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A Thesis
Presented to the Civil Engineering Department
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges
General Santos City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree



December 2022


All gratefulness belongs to Almighty God for without His graces and blessings,

this study would not have been possible.

Immediate appreciation and deepest gratitude for the help and support are

extended to these people who, in one way or another, have contributed in making this

study possible.

Engr. Elesio F. Camiller III, MEng, research head, who exerts his best and pours

his patience in guiding us all throughout the endeavor.

Engr. Fernamel Chris N. Vergara, research adviser, for his support, words of

encouragement, valuable comments, substantial suggestions as we tried to complete and

achieve the success of this study.

Our parents, Siga and Nicolas family, for their tender love, care, and unending

support in terms of financial, emotional, and physical support. This journey will not be

possible, especially since the Nicolas family, who provided the shelter and offered their

space for the conduct of the experiment.

Researchers, Ham Sobrecarey Siga and Mary Maxinne Alarcon Nicolas, for

surviving the bumpy road. The success of this study also belongs to us, who did not quit

but instead rose above every circumstance.

God bless you all.




There have been a production of 400 million tons of plastic every year and only

15% is recycled. Since the Philippines is one of the biggest contributors of plastic wastes,

this study focused on high-density thermoplastic wastes as partial replacement to

aggregate in concrete hollow blocks.

An experimental procedure was conducted to produce at least 75 samples.

Universal Testing Machine (UTM) was also utilized as the research instrument to obtain

the average compressive strength of samples with different design mix and High-Density

Polyethylene (HDPE) content. The statistical tool of this study is two-way Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA). This study concluded that there is no significant difference in the

average compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks with pure aggregate and concrete

hollow blocks with HDPE as partial aggregate replacement.

Keywords: High-Density Polyethylene Thermoplastic Waste, Aggregate, Universal

Testing Machine, Two-way ANOVA, Concrete Hollow Blocks, Partial Replacement



TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................................... i

CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ....................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT.................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii


Introduction ..........................................................................1
Statement of the Problem .....................................................3
Significance of the Study .....................................................4
Scope and Delimitation ........................................................6
Definition of Terms..............................................................7


Conceptual Framework ........................................................8
Theoretical Framework ......................................................10
Related Literature and Studies ...........................................11
Synthesis ............................................................................26


Research Design.................................................................28
Research Design Matrix.....................................................30
Locale of the Study ............................................................31
Research Procedure............................................................32
Data Gathering Procedure ..................................................32
Mix Proportion and Production of Concrete Hollow Block
Statistical Treatment .........................................................35


Result of Pure Concrete Hollow Blocks ............................39
Result of Concrete Hollow Blocks with HDPE in Different
Design Mix.........................................................................41
Analysis of Variance ..........................................................43
Comparative Summary .....................................................44
Level of Acceptability........................................................48


Summary of Findings.........................................................50

Conclusions ........................................................................52
Recommendations ..............................................................53

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................54

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................61
Appendix A. Letter of Request to the Laboratory In-Charge of Ramon Magsaysay
Memorial Colleges of General Santos City ...........................................................61
Appendix B. Universal Testing Machine Request Form ......................................62
Appendix C. Design Mixtures of Samples for HDPE Replacement .....................63
Appendix D. Documentation of Research Procedure ............................................64
Appendix E. Compressive Test of Pure Concrete Hollow Blocks ........................69
Appendix F. Compressive Test of 2% Shredded HDPE Thermoplastic Waste ....74
Appendix G. Compressive Test of 4% Shredded HDPE Thermoplastic Waste ....79
Appendix H. Compressive Test of 6% Shredded HDPE Thermoplastic Waste ....84
Appendix I. Compressive Test of 8% Shredded HDPE Thermoplastic Waste .....89
Appendix J. ANOVA: Two- Factor with Replication ...........................................94
Appendix K. Graphs ..............................................................................................95

CERTIFICATE OF GRAMMARIAN ..............................................................................97

CURRICULUM VITAE ...................................................................................................98




1 Conceptual Framework………......………………………...………… 9

2 Research Design……….........……………………………...……….…29



1 Design Mixtures of Samples for HDPE Replacement…………...…....34

2 Average Compressive Strength Results for Concrete Hollow Blocks

with 100% Aggregate……………………….……………...…………39

3 Average Compressive Strength Results for 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% High-

Density Polyethylene Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Aggregate
Replacement in CHB ………………………...…………...……….…..41

4 Average Compressive Strength of Concrete Hollow Blocks ……..…..45

5 ANOVA Result for Pure Aggregate and HDPE as Partial Replacement

of Aggregate…………………………….……………...……….……..47
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 1




Plastic waste is one of the commodities that contribute to the largest amount of

polluting waste. Based on the United Nations (UN) Environment Programme, people

produced about 400 million tonnes of plastic waste every year. This is inseparable from

the nature of the plastic because it is practically used and relatively cheap in production.

Most of these are types of disposable plastic. For example, the use of HDPE plastics as

product packaging. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is a thermoplastic polymer made

from petroleum. As one of the most versatile plastic materials around, HDPE plastic is

used in a wide variety of applications, including plastic bottles, milk jugs, shampoo

bottles, bleach bottles, cutting boards, and piping.

Meanwhile, quoted from the World Economic Forum, 12 million tons of plastic,

mostly single-use, enter into the sea from land annually. The Philippines is third among

the countries with the highest plastic waste inputs into the ocean (Jambec et al., 2015)

although the country has yet to establish what type of plastics are most abundant in

plastic waste litter, since local plastic pollution studies including marine litter reporting

are limited (Abreo, 2018; Schneider et al., 2018). Plastic production is expected to

increase by 40% in the next decade, making it nearly impossible for waste management

and recycling schemes to cope with it.

On the other hand, concrete is the most widely used material next to water.

Aggregate occupies approximately 65–80% of the concrete volume and it has a great
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 2

influence on the concrete properties such as, strength, permeability, volume stability,

workability and durability.

On the contrary, Naik (2008) argued that despite being the world’s most used

construction material, the sustainability of concrete is a major concern confronting the

global construction industry. The exploitation of aggregates for construction results in

negative consequences such as noise pollution, air pollution and the destruction of the

habitats of flora and fauna, damages to landscape, loss of land, reduction in water quality

and displacement of inhabitants (Omosanya & Ajibade, 2011).

Moreover, to mitigate the negative impacts in the abovementioned, the use of

waste materials in preparing concrete can eliminate large quantities of waste materials.

The benefits of this recycling can be economically advantageous, due lower costs of

removing the waste and the reduction of pollution and contamination (Dhir Newlands

Csetenyi, 2003). This approach can address environmental concerns related to aggregate

mining and waste disposal and solve problems involving the lack of aggregates in

construction sites.

Pešić, et al., (2016) explored the mechanical and serviceability properties of

concrete reinforced with HDPE fibers and also explored any subsequent advantages.

Hence, in this experimental paper, HDPE plastic waste will be used in the shredded form

with a length of 5 mm, a width of 4 mm, and a maximum thickness of 2 mm. In its

utilization, it is expected that the substitution of shredded plastic waste to fine aggregate

in the concrete mixture can have a good effect on the compressive strength of concrete.
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 3

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the acceptability of Concrete Hollow Blocks

(CHB) with HDPE thermoplastic as partial replacement of fine aggregate.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the compressive strength of pure concrete hollow blocks with the

following design mix:

1.1 1:5 Cement-sand Ratio;

1.2 1:6 Cement-sand Ratio;

1.3 1:7 Cement-sand Ratio;

1.4 1:8 Cement-sand Ratio; and

1.5 1:9 Cement-sand Ratio?

2. What was the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks with HDPE partial

substitution in aggregates at 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% weight, with the following

design mix:

2.1 1:5 Cement-sand Ratio;

2.2 1:6 Cement-sand Ratio;

2.3 1:7 Cement-sand Ratio;

2.4 1:8 Cement-sand Ratio; and

2.5 1:9 Cement-sand Ratio?

3. Was there a significant difference in the compressive strengths of pure concrete

hollow blocks with their design mixtures and HDPE as a partial substitution for

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 4

4. What was the level of acceptability of HDPE thermoplastics as a partial

substitution for aggregate in concrete hollow blocks?

Hypotheses of the Problem

Sub-problem number 1 and 2 are hypothesis-free. However, sub-problem number

3 has the following hypotheses:

Ho : There is no significant difference in the average compressive strengths of


concrete hollow blocks with pure aggregate and concrete hollow blocks with 2%,

4%, 6%, and 8% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement.

Ha : There is a significant difference in the average compressive strengths of


concrete hollow blocks with pure aggregate and concrete hollow blocks with 2%,

4%, 6%, and 8% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement.

Significance of the Study

The outcome and recommendations of this study on "High-Density Polyethylene

Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in Concrete Hollow Blocks"

aimed to help the following:

To the Contractors of Horizontal Projects. The findings of this study will

hopefully help the contractors of different construction firms, especially those companies

based in General Santos City, gain knowledge as to how shredded plastic can be a

substitute for fine aggregate. The findings of the study will also provide them with ideas

on how they can utilize plastic waste and make it beneficial for them.

To the Materials Engineers. The findings of this study will provide information to

the site engineers, material engineers, or the engineers as a whole to better understand the

characteristics of plastics and how it could possibly replace some of the proportion in the
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 5

mixture of concrete. The findings of this study will also help them compare the

compressive strength of the concrete hollow block with shredded plastic as aggregate to

that of conventional hollow blocks.

