morning. morning. the morning.

D. Constituent:
951 Ingredient: Recipe :: A. Chair: Table B. Moral: Story C. Map: Plan
Formula D
D. None of
952 Inherit antonym A. Leave B. Heredity C. Both
these A
953 Insatiable antonym : A. Greedy B. Glowing C. Dainty D. None C
954 Insatiable antonym: A. Greedy B. Glowing C. Both D. None A
955 Insect:Disease::War:___ A. Destruction B. Injury C. Relief D. None A
Insert the correct form of the verb to complete the
956 sentence, “Tariq decided to ______ exercise. from the given A. Take B. Tock C. Taken D. Taking A

Insert the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence

957 "we arrange to meet at 10 o'clock last Sunday but Aslam A. Give in B. Look up C. Turn up D. Put out C
did not _____ on time” from the following option.
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

Inside the carton was a push-button unit fastened

_________ a small Wooden box.
A. From B. Too C. With D. To D
959 Insipid synonym : A. Gentle B. Delicate C. Tasteless D. None C
A. D. All above be
960 Invaluable antonym
B. Worthless C. Inestamable
mentioned B
961 Is being pushed ___ donkey. A. by B. in C. on D. none A
962 Is this the bus, __________ goes to the Sadar Bazar? A. That B. Who C. Which D. To arrive C
It _____________ too cold to go out last night so we stayed D. None of
at home.
A. Has Been B. Was C. Used To Be
these B

It has been proven that cockroaches ___________ for

several weeks even after their heads have been cut off.
A. are serviving B. can survive C. Serviving D. that servive B
965 It is __________ to call than to write. A. Quickest B. Quickly as C. Quicker D. Quicker than C
It is a ___ factory. Five hundred people are employed
966 ‫فیکپی ہ۔ وہاں پانچ سو لوگ کام ے‬
there.‫کرن ےہی۔‬ ‫ے‬
‫یہ ایک ___ ر‬ A. good B. reputed C. big D. none C
967 It is a nice day .I ___ we go out for a walk . A. Acclaim B. Suggest C. Recommend D. All B
It is a small car, yet, it is surprisingly spacious. (here 'yet' is
an example of)
A. Preposition B. Pronoun C. Conjunction D. Adverb C
It is delightful to hear her speak as she speaks
969 __________.‫بولن ےہ تو اس یک بات سن کر‬
‫ے‬ ‫ی‬
‫جب وہ _________ ے‬ A. slowly B. rythmically C. softly D. melodiously C
‫خوش ہوپ ےہ۔‬
B. that were
970 It is essential __________ here on time. A. that you will
C. that you are D. that you be C
971 It is Good __________ him to help me in time. A. of B. for C. to D. by B
C. This is
A. Doing this is B. This must D. This can’t be
972 It is impossible to do this.
impossible not be done
impossible to
done C
be done
973 It is my meagerness ___ attend ceremony A. to B. in C. by D. all A
It is necessary for the Government to ____ their people's
life better.
A. Make B. Made C. Making D. None A
B. do not C. does not
975 It is not true, I _______________ it. A. believe
believe believe
D. truly believe B
It is our national duty to _________ our vote in the general
A. Drop B. Give C. Take D. Cast D
977 It is our problem, not _______________? A. There B. Their C. Theirs D. Them C

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. It is time for B. It was time C. It will be D. It should be

the for the time for the time for the
978 It is time to complete the assignments.
assignments to assignments to assignments to assignments to A
be completed be completed be completed be completed

A. It was time B. It should be C. It was time

E. It is time for
for the articles time for the for the articles
979 It is time to distribute the articles.
to be articles to be to be
the articles to D
be distributed
distributed distributed distributed

C. It should be D. It will be
A. It is time for B. It was time
time for CSS time for CSS
980 It is time to prepare for CSS exams. CSS exams to for CSS exams
exams to be exams to be A
be prepared to be prepared
prepared prepared
A. It will be
B. It is time to C. It was time E. None of the
981 It is time to take tea. time to take
taken tea to be taken tea above D
982 It is useless ___ cry now. A. Of B. To B
It rained for 3 days and the streets in my neighborhood A. Simple B. complex C. Compound D. imperative
were flooded sentence sentence sentence sentence A
It was afternoon by now and Mr. Hassan gave the boys a
delicious lunch prepared mainly form the farm`s own
produce. Later, the students visited the mango orchard and
were delighted to see green fruits, hanging from the
branches in large numbers. The trunks of the trees had
984 been white washed with liner and the ground below was A. Orange B. Yellow C. Green D. Red C
neat and clean. They did not see any weeds pr wild grasses
around. Mr. Hassan told them that it was very necessary to
protect them from pests and diseases which destroy the
plants as well the fruits. The colour of mangoes, when the
boys visited the farm was:

It was afternoon by now and Mr. Hassan gave the boys a

delicious lunch prepared mainly form the farm`s own
produce. Later, the students visited the mango orchard and
were delighted to see green fruits, hanging from the
B. To protect
branches in large numbers. The trunks of the trees had A. To attract D. To increase
them from C. To make
985 been white washed with lime and the ground below was pests and
pests and them visible
the growth of B
neat and clean. They did not see any weeds pr wild grasses diseases pests
around. Mr. Hassan told them that it was very necessary to
protect them from pests and diseases which destroy the
plants as well the fruits. The trunk of the trees were white
washed with lime:

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

It was afternoon by now and Mr. Hassan gave the boys a

delicious lunch prepared mainly form the farm`s own
produce. Later, the students visited the mango orchard and
were delighted to see green fruits, hanging from the
branches in large numbers. The trunks of the trees had B. Produce C. Produce
A. Farm`s own D. Produce of
986 been white washed with liner and the ground below was
borrowed from bought from
any other form A
neat and clean. They did not see any weeds pr wild grasses the neighbors market
around. Mr. Hassan told them that it was very necessary to
protect them from pests and diseases which destroy the
plants as well the fruits. The lunch Mr. Hassan gave to boys
was prepared from:

It was afternoon by now and Mr. Hassan gave the boys a

delicious lunch prepared mainly form the farm`s own
produce. Later, the students visited the mango orchard and
were delighted to see green fruits, hanging from the
branches in large numbers. The trunks of the trees had
been white washed with liner and the ground below was
A. Dawn B. Noon C. Afternoon D. Evening C
neat and clean. They did not see any weeds pr wild grasses
around. Mr. Hassan told them that it was very necessary to
protect them from pests and diseases which destroy the
plants as well the fruits. The boys did the lunch at:

988 It was kind _______________ you to help. A. In B. At C. For E. Of D

B. The C. The
D. The
'It was the Rainbow gave thee birth' (this line is taken from A. The tiger, kingfisher, Daffodils,
the poem _____ written by __________) William Blace William Henry William
nightingale, B
John Keats
Davies Wordsworth
990 It was warm, so I ------------------ off my coat. A. Put B. Put on C. ear D. Putt off A
991 It's the first time I _______ sea-food in my life. A. Eat B. Eating C. Eaten D. Have eaten D
992 I've read this paragraph three times, and I ___ understand it A. can't still B. can't yet C. still can't D. none C
993 Jane took a little nap. (Here LITTLE is an example of) A. Adverb B. Adjective C. Noun D. Preposition B
994 Jim works _____ than his brother. A. Hard B. Harder C. Hardest D. Harding B
D. None of the
995 John Keats died of: A. Cancer B. Tuberculosis C. Malaria
above B
996 Jovial antonym : A. General B. Sagacity C. Gloomy D. None C
997 Just let ____ be A. his B. her C. I D. she B
998 Just take care of yourself. (Here OF is an example of) A. Preposition B. Noun C. Verb D. Adjective A
Keep your books on the table. In the above sentence, the
word "On" is a/an:
A. Preposition B. Adverb C. Adjective D. Noun A
A. Message : C. code : D. warrior :
compartment :
unbreakable invincible D

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

B. You are
A. You are C. You are
requested to
requested to requested to D. None of the
1001 Kindly share your knowledge.
share his
kindly share
share your above C
knowledge. knowledge.
1002 Kith synonym? A. blood B. folks C. kin D. All D
A. Walking : C. Scissors : D. Quilt :
1003 Knife : Chopper
B. Swim : Float
Cloth Blanket D
1004 Laconic synonym : A. Enjoy B. Industry C. Concise D. None C
Last week, some innocent people were kidnapped for
ransom. (Which word is a Noun ______)
A. people B. Innocent C. kidnapped D. ransom D
A. Let a song B. Let a song C. Let a sang D. Let a song
1006 Let her sing a song.
be sang by her be sing by her be sung by her be sung by her C
A. Let cricket C. Let cricket D. Let cricket
B. Let cricket is
1007 Let him play cricket. be played by
played by him
was played by should be A
him him played by him
1008 Let me ______ you to pronounce words. A. Helps B. Help C. Helped D. Helping B
A. Let this B. Let this C. Let this D. Let this
1009 Let me do this work. work be done work be do by work should work be done A
by me me be done by me by I

B. This is to be C. Let this be

1010 Let me do this. A. Let us do this
done by me done by me
D. Let I do this C
A. Let an essay B. Let an essay D. Let an essay
C. Let an essay
1011 Let me write an essay. be written by is written by
be write by me
can be written A
me me by me

A. It is B. It was C. It will be D. It should be

suggested that suggested that suggested that suggested that
1012 Let us play together.
we should play we should play we should play we should play A
together together together together

1013 Lets ___ a cup of tea A. Has B. Have C. Come D. Be B

1014 Lets play ___ game of Hockey A. The B. an C. a D. them A
A. Legal B. Legal C. Legal
D. None of the
1015 LFO stands for what? Federation Framework Framework
above C
Order Ordinance Order
1016 Lila is a ______ girl and does not like to go out alone. A. Scared B. Frightened C. Lonely D. Timid D
B. Grass was D. Grass is not
A. Grass is not C. Grass is
being not being eaten by
eaten by a eaten not by a
eaten by a a lion,
1017 Lion does not eat grass, however hungry he may be. lion, however
lion, however
lion, however
however A
hungry he may hungry he may
hungry he may hungry he may
be be
be be

Listening to the lecture was watching grass grow. In the A. Very C. very
above sentence, the idiom "watching grass grow" means informative
B. very boring
D. very easy B
1019 Live is to Die as pretty is to ______? A. Dul
Page 47 of 98
B. Die C. Ugly D. Lovely C‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1020 Living at the same time is? A. Concurrent B. Coincident C. Concomitant
Contemporary D
1021 Look at the picture __ the wall A. on B. at C. above D. in A
1022 Look at the silly cyclist , he is going to causes an accident : A. at B. is going C. to cause D. an C
Maaz appears to behave _____, actively helping class C.
fellows to have their home assignment done.
A. Mysteriously B. Rudely
D. Aggressively C
Make the adjective used in the sentence "We have put in D. none of
the suitcase all pressed shirts" from the given choice
A. suitcase B. pressed C. shirts
these B
1025 Man does not live by _________ alone. A. Meals B. Food C. Bread D. Diet C
Man is the only animal ___ that can think in a positive way
about the progress of mankind
A. Which B. That C. Whose D. Whome B
1027 Mania for stealing articles A. Logomania
C. Kleptomania D. Hypomania C
A. These B. These C. These D. These
hunters will hunters save hunters saved hunters have
Many a person has been saved from the man-eaters by the
save many a many a person many a person saved many a D
person from from the man- from the man- person from
the man-eaters eaters eaters the man-eaters

A. Relay: B. Hurdle: C. Spring: D. Jog:

1029 Marathon: Stamina::
independence perseverance celerity weariness C
Mark the adjective used in the sentence “Athar wanted to
rent a Commodious building” from the following option.
A. Building B. flent C. Commodious D. Wanted C
mark the correct meaning of the idiom "in black and white" D. in written
from the following choice:
A. In short B. Useless C. In full swing
form D
Mark the correct meaning of the proverb. “Too many
_______ spoil the broth”. From the given sentence.
A. Teachers B. Cooks C. facts D. Chicken B
Mark the opposite of the word "Cogent" from the given
A. Vague B. Valid C. Convictive D. Signification A
Mark the similar of the word "Primitive" from the given
A. Advance B. Modern C. New D. Basic D
1035 mark the similar of word "Quest" from given choice. A. Trial B. Search C. Test D. Decision B
Mark to mark an abrupt turn or break in a sentence is
A. Dash B. Bracket C. Comma D. Full Stop C
Marke the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence
1037 "Aslam decided to __________ Jogging as he needed to lose A. Go against B. Take up C. Run app D. Get at B
weight " from the given choices.
A. Very short B. Very long
1038 Meaning of "donkey years"."‫معن‬‫گدےھ سال" ےک ے‬
period period
C. Both D. None B
A. Power to B. Supremacy D. Controlled
1039 Meaning of “hegemony” is _________?
control others of Power
C. Autocracy
Democracy A
A. To feel at B. To feel C. To feel
1040 Meaning of: To feel at home.
ease Happy difficult
D. To be sick A
1041 Misappropriation of money A. Robbery B. Theft C. Fraud
Embezzlement D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. The C. The
B. The
marketing marketing
marketing of
division of this division of this
1042 Miss Rani manages the marketing division on this company.
company is
this company
company has
D. none A
is managed by
managed by managed by
Miss Rani
Miss Rani Miss Rani
Modern industry abounds _____ opportunities for young
people with good scientific qualifications.
A. With B. From C. In D. For A
1044 Monkeys live----- the trees. A. into B. by C. over D. on D
1045 Most of the guests arrived ______ car? A. With B. By C. From D. In D
Most of the guests arrived __________ buses.‫زیادہ تر مہمان‬
‫می ے‬‫بسوں ے‬
A. with B. by C. from D. In B
1047 Most opposite word for "Transient" A. Obituary B. Permanent C. Temporal D. Stationary B
1048 Motivation Synonym A. Competent B. Inspire C. Intelligent D. None B
1049 Mr Ajmal was going to continue ____, but he lost his job. A. work B. working C. worked D. to work A
1050 Mr Razzak is worth ___ honor. A. of B. in C. out D. at A
Mr. Tanveer ____ is a teacher lives in the street next to
A. Who B. Whome C. Which D. None A
1052 Must finish your homework ___ two hours. A. of B. for C. into D. Within D
My aunt has invited me to her place _____ three o’clock C. During, so
this afternoon _____ tea.
A. At, for B. On, to
D. From, for A

C. The honest
A. The honest B. The honest D. The honest
should be
1054 My brother helps the honest. are helped by were helped
helped by my
will be helped A
my brother by my brother by my brother
1055 My brother was trembling ____cold A. from B. with C. by D. of B
My colleague has been up to his eyes in work ever since he B. Enjoying his C. Extremely D. Greatly
returned from Europe? ( find meaning)
A. In trouble
work busy criticized C
1057 My cousin is ____ doctor.While my brother is ____ author.. A. a/an B. the/an C. a/a D. None A
My Dad was delighted when I showed him my result.The D. Compound-
sentence is:
A. Simple B. Compound C. Complex
complex C
My father is quite concerned _______ my progress at
A. For B. From C. Against D. About D
A. That he B. That who D. That he
C. To he could
1060 My father was so poor __________: could not buy could not buy
not buy us food
could not buy D
our food us food us food

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. “Please
A. He asked B. My friend C. “Please
bring my
“my friend to said “will you bring me a
1061 My friend requested me to bring him a sandwich.
bring me a bring me a sandwich,”
friend a C
sandwich”. sandwich”. said my fried.
said he.

