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Azuredness' Arcanum of Awesomeness

A homebrew compilation
Cocoon of Ice Dusk
3rd-level evocation (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard) 5th-level necromancy (Cleric, Wizard)
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you are Casting Time: 1 action
dealt damage Range: 60 feet
Range: Self Components: S, V, M (a sunburst pendant worth at least
Components: S, V, M (a hollow marble bead) 100 GP)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You entomb yourself in ice, which melts away at the end of The light of sunset fills a location you specify within range.
your next turn. You gain 50 temporary hit points, which take Until the spell ends, a 30-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder
as much of the triggering damage as possible. Immediately becomes dim light. When the cylinder appears, each creature
after you take the damage, you gain vulnerability to fire in it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 4d10
damage, your speed is reduced to 0, and you are necrotic on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
incapacitated. These effects, including any temporary hit successful one. A creature must also make this saving throw
points, all end when the ice melts. At Higher Levels: When whenever it ends its turn in the cylinder. If you’re within 60
you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the feet of the cylinder, you can move it up to 60 feet as a bonus
amount of temporary hit points granted by this spell action on your turn. If the area of this spell overlaps with the
increases by 25 for every level above the 3rd. area of a dawn spell, both spells immediately end.
Command Undead Earthen Avatar
3rd-level necromancy (Cleric, Paladin, Warlock) 9th-level transmutation (Druid)
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Self
Components: S, V Components: S, V, M (a gemstone worth at least 5000
Duration: Instantaneous GP, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Up to 3 target undead creatures within range and within
30 feet of each other must make a Charisma saving throw Drawing power from the forces of nature around you, you
against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, you can’t cast this create a massive living armor of plant, stone, and/or crystal
spell on it again or use the Command Undead (Wizard) around yourself. Any ground within a 25-foot-radius of you
feature on it (if you posses it). If the target fails, it becomes becomes difficult terrain when you cast the spell, as it uproots
friendly to you and obeys your commands for 24 hours, after chunks of the earth to form the avatar. Until the spell ends,
which point it reverts to its original behavior. If the target has you can’t cast spells, and you gain the following benefits:
an Intelligence of 8 or higher, it has advantage on the saving
throw. Your size becomes Huge if it is not the same size or larger
If it fails the saving throw and has an Intelligence of 12 or already. If the area you are in is not large enough to
higher, it can repeat the saving throw every hour, ending the accommodate the size of the avatar, or if you are not
effect on itself on a success. At Higher Levels: When you standing on solid ground, you cannot cast this spell.
cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can You gain 100 temporary hit points. If you lose all the
target one additional creature for each level above the 1st. temporary hit points provided by this spell it ends
The creatures must be within 30 ft. of each other when you prematurely, as the armor it has created has been
target them. destroyed. As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend
a druid spell slot to increase the amount of temporary hit
points from this spell by an amount equal to five times the
spell slot's level.
Your AC becomes 17.
Your Strength score becomes 28.
You have advantage on Strength and Constitution saving

You have disadvantage on all saving throws and ability At your command, skeletal arms reach up from the ground
checks relying on Dexterity. and claw at any creature within reach. When the area
appears, each creature in it must make a Dexterity saving
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing throw, taking 3d6 slashing damage on a failed save, or half as
damage made by non-adamantium weapons. much damage on a successful one. A creature must also
You ignore all difficult terrain. make this saving throw whenever it ends its turn in the area.
The area also counts as difficult terrain. If you're within 60
Your unarmed attacks have a reach of 15 feet, are feet of the area, you can move it up to 60 feet as a bonus
considered to be magical, deal an additional 3d12 action on your turn.
bludgeoning damage, deal double damage to objects and At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
structures, and force the target to make a Strength saving slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for
throw against your spell DC or be knocked prone. each slot level above 3rd.
When the spell ends, any space occupied by the avatar as Ice Blade
well as the area within a 25-foot-radius of it becomes difficult 2nd-level evocation (Druid)
terrain, as debris from the destroyed avatar crumbles to the Casting Time: 1 bonus action
ground. Range: Self
Elemental Bolt
Components: S, V, M (a mint leaf)
Evocation cantrip (Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes.
Casting Time: 1 action You evoke an icy blade in your free hand. The blade is
Range: 120 feet similar in size and shape to a scimitar, and it lasts for the
Components: S, V duration. If you let go of the blade, it disappears, but you can
Duration: Instantaneous evoke the blade again as a bonus action.
You hurl a bolt of elemental energy at a creature within You can use your action to make a melee spell attack with
the fiery blade. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 cold damage.
range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, The weapon scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
the target takes 1d8 Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
damage (your choice). slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for
This spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th every two slot levels above 3rd.
level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Mind-Numbing Cold
Hand of the Apprentice 5th-level Evocation (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)
Transmutation cantrip (Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer,
Warlock, Wizard) Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: S, V, M (a diamond worth at least 100 GP)
Range: 30 feet Duration: Instantaneous
Components: S, V, M (a one-handed melee weapon)
Duration: Instantaneous You afflict the target with a biting frost that freezes both
mind and body. The target must make a Constitution saving
You cause your melee weapon to fly from your grasp and throw. A creature takes 5d8 cold damage on a failed saving
strike a foe before instantly returning to you. This is treated throw, or half as much on a successful one. Creatures with
as a melee weapon attack for you, except that you use your cold resistance make this save with advantage, and creatures
spellcasting ability for the attack and damage rolls of the with cold immunity are unaffected by this spell.
weapon. Any creature that fails its saving throw has its movement
speed halved, cannot take reactions, and has disadvantage on
Hands of the Damned any attack, saving throw, or ability check that relies on
5th-level necromancy (Cleric, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard) Intelligence or Wisdom, as magical frost saps the energy
Casting Time: 1 action from its body. These effects persist for up to 1 minute; the
Range: 60 feet target may repeat its saving throw at the end of each of its
Components: S, V, M (a pinch of bone dust from the turns, ending the effects early on a success.
remains of a creature of evil alignment) At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for
each slot level above 5th.