To the Producer of CHB in General Santos City. The outcome of this study will

raise awareness among the producers of CHB, especially those whose target market is in

General Santos City, with regard to the new approach of producing concrete hollow

blocks that have an environmental good effect.

To the Waste Management Office (WMO) of General Santos City. This initiative

will expand WMO's awareness of the need of transforming massive quantities of waste

materials, particularly HDPE thermoplastic, into both economic and environmental


To the Academic Institution of Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges BSCE

Program’s Instructors and Staffs. This research will help them better understand how

shredded plastic can become a substitute for aggregate and produce concrete hollow

blocks and how it could help both the country’s environment and economy. This study

will also motivate them to research more about plastics and the possible usage of it in


To the future Civil Engineering and STEM student Researchers. This study’s

findings will help them realize how shredded plastic can be a substitute for aggregate in

producing concrete hollow blocks, which will lead to more data gathering and study


To the Students of Civil Engineering program in different Colleges and

Universities. This study will allow students, especially the engineering students of
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 6

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges of General Santos City, to comprehend the

characteristics of plastic and give them further information as to how it can affect the

compressive strength and the mass of concrete.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of the study, “High-Density Polyethylene Thermoplastic Waste as

Partial Replacement to Aggregate in Concrete Hollow Blocks", was to obtain the

compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks with pure aggregate and concrete hollow

blocks with HDPE thermoplastic wastes. This study was limited to utilizing waste HDPE

thermoplastics as fine aggregates and how it gives significance difference in the

compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks only. Since plastics are very diverse and

have different types, the findings of this study cannot be generalized. The HDPE

thermoplastic, which served as the model for this study, does not represent all types of

plastic in general.

With respect to the volume of fine aggregate in the mixture of cement, some

volume, with a design mix of 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8, 1:9 were substituted with an amount of

0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% of shredded HDPE thermoplastic. This determined whether the

weight of HDPE thermoplastic added as a substitute to fine aggregate have a significant

difference in the compressive strength of the CHB.

To determine the compressive strength difference between conventional CHB (4”

non load bearing) and CHB with shredded HDPE thermoplastic aggregate, a compressive

test was done with the help of a universal testing machine. The specimen will be

subjected to seven days of curing.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 7

Definition of Terms

The researchers conceptually and operationally defined these terms to better grasp

the concepts that the researchers used throughout the study.

Fine Aggregate. Conceptually referred to any natural sand particles won from the

land through the mining process. Fine aggregates consist of natural sand or any crushed

stone particles that are ¼” or smaller. This product is often referred to as 1/4’” minus as it

refers to the size, or grading, of this particular aggregate. These guidelines are set by the

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Operationally referred to the

shredded HDPE thermoplastic waste with a length of 5 mm, a width of 4 mm, and a

maximum thickness of 2 mm.

High-Density Polyethylene Thermoplastic. Conceptually, this plastic is

commonly used in manufacture, known for its strength, durability and lightweight

(Irvine, 2022). Operationally referred to the plastic sample as partial replacement of

aggregate in concrete hollow blocks.

Replacement. Conceptually referred to the act of partially replacing one thing

with another (Vocabulary, n.d.). Operationally referred to the partial replacement of

shredded HDPE plastic in respect to its weight for aggregate.

Concrete Hollow Block (CHB). Conceptually referred to as a block made of

concrete that has hollow spaces between its walls (Hessam, 2022). Operationally referred

to the samples added with HDPE thermoplastic wastes and which were tested for its

compressive strength.
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 8



This chapter comprised literature and studies that are relevant and valuable to the

current research. This review of related literature included published materials and

online sources relevant to the present study.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for this study displayed in Figure 1 comprehend how

the researchers used waste materials and concrete hollow block components, a logical

framework was provided. It included diagrams and data that illustrate how HDPE is

substituted for sand, in terms of weight, at a certain design mix ratio.

The study is eager to determine if the weight of the shredded HDPE plastic affects

the compressive strength of the produced CHB. There are four different percentages of

replacement per HDPE plastic and each percentage has three concrete hollow blocks

samples. The mixture will be molded in rectangular hollow molds and will be treated for

seven days. The study will use average mean and two-way analysis of variance.
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 9
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 10

Theoretical Framework

Concrete structures expert Orr (2018) from the University of Bath led the study in

partnership with researchers from Goa Engineering College, India. Their results,

published in the journal Construction and Building Materials, showed that replacing sand

with similarly sized and shaped waste plastic particles from ground up plastic bottles

produced concrete that was almost as strong as conventional concrete mixtures.

Some of the authors, like Almeshal (2020), argued plastic wastes such as HDPE

can be used in the concrete production at certain replacement rates. This approach helps

conserve natural resources such as sand. Some studies have also shown that waste

materials can be successfully used in all kinds of existing and future concrete structures,

by replacing cement, sometimes up to 70%. They provided environmentally safe, stable,

and more durable and low-cost construction materials.

On the other hand, according to the United States Bureau of Reclamation’s

Engineering Geology Field Manual, sand is defined as rock particles that pass through a

No. 4 ASTM sieve (4.75 mm) sieve and are retained by a No. 200 (0.75 mm) sieve. Fine

sand passes through a No. 40 (425-µm) sieve and is retained by a No. 200 (0.075 mm or

75-µm) sieve. Medium sand passes through a No. 10 (2.00 mm) sieve and is retained by a

No. 40 (425-µm) sieve. Weight of sand per m3: - average density of sand is 1620 kg per

m3 (Gere, Mechanics of Material, SE 2001).

On the contrary, The UN estimates that 4.1 billion tons of cement is produced

every year, driven primarily by China, which constitutes 58% of today’s sand-fueled

construction boom. The global use of sand and gravels has been found to be 10 times

higher than that of cement. This means that, for construction alone, the world consumes
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 11

roughly 40 to 50 billion tons of sand on an annual basis. That’s enough to build a wall 27

meters high by 27 meters wide that wraps around the planet every year.

Environmentalists and governments are paying close attention to the pollution and

health risks, particularly those connected to the concrete, cement, and clay-brick sectors,

as environmental consciousness at all societal levels grows. In particular, Kenya-based

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) released a new report with

recommendations for avoiding a sand-shortage crisis. This summary follows a 2019

UNEP awareness report in which the organization says the sand crisis has been


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Concrete Hollow Blocks Specification

Concrete blocks are frequently built using 1:3:6 concrete with aggregates no

larger than 10 mm in size or a cement-sand mixture in the ratios of 1:7, 1:8, or 1. These

combinations, when properly cured, provide concrete blocks a compressive strength far

more than what is necessary for a one-story construction. These building blocks can be

solid, cellular, or hollow. While the voids in hollow blocks pass through, those in cellular

blocks have one end that is closed. Occasionally, lightweight aggregate like broken

pumice stone is used (Bengtsson, 2018).

All masonry units were conforming to the requirements specified in Section 702

of National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP, 2016) in which Concrete Masonry

Units shall meet and conform to the following American Society for Testing and

Materials (ASTM) standards and requirements: 1) ASTM C55-11, Concrete Building

Brick. 2) ASTM C 90-85, Hollow & Solid Load-Bearing Concrete. 3) ASTM C 129,
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 12

Non-Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units. 4) ASTM C 140, Sampling and Testing

Concrete Masonry Units and, 5) ASTM C 426, Standard Test Method for Drying

Shrinkage of Concrete (National Structural Code of the Philippines, 2016).

The American Society of Testing and Materials C126-71 defines Concrete

Hollow Blocks (CHB) as a unit consisting of cement, water, and suitable mineral

aggregate with a core area of 40% to 50% of gross area that offers air space in the

concrete hollow block walls (ASTM 90 and Philippine National Standard). Concrete

hollow blocks can be divided into load-bearing and non-load-bearing categories. Load

Bearing CHBs are those that can handle superimposed loads, dead loads, and living

loads, whereas Non-Load Bearing CHBs can be utilized to construct interior walls above

grade. Concrete Hollow Blocks can also be split into three weight categories: regular

weight, lightweight, and heavyweight. ASTM 90 requires 500 psi as the minimal

compressive strength for non-load bearing materials. Furthermore, each unit of concrete

hollow blocks has a 300 psi non-load bearing capacity, as per Philippine National


The height of the blocks should not be greater than either its length or six times its

breadth in order to prevent misunderstanding with slabs and panels. Solid concrete blocks

are made from aggregate, cement and sand. They are used in the load-bearing walls as

well as the non-load bearing walls. They are the standard sized rectangular hollow blocks

made of cast concrete of high or low density. For high-density blocks, cement and

aggregate, usually sand and fine gravel are used as a raw material. For low density

blocks, industrial wastes, such as fly ash or bottom ash are used as the primary raw
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 13

materials and are often called cinder blocks /breeze blocks in different parts of the world

(Patel, 2020).

There are two types of concrete hollow blocks: load bearing and non-load

bearing. Blocks that are utilized to carry a load, the load bearing blocks whose thickness

is between 15 and 20 cm. Non-bearing blocks, on the other hand, are those with a

thickness between 7 and 10 cm that are used to support walls, partitions, fences, dividers,

and the like in addition to their own weight. Three void cells and two half cells are

present at each end of the typical hollow block. These hollow cells come in a variety of

sizes since different producers use various molds (Fajardo, 2021).

The determination of suitable amounts of raw materials needed to produce

concrete of desired quality under given conditions of mixing, placing and curing is

known as proportioning. As per Indian Standard specifications, the combined aggregate

content in the concrete mix used for making hollow blocks should not be more than 6

parts to 1 part by volume of cement. If this ratio is taken in terms of weight basis this may

average approximately at 1:7 (cement: aggregate).

