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BU De atl Sr ee ee eg as. Pet eere aed Progress Check 1 (gp. 19-20) Contents rena + jobs & money + ifesyes + enaracer Hould you Dare Do o.Jeb | present tenses Uke Ths? © future tenses (multiple choice, * time clauses + prepesivonsivasal veros/ [answer questions | relatives Word formationsdems | predict content) > relative causes Module? Travel & Shopping (pp. 21:38) Language Knowledge 2 top. 3233) Language Focus 2(0. 38) Progress Check 2 (pp. 35:36) Wavel experiences The Feat of the hdion ‘going places Ocean . (mutile choice; 1 auses of result answer questions - |e articles = order of adjectives > adverbs travel money shopping prepositionsphrasal verbs! skieing) past tenses sed to - would beget word formationfidoms | + gradableinon gradabie adjectives ‘Module 3 ‘Que World (pp, 37-52) Language Knowledge 3 Progress Creck 3 (pp. 5152) environmental problems [An londin Criss * reported speed es (anssing sentences; | specie inroc socal issu natural dsasters answer questions = read he weather or specific information) prepositionsphrasal verbs ‘word foration Module 4 Moods & Fetings (op. 5368) Language Krowiedge 4 (op.6465) Language Foes 4.66) Progress Check (pp. 67:68) + body language Who Says Sues 80d for stages in ife You? + moods & = hobbies * propos tionsphrasal verbs | for speciicinformation) Were fermatlonsioms feelings essing serences: ase questions ~ read he infntiveng form make deductions Language Knowleage’s (p.2081) Language Focus 5 (9. 82) Progress Check (pp. 83:84) > fimmheave A New Dimension to Ark Tirade + musiothe ans Te statements predict mediafioots conte prepositonssbrasal verbs! word formatonlcions die cei passive causative ‘eflexvelemphatc pronouns Module 5 Food & Health (pp.B5-100) Language Krowredge 6 tpsean Language Fol 6p $8) Progtess Check 6 (09-99-00) illnesses, accidents & juries | Posonous Foods we Love * food 2 * prepostiondphrasal verbs) | (multiple choice: ansie rion toot questions TH statements) ‘conditions tmaed contitionas wwhes Languoge Focus (p. 114) Progress Check 7 (pp. 115-116) = piers pace * prepesttionsphrasal verbs! ‘werd formation Word Myst erultple matching) ‘dauses of concession dauses of purpose [Module 8 T Education (9p. 117-132) Language Knowitdge © (op. 128-128) Language Focus 8 (. 130) Progress Check 8 (pp. 131432) school fe "Naw York Herbor Scho) + types of schoo’: (rising sentences * school ‘phrasal ves with un | "tue fiends") * forming nouns refering to peosle Hage subjects | complete sentences ~ ora able 19 cLit/Culture pp. 133 (CC1) - 140 (cc8) Writing Bank pp. 141 (WB) - 150 (W788) Grammar Reference pp. 151 (GR1) - 174 (GR24) ‘Appendix p. 198 (APP1) Style p. 175 (S71) Word List pp. 176 (WL) 197 (wi22) Pecan ‘announcements (sentence ‘ommletion; VF statements) ab interview (couple choice) pronunciation: fy sent ery 2b interview ampate jobs ‘a paragtaph exoaining if you ‘woud ike to be 3 shark exper + 3 forms! eter of application for aj oral ste) + CULCarees) Winte @ CV + Culture spot UK tax drivers: Dado ier (wultple chore) monologues (matching speakers) pronunciation a, A, eu, fal report ost property eseribe tings ‘express coiceteason priotserecommend 1a paragraph giving reasons why Someone snould ws Se Lanka 2 story (using adjectives! ‘adverbs sequence of events) © CUL(PSHE) How tobe responsible = Culture spot: ‘The Highlands ‘Geotand) lecture erawer questions; rote taking) 2 TV interview (answer ‘questions discuss an ssue multpe chow) introduc topic express dsgust express concer express hope compare & co pictures apaagrach svagesting ways to help protect pla an essay suggesting solutions toa problem (inking words) = Clk Geclomy) How Geysors Work + Culture spot Yelowstone National Par, USA arecio itervew (murtple Choice: T& statements) ronuneation double letters I. Mf, RE Tk aboutonp es Feelings cepresssympaty eopress re press opinion pie reasons “paragraph ghing reasons why ‘Suess con be good for people ‘Bn opinion ess3y (nee; topic sentences supporting + CUL PSHE) FACE, Neve York City ‘aad intowiew Gentence Completion; note taking) + a ado interview (avutapie choice) = pronunciation 00: In bol conv eke suggestons express bess agreetejact ‘Compare & contrast photos ' pa199/90h xoressNg your ‘opinion wy Avatar isa special film a fl veview recommending) CULAR) ‘Aer the Impresonists = Culture spot: IRR Tolkien * cisloguedmensiogves (onto choice) 1 3 cislogue (tiple choice = pronunciation: word stress ask forgive advce compare & contrast pictures ‘a puragraph about pasonous faods 2 foreand-against essay (inking words; supporting sentences) > CULIPSHE) Reading Food Labels = Culture spot Meals on Wheels - UK = amonslogue (note taking) = monalogues (matching speakers) apres Sure 2k for nformation book tekets = GuIL(Scence) Culture spot The Giant Rods of Hawai (anitple choice) > monologues matching speakers) + pronunciation: 1, i, au = ik Torieapress opinions, Uncertanty ~ speculate + compare & contrast pictures ‘2 paragraph giving reasons ‘en opinion esay 0 (inking Swords topic supporting sentences) Give Twst complete sentences) © Culture spot: Hanard Unversity Pronunciation p. 199 (PR1) American English-Brtish English Guide p. 200 (AE-BEG1) Topescripts pp. 201 (71) 218 118) evaluations pp. 219 (E1)-231 (E13) Irregular Verbs LLL AA AAPA ARE UAE TUR A Aan ULAR RS | DRARLEY WES Making a living Which of these jobs can you see in the pictures: * osteo agont + lawyer » sight atondant ‘+ machanis + anginger» stockbroker ¢ [| straight + medical researcher ding au pair » gardoner + fastion designer slice ‘tour guide + fost» sales assistant : + buiger» plumber» electrician 7 Ba complete the job adverts, Use these words: walifications * enclosing + full-time arrange flexible + experience * roferonces * salary aa ° oe sir ade for FAINT YL 3 . : ih Zeal and BS) Dvmmro talesassisand | | Tight housework. No requied for lage department | _ coded bt fP See Msthae | a We need a partstime gardener With 9)...» working hours to help with our large garden. Two references required. Please call 9167420637 (mornings only) to 8) an Interview. ‘Which of the jobs in Ex. 1: are done indoors/outdoors? have career prospects? are well-pald/poorly-poid? have flexible hours? need a degree? need the most training? ‘What would you like to do fora living? Why? Tell the class. cA Reading 3S ‘The man in the picture is nicknamed 4) These words appear in the text. check “The Sharkman’. What do you think them in the Word List. & his job involves? + brought up * encounter + operation * predators adapt + ferocious * immobility mot interpret eer Raine anny Cee tes nnn aa company + beyond the hits ‘bond * posture » dedicated to ‘encounter « perception + mindless 1s nightmare * dorsol fin * snout + marvel ot » highlight + rewarding b) Use the words in Ex. 2a to complete the sentences below. 1. Mike Rutzen works with sharks, one of tho most feared ‘on Earth, 2 Mike was in South Africa where he originally worked as a farmer. 3 He learnt to respect sharks end .. ‘their behaviour. 4 He also learnt how to his posture to protect himsoll rom possible shark attacks. 5 Tho .... feeding sharks. 6 Mike bolieves sharks arent animals, but are actualy ineligent and sensitive creatures. hho runs specialises in 7. Mike can hypnotise sharks to hold them ina state of total for about an hour 8 Miko botioves a(n) .. with @ great ‘White shark is an unforgettable oxporicnce. EJ} Which of tho sontences in Ex. 2 are true about Mike? (2 Listen and read to find out. What is the author's intention? Read the text again. For questions 1-8, choose the correct answer A. B, C, or D, your answers. 11 What does tho waitr think Mike Rutzens job is tke? A scary © exciting B strange D creative 2. Why is Miko diferent to most shark experts? A He onns pot sharks. B He gets hypnotised by them. © Ho studios sharks in tanks. He builds strong bonds with sharks. 