5th-level Necromancy (Cleric, Druid, Wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: S, V, M (a pinch of graveyard dirt)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You rapidly accelerate the rate of decay in a creature,
causing it to decompose rapidly. Until the spell ends the
target cannot regain hit points and must make a Constitution
saving throw at the start of each of its turns, taking 4d4
necrotic damage and having its hit point maximum reduced
by the same amount on a failure. The target quickly
decomposes into mulch if reduced to 0 hit points while under
the effects of this spell. On a sucessful save the spell ends,
though any hit point maximum reductions from it last until
the target finishes a long rest. If the target it is Undead it has
disadvantage on any saves it makes against this spell.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d4 for
each slot level above 5th.

Primal Paths
Accursed Warrior Parasitic Weapon
You have somehow come into possession of a weapon tainted 10th-level Accursed Warrior feature
by a dark power. Perhaps it was a forgotten family heirloom Your accursed weapon gains the ability to claim the power
used for some nefarious deed, a weapon forged by an evil of other magical weapons for its own. You can perform a
ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a
wizard to further their megalmomaniacal agenda, or a relic short rest, by placing your accursed weapon within 5 feet of
recovered from a cursed temple or haunted battlefield. another magical weapon. At the end of the duration your
No matter its origins, your weapon has what can only be accursed weapon gains any magical properties possesed by
described as a mind of its own, a mind that has attached itself the other weapon, which then crumbles to dust. You may not
to you whether you wish it or not. Its malign will compels you target an artifact with this feature.
to wreak death and destruction to satiate its endless hunger, If you perform this ritual again using a different weapon,
making little distinction between friend and foe in the midst the accursed weapon loses all previous benefits granted from
of combat. this feature.
Accursed Weapon Sinister Possession
3rd-level Accursed Warrior feature 14th-level Accursed Warrior feature
You have formed a bond with an accursed weapon (work You may give yourself up entirely to your weapon's wanton
with your DM to determine the exact circumstances of how desires in combat, unleashing the fullest extent of its power
you came to possess it), which has the following properties: but losing all semblance of self-control. While wielding your
You can't be disarmed of the weapon while raging. If it is accursed weapon you can become possessed by your
on the same plane of existence, you can summon that accursed weapon when you enter a rage. If you do so, for the
weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to duration of the rage attacks you make with your accursed
teleport instantly to your hand. weapon score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20, you gain
temporary hit points equal to half your Barbarian level
Whenever you complete a long rest without the weapon it (rounded down) whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit
magically reappears in your possession. points, and you have resistance to psychic damage and
The weapon counts as magical for the purpose of immunity to being charmed or frightened. If you are charmed
overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical or frightened when you enter your rage, the effect is
attacks and damage. suspended for the duration of the rage.
While possesed you must also use your action each round
You can't attune or remain attuned to any other weapons to Attack the creature nearest to you with your accursed
while the weapon is in your possession. weapon with your reckless attack feature. If you can make
extra attacks as part of the Attack action you use those extra
The weapon is sentient (the DM sets the weapon's attacks, moving to Attack the next nearest creature after you
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma scores or determines fell your current target. If the creature nearest to you is not
them randomly) and communicates with you by hostile to you, you may attempt a Wisdom saving throw to
transmitting emotions and/or speaking to you ignore this requirement until the start of your next turn. You
telepathically. also must attempt a Wisdom saving throw if you use your
bonus action to end the rage early, continuing the rage on a
Violent Impetus failure.
3rd-level Accursed Warrior feature The DC for any saves made against this feature is equal to
Your weapon fills you with bloodlust, its influence over your your Barbarian level.
mind overpowering most everything else. You have resistance
to saving throws made against being charmed or frightened, Demonblood
and attacks you make with your accursed weapon score a You can tap into the magic of the Abyss to empower yourself
critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. You must be raging and in the heat of battle, gaining some of the terrifying abilities of
wielding your accursed weapon to gain these benefits. its demonic inhabitants. You might possess these abilities
Killing Pace
due to some form of demonic heritage, or have struck a deal
6th-level Accursed Warrior feature with a powerful demon in order to become stronger.
Your blade's thirst for violence empowers you to move Regardless of how you first began to walk the path of the
swiftly between your foes. Once per turn when you reduce a demon rager it is one of death and isolation, chosen only by
creature to 0 hit points with your accursed weapon, you can the most depraved or desperate of individuals. For
move up to half your speed as a free action. Additionally, associating with the dark powers of the Abyss comes with the
moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no very literal risk of losing your soul to its insatiable hunger.
extra movement while you are raging and wielding your
accursed weapon.