In support, the Humanitarian Supporting Group (2014) also stated that for CHBs:

Mix Proportion 1:7, as per structural engineer’s specification. Non-load bearing walls are

4” CHBs.

Concrete blocks are available in modular sizes, which vary by nation. In

comparison to units used for bonding, like a half-block, concrete blocks are rectangular

concrete masonry units that can either be solid or hollow (open or closed cavity).

However, they will be manageable because of their size and mass.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 14

The Concrete Hollow Blocks should be covered with a plastic sheet or tarpaulin

and kept moist and shaded for at least 7 days after being taken out of the mold in order to

properly cure. It is possible to accomplish this by continuously misting them with water

or by keeping them submerged in tanks. An effective curing procedure produces concrete

that is stronger, harder, denser, and more durable with fewer cracking (Department of

Public Works and Highways, 2016).

Weight or volume can also be used to determine the proportion. The most typical

approach is by volume (for example, using a bucket). For CHBs, mix in a ratio of 1:7, as

specified by the structural engineer. It must utilize tap water and must not exceed 28 liters

per 40 kilos of cement per bag, and shall not exceed 10 cm in the ASTM C-143 slump

test (Humanitarian Working Shelter Group, 2014).

The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has prescribed

Department Order no. 230, Series of 2016 with Subject: DPWH Standard Specification

for Item 1046 – Masonry Works which provides effective standard specification in the

implementation of various infrastructure projects and view of the need for setting a

standard specification for masonry works using Concrete Hollow Blocks. The planning

Engineer can revise and indicate said strength on the General Notes of Construction Plans

using 500 psi for Load Bearing Concrete Hollow Blocks and 300 psi for Non-Load

Bearing Concrete Hollow Blocks.

In the study by Singh et al. (2015), the effect of water/cement (w/c) ratio on the

mechanical properties such as compressive strength and split tensile strength of cement

mortar cylinders and cubes was investigated experimentally for 28 days curing period as

per IS standard. Based upon the experimental results, empirical equations have been
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 15

developed to predict the strength of cement mortar mixes with various w/c ratios. It is

observed that Abrams’ law is applicable for the cement mortar also. The cement mortar

contains varying proportions of cement and river sand such as 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8

with different w/c ratios. An empirical equation has been developed between split tensile

strength and compressive strength of cement mortar. Results show that compressive

strength and split tensile strength of cement mortar decreased with an increase in the w/c

ratio. It is observed that the minimum w/c ratio required to make the cement mortar

workable is 0.5.

Different ratios of sand and cement give the different values of compressive

strength. DPWH have standard specifications on CHB but the Planning Engineer can

revise and indicate said strength on the General Notes of Construction Plan using 500 psi

for load bearing CHB and 300 psi for non-load bearing CHB. Design Mixtures used in

the study are 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8, 1:9 and 1:10 for both load and non-load bearing CHB.

On the basis of results obtained, only the design mixtures of 1:4, 1:5, 1:6 and 1:7 of both

load and non-load bearing CHBs have met the required standards. With results of 545.57

psi, 524.92 psi, 509.34 psi and 500.73 psi for load bearing. The 328.79 psi, 318.56 psi,

309.75 psi, 300.99 psi for non-load bearing results the 1:4 design mixture obtained the

highest compressive strength for both non-load bearing and load bearing CHB. It

concluded that the compressive strength decreases as the amount of sand increases

(Racadio & Insular, 2017).

The study of Musalamah et. al. (2016) specified that the wall as one of non-

structural parts in a building is usually considered to be light material based. Concrete

block and clay block are still chosen to be one of the most selected materials so that the
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 16

strength can be fulfilled to support the loading even though the self-weight of the wall

cannot be considered light at last. However, concrete hollow blocks have been one of the

solutions to fulfill both strength and weight in Indonesia since many earthquakes have

attacked in recent years. The absence of clear requirements on SNI 03-0349-1989 for

gaining a certain quality of hollow concrete block had created many failures in trials for

reaching the target compressive strength. This paper will do comparative study on the

proportion of hollow concrete blocks in order to help the producer, researcher, and public

to get the target strength easily (Quality I of required compressive strength) based on the

determination of fine aggregate quality and water cement ratio. The proportion of cement

and fine aggregate was selected to be 1:1 to 1:6 and 0.5 for water cement ratio. The result

refers that the proportion or 1:5 (cement to sand) was the minimum proportion to reach

the no. 1 quality compressive strength target of hollow concrete block. Meanwhile, the

absorption can be handled accurately below 25 per cent for the whole comparative

proportion tested until the proportion of 1:6 (cement to sand).

Recycling and Reusing of Plastic Wastes

The problem of waste products is of major concern around the globe. However,

plastic waste is a material which has potential for recycling in various products (Pappu et

al., 2007; Siddique et al., 2008). Worldwide plastic production in 1950 was 1.7 Mt, but

this had jumped to 313 Mt in 2014, which is approximately a 184-fold increase (Statista,

2014). Polyethylene based products form the largest percentage of waste from this, at

about 29% of total waste plastic (DG Environment, 2011). These include low density

polyethylene (LDPE), linear low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and high-density

polyethylene (HDPE). Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polypropylene amount to

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 17

20% and 18% respectively of global plastic waste, and other polymer types represent

about 33% (DG Environment 2011). Plastic wastes are divided into two categories; i.e.,

recyclable and non-recyclable, and only 7% of these wastes are recycled in the UK,

whereas 8% are directly burned and 80% sent to landfill (Siddique et al. 2008; Statista

2014). In fact, the recycling percentage for plastic is very low, due to environmental,

economic and social impacts.

A number of researchers (Al-Manaseer, A.A., and Dalal, T.R., 1997; Gongming

Zhou, et al 2007.; Parviz S. et’al. 1993.; Malek B., et’al., 2006.; Bandodkar, L. R. et al.

2011) have proposed on how to utilize the waste materials produced. Mechanical

recycling methods to make plastic products and feedstock recycling methods that use

plastic as a raw material in the chemical industry have been widely adopted, and

awareness has also grown recently of the importance of thermal recycling as a means of

using plastics as an energy source to conserve petroleum resources. However, one of the

main goals of sustainable solid waste management is to maximize the ability of its

recycling and reusing waste materials. With increasing environmental pressure to reduce

waste pollution, the concrete industry has started adopting a number of methods to

achieve these goals (Sear, 2005).

Rapid industrialization and the development of a throw-away culture has led to

waste handling and disposal problems. Rapid growth is impacting on virgin materials,

which are available only in limited quantities. This pressure on finite resources and

burdensome waste is leading to both economic and societal pressures, driving the need to

recycle waste (Pappu et al. 2007).

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 18

In order to facilitate development of a culture where sustainable use of materials

is synonymous with development, increasing political pressure is brought to bear on

manufacturers through national standards, incentivizing the use of waste and secondary

materials (Pappu et al. 2007; Siddique et al. 2008).

For instance, burning polymers results in toxic gas emissions including CO2, CO,

CH3, HC’s, HCN, CIO2, NO and NO2, which pollute the environment (Junod, 1976).

Furthermore, the cost of products incorporating waste plastic can be more than those

produced from virgin plastic due to the additional cost of recycling. It is worth noting that

the quality of recycled plastic may not be compatible with virgin plastic after passing

through various recycling processes. These further limits opportunities to incorporate

such materials into products. Similarly, contaminated plastic products cannot be recycled

due to their potential hazards and harmful gasses which can have serious implications for

society (Statista 2014).

Additionally, sending waste plastic to landfill or burning it is not an efficient

solution because the evolution of toxic and hazardous gasses can cause serious issues for

surrounding areas. Therefore, there is an urgent need to explore various ways of utilizing

waste plastic products in an efficient and economical manner. One of the options in this

regard is to utilize this plastic waste in the form of aggregates in the production of

concrete. Plastic has been used in concrete shredded or has been mixed with other

materials to form an artificial or synthetic aggregate. It should be noted that aggregates

amount to about 60-70% of the total mass of concrete, and replacing natural aggregates

either partially or fully with waste plastic aggregates will help preserve natural resources.

This argument is emphasized by the fact that global consumption of aggregate is

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 19

expected to exceed 48.3 billion metric tons by 2015 (Fredonia, 2012). Since plastics have

lower density than most natural materials, they can therefore be readily used to form

lightweight aggregates which may replace naturally existing aggregates of similar


The demand of natural sand in the construction industry has increased a lot

resulting in the reduction of sources and an increase in price. Thus, an increased need to

identify a suitable substitute, that is eco-friendly and inexpensive quarry dust being

extensively used as an alternative to the sand in the production of concrete. In this paper

an attempt has been made to determine the properties of hollow concrete blocks produced

by replacing sand by quarry dust. Both partial (i.e.,50%) and complete replacement has

been tried with and without admixtures. Four different proportions have been considered.

In two proportions studies have been made by considering different W/C ratios (Kumar,


From the study of Danigelis (2018), plastic waste is a viable partial replacement

for sand in structural concrete, according to a new study by researchers from the UK and

India. Their findings could help businesses in India dealing with a sand shortage while at

the same time addressing the country’s immense plastic waste problem.

Concrete structures expert Orr (2018) from the University of Bath led the study in

partnership with researchers from Goa Engineering College, India. Their results,

published in the journal Construction and Building Materials, show that replacing sand

with similarly sized and shaped waste plastic particles from ground up plastic bottles

produced concrete that was almost as strong as conventional concrete mixtures.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 20

The researchers calculated that replacing 10% of sand in concrete with the plastic

waste could save 820 million metric tons of sand a year. They tested the approach on

concrete tubes and cylinders using five types of plastic particles in a variety of sizes.

