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Организационный момент

Hello, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Today we will have very funny
competition «Funny English! ». Let’s greet each team. The team “
Good afternoon boys and girls! I`m glad to see you at our unusual
lesson. As you see today we`ve got a lot of guests at our lesson. Be
more active today and don`t worry please and try to do your best. OK?
The first team is the fist row, and the second team is the second row.
We are going to have a trip round the English language today. We `ll
have a lot of fun, so the name of our unusual lesson is “Funny English.
We`ll visit a lot of interesting stations, look at the screen and do
amounts of funny tasks, we revise the material of previous lessons and
have a rest. The first team is the fist row, and the second team is the second row.
Today we shall have a competition between two teams. The first team
is on the left, and the second team is on the right. Each team has its
name, motto and captain. You should do the tasks correctly and for
each correct answer I`ll give you a score. And at the end of the lesson
we`ll know who`s the winner.
So, let`s start! Are you ready? OK! Ready, steady, go!
Your home task was to create the name, the motto and the emblem of
your team. I will ask your leaders to introduce your team.
Team1: Who is captain in your team? Present us your team. (The
name of our team is: Friends. Our motto is: We are the best. And this is
our emblem.
Team2: Who is captain in your team? Present us your team. (The
name of our team is: Winners. Our motto is: Use or lose. And this is our


1. Does Queen Elisabeth II live in England?

2. What is her favourite animal?
3. How many grandchildren has she got?
4. Does she love her family?

1. РАЗМИНКА Станция 1. “Funny questions” («Забавные вопросы»)

Our train is going to have a trip and the first station is “Funny
Задание № 7. Answer the questions.
Дети вытягивают по одному вопросу и отвечают.

So, let’s check your answers

Загадки на английском:
Q: What are two things people never eat before breakfast?
A: Lunch and supper.

Q: What can't be used until it's broken?

A: An egg.
Q: What has two heads, four eyes, six legs and a tail?
A: A horse and its rider
Q: What begins with T ends with T and has T in it?
A: A teapot.
Q: Which room has no doors, no windows?
A: A mushroom.
Q: What flowers have two lips?
A: Tulips.

What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

Ответ: stamp (почтовая марка)

What is at the end of a rainbow?

Что находится в конце радуги?
Ответ: w (буква w)

1. What has two arms and four legs? (an armchair - кресло)
2. What runs but never walks? (a river - река)

What interesting facts about Great Britain do you remember? Say if the following are True or
1. London is the capital of England.
2. London stands on the River Seine.
3. Great Britain is a big island.
4. Double deckers are yellow in London.
Team 2
5. Queen Elisabeth II lives in Buckingham Palace.
6. Where is the UK situated?
7. What is the national anthem of the UK?
8. Who is the head of the UK?
Do you know that…

 The Queen has two birthdays. One is on April 21, her real birthday. They also celebrate
her second birthday on the second Saturday in June. It is the day when she became
 The Queen loves dogs. Her favourite dogs are Corgis. Sadly, her last corgi died in 2018.
She still has Vulcan and Candy.
 The Queen has eight grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. She loves them all
 The Queen loves horses and she is good at riding. She also loves football – she is an
Arsenal supporter.
 She owns an elephant, two giant turtles, and a jaguar. These are presents from other
countries. All these animals live in London Zoo.

Станция 3. “Lazy sentences” («Ленивые предложения»)

Let us do one more task. Now I will give you cards with 5 sentences.
But be careful! The words in the cards are mixed. You have to correct
the mistakes. Start doing the task right now. You are given 2 minutes.
(Нужно записать предложения, расставляя слова в правильном порядке).
Team 1:
1) Cooking, is, she, now
2) Football, Peter, is, at the moment, playing
3) My, is, mother, TV, watching
4) Alice, homework, doing, is, her
5) Are, what, doing, you?
Team 2:
6) Dad my the painting house is
7) Writing am I an email my friend to
8) Children the doing are homework
9) John is his car repairing?
10) Computer Mary games playing is not
1. Станция 4. “Let`s sing and dance” («Давайте петь и танцевать»)
“If you`re happy and you know it”
Станция 6. “Merry poems” («Веселые стихи») Out next station is
“Merry poems”. Do you know English poems? We are going to listen to
you. Come here those who want to recite the poem. (Дети рассказывают
Pussy – cat, Pussy- cat,
Where have you been?
I’ve been to London
To look at the Queen.
Pussy – cat, Pussy- cat,
What did you do there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair.

Hector – Protector
Hector – Protector was dressed all in
Hector – Protector was sent to the Queen
The Queen didn’t like him,
No more did the King
So Hector – Protector was sent back again.
Task for captains. Конкурс капитанов.
-Now our captains will have the special task. They must fill in the gaps with forms of the
verbs. (Капитаны команд заполняют таблицу пропущенными формами глаголов).
14. Конкурс 12. Understand me Seasons and weather
Учаcтникам команд вручают карточки с описанием погоды .Одна команда
рассказывает о погоде используя пантомиму. Вторая команда комментирует увиденное
на английском языке. За каждый правильное предложение 5 очков . За каждое
неправильное минус 2 очка.

(Подсчитываются очки команд, объявляются победители).

-Thank you for your work. You all were active and clever today.
-Do you like our competition?
-You`ve got special cards of the mood on your table, show me your
( Учащиеся показывают карточку с настроением)
-Sometimes you say “Hello!”,
Because the bell has gone,
And every day you say
“Good day, good day, good day”.
It’s time to say “Good-bye”,
Good-bye, my children, bye.
It’s a clock in the tower and it’s a big bell. You can hear it every hour. (Big Ben.)
1. You can see it from the river Thames. It is very old and has a long history. In different times it
was used as a fortress, a prison and a palace, but now it is a museum. It is not just one building.
It has several towers, for example, the White Tower and the Bloody Tower. (The Tower of
2. It is the symbol of England. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens took place there.
Some famous people are also buried there. (Westminster Abbey.)
3. It is a place where the British Government sits. It is situated not far from the Westminster Abbey.
(The Houses of Parliament.)
4. It is a famous bridge across the Thames. (Tower Bridge.)
5. It is the central square of London and it is famous all over the world. (Trafalgar Square.)
6. It is a palace where the Queen lives when she is in London. (Buckingham Palace.)

What does the UK stand for?

Mike: Well, it stands for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is
situated on the British Isles.
Tina: I understand now. England, Scotland and Wales are on the bigger island, which is
called Great Britain. Northern Ireland is on the smaller island.
Mike: You are right. They all have their capitals, languages, and flags. The English call
their national fl ag the Union Jack. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the UK. The
Anthem (song) is God Save the Queen.
Tina: How interesting! Что означает Великобритания?

Майк: Ну, это означает Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной

Ирландии. Он расположен на Британских островах.
Тина: Теперь я понимаю. Англия, Шотландия и Уэльс находятся на большом
острове, который называется Великобритания. Северная Ирландия находится на
меньшем острове.
Майк: Ты прав. У всех есть свои столицы, языки и флаги. Англичане называют
свой национальный флаг "Юнион Джек". Королева Елизавета II является главой
Великобритании. Гимн (песня) - "Боже, храни королеву".
Тина: Как интересно! А Лондон-столица Англии и Великобритании.

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