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Mirela Saou eee a roa] , a! a2 DO Kase at Lr ad ia Workbook & Grammar Book Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley Baal Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 GHW, United Kingdom ‘el.: (0044) 1635 817 363, Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 email: ‘ ‘© Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley, 2014 Design and illustration © Express Pul ishing, 2014 Music Arrangements by Taz © Express Publishing, 2014 First published in this edition 2014 Third impression 2015 Made in EU. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. This book not meant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978-1-4715-2286-4 Acknowledgements ‘Authors’ Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production ‘controller; the Express design team; Warehouse (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker, Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. ‘The authors and publishers wish to thank the following who have kindly given permission for the use of copyright material. Photograph Acknowledgements Vocabulary 5b: Spider-man © cinetext/ on p. $4 Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. f any have been inadvertently ‘overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first ‘opportunity oe Module 1 1a 1b 1c 1d te 1f Skills Work 1 Language Knowledge 1 Module 2 2a 2b 2 2d 2e 2F Skills Work 2 Language Knowledge 2 ... Module 3 een Skills Work 3 Language Knowledge 3 Module 4 eeres af Skills Work 4 Language Knowledge 4 Module 5 5a 5b 5c 5d 5e sf Skills Work 5 .. Language Knowledge 5 Contents Module 6 as 6a 67 & 30 &e 10, 6d it ee 12 of 3 Skis Work 6 1415 | Language Knowledge & Module 7 1617 | 70 18-19 7b nz | 7 22 7d 3 fe 2 zn 25 ‘Skills Work 7 es 26-27 | Language Knowledge 7 Module 8 2229 | sos! | ob 32-33 8c 34 8d 3 te 36 oe oo 37 Skills Work 8 ... 38-39 Language Knowledge 8 ..... Dictation Graromer Banik woat | Appondis ase Word Distractors ie skills Work a7 Quizzes 2 ‘ronslators Corner 49 Glossary 42, | _treguar Verbs 5253 sass S057 se 9 &o 61 a3 BEBBBEBF PP. 64-65 66-67 68-69 70 n R B 74-75 76-77 78-79 80-81 83 85 86-87 88-89 90:91 92-93 94. 95 96 97 1 98-99 100 101-157 158-163 164-166 167-176 177-178 179-180 181-188 189 Sawdust, Sreplce Picture a night atthe circus... the bright lights of the big top teeming with leaping trapeze artists and madcap clowms. It's a spectacle that has been thriting audiences for centuries; historians say the tradition goes as far back as Ancient Rome! But what's ie like under the big top? We've asked traveling circus performer Kitty Wonder to give us a Quy asthe tent tog tee Deo ele gat hen Questions and pombe rswers Sd ed keywords Read he text ago and ese the pr that cota the rower tose Question. Try to find words/phrases Synonymous to the key words in the questions privileged peek through the curtains | E> Some people dream of running away to join the | ees out ot meas om ni. us my Ma and a, [ve been performing as a circus artiste since the ime | learned to walk! The circus i not ust our family trade. t's our passion. Larew up immerse in cus cultute, thrilled by the stores of my outrageous tighizope walking / |Grandmotner! Lite on the open road is not always a/ breeze infact tcan be extaustng, but! ove the freedom it brings, After all, i's a golden opportunity to see the/ world! And beter sil it gives me the chance to share/ my traveling life with a band of extraordinary/ {performers a) [> We are not a huge circus and all of the performers also work behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly. For example, you might ind the star ofthe fying trapeze scattering sawdust onthe cicus flor or the strong man sewing sequin onto sparky stage costumes. Indeed, bright, colourful costumes are vital in a circus, although mine is very simple. a mime artists, following mime tradtion, | dre trom head to toe in pain black. But | do paint my face with heavy white make-up, and colour my chooks and lips a bright cherry red, The look is finaly complete wen | put on my big curly wig and litle top ha My character is play, sometimes clumsy, but alvays extremely mischievous! 1 never fail to cause a big commotion and have lots of fun doing itt There are also traditional clowns inthe show, as well as flying trapeze artists, acrobats, tightrope walkers, fie-breathars and sword-swallowers. We even havea human cannon ball JS coing trom tow to town ar rom ety to city so ast ‘fen stayiog for ely a ight -Iecan be qt extausing sometimes, The nous leading up to a show are vey iense and acon packed andl often lose tack of time and tardy member who | am and what tm doing! ‘There's an epic ist of things to do: we have to set up the and answers. This will help you do the task big top tent, check the climbing apparatus and safety net, test the lights and sound system, and, of course, rehearse our routines and stunts to keep them fresh and exciting for the public: [> The moments spent waiting in the wings before going out to face the crowd are always nerve-wracking; I'd say i's my least favourite part of the day! It's a kind of ‘stage fright; however, | don't get it as badly as some Who've joined our show. I remember the Great Sebastian, wha suffered terribly from the shakes; never a good idea when you're walking a tightrope some fifteen metres high in the ai! Stil, 've never been able to completely relax before a performance, But then again, | would be concerned it! ever became too relaxed as. [have to be to give my best each time. Then, when the moment arrives, and I step out in front ofthe bright lights and applause, | gata feeling of excitement lke nothing else in the word. I can honestly say its when | feel most ave [> The show usually ends around 11pm, and by ‘midnight, after every performance, the entire company sits down to eat under the stars i's our chance to chat about the highs and lows of the show as well as a way to wind down after al the frenetic activity. The performances are so physically and emotionally demanding that having ths time ta come back down to earth - sometimes literally! - is absolutely essential fever Ihave a particularly exhausting or trying day, | always remind myself how lucky | am to be ving this way. For me, the cireus will always be more than lust a job; people come to the circus to see magic and dreams come to life and I'm so happy to help make this happen. a) Read the question and possible answers below. Then read the first paragraph of the text. Pay attention to the underlined words/ phrases. What do we learn about Kitty's family in the first paragraph? ‘A. They are a famous oltcus family, B They are mostly tightrope walkers © The circus has always been theic life. Her parents ran away to join the circus. b) Which is the correct answer? How have ‘the underlined words/phrases helped you decide? Now read the rest of the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A,B, Cor D. 1. Bocause the circus is quite small, the performers. A often have too much work to do. B have to make all their own costumes. © help out in different areas. D learn each other's circus skils. 2. Kitty says that travelling from place to place A can be very tiring. B can often be stressful can be confusing and unclear at times. D is mostly fun and exciting. 3. Inthe fourth paragraph, Kitty focuses on ‘A how she prepares for a show. B the audience's reactions. how she tries to control her nerves. D her feelings about going on stage. 4. Overall, Kitty feels that her lifestyle is ‘A more difficult than most, B tiring but satisfying © dangerous but exciting. D an equal mixture of positives and negatives. 5 The purpose of the text is to A describe the different jobs in a circus. B give insight into how a circus operates. © describe what its like being in the circus. D compare a job in the circus to regular jobs. m 1 Fill in: nerve-wracking, scattered, sew, stepped ‘out, action-packed, wind down, mischievous, remind. 1. After the performance, there was popcorn S all over the ground. 2 It was to watch the acrobat perform; we were 80 worried she would fall 3 After a hard day's work, | ike to have a hot bath to and relax 4 Many of the people in the circus their own costumes. 