Ground up recycled plastic bottles that were graded to match the sand had the best


Every day, 15,000 tons of plastic gets dumped in the country’s streets due to a

lack of suitable recycling facilities. At the same time, a booming construction sector and

rapidly growing urban population in India are causing demand for sand in India to

skyrocket, according to the researchers. The cost of sand is also rising, to the point where

unregulated extraction from riverbeds is an enormous problem.

Additionally, environmental concerns arising from the over-dredging of sand have

led to restrictions on its extraction across India, with direct economic impacts on concrete

construction. A suitable environmentally friendly alternative to sand must be found to

match the huge demand from the concrete construction industry. At the same time, waste

plastic is rarely recycled in India, with as much as 40% left in landfill. The dumping of

such materials which degrade at extremely low rates meaning they persist in the

environment is a long-term environmental concern.

To tackle both issues, it is proposed to process waste plastic to create a partial

replacement for fine sand in a novel mix for structural concrete. In this paper eleven new

concrete mixes are evaluated to study five plastic material compositions, three groups of

particle sizes, three different aspect ratios, and two chemical treatments and establish an

appropriate choice of material to act as partial replacement for sand.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 21

The results show that replacing 10% sand by volume with recycled plastic is a

viable proposition that has the potential to save 820 million tonnes of sand every year.

Through suitable mix design the structural performance of concrete with plastic waste

can be maintained. This preliminary work was sup-ported through funding from the

British Council under the UKIERI (United Kingdom India Educational Research

Initiative) programme for the project ‘Development of structural concrete with the help of

plastic waste as partial replacement for sand’ (Thorneycroft et al., 2018).

Liguori and Iucolano (2014) used some artificial aggregates based on recycled

plastic materials, mostly polyolefin and polyethylene terephthalate waste. These wastes

were employed as partial replacement of natural aggregates for manufacturing hydraulic

mortars. Recycled plastic substitution enhances the open porosity with an increase in

water vapour permeability. Nevertheless, the presence of plastic aggregate leads to a

significant reduction in thermal conductivity, which improves the thermal insulation

performances of the mortar.

Compressive Strength of Concrete with Plastic as Aggregate

Rahmani et al., (2013) examined the mechanical properties of concrete mixed by

shredded PET waste. In this examination, 5%, 10%, and 15% of the PET mixture were

used respectively to replace the total weight of sand. The positive results indicated that

the replacement of sand by 5% to shredded PET increases the compressive strength by

8.86% and 11.97%. Meanwhile, in the study of N. Nursyamsi et al (2021)., identified that

the average tensile strength of briquette mortar with a mixture of 10% and 20% of

shredded HDPE plastic replacing the fine aggregate could be 9.743 kg / cm2. In addition,
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 22

N. Nursyamsi et al., also noted that a mixture of 20% LDPE shredded plastic can produce

a briquette mortar tensile strength of 9.99 kg / cm2.

Lakshmi and Nagan (2010) investigated the effects of e-plastic waste on the

properties of concrete and found out that a significant decrease in strength occurred when

the plastic content was more than 20%. They recommended that 20% of e-waste

aggregate can be incorporated as replacement of coarse aggregate in concrete without any

long-term detrimental effects.

Praveen et al. (2013) concluded that at a replacement of 20% of conventional

coarse aggregates by recycled plastic, the compressive strength of concrete increased by

about 27.4% compared to the control concrete, while at a temperature of 400oC, the

compressive strengths of normal aggregate concrete and recycled plastics concrete

reduced by 33% and 75% respectively.

Elzafraney et al. (2006) established that the incorporation of recycled plastics into

concrete provides higher levels of energy efficiency and comfort in buildings compared

to concrete without plastics. Rahman et al. (2010) reported that the incorporation of

expanded polystyrene in concrete decreased water absorption while the compressive

strength decreased with increase in polymer content due to the lower strength of

expanded polystyrene. Raghatate (2012) found out that 1% of plastic in concrete caused

20% reduction in compressive strength after 28 days of curing.

Rebeiz (1996) investigated the strength properties of un-reinforced and reinforced

polymer concrete using an unsaturated polyester resin based on recycled polyethylene

terephthalate (PET) plastic waste. The results showed that the resins based on recycled

PET can be used to produce a good quality of precast concrete. However, it was reported
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 23

by Naik et al. (1996) that compressive strength decreased with an increase in the amount

of the plastic in concrete, particularly above 0.5% plastic addition to total weight of the


Sangita et al. (2011) studied the use of plastics in road construction and concluded

that the binding properties of polymer improved the strength of bituminous mixes.

Chavan (2013) reported that the incorporation of plastic waste in bituminous mixes

increased strength and performance and reduced the need for bitumen by about 10%.

However, the use of plastics as aggregate in concrete significantly reduce its

workability and strength properties dependent on the replacement level (Rahman et al.

2012; Yazoghli-Marzouk et al. 2007; Ismail and Hashmi 2008; Saikia and de Brito 2014;

Rahmani et al. 2013; Hannawi et al. 2010; Albano et al. 2009; Saradhi Babu et al. 2005;

Akçaözoğlu et al. 2010; Wong 2010; Batayneh et al. 2007; Al-Manaseer and Dalal 1997).

For example, many researchers (Saikia and de Brito 2014; Rahmani et al. 2013; Albano

et al. 2009; Ismail and Hashmi 2008) found that reductions in workability and 28-day

compressive strength vary from 43% to 95 % and from 9 % to 62 % respectively, as the

percentage replacement of shredded PET plastic with sand increases from 0% to 20%.

Hannawi et al. (2010), together with other researchers (Yazoghli-Marzouk et al. 2007;

and Akçaözoğlu et al. 2010) found that reductions in 28-day compressive and flexural

strength vary from 50 % to 90 % and from 17.9 % to 88 % respectively when increasing

the replacement percentage of PET from 0 % to 100 %. Moreover, the lower replacement

levels of WPET of 5% have caused insignificant reduction in both compression and

splitting tensile strength (Frigione 2010). Other work (Wong 2010; Batayneh et al. 2007;

Al-Manaseer and Dalal 1997) has found that reduction in 28-day compressive strength
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 24

varies from 11 % to 72 % as the percentage replacement of mixed waste plastic with sand

or aggregate increases from 0 % to 50 %. Rahman et al. (2012) and Babu et al. (2005)

demonstrate that reduction in 28-day compressive strength varies from 77 % to 94 %

corresponding to increasing Expanded Polystyrane (EPS) as an aggregate replacement

from 0 % to 95 %. Meanwhile, Panyakapo and Panyakapo (2008) found that 28-day

compressive strength was reduced by 24 % as the replacement percentage of melamine

waste with sand was increased from 0.5 % to 1 %.

In the study “Replacement of Sand with Shredded Plastic in Cement Concrete”

Khandelwal (2016), focused towards the change in various properties of concrete when

partially replacing with shredded plastic. Concrete with 0.5%, 1.0%, 2%, 4% and 6 %

shredded plastic is prepared. Specific gravity, fineness, setting time, sieve analysis,

fineness modulus tests on cement, coarse and fine aggregates are performed in this study.

As per IS 10262-2009 mix design code, mix design is done. Cubes and beams are cast for

M20 grade concrete with and without shredded plastics and tests on concrete are

conducted. The standard mechanical properties of concrete like compressive strength,

flexure and strength are tested and compared with the results of standard specimen.

Higher compressive and flexural strength were observed on 4 % replacement of fine

aggregate with shredded plastic.

Fahad et al. (2015) attempted to produce recycled plastic aggregate (RPA) using

waste plastic and red sand as filler. It was observed that 100% replacement of

conventional lightweight aggregate (LWA) with recycled plastic aggregate (RPA) caused

about 13% reduction in chloride penetration. Compressive strength was reduced;

however, the achieved strength was between 12 and 15 MPa which is useful for non-
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 25

structural elements such as low side building, cementitious backfill, pavements and

others. Saikia and Brito (2013) reported the strength behavior of concrete containing

three types of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) aggregate. The compressive

strength development of concrete containing all types of PET-aggregate behaves like in

conventional concrete, though the incorporation of any type of PET-aggregate

significantly lowers the compressive strength of the resulting concrete. The PET-

aggregate incorporation improves the toughness behavior of the resulting concrete. This

behavior is dependent on PET-aggregate’s shape and is maximized for concrete

containing coarse, flaky PET-aggregate. The splitting tensile and flexural strength

characteristics are proportional to the loss in compressive strength of concrete containing

plastic aggregates.

A thorough analysis of the usage of several types of plastic trash in concrete was

reported by Sharma et Bansal (2016). It was described how waste plastic flakes,

polyethylene terephthalate particles (PET), high density polyethylene waste (HDPE),

PET waste, shredded polyethylene bag fibers, PET bottle fibers, granulated plastic trash,

and PVC pipe could be used. There is no information in the literature regarding the

recycling of waste polyolefin aggregate in concrete.

Overall, the inclusion of plastic aggregate causes a decrease in the performance of

concrete, which is mostly caused by the weak link between the inorganic matrix and

organic particles. Evaluation of the composite concrete's fire behavior is necessary due to

the usage of an organic constituent. In fact, a number of studies have examined how

temperature affects the mechanical strength of concrete based on a number of variables,

including the proportioning of the concrete mix (cement type, water to cement ratio, type
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 26

and amount of aggregates), the type of structures (dimension, shape, homogeneity of

concrete), and the rate of thermal load. The deterioration of the aggregate and binder

matrix as well as spalling are the main causes of the mechanical performance loss.

