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CRM-7082 Statistics for Natural Resources Management

CRM 2018/2019 batch

Assignment 6 (Paired samples t-test)

Date: 12.05.2023 Due date of submission: 19.05.2023

1. The concentration of mercury in the tissues of 30 fish (subjects) was measured before and after a
known pollution event. The Hg concentrations in an individual fish before and after the pollution
event are given in the table below.

Individual fish Hg before Hg after

1 2 20
2 1 21
3 2 23
4 3 19
5 4 23
6 2 28
7 5 28
8 6 39
9 7 27
10 2 26
11 3 23
12 4 21
13 4 26
14 5 30
15 1 27
16 2 31
17 4 28
18 5 26
19 7 25
20 8 21
21 1 19
22 2 18
23 3 23
24 5 22
25 1 20
26 2 21
27 6 27
28 3 30
29 2 23
30 7 24

i. Write the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.
ii. Perform the paired t-test.
iii. Explain the statistical decision based on paired t-test.

2. Suppose a 20 students were given a test before studying a particular module and then again after
completing the module. We want to find out if, in general, our teaching leads to improvements in
students’ knowledge/skills (i.e. test scores). Results of the sample of students are given below.
Student Pre-module score Post-module score
1 18 22
2 21 25
3 16 17
4 22 24
5 19 16
6 24 29
7 17 20
8 21 23
9 23 19
10 18 20
11 14 15
12 16 15
13 16 18
14 19 26
15 18 18
16 20 24
17 12 18
18 22 25
19 15 19
20 17 16

i. Write the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.

ii. Perform the paired t-test.
iii. Draw conclusions about the impact of this module based on paired t-test.

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