5 The clowns played tricks on members of the audience. 6 Can you me of the name of that famous Chinese circus? 7 From the moment the clown .. : conto the stage, the audience didn't stop laughing. 8 The show was sees ftom the start with barely @ moment to catch your breath! Choose the option that best explains the idioms. Bill's very excited that he's graduated, but once ho comes back down to earth he'll realise that now it's time to get a job! ‘to begin dealing with boring everyday matters b tohave a safe landing ater a flight ‘At Disneyland every child's dreams come to life as they meet their favourite cartoon characters, ‘a. towake up after a bad dream b to have a wonderful experience You might think living life on the road sounds ‘adventurous, but it is actually exhausting ‘a tohave no home; be homeless b tohave a job that requires a lt of travel Fill in: heavy, strong, bright. make-up clothes character lights | 1 o Match the words to create a Circle the odd one out as in the example. oO; 1. customer ~ client ~ consumer (pariner) driver GD estate [2] tone guide (SL) tx researcher « statt ~ employer — per b (aE) fire agent ' 8 h earn ~ gain ~fail— win ine! ~ crow experience ~ job ~ career ~ profession boring ~ moody ~ distant - easy-going full-time — part-time ~ training - flexible [51] mesicat assistant [1 teshion fighter [7D ow atendat J) =) Put the folowing words inthe corect column, [s]_] sates pe + big-headed * conservative * easy-going * relaxed Tater ow cies vasa + moody + quick-tempered + gente = gulibe + sensible aie eee aaa ae Ra + warm-hearted + perfectionist « thickskioned from the previous exercise, as Coc Cota in the example. 1 work: fulltime / parttime / indoor / outcoors 2 have: fexble hours / unseclable Diaries ee, ‘b) Fill in the word from the table above which matches 3. be: well-paid / poorly-pald Ris seieralrs 4 need training / a degree 5 the fb is: boring / dangerous! 1. Aperson whose moods change quickly Is. cineca 2° person who i not easly upset by und wont or Fire fighters are well-paid but 3A traditional person who doesn’ like new things or ideas is, have to work unsociable hours * and usualy outdoors. They also 4A person who thinks they are more intelligent or important, need lots of training as. their ‘Ges waved ar enue cea 5 Acalm and quiet person i... BF} Fill in the gaps with the correct 6 Aperson who gets angry easily is word from the perfectionists, relaxed, sensible, B Choose the best word to complete the job advertisements. ‘good-natured, selfconscious. 1 Fire fightors need to be Rees tig ia” _ a) 2 Au pairs need to be ne 8 BOKING We current havea ] air hitron is ofan stress : 1) vacaney'work fra coniert, 3. Tour guides cannot be 2) good-natured/seit-conscious, | because enthusiastic person to jin our they ‘have to talk in front of chain’? 6 3) staft/erew at Warwick Castle. large groups of people. ; | You will be taking groups of | 4 Fashion designers are often =) | tourists on guided tous ofthe who want historic castle and grounds, An their creations to be as good : interest in history is a must, but as possible. 1 no. See | experince necessary. sare Se a : oan ‘even when they have to deal uf eo npepage © eo be wit ditiut passengers. od se Warwick | Topic related vocabulary ‘a a) Complete the spidergrams Choose the correct word. Papeete 1. Ben thinks he will givefdo/get a promotion at work + satisfaction + load 2 Wil you help me write!make/apply for my CV? * description * have a well-paid 3. Dootors often have to get/work/have long hours nila okie pisincntat id caren peinwearaaraleaa Oia attaaene” ‘+ have a permanent + + 10 apply fora + do voluntary 5 Beth has to meet/go/attend an interview tomorrow. be ciaifed tr tha 6 Leon gotibecame/grew unemployed last month, Complete the sentences with the correct word from the list below. 'b) Put the words in the list in the correct column. + steady + missed * pay * long + managerial 1. Rebecca is always tired because she has to work hours in her job. + a temporaryipermanent job 2 After a year of being unemployed, it was a relief for Mike to + promotion » a good salary have a job. + an employee 3 Anna looked forward to geting her weekly + previous experience but she usually spent most of It going shopping the next + on maternity leave aa +29105j0b + apay ise ss, applied for the post because I have experience ce ee of boing in charge of a team. + job + a busy day + time o yy 5 Daniel is a very good employee and has never | * on holiday + a day off + an interview * a bonus + in charge of the company * career prospects a deadline, Choose the correct word. 1 Frank wants to pursue a(n) work/job/occupationicareer, as a chof. mage Flight attendants must be honesvambitious/reliabie/ flexible because they have to work unusual nours. Craig wants to be a chef/gardener/stockbroker/sales assistant because he enjoys being outside. Maria is very sensitive/sensibie/seifish/sympathetic and gets upset easily. Lisa gets @ good earning/money/salary/pay from her job as a lawyer. Applicants must have previous application/vacancy/ ‘qualification/experience of working with cl Word formation ® Complete the sentences with the word derived from the words in bold. 1. She was highly ... and managed to become a successful lawyer. (AMBITION) 2 ONO 1 of the company's profit goes to charities. (THREE) 3. He works as a travel : for ‘National Geographic Magazine. (JOURNAL) 4 The company offers ... training to all new recruits. (BASE) 5 Ray emailed the college to find out about entry (REQUIRE) 6 Security guards often work long, hours. (REGULAR) He earns a high salary and manages to live (COMFORT) are investigating the effectiveness of the new drug. (RESEARCH) He's been on .. benefits since he lost his job si months ago, (EMPLOY) In order to - your CV, add any relerences you have, (STRONG) Grammar Underline the correct verb form and justify its use. 1. Ian is lookingfleoks for a new job at the fan action happening around the time of speaking) 2. By the end of March, Ben will have been ‘working/will work as a chet for 20 years, 3. Anau pair's work has included/includes ‘some light housework. 4 He started working here 10 years ago but stil n't gaining/hasn't gained a promotion. 5 Alan hopes he'll find/he'll be finding a job with a higher salary. 6 By 6:00 pm, the tour guide will have taken/ will have been taking us to all the major sights around the city. 7 Maras photography course ends/has ended in May. 8 James is fed up because he Is waltingihas ‘been waiting for his friends for an hour. Choose the correct item. 7 rains to Brighton ... every our. ® run © are running B have run D will have run 2 Jeremy will hand in his notice as soon as he ‘a new job. A will find © will be finding B finds D is finding 3 They're stuck in trattic. They .... their fight, A ‘llbe missing © ‘tihave missed B re going to miss D ‘re missing 4 Kevin... to be a very sensible person A is appearing © has appeared B will appear D appears 8 Helen has A already filled in the job application, B sofar C yet Dever 6 These bags look heavy. I ..... you carry them. ‘A 'm going to help © ‘Whelp B ve helped D have helped 7 The chef... the sauce to see if it's ready, A tastos ¢ is tasting B will have tasted D going to taste 8 Mr Burns ..... our Summerfield offices; you can call him there. A has been in © has gone at B has gone to D has been to EP) Fill in the correct relative pronouns or adverbs. Put commas where necessary. Write (for defining), NO (for non-defining) and say whether the relatives can be omitted. 1. Sharks, which are nature's most powerful predators, nave been the subject of many studies. (ND, cannot be omitted) 2 The staff members ‘work on) the first floor have requested a new printer 3. The florists Sarah works is closing down. 4 The position apply for is still open, you want to 5 Lenny father owns the company will be running the business in a few years, 6 August is the month she takes her holiday leave. ‘Types of comparisons + (not) as + adjective/adverb + as She's as emotional as her sister. + less + adjective/adverb + than John is less open-minded than Chris. * the least + adjective + offin She is the least sociable person in her family. * comparative + and + comparative The weather is getting colder and colder. * the + comparative ...., the + comparative The harder you train, the better you become. EE see p GaTs Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form and add any necessary words, 1. He didrit get the job because he was tho least qualified (qualified) ofall the candidates who applied for the post. 2 Few professionals are (brave) as firefighters 3. The more experience you have, .. (high) your chances of getting the job are. 4 Lyn thinks that working as a sales assistant i sssmmonnnenns(F0Warding) working as a gardener. 