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MSJ18610.1177/1352458511428082Kwiatkowski et al.Multiple Sclerosis Journal

Case Study JOURNAL

Multiple Sclerosis Journal

Herpes encephalitis during natalizumab 18(6) 909­–911

© The Author(s) 2012
Reprints and permissions:
treatment in multiple sclerosis
DOI: 10.1177/1352458511428082

A Kwiatkowski, J Gallois, N Bilbault, G Calais, A Mackowiak

and P Hautecoeur

In this case report we describe the first non-fatal herpes simplex virus encephalitis (HSE) case with natalizumab for
multiple sclerosis (MS). A 36-year-old woman, previously treated with immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive drugs
for MS, developed acute encephalitis after 6 monthly natalizumab perfusions. Brain imaging demonstrated suggestive
bi-temporal lesions. Herpes simplex virus type-1 DNA was detected in cerebrospinal fluid. The patient improved gradually
after a 21-day course of intravenous acyclovir, but neuropsychiatric changes remained 5 months later. Our non-fatal case
of HSE and other reported cases of herpes infections provide evidence of an increased risk with natalizumab and point
to the need for clinicians to maintain awareness.

acyclovir, encephalitis, herpes simplex, monoclonal antibody, multiple sclerosis, natalizumab
Date recieved: 11th August 2011; revised: 5th October 2011; accepted: 6th October 2011

Introduction IV immunoglobulins were administrated for a 5-day course

in May 2010.
We report a non-fatal case of herpes simplex virus type-1 Nine days after the 6th perfusion of natalizumab in
encephalitis (HSE) in a woman with relapsing–remitting December 2010, she was admitted to the emergency depart-
multiple sclerosis (RRMS) during natalizumab therapy. ment for a secondary generalized seizure. Two days after,
Only one other fatal HSE case with natalizumab is known she developed hyperthermia, confusion and a second gen-
in the postmarketing experience. eralized seizure. Neurological examination confirmed
aphasia and acute memory impairment. Brain CT scan
Level of evidence showed a vast hypodensity in the right temporal lobe.
Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) revealed 14
The report provides class IV evidence and is a single obser- leukocytes/mm3 with lymphocytic predominance, normal
vational study without controls. protein and glucose levels. Gram staining was negative for
organisms. Empirical antiviral treatment (acyclovir 15 mg/
kg every 8 hours) and levetiracetam were started. First
Case report brain MRI scans demonstrated left temporal and insular,
A 36-year-old woman began monthly intravenous (IV) per- cortico-subcortical and white matter hypo-intensity on T1,
fusions with natalizumab in June 2010 and was recruited in with correspondent hyper-intensity on T2-weighted, diffu-
an observational TOP survey study. The patient had been sion and proton density images and smaller but similar
diagnosed with RRMS 7 years earlier. She had no other abnormalities in the right temporal lobe. A contrast
relevant medical history. Before initiating natalizumab, she
received immunomodulatory drugs with weekly intra-mus-
PRES Lille Nord de France, Université Catholique de Lille, Groupe
cular interferon beta-1-a injections between October 2003 Hospitalier de l’Institut Catholique de Lille / Faculté Libre de Médecine,
and July 2005, glatiramer acetate between August 2005 and Clinique de Neurologie, Lille, France
April 2008, and mycophenolate mophetil in October 2009.
A relapse, with ocular neuritis and sensory–motor symp- Corresponding author:
Dr Arnaud Kwiatkowski, Service de Neurologie, Hôpital Saint Vincent
toms, occurred in March 2010 and was treated with high de Paul, GHICL, Boulevard de Belfort BP 387, F-59020 LILLE cedex,
doses of IV methylprednisolone for two 3-day courses in France.
March and in April 2010. Owing to insufficient recovery, Email:

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910 Multiple Sclerosis Journal 18(6)

Figure 1. (A, C) T2 fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) transverse and T2-weighted coronal MRI sequences: hyper-
intensities in the left temporal cortico-subcortical and white matter. (B) T1 sequences with gadolinium injection: note contrast
enhancement in the left hippocampic region. (D) T2 FLAIR MRI sequences: multiple hyper-intensities in periventricular white matter,
consistent with multiple sclerosis.

enhancement (CE) in the left hippocampic region was kept neuropsychiatric changes over the following 5 months.
noted (Figure 1). Electroencephalogram (EEG) showed The final cognitive evaluation confirmed persistent and
theta and delta activities located on the left temporal region severe episodic memory defect with anosognosia and mild
(no pseudo-periodic complex). The occurrence of electrical aphasia. Executive functions were significantly improved.
seizure without clinical manifestation in the left temporal It was decided to resume subcutaneous interferon beta-1-a
lobe was noted during second EEG hyperventilation. CSF injection.
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Herpes simplex virus
(HSV) type-1 was positive. Bacterial culture and PCR for
JC virus were negative. MRI scans, repeated 7 days after,
showed no change except a decrease in CE. Control CSF Natalizumab is approved for the treatment of patients with
samples were still positive for HSV-1 DNA after 5 days RRMS who have failed other disease-modifying therapies
with acyclovir treatment, and then became negative after or who have aggressive disease. This agent contains human-
13 days. IV acyclovir was continued for a 21-day course. ized neutralizing IgG4κ monoclonal antibodies against leu-
Aphasia and confusion improved gradually. However, she kocytes α4 integrins found on lymphocytes and monocytes.

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Kwiatkowski et al. 911

It exerts its biologic effect by abrogating movements of neurologists should be aware that severe herpes infections
mononuclear leucocytes to the CNS. Natalizumab offers may occur during natalizumab treatment. PML should be
targeted and localized immunosuppression and was shown suspected in a patient on natalizumab presenting a first sei-
to be dramatically effective in two phase III clinical trials. 1 zure, but also HSE. Each new case should be reported to
Progressive multiple leukoencephalopathy (PML) caused local survey administration.
by reactivation of a clinically latent JC polyomavirus is
known to occur after 1 year of natalizumab treatment with Acknowledgements
a frequency of 1–2 per 1000 treated patients.2 Consequently, The authors thank the patient and her family for allowing us to
clinical vigilance and rapid evaluation with MRI scans and report these data. The authors thank Delphine Brière for advice on
CSF analysis are recommended for new neurological com- the manuscript’s English.
plaints that might be early signs of PML. Natalizumab is
less clearly linked to an increased risk of other viral infec- Funding
tion, although it is suggested that viral reactivation would
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency
not be limited to JC virus. Human herpes virus type-6 may in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
be reactivated in patients with MS receiving natalizumab.3
In the MS clinical trials, infectious complications others
Conflict of interest statement
than PML were infrequent, but there was a small excess
of herpes infections in patients on natalizumab. Post- The reported patient was included in the TOP observational sur-
marketing reports disclosed one case of fatal HSE, and one vey study sponsored by Biogen Idec. The authors declare that
there are no other conflicts of interest.
non-fatal case of HSV meningitis,1 but no clinical details
are publicly available. Recently, a first case of HSV-2 men-
ingitis was described in a MS patient on monthly natali- References
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We identified the first case (to the best of the authors’ distinct characteristics of different causative agents. Haema-
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