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Ronny wakes up with a big grin on his face. It is 31 July, his birthday.

waits all year for this special day. He is going to have a party to celebrate his
birthday party. Ronny is very excited.
After breakfast, Ronny watches his mother put pink and yellow icing on his
birthday cake. The cake is in the shape of a car.
Ronny’s mother makes sandwiches and cookies. Ronny’s elder sister makes a
big pitcher of lemonade. Oh, it all looks delicious!
1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences from the above

1. When is Ronny's birthday?

2. Why is Ronny so excited on this day?

3. What shape is Ronny's birthday cake?

4. Who is responsible for decorating Ronny's birthday cake?

5. What was the food prepared for Ronny's birthday party?

6. Who is making the lemonade for the party?

7. How does Ronny feel about the food and preparations for his party?

8. What was the colours of icing on Ronny's cake?

9. What did Ronny's sister make for the party?

10.Who made food for the party?

11.How does Ronny's family plan to celebrate his birthday?

2. Complete the sentence from above passage:

1. Ronny wakes up


2. Ronny’s mother



3. The cake is in _______________________________________________.

3. Frame a sentence of your choice using the word given.

1. Birthday-

2. Excited-
4. Fill in the blanks for the sentences given below from the above passage.

1. Ronny waits all year for this


2. Ronny’s elder sister makes a big

Ronny’s father is putting up the balloons. The balloons are red and blue in
He is also hanging up streamers. Ronny runs to help him. Soon he is ready for
the party.
At last, it is four o’clock. Ronny’s friends arrive one by one. They play games
like passing the parcel and catch. When it is five o’clock, Ronny’s mother asks
him to cut the cake.
Ronny takes a deep breath and blows out all the candles. He closes his eyes and
make a wish. Everyone sings ‘Happy Birthday’. Then they all eat the goodies
his mother has made.
Ronny loves all his gifts. His favourite gift is a toy scooter from his father. It is
shiny and red in colour. Ronny rides his new scooter all around the garden.
It is a grand birthday.
1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences from the above

1. Who is putting up the balloons for Ronny's party?

2. What colors are the balloons?

3. What does Ronny help his father with?

4. When does Ronny's party start?

5. What games do Ronny and his friends play at the party?

6. What time does Ronny cut the cake?

7. What does Ronny do before blowing out the candles on his cake?
8. What song do they sing when Ronny cuts the cake?

9. What is Ronny's favourite gift, and who is it from?

10.What colour is Ronny's new toy scooter?

11.Where does Ronny ride his new scooter?

12.How would you describe Ronny's birthday?

2. Frame a sentence of your choice using the word given.

1. Gift-

2. Balloon


3. Garden

Today my grandfather is coming from Kanpur. We are at the airport to receive
him. The airport is very crowded. We see grandfather and wave at him.
Grandfather is seventy years old. He walks with a stick. His hair is grey and his
face is wrinkled. He smiles happily when he sees me.
‘How are you, Dasthu?’ Grandfather asks.
Dashtu is his pet name for me because I am naughty.
‘I am fine, Grandpa. What did you bring for me from Kanpur?’
‘I brought a friend for you,’ says Grandfather. ‘His name is Chotu.’
Then Grandfather shows me a kitten in the basket. He brought the kitten for me
all the way from Kanpur.
1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences from the above

1. Who is coming to visit today?

2. Where are they to receive their grandfather?

3. What is the airport like?

4. How does their grandfather look?

5. What is their grandfather's nickname for the narrator?

6. What question does the Dasthu ask his grandfather?

7. What did their grandfather bring for them from Kanpur?

8. What is the name of the gift their grandfather brought?

2. Frame a sentence of your choice using the word given.

1. Airport

2. Crowd

3. Fill in the blanks for the sentences given below from the above passage.

1. His hair is grey


2. Then Grandfather shows


3. Grandfather is

‘Chotu is the son of Mini, your grandma’s cat,’ he says.
I am very excited. I take Chotu in my hands. He looks at me with bright beady
eyes. Then, he sniffs my fingers searching for food. ‘Give him some food when
we reach home,’ Grandfather says.
Chotu has brown fur with a white patch and a pink nose which twitches. Soon
he curls up in my arms and goes to sleep.
‘Thank you, Grandpa. I will look after Chotu very well. This is the best present
1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences from the above

1. Whose son is Chotu?

2. How does Chotu react when the Dasthu holds him?

3. What is Chotu searching for when he sniffs the Dasthu 's fingers?

4. What does Grandfather suggest they give Chotu when they reach home?

5. How does Chotu's fur look?

6. What does Dasthu say to express their gratitude to Grandfather?

7. What is the Dasthu's promise regarding Chotu?

8. How does Chotu behave after curling up in the Dasthu 's arms?
Raghu lives on a farm. His father grows rice in their rice fields and papayas in
their orchards.
The farm is big. There is a large cowshed on the farm. There are many cows in
the cowshed. There is a pond on the farm. There four ducks in the pond. There
are two dogs on the farm too.
Raghu and his father work very hard. After Raghu comes bac home from
school, he helps his father on the farm.
Raghu enjoys riding on the tractor with his father. They go to the rice fields.
Green fields of paddy stretch in every direction. When the paddy grows taller
and the rice grains become golden yellow, they harvest the crop.
Raghu feeds some oats to the ducks in the pond. The ducks quack and splash
water on him. They seem to be saying, ‘Play with us, Raghu.’ Raghu splashes
water at them too. The dogs bark at them playfully.
1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences from the above

1. Where does Raghu live?

2. What do Raghu's father grow in their farm?

3. What is there in the cowshed on the farm?

4. How many cows are in the cowshed?

5. How many ducks are in the pond?

6. What do Raghu and his father do after Raghu comes back from school?

7. What do Raghu and his father ride on in the farm?

8. What do they do in the rice fields when the paddy grows taller and the

rice grains turn yellow?