5 Now that she's been in the company for a month, her work is becoming (easy) for hor to do. 6 Asan artist, Ethan isnt as... (alented) his brother Revision (Module 1) Use the words below to make sentences. Use all of the words without changing their form. 1 good/usually/he/in/moodlis/a Ho is usually in @ good mood. 2. neverilate/Julle/been/work/for/has 3 outdoors/works/he/summer/sometimes/in 4 colleagues/goes/often/she/outhher/with 5. pressure/always/work/underil/able/am/to Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present or future form. 1 A: I'l come by your office at 11:00, B: OK. I! be finishing (finish) my meeting at that time so you may have to wait for me, 2. A: Are you busy at the moment? B: Not really. . Gustiwateh) TV. 3A: Have you heard? Jacob got the promotion. BI css: (notfbelieve) it 4 A: Sandra is so big-headed! B: | know. She (constantly! ‘say) how clever she is. 5 A: There's an opening for a sales assistant at May’s department store. B: I've seen it and 1 (apply) fori 6 A: Shall | pick you up at 6:00? B: No, 1 (notfinish) my work by then, Join the following sentences using relatives. Make changes if necessary. 1. That's the new office block. | work there. That's the new office block where | work. 2 He's the young man. His father runs the ‘company, 3. This is Tom. He works on the first floor. 4. These books are mine. Many of them are rare. 5 There are twenty people working here. Many of them are Spanish. Complete the following sentences. The meaning should be the same as that of the sentence above. 1. I started writing this report at 8:00 am. ve been writing this report since 8:00 am. 2. Greg works harder than Chris. Chris doesnt 3. She has decided to take the job abroad. She is 4 There's no one less cooperative than Elaine at the office. Elaine is 5 Good jobs are becoming increasingly hard to find. It's becoming 6 They moved to Rome three yoars ago. They have PU ad Read the sentences below and think of the ‘word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. 4 Emma has applied cnn several jobs and is waiting to hear back from any potential employers. Erin plans to become a doctor and specialise srnnnnnns PlaStie SUTQETY. ‘The experiment gave the students further Insight ... how rainbows are formed. When I was on holiday, | not only visited Buckingham Palace, ... also the Tower of London. ‘After many months of talking about it, my dad finally got round to converting the spare room 1 study. | don't know .. oF not we have ‘enough fuel in the car to make it to the nearest petrol station. Jane was woken up ‘bang in the street last night. My friend Alex claims to met the Queen, but | don't believe him, Allison tried on many dresses, but none seemed she was looking a loud et he was asked by the teacher, explained why he hadnt finished the essay. cA Listening skills Multiple choice Preparing for the task B a) Read the question stem and choices (AD). Underline the key words. In Tim's previous employment he was ‘A responsible for many people. © disappointed with the salary. working from home. D traveling frequent to see clients. b) Now read the script. Pay attention to the underlined words/phrases. Answer the question in Ex. 1 {/Amy: Our next caller is Tim. Welcome tothe show, Tim. Tell us why you decided to start your own business? Tim: Thanks. Well, ny last Jab was really stressful. was with a large | |company managing a large sales team. Don't get me wrong, the pay | was good and the work challenging, but now | no longer have to ‘head to an office, just wake up and my office is right there. Lusualy workin the moming and see customers in the afternoon. | ke the freedom of making my own schedule. Siac nny Read the statements and the possible answers. Underline the key ‘words. Listen for how the key words are paraphrased in the script. Listen carefully as all options are mentioned in the scripts. Confirm your answers in the second listening. FB) You are going to listen to an interview. Listen and choose the correct answer. 1 Last summer Steven ‘A went to Somerset on holiday. C hada job for ten weeks. B was studying at university. D_ attended a camp. 2 The woman A ciiticises Steven's lack of punctuality. B tells Steven about the importance of patience. © doesn't believe Steven is persistent. D is impressed by Steven's energy. 3. The interviewer tells Steven that he ‘A. needs to work on every weekend. B_ may work for a different number of hours each week will receive a work schedule when he starts. D can negotiate his work hours with his colleagues 4. Atthe centre itis compulsory for the children to ‘A help with the cleaning, © pay a membership fee B play in one of the teams. D spend two hours a week there. 5 Steven is talking to the woman because he ‘A. wants to join a sports centre. B is looking for a job. © wants to volunteer as a coach. D is writing a newspaper article about the centre. Multiple matching Preparing for the task Ej Read the text. Which sentence {A<) matches what the speaker says? Use the underlined words/phrases to help you. Last week J had an interview forthe jb of my dreams. | was so nervous about it that | spent all night organising my CV and ‘cover lator | picked out my outfit and ted ft on to make sure | Jooked professional. | tesearched the company beforehand and’ ‘even left my flat two hours early to avoid traffic. In the end it all paid off, the interviow wont fantastic and | go the fob! ‘A. Dressing smartly gave me the confidence | needed. B I studied the company to understand my potential position. © Being ready in aovance is what helped me get the jb. Se ire In this task all of the five speakers will speak about the same topic. For this reason, you may hear the same or similar words in many of the recordings. Be reful nt to listen for single words and instead, focus on the entire recording. Listen and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (AcH). There is three extra statements you do not need. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Spoakor 4 Speaker 5) ‘A. I'm very pleased with my earnings. Ifill my time by doing volunteer work. 11do a part-time job. am self-employed. | want to work for myself, | work outdoors, have to work long hours. [earn a lot at work ro™mmoo Speaking skills 2) Look at the pictures. Use FB Look at the photographs. Mark the words from the table to sentences A (for advantages) and | complete the gaps comparing D (for disadvantages). the two jobs. [Mf similar ideas Contrasting ideas f both * also |> whereas » however make people very happy often work on commission get a chance to socie need a special licence not be stuck behind a desk all day onuns T have many opportunities to travel 2 have to deal with people's problems e 3. spend a lot of time ‘away from home 4 meet people from all over the world, 5 lear a lot about places and cultures: Cer 5 EB) Use phrases from Ex. 2 to complete the — comparing the two jobs in Ex. 2 = CEORER COCREEEE EEE EELEOEEEEEEE fey celivery person Working as an estate agent and working 28 8 tour guide are both quite exciting jobs. However, they both have advantages and dlssdvantages, It was offered @ choice between working | When you work as an estate agent, you spend some time in an office, but 5 a shop assistant and working as a | most ofthe time you are out showing people properties. This means that delivery person, | think 'd probably opt for } you 1) AS an estate agent, you meetlts of people so you the shop assistant job. You get to meet and | 2).. (on a daily basis. Also, because you're selling homes, talk wth people in 4). _mnjabs, | when a deal ges through you probably 3) vo! One possible but it seems to me you would have more | disadvantage is that you 4) |'m not sure, but | think you chances To speak to people as a shop | Na¥e to study for a year oF wo t0 get In action, estate agents tsi Als, when you ate a dover | 3) =v. Tats nt aves good beau if you dont sl any person you have to be able to crive either a = 3, you don't get any money. There are quite a few good things about van or a bike 2)... caetwhae ‘working as a tour guide. First, you 6) “ ‘This means you ¥ ‘broaden your horizons as you 7) comm and 8) you're a shop assistant you don't. Also, | On the other hand, traveling means you 9) this might : , ene = i might delivering things Involves being out in all | not be convenient if you have a family. Moreover, when you are a tour weathers, 3)... ---when you } guide, you are responsible for a lot of people. This means you will work in a shop you dont have to go} 10) if there are any. cuside. 