In earlier studies, the polymeric fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) was

plasticized and densified to create the fine fraction of a plastic waste, which was then

utilized to partially replace silica sand in the production of hydraulic lime mortars. First,

the evaluation of physical, mechanical, and thermal performance. Thermal,

morphological, and FTIR analyses were used to look into the link between recycled

plastic aggregates and lime matrix in order to understand how the plastic aggregate

affected the ultimate performances of the composite mortars. Cone calorimeters have also

been used to determine how each composite mortar reacts to fire. Therefore, as there is

very limited research on waste polyolefin aggregates in literature, an interesting challenge

can be given by this research to extend the strong potential of this kind of plastic waste in

the field of lightweight concrete.


Having trouble managing and disposing of garbage is a result of rapid

modernization and the rise of a throw-away society. Continued advancement is having an

influence on virgin resources, which are hardly accessible. Due to the strain on scarce

resources and the weighty waste stream, recycling garbage is becoming more and more

important on an economic and societal level. It is inefficient to dispose of waste plastic in

landfills or burn it since the release of poisonous and dangerous gas might have harmful

impacts on the environment. Therefore, it is essential to look into other approaches of

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 27

using waste plastic. One of which is utilizing and turning it into construction material,

which would pave the way to a more productive economy and healthy environment.

Plastics, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE), Polyethylene terephthalate

(PET), low density polyethylene (LDPE) and other kinds of plastic, when shredded, can

be possibly good substitute for fine aggregate in the mixture of concrete. Various

literature and studies have shown the mechanics and properties of concrete when mixed

with shredded plastics. After several experiments, it is concluded that plastics, such as

PET, when replaced on some of the weight of aggregate, can change the compressive

strength of concrete. Due to expanded polystyrene's lower strength, expanded polystyrene

in concrete reduced water absorption while increasing the compressive strength caused

the compressive strength to fall.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 28



This chapter presented the research methodology of the study. It comprised

research design, research locale and subjects of the study, instrumentation, data gathering

procedure, and treatment and analysis of data.

Research Design

This study applied experimental research design, in which the researchers were

able to manipulate one independent variable and then apply it to one or more dependent

variables to measure their effect on the latter. Experimental research determined a

relationship between two variables. After completing an experimental research study, a

correlation between a specific aspect of an entity and the variable being studied is either

supported or rejected (Harland, n.d.).

Moreover, this study determined, through experimental research design, to prove

if shredded HDPE plastic as a fine aggregate has significant difference in the

compressive strengths of pure concrete hollow blocks with their design mixtures. There

are four different percentages of replacement per HDPE plastic and each percentage has

three concrete hollow blocks samples. After seven days of curing period of concrete

hollow blocks samples, its compressive strength was evaluated using the Universal

Testing Machine (UTM). The data gathered was subjected for statistical treatment to

analyze the changes in concrete capacity for compression.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 29
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 30

Research Design Matrix

The figure 2 represented the ordered structure of research design and

methodology of the study. The production of testing samples was conducted at the

Malayang Nayon Subdivision Barangay Mabuhay, General Santos City. HDPE plastics

was collected at landfill, commercial buildings, and residential houses in General Santos


After which, the production of concrete hollow blocks (CHB) samples with

shredded HDPE plastic and conventional concrete took place. The samples were

subjected to seven days of curing period. RMMC Universal Testing Machine was utilized

to measure the compressive strength of the samples.

The study used Average Mean and Two-Way ANOVA. The compressive

strengths of different percentages added as substitutes will be calculated with respect to

seven days of curing. The results of testing undergone data analysis. For the data

analysis, the compressive strength of CHB with different percentages of shredded HDPE

plastics were compared to one another and to the conventional concrete with 100%

ordinary cement. The calculation determined whether there is a significant difference in

the different percentages of shredded HDPE plastic as a fine aggregate in terms of

compressive strength.
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 31

Research Locale

The research locale of the study was at Malayang Nayon Subdivision Barangay.

Mabuhay, General Santos City. The city of General Santos located within the

SOCCSKSARGEN region. The researcher will create samples in this area.

Figure 3. Location of Malayang Nayon Subdivision, Barangay Mabuhay, GSC

The testing of rectangular concrete hollow blocks samples were conducted within

the laboratory premises at the Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges (RMMC)

Engineering Laboratory at Pioneer Avenue, General Santos City. (RMMC) is a private

higher educational institution in General Santos City.

Figure 4. Location of Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 32

Research Procedure

There are five steps in conducting this research. The procedures for the

experiments were as follows: (1) Gathering of Materials and Tools; (2) Collection and

Shredding of HDPE Plastics; (3) Production of Concrete Hollow Blocks and Mix

proportion; (4) Molding; and (5) Curing of Concrete Hollow Blocks; (6) Actual Testing

of Concrete Hollow Blocks. The researchers gathered the necessary tools and materials

needed in the experiment. The basic tools were shredder, shovel, pail and concrete hollow

block molder. The main compositions of the samples are cement, shredded HDPE plastic,

water and sand.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered data through an experimental process. Below are the

detailed steps in the conduct of the said experiment:

First Step: The researcher collected HDPE plastics from landfills and various

establishments such as beauty salons and parlors. Collected plastics will be shredded by a

machine which produces a product of 2 mm in thickness.

Second Step: Production of CHB Samples and Mix Proportion.

Third Step: Sample was molded to a four inches mold.

Fourth Step: Researchers will now cure the samples. Curing is the process of

maintaining a satisfactory moisture content, concrete was sprayed with water for 7 days.

Fifth Step: The researchers tested the samples using the compressive test machine

that follows the standard testing of non-load bearing concrete masonry units in ASTM

C129. The testing should be initiated seven days after the curing method.
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 33

Mix Proportions and Production of Concrete Hollow Block Samples

All concrete hollow block samples were considering the mix design ratio of 1:5,

1:6, 1:7, 1:8, 1:9, 1:10 and water binder ratio of 0.5. The mixtures poured on concrete

molders with four inches CHB molder and subjected to a 7-day curing period. Three

samples each for 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% sand replacement.
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 34

Table 1.

Design Mixtures of Samples for HDPE Replacement

Crushed HDPE Crushed HDPE

Design Cement Water Sand
Plastics w/c Plastics
Mix (kg) (kg) (kg)
Replacement (kg)

0% 9.00 0
2% 8.82 0.18
A 1:5 4% 0.5 1.8 0.9 8.64 0.36
6% 8.46 0.54
8% 8.28 0.72

0% 10.80 0
2% 10.58 0.22
B 1:6 4% 0.5 1.8 0.9 10.37 0.43
6% 10.15 0.65
8% 9.94 0.86
0% 12.60 0
2% 12.35 0.25
C 1:7 4% 0.5 1.8 0.9 12.10 0.50
6% 11.84 0.76
8% 11.6 1.00

0% 14.40 0
2% 14.11 0.29
D 1:8 4% 0.5 1.8 0.9 13.82 0.58
6% 13.54 0.86
8% 13.25 1.15

0% 16.20 0
2% 15.88 0.32
E 1:9 4% 0.5 1.8 0.9 15.55 0.65
6% 15.23 0.97
8% 14.90 1.30
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 35

Statistical Treatment

The study identified and analyzed the characteristics or quality of the concrete

hollow block in terms of compressive strength. The compressive strength test data was

subjected to statistical analysis for further evaluation. To find the average compressive

strength, the researcher used average/mean. The mean (average) of a data set is calculated

by summing all of the numbers in the set, then dividing by the total number of values in

the set. This identified the average compressive strength of each variation by partial

cement replacement and design mix ratio.

The F-test with Two-Way ANOVA method was used to determine whether at

least one batch differed from the control. ANOVA is a statistical test used to analyze the

difference between the means of more than two groups. A two-way ANOVA is used to

estimate how the mean of a quantitative variable changes according to the levels of two

categorical variables (Bevans, 2020). The statistical tool determined whether there are

statistically significant differences in compressive strength between the various

percentages of partial aggregate replacement. For the control variable was pure concrete,

considered an independent variable. On the other hand, dependent variable was the

compressive strength with plastic ash as partial aggregate replacement. From there,

conclusions were made on the acceptability of the HDPE plastic waste as a partial

aggregate replacement in CHB.

(Σ𝑥1 )2 (Σ𝑥1 )2 (Σ𝑥1 )2 (Σ𝑥𝑡 )2
𝑠𝑠𝑏 = + + − (Eq.1)
𝑁1 𝑁2 𝑁3 𝑁𝑡

(Σ𝑥𝑡 )2
𝑠𝑠𝑡 = Σ𝑥12 − 𝑁𝑡
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 36

𝑠𝑠𝑤 = 𝑠𝑠𝑡 − 𝑠𝑠𝑏 (Eq.3)

𝑑𝑓 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 = 𝑘 − 1 (Eq.4)

𝑑𝑓 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 = 𝑁𝑡 − 𝑘 (Eq.5)

𝑀𝑆𝑏 = 𝑑 (Eq.6)

𝑀𝑆𝑤 = 𝑑 (Eq.7)

𝐹 = 𝑀𝑆 𝑏 (Eq.8)

𝑥2 −𝑥1
𝐶= 𝑥 100 (Eq.9)


F – Variance Ratio

𝑀𝑆𝐵 – Mean squares between groups

𝑀𝑆𝑤 – Mean squares within groups

𝑆𝑆𝑏 – Sum of squares for between-group variability

𝑆𝑆𝑡 – Sum of squares for total variability

𝑆𝑆𝑤 - Sum of squares for within-group variability

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 37

𝑑𝑓 – Degrees of freedom

𝑁𝑡 – Number of cases combined across all groups

𝑛 – Number of participants in each group

𝑘 – Number of Groups

𝐶– Percentage Increase

𝑥1 – Compressive strength of pure concrete hollow blocks

𝑥2 – Compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks with HDPE

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 38



This chapter demonstrated how the data that produced answers for each of the

study's specific problems were presented, analyzed, and interpreted.