3. Asachild, Mike lived A ina ishing vilago, B in Cape Town \Wmat led Mike to start his own business? A his lack of work as a fisherman B his nced for more money © his desire to ba closer to sharks D the demand created by tourists © on tno coast. D ina rural area, Pees st Seer sd ences 5. Mike hopes his work will ‘A. change poople’s opinions of sharks. B_make more people interact with shares. © reduce the number of snark-rolatad deaths. D create more interest in sharks in the media. 6 How does Mike sometimes swim with sharks? A. by hypnotising tho shark into folowing him B by grabbing a part on the back of the shark by hanging onto the shark's tail D by stroking a part of tho shark's head 7 Tho phtase’a great champion ot (2. 37) means A aperson who always wins. B someone who Is hichiy skilled in their fed. © @ person who fights fora cause. 1D. someone who is extremely popular. 8 Which of the following best deseribes the writer's tone throughout the article? A impressed © envious B threatening D uninspired Read the text again and answer the questions. Use your own words. 1. Namo two jobs Miko Nad before he started his own shark-diving business. 2 How does Mike make sharks stay stationary? What work does Mike currently do apart trom shark giving? a a) Find words in the text which mean: + Para A: jobs, desir, to watch, o form + Para B: slowly, o decode, to change + Para C: meeting, fierce, bad dreams ‘= Para D: sometimes, completo ‘+ Para E: to ompnasise, to talk b) Explain the words in bold. EBS rescue more about mike Rutzen's work, Visi his website: ‘ Takes notes and make 4 presentation about Mike Rutzen to the lass 3 Vocabulary Vocabulary from the text Topic vocabulary Choose the correct word. Jobs & Money So ee ae Underline the correct word, Check in the Word List. of spiders. 1 Arthur worked in a bookshop for 35 yoars then quitiretired/ 2 He has a very clasefattached discontinuodiabandoned and ivad of his pension. relationship with these 2 The company made huge earmingsiprfits/benefitsimoney eroaturos. inzon. 3 Miko aims to rise/aiso 3 There is @ consumeriopplicantibuyericustomer at the awareness ofthe need to ‘counter waiting to be served protect these huge predators, 4 I've got a new job at the university, so I've handed in my 4 You need patience it you want notelnoticafwarningiletter a tho cate eseresn eae t sehond: 5 John works well with his partners/comradesicoleagues! me SE ‘candidates at ino leisure centre. 5 His passion for sharks goes ome njoys ner new workplace, but she has much beter Deyond the Dordorsilimits of mee in hor old jot eee pensionsiperksipermitsipromotions in hor old job. 7 Mis Hatman doesnt make us work long hours, Sho is a fair 6 Journalists and filmmakers trainceiworkeriemployerlemptoyes. portraylobserve sharks as. frindloes fers, but tiey a 8 My sister dealsidirectsicontrolsiruns her own business actually sensitive creatures. making clothes for children. 7 Mike has dedicatodicommitted 9 News spread quichly throughout the medical occupation! tis Ie to the well-being of great protessiontiradelwork abou! the new treatment white sharks. 10 Julle holds @ vacaneyfchair/postisituation as @ nurse in a childran's hospital, 11 The team/erow/personnel/peoplo department are reszonsible forall new employee contracts. 12 Duo to tho scandal, Tim had to dismissiresignitizeisack ‘rom his position as Managing Director. Fill in: perception, interact, marvel, specialises, stars, limits, ferocious. 1. Mike's diving operation intaking Character tourists to see great white anes = B Which of the words best describes the people: good- tal, self-conscious, conservative, 2 Wahy poopie hove wvecane natured, moody, sentimental, a Pe ee refaxed, sensible, uilble, emotional, perfectionist mysterious creatures. 1. James doesnt lke tying new things and is quite 3. I's easy for Mike to sos with the 2 Lisa is happy and the next she is sad. sharks once he gets close . - enouan. 3 David tries to make everything ho doos as good as Oo possible. fascinating episodo of Nat ura often te ast with fond memories irae ea aor 4 Laura oten talks about the past wih fond 5 Anyone can go inside a shark 5 easy to tick Ken nto believing something that isn fee ae 5 Its easy to trick Kon into beleving something thet isnt true, atthe 6 Peter gots easily embarrassed and always thinks people are {6 Ho decided to face his fears Po ec ‘and ve Fis if Beyond the 7. ato Is rianaly to overyone she mests s 8 Gregis calm and nothing seems to worry him. 7. The Asian Cobras a 9 Wondy always makes good decisions and is very mature for f animal, hor ago. ss notorious for kiling @ large 10 Jano nas strong feelings and often eros at fims. ‘numer of people every year, RAAT AAA AAA AR “SHEnGae ee FE) Use the words below to Phrasal verbs ‘complote the sentences. B Fill in: out of, on, out, down on, by. Check in Appendix 1. + skinned + spoken * going 1 We've run. _ mony. Wo've spont it all + tempored + minded (have no more) ss neuced ant tot 2 Bob's been putting money for his hotiday all 1 Philip doesn't accept other yar; e's saved over 860! (save) people’ ideas, Ho's ratnor 3 He took sn @ loan tO buy NS new car narrow. (borrow money from a benk) 2 Paul dat got upset ater nis 4. ithe faavas is job, what i he going olive 2 boss shouted at him. Hes (have money to support yoursel!) vary easy 5 Sho sponds too much money. Ste must cut. 3. Michale is realy cok- luxuris. (reduce) Yesterday, 6 Please fil an application form and leave it ‘sho rotused to give a with the secrotary, (complete) homeless man any change. 4 Richard is sot. he has a quiet, gentle voice. 5. Sandra can be quick Prepositions ‘in: from, for, i, on, with, under. Check in Appendix 2. neta 41 They congratulated Rim arn his promotion, Sho oftan gets angry for no 2 He reves tng job atthe age of 65. particular roason, 3 Ho app ero. the positon of Sales Manager. 6 Parmele ave ae: Sho SPC 88 oennn fil la Tee nae 5 Sho has no experience sales, Geocuuee 8 Fmatraid ne isnt qualified --the post + Male ee ne 7 He's responsiste twenty people at work. isnt easily upset by ertcism 8 Sho i ABLE 10 WOM rere BFOSSUB, 8 Teachers need to be very pationt hilton. idioms Match the idioms (1-5) in bold Word Formation to thiale meanings (=), are Complete the gaps with the correct ‘thera similar idioms in Polish? . ‘word derived from the words in bold Wea i Saw Steeple serene Marcie seeped and aries ot ange @ te-vary kind of building, repair and 1) ..{maintain) 2-6 years to train as a(n) 2) He is such @ pein In the neck. (profession) steeplojack. “The one ‘thing you must He keeps annoying everyone: ‘have for this job is a head for 3) .... ‘with his negative comments. | (high),” he says. Mark likes working outdoors, but ‘Suzanne took in a stray cat it CBM DE 4) ain srsnersene (anger) carrying: of gold. gets 5) wwe (wind). Lee ‘that you have von attor Paul broke nis nose, | t@ every 6)... (core). Mark often has to ard es esl FOF BY asnssnse (extend) periods. it's worth it in GO ‘Henry cart use @ computer, He's ‘the end though. “It’s a great 9) (feel) a bit behind the times. when | finish and know that because. ‘of me 10 Grammar in use ET a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense. bb) Mateh the tenses (1-14) to their uses (Act). Is it the same in Polish? iD) have) an envemaly rewarding job asa medical researches. 