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In a past team assignment, I encountered a conflict with a colleague over our project approach.

realized that I had applied a competitive conflict response, which involved defending my ideas
passionately and occasionally dismissing my colleague's viewpoints. My tone became defensive, and
my body language conveyed frustration.

What worked:

 My passion for the project motivated me to present my ideas clearly and assertively.

 The conflict brought different perspectives to light, which ultimately enriched our project.

What didn't work:

 My competitive approach led to tension and hindered effective communication.

 I failed to actively listen and consider my colleague's valid points.

Advice to myself for more successful future outcomes:

1. Self-awareness: Recognize when I'm slipping into a competitive response and strive to
remain open to others' ideas and perspectives.

2. Active listening: Practice active listening by giving my full attention to others and
acknowledging their viewpoints, even if I disagree.

3. Empathy: Put myself in others' shoes to better understand their feelings and concerns. Show
empathy and validate their emotions.

4. Effective communication: Work on delivering my ideas in a more neutral and constructive

tone, avoiding defensiveness or dismissiveness.

5. Conflict resolution: Learn and apply conflict resolution techniques, such as compromising or
collaborating, to find win-win solutions rather than turning disagreements into competitions.

6. Reflect and adapt: After conflicts, take time to reflect on the situation and my role in it.
Continuously improve my conflict management skills based on past experiences.

By incorporating these strategies, I can navigate conflicts more effectively, foster better relationships
with colleagues, and contribute to more successful outcomes in future situations.

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