4) «being @ shop assistant nor being 2 delivery person pays | Ij Choose the correct response, YO Well 8) css think when you work in a shop you get a discount on wat the shop sells | think maybe that is 1 A: Please, have a seat, 3. A: Do you have any relevant experience? B: a Not really. B: @ Right away. the main reason why I'd want to work as a bb Thank you. Shop assistant 6) neem WORK 2 A: Im Sally Brown Pi lees 2 delivery person. } B: a Nice to meot you, 4 A: When can you start? Sally B: a I hope to hear trom b) Would you like to work as a brite in touch. you soon. shop assistant? b Right away. "1 FA Writing an emait applying for a job Read the rubric, then the model. Complete the gaps with the phrases below. ‘You have seen the following job advertisement in the New Glasgow Evening News. Partstime check-out clerk for weekend work In local supermarket, B0b's Bargain Marko ‘Apply by email to > explaining why you feel you ere sultabe for the job. Write an email applying for the ob. WANTED | (140-190 words). * Ihave no experionce of + Lam available for an interview + Lam writing to apply * I believe | would be suitable * I1can be contacted by phone on * Ihave a good command of * | look forward to * I would be grateful if you * I would describe myself as “Subject: Job vacancy Dear Sir/Madam, With reference to your advertisement in the New Glasgow Evening News, 1) for the job of part- time checkout clerk. ‘Atthe moment, | am a student at Somerset Academy. | am in my last year of secondary school and | will be finishing in May. 2) onsen fOr the job for several reasons. Firstly, although 3) ora... working in a shop, lam very good at maths and | always receive high marks in this subject. Secondly, 4) 1 person who enjoys meeting and talking with people. Finally, 5) . both English and French which I feel would be an asset. when ‘communicating with customers. 6 could look at the personal references Ihave attached to this email. Please note that 7) 22. 8765 and that 8) . at any time. 9) hearing from you. Yous faithfully, Pam Greer PR Pur the words in order to form complete sentences, as in the example. 1. have no experience — but/learn very quickly Ihave no experience, but | learn very quickly. | 2 describe myself as ~ punctual/decisive/ hardworking 2 write to apply ~ position/part-ime shop assistant 4 be contacted ~ by phone/on 453-9736/by email/ 5. be grateful -it/look at/reference/attached! from previous employer Your turn EB Read the rubric, then make notes about yourself under the headings. You have seen the folowing job advertisement ‘on the notice board at your college and you want to apply for the post. Part-time waiter/wairess wanted for weekend workin a popular beach café , Bythe-Sea, ‘Apply by emailto bythesea@britmailcouk ‘explaining why you feel you are sultable for the job. Write your ems (140-190 words), —— applying for the ob Use your notes from Ex. 3 and the plan below to write your email | (Parat) formal greeting, reason for writing, whore _postwas advertised HOW DO TEE) SEE THEIR FUTURE (enn Ina fast-changing world, what are young people's hopes and expectations for their careers? The answer, according to a study that spans the generations, seems to be less busy but more satisfying working lives than thelr parents’ Thousands of American students have been ‘qestioned about their attitudes forthe Monitoring the Future survey every 15 years since the 1970s, ‘The most recent results suggest that work is of les importance tothe young people of today than the youth of the past, because they value leisure tine mare. The number of young people who said itwas “very important” to have a job with more ‘than two weeks' paid holiday in the 2000s was double the number who said so in the 1970s, Three quarters of people born in the 1950s and 960s said they expected work to bea central part f their lives, but only 69% of people born 3 ecads later said the same, There was a higher percentage, however, of people who wanted to tave a creative job in the 2000s - 41%, as ‘opposed to 36% of the 1970s participants, A separate survey has revealed teenagers’ faith in IT to help them to perform work-related tasks, In 2011 around 300 British and American 16 to 18- Reading Comprehension Skills Work year-olds were questioned about. what ‘echnology they expect their future employers to provide them with. About 70% agreed that @ smartphone would make it easier to do their ‘work ~ and a quarter said they expected one to ‘come with their job. About 40% saw themselves ‘getting a laptop trom their future employers. Perhaps more surprisingly, nearly halt expected to tuse Facebook for communicating with their ‘colleagues, and nearly 10% expected to use it to ‘eal with their bosses. So what exactly would these creative, techno- ‘savvy teenagers lke to do for a living? A recent survey of American teenagers found thatthe arts ‘and medicine were the most popular carer paths, ‘with 17% of teenagers expressing an interest in each. The next most popular choice was ‘engineering. The least popular career choices included science (9%) and business (8%). Despite all careers being open to both sexes in the US, differences remain between boys’ and girls aspirations. A quarter of girls were interested in ‘working in heattheare in some way, compared wth ‘only 9% of boys, while only 4% of girs wanted to be engineers, compared with 25% of boys. a Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. 1. What does ‘more eatiefying working lives’ in the fourth line ofthe first paragraph refer to? A jobs that offer high wages B jobs that offer the feeling that you are 4 According to @ 2011 survey, the majority of British and American teenagers ‘A. expect to receive free laptops when they start working, achieving something jobs that allow you to retire at an early age D jobs that offer more chances of promotion 2 The Monitoring the Future survey A takes place at regular intervals. B takes place in a number of different countries. C has taken place only once since the 1970s. D analyses the opinions of young workers. 3 According to the Monitoring the Future survey, compared with past generations, young people today [A feel more strongly that the job you do defines who you are. B attach greater importance to the amount of free time they have. © care less about having a creative job. D have less school holidays. B expect that they will use Facebook to keep in ‘contact with their workmates. © expect that qualifications in IT will be necessary to find work. D believe that possessing a smartphone would increase thelr work productivity What does the writer infer about the current state of the American job market? ‘A Women no longer face discrimination if they wish to follow certain careers, B Only men are stil considered suitable for certain jobs. © Men face discrimination if they wish to work in health care. D Thre are more jobs available to men than Language Knowledge Open cloze text Preparing for the task a) Read the sentences. Underline what types of words are missing in each sentence. 1 When it comes to careers, what you choose to do ..