A. My friend B. My friend C. My friend D. My friend

tells me that I said me that I told me that I tells me that I
1062 My friend says to me, "you are not going to be punished."
am not going am not going am not going was not going A
to be punished to be punish to be punished to be punished

1063 My friends _____________ the prime minister yesterday. A. See B. Have seen C. Saw D. Were Seeing C
C. Cricket
A. Cricket is B. Cricket will D. Cricket was
should be
1064 My friends were playing cricket. being played be played by
played by my
being played D
by my friends my friends by my friends
My mother made tea for all and sundry at home. (Here ALL A. On a sunny D. All of a
AND SUNDRY means) day
B. Everybody C. For guests
sudden B
C. All by D. None of
1066 My new home is not ___________finished. A. Altogether B. All together
together these A
1067 My pen is similar --- your pen A. too B. to C. in D. of B
1068 My sister is bad _____maths. A. In B. with C. at D. from C
My sister loves to draw sketches as she is good _______
A. From B. For C. Of D. At D
My teacher lives near our village. ___ will come to our
home. Choose the appropriate pronoun.
A. He B. We C. You D. They A
My uncle Ahmed is wiser than my siblings because he is
1071 _____________ than them‫مپے بہن بھائیوں ےس‬ ‫مپے چچا احمد ے‬
‫ے‬ A. elder B. eldest C. older D. oldest D
‫زیادہ سمجھدار ےہی کیونکہ وہ ان ےس _____________ ےہی۔‬

D. No one will
A. No one will B. No one can C. No one can’t
be able to
1072 My watch can’t be repaired by anyone, repair my repair my repair my
repair my B
watch watch watch
1073 Nafeesa is afraid ___ spiders A. to B. of C. for D. None B
1074 Nasir is ___ of Sharif's family: A. The oldest B. Older C. The eldest D. elder C
Near the historic monument, there is a bridge _______ the
Thames River.
A. To B. Above C. Over D. Off C
1076 Neha is traveling -------the school A. off B. of C. toward D. none C
1077 Never laugh ______ the old persons. A. With B. On C. For D. At D
1078 Never tell your secrets _______ a stranger. A. With B. At C. On D. To D
A. More
1079 No doubt this will make a few billionaires even _________.
B. Wealthy C. Wealthier D. Wealthiest C
1080 Nonchalant is most dissimilar to: A. Concerned B. Old C. Vacancy D. None A
1081 Noor and Fatima ___ are sisters? A. Elder B. Smaller C. Both D. None C
D. None of
1082 Normally an individual thunderstorm …… about 45 minutes? A. Remains B. Lasts C. Ends
these A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1083 Not ___________ the seats were taken. A. Each B. Whole C. All of D. Every C
1084 Novel is most dissimilar to: A. New B. Old C. Middle D. None B
1085 Nuclear energy is __________ dangerous to be used widely. A. So B. Much C. Too D. That C
Nukhbat was always rather a footloose character roaming
1086 ____ all over the place ,picking up odd jobs but never A. around B. about C. in D. round A
setting to anything.
1087 Oblation antonym A. Option B. Negation C. Gift D. None B
1088 Odour syonym A. Smell B. Fragrance C. Sweetness D. None A
Of wealth and health, the ____________ is the most D. None of
A. Later B. Latter C. Latest
these A
D. None of the
1090 Oh my God that is stunning! It is a _____________ sentence. A. Compound B. Declarative C. Exclamatory
above C
On leaving the shopping plaza, Kate was robbed _____
A. by her B. by hers C. of her D. of hers C
1092 On who takes care a Museum A. Curator B. Conservator C. Compere D. Robber A
A. Thistles B. Grapes C. Thistles D. Grapes
cannot be cannot be cannot be cannot be
1093 One cannot gather grapes from thistles.
gathered from gathered from gathered by gathered by B
grapes thistles one them
1094 One of my friends ____________ coming today. A. Is B. are C. were D. did A
D. The poor
A. The poor B. The poor is C. The poor
should be
1095 One of them will help the poor. will be helped be helped by was be helped
helped by one A
by one of them one of them by one of them
of them

A. Unsolicited B. Unsolicited C. Unsolicited D. Unsolicited

1096 One should not give unsolicited advice. advice is not to advice can't be advice may not advice should D
be given given be given not be given

C. D. All of the
1097 One who believes in the existence of God: A. Theist B. Greedy
Humanitropist above A
1098 One who believes in the power of fate. A. Fatalist B. Optimist C. Pessimist
Parsimonious A
One who embraces voluntary death for the sake of one's
A. Martyr B. Patriot C. Fanatic D. diplomat A
1100 One who feels that all are selfish A. Cynic B. scientist
D. ambassador A
1101 One who is incapable of being tired A. Opportunist B. Extempore C. Indefatigable D. Idle C
‫وہ شخص جو ے‬
One who is unable to pay his debts:‫اپت قرض یک‬
1102 ‫ی‬
‫ادائیگ ےس قاض ےہ‬:
A. Bale B. Brood C. Caucus D. Insolvent D
1103 One who knows many languages:
B. Epicure C. Polyglot D. Antiquarian C
1104 One word for ‘Living for years and years’ is? A. Permanent B. Annual C. Continuous D. Perennial D
D. None of
1105 Only son of the farmer is _______ . A. Dead B. died C. Deadly
these A
1106 Only when ___failed, police resolve to___ A. Persuasion
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B. Force C. Both D. None C‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1107 Opposite meaning of Jargon A. language B. terminology C. slang D. silly A

1108 Opposite of "Splendor" is A. weak B. risky C. grandeur D. None A
1109 Opposite of Pardon is: A. Reward B. Risk C. Praise D. Punish D
1110 opposite word of CONFISCATE: A. invalid B. dispossess C. Nuptial D. Bewildered B
Our Army achieved smashing victory. (here opposite of B. Crushing C. Critical D. Humiliating
A. Bad defeat
defeating withdrawal surrender B
B. Our
A. Our C. A gift was D. We gave our
colleague was
colleague gave given to our colleague a gift
1112 Our colleague was given a gift when she retired.
us a gift when
given us a gift
colleage when when she D
when she
she retired she retired retired
D. None of the
1113 Our country needs a number of ______ social workers. A. Uninterested B. Disinterested C. Self-centered
above B
1114 Our cricket team is __________ than Indian team. A. More better B. Best C. Better D. All of these C
Our flight was _________ From Lahore to Islamabad:‫ہماری‬
‫فالئٹ تیھ _________ الہور ےس اسالم آباد‬:
A. Diverted B. Deflected C. Reflected D. Shifted A
1116 Our friends often come to ________ us. A. Saw B. Seen C. Seeing D. See D
1117 Our grandmother has always been___ of us. A. Happy B. Kind C. Both D. None B
D. None of the
1118 Our sir teaches Mathematics_____________English. A. Across B. besides C. beside
above B
A. They says B. They said C. They said D. They said
that they can that they can that we can that they
1119 Our teacher said ,"We can not live without oxygen" not live not live not live would not live C
without without without without
oxygen. oxygen. oxygen. oxygen.

A. Mitigate: B. Condone: C. Error: D. Conviction:

1120 Overlook: Aberration::
Penitence Offence Omission Criminal B
1121 Pakistan as well as India _______poor A. Is B. are C. was D. were A
1122 Pakistan must not put reliance ___ IMF A. on B. for C. to D. all A
B. C.
A. Ellipsis
1123 Parenthesis:Explanation
Synopsis:affect Apostrophe:an D. None A
ation notation
PASSAGE: Once upon a time there was cap seller who used ‫اس سوال کو‬
A. Check-in
1124 to go to other towns to sell caps. One day he was going to a
‫وضاحت ےک ساتھ‬ A
town. ‫پڑھی‬
D. None of
1125 Past Participle of the Verb “Bend” is: A. Bended B. Bound C. Binded
these D
D. None of
1126 Past Participle of the Verb “Lie” is: A. Lay B. Laid C. Lain
these C
1127 Patient is too___ to walk . A. veek B. weak C. week D. veak B

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. It was B. It will be D. It can be

C. It is believed
believed that believed that believed that
that donkeys
1128 People believe that donkeys are the stupid creatures. donkeys are donkeys are
are the stupid
donkeys are C
the stupid the stupid the stupid
creatures creatures creatures

B. It was C. It should be D. It can be

A. It is believed
believed that believed that believed that
that every
People believe that every child is born with different every child is every child is every child is
child is born
born with born with born with A
with different
different different different
abilities abilities abilities
People of the older generation ______ over the good old
school days.
A. Reminisce B. Retributive C. Remind D. Remember A
C. It should be D. It will be
A. It was said B. It is said that
said that said that
1131 People say that honesty is the best policy. that honesty is honesty is the
honesty is the honesty is the B
the best policy best policy
best policy best policy

1132 People who work together at the same place A. Friends B. Agents C. Colleagues D. Rivals C
Person who believes that God is every thing and everything D.
is god
A. Agnostic B. Theist C. Pantheist
Pantechnicon C
B. I'll have C. I'll have
1134 Phone me after 8 O' clock .____ dinner by them A. I'll finish
been finished finished
D. none C
1135 Pine is most similar to A. Clean B. Hate C. Resolve D. Crave D
A. Gullible : B. watertight : C. attractive : D. defensible :
deception alibi proposal theory D
Please do __________ as you are directed :‫براہ کرم‬
‫کریں جیسا کہ آپ کو ہدایت یک ی‬
_________ ‫گن ےہ‬
A. same B. exactly C. exact D. solemnly B
D. You should
A. You were B. You are C. You will be
be requested
1138 Please do not disturb me. requested not requested not requested not
not to disturb B
to disturb me to disturb me to disturb me

1139 Please do not laugh _____________ those beggars. A. For B. Against C. At D. From C
A. You are B. You were C. You are D. You are
request to requested to requesting to requested to
1140 Please finish the task in time.
finish the task finish the task finish the task finish the task D
in time in time in time in time
D. You should
A. You are B. You were C. You will be
be requested
1141 Please mind the gap. requested to requested to requested to
to mind the A
mind the gap mind the gap mind the gap
1142 Please open the book ___ page to A. On B. At C. Is D. None A
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D. You should
A. You are B. You were C. You will be
be requested
1143 Please open the door. requested to requested to requested to
to open the A
open the door open the door open the door

A. The door is C. You were E. You are

B. Let the door
to be shut and requested to requested to
1144 Please shut the door and go to sleep.
you are to go
to be shut and
shut the door shut the door D
you be asleep
to sleep and go to sleep and go to sleep

A. You are B. You were C. You will be D. You should

requested to requested to requested to be requested
1145 Please shut the door and leave.
shut the door shut the door shut the door to shut the A
and leave and leave and leave door and leave

Please vote for the member ____________ has done most A. What you B. who you C. who you D. that you
for our village. believe believed believe believe C
1147 Plural of Thief is____?‫چور یک جمع ےہ___؟‬ A. Thiefs B. Thieves C. Thieves D. Theefs B
Pointing a man in a photograph woman said,his brothers
1148 father is the only son of my grand father" how is the A. Sister B. Mother C. Grandfather D. Father A
woman related to man?
1149 Police said they found thirty bodies ____ the wreckage. A. In B. between C. among D. under A
Potato was ___________ Food of Ireland in the 50s‫ یک‬50 ‫آلو‬
‫می آئرلینڈ کا کھانا ___________ تھا۔‬ ‫ی‬
‫دہاپ ے‬
A. major B. main C. delicious D. staple A
C. For the
B. The worst
A. You be worst,
should be D. Be prepared
1151 Prepare yourself for the worst. prepared for
prepared by
for the worst. D
the worst should be
made by you.
1152 Proficiency antonym : A. Inefficiency B. Expert C. Accuracy D. None A
C. Hard
1153 Proficient synonym A. Competent B. Dull
D. None A
1154 PROPINQUITY A. Capacity B. Tendency C. Nearness D. Habit C
A. Verify : B. Weary : C. Disagree :
doubtfulness boredom controversy
D. None A
1156 Put a blanket __________ the child. A. Over B. On C. Upon D. Into A
1157 Put this painting __________ the well. A. Upon B. On C. To D. Into B
1158 Put your signature __ blue ink. A. In B. Of C. With D. Through A
1159 Racing is dangerous sport. (Here RACING is a) A. participate B. gerund C. infinitive D. verb B
1160 Rack and ruin is? A. Prosperity B. Wind fall C. Destruction D. None C
A. Read Read
the complete
‫اس سوال کو‬
Read the complete paragraph and solve questions. There is paragraph and
a small hill in Takht Bhai. solve
‫وضاحت ےک ساتھ‬ A
questions with

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1162 Redolent A. Shy B. Bellicose C. Odorous D. Ubiquitous C

1163 Refrain from interfering _____ the course of justice. A. At B. With C. Of D. To B
Rehana has been pursuing her career in architecture ____
she graduated in May.
A. For B. until C. when D. since D
A. Engagement B. Satisfaction : C. Applause :
1165 Rehearsal :Performance ?
:Marriage Appetite Audience
D. None A
1166 Rejoinder mean: A. Send B. Insult C. Outcome D. Reply D
1167 Repast is most similar to : A. Goal B. Book C. Debt D. Meal D
1168 Rizwan will ______ Ayan for his misconduct. A. Deal in B. Deal on C. Deal by D. Deal with D
D. Roses
A. Roses are B. Roses were C. Roses will be
should be
1169 Roses smell sweat. sweat when sweat when sweat when
sweat when A
they are smelt they are smelt they are smelt
they are smelt
C. Concert: D. Baseball:
1170 Ruby: Gem :: A. Trophy: Prize B. Party: house
music basketball D
1171 Saad often ____________ late at night. A. Worked B. Work C. Working D. Works D
Saif's father suffered a major stroke but he managed to pull
D. None of the
_____?‫کھینچت‬ _____ ‫سیف ےک والد کو فالج کا بڑا حملہ ہوا لیکن وہ‬ A. Over B. Out C. Through
above D
‫می کامیاب ہو گی؟‬‫ے‬
Sajid appears to behave ______, actively helping class C. D. None of
fellows to have their home assignments done
A. Aggressively B. Rudely
Cooperatively these C
A. It was C. It will be D. It should be
B. It is believed
believed by believed by believed by
by Sajid that
Sajid that Sajid that Sajid that
1174 Sajid believed that Asif and Anwar would help Ahmed.
Ahmed would
Ahmed would
Ahmed would Ahmed would A
be helped by
be helped by be helped by be helped by
Asif and Anwar
Asif and Anwar Asif and Anwar Asif and Anwar

1175 Saleem agrees -------------- me in this matter. A. at B. on C. to E. with D

1176 Salman complained _______ my father against me. A. to B. with C. in D. none A
B. Out of his
1177 Salman went ______ to oblige his superior. A. On his way
C. In his way D. With his way B
Sana was making a cloud. In the above sentence, the word
“Sana” is a:
A. Noun B. Pronoun C. Verb D. Preposition A
1179 Sara shows great ability ________ Physics. A. in B. at C. on D. about A
1180 Sartorial synonym A. Cheerful B. Sincere C. inelegant D. homespun C
1181 Saviour synonym A. Protector B. enemy C. Both D. none A
Secretly listening to a conversation of others is called A.
________? Eavesdropper
B. Overhearing C. Pigeonholing D. Spying A
1183 Select Opposite Word: Ambiguous A. Auxiliary B. Responsible C. Salvageable D. Clear D
1184 Select Opposite Word: Exposure A. Publicity B. Experience C. Secrete D. Contact C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1185 Select opposite Word: Forbid A. Allow B. Prevent C. Stop D. Avoid A

1186 Select opposite Word: Relinquish A. Abdicate B. Renounce C. Possess D. Deny C
D. None of
1187 Select Opposite Word: Repulsive A. Alluring B. Refulgent C. Delightful
these C
1188 Select similar word: Absolute A. Division B. Small C. Complete D. Half C
1189 Select similar word: Contempt A. Confined B. Disregard C. Regard D. Praise B
1190 Select similar word: Curious A. Dim B. Bemuse C. Snoopy D. Decease C
1191 Select similar word: Elaborate A. Detailed B. Plain C. Unrefined D. Facile A
1192 Select similar word: Illustration A. Goal B. Reason C. cause D. Explanation D
1193 Select similar word: Proclaimed A. Announced B. Hide C. Obscure D. Unclear A
1194 Select the antonym of given word: AUDIENCE A. Tractable B. Absence C. Callous D. Crowd B
1195 Select the antonym of the given word: SINK A. Sigh B. Lift C. Float D. Descend C
1196 Select the antonym of the given word: STRICT A. Lenient B. Docile C. Mean D. Trick A
Select the correct "article" used in the sentence, "when I
met him he was ____ intermediate" from the given choices:
A. a B. an C. the D. one B
Select the correct antonym of the word “Applaud” from the
given choice
A. Complain B. Grunt C. Find D. Approve A
A. he told that B. I told that C. he told that D. he told that
Select the correct indirect speech of the sentence "He said
my father is going with me" from the given choices
his father was he was going he is going his father was D
going with me with his father with his father going with him

D. she told
A. she told that C. she told that
Select the correct Indirect Speech of the sentence, She said, B. she told that that she
"my book is new" from the given options:
my book was
her book is new
she has new
possess new B
new book
A. A letter has C. A letter is D. A letter was
Select the correct passive voice speech of the sentence "I B. Aletter has
am writing a letter" from the given choice
been written
written by me
being written being written C
by me by me by me

Select the correct passive voice speech of the sentence "She A. A book was B. A book is C. she is D. she was
reads a book" from the given choices. read by her read by her reading a book reading a book B
A. Why I was B. Why was I C. Why I was D. Why was I
Select the correct passive voice speech of the sentence
“why did he not invite me in dinner?” the given choice:
not invited by not invited by not invite by not invite by B
him to dinner him to dinner him to dinner him to dinner

Select the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentence,

1204 "As we know the worse condition of weather, we have A. run into B. run away C. run out D. run over D
decided to ______ cricket match" from the given choices:

Select the correct spelling. Encyclopedia, Incyclopedia, C.

Encyclopediaa, Encyslopedia
A. Encyclopedia B. Incyclopedia
D. Encyslopedia A
Select the correct synonym of the word "industrious" from
the given choice:
A. Modest B. Energetic C. Diligent D. Intelligent C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

B. Past C. Past Perfect D. Past

Select the correct tense use in the sentence. "The servant A. Past Perfect
was washing the clothes" from the given choices: Tense
Continuous Continuous Indefinite B
Tense Tense Tense

D. Future
select the correct tense used in the sentence "the weather C. Future
A. Present B. Future Perfect
1208 will have changed before we reach there" from the given
Perfect Tense Perfect Tense
Continuous B
Choice: Tense
Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship
C. Light:
1209 similar to that express in the original pair in capitals: 1. A. Lead: Pencil B. Thread: wool
D. Quick: Rapid A
Wick: Candle
1210 Select the opposite word "Retreat" from the given choice A. Flight B. Evacuation C. Advance D. Ebb C
Select the option which correct replaces the Underline
A. Except you B. Except you C. Except you
1211 words in the sentence below : Robina said that she had told
with and me and myself
D. None B
everyone Except you and I.

