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B.C.A. (1st Semester) Syllabus, 2021-2022

Course Code: CS3019 Course Title: Introduction to Database Management Systems
Course Theory Credits: 04 Course Practical Credits: 02
Prerequisites: Nil
To introduce the need of database systems, modelling of data and to make use of
SQL for efficient storage and retrieval of data
1 Database Management System [20 %]
1.1. Introduction
1.2. View of Data
1.3. Database Languages: DDL and DML
1.4. Data models: Entity-Relationship (ER), Relational, Object-Oriented and
Semi Structured
1.5. Components of Database System: Storage and Querying
1.6. Database Architecture: Two-tier, Three-tier
1.7. Database Users and Administrator: Functions and Roles
2 Data Modelling [15 %]
2.1. E-R Model and Constraints
2.2. E-R Diagram and Design Issues
2.3. Weak and Strong Entity Set
2.4. Design choices for E-R conceptual diagram
3 Model Conversion [15 %]
3.1. Extended E-R Features : Generalization and Specialization
3.2. Constraints on Specialization
3.3. Relational Model Concepts: Domain, Tuples, Attributes, Relations
3.4. Keys: Super, Candidate and Primary
3.5. Conversion of E-R to Relational Model
3.6. Model creation and conversion tool : Usage
4 Schema based operations [15 %]
4.1. Datatypes of attributes
4.2. Schema-based operations: Table Creation, Table Structure modifications
and removal
4.3. Domain Constraints
4.4. Referential Integrity Constraints
5 Data Retrieval [15 %]
5.1. Data manipulation: UPDATE
5.2. Viewing the data: SELECT
5.3. Operators: IN, BETWEEN, LIKE, Relational, Arithmetic and Logical
5.4. Numeric, String and Date functions
5.5. Aggregate Functions: MIN (), MAX (), AVG (), SUM (), COUNT ()
6 Multiple Relations based Data Processing [20 %]
6.1. Summarizing and Grouping the data
6.2. Join: Inner, Outer and Self
6.3. Effect of NULL on Aggregate functions and Join
6.3. Sub-queries
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Differentiate between database approach and conventional file processing system.
CO2: Describe the concept of database, its architecture, components and users.
CO3: Design an entity-relationship model based on user requirements.
CO4: Use ERDPlus to design an entity-relationship diagram.
CO5: Convert an E-R model to Relational model.
CO6: Use data definition and manipulation statements over one or more tables using SQL to
store, manipulate and retrieve the data.
Course objectives and Course Outcomes Mapping:
❖ To introduce the need of database systems : CO1, CO2
❖ To model the data: CO3, CO4, CO5
❖ To make use of SQL for efficient data storage and retrieval: CO6
Course Units and Course Outcomes Mapping
Unit Course Outcomes
1 Database Management System ✓ ✓
2 Data Modeling ✓ ✓
3 Model Conversion ✓ ✓
4 Schema based operations ✓
5 Data Retrieval ✓
Multiple Relations based Data ✓
Computing Environment:
A student must have the following computing environment in laboratory and or on his/her
❖ MySQL 5.0 or above
❖ PostgreSQL 9.5 or above
Both the DBMS must be used to demonstrate the topics of unit 4, 5 and 6.
❖ ERDPlus

The following activities shall be carried out by the students.

❖ Comparison between PostgreSQL and MySQL with respect to constraints on table.
❖ Compare Creately with ERDPlus on the basis of E-R diagram creation functionality.
The following activities shall be carried out by the teacher.
❖ Show and discuss the video from Learning Resource Pool.
❖ Demonstrate the effect of NULL on aggregate functions.
The course content shall be delivered by following pattern, wherein teacher shall spare
25% hour for demonstration/hands-on regarding supported tool and technology. Rest 75%
hours shall be exclusively meant for imparting conceptual knowledge.
Text Books:
1. Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education.
2. Ivan Bayross, MySQL 5 for Professionals, SPD.
Reference Books:
1. Korth, Database System Concepts, Tata McGraw Hills.
2. MySQL Reference Manual -
3. Singh, Database Systems: Concepts, Design and Applications, Pearson Education.

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