Blessing of the Abyss Draconic Rampager
3rd-level Demonblood feature The awe-inspiring might of dragonkind thunders within your
Your connection to the Abyss grants you new powers. You soul, granting you heightened strength and endurance. You
gain the ability to speak, read, and write Abyssal. Whenever might have an ancestor who was themselves a dragon, have
you make a Charisma check when interacting with a demon, recieved a dragon's blessing after currying its favor, or be a
your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to this check.
In addition, you gain an unnatural hunger for raw meat. As long-dead dragon reincarnated into mortal form. Whether
an action on your turn, you may drop prone and consume the you fight out of good or evil, selflessness or greed, there are
flesh of a dead creature to regain hit points equal to your few who can stand up to your might when you allow your
Constitution modifier + the total number of hit dice draconic side to manifest.
possessed by the creature, as well as removing a level of
exhaustion from yourself if you possess any. Doing so counts Dragontouched
as an attack for the purposes of continuing a rage. 3rd-level Draconic Rampager feature
You may use this feature equal to your Constitution Your connection to dragonkind grants you new powers. You
modifier (minimum 1), regaining all uses when you complete gain the ability to speak, read, and write Draconic. Whenever
a long rest. you make a Charisma check when interacting with a dragon,
your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to this check.
Demonic Aspect In addition, whenever you enter a rage choose Acid, Cold,
6th-level Demonblood feature Fire, Lightning, or Poison: for the duration of the rage you
While raging your appearance takes on a demonic aspect have resistance to damage of that type, and your melee
such as rotting flesh, curling horns, or cloven hooves. You weapon attacks deal an extra 1d4 damage of the that type.
have darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision,
its distance increases by 30 feet. You also have resistance to Dragonbreath
poison damage, and advantage on Constitution saving throws 6th-level Dragonic Rampager feature
made against poison. You must be raging to benefit from this When you take the Attack action on your turn while raging,
feature. you can replace one of your attacks with an exhalation of
draconic energy in either a 20-foot-cone or a 30-foot-line that
Blasphemous Bellow is 5 feet wide (your choice). Each creature in the area must
10th-level Demonblood feature make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your Constitution
You can unleash a bloodcurdling war cry that chills the modfier + your proficiency bonus), taking 2d10 damage of the
blood of even the staunchest foe. As an action on your turn, type chosen with your dragontouched feature on a failed save,
you can force any hostile creature that can hear to make a or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage
Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency increases by 1d10 when you reach 11th level in this class
bonus + your total Intimidation skill modifier) or be (3d10), and 17th level in this class (4d10). Doing so counts as
frightened of you for 1 minute. Creatures that are further an attack for the purposes of continuing your rage
than 30 feet away from you make the save with advantage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
This counts as an attack for the purposes of continuing your Constitution modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended
rage. uses when you finish a long rest.
A frightened creature may repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a Draconic Resilience
success. A creature that succeeds on its save against this 10th-level Draconic Rampager feature
feature is immune to its effect for the next 24 hours. You can You can manifest the toughness of dragons in battle. While
use this feature a number of times equal to your Constitution raging, you can use your bonus action to gain advantage on
modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses when you the next saving throw you make before the start of your next
finish a long rest. turn. Alternatively, you can spend one Hit Die to heal yourself:
roll the die, add your Constitution modifier, and regain a
Improved Demonic Aspect number of hit points equal to the total (minimum 1).
14th-level Demonblood feature You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Your appearance while raging becomes even more Constitution modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended
demonic, with leathery wings sprouting from your back and uses when you finish a long rest.
hideous mutations wracking your body. While raging, you
have a flying speed equal to your current speed.
If you have consumed the flesh of another creature within
the last minute with your blessing of the abyss feature, you
also have advantage on saving throws made against spells
and other magical effects while raging, as well as resistance
to cold, fire, and lightning damage.

Draconic Aspect
14th-level Draconic Rampager feature
You take on a draconic countenance while raging, with
leathery lings sprouting from your back and tough scales
covering parts of your body. While raging you have a flying
speed equal to your current speed, your unarmored defense
AC is equal to 13 + your Dexterity modifier + your
Constitution modifier, and you have blindsight out to 10 feet
and darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have darkvision,
its distance increases by 30 feet.
You can't manifest your wings while wearing armor unless
the armor is made to accommodate them, and clothing not
made to accommodate your wings might be destroyed when
you manifest them.