Select the option which corrects in the sentence: If he was A. If he had B. If he were
here, he would settle this dispute among the two of us. been here
C. If he is here D. None B
A. Wrong and B. Canal and C. Long and D. Senior and
1213 Select the pair of words which is odd from the following
Right River short Junior B
1214 Select the similar word Abjure A. discuss B. project C. perjure D. renounce D
Select the word similar in meaning to the word-given :
A. Liquely B. Felux C. Dissolve D. Amalgamate D
Select the word that is most opposite to the word provided.
A. Unravel B. Mar C. Squander D. Tarnish C
Select the word that is most opposite to the word provided.
A. Free B. Sullied C. Wide D. Thorough B
Select the word that is most opposite to the word provided.
A. Argue B. Soften C. Slander D. Admit D
Select the word that is most opposite to the word provided.
A. Dictated B. Grand C. Illicit D. Messy A
Select the word that Is most similar to the word provided.
A. Tired B. Climb C. Decrease D. Bargain D
Select the word that Is most similar to the word provided.
A. Imply B. Fret C. Assail D. Recalcitrant C
Select the word that Is most similar to the word provided.
A. Slow B. Honest C. Supple D. Dull C
Select the word that Is most similar to the word provided.
A. Garment B. Bell C. Mass D. Weight C
Select the word which is opposite in meaning: GLOOMY‫دیت‬ ‫ی‬
‫ اداس‬:‫گی لفظ ےک مخالف کو منتخب کریں‬
A. lively B. various C. active D. slow A
Select the word which is spelled correctly Pediagogical , D. None of
Pedagogical, Pedegogical
A. Pedagogical B. Pediagogical C. Pedegogical
these A
A. An E-mail be B. An E-mail C. An E-mail D. None of the
1226 Send an E-mail.
sent. should be send. should be sent. above C
1227 Send the parcel ___ this address: A. to B. in C. that D. on A
A. Verb of B. Verb of C. Verb of D. None of
1228 Servant is making tea .
Movement Action Existence these B
A. Reef : B. Love : C. Obelisk : D. Aster :
1229 Shale : Geologist ::
Astrologer Philologist Fireman Botanist D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1230 She (as well as) her sister is engaged. A. Adverb B. Adjective C. Preposition D. Conjunction D
She _________ about the excitement on hearing the news
of her sister's wedding.
A. Ran B. Jiggled C. Talked D. Jumped A
1232 She _________ working in a factory since 2007. A. is B. has been C. was D. had B
1233 She ‘ll be at work ___________ Thursday. A. In B. At C. On D. To C
1234 She agrees _______ my proposal. A. with B. to C. for D. about A
D. No Article
1235 She always speaks _____ truth. A. A B. An C. The
required C
1236 She complained _________ pains in her back. A. By B. With C. Over D. About D
1237 She covered her face with a ________. A. Wail B. Vail C. Veil D. Vale C
1238 She did not eat any fruit. (Here ANY is an example of) A. Noun B. Adverb C. Adjective D. Preposition B

A. The prize C. The prize D. The prize

B. The prize is
1239 She didn't win the prize. was not won
not won by her.
was not being did not won by A
by her. won by her. her.

1240 She died ‫ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬a few days A. After B. Among C. Across D. Though A
1241 She felt ____ when went to stage A. Worried B. Nervous C. Anxious D. None B
1242 She found it easy __________ the test. A. Finish B. Finished C. Finishing D. To finish D
D. A novel
A. A novel has B. A novel C. A novel is
should be
1243 She has and will read a novel. been and will been and will been and will
been and will A
be read by her be read by her be read by her
be read by her

1244 she has been exempted---night duty. A. with B. from C. for D. none B
1245 She has been ill but now she is back in ___________ . A. Movement B. Motion C. Circulation D. Moving A
1246 She has been living here _________ 1999. A. For B. Since C. From D. With B
She has been working __________ midnight.‫وہ آدیھ رات ےس‬
_________ ‫کام کر ریہ ےہ۔‬
A. For B. Since C. In D. On B
D. The
A. The B. The
C. The massage massage
massage has massage was
1248 She has brought them the massage.
been brought been brought
will be brought should be A
to them by her brought to
to them by her to them by her
them by her
She has not been working for two hours .this sentence
related to which type
A. positive B. negative C. Interrogative D. none B
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. No
1250 She informed __________ me of the event. A. To B. With C. Of Preposition D
1251 She intruded _____ the room but was turned out. A. At B. With C. Into D. From C
1252 She is _____________ than I. A. More pretty B. Most pretty C. Pretty D. Prettier D
1253 She is a brilliant student. (here BRILLIANT is an example of) A. Quantity B. Shape C. Size D. Quality D
1254 She is abnormally thin.Abnormally is a ? A. Adverb B. Verb C. Adjective D. Noun A
1255 She is afraid _____ the dog. A. Off B. Of C. To D. From B
She is capable of winning the race. (Here WINNING is used
A. participle B. gerund C. noun D. pronoun A
1257 She is going to quit her job-------- they give her pay rice? A. or B. until C. unless D. providing C
She is married to book. (Here antonym of MARRIED TO B. Thorough C. Extensive
A. Keen reader
reader reader
D. Book hater D
She is my mother in law. Which punctuation mark is used in
the sentence
A. hyphen B. exclamation C. apostrophe D. none A
1260 She is prettier ____ her sister . A. Than B. That C. There D. None A
1261 She is senior __________ me. A. Than B. To C. then D. All of these B
1262 She is suffering ______ a bad throat infection. A. from B. in C. on D. it A
1263 She is very talented, ____________ she has a bright future. A. Undoubtedly B. While C. Otherwise D. When A
B. A letter is D. A letter was
A. A letter is C. A letter was
1264 She is writing a letter.
written by her.
being written
written by her.
being written B
by her. by her.

She keeps her kitten in the basket. identify the animate

1265 ‫می ر ے‬
noun in the sentence.‫کھن ےہ۔ جمےل‬ ‫بچ کو ٹوکری ے‬ ‫ے‬
‫ وہ اپت بیل ےک ے‬A. kitten B. basket C. she D. in B
‫می متحرک اسم یک شناخت کریں۔‬‫ے‬
She kicked up a row when she was denied entry to the
A. Created a B. Kicked the C. Waited in a D. Cried with
1266 amusement park. In the above sentence, the idiom "Kicked
fuss guard queue sorrow A
up a row" means
A. I am known B. I am known C. I am knew D. All of the
1267 She knows me.
to her to him to her above A
1268 She lies to everyone_________ nobody likes her. A. So B. As C. If D. Where A
1269 She lived here ____ ten years A. till B. since C. for D. from C
D. None of
1270 She lives __________ Madiha. A. With B. Above C. Under
these A
She lost her home and all her money but she never lost D. None of
A. Modesty B. Dignity C. Pride
these B
She made her children _________ their homework every
A. Do B. To do C. Doing D. Did A
She might be forgiven for __________ beneath the
A. Undertaking B. Buckling C. Extricating D. Resounding B
1274 She must be back _____________ 9 PM. A. By B. On C. In D. With A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. None of
1275 She passed her examination because she ____ very hard. A. studies B. studing C. studied
these C
1276 She resembles ______ her mother. A. With B. To C. At D. From B
A. She told the B. She told the D. She told the
C. She told the
children they children that children they
1277 She said to the children, “you must not play with fire”
were not to they must not
children not to
were not to B
play with fire.
play with fire. play with fire. play with fire.

A. She said B. She said C. She said D. She says

that Ruby`s that Ruby`s that Ruby`s that Ruby`s
clothes had clothes had clothes have clothes had
1278 She said, "Ruby`s clothes caught fire while she was cooking."
caught fire caught fire caught fire caught fire B
while she is while she had while she was while she is
cooking been cooking cooking cooking

She sang a Medley of old songs. In the above sentence, the

word "Medley" is a:
A. Noun B. pronoun C. verb D. preposition A
1280 She sits___ her mother? A. Beside B. Besides C. On D. Of A
1281 She slipped __ the floor A. At B. In C. On D. Of C
C. Continuous D. Continuous
1282 She succeeded by __________ hard. A. Work B. Working
work working B
1283 She usually _______ the baby down for sleep at her time. A. Lies B. Lied C. Lays D. Lay C
1284 She waited _______ he poured a cup of tea. A. Whereas B. While C. From D. To B
C. She is D. She will
A. She wants B. She wanted
1285 She wants people like her.
to be liked to be liked
wanting to be want to be A
liked liked
1286 She was mistaken _______ switch? A. With B. From C. For D. Of C
1287 She was sewing ___ the light of lamp : A. In B. by C. with D. on A
She watched all the important matches ___________ the
Brookfield ground.
A. On B. In C. From D. Of B
E. No
1289 She went_____________________ home. A. To B. Too C. Upto Preposition D
1290 She will become ________ doctor. A. A B. An C. The D. No Article A
Should doctors tell patients that they have a D. None of
A. Terminal B. Fatal C. Contagious
these B
1292 Similar meaning of desuetude A. custom B. Absoluteness C. Argue D. Dissent B
1293 similar meaning of Prosaic A. dull B. dashing C. litigious D. petulant A
1294 Similar meaning of Range A. Level B. Expense C. Grade D. Standing C
A. A large
C. Private D. A small
building, B. A very tall
room or a house,
1295 Skyscraper means: typically of the building of
compartment typically one in B
medieval many storeys
on a ship the country
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1296 Slow and steady _____the race. A. Win B. Wins C. Is winning D. Won B
A. A discussion
B. A brief D. None of
1297 Small talk means? carried for a
C. Closed talk
these B
long time

1298 Smoking is injurious __________ health. A. in B. for C. to D. with C

Some boys threw stones at the dogs ------- other wrote
letters .
A. while B. when C. what D. none A
1300 Some people say that ______________ is not a true science. A. Psyocology B. psychology C. psychollogy D. psychologgy B
Some political scientist do not think ------ obedience to the
1301 will of another is necessary in order to maintain good A. Stark B. Partial C. Verbal D. None C
government .
Some political scientist do not think --------obedience to the
1302 will of another is necessary in order to maintain good A. Stark B. Partial C. Verbal D. None C
A. I was B. I am C. I will be D. I should be
recommended recommended recommended recommended
Somebody recommended me another doctor for my
another doctor another doctor another doctor another doctor A
for my for my for my for my
treatment treatment treatment treatment
A. Your pen
B. Your pen C. Our pen has
has been
1304 Someone has broken your pen.( passive voice)
broken by
has broken by broken by D. None A
someone someone
B. You are
C. The fire has D. The fire had
A. The fire was requested to
1305 Someone has lit the fire.
lit by someone light the fire by
been lit by been lit by C
someone someone

A. We are B. We are C. We had

D. He is
1306 Someone is following us. being followed followed (by been followed
following us A
(by someone) someone) (by someone)

C. The bull can D. The bull

A. The bull was B. The bull is
1307 Someone pulled the bull violently.
pulled violently pulled violently
be pulled should be A
violently pulled violently

B. He was seen C. He is seen

A. He was seen D. He was seen
picking up a picking up a
1308 Someone saw him picking up a gun. pick up a gun
gun by gun by
by someone B
by someone pick a gun
someone someone
1309 Something that can be heard? A. Auditory B. Audio Visual C. Audible D. Audition C
Something that is hard but liable to break easily is known
A. Flexible B. Resilient C. Supple D. Brittle D
1311 Something which cannot be understood A. Infallible B. inexplicable C. illegible incomprehensi D
1312 Something which is fit to be eaten A. Edible B. unpalatable C. tasty D. delicious A
Sometimes, absolute silence is the most satisfying sound.
Here 'Absolute' means:
A. Mute B. Silent C. Utter D. Valuable C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1314 Specious antonym : A. valid B. significant C. agreeable D. None A

1315 Spelling correction Renaissance A. Ranaissance B. Renassancce C. Renaissance D. Rinaissance C
B. Neat and
1316 Spick and span A. Outspoken
C. Already done D. Garrulous B
A. wisdom and B. deceive C. watch and
1317 Spike and span means
foresight somebody weather
D. None D
Standard word (s) used as a common gender for the person B. Man in the
in charge of a meeting is / are:
A. Chairman
C. Main chair D. Chairperson D
1319 Stone : Hard :: Feather : ? A. Bird B. White C. Soft D. None C
Study of cultivating fruits, vegetables,flowers and D.
‫ر‬ ‫ ے ے‬،‫پھلوں‬
1320 ornamental plants is called ‫سجاوپ‬
‫ پھولوں اور‬،‫سپیوں‬ A. Anatomy B. Horticulture C. Physiology Psychophysiolo B
‫پودوں یک کاشت ےک مطالعہ کو کیا کہت ےہی؟‬ gy
D. None of the
1321 Study of flowers is called A. Anthology B. Phycology C. Mycology
above A
D. None of
1322 Study of plants is called : A. Entomology B. Biology C. Botany
these C
1323 Stupendous synonym A. Ordinary B. Marvelous C. Abandon D. None B
1324 Success in the examination depends _____ hard work alone. A. Over B. On C. With E. Of B
Successful people are genuinely very efficient in D.
____________ their tasks.
A. Making B. Attaining C. Achieving
Accomplishing D
1326 Susan is the woman ____ husband is in hospital A. her B. hers the C. whose D. none C
1327 Synonym of "ACCOUNTABLE" A. Answerable B. Slack C. Unreliable D. Blameless A
1328 synonym of "crumble" is A. disintegrate B. unite C. yield D. none A
1329 Synonym of "Deepen" is A. Intensify B. Relieve C. Neutralize D. Soothe A
1330 Synonym of "Demolish" is A. Dismantle B. Reveal C. Taunt D. Repair A
1331 Synonym of "Former" is A. Previous B. Regular C. Superior D. Inferior A
1332 Synonym of "Lavish" is A. Simple B. Austere C. Bountiful D. Scarce C
1333 Synonym of "Lethal" A. Fatal B. Strong C. Healthy D. Harmless A
1334 Synonym of "Massive" is A. Minute B. Dull C. Insignificant D. Immense D
1335 Synonym of "Mendicant" A. Saint B. driver C. employee D. beggar D
1336 Synonym of "Miserable" A. Object B. Obstruct C. Depressed D. Abstract C
1337 Synonym of "Misfortune" is A. Miracle B. Support C. Benefit D. Calamity D
1338 Synonym of "Prevalent" A. Rare B. Different C. Unusual D. Common D
1339 Synonym of "Rebuke" is A. Chide B. Commend C. Approve D. Flatter A
1340 Synonym of "reformation" is A. Repetition B. Change C. revelation D. retreat B
1341 Synonym of "Reticent" A. Confident B. Extrovert C. Garrulous D. Silent D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1342 Synonym of "spinning" is ? A. Rotating B. Sorrow C. Beauty D. None A

1343 Synonym of “AMNESTY” is________? A. Pardon B. Judicial C. Security D. Assistance A
1344 Synonym of “culpable” is _________? A. Free B. Guilty C. Vindicable D. Wholesome B
D. None of
1345 Synonym of “Foremost” is A. Premature B. Unimportant C. Important
these C
1346 Synonym of “infringe” is A. Breach B. Crash C. Invade D. Obtrude A
1347 Synonym of abominable A. Noisy B. Awful C. Hard D. None B
1348 Synonym of Accolade A. approval B. award C. Both D. None C
‫نصیحت کا ے‬
1349 Synonym of admonition‫مپادف‬ A. Criticism B. Award C. Pardon D. all A
1350 Synonym of Advocate A. Ignorance B. Weak C. Support D. None C
1351 Synonym of Appreciate ____? A. Contract B. Recede C. Accelerate D. Express D
1352 Synonym of Bounty A. Gift B. Donation C. Pleasure D. Reward A
‫بریف کا ے‬
1353 Synonym of BRIEF?‫مپادف؟‬ A. small B. short C. limited D. little B
1354 Synonym of Cacophonic? A. malicious B. Discord C. both D. none B
1355 Synonym of CHURLISH A. childish B. boorish C. tempestuous D. disorderly B
1356 synonym of compassion A. Mercy B. Cruelty C. Hatred D. None A
1357 Synonym of Cordial is _____________? A. Unpleasant B. Pleasant C. Heart D. Love B
1358 Synonym of DANGER is____? A. insecurity B. cope C. ancillary D. risk D
1359 Synonym of Dank A. Dangerous B. Ugly C. plunder D. damp D

‫ کا ے‬DEFILE
1360 Synonym of DEFILE‫مپادف‬ A. pollute B. desecrate C. Both D. Success C
1361 Synonym of DEFLECT is A. Frustrate B. Revert C. Divert D. depress C
1362 Synonym of delegate is
B. Officer C. member D. none A
1363 Synonym of DIVVY A. Foolish B. Selfless C. Follow D. None A
1364 Synonym of eager___ A. Calm B. intelligent C. Ambitious D. None C
1365 Synonym of Educe A. Elicit B. illegible C. ignorant D. None A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1366 synonym of embezzle is? A. remunerate B. clear C. balance
misappropiate D
1367 Synonym of escape A. Run B. Run off C. Independent D. None B
1368 Synonym of exude ? A. discharge B. release C. Both D. None C
1369 Synonym of Feral A. Wild B. Tame C. Tamed D. None A
1370 Synonym of Galvanize A. Stimulate B. Reject C. Disperse D. Disturb A
‫کا ے‬
1371 Synonym of HIRE is?HIRE ‫مپادف ےہ؟‬ A. exclude B. release C. recruit D. permit C
1372 synonym of HYPERBOLE A. exaggeration
C. amplification D. All D
1373 Synonym of Inane A. banal B. flat C. vapid D. All D
1374 Synonym of INCESSANT is A. Constant B. Extreme C. Both D. None A
1375 Synonym of Incredulous A. dishonest B. honest C. reliable D. unreliable D
1376 Synonym of infiltrator A. agent B. enemy C. friend D. none A
1377 Synonym of Insolvent A. Bankrupt B. Stable C. Hard D. Pure A
1378 Synonym of Inveigle A. Cajole B. Inherent C. Attempt D. None A
1379 Synonym of itinerary A. plan B. logbook C. blog D. All D
1380 Synonym of Lacking : A. Deficient B. Efficient C. Beneficent D. None A
1381 Synonym of LIMP A. Falter B. Bend C. Kneel D. None A
1382 Synonym of massacre A. slaughter B. Homage C. saving D. unfettering A
1383 Synonym of Misanthrope A. pessimist B. optimist C. positivist D. idealist, A
1384 Synonym of Nomenclature A. Terminology B. Systematic C. Both D. None A
1385 Synonym of nudge A. dig B. flower C. happy D. none A
1386 Synonym of OBJECT A. Challenge B. Disobey C. Disapprove D. None C
1387 Synonym of Obscure is _____ A. Confusing B. Clear C. Reveal D. Bright A
1388 Synonym of PENSIVE A. Reflective B. Tragic C. spiteful D. spontaneous A
1389 Synonym of PRECARIOUS is A. Brittle B. Perilous C. Insecure D. Cautious C
1390 Synonym of Profile
B. Out line C. Both D. None C
‫ممانعت کا ے‬
1391 Synonym of Prohibit?‫مپادف؟‬ A. Reprimand B. Restrict C. Both D. None B
1392 Synonym of Reek A. Stink B. Fragrance C. Both D. None A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1393 Synonym of ridiculous is_________ A. Silly B. Glorious C. frivolous D. None A

