Star Family Accident

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STRICTLY FOR INTERNAL TRAINING PURPOSE ONLY Family Accident Care Insurance Policy_Version_1.0_(Apr)_(2021)
q A policy that covers all accident-related
eventualities of the insured and proves to
be the best defence against the odd slips,
twists and turns of life.
q Policy term flexibility!
q Policy can be taken for 1 or 2 years in
one go.

If, at any time during the period of insurance, the insured sustains any
bodily injury, solely and directly from accident, caused by external, violent
& visible means and if such accident causes

q Death:
100% of the Sum Insured
Within 12 calendar months from the date of accident

q Permanent Total Disablement (PTD):

100% of the Sum Insured
Within 12 calendar months from the date of accident
Disability is confirmed and claimed within 60 days from the
occurrence of disablement 3
q Where the insured person is a dependent child, the
compensation for death or PTD will be 25% of the Sum
Insured. Thereafter the policy will continue until expiry for
the balance Sum Insured for the other insured members.

q Where a claim is admitted/admissible under death or PTD,

the policy cannot be renewed for such relevant person

Entry Age

Adults: 18 To 65 ye

Entry Age
q Dependent Children: 16 days to 25 years
q Maximum up to 3 children (2A+3C) covered in a single policy
Minimum Maximum
Sum Insured Sum Insured
Rs 1 Lac Rs 50 Lac

Sum Insured in multiples of Rs


Worldwide cover applicable

Family Size Self, spouse and 1 child
Sum Insured Rs 50 Lac
Period of Insurance From: 01.06.2020 to
Date of death 01.12.2020
Accident 1: Accidental Rs 50 Lac
death of self (100% of Sum
Policy gets terminated since 100% of the Sum Insured is
paid 10
Family Size Self, spouse and 1 child
Sum Insured Rs 50 Lac
Period of Insurance From: 01.06.2020 to
Date of death 01.12.2020
Accident 1: Accidental death of child Rs 12.50 Lac
(25% of Sum Insured will be paid)
Sum Insured for self and spouse for the Rs 37.50 Lac
remaining policy period, i.e. from
02.12.2020 to 31.05.2021
Accident 2: Accidental death of self Rs 37.50 Lac
during the remaining policy year
Claim payable
Policy gets terminated as 100% Sum Insured is paid 11
Please refer policy wording for full details 12
For Death Claims
q Duly-completed claim form
q Death certificate/proof of accident.
q Post-mortem certificate, if conducted
q FIR (wherever required)
q Police investigation report (wherever required)
q Viscera sample report (wherever required)
q Forensic science laboratory report (wherever required)
q Legal heir certificate
q Succession certificate (wherever required)

For Disability Claims 13

Two-year Policy
Policy Rs 75
Rs 145 Per Lac
per Lac (Per
(Per family)

Provided by our company in the time of need, helping us realize
our motto - PERSONAL & CARING
Unique facility offered by our technology platform
Provided with specialist doctors in the grim period of COVID-19
The services are:
q For orthopedic queries - Senior ortho consultant
q For worries about COVID-19 - Panel of doctors
q Women health-related problems - Gynaecologist
q Issues in self isolation - Psychiatrist
q For questions on diabetes - Diabetic consultants
To avail this facility, call 18004252255 or mail to
STRICTLY FOR INTERNAL TRAINING PURPOSE ONLY Family Accident Care Insurance Policy_Version_1.0_(Apr)_(2021)

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