Specifically, this chapter presented the test results of the compressive strength of

concrete hollow blocks with different HDPE thermoplastic wastes as partial aggregate

replacement with varying design mix ratios. The results were obtained from the trial

basis. The researchers conducted three trials for every percentage (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%)

of HDPE thermoplastic waste as partial aggregate replacement with different design mix

ratios of 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8, 1:9. A 1:0.5 water-cement ratio is consistent in every design

mix ratio. Appendix A presents the test results of the compressive strength of seven (7)

days old concrete hollow blocks evaluated using the Universal Testing Machine (UTM).

Furthermore, the results of the two-way ANOVA were also presented to evaluate

the mean differences between groups of dependent variables that have been divided based

on two independent variables. It was used to determine whether the compressive strength

varied significantly across various design mix ratios and HDPE aggregate replacement

percentages. The analysis utilized a significance level of 0.05.

The design mix ratio mainly focused on the materials; the parts of cement to sand.

The design mixes: 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8, 1:9 was utilized in the study. This design mix ratio is

one of the independent variables of the study. Based on these proportions, the concrete

hollow block sample was tested. To determine if the compressive strength of HDPE as

partial aggregate replacement in the various design mix ratios was acceptable,

compressive strength of 100% pure aggregate CHB was identified. Hence, the
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 39

compressive strengths of pure aggregate CHB was needed as the control variable of the

study. The results of the compressive test on hollow blocks made entirely of pure

aggregate were tabulated and provided in this section. With three trials for each design

mix ratio, it displayed the compressive strengths of pure aggregate CHB.

Table 2.

Average Compressive Strength Results for Concrete Hollow Blocks

with 100% Aggregate.
Design Mix Average (MPa) Average (psi)
1:5 2.226 322.855
1:6 1.376 199.572

1:7 1.370 198.702

1:8 1.539 223.213

1:9 1.388 201.313

The collected data on the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks samples

with 100% aggregate were calculated and are shown in Table 2. As observed in the table,

three (3) trials were used for each design mix: 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8, and 1:9. The average

compressive strength of three samples in SI units were 2.226 MPa, 1.376 MPa, 1.370

MPa, 1.539 MPa, and 1.388 MPa respectively. The average compressive strength of three

samples in English units were 322.85 Psi, 199.572 psi, 198.702 psi, 223.213 psi, and

201.313 psi, respectively.

After analyzing the obtained numbers, comparing the following data with the

conventional design mix ratio of 1:7. According to the structural engineer’s specification,

the design mix for CHB is automatically 1:7 (National Building Code of the Philippines

and National Structural Code of the Philippines, NSCP). On the table shown, 80% of the
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 40

design mix has higher average compressive strength compared to that of 1:7, which only

has 1.370 MPa or 198.702 psi. Among the five design mixes used, the 1:5 mixture for

concrete hollow blocks has the highest average compressive strength of 2.226 MPa or

322. 855 psi.

On the table shown, results for compressive strength differ from each other. It is

because different ratios of sand and cement give different values of compressive strength.

Musalamah et al. (2016), the binding between each cement granular is limited due to the

decreasing strength of the compressive strength for different proportions as more sand is

added. This is because cement requires more work to bond a large volume of sand. As a

result, the concrete hollow block specimen’s reduced capacity for handling loads as a

result of compression testing. Therefore, the compressive strength of concrete hollow

blocks is inversely proportional with the amount of sand in the mixture.

Results of Concrete Hollow Blocks with HDPE in Different Design Mix

The levels of aggregate replacement used in the study were 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%. The

results of the compressive test on samples of concrete hollow blocks were tabulated and

given in this section. It displayed the compressive strengths of concrete hollow blocks

when HDPE was substituted for aggregate to varying degrees.

To determine if the compressive strength of concrete with HDPE as a partial

aggregate replacement would have a significant change to that of concrete hollow blocks

with pure aggregate, the compressive strength of the concrete hollow blocks samples was

measured. Hence, concrete hollow blocks with HDPE as partial replacement of aggregate

were one of the independent variables.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 41

Table 3 below showed the average compressive strength of the three trials for

concrete hollow blocks with 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement in

different design mixes.

Table 3.

Average Compressive Strength Results for 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% High-Density

Polyethylene Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Aggregate Replacement in CHB
High-Density Polyethylene Thermoplastic Waste-Aggregate Replacement
Design 2% 4% 6% 8%
Mix Average Average Average Average Average Average Average Average
(MPa) (psi) (MPa) (psi) (MPa) (psi) (MPa) (psi)

1:5 1.540 223.504 2.114 306.610 2.114 306.610 1.485 215.381

1:6 1.510 219.007 2.210 320.534 1.783 258.603 2.157 312.847
1:7 1.520 220.458 1.404 203.633 1.156 167.664 1.364 197.832
1:8 1.166 169.114 1.030 149.389 1.957 283.839 1.621 235.107
1:9 1.824 264.549 0.564 81.801 1.130 163.893 1.036 150.259

The collected data on the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks samples

with 2% HDPE partial aggregate replacement were calculated and are shown in Table 3.

As observed in the table, three trials were used for each concrete hollow block specimen

with 2% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement with the design mixes: 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8,

and 1:9. The average compressive strength of three samples in MPa were 1.540 MPa,

1.510 MPa, 1.520 MPa, 1.166 MPa, and 1. 824 MPa respectively. The average

compressive strength of three samples in psi were 223. 504 psi, 219. 007 psi, 220.458 psi,

169.114 psi, and 264.549 psi, respectively.

Furthermore, the collected data on the compressive strength of concrete hollow

blocks samples with 4% HDPE partial aggregate replacement were calculated and shown

in Table 3. As observed in the table, three trials were used for each concrete hollow block
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 42

specimen with 4% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement with the design mixes: 1:5,

1:6, 1:7, 1:8, and 1:9. The average compressive strength of three samples in MPa are

2.114 MPa, 2.210 MPa, 1.404 MPa, 1.030 MPa, and 0.564 MPa respectively. The

average compressive strength of three samples in psi were 306.610 psi, 320.534 psi,

203.633 psi, 149.389 psi, and 81.801 psi, respectively.

Moreover, the collected data on the compressive strength of concrete hollow

blocks samples with 6% HDPE partial aggregate replacement were calculated and are

shown in Table 3. As observed in the table, three trials were used for each concrete

hollow block specimen with 6% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement with the design

mixes: 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8, and 1:9. The average compressive strength of three samples in

MPa are 2.114 MPa, 1.783 MPa, 1.156 MPa, 1.957 MPa, and 0.130 MPa respectively.

The average compressive strength of three samples in psi were 306.610 psi, 258.603 psi,

167.664 psi, 283.839 psi, and 163.893 psi, respectively.

Finally, the collected data on the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks

samples with 8% HDPE partial aggregate replacement were calculated and are shown in

Table 3. As observed in the table, three trials were used for each concrete hollow block

specimen with 8% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement with the design mixes: 1:5,

1:6, 1:7, 1:8, and 1:9. The average compressive strength of three samples in MPa were

1.485 MPa, 2.157 MPa, 1.364 MPa, 1.621 MPa, and 1.036 MPa respectively. The

average compressive strength of three samples in psi were 215.381 psi, 312.847 psi,

197.832 psi, 235.107 psi, and 150.259 psi, respectively.

After analyzing the obtained data in the Table 3, among the following CHB

samples in terms of design mixes with 2% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement, the
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 43

1:9 design mix ratio had the highest average compressive strength for its three units with

1.824 MPa or 264.549 psi. For 4%, 1:6 has the highest average compressive strength of

2.210 MPa or 320.534 320.534 psi. The design mix of 1:5 in the 6% HDPE replacement

has the highest average compressive strength of 2.114 MPa or 306.610 psi. Lastly, in 8%

HDPE replacement, 1:6 has the highest compressive strength of 2.157 MPa or 312.847


The concrete hollow block with the same design mix ratio had recorded different

compressive strength. This is entirely due to the rise of HDPE content in the concrete

hollow block sample. Based on Mir Concrete Block Company (2022), the compressive

strength of concrete hollow block also varies depending on various factors such as the

mix proportion of concrete, properties of ingredients of concrete, curing time, its physical

dimension and how it is loaded (flat or on edge), wall thickness and height (slenderness

ratio), age, temperature, type of mortar and masonry bond type.

The Acceptability of High-Density Polyethylene Thermoplastic Waste as Partial

Replacement of Aggregate in Concrete Hollow Blocks

Analysis of Variance

Two-way ANOVA was employed in this experiment to analyze the data. The

two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), often known as the two-way F-test, evaluated

the mean differences between groups that have been divided based on two independent

variables. It determined whether the compressive strength varied significantly across

various design mix ratios and HDPE aggregate replacement percentages.

The statistical hypotheses were formulated to be the basis of the result for the

Two-way ANOVA. There was no significant difference between the Pure Cement (0%
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 44

HDPE) and High-Density Polyethylene Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement of

Aggregate (2%, 4%, 6%, 8%). There was significant difference between the Pure Cement

(0% HDPE) and High-Density Polyethylene Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement

of Aggregate (2%, 4%, 6%, 8%).