1394 Synonym of Rookie A. professional B. a new recruit C. expert D. None B
1395 Synonym of 'Scanty' is : A. Meager B. Smart C. Rigid D. None A
C. commend
1396 Synonym of SCOFF A. believe B. make fun of
D. None B
1397 Synonym of sophomoric ? A. Mature B. Immature C. Abnormal D. None B
1398 Synonym of strenuous A. hard B. soft C. both D. none A
1399 Synonym of Stride A. walk B. Talk C. Sengit D. None A
1400 Synonym of subsequent A. Successive B. Perior C. Later D. None A
1401 Synonym of SUMPTUOUS A. delirious B. gorgeous C. perilous D. luxurious B
1402 Synonym of Terminate A. Suspend B. Reject
E. End D
1403 Synonym of Thawed A. Defrost B. Ruined C. Both D. None A
1404 Synonym of Tranquil A. Noisy B. Calm C. Happy D. None B
1405 Synonym of Turpitude A. Honour B. Depravity C. Lethargy D. Belligerence B
1406 Synonym of urge A. influence B. Hate C. Happiness D. None A
1407 synonym of valor A. Boldness B. Fear C. Weakness D. None A
1408 Synonym of VINDICTIVE A. Revengeful B. forceful C. helpful D. watchful A
1409 Synonym of Wheedle A. Waive B. Deceive C. Slander D. None B

1410 Synonym of Whisper is: A. Noise B. High voice C. Low voice D. All C
1411 Synonym of WINNOW A. carve B. wind C. weed D. carry D
1412 Synonym of word "Gracious" is: A. courteous B. congenial C. cordial D. All D
1413 Synonym of zealot is A. Fanatic B. Apathy C. Liberal D. None A
1414 Synonym Random A. Casual B. Old C. Both D. None A
1415 Synonyms of ambiguous A. Unclear B. Clear C. Clean D. None A
1416 Synonyms of Astonishing A. Sad B. Marvelous C. Distinguish D. None B
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1417 Synonyms of bravery A. Fearless B. Flawless C. Both D. None A

1418 Synonyms of candid A. Truthful B. Lie C. Dishonest D. All A
1419 Synonyms of distress A. Happiness B. Anguish C. Intelligent D. None B
1420 Synonyms of epidemic A. pandemic B. Contagious
D. All D
1421 Synonyms of explicit A. Obvious B. implicit C. both D. None A
1422 Synonyms of Feeling A. Impression B. Happiness C. insensibility unconsciousnes A
1423 Synonyms of Hassle
B. Convince C. Convenience D. None A
D. None of
1424 Synonyms of indubitably? A. apparent B. controversial C. doubtful
these A
D. All of the
1425 Synonyms of Keenness is A. Acuity B. Likeness C. Kindness
above A
D. None of
1426 Synonyms of Largely. A. Closely B. mostly C. barely
these B
1427 Synonyms of Phase A. Stage B. Period C. Chapter D. All of these D
1428 Synonyms of SUSCEPTIBLE A. Liable B. Legal C. Unlikely D. Resistant A
D. All above
1429 Syonym of cataclysm A. Upheaval B. Clear C. Conspicuous
mentioned A
1430 Systematic scientific study of Teeth is known as: A. Pedagogy B. Odontology C. Ornithology D. Cardiologist B
1431 Take antonym Polarize A. Scatter B. Unite C. Disperse D. Chill B
A. Let it be B. Let it be C. Let it be
1432 Take it out
taken out take out taken in
D. none A
D. You should
A. You are B. You were C. You will be
be advised to
1433 Take your medicines. advised to take advised to take advised to take
take your A
your medicines your medicines your medicines

1434 Talk : Stammer :: Walk : ___ A. walker B. Stagger C. Run D. Nonee B

1435 Talkative means A. Stuff B. Garrulous C. Surround D. surrender B
A. Proper B. Common C. Collective D. Material
1436 Team, Crew and Family are______?
nouns nouns nouns nouns C
1437 Ten new candidates _____selected A. has B. are C. Have D. is C
Thank you. That was __________ very nice dinner?‫شکریہ وہ‬
___ ‫بہت اچھا ڈنر تھا۔‬
A. a B. an C. the D. none A
1439 That charming girl was the ___ of all eyes A. Cynosure B. doggerel C. target D. None A
That fine circus elephant now belongs to my sister and
A. I B. me C. mine D. None B
1441 That is very kind ___________ you. I thanked him A. From B. For C. Of D. To C
B. Adverb C. Adjective
1442 That is what the spring is all about. A. Noun clause
Page 66 of 98 clause clause
D. None A‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1443 That new process was brown’s idea A. Participle B. Gerund C. complement D. None C
1444 That which cannot be passed through. A. Impassable B. Passable C. Passage D. None A
1445 That which is contrary to law A. Illegal B. Legacy C. Legal D. None A
1446 That which is no longer in use? A. Obsolete B. Obscure C. inviolable D. extempore A
The ______ maintained even after the change of D. None of the
A. Virtouso B. Status Quo C. De Facto
above B
A. Horse de B. Hors C. Horse De D. None of the
1448 The _______ was served before the dinner.
saison d'oeuvres Combat above B
C. Arnold D. John
1449 The “old wives” Tale is a novel by: A. Hardy B. Henry James
Bennett Galsworthy C
A. The money B. The money C. The D. The money
is taken from was taken customer was had been
1450 The accountant took the money from the customer. the customer from the taken the taken from the B
by the customer by money by the customer by
accountant the accountant accountant the accountant

1451 The accused ________ having made any statement A. denied B. declaimed C. rejected D. refused A
1452 The act of killing one self A. Homicide B. Suicide C. Genocide D. None B
The action or practice of persuading someone to do
something by using force or threats is known as _________?
A. Coercion B. Conviction C. Confession D. Cajolement A
1454 The actor was shocked _____ the news of his cat`s death. A. By B. At C. Of D. With B
1455 The air was clear and fresh _____________ all the traffic. A. Although B. Even though C. In spite of D. Because of C
D. none of
1456 the anatomy of Provoke: A. sooth B. anger C. insult
these A
1457 The antonym for BOLD is: A. Timid B. Courageous C. weak D. None A
1458 The antonym of " halt " is: A. Start B. Spin C. Stop D. Begin A
‫کیپٹیلیٹ" کا ے‬
1459 The antonym of "capitulate" is"‫مپادف ےہ۔‬ A. Conquer B. Surrender C. Venerate D. Destroy A
1460 The Antonym of "Expand” is: A. Congest B. Conclude C. Convert D. Condense D
1461 The antonym of "Farthest" is A. Strange B. Farthest C. Remotest D. close D
1462 The antonym of "Smile" is: A. Happy B. Clean C. Rule D. Frown D
1463 The antonym of ‘Glowing” is? A. Witty B. Wan C. Foreign D. Creative B
1464 The antonym of ‘Intransigent’ is? A. Impassable B. Conciliatory C. Harsh
Corroborative B
1465 The antonym of ‘Jocular’ is______? A. Funny B. Comedy C. Solemn D. Amusing C
1466 The antonym of ‘Mutation’ is? A. Decency B. Clangorous C. Constancy D. Adolescent C
1467 The antonym of ‘Well-Known” is? A. Exposed B. Familiar C. Strange D. Famous C
1468 The antonym of “Disdain” is _________? A. Humility B. Contempt C. Respect D. Reject C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. C.
1469 The antonym of ADULTERATION is?
B. Purification
D. Clearance B
1470 The antonym of 'Amenable' is? A. Offensive B. Obedient C. Stubborn D. Docile C
1471 The antonym of 'Anger' is? A. Rage B. Active C. Hard D. Still D
1472 The antonym of ARROGANT is: A. Rude B. Insolvent C. Proud D. Meek D
1473 The antonym of 'Awe' is? A. Borrow B. Shallow C. Low D. Contempt D
1474 The antonym of BRILLIANT is? A. Dusty B. Dull C. Dumb D. Blind B
1475 The antonym of CAUTIOUSLY is: A. Generously B. Secretly C. Carelessly D. Carefully C
1476 The antonym of CLIMAX is? A. Peak B. Apex C. Culmination D. Down D
‫اتفاق کا ے‬ D. None of
1477 The antonym of concord is‫مپادف ےہ۔‬ A. Discord B. peace C. unity
these A
1478 The antonym of CONGRUENT is___? A. Right B. Suitable C. Coherent D. Improper D
1479 The antonym of 'Construct' is? A. Destroy B. Damage C. Build D. Repair A
C. D.
1480 The antonym of CONVERSANT is___? A. Unprepared B. Shy
Unpretentious Inexperienced D
C. Good-
1481 The antonym of CROTCHETY is: A. Brave B. Clever
D. Wise C
1482 The antonym of CURE is_____? A. Deter B. Medication C. Both D. None A
1483 The antonym of DAILY is? A. Often B. Never C. Every day D. Seldom D
1484 The antonym of DANGER is? A. Risk B. Patience C. Safety D. Willingness C
1485 The antonym of DEBONAIR is A. Careless B. Fury C. Graceless D. Calmness C
1486 The antonym of DEBOUCH is A. Troubled B. Confine C. Heedless D. Negligent B
1487 The antonym of 'Deleterious' is? A. Fatal B. Vital C. Inglourious D. Nourishing D
1488 The antonym of Dishonorable is? A. Lowly B. Vile C. Good D. Noble D
1489 The antonym of DISLIKE is? A. Die B. Hide C. Punish D. Praise D
1490 The antonym of EMANCIPATE is A. Liberate B. Locate C. Enslave D. Unbind C
1491 The antonym of EXPRESS is? A. Views B. Secret C. Describe D. Hide D
C. D. None of
1492 The antonym of FORTITUDE is____? A. courage B. bravery
pusillanimous these C
1493 The antonym of 'Free' is? A. Open B. Power C. Slave
Independence C
‫ کا ے‬haggard
1494 The antonym of Haggard is‫مپادف ےہ۔‬ A. Pale B. healthy C. grey D. none B
1495 The antonym of 'Huge' is? A. Big B. Junior C. Senior D. Small D
1496 The antonym of INGENIOUS is A. Clever
Page 68 of 98
B. Wise C. Expert D. Unoriginal D‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. Physically B. Financially D. Chemically
1497 The antonym of 'Insolvent' is?
pure stable
active B
1498 The antonym of Liberty is? A. Licence B. Serfdom C. Bound D. Permission C
1499 The antonym of MACABRE is A. Attractive B. Gruesome C. Horrible D. Awful A
1500 The antonym of MALICE is______? A. Goodwill B. Lunacy C. Magnanimity D. Malevolence A
1501 The antonym of Matchless is? A. Peak B. Lonely C. Great D. Common D
‫کا ے‬
1502 The antonym of MEAGER is?MEAGER ‫مپادف ےہ؟‬ A. Typical B. plentiful C. wasteful D. unnecessary B
1503 The antonym of OBESITY is? A. Fatness B. Leanness C. Tallness D. Aristocracy B
1504 The antonym of PENCHANT is_____? A. Distant B. Dislike C. Attitude D. Imminence B
1505 The antonym of PHLEGMATIC is? A. Dull B. Vigorous C. Cold D. Emotional D
1506 The antonym of 'Sacrosanct' is: A. Prayer B. sanctuary C. pious D. irreligious D
1507 The antonym of sedentary is? A. Afraid B. Loyal C. Active D. Torpid C
1508 The antonym of SLICE is? A. piece or cut B. spoil C. fear D. show off B
1509 The antonym of 'Subversion' is: A. Plucky B. Petulant C. Arrogant D. Equilibrium D
1510 The antonym of TERMINATE is A. Amazing B. Disturbing C. Introduce D. Discontinue C
1511 The antonym of the word 'Adept' is A. Efficient B. Competent C. Skilled D. Inept D
1512 The antonym of TREPIDATION is A. Fearlessness B. Slowness C. Amputation D. Adroitness A
1513 The antonym of Turbid is? A. Muddy B. Invariable C. Clear D. Improbable C

1514 The antonym of Valedictory is? A. Farewell B. Final C. Hopeful D. Welcoming D

1515 The antonym of WEAK is? A. Even B. Able C. Muscular D. Busy C
1516 The apartment ___________ I live is very small. A. That B. Where C. Which D. Were B
The applicant answered tough question with _____ candor,
1517 winning over many interviews who had previously
B. Impatient C. Disarming D. Planed C
supported his rival.
1518 The appropriate antonym of CHASTE is? A. Platonic B. Unblemished C. Impure D. Virginal C
1519 The appropriate antonym of EXASPERATE is? A. Imitate B. Agitate C. Placate D. Infuriate C
1520 The appropriate antonym of RESTIVE is? A. Deceptive
Page 69 of 98
B. Rigorous C. Patient D. Active D‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

The authorities have urged students and parents to check

A. Remove
1521 the official website only for information. Find the error in
B. Add C. Add D. Add C
above sentence (If Any)
B. Indefinite C. Definite D. None of
1522 The book you want is out of print. THE word is? A. Adjective
articles article these C
The Border Securty Force intercepted yesterday a thick
carrying arms And ammunition
A. found B. stopped C. met D. interrupted B
E. No
1524 The boy entered ________ the classroom. A. In B. Into C. On Preposition D

A. The bell has B. The bell was C. The bell was D. The bell has
1525 The boy has rung the bell. been rung by being rung by rung by the been being A
the boy the boy boy. rung by the boy

1526 The boy is blind _________one eye. A. In B. Of C. To D. With A

The boy who got full marks was suspected ________
A. By B. From C. Of D. For C
A. A hole in the B. A hole in the C. A hole in the D. A hole in
ground was ground is ground will the ground can
1528 The boys were digging a hole in the ground.
being dug by being dug by being dug by be dug by the A
the boys the boys the boys boys

A. Cricket was B. Cricket was C. Cricket has D. Cricket had

1529 The boys were playing cricket. Passive Voice? being played played by the been played by been played by A
by the boys. boys. the boys. the boys.