Bard Colleges
College of Adamantium College of Elation
When it comes to making music appropriate for going toe-to- Often found amongst clergy and religious followings, bards of
toe with a horde of demons or an age-old eldritch horror, one the College of Elation extoll the virtue of the gods through
must immediately turn to the College of Adamantium. Bards their art. While all bards are master musicians, the
of this college practice an art of intensity and violence, performances of this college are considered uniquely
evoking within its listeners the irresistable urge to rip and beautiful and inspiring through their divine connection, lifting
tear, until it is done. Though known by many different names the spirits of the downtrodden and driving away any evils that
throughout bardic history, in recent years this genre of music would seek to do them harm.
has come to be referred to simply as... "metal."
Divine Inspiration
Bonus Proficiencies 3rd-level College of Elation feature
3rd-level College of Adamantium feature Your music fills listeners with the healing presence of the
You gain proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and divine. Whenever a creature rolls one of your Bardic
martial weapons. Inspiration die it regains hit points equal to the roll + your
Charisma modifier.
Power Chord
3rd-level College of Adamantium feature Music of the Gods
The ferocity of your performance is second to none. You 3rd-level College of Elation feature
learn the thunderwave spell if you don't already know it. When your Spellcasting feature lets you learn or replace a
Additionally, whenever you cast the spell with a Bard spell bard cantrip or bard spell of 1st level or higher, you can
slot you may gain temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your choose the spell from the cleric spell list or the bard spell list.
Charisma modifier. This die increases the same as your You must otherwise obey all restrictions for selecting the
Bardic Inspiration die at higher levels in this class. spell, and it becomes a bard spell for you.
Disruptive Influence Elated Flight
6th-level College of Adamantium feature 6th-level College of Elation feature
Your can inspire an unstoppable battle-lust within yourself As a free action whenever you cast a bard spell, you can
and your allies. Whenever a creature with one of your bardic cause wings of light to manifest upon yourself or another
inspiration dice takes the Attack action on its turn, it can creature within 30 feet of you until the start of your next turn.
decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives it advantage on While these wings are manifested the creature has a flying
attack rolls during this turn, but attack rolls against it have speed of 60 feet and has advantage on all saving throws
advantage until its next turn. made against the spells or effects of fiends and undead.
Additionally, fiends and undead have disadvantage on attack
Metalhead rolls against the creature. If the creature is still in the air
14th-level College of Adamantium feature when this effect ends, it may use its reaction to reduce any
The more dangerous the situation, the better your falling damage it takes by and amount equal to five times your
performance. While concentrating on a Bard spell or bard level.
benefitting from your Countercharm feature, you have You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage Charisma modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses
from nonmagical weapons, and when hit by an attack you can when you finish a long rest.
make a single melee attack against your attacker as a
reaction. Angelic Chorus
14th-level College of Elation feature
Heavenly voices echo around you as you perform, curing
the ails of the just and searing the ears of the unholy.
Whenever you use your Countercharm feature, you can
choose a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier
that are within 30 feet of you to gain the benefit of a lesser
restoration spell. In addition, any fiends or undead within 30
feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw or take
2d8 + your Charisma modifier radiant damage and be
deafened until the start of your next turn.

College of Jest
Also known as jesters, fools, or harlequins, bards of the
College of Jest are loved (and hated) throughout the land for
their endless japes and buffoonery. Such bards can easily get
under the skin of even the most levelheaded individuals,
delivering cutting insults and feats of ridiculous spectacle
with comical ease. Even death, a terrifying terminus to most,
seems to such bards little more than a hilarious punchline.
Center of Attention
3rd-level College of Jest feature
You can annoy and distract your foes with your ridiculous
antics, granting an opportunity for your allies to strike. As an
action, you can expend a use of your Bardic Inspiration to
choose a number of creatures within 30 feet of you that can
see and hear you, up to a number equal to your Charisma
modifier (minimum of one). Each target must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be
affected by this feature until the start of your next turn.
While affected by this feature a creature has advantage on
attack rolls made against you but has disadvantage on all
other rolls. Additionally, all attacks made against the creature
have advantage. If the creature takes damage, this effect
Merciless Heckler
3rd-level College of Jest feature
No one, from the lowliest peasant to the mightiest ruler,
can escape the stinging lash of your tongue. You learn the
vicious mockery cantrip if you don't already know it.
Additionally, you may cast it as a bonus action a number of
times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1),
regaining the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.
Professional Tumbler
6th-level College of Jest feature
You have mastered a number of acrobatic tricks that come
in handy during combat. When you are subjected to an effect
that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only
half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on
the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. You may
also add your proficiency bonus to your AC while moving.
Joke's On Them
14th-level College of Jest feature
Even in the bleakest of situations you always somehow
manage to have the last laugh. You have advantage on death
saving throws. Additionally, when reduced to 0 hit points you
can cast a single bard spell as a free action. If it is a spell
attack it automatically hits and scores as a critical hit, and if
requires a saving throw any creature it affects automatically
fails its first save made against the spell.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
finish a long rest.