Comparative Summary

A Universal Testing Machine was utilized in this investigation to measure the

compressive strengths of the concrete hollow block sample. Sample blocks made in

accordance with HDPE in place of aggregate were also examined in the percentage of

2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%. Also, the compressive strength of pure CHB was determined. The

blocks were cured for seven days.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 45

The Table 4 below displays the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks

with pure CHB and HDPE aggregate replacement in the varying design mix ratio and

undergoes seven days of curing time. This table was used in the process of finding the

results for the two-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance).

Table 4.
Average Compressive Strength of Concrete Hollow Blocks
0% 2% 4% 6% 8%
Mix Average Average Average Average Average
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
1:5 2.226 1.540 2.114 2.114 1.485
1:6 1.376 1.510 2.210 1.783 2.157
1:7 1.370 1.520 1.404 1.156 1.364
1:8 1.539 1.166 1.030 1.957 1.621
1:9 1.388 1.824 0.564 1.130 1.036

The collected data on the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks samples

with 2% HDPE partial aggregate replacement were calculated and are shown in Table 3.

As observed in the table, three trials were used for each concrete hollow block specimen

with 2% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement with the design mixes: 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8,

and 1:9. The average compressive strength of three samples in MPa were 1.540 MPa,

1.510 MPa, 1.520 MPa, 1.166 MPa, and 1. 824 MPa respectively. The average

compressive strength of three samples in psi were 223. 504 psi, 219. 007 psi, 220.458 psi,

169.114 psi, and 264.549 psi, respectively.

Furthermore, the collected data on the compressive strength of concrete hollow

blocks samples with 4% HDPE partial aggregate replacement were calculated and shown

in Table 3. As observed in the table, three trials were used for each concrete hollow block
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 46

specimen with 4% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement with the design mixes: 1:5,

1:6, 1:7, 1:8, and 1:9. The average compressive strength of three samples in MPa are

2.114 MPa, 2.210 MPa, 1.404 MPa, 1.030 MPa, and 0.564 MPa respectively. The

average compressive strength of three samples in psi were 306.610 psi, 320.534 psi,

203.633 psi, 149.389 psi, and 81.801 psi, respectively.

Moreover, the collected data on the compressive strength of concrete hollow

blocks samples with 6% HDPE partial aggregate replacement were calculated and are

shown in Table 3. As observed in the table, three trials were used for each concrete

hollow block specimen with 6% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement with the design

mixes: 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8, and 1:9. The average compressive strength of three samples in

MPa are 2.114 MPa, 1.783 MPa, 1.156 MPa, 1.957 MPa, and 0.130 MPa respectively.

The average compressive strength of three samples in psi were 306.610 psi, 258.603 psi,

167.664 psi, 283.839 psi, and 163.893 psi, respectively.

Finally, the collected data on the compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks

samples with 8% HDPE partial aggregate replacement were calculated and are shown in

Table 3. As observed in the table, three trials were used for each concrete hollow block

specimen with 8% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement with the design mixes: 1:5,

1:6, 1:7, 1:8, and 1:9. The average compressive strength of three samples in MPa were

1.485 MPa, 2.157 MPa, 1.364 MPa, 1.621 MPa, and 1.036 MPa respectively. The

average compressive strength of three samples in psi were 215.381 psi, 312.847 psi,

197.832 psi, 235.107 psi, and 150.259 psi, respectively.

After analyzing the obtained data in the Table 3, among the following CHB

samples in terms of design mixes with 2% HDPE as partial aggregate replacement, the
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 47

1:9 design mix ratio had the highest average compressive strength for its three units with

1.824 MPa or 264.549 psi. For 4%, 1:6 has the highest average compressive strength of

2.210 MPa or 320.534 320.534 psi. The design mix of 1:5 in the 6% HDPE replacement

has the highest average compressive strength of 2.114 MPa or 306.610 psi. Lastly, in 8%

HDPE replacement, 1:6 has the highest compressive strength of 2.157 MPa or 312.847


The concrete hollow block with the same design mix ratio had recorded different

compressive strength. This is entirely due to the rise of HDPE content in the concrete

hollow block sample. Based on Mir Concrete Block Company (2022), the compressive

strength of concrete hollow block also varies depending on various factors such as the

mix proportion of concrete, properties of ingredients of concrete, curing time, its physical

dimension and how it is loaded (flat or on edge), wall thickness and height (slenderness

ratio), age, temperature, type of mortar and masonry bond type.

The Table 5 below showed the result for the two-way ANOVA test for the

compressive strength of concrete hollow blocks with RHA cement replacement and

different design mix ratio on seven days of curing time.

Table 5

ANOVA Result for Pure Aggregate and HDPE as Partial Replacement of Aggregate

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Sample 4.993445 4 1.248361 6.563096 0.000251 2.557179

Columns 0.35208 4 0.08802 0.462753 0.762689 2.557179
Interaction 7.285164 16 0.455323 2.3938 0.009634 1.850315
Within 9.510461 50 0.190209
Total 22.14115 74
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 48

In the interaction with a significant level of 0.05 for evaluated F value, p-value

and F critical value were 2.3938, 0.009634, and 1.850315, respectively. The computed F

value is greater than F critical, 2.3938 > 1.850315. Also, the p value is greater than the

alpha level, 0.009634 > 0.005. Thus, this means that there is no significant difference in

the compressive strengths in terms of HDPE aggregate replacement. Thus, it was

observed that the source of variation within groups has no significant difference in the

compressive strengths of concrete hollow blocks with pure aggregate and concrete

hollow blocks with 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8 % HDPE as partial aggregate replacement.

Therefore, null hypotheses is accepted in the above-mentioned hypotheses. In general,

interaction effects indicated the relationship between an independent variable and a

dependent variable changes based on the value of another variable.

The F-test with Two-Way ANOVA method was used to determine whether at

least one batch differed from the control. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is a statistical

test used to analyze the difference between the means of more than two groups. A two-

way ANOVA is used to estimate how the mean of a quantitative variable changes

according to the levels of two categorical variables (Bevans, 2020).

Level of Acceptability

Based on the DPWH standard, which was retrieved from specification item no.

ASTM C129, on non-load-bearing concrete hollow blocks for an average of three units,

the minimum compressive strength is 300 psi or 2.068 mPa. On Table 4, with 0% HDPE,

it is observed that only the cement-sand ratio of 1:5 has 322.855 psi. Meanwhile, on the

4% HDPE replacement, the 1:5 and 1:6 design mixes have 306.610 psi and 320.534 psi,

respectively. Also, for 6%, only 1:5 has 306.610 psi, while 8% has 312.847 psi in a 1:6
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 49

ratio. This means that the mentioned design mix and quantity have passed the DPWH

standard for 4" non-load-bearing concrete hollow blocks. In total, only 1:5 and 1:6 design

mix ratios achieved the acceptable average compressive strength that is widely used in

the Philippines. Only the 2% replacement ratio had not passed the standard (American

Society for Testing and Materials).

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 50



This chapter contained a summary of the study's findings, conclusions, and

recommendations. The actual test results of the compressive strength test of the concrete

hollow blocks made with various design mix ratios served as the basis for this study's

conclusions, and HDPE replacement served as the basis for its conclusions and

recommendations were also included. The results of the investigation were discussed in

accordance with the problem statements.

Summary of Findings

Based on the gathered and analyzed results, the researchers observed that upon

subjecting the ASTM test of masonry units, the average compressive strength of three

samples for pure aggregate in SI units are 2.226 MPa, 1.376 MPa, 1.370 MPa, 1.539

MPa, and 1.388 MPa respectively. The average compressive strength of three samples in

English units are 322.85 Psi, 199.572 psi, 198.702 psi, 223.213 psi, and 201.313 psi,


Furthermore, for CHB with HDPE as partial aggregate replacement in the

following design mix ratio, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8, and 1:9, we’re as follows; for 2%, the

average compressive strength of three samples in MPa are 1.540 MPa, 1.510 MPa, 1.520

MPa, 1.166 MPa, and 1. 824 MPa respectively. The average compressive strength of

three samples in psi were 223. 504 psi, 219. 007 psi, 220.458 psi, 169.114 psi, and

264.549 psi, respectively. For 4%, the average compressive strength of three samples in

MPa were 2.114 MPa, 2.210 MPa, 1.404 MPa, 1.030 MPa, and 0.564 MPa respectively.

The average compressive strength of three samples in psi were 306.610 psi, 320.534 psi,
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 51

203.633 psi, 149.389 psi, and 81.801 psi, respectively. For 6%, the average compressive

strength of three samples in MPa are 2.114 MPa, 1.783 MPa, 1.156 MPa, 1.957 MPa, and

0.130 MPa respectively. The average compressive strength of three samples in psi are

306.610 psi, 258.603 psi, 167.664 psi, 283.839 psi, and 163.893 psi, respectively. For

8%, the average compressive strength of three samples in MPa were 1.485 MPa, 2.157

MPa, 1.364 MPa, 1.621 MPa, and 1.036 MPa respectively. The average compressive

strength of three samples in psi were 215.381 psi, 312.847 psi, 197.832 psi, 235.107 psi,

and 150.259 psi, respectively.

