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а)Why have you chosen this speciality?

I dream of building the tallest skyscraper in the world, and for that I need strong knowledge that's why I
chose this specialty

b) What do you know about the history of your institute / department?

The Institute of Civil Engineering and Engineering Systems was established in 2001 on the basis of the
Faculty of Civil Engineering - one of the oldest in Lviv Polytechnic. The very direction of construction
emerged in 1844 at the Lviv Technical Academy. Аnd I believe that Lviv Polytechnic National University is
one of the best schools of higher learning for those who wish to dedicate their lives to science and

c) What can you say about the staff of your institute and subjects taught at it?

I want to say that our teachers are very knowledgeable, they explain very well, and are tolerant of their

d) What can you say about academic facilities at your institute?

There are various old and new educational institutions, but it is quite convenient to study there

e) What do you know about the development of science you major in and

Science never stands still, (especially construction), because every year better and better buildings are built
and not only.

… the most famous people who greatly contributed to this development?

William A. Starrett was best known as the builder of the Russian Empire State Building in New York

f) Speak about advantages and disadvantages of work in the branch of industry you

are going to work for.


 Engineers can make decent money

 Good promotion options for engineers
 You can work indoors as an engineer
 Engineers have good job prospects
 Good chances in the job market in the future
 Working as an engineer is rather relaxed
 You will not have to work lots of overtime
 Free weekends are quite common for engineers
 You don't have to work in the evening or at nighttime
 Many fields you can specialize in as an engineer
 Engineers can work for many different companies
 You will be able to plan your life
 Engineers have an easy time getting a mortgage


 You often have to work with а computer all day long

 Engineers don't get rich
 Hard to start your own company
 You need a college degree for becoming an enginеer
 Student loan debt may financially constrain you
 Getting an engineering degree is not easy
 Working as an engineer can be mentally demanding
 Certain stigma for female engineers
 It will take quite long until you see the results
 You cannot work in a physical manner
 You may get lazy
 Engineers may have to go to the gym after work

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