1530 The bridge was built ________ the river A. On B. Over C. Into D. Upon B
1531 The bunch of flowers ___________ placed on the table. A. Was B. Were C. Are D. All of these A
A. Several
B. Several D. The burglar,
items C. Including
items in the being
destroyed in the carpet,
room were destroyed
The burglar destroyed several items in the room. Even the the room by several items
carpet has been torn. the burglar.
destroyed by
in the room
several items B
the burglar. in the room,
Even the have been torn
Even the also carpet has
carpet he has by the burglar
carpet was torn torn
1533 The burglar jumped---------- the compound wall. A. On B. across C. over D. in C
The business ______ was looking for an oppurtunity to D. None of the
destroy him.
A. Rival B. Enemy C. Opponent
above A
The case in the court was adjourned __________ the
following week.
A. With B. On C. To D. By C
1536 The case was put _______ the judge. A. At B. Before C. From D. On B
The Chairman is ill and we`ll have to ________ the meeting D. None of
for a few days.
A. Put On B. Put Of C. Put Off
these C
The chief lived in the stone house. In the above sentence
the word "Stone" is a/an:
A. Verb B. Noun C. Adjective D. Adverb C
A. Absorbed
1539 The children ___games
B. Absorbed on C. Absorbed in D. None C
1540 The clouds of suspicion will clear ______ soon. A. Up B. Away C. Off D. By A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

The collective name given to some of pre-Shakespearean A. Romantic B. university C. Elizathan D. court
playwrights, like Marlowe, Kyd, Peele, and Greene is: playwrights wits dramatists playwrights B
The committee regrets that it cannot accede _____ your
request for a month’s unpaid leave.‫کمین‬ :‫خایل جگہ کو ُپر کریں‬
‫نہی کر ے‬
‫ ایک ماہ یک بال معاوضہ‬.…… ‫سکن‬ ‫کو افسوس ےہ کہ وہ تسلیم ے‬
A. For B. on C. in D. to D
‫چھن ےک ےلی آپ یک درخواست۔‬‫ر‬
The Computer Operator was commended for his dexterity.
Here 'dexterity' means:
A. Punctuality B. Politeness C. Skill D. Courtesy C
1544 The correct meaning of Idiom "by leaps and bounds" is: A. Very fast B. Very slow C. In details D. Aimless A
A. Very
1545 The correct synonym of “Paramount” is:
B. Unimportant C. Unnecessary D. Unskillful A
The cost of living is ___. Every year things are more
expensive .
A. Expensive B. Diminishing C. Rising D. None C
1547 The dead body of a human being __ A. Corpse B. Carcass C. Mortuary D. None A
A. The car has B. The car have C. The car had
1548 The dealer has sold the car. (Passive Voice) been sold by been sold by been sold by D. None A
the dealer the dealer the dealer

The District Police Officer is invested _____ Magistrate D. none of

A. for B. of C. with
these C
1550 The divers jumped ---- the river to take out the lost necklace. A. On B. In C. Into D. TO C
1551 The doctor advised him ______ eat rice. A. do not B. to not C. not to D. prohibit C
1552 The doctor advised me to give _________ smoking. A. Off B. Up C. In D. Over B
The doctors hope that the soldier's wound will soon
A. Mend B. Heal C. Recover D. Restore B
D. None of
1554 The dog hurt __________ while playing. A. Herself B. Himself C. Itself
these C
1555 The dog jumped ‫ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬the cat. A. On B. Upon C. In D. Into B
A. The driver B. The driver C. The driver D. The driver
said that the said that the said that the said that the
1556 The driver said," The sun rises in the east".
sun rises in the sun has rises in sun had rises sun was rorse A
east th east in the east in the east
The drug will have pernicious effect on your health. What is A.
the opposite word of “Pernicious”? Pornographic
B. Ruinous C. Prolonged D. Beneficial D
The examination was difficult ___ i passed with flying colors
A. for B. so C. and D. but D
The exhibit at the botanical gardens in an unusual
collection of cactl and other____ around the world.
A. Tubers B. Succulents C. Perennials D. Annuals B
A. The field is
B. The field C. The field is D. The field will
1560 The farmer ploughed the field.
ploughed by
was plouged ploughed by be ploughed B
by the farmer the farmer by the farmer
the farmer
D. none of
1561 The father _____________ the son to remain honest in life. A. Adviced B. advised C. advices
these B
1562 The father was angry and cast ________ his son. A. Off B. Of C. Down D. About A
C. D.
1563 The fear of Sunlight: A. Cacophobhia B. Heliophobia
Haematophia Alektorophobia B
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

C. D.
1564 The fear of ugliness: A. Cacophobhia B. Heliophobia
Haematophia Alektorophobia A
The film was criticized for its gratuitous violence. Here D. None of
“Gratuitous” means:
A. Unasked for B. Harsh C. Ugly
these A
The fire spread through the building very quickly, but B. Succeeded D. Will Be Able
fortunately everybody ___ escape.
A. Could
C. Was Able To
To C
the flame of the candle was moving and waving in the air. D.
Here the words "moving and waving : are known as
A. Simile B. Alliteration C. Metaphor
Personification B
1568 The flying coach is bound ____ Karachi. A. in B. from C. to D. for D
The fortune teller made ---- predictions of terrible things to
A. doubtful B. friendly C. baleful D. None C
The fruit that is grown organically is expensive. Here 'that is B. Adverb D. Adjective
grown organically' is an example of:
A. Main Clause
C. Noun Phrase
Clause D
1571 The girl is sitting ___ her mother A. Besides B. Besie C. With D. On B
A. The girl said B. The girl said C. The girl says D. The girl said
1572 The girl said, "I like sleeping." the she likes the she liked the she liked the she like B
sleeping sleeping sleeping sleeping
1573 The girls were far _______________ the car. A. Behind B. Across C. To D. Too A
A. Eugene o B. Tennessee
1574 The Glass Menagerie is a play by:
Nell Williams
C. Arthur Miller D. Tenny Son B
D. None of the
1575 The Golden Breath is a ___________ by Mulk Raj Anand. A. Novel B. Short story C. play
above A
The government has embarked ____ the implementation of
the 20 point program vigorously
A. with B. upon C. on D. for C
B. A massive
A. A massive D. The
tribal welfare C. Lahore
tribal welfare government in
programme government
programme is Lahore has
The government has launched a massive tribal welfare has been has launched a
programme in Lahore.
launched by
launched by massive tribal
launched a B
the massive tribal
the welfare
government in welfare
government in programme
Lahore programme

A. The B. The C. The

construction construction is construction
has not been not been will not have D. None of
1578 The government has not approved the construction.
approved by approved by been approved these A
the the by the
government government government

1579 The headmaster gave ____ the prizes A. out B. away C. in D. none B
The heavy losses in business came like a bolt from the blue. B. An
A. A D. An ominous
1580 In the above sentence, the idiom "bolt from the blue"
unexpected C. A windfall
warning B
means disaster
1581 The higher you go, the more difficult it_______ to breathe. A. becomes B. has become C. became D. None A
1582 The horseman pulled the ___ of the horse. A. ranes B. reins C. rains D. None B
1583 The house is large ________ is quite old-fashioned. A. and B. Or C. Which D. But D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1584 The idiom " A White Elephant" means: A. Cheap B. Luxurious C. Costly D. Beautiful C
C. An
A. An ominous D. A
1585 The idiom "A bolt from the blue" means what?
B. a windfall unexpected
thunderstorm C
B. a misfit in D. in a
A. In a financial C. unhappy
1586 The idiom "A square peg in a round hole" means?
and regretful
favourable B
environment situation
A. In a good B. in a happy C. in the D. in the pink
1587 The idiom "as fit as a fiddle" means
health mood limelight dress A
A. Bitterly B. Friendly C. Without D. Deceiving
1588 The idiom "Be at daggers drawn" means:
hostile with each other hope somebody A
A. Being D. Being
1589 The idiom "butterflies in someone`s stomach" means
B. Being Excited C. Being Angry
Hungry A
C. ‫ہر جائز و‬ D. ‫کیس کو تنگ‬
1590 The idiom "By hook or by crook" means what? ‫ے‬
A. ‫بردسن‬
‫ز‬ B. ‫کیس کا حق مارنا‬ ‫ے‬
‫طریق ےس‬ ‫ناجائز‬ ‫کرنا‬ C
A. Very B. Nothing to C. Rarely D. Easy to
1591 The idiom "Costs an arm and a leg" means?
expensive lose available obtain A
B. A person D. A person
A. A person C. A person
who remains who watches
1592 The idiom "Couch Potato" means what? who sleeps all
relaxed and
who is simple
too much D
day in nature
calm television
B. Do
A. Pamper C. Give away a D. Ignore
1593 The idiom "Give someone the cold shoulder" means
secret someone D
A. In a good B. in a happy C. in the D. in the pink
1594 The idiom "In the pink" means
health mood limelight dress A
C. Live on D. Avoid
1595 The idiom "Keep the wolf from the door" means? A. Be safe B. Keep away
charity starvation D
A. To not tell B. To force
C. To not make D. To pay
1596 The idiom "lend an ear" means what? someone someone to
trouble attention to D
something listen
1597 The idiom "Lock, stock and barrel" means A. Completely B. Rarely C. Partly D. Immediately A
1598 The idiom "On Tenterhooks" means A. Happy B. Angry C. Anxious D. Unhappy C
B. pay
A. Pay C. pay the full D. pay within
1599 The idiom "pay on the nail" means:
promptly in a
amount the given time A
A. Tell
B. Get upset C. Joke with D. Trust
1600 The idiom "Pull someone's leg" means someone a
with someone someone someone C
C. Try to D. Do a good
1601 The idiom "Pull yourself together" means A. Go to study B. Calm Down
understand job B
B. Try to C. To grow D. To perform
1602 The idiom "Pull yourself up" means A. Calm Down
understand taller better D
A. Good B. Less income C. New job D. none of the
1603 The idiom "The armchair job" means what?
income job job with less salary above A
A. A constant B. Threat of C. An ill omen D. Strict rules
1604 The idiom "The sword of Damocles" means what?
threat physical harm of death and regulations A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

The idiom "To bury the hatchet" means what?‫محاورہ "ہیچٹ‬ A. To agree to C. Again and D. None of the
‫کو دفن کرنا" کا مطلب کیا ےہ؟‬ end a quarrel
B. Frequently
Again above A
A. To use B. To change C. To be D. To act
1606 The idiom "To play ducks and drakes" means what?
recklessly places friendly cleverly A
A. Fight D. fight
B. Fight with C. Fight with
1607 The idiom "tooth and nails" means: without
hands only small weapons
heroically till D
preparation the end
1608 The idiom "with bag and baggage" means A. Incompletely B. Totally C. Gradually D. Cruelty B
1609 The idiom ‘Like a sitting duck’ ___? A. Lazy B. Fat C. Sleepy D. Ignorant D
A. Perform as a B. to destroy C. to announce D. To teach
1610 The idiom ‘To hit the nail right on the head’ means? task with one’s one’s fixed someone a A
exactness reputation views lesson

A. To call in B. To roam C. To try every D. To depend

1611 The idiom ‘To leave no avenue unexplored’ means?
question about source on C
A. To show B. To make C. To harm
1612 The idiom ‘To throw dust in one's eyes’ means:
false things blind someone
D. To mislead D
A. No longer in B. No longer in C. No longer D. No longer
1613 The idiom “Be out of the woods” means
trouble sight famous young A
B. A person C. A person D. A person
A. A person
1614 The idiom “cast iron stomach” means
who is fat
who can drive who can cook who can eat a D
fast fast lot
D. Come to
A. keep
B. To evade know
1615 The idiom “Pass the buck” means? something in
C. To Warn
someone’s B
1616 The idiom “See eye to eye” means: A. Agree B. Disagree C. Bring D. Reduce A
A. To see signs B. To get bad
C. To suspect D. To be in a
1617 The idiom “To smell a rat” means: of plague small of a bad
foul dealings bad mood C
epidemic dead rat

1618 The idiom ”Grin from ear to ear" means A. Very angry B. Very hungry C. Very healthy D. Very happy D
B. An C. A criminal
A. A wicked D. None of
1619 The idiom A DARK HORSE means
unexpected getting the
these B
winner dirty water
B. Solve C. Worsen bad D. Ink an
1620 The idiom 'Add fuel to the fire' means A. Calm down
problems situation agreement C
A. A special B. A very long C. A short D. Days of
1621 The idiom 'Month of Sundays' means?
Sunday time ago period regret B
A. bear the
1622 The idiom piece of cake means
B. Easy task C. be happy D. none B
A. To listen B. To give false C. To frighten D. To cry over
1623 The idiom 'To cry wolf' means?
eagerly alarm someone little things B
A. To make B. To
C. To ruin
1624 The idiom TO END IN SMOKE means: completely overcome
D. None C
understand someone
1625 The idiomatic first Romans service means _____. A. poor work B. sincere work C. menial work D. none B
1626 The invaders are___. A. Attackers B. workers C. Belivers D. peoples A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

The Islamic Republic of Iran ___ the threat of tougher C. brushed D. brushed
Economic sanctions.
A. brushed off B. brushed of
down about A
1628 The kitchen was infested ----- ants A. with B. by C. to D. in A
D. None of the
1629 The land was parched during the _____. A. War B. Femine C. Attention
above B
The lawyers of Pakistan have always struggled ------- justice
and rule of law.
A. for B. with C. of D. none A
The little boy __ himself down on the floor and threw a
A. Flung B. Flings C. Flinged D. Fling A

1632 The lovely sentiments we go ________ repeating! A. Through B. About C. On D. From B

The loyal watchman was cut to the quick when he was
C. Hurt D. Severely
1633 accused of theft. In the above sentence, the idiom "cut to A. Imprisoned B. Dismissed
intensely punished C
the quick" means
B. will have
1634 The main problem Jim __ too many parking tickets. A. will have
C. was D. were A
A. The main B. The main C. The main D. he main
skills sought to skills sought to skills should be skills sought to
be developed developed by developed by be developed
The main skills we seek to develop include analysing, by us include us include us include include
interpreting and evaluating ideas. analysing, analysing, analysing, analysing, A
interpreting interpreting interpreting interpreting
and evaluating and evaluating and evaluating and evaluating
ideas ideas ideas ideas,

A. To whom I C. To whom I
1636 The man ___ sold my house was a minister.
B. To who I sold
D. None C
1637 The man _________ you met is the professor. A. Whom B. Who C. That D. Which A
1638 The man are there to help you.( are is used as) A. Gerund B. Helping verb C. Infinitive D. None B
1639 The man is poor ___ honest A. an B. or C. but D. None C
A. The union C. The union D. The union
B. The union
leader's leader's leader's
proposals proposals will proposals
1640 The manager could not accept the union leader's proposals.
could not be
proposals were
not be would not be A
not accepted
accepted by accepted by accepted by
by the manager
the manager the manager the manager
The manager is angry _________________ the assistant for
not attending to the work.
A. On B. With C. In D. Upon B
1642 The masculine of the noun BEE is:‫ کا مذکر ےہ‬Bee A. Dog B. Drake C. Drone D. Bull C
1643 The matter has been referred ___ the minister for decision. A. to B. for C. with D. over A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. None of the
1644 The meaning of "Subway" is ____? Underground B. Down Path C. Both A and B
above C
1645 The meaning of REMORSE is A. Repentance B. Various C. Greedy D. Happiness A
1646 The means of PRESERVE is: A. Attack B. Protect C. Blast D. All of these B
1647 The mineral of Pakistan are not fully exploited A. Funds B. Health C. resources D. wealth C
1648 The morning throng was preparing for a A. Monody A
1649 The most appropriate synonym of APPREHEND is: A. Stop B. Understand C. Shiver D. Contrast B
The most recent......... from the dig indicate that the society
was involved in farming.
A. Artifacts A
1651 The most similar to the word 'CORPULENT' is" A. Lean B. Gaunt C. Emaciated D. Obese D
1652 The mountains are covered _____ snow. A. By B. to C. with D. of C
The name of the technique employed by James Joyce in his A. Oblique B. stream of C. first person
novels is: narrative consciousness narrative
D. noval B
C. Coup de D. None of the
1654 The new government was replaced by a _____? A. Coup d'man B. coup d'état
grace above B
The new leader showed ------------------ about hitting the D. none of
A. quotations B. qualia C. quakes
these A
D. None of the
1656 The new office-bearers have ___ changed the situation. A. Completely B. Extremely C. Fully
above A
A. I am B. I was C. I will be D. I have been
1657 The news astonished me. astonished by astonished by astonished by astonished by B
the news the news the news the news

The noise from all the Aeroplanes __ louder in the

A. gets B. get C. have gotten D. none A
D. none of the
1659 The odds ________ against us. A. Is B. am C. are
above C
1660 The offence of having more than one marriages___ A. Monogamy B. Polygamy C. Marriages D. None B
The operation was ____ the patient survived despite slim D. None of the
A. Calculated B. Effective C. Successful
above C
The opponent ran him __________ in public.‫ن اےس‬‫مخالف ے‬ D. None of the
‫می ___ دوڑایا۔‬
‫عوام ے‬
A. Off B. Over C. For
above B
1663 The opposite of 'Callous' is A. Hardened B. Soft C. Compact D. Sensitive B
1664 The opposite of FOE is: A. Enemy B. Friend C. Foul D. Weak B
1665 The opposite word of “DEPLETE” is? A. Refund B. Renew C. Fulfill D. Reduce B
1666 The opposite word of “FICTITIOUS” is________? A. Flattering B. False C. Negative D. Genuine D
1667 The opposite word of FECKLESS is___? A. Weak B. Careless C. Careful D. Unlucky C
1668 The opposite word 'PRODIGAL' is? A. Thrifty B. Secondary C. Distant D. Squalid A
1669 The paramedics attempted to -------------- the victim. A. Stabilize B. Stablize C. Stablieze D. stabalize A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. He was B. Admittance C. Admittance

D. Admittance
refused is refused to was refused by
1670 The peon refused him admittance.
admittance by him by the the peon to
is refused him A
by the peon
the peon peon him

The people clamoring _______ lower prices of essential

A. in B. to C. for D. with C
1672 The people sitting ____the shade of tree. A. on B. under C. Below D. None B
1673 The person who collects or studies stamps A. Notaphilist B. Scripophilist C. Coleopterist D. Philatelist D
D. spending
1674 The phrase TO BE ROLLING IN MONEY means A. Poor B. Stingy C. Very Rich more than C
1675 The Pilot was a _______________ in the Air Force. A. Leutenant B. Lieutenant C. Leutienanat D. Lutenanat B
1676 The players agreed to abide _____ the referee’s decision. A. By B. On C. With D. In A
D. None of
1677 The plural of Mrs. Is: A. Messers B. Misses C. Mesdames
these B
D. None of
1678 The plural of the Noun “Dwarf” is: A. Dwarves B. Dwarvs C. Dwarfes
these D
D. None of
1679 The plural of the nouns “Negro” is: A. Negroes B. Negrose C. Negros
these A
1680 The police are ________ our safety. A. Since B. For C. From D. Till B
1681 The police are inquiring ____ the case. A. At B. With C. Of D. Into D
C. The case
A. The case B. The case is D. The case will
should be
1682 The police inquired into the case. (Passive Voice) was inquired inquired by the
inquired by the
be inquired by A
by the police police the police
1683 The politicians __ only on his instincts. A. Depends B. Depended C. Depending D. None B
The presence of armed forces guards _________ us from
1684 doing anything disruptive.‫_________مسلح گارڈز یک موجودیک۔‬
‫ہمی ی‬
‫کوپ بیھ خلل ے‬
A. defeated B. excited C. irritated D. prevented D
‫روکی ۔‬
‫ڈالی ےس ے‬ ‫ے‬
B. The oath C. The oath
A. The oath is
was will be
administered D. None of the
1685 The president administers the oath.
by the
administered administered
above A
by the by the
president president
1686 The price of meet ___ increased twice in the year A. was B. Are C. Am D. is D
1687 The price(s) of meat ...... increased twice in this year A. is B. have been C. Are D. none A
The prime minister did not give up _____.‫نہی‬ ‫ے‬
‫وزیراعظم ن امید ے‬
A. hope B. hopes C. to hope D. hoping D
E. No
1689 The prime minister emphasized _________ the matter. A. On B. Onto C. In Preposition D
1690 The prime minister has arrived________ Peshawar. A. On B. With C. Into E. In D