Divine Domains
Ice Domain Channel Divinity: Winter's Wrath
Gods of cold and winter such as Demeter, Khione, or Thrym 2nd-level Ice Domain feature
claim dominion over the bitter cold and darkness of winter. You can use your Channel Divinity to summon forth a blast
Gods of this domain are often capricious, their worship more of freezing wind. As an action, you present your holy symbol,
forcing each hostile creature within 30 feet of you to make a
often out of fear than of reverence. But though many of these Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 2d10 + your
gods are evil there are some who embody the gentler aspects Cleric level cold damage on a failed saving throw, and half as
of winter, such as the beauty gazing upon a newly fallen snow, much damage on a successful one. A creature that fails its
or loved ones coming together to celebrate the ending of the saving throw also has its speed reduced by 10 feet until the
year and the beginning of another. start of your next turn. A creature that has total cover from
you is not affected. Any nonmagical flames within its area of
Domain Spells effect are extinguished, and any water or creature killed by
1st-level Ice Domain feature this ability is frozen solid.
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Ice
Domain Spells table: Improved Ice Shield
Ice Domain Spells 6th-level Ice Domain feature
Cleric Level Spells You may use your Ice Shield feature on a creature that you
can see within 30 feet of you instead of yourself.
1st armor of agathys, ice knife
3rd rime's binding ice, snilloc’s snowball swarm Freezing Strikes
8th-level Ice Domain freature
5th cocoon of ice**, sleet storm You are blessed with divine might in battle. When a
7th fire shield (chill shield only), ice storm creature takes damage from one of your cantrips or weapon
9th cone of cold, mind-numbing cold**
attacks, you can also deal 1d8 cold damage to that creature.
Once you deal this damage, you can't use this feature again
until the start of your next turn.
Bonus Cantrips
1st-level Ice Domain feature Mantle of Winter
You learn the frostbite cantrip if you don't already know it. 17th-level Ice Domain freature
You can use your action to create a magical aurora around
Ice Shield yourself that lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a
1st-level Ice Domain feature bonus action. You emit bright light in a 10 feet radius and dim
You gain the ability to create a magical barrier of ice to light 5 feet beyond that. You and any friendly creatures within
protect yourself from harm. As a bonus action you may the bright light have advantage on saving throws against
summon floating chunks of ice around yourself, granting you spells and other magical effects. Any hostile creature that
a bonus to your AC equal to your profifiency bonus and starts its turn in the bright light must succeeed on a
resistance to fire damage until the start of your next turn. Constitution saving throw against your cleric spell DC or take
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your cold damage equal to half your Cleric level (rounded down).
Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all expended Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
uses when you finish a long rest. finish a long rest.
Madness Domain
While many gods promote peace and watch over the well-
being of mortals, there are some who equally drive them
towards chaos and madness, be it for malevolent reasons or
simply to entertain themselves. Gods such as Set, Dionysus,
and Eris embody discord and the madness that lurks deep in
the heart of every person, their followers capable of
channeling divine magic to fuel those tiny sparks of insanity
into an all-consuming fire.

Domain Spells Overwhelming Madness
1st-level Madness Domain feature 17th-level Madness Domain feature
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the The influence of your madness proves hard to resist for
Madness Domain Spells table: most creatures. Whenever a creature attempts a saving throw
against one of your non-cantrip enchantment spells or one of
Madness Domain Spells your Madness Domain abilities, it takes psychic damage
Cleric Level Spells equal to your half your Cleric level (rounded down). If that
1st charm person, tasha's hideous laughter damage would be enough to reduce the creature to 0 hit
points or fewer, it automatically fails the saving throw instead.
3rd crown of madness, suggestion
5th enemies abound, fear Travel Domain
7th confusion, phantasmal killer For some Clerics, faith comes from nothing more than the
9th geas, dominate person shoes on their feet and the road ahead of them. Gods of travel
or adventure such as Garl Glittergold, Kol Korran, and
Bonus Cantrip Hermes claim many followers who seek to travel the world
1st-level Madness Domain feature and experience it in all its wild glory. While many Clerics take
You learn the mind sliver cantrip if you don’t already know up the adventurering life those of the Travel Domain are
it. more inclined to it than most, consisting of devout followers,
daring explorers, and any whose true home is the open road.
Unsound Mind Domain Spells
1st-level Madness Domain feature 1st-level Travel Domain feature
The seeds of madness inside you increase your mental You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the
fortitude: you have advantage on saving throws made against Travel Domain Spells table:
being charmed or frightened. When you reach 6th level in this
class, you also gain resistance to psychic damage. Travel Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
Channel Divinity: Surge of Madness
2nd-level Madness Domain feature 1st jump, longstrider
You can use your Channel Divinity to twist the minds of 3rd find steed, rope trick
other creatures around you. As an action, you present your
holy symbol and force any hostile creatures within 30 feet of 5th blink, haste
you to roll a Wisdom saving throw or be subjected to the 7th dimension door, freedom of movement
effects of a confusion spell until the end of your next turn. A 9th passwall, teleportation circle
creature that has total cover from you is not affected.
Touch of Madness Blessing of the Traveler
6th-level Madness Domain feature 1st-level Travel Domain Feature
You gain the ability to incite temporary insanity in both You can give yourself a bonus to your initiative rolls equal
yourself and in others, sacrificing certain abilities to hone to your Wisdom modifier. Your base movement speed also
others. As an action, you cause a creature that you touch to increases by 5 feet.
go temporarily mad. Choose one of the following: attack rolls,
saving throws, or ability checks. The creature has advantage Quick Feet
to the chosen type of rolls and disadvantage on the other two 1st-level Travel Domain Feature
types until the end of its next turn. An unwilling creature may You may grant magically-heightened mobility to yourself or
attempt a Wisdom saving throw against your Cleric spell save another creature you touch as a bonus action. Until the start
DC in order to avoid this effect. If you target a willing of your next turn, the creature's movement is unaffected by
creature using this feature, you may do so as a bonus action. difficult terrain and the creature may Dash or Disengage as a
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your bonus action.
Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all expended You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
uses when you finish a long rest. Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all expended
uses when you finish a long rest.
Maddening Strikes
8th-level Madness Domain feature
You are blessed with divine might in battle. When a
creature takes damage from one of your cantrips or weapon
attacks, you can also deal 1d8 psychic damage to that
creature. Once you deal this damage, you can't use this
feature again until the start of your next turn.