12) (work) fora research insite fo eight yeors and every day my clleagues and | 3) (conduct) diferent experiments in order to ‘eate new medicines that wil Rela people who 4) (Gute) fiom chron illnesses. My doy 5) (tart) 2: 8.00 am and sometimes 6) (not%go) home tate at night. My otk ao inludesattencing conferences and lectures whee | get te latest nformation in my fed. Science 7) (evolve) very fast these days so i's important for me to stay informed. (One downsice of my job is that it 8) sv (keep) me foo busy 19) (notinave) a pcper heliay with my famiy for over two years and | don’t spend a5 mc time with my two sons a5 ike $o, | 10) Gustlinform) my supersr tat since my colleagues and 11) (nowwork) on anything ugent at present, 112) take) 2 10:69 brea, stating tomorram! | 13) (already cell my family about it ‘and they ae tilled! My kids 44) (pack) the’ bags fer cur holday as we speak! eS (a) aston happening etre momento peaking con the duration of an action which state ues up fo the present emphasis i) the past and contin | changing or dveloping stations “D> pormanent states “E actons happening Fda roxines “@ pastaciions which havea txed arrangements in the nea future “A> ecanty completed actions Choose the correct verb form. Justify your answers. Check the Grammar Reference section. 1 Poter warksfis working as a waiter in a restaurant. 2 Tho train leavesfis leaving at 7 o'clock. 3. Moro and more people are reoycling/recyele these days. 4 You are always forgetting! always forget to lock tne door. 5 I think/am thinking of locking for a new job. 6 She takes/is taking Spanish around the time of speaking sible result in the present Future tenses EERE EIENCD Ey errs te tenses in bod atch them othe uses i tassone this summer. 7 ; 7 samisstate ening stain | think rUapply forthe oo. © predictions based on eeu [EE Now that wo nave tn monay what wo tink pe eawsscornweaae eae geinglomove'oa » omhespatdecsions ican Digger at. aston in progress at Seb ciovemave moved pax. PLL] rere licoee a states future time Bigger house | senso, intentions 4 10 His clothes are diy. He 18 [ET] took out! You are geingte © actions whieh willbe ‘working/has been working in {all down. finished before a stated the garden all morning [51] This timo next mont, weil be future time ay 11 She has runihas been fying to Rome 1 predictions based on running around al day: shes Ho wit have workea nore for what we-see i ‘exhausted. 10 years by the end of May. g_emphasis.on duration of 12 They have lefthave been Z_| By next month, he will have: ‘an action up to a certain DuarivngteretoriOyeas. tmeintekure leaving for Los Angeles, =. Cw ww a PFA) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future verb form. 1 We train to York tomorrow. 2 This time tomorrow, they’... (hiko) in the Lao District. 8 Olan (leave) by the time we reach the hotel. (take) tho 4 o'clock. (finish) by Friday. (work) here for two years. 6 Liam. vu (Ye) tho report by NooN. 7 Is 7:00 o'lock, Jim (arrive) at the cinema by now. 8 He's cunning vary fast. HO ww (win) the race. 9 We (have) a party at the weekend. 10 | wonder if he (talk) to mo again Gy cormtete tne sentances 4. This time next wook, rile 2. By the ond of this month, I" have 3. This weekend, 'm 4 dont think t 5 We vory hot. People veho/thot visit the museum are not alowed to.use their comeras. (Which people? Those who visit the museum - defining relative clouse) Peter, who is studying Low, wants to join a big law firm to practise. (Non-defining relative clause) [pee os] Fill in the correct relative pronoun or adjective, Then add commas where necessary. 4. She is the git...» Works with us. 2 Is that the man ...... project won the prize? 3. Ii never forget the day first mat Harry. 4 Lucy oon Contract expires next weok 15 looking for another job. 5 What's the name of the fiver sur: TUNS through London? 6 Paul's new laptop cost him £500 has broken down, 7 Wn 15 tho gil nn. Is waving to us? 8 BON vvnsn 8 Only thirty yoars old owns his own business. uncle is a musician, is 1 Poter, ». going 0 study Music. 2 Mr Roberts is 2 person tespected by his studonts. 2. This Is tno parson highty got a red Volvo. 4 That's the BOY on MY next-cioor neighbour. Continue the sentences. Use rela pronouns/adjectives. 1. [ike watching films. 2 | donit tke people 3. Mllnever forget the time 4 The hotel . jut the verbs in brackets into the correct 1. Dowek, performance at work Sat (novbe) that good lately, is at risk of being passed over for promotion. 2 By lunchtime Mr Smith (Interview) fiteen job applicants, four ot will attend a second interview. (novertmeet) a tour guide v KNOWS 2s much as this one. 4 Let me cheek the report one more time and t (wend) it to you by email as soon as | Minish). 5 Being an au pair is one of the tiring jabs I've ever had so | ({hink) of looking for something else. Key word transformations ff) Use the words in bold to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use two to five words. 1 Tom moves to Paris two years ago. SINCE smn snnennson TOM MHOVES 1 Paris 2. She didnt know who it belonged to. WHOSE ‘She had no was. 3. Ho hasnt turned up yo! STILL Ho i 4. Tye nover seen such a prety gi. EVER Sho's ne _ seen. §§ We havon' heard ftom Bob since May. NEWS WO sen from Bob since May. E} write or say about yourself. Think about: what you do, what a typical weekday of yours {s ike, what your plans forthe future are, what you are doing this weekend. vp. 1 oe A Listening skills == 12 a) You are going to listen to two announcements about missing people. Before you listen, check these words in the Word List. * footwoar * soparate + approximately * ponytail * anorak + dungarees + backpack + mombor of staff + situated b) (2 Listen and complete the sentences. Are the announcements formal or informal? Check on p. 175, A. 1 The child got lost in the shop's ‘dopartment 2. She was visting tho shop with 3. The colour of her backpack is 4 You can find the Customer Enquiries Desk on : B 1 Brondan Maguire has disappeared trom the. building of the airport. 2. He went to the café with 3. He moves around with tho use of a 4 anyone has information about him, thy should go to LUsten again and decide if each sentence is True or False A-1 The chils's mother had been looking at shoos. 2. Thole gil is wearing her hair loose over har shoulders, 3. Shpis drossod In a skirt, 4 Hor mothor is advised to speak to a sales assistant 5 Tho Customor Enquiries Desk is next to the restaurant. B 1 Brendan Maguire had been in the airport for less than two hours. 2. His son left the café to go to Loval Two, 3. Mr Maguire is going bald. 4. He was wearing a scart that matched his gloves. 5A doceription can bo given to the Information Desk: a) You are going to listen to a job interview. Before you listen, check these words in the ‘Word List. ‘faint * adjust * animator * pursuit + contemporary dance + determined + fluent + graduate + motivate * contract + foe b) ©) Listen to a job interviews, What job is Pamela doing at the moment? «) (2 Listen again and for questions 17, choose the best answer A, B oF . 1. At the beginning of the interview, Pamela has dificulty A connecting tothe internet B hearing the interviewer © finding the volume contro 2 Pamela would lke to work as a hotel animator A because she thinks i's a fun job. Basis an opportunity to meet new people. © because it sults her personal interests, 2. Pamola gave up dancing, because she A wanted to travel abroad. B didnt tako part in tho shows, © had to finish her studies. 4 The job in the travel agent's A involves face-to-ace contact with customers, B is only a sixmonth temporary position © pays bottr than the dance company. 5 A hotel animator is required to [A encourage quests to participate in activitios. 8 get involved in as many activites as possible. © havo a throo-yoar university degree. 6 Tho job in tho Italian hotol A includes tree accommodation. B requires a knowledge of water sports © lass for six months. 