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. He had been B. He has been C. He was been D. He will be

granted a granted a granted a granted a
1691 The principal has granted him a scholarship.
scholarship by scholarship by scholarship by scholarship by B
the principal the principal the principal the principal

A. The staff D. The staff

B. The staff C. The staff
members were members were
members were members were
1692 The principal kept the staff members waiting. kept waiting
kept waiting waiting for the
being kept B
for the waiting for the
by the principal principal
principal principal

1693 The Principal will preside___the function A. over B. from C. with D. none A
A. The prisoner B. The prisoner C. The prisoner D. The prisoner
told the judge told the judge told the judge told the judge
The prisoner said to the judge, "I am not guilty of this
that he was that I was not that he was that you were A
not guilty of guilty of that not guilty of not guilty of
that crime crime this crime that crime

1695 The project was separated _______ equal parts. A. Of B. From C. In E. Into D
A. For and B. Fresh and
1696 The pros and coins
against stale
C. Foul and fair D. New and Old A
A. Former and C. Good and D. For and
1697 The Pros and Cons means:
B. Foul and Fair
evil against a thing C
The Quaid-e-Azam founded the daily newspaper Dawn. A. The not use B. founded not C. The correct D. The correct
Identify the mistake in the sentence: here use here spelling is spelling is A
The Quaid's _____ enthusiasm led the Muslims of Indo-Pak
to independence.
A. Latent B. Onerous C. Simplified D. Much D
The ruler must not be Government ___ the law and order
situation .
A. Of B. The C. Bye D. At A
1701 The science of weather is called: A. Meteorology B. Cardiology C. Ecology D. Geology A
E. No
The Secretariat comprises __________ many air-
conditioned rooms.
A. Of B. Off C. With preposition D
The secretary was ______ because of her outstanding D. None of the
A. Progressed B. Raised C. Promoted
above C
1704 The series of lectures ___delivered A. were B. was C. is D. are B
A. The secret B. The secret C. The secret D. The secret
might have might have might have have been
1705 The servant might have opened the secret.
been opened been open by been opened opened by the A
by the servant the servant by him servant
D. None of the
1706 The ship is bound ________________ Pakistan. A. To B. For C. At
above B
D. The
A. The prices B. The prices
C. Down went shopkeeper
1707 The shopkeeper lowered the prices. lowered by were lowered
prices got down the B
shopkeeper by shopkeeper

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. The B. The C. The

D. The
shopkeeper shopkeeper shopkeeper
The shopkeeper said to the man, 'What kind of books do told the man asked the man asked the man
you need." what kind what kind of what kind of
asked the man B
what kind of
books he was books he books he is
books he needs
needed needed needed
1709 The similar word of ‘Magnanimous’ is? A. Selfish B. Naïve C. Lofty D. Generous D
1710 The similar word of 'Virtue' is? A. Permanent B. Habit C. Voice D. Goodness D
B. Someone
A. The C. D. The
did not realise
smugglers did Conversation smugglers
that the
The smugglers did not realise that their conversation was not realise that was recorded recorded their
being recorded. someone was
when the conversation A
were recording
recording their smugglers did without
conversation not realise realising

The sound made with air passing through the nose and
making the “ng” sound of “sing” is called:
A. Nasals B. Uvula C. Velum D. Bilabial A
1713 The sound produced by horse is called: A. Jingle B. Neigh C. Scream D. Squeak B
The sounds of the footsteps died _____ when the man D. None of the
moved away towards woods.
A. For B. With C. Away
above C
1715 The spectators ------loudly after acrobat had shown his feats. A. Chatted B. Clapped C. Contributed D. None B
The story is too fantastic to be credible. In the above A. Praise
sentence the word "Credible" means what? Worthy
B. Readable C. Believable D. False C
The student happily attends grammar class. Which word is C. Grammar
a Common Noun?
A. Student B. Happily
D. Attends A

A. The student B. The student C. The student

said with pleaded that pleaded with
1718 The student said, "sir, I am not guilty ".
respect that he he was not respect that he
D. None C
was not guilty guilty was not guilty

D. The
A. The B. The C. The teachers
teachers are teachers were will be
1719 The students consider that the teachers are wise.
considered to considered to considered to
should be A
considered to
be wise be wise be wise
be wise
D. None of the
1720 The study of coins is known as: A. Kingpin B. Cardiology C. Numismatics
above C
1721 The study of heavens is called : A. Typology B. cosmology C. uranology D. None C

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

The study of the earth and its features is known as C.

A. Geology B. Geography
D. Petrolgy B
The study of which words occur together, and their
frequency of co-occurrence:
A. connotation B. collocation C. implication D. location B
D. None of
1724 The sun ____ in the west A. Sets B. Set C. is Seting
these A
1725 The sun _______in the west‫می‬
‫سورج ___مغرب ے‬ A. set B. sets C. Setting D. None B
The superior thought _____ the most suitable person to the D. None of the
A. On B. At C. Out
above B
D. The surface
A. The surface B. The surface C. The surface
should be
1727 The surface feels smooth. is smooth was smooth will smooth
smooth when A
when it is felt when it is felt when it is felt
it is felt

1728 The sweets were shared _______ the four boys. A. Between B. Among C. From D. Since B
1729 The synonym of "Begin" is: A. End B. Start C. Mislead D. Behead B
1730 The synonym of "Generic" is: A. Specific B. Certain C. Cheap D. General D
1731 The synonym of "Peer" is: A. Celebrate B. Enemy C. Equal D. Alliance C
1732 The synonym of "smudge" is A. Blur B. vivid C. rough D. None A
1733 The synonym of ‘Concession’ is? A. Allowance B. Refusal C. Negligence D. Proposal A
1734 The synonym of ‘Mesmerize’ is? A. Change B. Memorize C. Daze D. Hypnotize D
1735 The synonym of ‘Postulate’ is? A. Comprehend B. Investigate C. Hypothesize D. Scrutinize C
1736 The synonym of “Bemoan” is: A. Lament B. Scold C. Dismiss D. Reject A
1737 The synonym of “Cagey” is: A. Frank B. Open C. Weak D. Secretive D
1738 The synonym of “Improvise” is ______? A. Divert B. Concoct C. Respite D. Colophon B
‫کا ے‬
1739 The synonym of “Indolent” is:"Indolent" ‫مپادف ےہ‬ A. Cunning B. Alert C. Cautious D. Lazy D
1740 The synonym of “Nettle” is: A. Annoy B. Agree C. Reject D. Displease A
1741 The synonym of ABSTINENCE is A. Send B. Self-denial C. Answer D. Refusal D
1742 The synonym of ACRIMONY is? A. Bitterness B. Deceive C. Carelessness D. All of these A
1743 The synonym of 'Arcane' is? A. Clear B. Archive C. Furious D. Mysterious D
‫مغرور کا ے‬
1744 The synonym of ARROGANT is?‫مپادف ےہ‬ A. Conceited B. Kind C. Polite D. All of these A
1745 The synonym of 'Artful' is A. Innocent B. Naive C. Crafty D. Artistic C
1746 The synonym of 'Authentic' is? A. Factual B. Stable C. Apparent D. Intricate A
1747 The synonym of BARBARIAN is: A. Polite B. Educated C. Uncivilized D. Kind C
1748 The synonym of BEAVER is A. Attic
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B. Resilience C. Laze around D. Simplicity C‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1749 The synonym of 'Boisterous' is? A. Conflicting B. Noisy C. Grateful D. Adolescent B

1750 The synonym of 'Callous' is A. Kind B. heartless C. Polite D. Soft B
1751 The synonym of CALUMNY is: A. Quietness B. Slander C. Misfortune D. Praise B
1752 The synonym of CAMARADERIE is: A. Turn B. Friendship C. Degenerate D. Fail B
1753 The synonym of CHIVALRY is__? A. Coward B. Rude C. Imitating D. Gallant D
1754 The synonym of 'Clandestine' is? A. Unfriendly B. Fateful C. Unified D. Secret D
1755 The synonym of 'Concerted' is__? A. Furious B. Curious C. Joint D. Precious C
1756 The synonym of DEPLETE is? A. Destroy B. Finish C. Vanish D. Reduce D
1757 The synonym of DISCORD is___? A. Harmony B. Agreement C. Conflict D. Relationship C
1758 The synonym of 'Emancipation' is?
B. Freedom C. Confinement D. Duress B
1759 The synonym of ENIGMA is A. Answer B. Puzzle C. Hatred D. Content B
1760 The synonym of 'Error' is: A. Misgiving B. Blunder C. accuracy D. All of these B
1761 The synonym of FELICITY is A. Upset B. Sad C. Alone D. Happiness D
1762 The synonym of FRAIL is? A. Lengthy B. Strong C. Weak D. Tall C
1763 The synonym of 'Frightened" is: A. Confused B. Afraid C. Happy D. Sad B
1764 The synonym of 'Grandeur' is? A. Pride B. Splendor C. Serenity D. Vigor B
1765 The synonym of GRUESOME is A. Frightful B. Tragic C. Painful D. Hateful A
1766 The synonym of 'Humid' is? A. Arid B. Sticky C. Crisp D. Parched B
1767 The synonym of IMPASSIVE is? A. Expressive
C. Impressed D. Inscrutable D
1768 The synonym of 'Imply' is: A. Suggest B. Stab C. Thick D. Destroy A
D. None of
1769 The synonym of LOVELY is: A. Ugly B. Unattractive C. Beautiful
these C
1770 The synonym of manifestation is______? A. Cover B. Secret C. Hiding D. Embodiment D
1771 The synonym of Melancholy is? A. Sad B. Happy C. Forbidden D. Brisk A
D. Send of a
1772 The synonym of 'Mitigate' is A. To heal B. Soften C. Pardon
mission A
1773 The synonym of 'Ornament' is? A. Mar B. Spoil C. Embellish D. Disfigure C
1774 The synonym of Paradox is_____? A. Correction B. Truth C. Accuracy D. Anomaly D
1775 The synonym of 'Paucity' is? A. Abundance B. Scarcity C. Stoppage D. Quickness B
1776 The synonym of REPRISAL is A. Relief B. Pardon C. Retaliation D. Remission C
1777 The synonym of SANGUINE is A. pessimistic B. Optimistic C. Unnatural D. Gruesome B
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. All are
1778 The synonym of SCUFFLE is A. struggle B. Calm C. Peace
correct A
1779 The synonym of 'Stentorian' is: A. Violent B. Misbegotten C. Loud D. Stealthy C
1780 The synonym of TERRIBLE is: A. Delightful B. Pleasant C. Dreadful D. Soothing C
1781 The synonym of the word BARBARIC is? A. Uneasiness B. Doubt C. Perish D. Mockery D
1782 The synonym of VEXING is? A. Viable B. Slippery C. Aggressive D. Annoying D
1783 The synonym of word "Suppress" is : A. Quell B. Smother C. Up down D. All A
1784 The synonyms of Catastrophe is__________? A. Implement B. Destruction C. Built D. Fresh B
D. The number
A. The number B. The number C. The number
of difficult
of difficult of difficult of difficult
1785 The teacher provided the number of difficult questions. questions was questions were questions will
should be A
provided by provided by be provided by
provided by
the teacher the teacher the teacher
the teacher

D. None of
1786 The teacher told me frankly that the son __________failed . A. will B. Would C. Should
these D
D. No
The teachers of various schools met to discuss ________
how to improve standard of English
A. About B. Of C. With preposition D
The teachers said that they were no longer prepared to A. Put over
_________ the ways of the new headmaster. with
B. Put on with C. Put up with D. Put up to A
A. Releasing B. Death C. Parole to D. none of the
1789 The term "Capital Punishment" means _____?
from prison Penalty the prisoner above B
1790 The thief ___into the house. A. break B. broke C. broken D. none B
B. Present C. Past Perfect
1791 The thief had been arrested by the police.( tense) A. Past Perfect
Perfect continuous
D. None A
A. A fox has B. A fox was C. A fox is D. A fox had
1792 The tiger caught a fox. been caught caught by the caught by the been caught B
by the tiger tiger tiger by the tiger
1793 The title of Sir Philip Sidney's pastoral romance in prose is: A. Utopia B. Arcadia C. Hydriotaphia D. Lamia B
The total number of people living in an area, city, country
or the world at a specific time is called_____.
A. People B. Population C. citizens D. members B
The town has mushroomed recently. In the above sentence,
the word "mushroomed" is a:
A. Adverb B. adjective C. verb D. preposition C
1796 The train departs ---- 3 am A. at B. for C. by D. in A
1797 The train has passed ____________ the tunnel. A. Through B. Within C. Into D. To A
The train was help up on the account of an accident. Here
"Hold up" means what?
A. To Adhere to B. To delay C. To lower D. To examine B
The United States is __________that there are five time
A. Too big B. So big C. Very big D. Much big B
D. None of the
1800 The waiter gets a ___________ from the cosumers. A. Bonus B. Tip C. Fee
above B
1801 The watch has run__ A. down B. in C. out D. none A
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1802 The white and black dog ___ barking A. is B. are C. were D. was A
A. Indirect
1803 The whole firm offered its good wishes
B. Direct object C. Linking verb D. Complement A
The wife fainted away lamenting the death of her husband,
chose the opposite meaning of lamenting
A. Smiling B. ridiculing C. enjoying D. rejoicing D
1805 The windows are bear because I ____ like curtains. A. don't B. can't C. will D. shall A

The woman ____ is standing by the table works in electric

A. Who B. Whose C. Whom D. Which A
The woman ________ is standing by the table works in
electronic media.
A. Who B. Which C. Whom D. Whose A
The woman loves to show her.... by wearing diamonds and
A. Affluence A
A. Countable C. Abstract D. Material
1809 The word “Kindness” is an example of:
Noun Noun C
1810 The word “Novel” is derived from the Italian word: A. Novella B. Novelle C. Novelette D. Noval A
1811 The word “Perpetual” means: A. New B. Old C. Never Ending D. Golden C
D. None of
1812 The word “Troupe” means a collection of: A. Actors B. Players C. Trees
these A
1813 The word 'Epitome' means A. Empire B. Travel C. Country D. Example D
1814 The word HINDERING means: A. Coining B. Rearing C. Closing D. Obstructing D
1815 The word Isolation is most similar to ___? A. Fear B. Solitude C. Disease D. Plenitude B
1816 The word that is used instead of a Noun is called: A. Verb B. Preposition C. Adverb E. Pronoun D
1817 The word 'Vanity' is the opposite of: A. Conceit B. Modesty C. Compassion D. Moderation B
The word which is opposite in meaning: Guilty‫مجرم کا مخالف‬
‫کیا ےہ؟‬
A. Innocent B. Humble C. Clever D. Proud A
The words in the summery are so __________To
1819 understand easily‫آساپ ےس سمجھ‬ ‫می الفاظ ے‬
____ ‫اتی ےہی کہ‬ ‫سمری ے‬ A. short B. diligent C. true D. ambiguous D
‫ے‬ ‫آ‬ ‫می‬
The year is month and week is to __________?‫سال مہینہ ےہ‬
‫؟‬---- ‫اور ہفتہ ےہ‬
A. hours B. day C. night D. minute B
The young, thin boy surprised his wrestling opponent with D. None of
his ______ strength
A. Wiry B. Fraudulent C. Frolicsome
these A
D. None of
1822 Their share price fell to_________ ten rupees yesterday. A. Under B. Below C. Both a and b
these B
1823 There __ three different ways to make perfect pie crust. A. is B. Being C. Are D. None C

