Typologies of Learners With Special Needs

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Prior Knowledge Present Knowledge Gained Knowledge

A. Learners with Intellectual


 Cerebral Palsy
This is a disorder that affect a
person’s ability to move,
muscle tone, and maintain
balance and posture. Cerebral
is a disorder related to the
brain while palsy refers to the
weakness or a muscle

 Trisomy 21
A genetic condition caused by
an extra chromosome which
commonly known Down
Syndrome. It includes certain
birth defects learning
problems, and facial problems

F. Learners with Chronic


 Asthma
A long-term disease of the
lungs. Mostly learners who
have asthma is exempted in
school activities that requires
lots of moving like running.

 2. Diabetes
A disease in which the body’s
ability to produce or respond
to the hormone insulin is
impaired, resulting in
abnormal metabolism of
carbohydrates and elevated
levels of glucose in the blood
and urine. Learners with
diabetes need to go to the
school nurse and monitor
blood sugar levels several
times a day.

 3. Epilepsy Students

Epilepsy have a wide range of

learning abilities. Epilepsy
does not necessarily hinder
learning and skill
development but many with
the condition do experience
learning issues which may
include motor skills or
cognitive functions, as well as
a difficulty acquiring new
skills or knowledge.

 4. Allergies
Allergies are your body's
reaction to a normally
harmless substance such as
pollen, molds, animal dander,
latex, certain foods and insect

G. Learners in Difficult

 Living in Remote Places

These are students who are
having difficulty going to
school because of the rocky
terrain, long distance homes
and high and risky places.

 2. Victims of War
These are learners that have a
difficulty of studying due to
the war that is going on in
their area. And they are
limited to partake classes
because of it.

 3. Products of Broken
These are students that are
living independently with a
one side parent or by also a
bad chance living alone.

 4. Street Children/
Children from
Impoverished Family

This are children who has no

chance of education because of
poverty that their parents
cannot provide.

 5. Victims of Abuse

This are children who are

abused from their parents or
guardian because they did not
do well as expected by their

Ira Faith Rondina
Francis Ochea
Jesna Kimverly Ricaborda

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