Channel Divinity: Dimensional Hop
2nd-level Travel Domain feature
You can use your Channel Divinity feature to open a short-
distance portal. As an action, you present your holy symbol
and teleport up to 60 feet to any unoccupied space that you
can see, creating a two-way portal in both the square you exit
and the square you enter. The portal created by this feature
persists until the start of your next turn, and may be used by
any friendly creatures that move into either end of it (a
creature may end its movement in a square occupied with a
portal without being teleported).
Improved Quick Feet
6th-level Travel Domain feature
A creature benefitting from your Quick Feet feature may
also move along vertical surfaces and across liquids without
falling during the move.
Swift Strikes
8th-level Travel Domain feature
You are blessed with divine might in battle. When a
creature takes damage from one of your cantrips or weapon
attacks, you can also deal 1d8 force damage to that creature.
Once you deal this damage, you can't use this feature again
until the start of your next turn.
17th-level Travel Domain feature
Your divine magics make you nearly impossible to stop by
ordinary means: you are always under the effects of a
freedom of movement spell.

Druidic Circles
Circle of Stone Roiling Earth
Though nature is often thought of in terms of flora and fauna, 10th-level Circle of Stone feature
some druids focus their attention and reverence towards the The earth itself rises up against your foes, limiting their
earth itself. Combining the endurance of the tallest movement considerably. Whenever you cast a non-cantrip
druid spell, you may cause the ground within 20 feet of you to
mountains with the power of the greatest earthquakes, druids become difficult terrain for hostile creatures until the start of
of the Circle of Stone are staunch guardians of the land who your next turn as a bonus action.
always command the terrain advantage and can weather even You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
the fiercest assaults. Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.
Circle Spells
2nd-level Circle of Seasons feature Stone Shape
Your connection to the cycle of the seasons grants you 14th-level Circle of Stone feature
access to certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you The druidic magics you channel make you extremely
gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Circle of resistant to harm. While concentrating on a druid spell or
Stone Spells table. transformed with your Wild Shape feature, you are
Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always considered to be under the effects of a Stoneskin spell and
have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of any critical hit against you counts as a normal hit instead.
spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell
that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is
nonetheless a druid spell for you. Circle of Ruin
Druids of the Circle of Ruin embody the wrath of nature in its
Circle of Spells purest form, unleashing destructive forces upon their
Druid Level Spells enemies with little in the way of subtlety or remorse. They
3rd maximillian's earthen grasp, spike growth embody all the darker aspects of nature, such as wildfires,
tempests, sickness, and rot, calling upon all the anger of the
5th erupting earth, meld into stone earth against those who would do it harm. While not all of
7th stone shape, stoneskin these druids are evil, their wrath should still be avoided at all
9th transmute rock, wall of stone
Circle Spells
Boulder Bombardier 2nd-level Circle of Seasons feature
2nd-level Circle of Stone feature Your connection to the cycle of the seasons grants you
You can imbue even the tiniest of stones with magic, access to certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you
causing them to grow to massive size when hurled towards gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Circle of
their target. You learn the magic stone cantrip if you don't Ruin Spells table.
already know it, which counts as a druid spell for you. Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always
Additionally, the stones deals double damage to objects and have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of
structures. The stones return to their original size when the spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell
spell's effect on them ends. that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is
The spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th nonetheless a druid spell for you.
level in this class (2d6), 11th level in this class (3d6), and 17th
level in this class (4d6). Circle of Ruin Spells
Druid Level Spells
Earthen Shield
6th-level Circle of Stone feature 3rd rime's binding ice, shatter
You can summon protective barriers of stone to absorb 5th call lightning, fireball
enemy blows or brace you against forced movement. When 7th blight, ice storm
you take damage or suffer forced movement, you can use
your reaction to expend one druid spell slot to reduce that 9th contagion, insect plague
damage or forced movement by an amount equal to five times
the spell slot's level. Armor of Ruin
2nd-level Circle of Ruin feature
While not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10
+ your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