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

There are, as yet no vegetarian types or ecosystems whose

1824 study has been perfected to the extent that they no longer A. Interest B. Require C. Challenge D. Hinder A
______ ecologists.
1825 There is _____ airport in my city. A. The B. A C. An D. Own C
1826 There is ________ in the room. A. Anybody B. Nobody C. Anyone D. Any person B
1827 There is ______milk in this jug. A. Any B. Few C. Some D. Little C
1828 There is no harm _________ him. A. Too meet B. To meeting C. Meet D. In meeting D
There is no need to ______________ the fact that we lost
by three goals.
A. Rub in B. rub out C. rub with D. rub into A
A. There is B. There is C. There was D. There is
1830 There is nothing to say. nothing to be nothing to be nothing to be nothing to be B
say said said sayed
1831 There is the man ___son died. A. Whose B. Who C. Who is D. Who are A
There was a great hue and cry against Hardy`s novels, Tess D. All of the
and Jude the Obscure because of _______ in them.
A. Obscenity B. violence C. Abnormality
above A
there was a guard with a dart gun hiding __________ a
A. Besides B. Behind C. Alongside D. Outside B
1834 There was a roof _____ my head. A. On B. Over C. above D. with B
1835 There was no co- operation ________ the boys. A. Amongst B. Among C. Between D. With A
There were several policemen ____________ duty on
Republic Day.
A. At B. In C. With D. On D
1837 These ____ are mine A. Cattle B. Cattles C. Both D. None A
A. Personal B. Indefinite D. emphatic
1838 These are flowers
pronoun pronoun
pronoun C
These figures do not bode well for the company's future.
(here 'bode' is an example of)
A. Adjective B. Adverb C. Conjunction D. Verb D
1840 They ___ asked to give an opinion in their own words: A. Maybe B. could be C. might D. have being A
1841 They ___ cats A. like B. likes C. both D. none A
They ___ spoken to the cabinet before signing on the
A. Have B. Had C. Will be D. None B
1843 They ____ playing in the stadium A. are B. is C. am D. none A
1844 They ________________ here next week to see my office. A. Come B. Will come C. Have come D. Had come B
They are a political important family; one of her sisters is a
1845 minister and the other is married ______________a A. With B. To C. Of D. Upon B
They are staunch believers in the existence of Allah. (here D. Non-
opposite of 'staunch believers' is)
A. Theists B. Atheists C. Infidels
believers B
They are talking _____ a confidential matter, so do not
A. In B. on C. For D. over D
1848 They are very grateful _________ your kindness. A. Towards B. For C. With D. To B
1849 They burst ____ tears A. into
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B. on C. in D. None A‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

They decided to buy the house because ___ location would

allow ___ to work to get very easily .
A. its/them B. its/they C. its/that D. none A
C. In the
A. A circle was
B. A circle was morning a D. A circle has
being drawn
1851 They drew a circle in the morning.
by them in the
drawn by them circle have been drawing B
in the morning been drawn by since morning
D. None of
1852 They have a dispute ________money. A. for B. over C. In
these B
B. A drama
A. A drama has C. A drama will D. A drama has
was been
been made be made based been made
1853 They have made a drama based on this novel.
based on this
made based on
on this novel based on this A
this novel by
novel by them by them novel by us
1854 ‫اپت کالج ی‬
They ran __ to their college .‫گی۔‬ ‫وہ بھاگ کر __ ے‬ A. Directly to B. Directly C. Indirectly D. None B
D. None of
1855 They sometimes fell------------ for the mountains and see. A. Tearing B. Yelling C. yielding
these B
they spent the evening ….. through forty years of D. None of
accumulated junk?
A. sulking B. shifting C. screening
these B
1857 they went --- the rain. A. under B. avoiding C. inspite D. despite D
1858 They were angry __________________ me. A. With B. along C. from D. on A
E. No
1859 They were brought ___________ home. A. To B. Too C. Into preposition D

A. Past B. Past D. Past Perfect

They were playing football. The above sentence is the C. Past Perfect
example of:
Continuous Indefinite
Continous A
Tense Tense Tense

1861 They were sitting __________ the room. A. In B. Into C. On D. Upon A

They were the heroes of their respective countries. In the A. Personal D. indefinite
above sentence, the word "their" is a/an: pronoun
B. noun C. adverb
pronoun A
A. Votes will D. Votes can
B. Votes will be C. Votes were
1863 They will cast the votes. be cast by
casted by them cast by them
be cast by A
them them
C. The entire
B. The block
A. The entire block will have D. The entire
may be
1864 They will demolish the entire block. block is being
to be block will be D
demolished demolished by demolished
the boy
B. The new
A. The new C. The new D. The new
staff will have
staff will be staff will be staff will be
1865 They will give all the help to new staff.
given all the
been given all
given all the given all the A
the help by
help by them help by him help by us
They will share all you want to know.They are going to give
you enough____.
A. Time B. Information C. Food D. Books B
C. A song will D. A song
A. A song was B. A song is
1867 They will sing a song.
sung by them sung by them
be sung by should be sung C
them by them

They would have been late, if they had not taken a taxi." A. Zero B. First C. Second D. Third
the given sentence is an example of the sentence. condition condition condition condition D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. None of the
1869 This book ____ to him by me. A. Given B. will given C. was given
above. A
1870 This book is ___ by Shakespeare . A. Writing B. Written C. Wrote D. Write B
1871 This book is ____________. A. Our`s B. Our C. Ours D. All of these C
This chair resembles _____ that of Mr. Rasool Bux.‫یہ کرش‬
_____ ‫ملن ےہ۔‬‫جناب رسول بخش یک کرش ےس ے‬ A. of B. to C. with D. None C
1873 This idea --- longer matches the reality of the modern world A. no B. in C. on D. at A
This is an old-fashioned hat. "The sentence "an old B. Adjective C. Adverb
fashioned hat" here is an
phrase phrase
D. Noun phrase B
D. None of the
1875 This is good enough. Here the word "enough" is ____? A. Adverb B. Adjective C. Conjunction
above B
B. This was
A. This is time C. This is time D. This is time
time for
1876 This is time to offer prayers. for prayers to
prayers to be
for prayers to for prayers to A
be offered be offer offered
1877 This is___ most beautiful desert I have seen. A. The B. An C. A D. And A
1878 This man was an accomplice ________ the thief. A. Of B. In C. With D. From A
A. The music is B. The music C. The music is D. The music is
melodious was melodious melodious melodious
1879 This music sounds melodious.
when it is when it is when it was when that is A
listened listened listened listened

This neighborhood looks a little _______ and tatty these D. Down and
A. Well-heeled B. Well-off C. Run down
out D
1881 This paper is based _______ history. A. On B. Into C. At D. Over A
This paragraph should not _______________ two hundred B. exceed D. none of
A. Exceed
more than
C. greater than
these A
1883 This parcel is sent___ this address. A. The B. to C. on D. at B
Though fond of many acquaintances, I desire_____ only
with a few.
A. Introduction B. cordiality C. intimacy D. encounter C
1885 Tick the synonym of despised A. Reaction B. Concealed C. Cunning D. Disapproving D
Tina has been writing her report ____ two O'clock . she is
written twelve pages.
A. since B. for C. toll D. none A
To attack on reputation or character of someone is C.
A. Aspersion B. Defamation
D. None B
A. To keep up
1888 To bear Up
B. Being judged C. To be born D. None A
A. an B. an
impression impression
that causes that causes
1889 To cut a sorry figure oneself to be oneself to be C. Both D. None A
regarded regarded
unfavorably by favorably by
others others
D. None of the
1890 To have faith in oneness of Allah: A. Criticism B. Monotheism C. Issueless
above B
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

B. getting
A. Having a C. Unable to
1891 To have sticky fingers
bad luck
stuck in a
find a solution
D. Being a thief D
A. To strike at
B. To harm C. To work
1892 To hit below the belt the exact
unfairly confidentially
D. None B
A. To become B. To become C. To remain D. To become
1893 To keep one's temper means:
hungry angry calm thirsty C
C. To keep the
A. To earn B. To work
1894 to keep the ball rolling
more and more constantly
conversation D. None C

1895 To lay ___ something for rainy day. A. by B. from C. to D. None A

A. To have B. To settle a C. To repay the D. None of
1896 To pay off old scores
one's revenge dispute old loan these A
B. To grapple
C. To punish a
A. To handle it person
1897 To take the bull by the horns
by fierce attack
with a
severely for his
D. None B
difficulty that
lies in our way

1898 To which of these language groups does English belong? A. Baltic B. Romance C. Germanic D. Slavonic C
B. Make
C. Make a lot
1899 To" Jazz Up" means to___? A. Go faster something
of noise
D. Be strong B
more exciting
Tolerance is the essence of religion, chose the antonym of
A. Impatience B. Cruelty C. Bigotry D. Indifference C
B. Will be D. Will have
1901 Tomorrow at 3 PM you _______ matches. A. Have
C. Will have
had C
A. Don't tell a B. Never tell a C. Never speak
1902 Translate into English: ‫کبیھ جھوٹ نہ بولو‬
lie lie a lie
D. All of these B
‫مجھے جا ے‬ D. None of
1903 Translate into English: ‫ن دو‬ A. May i go? B. Let me go C. Can i go?
these B
‫ہم ہایک کھیال ے‬ A. We used to B. We used to C. We used to D. None of
1904 Translate into English: ‫کرن تھے‬
playing hockey. play hockey. played hockey. these B
1905 Translate the following paragraph into English. (15 Marks)
1906 Travelling from place to place is called A. journeying B. itinerant C. vacationing D. none B
A. A great
1907 Triumph synonym :
B. Achievement C. Both D. None C
1908 Try to reach the village ........ the sunset. A. Upon B. On C. With D. Before D
A. Definite D. Indefinite
1909 Twelve inches make a foot . The underlying word is
B. Preposition C. Pronoun
Article D
1910 Twice, the whistle has blown A. Adverb B. Adjective C. Noun D. None A
1911 Two and two make four. The word AND is ____ conjunction: A. Interjection B. Conjunction C. Subordinate D. Co-ordinate D
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

Two of the notebooks_______ Musa had lost on the bus

were returned to the main desk at his room.
A. What B. Who C. Which D. Whose C
D. None of the
1913 Two words with very close meanings called. A. Antonyms B. Synonyms C. Homonyms
above B
Unfortunately, we had to cancel it owing ___________ the
bad weather.
A. In B. To C. For D. About B
1915 Vexillology is the study of__________? A. Flags B. Signals C. Vintage Cars D. Stamps A
D. All the trees
A. All the trees B. All the trees C. All the trees
should be
1916 Villagers fell all the trees. are felled by were felled by will be felled
felled by B
villagers villagers by villagers
1917 Vitamin D is essential ______ growth A. Bottled in B. Bottled up C. Bottled on D. None B
D. None of
1918 Vitamins ___ our body fit. A. Keep B. Will kept C. shall keeping
these A
1919 VOCIFEROUS A. Bountiful B. Numerous C. Strident D. Garrulous C

1920 Wait __________ tomorrow. A. With B. Till C. For D. Of C

D. Article not
1921 WAIT FOR ME BY _______ SCHOOL GATE AT 4 O’CLOCK. A. An B. A C. The
required C
A. Officer: B. Student: C. Worker: D. Employee:
1922 Waiter: Tip::
Kickback Marks Bonus Wages C
A. Were the B. Are the C. Will the D. Was the
1923 Was she sewing the curtains? (Make Passive Voice) curtains being curtains being curtains being curtains being A
sewed by her? sewed by here? sewed by here? sewed by here?

B. Was he
A. Is he writing C. Did you D. Do you
1924 Was the story being written by him?
the story?
writing the
write the story? write the story B
Wash away the thoughts inside that keep my mind away B. Adverb C. Adjective
from you.
A. Noun clause
clause clause
D. None C
1926 We _________ a lot of work yesterday. A. Do B. does C. did D. done C
1927 We all can fit in here.There are a lot of ___ in the room: A. Space B. Chairs C. Fans D. None A
C. Fruit has D. Fruit is
A. Fruit is B. Fruit was
1928 We eat fruit.
eaten by us eaten by us
been eaten by being eaten by A
us us
1929 We felt as if the ground was ___ beneath our feet A. Slipping B. Digging C. Bursting D. Sinking A
We found that Ali and Fatima___ not attending Ahmad's
wedding ceremony
A. is B. are C. was D. were D
1931 We get up early _____________ the morning. A. On B. To C. From D. In D
1932 we had a ____ weekend at Karachi. A. Enjoyable B. Excellent C. Charming D. None C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key
A. ‫ ہم ایک ماہ ےس‬B. ‫ ہم ایک ماہ ےس‬C. ‫ ہم ایک ماہ ےس‬D. ‫می ےس کوپ‬ ‫ان ے‬
1933 We had been looking for a month. ‫ی‬
‫کھیل رن تھے‬ ‫ی‬
‫پڑھ رن تھے‬ ‫ی‬
‫ےتپ رن تھے‬ ‫نہی‬
‫ے‬ D
B. All other C. All other
A. All other D. All other
work had work had to be
work has to be work was
stopped by us stopped by us
1934 We had to stop all other work to complete our assignment. stopped by us
to complete to complete
stopped by us C
to complete to complete
our our
our assignment our assignment
assignment. assignment.
We lost confidence in Amjad..…..that grandiose promises he C. Retreated
had made.
A. Tired of B. Delivered on:
D. Forgot about B
1936 We met Hania yesterday. _______ made us laugh. A. We B. He C. She D. I C
1937 We must ______ trade with neighbouring countries. A. add B. promote C. enter D. go B
A. These B. These C. These D. These
problems must problems must problems must problems are
1938 We must now deal with these problems.
be dealt with now be dealing now deal with to be dealt A
by us with by us by us with by us

A. The elders B. The elders E. The elders

C. The elders
1939 We must respect the elders. deserve must be
must respected
must be D
respect from us respected respected by us

A. All living B. All living C. All living D. All living

species on species on species on species on
1940 We must take care of all living species on earth. earth must be earth must Earth had been earth will be A
taken care of taken care of taken care of taken care of
by us by us by us by us
1941 We need to find ________ method to solve this problem. A. Other B. The other C. Another D. Others C
1942 We should not jeer ____ the poor A. at B. In C. On D. With A
We should pay maximum accolade _______ our national
A. From B. With C. To D. Of C
A. Neuter B. Masculine C. Feminine D. Common
1944 We stayed in a hotel. Here 'hotel' is a:
Gender Gender Gender Gender A
1945 We suffer __________ you neglect. A. To B. From C. Of D. With B
D. None of
1946 We trust ______________ one God. A. On B. In C. At
these B
1947 We warned him ____ the danger. A. With B. Of C. Against D. From B
B. Past C. Past Perfect
We were listening to the radio all evening. Which tense is A. Past Perfect D. Present
this? Tense
Continuous Continuous
Perfect Tense B
Tense Tense

1949 What ---- you call who take monthly wage A. in B. do C. on D. at B

A. Attractive B. Loving and C. Young and D. Fascinating
1950 What an adorable child (here meaning of ADORABLE is)
and loveable innocent loving and smiling A
1951 What are they doing does not seem ___________ working? A. Being B. Be C. To be D. To being C
1952 What is another word for beady? A. Plain B. Pleasant C. Small D. Quick C
1953 What is meant by " ForeFathers"?"‫باپ دادا " ےس کیا مراد ےہ؟‬ A. Relatives
Page 89 of 98 Grandmother
C. Grandfather D. Ancestore D‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

1954 What is the antonym of CONTRITE? A. Remorseful B. Penitent C. Felicity D. Sorrowful C

D. None the
1955 What is the antonym of Gigantic? A. Vast B. Huge C. Tiny
above subject C
1956 What is the antonym of Kindle? A. Detest B. Douse C. Friend D. Enemy B
1957 What is the antonym of Pit ? A. Group B. Peak C. Select D. Marry B
1958 What is the comparative degree of 'Hard'? A. Harding B. Hardest C. Harder D. Hards C
1959 What is the meaning of "Amnesty"____? A. Forgiveness B. Incarcerate C. Capture D. Internment A
A. Once in a C. On rare D. Every now
1960 What is the meaning of "once in a blue moon"_________?
B. By weekly
occasions and then C
1961 What is the meaning of "Perish"? A. Bear B. Adhere C. Die D. Wrack C
B. Good
1962 What is the meaning of Banton? A. Afresh
C. Farewell D. Authority B
1963 What is the opposite meaning of Coercive? A. Advantage B. Will C. Gentle D. Opinionated C
1964 What is the opposite of "Ally"? A. Alloy B. Partner C. Foe D. Disappear C
1965 What is the opposite of "demur"?"‫ڈیمر" کا مخالف کیا ےہ؟‬ A. Embrace B. Boisterous C. Crude D. Falter A
1966 What is the opposite of "Egregious"? A. Horror B. Horrible C. Close D. Marvelous D
What is the opposite of "Frailty"_______?"Frailty"_______ D. None of the
‫کا مخالف کیا ےہ؟‬
A. Energy B. Intensify C. Strength
above C
What is the opposite of "supercilious"?"‫سپسیلیئس" کا مخالف‬
‫کیا ےہ؟‬
A. Unimportant B. Relavent C. Serious D. Meek D
1969 What is the opposite of "Vulgar"? A. Exquisite B. Gross C. Obscene D. Coarse A
1970 What is the opposite word of "Massive"? A. Tiny B. Gigantic C. Bulky D. Insignificant A
1971 What is the opposite word of "obliterate"? A. Design B. Destroy C. Ravage D. Preserve A
1972 What is the opposite word of "pretend"? A. Sham B. Real C. Feign D. Fabricate B
1973 What is the opposite word of MELANCHOLY _____? A. Sorrowful B. Happy C. Forbidden D. Brisk B
D. None of the
1974 What is the similar word of "Abhor"? A. See B. Hate C. Equipe
above B
C. D. Subtle
1975 What is the synonym of NUANCE ? A. New word B. Sense
Interpretation meaning D
1976 What is the synonym of DORMANT? A. animated B. hibernating C. active D. vigorous B
‫کا ے‬
1977 What is the synonym of EVADE?EVADE ‫مپادف کیا ےہ؟‬ A. Elude B. Avoid C. dodge D. All of these D
1978 What is the synonym of FORTUITOUS? A. lucky B. accidental C. rich D. prearranged B
What is the synonym of GREGARIOUS?GREGARIOUS ‫کا‬
1979 ‫ے‬
‫مپادف کیا ےہ؟‬
A. Sociable B. Reserved C. Shaky D. Egregious A
‫ کا ے‬ILLICIT
1980 What is the synonym of ILLICIT?‫مپادف کیا ےہ؟‬ A. Illegal B. Improper C. prohibited D. All of these D
1981 What is the synonym of STRICTURE? A. Stricness B. Stinging C. Censure D. Discipline C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

D. None of
1982 What is the synonym of YANK? A. Push B. Gluttonous C. Hitch
these A
1983 What is the synonym word of "Sacrosanct"? A. Detest B. Nullify C. Sacred D. Aged C
1984 What is the time ______ your watch? A. From B. On C. With D. By D
When the alarm rang, I turned the alarm off. (Replace the
second 'alarm' with correct pronoun)
A. They B. He C. She D. It D
1986 Where __________ you born? A. Is B. Was C. Were D. Have C
Where did she put the _________ which were on the A. B. D. None of
________ ? Knifes/Shelfes Knives/Shelves
C. Knifs/Shelfs
these B
1988 Which is the correct spelling: A. Adolterat B. Adelterete C. Adulterate D. Adulterat C
A. D. All of the
1989 Which is the opposite of "Undermine"?
B. Accept C. Corroborate
above C

Which is the singular subject pronoun in the sentences "I

1990 like to walk in the rain for a long time because no one could A. My B. I C. Could D. Tears A
see my tears."
1991 Which letter is silent in 'Honest'? A. S B. O C. H D. T C
1992 Which of following is synonym of HERALD? A. Messenger B. Absentee C. Vague D. Wag A
B. How the C. we should D. She sells sea
A. She lives in
1993 Which of the below sentence has tongue twisters?
a big room
children came respect our shells by the D
to school elders sea shore

Which of the following can be arranged into a 5-letter

English word?
A. H R G S T B. R I L S A C. T O O M B D D. W Q R G S B
D. Pronounce
1995 Which of the following is a synonym of convict. A. To grab B. Suspect C. Prosecute
guilty D
A. She is B. She is C. She is a D. She is a
1996 Which of the following sentences is correct? scholar and scholar and scholar and scholar and a C
writer. awriter. writer. writer.
Which of the following was a group that tried to spread C. The D. The
catholic teaching after the reformation?
A. The Jesults B. The Baptists
Protestants Calvinists A
Which of the following word is closest in meaning to
A. Over B. Promulgate C. Top D. None C
A. We took a B. We took a C. We took a
D. We took a
ride on a ride on an old, ride on an old,
1999 Which sentence uses the correct order of Adjectives?
Chinese, an blue Chinese blue Chinese
ride on a blue, B
old Chinese bus
old, blue bus bus bus

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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. By which B. By which C. By which D. By which

teacher are teacher were teacher will teacher should
2000 Which teacher teaches you English?
you taught you taught you taught you taught A
English? English? English? English?