Based on the two-way ANOVA, a degree of freedom 4, calculated F value, P

value and F critical value for the varying design mix ratio with significant levels of 0.05

were 6.563096, 0.000251, 2.557179, respectively. In terms of design mix ratio, the

calculated F is greater than F critical, following 6.563096 > 2.557179. Meanwhile, the P-

value is lesser than the alpha level of 0.05, following 0.000251 < 0.005. This means that

there was a significant difference in the different design mix ratios. On the other hand, in

terms of HDPE aggregate as partial replacement, a degree of freedom 4, calculated F

value, P value and F critical value for the varying design mix ratio with significant level

of 0.05 were 0.462753, 0.762689, and 2.557179, respectively. The calculated F is lesser

than F critical, following 0.462753< 2.557179, which stated no significant level. The p-

value is 0.762689 than the alpha level of 0.05, following 0.762689 > 0.05. This also

means no significant difference in the level of HDPE replacement to aggregate.

In accordance with the DPWH standard, which was retrieved from specification

item no. ASTM C129, on non-load-bearing concrete hollow blocks for an average of
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 52

three units, only a few have met the standard strength, namely, 1:5 and 1:6 with a total of

5 out of 25 average samples.


Based on the summary of findings, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. On the pure concrete hollow blocks, it is shown that when the design mix

increases, the compressive strength decreases. This is because the water-

cement ratio was consistent and the sand was increasing, which means the

cement must do more work to bond a large amount of sand. As a result, the

load capacity of the hollow concrete block specimens were reduced.

Therefore, the compressive strength of hollow concrete blocks was inversely

proportional to the amount of sand in the mixture.

2. The compressive strengths of concrete hollow blocks with the same design

mix ratio varied. This was entirely due to the rise in HDPE content in the

concrete hollow block sample. The incoherence of the results demonstrated

human errors are unavoidable. Failure of samples manifested due to the

properties of the ingredients in concrete, curing time, temperature, and type of

masonry bond.

3. Based on the standard shown, the researcher concluded that the design

mixtures of 1:5 and 1:6 have recorded the strongest compressive strength

compared to other mixtures.

4. In the two-way ANOVA, it shows that the design mix ratio has no significant

difference in the individual compressive strengths of concrete hollow blocks

with pure concrete and concrete hollow blocks with partial aggregate

replacement. On the other hand, results have shown that in terms of HDPE
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 53

replacement and its compressive strength, such as 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%, there

was no significant difference. Thus, researchers conclude such percentages of

HDPE content is accepted as an additive but not as a partial replacement.


The researchers recommended the following actions, based on the results:

1. HDPE thermoplastic waste can help lower the cost of materials used for CHB

when proportioned correctly and can meet the standard strength. The researchers

suggested that other scholars and project engineers can focus their scope on cost


2. Moreover, future researchers or other scholars can use other percentages higher

than the percentage of HDPE used in this study, such as 10%, 15%, 20%, and


3. Furthermore, due to human error that occurred during the procedure, future

researchers or scholars can resort to machines in the making of concrete hollow

blocks for better and uniform compaction.

4. In addition, future researchers or scholars can also widen the usage of plastic

waste as a partial replacement by using it in other samples, such as concrete


5. Consequently, future researchers or scholars can incorporate other plastics, such

as PVC, LDPE, and many more, as a partial replacement for aggregate in concrete

hollow blocks.

6. Also, future researchers or scholars can use curing other than that of the usual 7

days curing, such as 14 and 28 days.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 54


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HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 61


Appendix A.

Letter of Request to the Laboratory In-Charge of Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges

of General Santos City

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 62

Appendix B.

Universal Testing Machine Request Form

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 63

Appendix C.

Design Mixtures of Samples for HDPE Replacement

Crushed HDPE Crushed HDPE

Design Cement Water Sand
Plastics w/c Plastics
Mix (kg) (kg) (kg)
Replacement (kg)

0% 9.00 0
2% 8.82 0.18
A 1:5 4% 0.5 1.8 0.9 8.64 0.36
6% 8.46 0.54
8% 8.28 0.72

0% 10.80 0
2% 10.58 0.22
B 1:6 4% 0.5 1.8 0.9 10.37 0.43
6% 10.15 0.65
8% 9.94 0.86
0% 12.60 0
2% 12.35 0.25
C 1:7 4% 0.5 1.8 0.9 12.10 0.50
6% 11.84 0.76
8% 11.6 1.00

0% 14.40 0
2% 14.11 0.29
D 1:8 4% 0.5 1.8 0.9 13.82 0.58
6% 13.54 0.86
8% 13.25 1.15
0% 16.20 0
2% 15.88 0.32
E 1:9 4% 0.5 1.8 0.9 15.55 0.65
6% 15.23 0.97
8% 14.90 1.30
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 64

Appendix D.

Documentation of Research Procedure

The wastes were collected in beauty salons and spas. Plastic wastes were also

collected from the nearby residences.

The shredding of sample. HDPE plastics were shredded at Cordero Subdivision,

Barangay Mabuhay, General Santos City.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 65

Sample retained in #10 was obtained. The shredded HDPE plastic wastes

collected had a total weight of 16.82 kg.

The weighing process. Researchers weighed the shredded HDPE plastics, sand,

cement and water.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 66

The mixing process. The researchers mixed first the dry ingredients before adding


The making of samples. The researchers used 4” molder for non-load bearing

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 67

The curing of samples. Researchers accumulated a total of 80 samples and were

cured for seven days.

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 68

The Compressive strength testing. All CHB samples were tested using RMMC

Universal Testing Machine according to Department of Public Works and Highways

(DPWH) Standard Specification for Item 1046-Masonry Units explains the ASTM C-129

or the 1046.2.6.2 Non-loadbearing Concrete Hollow Blocks and Louver Blocks shows

the basic requirements for the standard specification of non-load bearing concrete

masonry units.
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 69

Appendix E.

Compressive Test of Pure Concrete Hollow Blocks

HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 70
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 71
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 72
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 73
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 74

Appendix F.
Compressive Test of 2% Shredded HDPE Thermoplastic Waste
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 75
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 76
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 77
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 78
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 79

Appendix G.
Compressive Test of 4% Shredded HDPE Thermoplastic Waste
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 80
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 81
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 82
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 83
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 84

Appendix H.
Compressive Test of 6% Shredded HDPE Thermoplastic Waste
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 85
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 86
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 87
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 88
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 89

Appendix I.
Compressive Test of 8% Shredded HDPE Thermoplastic Waste
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 90
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 91
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 92
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 93
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 94

Appendix J.
ANOVA: Two- Factor with Replication

Anova: Two-Factor with Replication

SUMMARY 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Total

Count 3 3 3 3 3 15
Sum 6.677379 4.624128 6.340922 6.340922 4.454462 28.43781
Average 2.225793 1.541376 2.113641 2.113641 1.484821 1.895854
Variance 0.190095 0.176913 0.275777 0.086931 0.152694 0.232842
Count 3 3 3 3 3 15
Sum 4.129507 4.52923 6.631368 5.348805 6.470328 27.10924
Average 1.376502 1.509743 2.210456 1.782935 2.156776 1.807283
Variance 0.001723 0.041737 0.026929 0.120233 0.096987 0.160956
Count 3 3 3 3 3 15
Sum 4.109377 4.560863 4.212903 3.468096 4.092123 20.44336
Average 1.369792 1.520288 1.404301 1.156032 1.364041 1.362891
Variance 0.114174 0.145549 0.084982 0.104223 0.244884 0.113972
Count 3 3 3 3 3 15
Sum 4.618377 3.496853 3.091379 5.872182 4.862811 21.9416
Average 1.539459 1.165618 1.03046 1.957394 1.620937 1.462773
Variance 0.047446 0.409483 0.001897 0.431026 0.427544 0.306216
Count 3 3 3 3 3 15
Sum 4.164016 5.47246 1.690912 3.965592 3.108633 18.40161
Average 1.388005 1.824153 0.563637 1.321864 1.036211 1.226774
Variance 0.03739 0.779484 0.019459 0.48821 0.249465 0.410851
Count 15 15 15 15 15
Sum 23.69866 22.68353 21.96748 24.9956 22.98836
Average 1.57991 1.512236 1.464499 1.666373 1.532557
Variance 0.171794 0.268672 0.483021 0.320974 0.311903
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 95

Appendix K.

Average Compressive Strength Results for 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and

8% High-Density Polyethylene Thermoplastic Waste as Partial
Aggregate Replacement in CHB




1:05 1:06 1:07 1:08 1:09

0% 2% 4% 6% 8%
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 96




1:05 1:06 1:07 1:08 1:09

0% 2% 4% 6% 8%
HDPE Thermoplastic Waste as Partial Replacement to Aggregate in CHB 97

Appendix L.
Certificate of Grammarian
Prk. Lower Putting Bato, Brgy. Calumpang, G.S.C
Contact No.: +63 099 136 4976
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Name : Ham Sobrecarey Siga

Age : 22
Sex : Male
Birthdate : January 14, 2000
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Jehovah’s Witnesses


Tertiary: Bachelor of Science of Civil Engineering 2022-Present

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges
Pioneer Ave., General Santos City

Secondary: Irineo L. Santiago National high School of 2018-2019

Metro Dadiangas
Niyog St. Extension, general santos City

Elementary: Ireneo L. Santiago Elementary School 2012-2013

Niyog St. Extension, general santos City
Blk. 29 Lot 3 Malayang Nayon, Brgy. Mabuhay, G.S.C
Contact No.: +63 927 485 4268
E-mail Address:


Name : Mary Maxinne Alarcon Nicolas

Age : 22
Sex : Female
Birthdate : November 16, 2000
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic


Tertiary: Bachelor of Science of Civil Engineering 2022 - Present

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges
Pioneer Ave., General Santos City

Secondary: Bachelor of Science of Civil Engineering 2018 - 2019

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges
Pioneer Ave., General Santos City

Elementary: Dadiangas East Elementary School 2012-2013

Laurel St., Brgy. East, General Santos City

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