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Stage 2 – Get some experience and keep a record of it

1. Role-play creating a new product, expanding a new service area or creating a process or
enhancing an existing one in a company. This activity aims to create some experience
around, rehearse a real job situation and develop the set of skills included in the program
so you can talk about them in a competency-based interview. It is the teacher’s
responsibility to provide the opportunity for the students to develop the particular
communicative skills learned throughout the course by considering these points:
a. Define the time to work on it.
b. Include a challenge or conflict element.
c. Assign balanced roles.
d. Define goals and expectations for each role.
e. Assign specific responsibilities.
f. Enforce rules about tolerance and cooperation or any other you consider necessary for
the interaction.

Note: your participation in this task can be specifically related to the degree you are studying or
your technical experience and knowledge on the topic.

2. Hold meetings with your partners to discuss the progress of the task assigned. Practice the
communicative skills learned during the course, following the scope and sequence of the
a. Keep a planning sheet for the development of the product, service or process you need
to create. You can use the statements below as guidelines.
- This week my goals are…
- This week I will work on the following products:
- This week I will carry out the following research:
- This week I will hold the following meetings with my team:

3. Being aware of your actions and behaviors behind the mistakes, achievements and
significant moments occurred while performing the task, will help you identify patterns on
the things you did well and the things you need to work on.
a. Keep a work diary to write down the experiences you have each day; you can use either
a paper notebook or apps Penzu or Day One. You can use the statements below as

- This week I accomplished…

- This week I learned…
- At the end of this task I learned…

4. Write your learning conclusions of this experience once you finish the task. You can make
a list of action verbs to define them (e.g. achieved, conducted, constructed, established,
improved, launched, minimized, prevented, oversaw, reorganized, etc.).

5. Give a business presentation regarding the final outcome of the task.

Business presentation

Communicative skills evaluation

Oral production – Give a business presentation

Written production – Describe and respond to problems in some detail by email

Reading comprehension – Understand low-complexity processes

Listening comprehension – Understand discussions about innovations and new ideas

Professional skills evaluation

Social skills – Respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values

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