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1. The student intake policy, admission criteria, and admission procedures to
the programme are shown to be clearly defined, communicated, published,
and up-to-date.
The enrollment in ME programme, from 2018 to 2023, is carried out in
accordance with the MOET enrollment regulations[Exh.06.01.01], as well as the
regulations and enrollment UTC. Enrollment criteria are detailed in the admission
documents of the University and of MOET. Every year, the university publishes the
enrollment policy and admission criteria before the exam [Exh.06.01.02]. The scheme
clearly states; Enrollment subjects; Admission method; Enrollment quotas according
to each programme; The threshold to ensure the quality of the student intake; Other
necessary information, including: Regulations on the difference in admission scores
between groups, additional conditions used in admissions, use of international foreign
language certificates; Important timelines; Estimated tuition fee. The enrollment
methods are updated to suit the general situation of the country, as follows:
• In 2018: UTC recruited students by 02 methods, including admission based on
the results of the high school exam; and directly recruited students who won
national and international prizes.
• In 2019: UTC enrolled students in 03 methods, including admission based on
the results of the national high school exam; Admission is based on study results
according to academic records for some majors; and direct admission of students
who have won national and international prizes.
• In 2020, 2021: The UTC enrolled students in 04 methods, including admission
based on the results of the high school exam; Admission is based on academic
results according to academic records with all majors; direct admission
consideration for students who have won national and international prizes, science
and technology competitions; and admission combined with international English
certificates. For the combination method, the mechanicalengineering major is
considered the combination A00, A01, D01, D07.
The annual enrollment plan is updated and clearly assigned, in order to
concretize the enrollment scheme [Exh.06.01.03].