Ruin's Vanguard Seasonal Magics
2nd-level Circle of Ruin feature 2nd-level Circle of Seasons feature
By expending a use of your wild shape, you can enter a Your spells and features for this subclass are determined
state of primal ferocity. For 1 minute, you gain the following by the seasons. You know an additional cantrip based on your
benefits: current season: poison spray (Spring) produce flame
(Summer), chill touch (Autumn), or ray of frost (Winter).
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made with melee Whenever you finish a long rest, you may change which
weapons or druid spells. season you are invoking.
You score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 on attack rolls
with melee weapons or druid spells. Circle Spells
2nd-level Circle of Seasons feature
Your druid Spell Save DC is increased by 2. Your connection to the cycle of the seasons grants you
access to certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you
When you expend a use of your Wild Shape feature with gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Circle of
this feature, you may do so as a bonus action. Seasons Spell tables, gaining access to the spell table
corresponding to your current season.
Rampage Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always
6th-level Circle of Ruin feature have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of
You fight with a tempest's fury, mercilessly tearing through spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell
everything that stands in your way. You can attack twice, that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is
instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your nonetheless a druid spell for you.
turn. You may cast a druid cantrip in place of one of those Druid Level Spells (Spring)
3rd bless, lesser restoration
Strength from Ruin 5th life transferrance, remove curse
10th-level Circle of Ruin feature
You regain vitality through the destruction of your enemies. 7th aura of life, death ward
Whenever you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you 9th dawn, greater restoration
can use your reaction to regain hit points equal to half your
druid level (rounded down). Druid Level Spells (Summer)
3rd continual flame, flaming sphere
Innevitable Destruction
14th-level Circle of Ruin feature 5th daylight, fireball
No enemy can escape the ruin you would wreak upon it. 7th fire shield (warm shield only), wall of fire
When you miss a creature with a melee weapon or druid
spell attack, you can gain advantage on the next attack made 9th flame strike, immolation
with a melee weapon or druid spell against that creature until
the end of your next turn. If you attack another creature, this Druid Level Spells (Autumn)
benefit is lost. 3rd bane, charm person
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your 5th bestow curse, vampiric touch
Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses
when you finish a long rest. 7th blight, charm monster
9th dusk**, molder**
Circle of Seasons
Druids of this circle embody the cycle of the seasons in every Druid Level Spells (Winter)
possible sense, not only commanding their magics but also 3rd darkness, rime's binding ice
changing along with them. From the beautiful vitality of 5th fear, sleet storm
spring, to the fierce warmth of summer, to the ebbing of life in
autumn, to the frigid darkness of winter, druids of the Circle 7th fire shield (chill shield only), ice storm
of Seasons are uniquely versatile in their ability to call upon 9th cone of cold, mind-numbing cold**
the natural world to aid them in times of need.

Improved Seasonal Magics
6th-level Circle of Seasons feature
Your connection to the cycle of the seasons grows stronger.
You know an additional spell based on your current season,
which counts as a druid spell for you: cure wounds (Spring),
heroism (Summer), inflict wounds (Autumn), or cause fear
(Winter). You may cast this spell once at 1st level without
expending a spell slot, regaining the ability to do so when you
finish a long rest.
Seasonal Elements
10th-level Circle of Seasons feature
You have resistance to a particular type of damage based
on your current season: poison (Spring), fire (Summer),
necrotic (Autumn), or cold (Winter). In addition, damage you
deal of that type ignores resistance.
Avatar of the Cycle
14th-level Circle of Seasons feature
You can expend two uses of your Wild Shape at once to
transform into an avatar of your current season, taking on an
appropriate appeance of your choice and gaining the
following benefits for a number of hours equal to half your
druid level (rounded down):
Your hit point total and maximum is increased by an
amount equal to your druid level + your Wisdom modifier.
Your hit point maximum cannot be reduced.
You have advantage on saving throws made to resist being
charmed or frightened.
Spring: You are considered to be under the effects of a
sanctuary spell.
Summer: You are considered to be under the effects of a
light spell centered on yourself, whose light counts as
Autumn: Whenever you reduce a non-constuct, non-
undead creature to 0 hit points or score a critical hit
against one, you may regain hit points equal to half your
druid level (rounded down).
Winter: Protected by icy gales, you are considered to have

Martial Archetypes
Beastmaster Coordinated Assault
If a Fighter is only as good as their training, then so too is a 7th-level Beast Master feature
trained animal only as good as theirs. Unlike Rangers or You and your animal companion coordinate your decisive
Druids who forge mystical connections with their animal movements. When you use your Second Wind feature, your
animal companion regains hit points equal to the amount of
companions, the bonds Beastmasters forge with their health you regain.
companions are no more supernatural than trust and Additionally, whenever you use your Action Surge feature
training. Even if they are uncannily good at getting animals to you may command you animal companion to make an attack
behave. as part of the action or bonus action you take. To benefit from
this feature your animal companion must be within 30 feet of
Beastmaster's Companion you, be able to see or hear you, and be conscious.
3rd-level Beast Master feature
When you choose this archetype at third level, you gain Improved Fighting Style
proficiency in the Animal Handling skill. You also gain an 10th-level Beast Master feature
animal companion, which may be any beast no larger than You have trained your animal companion to be far more
Medium that has a CR of 1/4 or lower. It gains the following dangerous than any ordinary beast, granting it an additional
benefits: ability based on its chosen Fighting Style:
Add your proficiency bonus to the beast’s AC, attack rolls, Harrying: Creatures provoke opportunity attacks from your
and damage rolls, as well as to any saving throws and skills it companion even if they take the Disengage action before
is proficient in. leaving its reach. Additionally, you may use your reaction to
In combat, the beast acts during your turn. It can move and command your animal companion to move 5 feet without
use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes is the provking opportunity attacks.
Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn to Savagery: Once per turn when your animal companion
command it to take another action. That action can be one in rolls damage for an attack, you may reroll the attack’s
its stat block or some other action. You can also sacrifice one damage and use either total.
of your own attacks when you take the Attack action to Vigilance: Your animal companion grants you a +5 bonus to
command the beast to take the Attack action. If you are your initiative rolls.
incapacitated, the beast can take any action of its choice, not
just Dodge. Master Handler
The beast’s hit point maximum is equal to 5 + five times 15th-level Beast Master feature
your fighter level (with a number of hit dice [d8s] equal to Your experience in taming and training animals is almost
your fighter level), or 4 + four your fighter level (with a unparalleled. You may choose a creature of CR 1 or lower to
number of hit dice equal [d6s] to your fighter level) if it is of a be your animal companion. Additionally, if your animal
size smaller than Medium. companion is of CR 1/4 or lower it gains Evasion (if it is
Unlike the animal companions of Rangers, your bond with subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity
your animal companion is not magical nor tied to any ritual: if saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no
it is slain, you must find other means to raise it back to life damage on a success and only half on a failure).
(such as a Resurrection or Revivify spell) or train a new
companion, a process that takes 24 hours in total with a Unbreakable Bond
beast that isn’t hostile to you and meets the requirements. If 18th-level Beast Master feature
the beast has already been trained to an extent (such as a Together, you and your companion are a nigh unstoppable.
guard dog, for example), this process takes only 8 hours in As long as you and your animal companion are within 30 feet
total, as it already possesses the foundational skills that your of each other you both have advantage on death saving
training helps it to perfect. throws, advantage on Wisdom saving throws made against
being frightened or charmed, and gain 10 temporary hit
Companion Fighting Style points at the start of your turn. You must both be able to see
3rd-level Beast Master feature and hear one another and be conscious to benefit from this
You have learned to train your animal companion to adopt feature.
a particular style of combat, granting it a Fighting Style of its
own that you choose from one of the following options:
Harrying: Your animal companion cuts off your foes'
retreat: creatures hit by your animal companion’s opportunity
attacks have their speed reduced to 0 for the rest of the turn.
Savagery: Your animal companion attacks viciously: your
animal companion scores critical hits on a roll of 19 or 20.
Vigilance: Your animal companion alerts you to danger: you
and your animal companion cannot be surprised.