B. Phonetic
2001 Which term is refer to the study of speech process? A. Phonology
C. Phonetics D. Semantics A
C. Alternative
Which word is a predicative noun. Solar energy can be an
alternative source of power.
A. Solar B. Can be source of D. Energy C
Which word is wrongly spelled in the following? honest,
2003 parfect, loyal, popularhonest, parfect, loyal, popular ‫مندرجہ‬ A. honest B. parfect C. loyal D. popular B
‫می کون سا لفظ غلط لکھا گیا ےہ؟‬
‫ذیل ے‬
Which word is wrongly spelled in the following? knigtmere,
2004 scary, blackout, haunted‫می کون سا لفظ غلط لکھا گیا‬
‫ مندرجہ ذیل ے‬A. knigtmere B. scary C. blackout D. haunted A
‫ ےہ؟‬knigtmere, scary, blackout, haunted

Which word is wrongly spelled in the following? nursery,

2005 secondary, liberary, primary‫می کون سا لفظ غلط لکھا‬
‫ مندرجہ ذیل ے‬A. nursery B. secondary C. liberary D. primary C
‫ گیا ےہ؟‬nursery, secondary, liberary, primary

2006 Which word is wrongly spelt in the following set of words ? A. confusion B. inquiry C. Nursary D. none C
While travelling to Karachi, I ran __________ a very old
friend of mine.
A. Up B. Across C. Against D. Into D
While UK has earned record revenue this year, __________
well behind in exports.
A. it still lag B. it still lags C. it lag still D. it lags still B
B. Request : C. Brush :
2009 WHISPER : SPEAK :: A. Listen : Bear
Ask Touch
D. Eat : Drink C
A. By whom B. By whom C. By whom D. By whom
were you are you asked will you asked should you
2010 Who asked you to draft this letter?
asked to draft to draft this to draft this asked to draft A
this letter? letter? letter? this letter?

2011 Who believes others easily and can be cheated A. Incredible B. Native C. Fraud D. Gullible D
A. Joseph D. Matthew
2012 Who called Dryden the Father of English Criticism?
B. Dr. Johnson C. Coleridge
Arnold B
C. By whom
A. By whom B. By whom D. By whom
should this
2013 Who can break this stick? can this stick could this stick
stick be
can this stick A
be broken? be broken? be broke?
D. By whom
A. By whom B. By whom C. By whom
should this
2014 Who can complete this task? can this task could this task was this task
task be A
be completed? be completed? be completed?
2015 Who deals ____ routine correspondence? A. At B. With C. For D. On B
B. By whom a C. By whom a
A. By whom a
2016 Who designed a car?
car designed
car had car was D. None C
designed designed

A. By whom B. By whom C. Who had

D. All of the
2017 Who gave you ice-cream? were you given was you given given you ice
above A
ice-cream? ice cream? cream?
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. By whom B. By whom C. By whom D. By whom

2018 Who has deceived you? had you been have you been were you been should you B
deceived? deceived? deceived? been deceived?

A. Who has B. By whom C. By whom D. By whom is

2019 Who is creating this mess? been created has this mess this mess is this mess D
this mess? been created? being created? being created?

B. By whom C. By whom
A. By whom is D. None of the
2020 Who is telling a lie?
a lie being told?
was a lie being will a lie being
above A
told? told?
2021 Who is that woman over there talking to ____ Rehman? A. The B. A C. An D. No article D
A. Edgar Allen B. Agatha C. Arthur D. John
2022 Who is the creator of the character named sherlock holmes?
Poe Christie Conan Doyle Lehmann C
2023 Who is waiting __________ the door? A. on B. at C. of D. in B
A. To whom B. To whom C. To whom D. To whom
2024 Who knows you? you are are you were you are you being B
known? known? known known?
C. it had
A. whom was it B. By whom it D. none of the
2025 Who painted it:
painted by was painted by
painted by
above D

A. By whom B. By whom is C. By whom D. By whom

was Political Political will Political should Political
2026 Who taught Political Science to you?
Science taught Science taught Science taught Science be A
to you? to you? to you? taught to you?

A. By whom B. By whom C. By which D. By who

2027 Who taught you English ? was you taught you were were you were you C
English ? taught English ? taught English. taught English.

A. By who B. By which C. By whom D. By whom

2028 Who taught you Urdu? were you were you you were were you D
taught Urdu taught Urdu taught Urdu? taught Urdu?
C. Rev. D.
Who translated the original Bengali poems of Geetanjali A. Sir Edmund
into English? Goose
B. W B Yeats Edmund Rabindranath D
Thomson Tagore

A. Thomas B. Martin
2030 Who was the leading figure of Christian humanism?
More Luthar
C. Johan Tetzel D. Erasmus D
C. Hermann
2031 Who was the main contributor to the linguistic period? A. Bartlett B. Piaget
D. Chomsky D
A. By whom C. By whom D. By whom
B. By whom is
will he be was he be can he be
2032 Who will help him in difficulty?
helped in
he helped in
helped in helped in A
difficulty? difficulty? difficulty?
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

A. By whom B. By whom C. By whom

D. By whom is
will the was the shall the
the number of
number of number of number of
2033 Who will not have cleaned the number of tables?
tables not tables not tables not
tables not A
have been
have been have been have been
cleaned? cleaned? cleaned?
B. By whom
A. By whom C. By whom D. By whom
should an
2034 Who will write an essay? will an essay
essay be
was an essay can an essay A
be written? be written? be written?
2035 Who wrote, ‘Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour’. A. Dryden B. Pope C. Gray D. Wordsworth D
2036 Why ____ you break your promise? A. is B. done C. does D. did D
Why do you buy so much books , when you do not read -----
of the them
A. all B. each C. any D. none C
A. Why is B. Why has C. Why is your D. Why is your
2038 Why do you waste your money? money been money been money wasted money being C
wasted by you? wasted by you? by you? wasted by you?

A. Why are B. Why C. Why do he

2039 Why does he teach the children? children taught children are teach the D. No passive A
by him? taught by him? children?

A. Why was he B. Why did he C. Why would

2040 Why was I not invite to dinner by Him? Change voice not invite me not invite me he not invite D. None B
to dinner to dinner me to dinner

A. Is the truth B. The truth C. Will the

D. Will the
2041 Will she tell us the truth? told to us by will be told to truth be told
truth be told C
her? us by her to us by her
us by her?
D. Should one
A. Will one of B. Was one of C. Can one of
of the
the questions the questions the questions
questions not
2042 Will they not have solved one of the questions? not have been not have been not have been
have been A
solved by solved by solved by
solved by
them? them? them?
Will you be showcasing the architecture models___you
prepared in China last year?
A. Which B. Who C. Whose D. That A
2044 Will you wait ___ I return A. After B. When C. Till D. If C
2045 Will you walk ______ my parlour? A. In B. Into C. Of D. Off B
2046 Wine is made _____________ grapes. A. From B. Of C. With D. In A
With the less rapid expansion of the economy, we should
make _____ progress toward stable price levels.
A. Detailed B. Substantial C. Define D. Indefinite B
A. Men are C. Women like D. Women are
B. Women like
liked by that men liked to be
2048 Women like men to flatter them.
women to
to be flattered
should flatter flattered by B
by men
flatter them them men
Words having same sound but different meanings and C. D. None of
spellings are called:
A. Synonyms B. Antonyms
Homophones these C
2050 Work hard lest you __ A. Should fail
Page 94 of 98
B. can fail C. may fail D. none A‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

2051 World is showing ----- for the poor people of India ? A. Tolerance B. Sympathy C. Love D. None B
A. Would a B. Would a C. Would a D. Would a
number of number of number of number of
poor people poor people poor people poor people
Would the number of politicians not have helped a number
of poor people?
not have been not has been not have been not have A
helped by the helped by the help by the helped by the
number of number of number of number of
politicians? politicians? politicians? politicians?

Would you mind ____a picture with me ?‫مپے ساتھ‬

‫کیا آپ کو ے‬
2053 ‫ایک تصویر _____ پر ے‬
‫اعپاض ہوگا؟‬
A. Take B. To take C. Taking D. Taken C
2054 Wow!, Ah!, Oh! are the examples of A. Preposition B. Conjunction C. Interjection D. Noun C
2055 Wretched synonym A. Nobel B. Rich C. Happy D. Miserable D
‫اس سوال کو‬
2056 Write an Essay on Israel Palestine Issue of 75 words. A. .. ‫وضاحت ےک ساتھ‬ A
2057 You ___ maintain a healthy life, if you keep exercising. A. Can B. Was kept C. Keep D. Were kept A
A. B. through, C. throw, D. throw,
2058 You ________ stones __________ the window.
trough,throw thorough through though C
2059 You always tell ____ lie. A. A B. An C. The D. No article A
2060 You are ____ Afridi of our class. A. A B. An C. The D. No article C
2061 You are blind ________ your shortcomings. A. In B. on C. to D. of C
2062 You are eligible-----this post. A. for B. to C. in D. on A
2063 You are fond _____ music. A. On B. From C. Of D. Off C
2064 You are sitting _______ us and talking against us. A. Amidst B. Among C. Between D. From A
A. An essay is B. An essay C. An essay will D. An essay
2065 You are to write an essay. to be written was to be be written by should be A
by you written by you you written by you

2066 You can ______ words in the dictionary. A. Look after B. look up C. look at D. look upward B
2067 You can go neither by train ________ by bus. A. No B. Nor C. Not D. And B
2068 You can use your TV as ____ laptop monitor. A. The B. A C. An D. No article B
2069 You can’t always pass ______ appearance. A. Into B. Down C. By D. Of C
You cannot dispense ___________ the use of fan in
A. By B. with C. on D. to B
2071 You have ____ fever. A. The B. An C. A D. No article C
2072 You have been working here _________ 2002. A. For B. Since C. From D. Across B
2073 You have no business to ___pain on week and poor person A. Inflict B. conflict C. Given D. None A
B. ‫آپ کھیل چےک‬ ‫ان می ےس ی‬
C. ‫ آپ یرسوع کرچےک‬D. ‫کوپ‬ ‫ے‬
2074 You have seen. A. ‫آپ کھا چےک ےہی‬
Page 95 of 98 ‫ےہی‬ ‫ےہی‬ ‫ںہی‬
‫ے‬ D‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

You have to leave your shoes ________the door when you

enter the house.
A. In B. By C. Over D. To B
2076 You look so scared ___________ you have seen a ghost. A. As if B. For C. That D. So A
2077 You must adapt yourself _____ your new surroundings. A. Towards B. For C. To D. By C
D. None of
2078 You must adhere _______ your promise. A. For B. With C. To
these C
You must improve your spelling. In the above sentence the
word "Improve" is a:
A. Modal verb B. Main verb C. Subject D. Noun B
D. none of the
2080 You must learn how to deal ___________ costumers. A. By B. with C. from
above B
B. Your D. Your
A. Your C. Your parents
parents must parents must
2081 You must obey your parents. (Passive Voice) parents must
been obeyed
must be
being obeyed C
obeyed by you obeyed by you
by you by you
C. Your
A. Your B. Your
teacher must teachers must
2082 You must respect your teachers
respected by be respected
should D. none B
respected by
you by you
You need not worry that you will be left on your own
because I' ll always ___ you.
A. Stand for B. Stand with C. Stand by D. None C
2084 You need not_____ me this question . A. to ask B. that ask C. the ask D. none A
A. You say that B. You say that
E. you say that
you have been you had C. You say that
you bought if
2085 You say, "I bought it of my own accord". bought if of bought it of I bring it of my
of your own D
you own you own own accord.
accord. accord.

C. You said
A. You said B. You said D. You say that
that you was
that you gone that you will you went to
2086 You say, "I went to Paris Yesterday."
to Paris the go to Paris the
going to Paris
Paris the D
the previous
previous day previous day previous day
You should not discuss about the matter with friends who
A. You should B. about the C. with friends
2087 are likely to find it offensive. Choose the error in the above
not discuss matter likely
D. no error B
sentence (if any)
2088 You should not jest ___________ his poverty. A. On B. Of C. In D. At D
D. Compound-
You should start working a little harder or you are going to A. Compound B. Simple C. Complex
fail your test. sentence sentence sentence
Complex A

C. I am
A. I am to be B. You D. He is
2090 You surprise me.
surprised surprised
surprised by
surprised C
A. They will B. They can C. They may D. They shall
2091 You will be well looked after. look after you look after you look after you look after you A
well well well well
A. Indefinite B. Personal C. Possessive D. Reflexive
2092 You will hurt yourself. (Here 'yourself' is an example of)
Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun Pronoun D
2093 Your activities are beneficial ____ society. A. For B. With C. To D. Of C
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Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

2094 Your book is different ____ mine. A. To B. With C. From D. Of C

2095 Your pen is similar ____ mine. A. To B. Too C. With D. Of A
2096 Your present statement has allayed my fears. A. relieved B. obliterated C. aroused D. eradicated A
2097 Your report is not relevant ______ the topic. A. From B. For C. On D. To D
2098 Your request——–leave is under consideration. A. for B. to C. with D. on A
2099 Zany means _________ A. Clown B. Hungary C. Both D. None A
B. A bird in
C. birds of
A. It makes hand is worth
2100 ‫نھی ے‬
‫بجن‬ ‫ایک ھاتھ ےس تایل ے‬
two to quarrel than two in
feather flock D. None A
the bush

2101 ‫ بدحواس‬A. smell B. Bewildered C. Happy D. none B

2102 ‫ے‬
‫دھینگامشن‬ A. Tussle B. Null and void C. evil D. None A
2103 ‫سازشی‬
‫ے‬ A. Planing B. Aggression C. both D. None D
2104 ‫ ظرف‬A. Forbearance B. tolerance C. sadness D. None A
‫ ے ے‬A. In the nick
2105 ‫عی وقت پر‬
of time
B. in time C. on time D. None A

2106 ‫ فردا‬A. Happy B. Angry C. fragrance D. None D

2107 ‫ فن شناش‬A. Virtuosic B. Connoisseur C. Both D. None A
A. The farmer B. The farmer C. The farmer D. The farmer
will have been will have been will have been will had been
2108 ‫کسان چارروز ےس ہل چال رہا ہوگا‬
ploughing plough since ploughing for ploughing C
since four days four days four days since four days

2109 meaning in English ‫ مزموم‬A. evil B. Null and void C. Tussle D. None A
A. I am in the B. I am at the C. I was in the D. None of
2110 translate into English ‫می ہوں‬
‫می بازار ے‬
market market market these A
2111 ‫ نڈر‬A. Fearless B. Hopeless C. Shameless D. None A
A. A bird in
C. Birds of
hand is worth B. It makes
2112 ‫نو نقعد نہ ےتپا یدھار‬
than two in two to quarrel
feather flock D. None A
the bush

Page 97 of 98‫اپٹس رپیپزاحلص رکےن ےلیکوگلگ رپرسچ رکںی‬
Sr# English Guess Paper Questions A B C D Answer Key

2113 ... ‫ ھنگایم حاالت‬A. emergency B. Prosperity C. Both D. None A

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