7 Botore starting her new job, Pamela will [A receive some formal training. B sign a contract at the agency. © pay the agency alee Pronunciation /iy/ B () Listen and say. In which words is /hi silent? hard + hour * honest + hotel + when ‘honour + happy * highly (i In 1 (Kes Uk Na fe ki eee ee | Speaking skills en Job interview a) Complete the dialogue. Use the words and phrases in the list. + Do you have any relevent experience + Havo a seat * when can you start + Thanks for coming in + toll me a bit ebout yourself 2 TTR Holl You must be Paul Martin A B: Yes, good morning, AAV ata . Paul. John Jonos. B: Nice to mi A: 80,2) Paul. B: Well, 'm 18 years old, I'm @ university studant and | wart a part-time jod fo help with my ving expenses. (Oka, Why should I considor you fortis job? Vel, im hardworking and ecient and | work vol ina team, 'm also choerul and friendly. 1 se0.3) z at Yes, Over te last two summers | worked as @ wait for a catering company at a vatity of ven, have a lotr of recommendation here. Thank you. Should | offer you the job, 4 cenaecoeee? Fight anay. 0K.5) Wilbain touch ‘Thank you very much. | hope to hear fom you | s00n. F Bro Po RTE bb) Take roles and read the dialogue aloud. FB) Your local supermarket is advertising for part-time shop assistants. In pairs use the language in the box to act out a job interview. Use the dialogue in Ex. 125.0 ‘model, ) preekoe ios + Please, have a seat Thank you. + Toll me about yoursall. | + I'm... ol, + Why should wo I'm (hardworking, consider you for this Kind, cering, jobfompley you? sensible, ete.) + Why do you want this. | © I want to. jab?/Why do you want to work hore? + Do you have any | have worked relevant experience? | as + When can you Right away! stact? Noxt week, Replying Making comparisons ‘Which professions ean you see in the photographs? What are some of the ways in Which they differ? Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph, ‘IBOtN/AS doctors and taxi drivers have interesting jobs ‘Abutsin spite their Jods differ In many respects. 3) Altnouah/ Despite no special sls are required for being 8 tal driver. becoming a doctor requires years of traning. Both jovs require working nights and weekends. ‘1 However /also, octors havea safer job compared to taxl ‘vers who are often the victims of crime, Botn Jobs can bbe very stressful $1 but/aespite 9 doctor's job Is more rewarding 6) as/on the other hand they change people's lives for the better. 7) in addition,/wevertneless, doctors earn more money than tax drivers. Look at pictures A and B below. Use the phrases in'the language box and the ideas below to compare the two professions, ‘not dangerous job + hazardous, risky job ‘once mastered, no new + requires constant ‘kills to learn ‘raining ‘happy work environment + witness people geting ‘+ work fong hours every hurt | day + shift work + poorly paid * financial security eens ‘Although + clause Despite + «ing forrvnoun (On tno otner hand, Both .. and. Compared 10 In adaition, Also, However, 13 =n Writing a tetter of application Model analysis a analysis a) Read the model and replace the informal Read the rubric below, paying careful phrases in bold (1-8) with the formal ones = £ £ attention to the underlined words and aH). £ £ £ & phrases. Then answer the questions that [AT twoute be gtea follow. [BJ tam interested in eet | would be wel sited for this position [BI 1am weing 10 (EL) Yours taithuty, [E]_) t have no work experience in this area [61 100k forward to hearing fram you [HI] t have a good command of You have seen the following advertsement for a summer job and have decided to apply. Write ‘your letter of apaication. You should write between 120 and 180 words. | Dear SirMadam, (©)1)1 want to apply for tho postion of group leader in Yourcamp which was adversedin yesterday's College | icing insane News. 2) I Ilke this job since 1 enjoy working with chigron. ‘You will help organise sports | am twenty-two years old and am currently studying E nd activities for eildren 10- ¥ asin, adction 3) Fm really good at Engish. ‘IB years old. Must hs 5 4) tnavon't done anything ike this betore, but! | | fave ofen cone babyiting and have participated in various sports activities for the last seven years. 6) I'm E | sure i be good at this ob bacause am entusiasti, creavo and energetic. | am alo very patent wth | chden E 6) | want to atend an interview. | am available at iy ten. 7) Ca wat 0 hear tom you. 1 Who is the target reader? eters introduction? idle 3. How many main body paragraphs will you write? What should they contain? 4 4 Which ofthe folowing beginnings and endings 'b) Suggest an alternative be {are appropriate? Give reasons ‘ending for this letter. ‘Which paragraph contains: [AIC] when avaiable for iterviow, contact otal, closing remarks? [BI] work experience & character? age, what he is doing now, a uailications? a [BLD] opening remarks & reasons for witing? oS Error correction renters The model below is not a suitable letter of application. + | am wating to apply for the postion Correct the underlined mistakes. Think about: of. advertised in (yesterday) + with reference to your advertisement. + unnecessary words * wrong fonses + missing words in. += punctuation problems + language too informal + Ihave been working as a. forthe * wrong propositions * wrong word order last... years. * incorrect greeting/ending + -ing form/infinitive mistakes, + | willbe avaiable for an interviow ... + look forward to hearing from you. fo i every weekday morning Tam writing this loner to atk vou for the job I saw aca he grate yl ee acvrtiaed in he local newspaper. elle ete eee Tale eh sce sete ny ace eee” ee ery ein ‘York University. Lam very duent with French and also am + Despite my lack of experience, feel tai that | would be... think I would be very good group leader at your camp.1 |» | enclose a reference ftom my previous have a lot of experience working with children as 1 omaa employer. Dabysiting my neighbours’ children since I}aug 18 years old, _[ + can be contacted by telephone on ‘Also, last year; I worked as a lifeguard at a children’s pool. am azesponsible person and punctual person who will not Jet you down. UlLmeet you for an interview any weekday afternoon. My telephone number is 210-4547425. ‘So0-yousoon, Lisa Your turn a Read the rubric and answer the questions. You have seen the following advertisement For a part-time job. The Leeds Times ert Soe Lente ‘Wud you he to oxerince whats To to work inthe most popular daly nwspaperin Lends? We ar ooking fr yourg lnusiastc peepe (1822 yeas cd to work as part-ime ers fr ourYourg Peopl's Magazine You donot ned ary gence injournalm, bt you shouldbe interested in cal cultural and spots events and own laptop ieaee apply in wring enclosing @ CV to our Personnel Department. ‘When you finish writing your letter check forthe follwing: Write your letter of application (120-180 words). Have you used appropriate ‘1 What do you have to write? ‘opening/closing remarks? 2. Vino is the target reacor? Vina! syle is appropriate? Ace there woll-structured 3 What would be a suitable first sentence? paragraphs? 