- a living is very Important. preposition’ verb avin up to anyone who takes their job seriously, noun/verb ‘3 Most people spend the majority of... at work. possessive adjective/pronoun 4 Whois in. ‘of the company? noun/verb ime b) Write the correct word in each gap. PB Think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Most people think of work 0) as a boring routine where you do the same thing day after day. Ths is ». | feel so fortunate that fm a holiday representative. A holiday rep’s job is basically to sure holidaymakers have a great time. You give them information on the local area, organise excursions for them, help solve 3) nommn problems they might have, or direct them to the best tourist attractions. You don't really need any formal qualifications, although knowledge 4) the local language hes: just be good with people and have 5) of enthusiasm, | work as a rep 6) the Greek island of Santorini and my typical ‘week begins with meeting new arivals atthe airport. | wear the company ‘uniform, 7)...» people can recognise me, and then guide them to the coach 8) will take them to their htel. I really enjey 9)... part of my ob, because most of the people are very happy to be on holiday and this makes me feel relaxed. After each arrival, | hold a “welcome meeting” for the quests, where I give them information on the area and 10) they can do during the day and the evening, This is a good chance to get to know each guest and | particulary FRE 19) ...nou- fet that everyone has different things they want to see and do. Although | am always on-call, my job is more 12) .o..un« @ holiday than job and one | don't intend giving up in a hurry. Read the whole text for general meaning. Identify what kind of ‘word is missing (noun, verb, modal etc) Decide which word best ‘completes the sentence, Read the text again to see ifit makes sense and is grammatically correct. 14 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use the werd in bold. Use two to five words. ‘These shoes are too expensive for me to buy. NOT Those shoes oe i for me to buy. Nobody, apart from her sister, ‘supported her. PERSON Herpaletor.saaicustciontitinlth ‘supported her. They say treasure was discovered in the desert. SAID Treasure is in the desert His trainer advised him to take up weightliting, WOULD it take up weightlifting,” his trainer told him. Stanley once worked at a very exclusive hotel, JOB Stanley used : ata very exclusive hotel Fred doesnt want to organise this year's office party, PREFER Fred would See this year's office party My parents made me stay in at the weekend. LET My parents didn't eee at the weekend, ‘Spaghetti Bolognese was my favourite dish at Tony's restaurant. LIKED Spaghetti Bolognese was the ws at Tony's restaurant. My parents said | could stay out late tonight. PERMISSION My parents ie stay out late tonight. What do people think of this restaurant? REPUTATION What king have? 10 1" 2 Grammar Choose the correct item. Carlos was afraid the other kids would laugh him because he couldn't speak English. Ato B in Cot Dat Is Heather........ the hotel reservations for us? A tobe made © being made B going to make D to be making The lecture was so boring that John could hardly keep himself ....... asleep. A from falling © iin falling B totalling D of faling ‘The minimum ....... for the post was a degree in education. ‘A required © require B requiring D requirement fm not completely. with the way the hairdresser styled my hair A satisfaction © satistying B satisfied D satistyingly He can borrow this CD ........ he gives it back to me by Thursday. A provided © asiong B incase D unless Would you happen to know what time on? ‘A does the bus arrive © the bus arrives B arrives the bus D isarriving the bus ‘Vm not looking forward to our exams. ‘A Neither do | © Sodo! B Neither am | D Soam! | think Ill take Jenny out to dinner her for cottes. A alternatively © inplace of B rather D instead of ‘Where's the new mall?"''s a litle north’ A further © farthest B furthest D far Bob's bicycle is exactly the same ........ mine! Aas © ike B with D to ‘Did you mail my letters? Actually, | : A forgot doing it € forget it B had forgotten it D forgot to do it Taking tho bus is ....... cheaper than taking a taxi ‘A doubtful © undoubtedly B doubtfully D doubt Language Knowledge Vocabulary Eh crovee the cone itam, 41 think its safer to go on @ package wr. than make my own travel arrangements, A travel ¢ journey B holdey D crise 2 ‘The wind was blowing so hard that we found i impossible to... our ent. A raise © bull B putup D make up 3. One of the most aicut decisions young aduts face Is what to do for a(n) en © lifestyle B enistonce D living 4 Ben won fit in the art competion, 4 medal © prize B reward D benef 5 No one won the match; the final result was a(n) 10 1 2 A draw B equal © score D drawing “I wouldr't buy that dress if ! were you; it ist in “You're right, it probably doesn't sult me either” A mode fashion B style D trend ‘Tracy wont shopping at the weekend and bought a new ...... for the Christmas party. A outfit © suit B cloth D clothing It you work at a reception desk, you can't wearing casual clothes, A get into © get round 10 B get out of D get away with Unfortunately, the house we looked at had a very small kitchen with a gas . A cook © cooking B cookery D cooker Most tourist buses in London af@ sna... 60 You ccan see the sights as the bus tours the city. ‘A double deck © double-deckers B double decked —-D_double-decks Henry's car... off the icy road and crashed into a lamp post. A hit © skidded B crashed D collided | ove going to that Italian restaurant; they serve large A dishes © serves: B plates D portions 15) E> My vp around italy gave me the chance {b.ty some fits wonderful regional cuisine ~ {rom Pama ham to pesto Genovese and chicken Milanese. It was such a whithind as | dashed fom place to place trying to tke in the many wonderful sighs, tastes and experiences ina few short days or even hows, that itis sometimes hard to separate one place from another in my mind. My time in Bologna, however, my rs port of cal is pec imprinted in my memory. Thee, Lhad a lurch date {0 eat the most famous of Iaian exports ~ spaghet Bolognese! > iy trend Marco had invited me to Bologna. We fist met ata Bish univers, when Marco was an exchange student. He alvays sid one day | should ist his home city and ea the wel/xnown Bolognese dish, but, he added, as you've never ‘asodibelore I had noidea what he meant, but about one thing | was su; had read in my guidebook thatthe Bolognese sauce, which includes bee, onions, caro, celery, tomato past, ‘meat, mik, sal and pepper, dates back the 5h century! [>> Ater my train pulled into Bologna stato, | stepped out into a lovely moming. | wandered towards the famous Piazze Maggiore, the very heart o he city. Walking along the medival sees, realised that vant Bologna is almost as rd as its famous sauce. The ct is ful of ed brick buildings ane most of the rotops are brit re, too. This ete Ralians to icknameit'the ed cy! Arivng at the piazza, it was tm to sip fer tat 10s aan of refeshments; a cappuccino! took a table onthe piazza, and happily walched the world go by. [B= Alert: esses ine a0 na tps betoe rpoodng Macas6o [rook eo by fs eipeiPeeety 4 shoe shop window spay, a pir of elegant black shoes caught my eye immediately | must ty those en thought. Upon entering the shop, an assistat stepped forward to greet me. | hegan my request in fatering italian, but the assistant smiled and quickly replied, l speak English, how | can help you?" Thankyou" I said “Id ke to try on a pair of black shoes inthe window" The shop assistant frowned and a puzzled slence {oloned. Finally she seid, "Wel, ofcourse you can try them on inthe window, but everyone inthe steet wil be able to see youl" Fame tsa ramet ic pee bi esl ton tay werta vou Moca Poee pak a ane erry meant the shoes (ik to try on ae in the window dpe, but try them on here | sad, siting myself down ona chair, “n size 6, please’ Again, ry request was met by a puzzled stare, ‘Size 6? We have sizes 3 to 42" Suddenly, remembered that sizing on the continent i diferent to that in tre UK. Tm sory” blushed, hat would be size 30, please” With those misunderstancings ove, | was happy to find thatthe shoes fed perfectly So, ater cof, shopping and waking, was ime to head for ood! I sy i GE ic i! Macaca rfl sear thre we rr wa oN g grandmother's home for lurch. A maze of rarow steets led toa litle home where Marco's grandmather, a wiite-haied