Script My Project 1

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Hold on, that's not right...

Katie removes the glasses that were on the camera lens.

The colour disappears and everything is grey and white.

There we go, back to reality.

Sat in chair.

Now you're probably wondering what
just happened? Well these glasses are
something completely new, something
that no one would have...except one

Holding up glasses on show.

Evelyn believed that she was alone
forever, no one loved her, and
everything in her life kept going
downhill, yet that wasn't all, she
also had a drinking problem, at the
young age of 23.

Now, before I get into this storyline,
I would just like to state for my
viewers that this is a fantasy drama,
that is ranged for around 15-30 year
old's, with a mix of emotions. If this
aint your style, I wouldn't recommend
listening further.

Now, I have never gone down the route
of a fantasy drama, as it never
occurred to me, yet I have noticed
that coralline and stranger things
both have similar ideas to my
production. As known, I have created
an alternate reality just with an
object, have a look for yourself.

Put the glasses back on the lense


You see! Now everything has changed.
What was that? You want me to keep
them on? Well I can for the time
being, but this story is about
something deeper, this is about how we
differ dreams from reality.

Evelyn has had a tough life, someone
who never really felt love, and it
effected her future heavily, leaving
her with this huge weight of
depression and a drinking problem. As
we all know, instagram, tiktok, you
name it somehow reccomends us really
personal ads, and this is how evelyn
got her glasses. You see, they changed
her world, suddenly her bottles became
real life people, and everything that
was there...wasn't.

Take the lenses off the camera

I hope you may see my point, as sadly
our life isn't all a dream, but it can
help us to see things more cleary.

I would love to tell you about my idea
process however, I used to watch a ton
of youtube! And I mean a ton. An old
youtuber once made a skit similar to
this, and it really inspired me to
create something similar. Luckily, I
was able to come across the film 'THEY
LIVE'. Now you probably wonder, what
the hell is they live about? Well it
is about a pair of glasses that see
the world for what it truly is. I
think you get the jist. I would love
to use their ideas such as the colour
changing, the difference wearing the
glasses in what you see, and none
other than a cool first person view!
Almost like a game.


With this, I hope to see you all in my production of Mirage


Optics: Unraveling Reality, I'm sure it'll be able to wake

you up.

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