4 Vina information should you inelude in the main body? Have you writen informal syle? 5 How could you start/end your piece of writing? ‘Are there any grammar/spelling/ punctuation mistakes? Have you used an appropriate Use your answers to write the leter Follow the plan, Use : F e formal greetingending? phrases from the Useful Language box. BB) For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B,C, D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). A LIFESTYLE “TO DIE FOR"? Research has revealed some worrying )C in the way young people are 1) on: their lives. Bad eating habits are at the top of the list, with many ‘Youngsters eating too much of the ‘wrong thing. Health experts warn that 4 the 2)... of large quantities of junk food puts children in 8)... of becoming obese and 4) serious health problems later on init ‘The sit-down lifestyle led by children today is also a major cause fF 8) wn « Preetting to sit for hours at a computer soreen chatting instead of actully going out and mixing with friends is a ‘growing 6)... emong young people, causing ther to become ‘more antisocial. Moreover, the combination Of 7)... of exercise and too much sitting, with eating too much unhealthy food is a 8) ao fr disaster ‘There ate, however, ways Of 9)...» these problems, For example, ‘Youngsters and their parents can make sure they have @ 10)... sting of five portions of fruit and vegetables a day children should limit their time on the intaret and take to meet with friends in their tree time, They could ‘nme & Club OF Society where they could make nev friends, One thing is for sure, a lifestyle of junk food and leck of exercise i certainly act one worth dying or. oh commons To B dawopmens ——B taslons 1A leading Bring © having’ D mating 2 A cmmonaion © ating Scone enema cine 3A jeomry 8 vck —¢ cangor_D tet 4 A creating © toning 2b anaes D sspaing © A emeam 8 wowtle © wor D fear 6 A pat mode 2 ear D oocton 7A lek 8 stermge mend D tnt oA © resrsion : D tecbe oh ¢ contatng 2 cng D westng 10 -Acewate cl aieee & oqalees O stbicea 11 chence Stones 2 omen aioe aie wa aera Cline) 0 0 16 FA) complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to thi not change the word gi 1 first sentence. Do - You must use two to five words, including the word tho job. EXPECT 1. 11do not want to go to Vie tothe gym. 2 Hicome and get you Thor's BLAMED Everyone ‘o.ournew otice, RID ' things whan we move 6 My bus broke down 7 Ye nave m0 ink fr th to order some, RUN We for the printer so you'l have to order some, given. Here is an example (0). © Abigail was really surprised when she got ‘Abigail ald not expect fo get the jo. the gym. FEEL after work. PICK aftr work, 3 I'm sure that Jamie got the job, DOUBT “that Jamie got the [ab. 4. Evorjene eal Peter ruined the presentation, ‘he presentation 5 | throw away a lot of things when we moved ws @10t Of 1d to our new otic. this morning, so my rotor drove mo to work. LIFT My bus roe down ne mening, 6 10 work by my brother. printer so you'll have ink 8 Do you think you could help me with my homawork please? We 1 : \wity my homework. ‘the words in capitals. 1. Philip doesn't like job doesn't have a JONDERING «if you could help me ‘Complete the gaps with the correct form of Interviews, but he (cHOOse) 2A large sumber of people would rather be happy than woalthy. (SURPRISE) 3 sab fot .- baing interviewad by threo people. (COMFORT) 4 His performance at the raco improved (CONSIDER) alter training hard for weeks. 5 | gave Simon the promotion because he is both at his job. (RELY) ‘and extremely good Le ee ee fh fm tm fm hh i om om om ini Grammar i B Choose the correct item, Ooi i 1 This report is extremely wellwriten. tm very OGEOC Ato Bwith Cof 0 for 2 “Is Shelley hero?” “No, sho hasnt finished work A yet B stil already D now 3. The boss is waiting for you. You half an hour ago! A have supposed B were suppose to be here © are supposed D were supposes 4 Noshua looks vory happy.” “Yes. Apparently he expects .......a promotion at work” A geting © tonave got B toget D tobe geting 5 2onfora living?” 'm a chemical enginee: A Howdoyoudo © Howare you doing B What are you doing DB What do you do 6 “Did you enjoy the seminar?” “No, twas... A abore B boredom © boring D bored Helen is a great boss, ... John Is not. A when B whereas © despite D unlike Your annual loavo will havo to bo approved by both your supervisor... the boss. Aalso Bor Cor D and 9 Ihave to decide ....! want tho job by next weok. A homever © whether or not B itornot D whereas 410 “Can you explain wy you are always late for work?” “There must be some \ve never been late for work” A mistakes © mistaken B mistake D mistaking “Did you go to the ottice Christmas party?” Yas, out it was a big disappointment. Only six people showed Au Bolt cin Dow 32 YOU «nos 0 your manager before you book your holiday. A spoke © goto spoak B had to speak D should speak Herero eee eee eee Language Caley (te fe 1-e Vocabulary a Choose the correct item. 1 10 1 R Ignoring environmental issues NOW CUA an. 19 ‘greater probloms in tno future. A see B guide C tun Dead The Roman treasure had been for nearly two thousand years. A dug B excavated © vanished B buried underground ‘The government neods a new ‘unemployment. A strategy B planning for tackling © methodology D scheme | couldn't send the files because I lost my Internet A link B connection © network D contact The plans for the new childten's playground wore by the council today. A discovered © exposed B revealed D uncovered Iwas not ...- for Alex to wear jeans to his sister's wedding A fitting © suitable B matening 1D anpropriato | was annoyed when Lydia... the magazine | ‘was reading and took it for hersel A caught © snapped B gratbod D grasped only sm: Out of the window, so I dit notice what the man was wearing. A glances © glimpsed B peered D watched The train... the station very slowly because of the snow on the trac. A arves © roached B neared D approached Tho nn Pree is $5 for adults, but children don't have to pay, A permission © submission admission D intermission | anon that wo spand $350 a month on food, A counted, © charged B calculated D values David «nn f0 limb Mount Kilimanjaro despite having a broken toe. ‘A accomplished © managed B achieved D succeeded 17 18 Fillin: ‘= disco » detect + observe + perceive 1 Tourists can .. sharks and whales {rom the salety of a boat. 2 This equipment can sharks swimming in the area 3 Stove wast wearing his glasses, so he ‘couldnt «What type of shark was ‘swimming alongside the Bost, 4 He nopes to change the way people mm tho bohavlour of graat white it there ore sharks. seater « quip * provide + supply 5 The company aims 10 diving ‘gear to all he tour companies in the town, 6 Miko ig ablo to or his family by ‘operating a shark-diving company. 7 Its important 10... your boat with all the necessary diving apparatus and safely gear. 8 The new boat tour compary will to people interested in seaing marine animals, + admit © Mike doesnt ‘are portrayed in the media. 40. The shark's fins .. balance in the water 44 Some sharks them. 12. Mike refused to . more than ten people onto the boat fo safety reasons. it to maintain Mike hypnotise Phrasal verbs & Prepositions Choose the correct item. 1. He applied Initor the position of sales assistant. 2 Jano puts money outiby each week for a new bike. 3 I've run out/dewn of money. Can you lend mo £107 4. They decided to take out/down a loan to buy a fia Congratulations withvon your now job. He cant work In/under pressure. ‘She has no money to live onyby. Ho specialisas onvin computer engineering Word formation EW complete the gaps with the correct form of ‘the words in bold. 1 Being a deep-sea civer is a tiling (occupy) seus fimals. 2 Sharks are (MYSTERY) 3 Mike has developed a close ‘with some sharks. (RELATION) 4 The job offers the ....... of ‘working abroad. (POSSIBLE) 5. Swimming with dolphins is an. ‘oxporience, (FORGET) 6 HOI wrnmnn (PERFECT) 7 Ann gets . vory easily, (EMBARRASS) ® Susan is a very . ¥'m sure hor advice will help you. (SENSE) [Wkceuiurimulaats ‘Complete the gaps with ‘an appropriate word. ‘Then put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. person; Manin nmnininninnn AN AMT TARR AR Progress ent fi oY RCE ets > Just how smart are bids? Until Tecontly, binds were thought of as being at the low end of th itligenco stale ~ pence th uneomplimertary tem ra tus ou, however Bp that our feathered friands ere far from stupid. They can actually be counted amongst the smartest creatures on ‘the planet. One woman who knows this better than most is aed animal psyholg st D ee Pepper. D> Pepporberg vas bor in 1949 in New York City. An ony chi, se Kept paraees 2s pes ard taught hem to /speck. While studying for a PhO in Chemistry at Harvard versity, Peppebar Nappened io ee 2 docaratary about ‘animal intetigence, Fascinated, she immediately decided sho td o chan ld, but har protessos dscouaped ht 50 J she continued her Chemistry