Figure 6.1. Participating in recruitment counseling in high schools

UTC has implemented a variety of formats to promote enrollment information
and answer questions for students and parents. Before the annual enrollment season,
UTC continuously participates in enrollment counseling sessions at high school. In
addition, UTC also participates in enrollment counseling sessions on television, or
consulting on social media channels, distributing leaflets at high schools
[Exh.06.01.04, Exh.06.01.05].
The total number of students enrolled into the ME programme during the last 5
years are shown in table 6.1 and 6.2
Academic Year No.
No. Applied No. Offered
2018-2019 (K59) 2475 2475 150
2019-2020 (K60) 1146 1146 140
2020-2021 (K61) 2677 2677 160
2021-2022 (K62) 192
2022-2023 (K63) (Not yet)
Table 6.1. Intake of First-year Students (last five academic years)
Academic Year 1st 2nd 3rd 4th > 4th Total
Year Year Year Year Year
2018-2019 (K59) 150 192
2019-2020 (K60) 140 217
2020-2021 (K61) 160
2021-2022 (K62) 192
2022-2023 (K63)
Table 6.2. Total Number of Students (last five academic years)
2. Both short-term and long-term planning of academic and non-academic
support services are shown to be carried out to ensure sufficiency and quality
of support services for teaching, research, and community service.
The responsible departments and centers include: Academic Affairs Office,
Student Affairs and Career Counseling Office, Quality Assurance and Labor Relations
Office, Library Information Center, Information Technology Application Center, and
Online Training Center [Exh.06.02.01]. Social, political, and community organizations
(Youth Union, Student Association) play a role in helping students improve their
spiritual lives, participate in community volunteer activities and develop soft skills and
social skills [Exh.06.02.02].
The development planning for the faculty and staff in the period of 2016-2020
with a vision to 2030 is the basis for building the strategic development plan
ofniversity's workforce until 2020 and the vision until 2030 [Exh.06.02.03]. In this
plan, administrative staff members are selected and assigned according to the
requirements of their job positions. They receive training and professional
development to excel in their work, applying advanced methods and tools to fulfill
their duties. The proportion of administrative staff should not exceed 20-30% of the
total number of university personnel organization.
To effectively carry out this planning, the university annually develops
recruitment plans [Exh.06.02.04] to select the supporting team to serve the activities
of education and scientific research, as well as fulfill the university's tasks.
The supporting staff for the Civil Engineering Department (CED) has tasks to
handle issues related to the functions and responsibilities of the department, such as
managing exam scores, considering scholarships, suspensions, withdrawals, academic
warnings, graduation assessments, issuing certificates of academic results, managing
student scientific research work, evaluating discipline points, and addressing students'
concerns. The number of supporting staff for the department is determined based on
the department's and the university's job position plans [Exh.06.02.05].
Currently, the CED has two supporting staff members, both holding Master's
degrees in the relevant field and are assigned tasks that ensure they can effectively
handle the workload and provide valuable assistance to the department's faculty and
students [Exh.06.02.05, Exh.06.02.06]. Regarding the staff working at the Library
Information Center, Laboratory, Information Technology Application Center, and
other support services for faculty and students in the Civil Engineering program, they
comply with the general planning of the university [Exh.06.02.05] in terms of quantity
and training level as stated in Appendix 6.1.
To assess the ability to meet the needs of the supporting staff, the university
conducts annual surveys to gather feedback and evaluate the support activities from
both faculty and students [Exh.06.02.07]. The statistical data on the supporting staff
are updated in different stages to ensure they can adequately serve the needs of
education, scientific research, and community service activities [Exh.06.02.08].
In October 2015 and 2020, the university has twice implemented the
development of job position plans, especially for the administrative sector. The
Steering Committee of the project worked directly with leaders of each unit, evaluated
each job position, reviewed job descriptions, and agreed on the required quantity of
job positions. The content is updated regarding the list of job positions, the number of
managerial positions, and the requirements for each job position [Exh.06.02.09]. The
university has issued a plan to build a workforce that meets the requirements of
enhancing the quality of education, research, and international integration in the 2016-
2020 period, aiming to meet the needs of education, research, and community service
activities [Exh.06.02.10].
3. An adequate system is shown to exist for student progress, academic
performance, and workload monitoring. Student progress, academic
performance, and workload are shown to be systematically recorded and
monitored. Feedback to students and corrective actions are made where
Student academic progress is closely monitored, and timely adjustments are
made to suit social events. Studentworkload in each semester is strictly reviewed,
ensuring the minimum number of credits in each semester. Student GPAs are
aggregated after each semester. This is the basis for grading academic performance,
reward or discipline [Exh.06.03.01, Exh.06.03.02].
UTC has a software system to monitor and evaluate students' academic
achievements, as well as the amount of credits each student has registered and attended
in each semester [Figure 6.2]. The criteria for reward and encouragement, as well as
for academic warning and expulsion, are published in the student handbook and on
each student's online account. Students can track their learning results at any time.

Figure 6.2. Training management software

According to the design of the training program, the number of creditsper
semester for mechanicalengineeringprogramme does not exceed 20 credits
[Exh.06.03.03, Exh.06.03.04]. This learning volume is designed for students with
average academic ability to complete the study program on time.Students are allowed
to enroll in a study load less than the designed number of credit persemester, but not
less than 10 credits. In order to monitor the learning and training progress of students
in the credit-based training system, UTC has issued many regulations, implemented
many other appropriate measures and activities. Specifically: built and developed
training management software, training management website, training information
website, provided accounts for students, established evaluation committees and made
decisions on work student training; Council and decisions on academic counseling
(support, counseling, student supervision), regulations for review of academic
warnings and expulsion. In addition, the lecturers, Department of
MechanicalMechanical engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and UTC
always plan and implement appropriate measures to monitor learning results,
encourage students' learning spirit, such as industry introduction organization,
scholarship awarding (former student) [Exh.06.03.05].
In addition, the department's Academic Advisors are responsible for the
specialized mechanical engineeringmajors, mostly young lecturers with solid
professional competence and good advisory skills, providing timely support to
students in fulfilling their study tasks [Exh.06.03.06].

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