lady in a flowery house dress, was waiting to grea us atthe door. As soon as | entered her immacuiate home, I could smell the eroma of home cooking. “I cant wait for the spagheti Bolognese? | exclaimed [> Grandma looked confused. "Spaghetti? In Bologna, we never serve spaghetti with Bolognese sauce. We se thick pasta like fetucine or taglatella” Sming, Marco said" told you youd be surprised. Bolognese sauce might be eaten with spagheti all over the world, but never in Bologna” | must say, Grandmals Bolognese was perect It had been a lovely day — wih afew misunderstanding - but also wth smart now shoes, great company and delicious food, | coud hardy complain! Sora nk In the last question of the task, you will be asked a ‘question that tests your understanding of the text as 2 ‘hole. This question will usually sk about the main idea ‘of the text or the writer intention. To identify the ‘writers intention, think about why the writer wrote the ‘text and the message they want to give the reader. ‘When identifying a text's main idea, don’t be distracted by less important detail Multiple choice EB) Find words in the text with a similar Preparing for the task ‘meaning to the following words/phrases. peertia sist and titties the onertonion + Para A: from a particular area, went quickly A,Bor Cto complete the sentences 1. See ee + Para B: meal, originates from Italy might have some of the most spectacular + Para C: walked casually, lively, snacks or atractions in Europe, but the highlight of my trip was drinks most certainly the food. | was fortunate enough to + Para D: slow walk, not perfect, confused ‘make friends with a lot of the locals, who took me to + Para F: extremely clean and tidy the best restaurants in Rome. There, | sampled some dishes which, though a litle pricey, were some of the tastiest 've ever eaten! a Fill in: caught, exchange, greet, puzzled, ‘misunderstandings, maze, pulled into. 1 The writer's intention in the text isto ....ltalian 1. As soon as the train the station cuisi I realised how fabulous the town was. ‘A complain about B describe praise 2 We got lost trying to walk through the 2 The text is mainly about th of Italian, + of alleyways on the way back. cuisine. 3 George always has a look thavarety Bucgialy anc) cont Cn his face when he tries to read maps. 4 As ain) student he visited Read the text about the Italian city of Seon inns sents Bologna. For questions 1-5 choose the 5A tour guide was waiting to iret ontion Aa: Cock us at the entrance to the museum. 6 The unique architecture in the square 1 Inparagraph two, the writer says that Bolognese a my eye. oer ee mene woman rd acre 7 My poor Italian was responsible for most of B is made in a particular way in Bologna the I had on the trip. srit one of his favourite dishes. D isa traditional dish in Italy. Fill in: dates back, delicious, displays, medieval, narrow, step out, wander. 2 The writer compares Bolognese sauce with A Piazza Maggiore. B Bologna’s buildings. © acappuccino. D the vibrant Italians. 3 In the shoe shop, the assistant A misunderstood the writer's request B had difficulty in speaking English. © seemed rude and slow to otter help. D didn’t understand the writer’ Italian Traveling on the highspeed train trom Mian to Bologna takes just over an hour. Aer PORE meee ‘onto the platform of Bologna station heed towards the Piazza Maggiore, which is only five minutes walk away. There are many outdoor cafés where you can have light refreshments or taste some 2) main dishes. Once you've got your energy back, why not 3) around the city and admire the 4)... ae ‘Much of the red city’s. architecture to bette the Renaissance, You can walk around te 6) ae streets inthe ciy’s shopping cise and Took at the fabulous window 7 4 When the writer and Marco arrived for lunch, Marco's grandmother A looked surprised to see them B was just arriving home. was in the middle of cleaning. D had already prepared the food. 5 5 The main purpose of the toxt is to os ‘A describe a visit to Bologna, B express sadness at a misunderstanding. | © comment on a shopping experience in Italy. D give an opinion on Italian cuisine. 1: 18 Fill in: seaside, steep, elaborately, soft, self-catering, tight. 1 2 Ga ‘The weather was perfect for hiking; the sun was shining, bout there was a(n) ‘breeze blowing so we didn't feel too hot. Tourists flocked to see the s decorated statues inside the temple. We stayed in a hostel because it was cheaper than ‘a hotel and we were on a(n) budget Ben always spends his ‘summer holidays at a(n) F . resort because hhe likes to be near the beach. ‘The Robinsons would rather ‘cook their own food so they {are going to rent a(n) apartment. We saw a beautiful sandy beach while we were out walking, but we couldnt find a way down the ... litfs to reach it. yoard, land, use, give, drive, fasten, catch, offers. 1 When visiting Thailand, it's cheaper to public transport than to rent a car. Janet is 901g 10 ene US a lift to the airport tomorrow. People think shopping in markets is cheap, but many VeNdOFS a a hard bargain. ‘The travel agent on Main Street special deals ‘on winter breaks. You must the ship half an hour before it is scheduled to leave port. The climb up the mountain was so difficult that it took me awhile to my breath Please «nn Your seatbelts, The pilot had to the plane in a field because the engines failed, Vocabulary Underline the correct item. 1. We're looking for a ealm/rough/secluded beach away {rom the noise of the tourist resorts. 2. Daniel preters going on seaside/package/luxurious holidays because everything is organised for him. 3. There was a truly magical¥gorgeous/unspoilt atmosphere at the traditional Tibetan ceremony. 4 Seeing lions in their natura habitat was a(n) overwhelmingy Uunique/overjoyed experience that I'l never forget. 5 She had a very chaotic/messy/oumpy flight and had to keep her seatbelt on for the whole journey. 6 High raintall during the winter months is the reason why the island has such lush/dense/unspollt vegetation. a Fill in: on, in, out, up, by, off (X2) or of. 1. They have gone on a day trip to visit the remains the ancient settlement at Delphi. 2 The designer clothes ... . sale at the market are ‘not genuine. 3. 'd really like to try on those boots the window. 4. Sally asked me to pick her from the train station, 5 We need to set at 6.00 to catch the ferry 6 The hotel was surrounded rainforest and we could see monkeys and exotic birds from our balcony. 7. We're staying at a quiet place wn... the beaten track. 8 Paul lives... of @ suitcase; he has been’ travelling around Europe and Asi for three years now. I in: brgains, rip-off, feast, heart, refund, highlight, currency, shopaholc SEL on teu RC keno sre uk ue ern Hi, this is Bella from Milan. | had a fantastic shopping experience while on holiday in London. | visited Borough Market, a huge food market in the 1) cinssnnnn of the city, and it was probably the 2) cof my trip! There were stalls selling ots of unusual things. For a 3)... like me it was hheaven! And there were so many sights, sounds and smells Borough Market was certainly a 4) ovens fOr my senses. Hello, Tom here. | had an awful shopping experience in Vietnam, It was my first day in the country and | went straight to the market to hunt for some S) ‘A very pushy vendor soon convinced me to buy an antique ring. It was really expensive and | used nearly all my foreign 6) .. to pay for it. Back at the hotel the receptionist told me it was a n jit wasn't an antique at all. He advised me to return it, so Iran back to ask for & 8) ...-..-n But the vendor had disappeared. Topic related vocabulary Py a Underline the correct item. 1. The mountain with two peaks Is a famous local monument/landmark/landscape/ruin. 2. The guide took us on a long walk through the lush/barrenJarid/sparse forest. 3. While at summer camp in France, Dave had {o sloop in a(n) resort/inn/hostel/dormitory with seven other boys. 4 When you are in a foreign country, you should respect the religion and habits/customs/ behaviour/manners of the people. 5 Jenny is just going to wonder/wander/dritt/ sall around the city today. You'll nod someone who knows the area to guide/direct/escortdrive you through the forest, as itis easy to lose your way. a Fill in: demand, charge, stock, debt, market, increase, expense. 