studies. Nonetheless, in her spare time, Pepperberg began reading everything she couki about animal inehigenen >In 1976, ater completing ber ears, Pppebegvaled ito a ft shop and puchased a oneyearad Alcan Grey part wih the tea of staying Him. Sho cle the prot Aes, for ‘ian Learing Experiment’. For the next three decades, until Alex’s premature death in 2007, Pepper dette here sen ust what Ax vas ‘capable of learning. [> Before Pepparberg’s work it nas widely beloved inthe scien Communty tet & mee pimate bran wes reared to hance complex problems related to language and understanding. Pepperberg proved otherwise. She showed Alex could understand ard se Engh on hs on five. Ae eat to Use phrases log the eso, want ol want go to Vand cal meant them towapress genuine dese. D> Aec als orsped he concept of oan ccopres, incdog Bigger and smi, and sare and een. He coud erty fy Reading Gh tee the exe and decide which answer 8, Cor ‘1 From the text, wa can infer thatthe term ‘birdbrir would not be used by Irene Pepperberg. means a person who acts in a nude manner. ‘is not in general use anymora. was coined by researchers studying bird behaviour. Popperborg’s dosire to work with animals ‘A developed slowly over many years. B decreased curing university studies. © bogan as a child, D came about unexpectedly poop In paragraph C, we learn that Alex. ‘A. was named alter a famous experiment. B_was not bought as a pet. ved an unusually fong time for a parrot. D_ was not born in tha wild. citeret abet, recognise umber up tos and distinguish seven cours and fv shapes, Alc even undestod te concep of 200 - if asted the diference between tuo Wena objects, he would arsuer “none, His vocabulary stood at about 150 wards, but Alex Git just itte human speech as pet paras often do. He comprehended what he sed. For instance, after laning colours, ‘Ale sted what colour he was. He lat grey ate big tod the ansver ust sx times D> Pepporora etibuted Alex's abity to reason and procass complex information to her training methods. When staring out Pepperberg adoped some ofthe tohriques used bythe redus eneraton of researchers, but she rejected oers as faved. Pepper beled, for instance, that the teftonal tring imetod cf ging bids unrelated rvards (¢9. a fod teat) when they eam to do someting correct simply caused confusion. So she trained Alex using rated revards This meat sh would reward ‘Nex wit th objet he correctly labelled rather than an unrelated object When Alx corecty identified 2 cor, for example, he was en th cork a his rend, not nis favour fod, a cashew To “preeten the tsk however, Sha would then allow Alex to request a ut ora sive of benana. JD Nox became en international celeonty during ns tate: so Thuch so that when he died unexpectedly in 2007, his abtuary appeared in publication al ver the globe - from the New York Times tothe Economist Alex vas lering til the very end, geting head around the number seven and enjoying teaching the to younger parrots in Peppers a -12-yearokd Gin ard 8-year ld Artur = teling them to Talk beter when they mumbled the word, ‘Alex vas G0 exraorcinay in breaking tha perceptions of birds 28 not baing intligent* says Pepperbera. “He had the emotional matunty of @ 2earold chid and the intelectual cepebilties ofa Syear-od” Alx was, n sor, no irda, Dis correct. 4 Alox communicated in English A without being prompted. B only when he wanted something. saying letters when ne didnt know a word. D often with phrases he made up himself Compared to othar parrots, Alex spoke English ‘A with a better pronunciation. B using a wider vocabulary. © with actual understanding D using grammatical structures. [According to Pepperberg, food rewards when. training a bird ‘A. do not motivate a btd to learn, B. make the leaming of complex tasks impossible. © slow down the leaming process. D should be used only occasionally, (52072) 19 “ire elite. 20 Speaking Choose the correct response. 1A: I'm John Smith. Nice to meet you! & Good morning. 2 A: Havo a seat. B: a | 600, b Thank you. 8. A: When can you start? Bra Right away. 1b 1)e in toucn. ee (912=6) Listening Ey © ester to acre tatabout beige paramedic and decide if the following ‘statements are True or Fols 1. Liam cavos lives every dey. 2. Ho usually works © hours a day. 3. Ho chocks the vehicle at the enc cf every shit. 4 Liam lkas it when he has a busy day, 5 Atfirst, Liam wanted to be a doctor. Vocabulary Fill in: designer, assistant, retire, company, encounter, perception, highlight, personnel, resign, profits. 1 Many people's of sharks that they are dangerous enimals. 2. | prefer to spend my time in the ‘of poopie who share the same interests as me. 3 Mike works hard to « ine need to protect great white sharks as they are an endangered species. 4 Jane loves clothes. She wants to be a fashion ‘when she grows up. 5 Lisa had an unforgetable .... with dolphins while swimming in the Caribbean. 6 Kate has an interviow witn somcone from the department ths afternoon, 7 Pat has a part-time job in a boutique as a 8 Owen is going to ‘and go into business for himself. 9 The company saw a huge diop in ‘var the last two years and had to let somo statf go. 10 James will bo ablo to year after 35 years on the joD. from his job nex! =20) Grammar the vests nthe conc am tA tyouea) tom Janet B: No. | sent her an email two days ago but eS = "oar yet 2&1 (think) about applying for te job vacancy at that new shop. BL wouls bot. . (min Boon ts Ee a A: Kin (str) woking fora lew the wookand hes ary nappy = wei hort (look tor) « Job fortwo months now, Butt {aotHind) one yet. 4 & Vinat (youd) tonight? BI (prepare) for oe think 1 before midnight. BA sve (youlwalt) here for long? Be AGNY WO ne Quer) (rae ES Gh ritin an appropiate retatve nave got 4. Thursday at 2 pm is represent = (linish) ‘an interview for ajob. 2. Lawyers are peopl poopie in cour 2 Paul,» dad owns the company, works inthe warehouse & 4. The company nnn nnn! WOrKOM f0r 20 yoars has closed down, ec 5 I'm interested in the job vacancy . isadversedon youre. gezayo) ee Writing =e Gp) Read the rubric then write your letter of application, ‘You have seen an advert for a part-time job at 2a fastfood restaurant. Write your leter of application (120-180 words) (18 marks) (otei=100) bo Sy + takaboutjobs & + have 2jod interview money + compare photos: + talkabout character » write 2 letter of application “The world is 0 book and those who don’t travel GRSUMS NRT URE URS RG ME 7S AS ART RM SAF UA AAA LA Sd) AY) 9 2) Use the words in the SE lists to complete the texts, experiences ) Match the pictures to. | the texts. | 1 skin + dramatically * hightight + vivialy + ark < Sn was The 0. cof my tip to Edinbure bs ea tne ghost tur err the ots FS 2), een history BY nit. Our guide was SB reseainabiack donk and made EE the scary stories conte £0 If@ aman» TE * Scanest part was visting the y's undergroune D & vaults. every sound or shadow made me Jump AS ut oF m8) am ra © + noisy + sight * dense + tush Yesterday, | visited the Monkey Temple in ‘spur Making my way thcugh the foes vant Vegetation, I could hea the : hater of monkeys om the tees AS (ack out my camera, money jumped on ay Shoulder and snatched aay He cites up ie trunk witht ard then 084) sree of i Has $44453- + chootle + foast + absolutely © + unique + entirely 19 jst vies ant) mda) ae cae in Mae. as compe : oe Mie sors! Te dver na ul (ats cling pial iat and vegetables. twas a TU jae coparinee. Ce oe ee eet a Check these words in the Word List. + gorgeous * golden sends "sof broezos « waves tenping jn the latest instalment of aur ‘Todays on a Bude’ feature, wo fow TV gently on the shore presenter David Denton to i Larka. Win necting but a smal bag of clothes, a elaborately decorated statues | guidebook and £1,000 in ravers cheques (around 160.000 Sr Lankan + fascinating wat! paintings rupees), hawiong could Dad got by without usig hs emergency cred card? [monks chanting « light candies BS sero acceping Ns chaleroe, allkneweboaSiLankawastetithed 5 Ean otcalaimocp yer 8 900d cricket teem and that it produced frst~ale tea! So, it was with some & ‘neres rat sark back ny aeroplane seat, look 0 my cuidebook and read Usten to the sounds and abeut this iascinang ile land natn, ust of the coun coas cf nda. {ook at the photograph. Imagine | Ey a cence of te Buddis!ralgon and cutie sco enciet times, Si ‘you are in this place. What can Langa was colonised by the riish the early inetaenh century and gained 10 ‘you: see? feel? hear? Use words ngopondenca in 1948. Sree then t experienced a 26-year cil war that from Ex. 1 to tell the dass. ended in 2008, and also sured serous damage anc loss of We when the Indian Ocean Tuna stuck in 2004, In recent yeas, nova, folowing on aS from such unforunata evens, Si Lanka boasts ono of the fastest groning ‘skimming ‘economicsin Asa and.a peocle with e newiound optinismecthefue. 