2. Frame a sentence of your choice using the word given.

1. Farm-



2. Pond-



3. School



4. Play

3. Fill in the blanks for the sentences given below from the above passage.

1. Raghu lives on


2. Raghu enjoys riding


3. Green fields of paddy


4. The ducks quack

The orchards in their farm have rows of papaya trees. Their branches are full of
fruits. Raghu and his mother pluck a basketful of ripe, orange papayas.
‘Would you like to a slice of fresh papaya, Raghu?’ his mother asks.
‘Oh yes. The papayas look delicious,’ Raghu replies.
Raghu knows the names of all the cows in the cowshed. Pyari and Munia are his
favourite cows. They moo when they see him and flick their tails.
'Pyari and Munia, see, I have brought grass for you’, Raghu says. He feeds them
handfuls of grass.
Raghu's mother milks the cows.
He sits near her when she milks the cows. He likes to drink fresh milk. When
they reach home, Raghu has a glass of warm milk.
In the evening, Raghu does his homework and plays with the dogs.
Life on the farm is peaceful.
‘When I grow up, Father, I want to be a farmer like you,’ Raghu tells his father.
His father smiles.
1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences from the above

1. What kind of fruit do Raghu and his mother pick from the orchards?

2. What color are the papayas?

3. What does Raghu's mother ask him if he'd like to have?

4. What do Pyari and Munia do when they see Raghu?

5. What does Raghu feed to Pyari and Munia?

6. Who milks the cows on the farm?

7. What does Raghu like to drink after his mother milks the cows?

8. What does Raghu do in the evening after his homework?

9. How would you describe life on the farm?

10.What does Raghu want to be when he grows up?

2. Frame a sentence of your choice using the word given.

1. Homework

2. Farmer

3. Delicious

4. Favourite

5. Orchards

3. Fill in the blanks for the sentences given below from the above passage.

1. The orchards in their farm

2. Raghu and his mother pluck a


3. Pyari and Munia are

Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer from the word bank given
below. Use each option only one time.
(Pets, fun, park, black)
Ben has two _______. He has 2 dogs. His dogs are Tim and Mutt. Time is
__________ and Mutt is brown. Ben takes them to the _________ to play. They
have __________.

My friend.
(Sachin ,bicycle, biscuits, , seven, brave, football, sister)
My neighbor’s name is _________. He is ___________ years old. He plays
___________ with me every day. When I ride a ____________, he sits on the

He likes chocolates and I like ______________. He has a ___________ whose

name is Misti. Misti studies in class third. She is a _________ girl.

The king of jungle.

(Cat, strong, fast, king, forest)
Lions are the biggest ________ in the world. Lions can run _________, and
they are very __________. Lions live in _______________. Lions are called
the ______________ of the jungle.

Fishing trip.
Rahul and his dad went fishing on a sunny day. They sat by the river and cast
their lines. Rahul caught a big fish and felt proud. His dad smiled and hugged
him. They took a photo to remember their special fishing trip.
1. Who went fishing together?

2. Where did they go fishing?

3. What did Rahul catch?

4. How did Rahul feel after catching the fish?

5. What did they do to remember their fishing trip?

Jiya’s dog, Max, was always energetic. Max loved to chase his tail around the
garden. One day, Max got tired and found a cool spot under a tree. Jiya brought
his water bowl and watched Max enjoy his rest.

1. What is the name of Jiya’s dog?

2. What did Max love to chase?

3. Where did Max find a cool spot?

4. What did Jiya bring for Max?

5. How did Max feel during his rest?

Ruhi was a brave girl. She decided to climb a big tree in her backyard. She
reached the top and saw a bird’s nest with three baby birds. Ruhi admired their
soft feathers and heard them chirp. She climbed down carefully, leaving the
birds undisturbed.

1. What did Ruhi decide to do?

2. Where did Ruhi see a bird’s nest?

3. How many baby birds were there in the nest?

4. What did Ruhi admire about the birds?

5. How did Ruhi climb down after seeing the birds?

Emma’s family went on a picnic in the park. They sat under a big tree. Emma
enjoyed the cool breeze and the sound of birds chirping. Her mom packed
delicious sandwiches and fresh juices. It was a fun day spent with family and

1. Where did Emma’s family go for a picnic?

2. What did Emma enjoy at the park?

3. What did Emma’s mom pack for the picnic?

4. What was the weather like at the picnic?

5. How did Emma feel about the picnic?

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