1. Ifyou buy a cinema ticket this week, you get fa snack free of . 2 Alison got into ‘overused her credit cara, 3 Phil won a holiday to Florida, but only the flights and accommodation were included; he had to buy the food at his own 4 There has been a(n) . in the number of people going on skiing holidays; the sport is becoming more popular. 5 I wanted to buy a pair of those trousers, but they didn't have my size in 6 He needs some advice on choosing a new PC as there are so many models on the because she 7 Ever since the release of the film set in Rome, there has been a great .. for holidays to Italy. Word formation 8 Fill in: on (X3), in (X2), from, of (X2), behind. 1 John got lost the mountains, but luckily some villagers found him. 2 Take your passport to the reception desk arrival 3. We went fishing and sat for hours wth bank . fiver, but we didnt catch anything 4 When | climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, | was travelling the company some experienced mountainoers. 5 We should be there by 11.00, provided the trains are running .. time. 6 Boat trips to the island depart... the marina every three hours. 7 We were supposed to be at the hotel by now, but flights are ‘schedule due to the bad weather. the Fill in the correct word. 1. priceless/invaluable Alan is a(n) member of the team who Is very dedicated to his job. b Sonia says her mother's jewellery is land can't be replaced. 2 retund/return a I need to this laptop to the shop because itis faulty. b I would like a for my hotel stay because the service was appalling 3. billreceipt It's gelting late: let's pay the land go home. It you want your money back, you need to show the 4 spendiraise They aFe trying tO vevwnnnnnn Money for a local children's charity. b Daisy is going to ‘savings on a new car. all her Oa ‘Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold. He falled 10 get occoee support ‘tom tis bank. (FINANCE) ‘The island depends on for much of its income. (TOURIST) A visit to the Alps is a truly .... ‘exporionce. (FORGET) Pitas to the island is often rough. (CROSS) from the mainland 5 The whole trip was disastrous from 10 end. (BEGIN) 6 The sandy beaches are the island's main AOUTISE ene coon (ATTRACT) I've already made other plans for Now Year's Eve. (FORTUNATE) 8 The guests were advised fo make well in advance. (RESERVE) A Grammar a Underline the correct tense. 11 How long had you been learning/had you learnt Spanish before you went to South ‘America? 2 The pilot flew/was flying over France when he made an emergency landing, 3 Martin was panicking because he had lost/was losing his passport 4 We were only standing/had only been standing outside the airport for a couple of minutes when the minibus arrived. 5 | would/used to love beach holidays, but now | prefer doing something more active. 6 | saw Emma at the station yosterday. She waited/was waiting for a train. 7 He had never travelled/never travelled by ferry before, @ Sandra bought a coffee and satiwas down to wait for her flight, iting Ba ‘Choose the correct item. 1 Mike... traveling t places where he doesn't speak ie language, AA was not being used to © dnt used to © tem used wo D_hacrit been used io The sun .... by the time we arrived at the hotel A sot © had set B hadbeen setting _D_ would set Last Monday, |... on a beach in Portugal A. was sunbathing © used to sunbathe B had been sunbathing D sunbathed Beth will soon A use to B have been used to living in a big city. © got used to D get used to When we were children, we .. Christmas holidays. ‘A had gone B would go skiing during the © go D had been going When we arrived at the hotel, we grabbed our straight for the pool © had headed D headed towels and... A were heading B had been heading We ..... a holiday cottage in Ireland, A used to have © were having B would have D_ were used to having Danial ..... snowboarding all week, so by the time we left the resort he was very good A used to practise © had practised B had been practising D_ would practise | Ada Join the sentences using the words in brackets. 1. Maria's case is full. She can't close it (so... that) Maria's case Is 80 full that she can't close it 2 twas a brilliant resort. We booked again for next year. (such ... that) 3 Our shopping bags were heavy. We had to call a taxi. (80 ... that) 4. The hotel restaurant had good food. We ate there every night. (such ... that) 5 It was a hot day. We decided to stay inside. (so ... that) 6 It was an interesting museum. We visited it a ‘second time. (such ... that) Fill in the gaps below with the, ofa) or —. Florence ‘The city of 1)- Florence is Jocated in northern Italy. With over 15 milion vistors a year, it is one of 2) EEE =. | ‘most popular tourist destinations in Italy. And once ‘you've spent a day in Florence it's easy to see why. ‘Start your day with 3)........ breakfast and 4)... cup of coffee in 5)... Plaza della Repubblica, Florence's central square. From here it’s only 6). short walk to Santa Maria del Fiore, nD. impressive Gothic building, and its museum. Look into 8) .. Uffizi Gallery before lunch and then grab a bite to eat at the Trattoria Ponte Vecchio, 9) fabulous restaurant right on the water's edge. 10). waiters speak MN) canon. English and 12). French, so you can be sure of being understood, even if you don't know 13)... Ttalian language Th 14) coo aftemoon, F088 15) nnn bridge and take 16) stroll through the beautiful Boboli Gardens, visiting 17) palace inside. Finish your day with a walk in 18) » Palazzo della Signora, After spending a day like this in Florence, ‘you'll want to stay forever! Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense. 1. Im afraid you will miss (miss) your flight it you don't hurry up. 2 Susan is really relaxed because she (be) on holiday in the Caribbean. 3. We wore so late that the restaurant {already/close) by the time we arrived. 4 Max (always/spend) his summer holidays in Cornwall 5 Tracey .. (grab) her bag, (take) the car keys and to the shops. (erive) Join the sentences using the linker given. 1 The holiday was perfect. We stayed an extra week. (so ... that) The holiday was so perfect that we stayed an extra week. 2 We complained about the service at the hotel. We got a refund. (as a result) 3 Ihad never been abroad. | went to France on ‘a schoo! trip. (until) 4 The villagers were generous people. They J invited us to join in with their celebrations. (such ... that 5 We arrived at the port. They announced all voyages were cancelled due to bad weather. 1 dust as) Put the words in the correct order to form sentences. 1. booked/recently/holiday/Francefin/have/ anVadventure Ihave recently booked an adventure holiday in France. 2 going/the/cabin/to/a/mountains/inithey/ are/buy 3 will/Americaithis/tomorrowitlying/we/o/ timerbe 4. swimming/saw/OtiverMhe/was/dolphin/a/when. 5. forhow/you/beenstightiong/waiting/had/ your? Revision (Modules 1-2) Complete the second sentence so that it ‘means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use two to five words, including the word given. 1. The museum was closed when we got there. TIME ‘The museum was closed by the time we got there. 2. They moved to Spain six years ago. BEEN They in Spain for six years. 3. Adam lost his passport so he was unable to board the aircraft. CONSEQUENTLY ‘Adam lost his passport and board the aircraft. 4 I hardly ever travel abroad. USED tm abroad, 5 | saw Emma as | was getting off the plane. MOMENT | saw Emma... - coos the plane 6 [till take Rebecca two hours to drive to the resort. DRIVING By the time Rebecca gets to the resort, she {for two hours. Grammar in Focus Fill in the gaps. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given. Helen dropped and as an actress. Its not like Steve to be late; he (mustforget) that we were going (swim) today. Mum until. | don't think t tennis, net .. | stayed late . of university (now pursue) a career (tell) me | couldnt go out (do) the housework. _ (be) very good at (play) before. = the office in to finish my project. (should/choose) an (easy) subject than astrophysi but it's too late now. mt (buy) a better car, | wouldn't have to keep -- (Pay) for repairs. When | (see) Julie last night, she appeared to (ery) just before | arrived. You a Py Listening skills GB ® Fit in with: resny-cooked, loca, whit, | vibrant, warm, shopping, traditional, tunique, designer, floating, counterfet 1 sand ) 7 goods 2 bluesea | 8... handicratts 3 culture | 9 city 4 malls | 10 erennsnnn Market 5 vendors | 14 food 6 labels | 12 experience b) Check these phrases in the Word List. You will hear a woman narrating a travel experience she had while in Thailand. .) Listen and complete the gaps (1-10). The speaker visited museums, temples as wel as wonderful markets and shopping mals in Thailand She recognised that RI Being sold by som Sho 3 ‘a huge market with more than ten thousand stalls ‘The market had beauttul dresses, and traditional handicrats ‘She spent her entire shopping budget in at the market She was[ 6 by the tourst-orientated markets in other parts ofthe country She couldnt wat for, 7 lof her trip when she would return to Bangkok. ‘She spent her last few days {s| Jand ‘shopping in the markets and boutiques. She bought(9[ for her new clothes. Five years later, she returned to go shopping in Bangkok again with her Do you prefer to relax or be active while on. holiday? Write a few sentences. Multiple chaice Preparing for the task a) Read the question and the possible answers. What is the question asking about, the main idea of the text? the intention of the ‘speaker? the context of the conversation? ‘The woman aims to A inform people about local dishes. B_ warn people about making reservations. © advise people to cook for themselves. D_ recommend a dish for people to try. b) Now read the text and answer the question. What words/phrases helped you decide? ‘Man: 8, wha id you tink of Cambodia? Woman: san emezing pce. However, one resenaton | 1 have about the place ie the food. We ate ud at a sche Fated lt oe got od pobre | eae recommend that ober tavelers prepare. thi own meas. | 8 2 You will hear a woman talking about her holiday experience in Thailand. For questions 1-5, choose the correct option A, B, Cor. 1. For most of her time in Thailand Anna was A. sunbathing © sightseeing B shopping. D diving, 2 She found out about the large market A froma street vendor. © at her hotel. B atone of the sights. D_by chance. 3. The sight that Anna recommends A lets people see the history of the area, B_ has the two elements of travelling she enjoys. © would only appeal to people who love shopping D is only available as part of a tour. 4 Anna's friends have returned with her because A they share Anna’s enthusiasm for an activity B they can't afford to go alone, € she needs help transporting her shopping, D she can show them around all the sights. 5 During her talk, Anna mainly tries ‘A. to inform people what is on offer in the markets, B 10 offer advice about the destination. © to warn against the pittalls one might encounter D to encourage others to travel abroad. Speaking skills a) Look at the pictures. Describe which ‘words go with each picture. ‘winter * port + mountains * summer + adventure « cruise ship resort « relaxing + chalets + coastal + snow + open sea bb) Use the words from Ex. 1a to complete the paragraph comparing the pictures. Ficture A shows people ona skiing holiday. A man is) going down a ski slope next toa ski -lItmust be the middle of 2) Iotof 3 inthe 4) f wearing warm clothes and it looks fike he is going towards the town. He is probably staying in one of the ses hile he is on his sking holiday. Picture B shows a 6) which is | probably leaving 47). ow ItJooks like the middle of 8) because there area fo of | yachts and other sail boats out at sea. Both of the Pictures show types of holidays that people take in Aiferent seasons, The ski holiday is full of excitement and 9) ‘= While the cruise isa 10) way to enjoy the 11) during the summer months. ‘The cruise allows people to move from one 12) town (0 another, while people ‘who go on a ski holiday usually tay in the same place forthe duration oftheir break. ee Complete the sentences about you. 1. L would like to go because 2 I dor't really enjoy because Think about people, place, dothes, actions. Complete. the sentences. 1. The picture shows two 2 They are in is 3 Tho woman on the left is wearing 4 She is showing 5 The woman on the right is wearing 6 I think she is looking for 7 Inthe background | can see Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. * Ah, that's in excellent condition * Can't you lower the price a litle? ‘+ How much is it? * That's still a bit pricey + Which one exactly? + You drive a hard bargain. ‘Vendor: Good moming? How can |help you? Customer: Hello there. Id lke to see that old camera, please. Vendor: Of course. 1) Customer: The black one withthe long lens Vendor: 2) Here, Take a lok Customer: Oh, its vey nice.3) Vendor: can give ito you for £30, Customer: That's quite expensive for an old camera 4) Vendor: Well, OK. | can go as low as £25. Wnat do you say? Customer: 5) How about £20, Vendor: 6) . 220itis then sic Customer: That's grat. Heres the money. Vendor: And there's your camera, sir. Have a nice ay Customer: Thank you very much. Bye. sail Read the rubric, then the model. Put the paragraphs in the correct order (Your teacher has asked you to write a short ‘story about a travel experience you had. ‘Your story should include: a restaurar band. (140-190 words). [A]_] immediately ater the entrance was a ong fight of stairs. | walked up about thirty or forty steps and saw another doorway. | went through it and walked out onto a rooftop terrace ful of tables and chairs. | had ‘stumbled upon a hidden restaurant. [BL]! was so excited about what I had found. | set dows and ordered the most doicious lasagne. A traditional band played musie while | ined with a view over the old town, | wouldnt have belived a place like that existed if 'd read about it in a travel quid | was walking around the narrow streets of Bergamo looking fora restaurant while | wes on holiday in ay was hot and humid summer's evening. [D1]! came to a dead end in an alleyway and was [ust about to walk back trom where | came when I heard ‘musi. Iwas coming from behind anol, green wooden door. There was a sign above the door in Haan, but | couldn't read it. | decided to open the door and see what was inside. Expand the prompts into full sentences. 1. itbe /coo! night / late autumn | / wander / through / busy streets / city centre — 1 / look for / souvenir shop / buy gits / friends and family 2 we//sit/ white sand / quiet beach ~ the sun / set /and / gentle breeze / blow ~ Sarah / decide / go swimming Fill in the adjectives in the lists. * warm » busy * spacious + constant ‘A It was the first time | had ever stayed in a chalet. The living area was 1) ‘and the fre kept us 2). «We could hear the. 3) sn sound of poople chattering in the 4) enn restaurant below. —————er 24 PA Writing story * rusty * dark + narrow + irritating B We wandered down a 1) sone Stet afd arrived af the 2) sn...» gateway f0 the museum. AS we pushed the gate open it made a(n) 3). ‘creaking noise. Just then, a 4) figure walked ‘across the museum courtyard, * chilling + small + tall + quiet © Jason sat at¢ 1) table IM & 2) conn COMET at tho back of the restaurant. He took out his notebook ‘and. started iting in it when a 3) man approached him, He gave Jason a 4) not to enter the castle grounds ater midnight. — Fillin: shortly, totally, rudely, impatienty, safely, unfortunately. 1 Iwaited for his train to arrive. 2 He promised to return ‘with my bag. 3 We drove through the snow and reached the chalet, 4 . the car broke down. 5 The view was ne amazing. 6 He spoke ... sen tO me. 8 Punctuate the sentences. 1. Atthat moment the hotel manager arrived to calm everyone down 2 What a reliet He put on his coat took his bag and lett 3. The shop assistant replied What size would you tke 4 Id like to taste one of your traditional dishes replied the customer Your turn Think of a travel experience of yours. Make notes under the headings: who ~ when ~ where - what happened ~ feelings. FB Follow the plan and use your notes from Ex. 6 to write your story (140-190 words). Your story should include: a café, a donkey. end the sory fealings

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