15. © Read the text quickly to get the ica | landed in Colombo, ne country’ biggest cty and commercial capi, 00 fo an exttng 2 en dao the ely conte. Despte he temptation io give intomyt lag chack'n oa hotel end snonze forte restof he day | decided 0 take en eenoon sic. hwas wel worh it Asithepoened, Lhadarved dung, ‘Vesela felis fctal wich ealebrates Budahas birthday. Troughoa te 20. ‘ty, people had put up colo lates outside ther Pemes and paces of mm the text. What is it about? BuSness and groups of monks were sng Songs and ging ox dios reo ER Seo ee ec atone EE ie eet oy general idea of it. nore the details and look for main ideas. These are usually found in the fist sentences of each paragraph. A aday in tho life of aTV Faris rave io Colambo from aroun tho county fr Vesak and the ty rere prosonter than doubles peputon for tho week atound the festival So, aller tno days 25 = B why Sti Lanka is worth _ ang trough the cronced steels, jumped on a bus and headed sou. t visiting j D> The souin coast of te isiend is dated wih a vast number of beach © ashort history of Sri (esor's, many ol which were aflecied by the 2004 tsunami. Eager to Lanka encourage tourists to relum, most holes and restauranis ine areater © ary |v prices. | ayod athe sunaing Galle Hotel n Unawatuna for just SO ——— £25 a night incudng spprcatlas! and inna nawatura has gorgcous ‘with golden sands j ford is a temous. suring 35 location tis aso one ofthe est places to sample Si Lankan scefood. | especialy loved pol sambola, adsh = made of coconit and tuna. 40 Wat realy made a lasing impression on mo, though, = ‘was the locals, who treated = ‘me a3 a fend in whom they could confide their 45 problems, Many told me of the dostuctin caused by the tsunami, how ctfeut it == wes fo rebuild their = businesses without ary 50 mm ua i ‘money and how important tourism was fo the area Infact had never fet mare appreciated es a tourtin my entre lle D> Ae: tno gts days on ine beach, with ts sot breezes, and waves lapping gertly on the shore, | took the train land to Kandy, the carte of the Si Lankan Buddhist commruniy The $5 tran roe ise was fascinating At cne point we passed cose by a monastery nestied high up in the mountans, but that was Only 4 taste of what was to come. Cental Sri Lanka has a huge: “number of hertage sites, all wthin easy access of Kandy, I chose to vet te Gade Taree of Darota, ound 72 km noch of 60 ‘the cy. This UNESCO Woed Hertage Site conssts of five caves, each comaining elaborately decorated statues and fascinating wall paintings that tel the story of Buddha's le. As | entered the ‘Wt exv0, | Was Ute astonish by the scene bel re. A oun ol monks were chara, prying and ightng handed of 65 candles around the cave. It wes @ magical atmosphere that I D> When itaas tims to return to Colerbo end tke my lane “backioLondon | eas tal atougha sel sind, SiLarka ‘is acouny fat neds armor tan one weekto expe As foc 70 the enilenge, te erive noisy cox me us £800. Tht wen ‘inched buying souvenis et the axport on my way Our, plus a £50 note which | stil think was stolen by a playful monkey on the 1729 to Kandy! Overal it was a olcey that! woudt have rissa er any, What you fare eaxngon Pe beach or 75 ing sce of he most onazag outa tes ont pret. Si Lanka isa destination | would highty recommend. ky Lik kt sisson instalment » get by » emergency + challonge «fistcte + just off the coast » colonise «goin independence + foss of lie» boost of » commercial» temptation * give in « jet lag + snooze + strolls put up * lantern * downside « dotted with « vast « stunning + somple ss lsting impression » confide + breeze » nestled + heritege sites » within easy cccess of + claboretey decorated + monk « chant » pray + overat (kt ke ALE B Read the text and for questions 1-8 choose the best answer. Give reasons for your answers. iL ALE 1. David Denton flew to Sri Lanka ‘A with nothing oxcopt tho clotnes he was wearing. B with a limited amount of cash to spend. © without 2 credit card. with no information about the country. na] 2 Itis suggested in paragraph B that Sri Lanka A is exclusively a Buddhist community. B has been permanently affocted by a natural disaster, © is notkeen to weleome British vistors. D has had a history of mixad fortunes. Rae targa etre info eC ce (ESL ALE Lt Abr i <)) Listen again. What were the main highlights of David's eee ec Ste neat a ma ‘When David fst arived at his destination, he was, A curious. © oxetod. B sieapy. D indecisive. For David, one negative point about the Vesak festival is that A all businesses are closed. B itatiracts too many visitors. © prices paid by tourists double. D some people travel a long way to get there. hin €. 96 reters to ‘A Sti Lanka, B the Gallo Hotel © Unanatuna. D tho local seafood, David felt thatthe locals of Unawatuna ‘A were thankful that he stayed there, 1B wore easy to make trends with © wore jealous of his money. wished that tourists would not disrupt their ives, ‘The highlight of Davids vist to central Sri Lanka was {A climbing up to a mountain monastery B visiting a heritage site in Kandy. © witnessing a religious ceremony. exploring some deserted caves. ‘At the end ot tho trip, Davia [A neatly missed his train to the alsport B had completely run out of money. © planned to retuin for another week. D did some last-minute shopping. ) Listen and read. Answer the questions in your own words. 1. Winat challange is David Danton accept when he went to Sri Lanka and how ‘successful was he in meeting i? 2. What problems did the locals in Unawatuna discuss with David? 3. What is the author's intention? Find words or phrases in the text which mean: Para A: excallent += Para B: possesses + Para C: very tasty, disadvantago = Para D: strong + Para E: amazed + Pora F: gonorally Tell the class two reasons you would like to visit Sri Lanka, 24 Vocabulary from the text Fil in: suffered, confided, consist, sample, explore. 1 B Tho entertainment facilites in 1th VilAGO vs OF ust On cinema and one Internet caté ‘sho tomo that cho couldnt afford a holiday abroad. We left Helen to look around the shops while we went off 10 cman h@ fost of the town, Many local businesses have ecause of tho ‘economic crisis. When you go to the south of the country, dont forget to their local specialities iin: = tompiation « attraction + appeal This tourist resort is a placo with international menever | g0 t0 a seafood restaurant, | cant cesist the to order lobster. ‘A major tourist in Sti Lanka is the Golcen Temple of Dambulla. We weren't lake photographs atthe site No visitors will be tothe museum after § pm. David the challenge {o travel on a limited budgot. Thay didnt ‘mo 90 insice, «10 * ancient * historic + historical 0 must fulft cortain criteria to be on tho UNESCO World Heritage List. The caves near Kandy are of great interest. ‘There were many artefacts loft behind by the evilisation.| Vocabulary Going places ill in: archaeological, day, guided, tasty, deals, unforgettable, youth, steep, remains We had a great time in italy. We stayad i ‘Amal, a seaside city surrounded » clits. The 2). hostel was quite cheep. We spent our days visting the area's fascinatin 23) seosenmin Sies, In the evenings, ‘enjoyed the 4) local dishes i tho city’s restaurants. Many of them ote special 5) ‘on traditional meals. (On our last day, wo took a 6)... ttip to Pompeli and Vesuvius. Wo visi tho 2,000-year-0d 7). and then went on a 8)... “Inside the crater of Vesuvius. was st a0) 9) swine experiance! It's | ply you count make | Sue & Lucy EQ iis rasone seaside, self-catering, unspoilt. weekend. You con save money on holiday by staying in a(n) apartment and cooking your ona meals. 2 We aro taking a(n) break in the country this Saturday and Sunday. 3. Spain, with its busting et countryside and boautul boachos, i ho perect holiday dostination, 4 Thoy spont tholr summor holiday at a(n) resort on the Spanish coast 5 It you book a(r) holiday, then you wont have to arango travel ané ascommedation soparately. — E Topic vocabulary c mA mM Mm Mm Travel B Choose the correct word, 1 Ploaso wait in the oxitidoparturettoavingiretirement lounge Lunt the gate opens. 2 Passengers traveling to Luton should boardiembark/dock/ and the train at platform 4. 3 There was a two-hour cancellationidetayiholaijem to the flight due to the storm, 4 it was an uncomfortable ferry crossing on the bumpy/ roughimessyitough sea 5 They bought a(n) all-daylone-wayfretumioutbound ticket {0 Toronto bacause they didrit know when they would be back, 6 Ho carrt atlord a noliday abroad because he lives on a tight budgetiaccountitundialiowance. inca Phrasal verbs FF Fil in: creat, currency, exchonge, ED Fit ins pick, check, set, take, stop, get. Check in instalments, travellers. Appendix 1 4. We bought . cheques to avaid 41 You should... in two hours before a Hight. carrying large sums of money wit us. 2 Passengers must show thei boarding passes 2 Some hotels in the UK might accept batore they can ‘onthe plane, payment in a foreign. such 3 What time will you oi forthe 2 tho dollar or euro, train station in tho morning? 3 Aways check tho . rate 4 Peter will me up from the bus station. Relese changing money, 5 The plane's due to off at 10:15, 4 Online travel agents will accept most major Saiane ciehoecctl = es bafore catching a fight to Melbourne 5 Your tight to Melbourne will cost £500, but you can pay that in thee monthly Prepositions cotta Complete the sentences with the correct Shopping prepositions, Check in Appendix 2. FI) Fi in: bargain, discount, credit, purchase, 1 tao to try tho jackot tats - display receipt, efund, rip-off, value. 2 Thos0 This A WO onan th price of ono. 3. Lats 99 and MUM! es snonnn SOM bargains in the markct [My frst online shopping experience was a disaster | 4 You should book early it you want o find a hotel wanted to 1) . -- a new PC. | found a room high season, real2).. smn Of One Website. | thought it 5 The fery departed whan everyone was as fete), pl ort FC board 0 A) nn “When it arrived, | opened 6 Brazil oles some amazing places the box and saw a second-hand PC inside, t couldnt the beaten rack. believe it | thought it was a huge 5) 7 The festive takes place the heart Just as | was going to email the company to ask for a cof the city. 6). Iooked at the 7) .. B SNOPPOTS WEFE eeeieineneneenne @ FUSH tO grab for the transaction, | noticed that the website th bargains on ofr during the sales advertised 'GOOd 8) suns prices on used 9 YoU can find the bEst BANGS vo... senses: SNE 00d". Luckily forme, the PC works perfectly! aiMacys. Word formation B} Complete the texts with the correct word idioms Choose the correct word to form idioms. derived from the words in bold. ‘Then, explain what the idioms mean, Are there similar idioms in Polish? stnaion with Konic «(@efinite)_ mustn't ve of Liberty, which New York City san idea! holiday de landmarks you 1) + Wile shopning at the market be prepared msl Top ofthe Ist the Sit to negaats prices; all vendor diva hard Cpanis areas Géepend), bargainidiscount. fared by Brolin skge wiht 3) it afaia 2. He never stays in the same place or ong: press view of Lover Marat. you ae a he’s got itchy legsteot. ff 8) se High ak a ide up the wort es 9 We've got a tong way to go before we reach $) Game) eee. a apni ‘our dastination, Lot's hit the streot/road. Building. Stop for ee Gerchitect), oF n'a ge Sanne and admire is amazing t 4 winon wo go camping, wo cont ko alot aad admire a Canal Pat with us; we profer to travel thinifght. Ann continuously travels from place to sts should head to the worlds expense) street, Fith Avenue, place: she seems to be living out of a oe Oe (trend) boutiques in Shopping enthus ‘most 7) sultease/path, So. teers New ok hs 8 26 11) cs-seu (bn Bangkok for 2 week and | was already tired of ‘getting stuck in trafic every time | went out to explore the cty by bus. Then, while 12). (browse) online one day, | saw an advert for guided cycling tours. 13). (all the agency, (make) the arrangements and at $:00 am | (cide) my rented bike around the city streets. (grow up)in small town and when | was young, my fiends and 17) ewe (Go) on bik rides to the nearby cty every week, Ging around the chaotic streets of the Thai capital was ‘nothing like that, though. The crazy traffic and people jumping out Conto the road to cross the stret or driving inthe wrong direction on ‘one-way streets made the experience a bit to risky for me Later that evening, 8) (sit) on the balcony of my hotel room and !9) sn (njoy) the views ofthe whale cy. By that ‘ime it 10), x (Get) quieter and more peaceful It was almost ie a cifevent cy! EScco np. 157 (GR?) 158 (Ore) a a) Put the vorbs in brackets into the correct F past tense. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple cr the present perfect. bb) Which verb form is used to descr 1 We nnn (OMB) to Rome since 2007, ‘+ an action in progross at a stated timo in the past? 2 Julie (work) in a boutique when + alpast action that will not take place again? sshe was a student. ‘+ a past action in progress interrupted by 3 They (ront) a vila on their holiday, another past action? {in Spain last summer, ‘+ two or more simultaneous past actions? 4 Mike nnn (MOVOrittavel) abroad beto! + two or more past actions happening a lose) mi-cor Vi. Ta HavetO immediately one ater the other? + apast habit? ‘+ a past action that heppened botore another past action or stated timo? tak tho bus to work Put the words into the corract order to form complete sentences. Is it the same in Polish? Choose the correct verb form. Check in the Grammar Reference section. 1 2 1 While we were boardinginad been boarding 3 the plane, i started raining, i 2 We were visiting/isited a jot of museums whan we had gonefwent to Pars last August, 7 3. When we set out that morning, the sun was shining/had been shining brightly. 4 They had hadiwore having a plonic when it had started/etarted raining, 5. Thoy worofhad boon oxnausted because 5 they had been shopping/had shopped since morning. 6 He hadn't been weitinghwasn’t waiting in ‘Actvals'for vary long belore the plane had a tanded/landed. 4 7 Sho had finishedMinished packing by the timo John eamefnad come homo. 5 2 When Iwas ten, lused to last winterfiotwerteavelled Finland atiyesterday eveningiason’? oclockhaving! wasidinner was/rangithelLisaisleaping/¢oorbell'when’l tirec/all day/Mike he/was/working/besn! bocauso/nad ling'werbetorera housa/hadin Spainiior wo years/wafsoughuthorerbcen Gy conte the sentences so they are true for you. While | was doing my homework yesterday atterncon, | was watching TV when ‘Attor |had finished readinghwatching .. During my last holiday, |. hii mmmm mmm Mm mM om om

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