Executioner Coup de Gras
Few professionans can evoke the same mix of fear and 18th-level Executioner Feature
respect that exectioners do, their presence in the public eye Your critical strikes leave little potential for survival.
synonymous with nothing less than death itself. As a Whenenever you score a critical hit with a melee weapon
practitioner of this brutal art you put your talent for attack the target must make a Constitution saving throw, the
DC of which equals 8 + your proficiency modifier + your
termination to good use in combat, especially against foes Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). If it fails, you
who are already have one foot in the grave, whom you can can roll one of the weapon's damage dice two additional
sense with supernatural keenness. times and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Reaper's Sight
3rd-level Executioner Feature Gladiator
You can asses if a creature you can see within 30 feet of As a Gladiator you live for spectacle, carrying yourself with a
you is at or below half its hit point maximum as a free action. showman's confidence and taking down your opponents with
Additionally, weapon attacks you make against creatures at or herculean feats of strength and skill. Though some might call
below half their hit point maximum score a critical hit on a you overconfident, you simply know your abilities and make
roll of 19-20 and ignore damage resistances (but not no attempts to sell yourself short: whether you're darling of
immunities). the masses known far and wide or an unknown talent
seeking to make a name for yourself, you know how to put on
Make An Example a show for whomever might be watching.
3rd-level Executioner Feature
As a bonus action when you reduce a creature to 0 hit Crowd Favorite
points with a weapon attack, you can brandish your weapon 3rd-level Gladiator feature
menacingly and strike fear into the hearts of your remaining You perform best before an audience. A friendly creature
foes. Any hostile creatures within 30 feet of you that can see within 30 feet of you that you can hear or see can use its
you must make a Wisdom saving throw, the DC of which action to cheer you on, granting you advantage on the next
equals 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Strength or attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you make before the
Dexterity modifier (your choice). If it fails, the creature is end of your next turn.
frightened of you until the end of its next turn. A creature that
succeeds its save against this feature is immune to its effect Practice Makes Perfect
for the next 24 hours. 3rd-level Gladiator feature
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your You have mastered skills that lend themselves well to the
Strength or Dexterity modifier (minimum 1), regaining all arena. You gain proficiency in the Athletics and Intimidation
expended uses when you finish a long rest. skills. Additionally, you can choose a second option from the
Fighting Style class feature.
7th-level Executioner Feature Single Combat
Though you prefer to settle things with a single strike, you 7th-level Gladiator feature
know how to chisel down tougher marks with consecutive You project a larger-than-life presence in battle. As a bonus
blows. Whenever you score a critical hit with a weapon the action, you can get the attention of a hostile creature within
target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to 30 feet of you that can see or hear you. That creature must
the damage dealt until it finishes a long rest. In addition, the make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma
target cannot regain hit points or gain temporary hit points modifier + your proficiency bonus), which it can choose to fail.
until the start of your next turn. If it fails, that creature has disadvantage on attack rolls
against creatures other than you, and you have disadvantage
Deathly Disposition on attack rolls against creatures other than it. This effect
10th-level Executioner Feature ends after 1 minute, or when one of you is incapacitated.
After being surrounded by death for so long, you have little Creatures with an Intelligence score of 1 are immune to this
fear of the grave. You have resistance to necrotic damage and feature.
advantage on death saving throws. Additionally, your hit point
maximum cannot be reduced.
Improved Reaper's Sight
15th-level Executioner Feature
You can see creatures at or below half their hit point
maximum within 30 feet of you as though you had truesight.
Additionally, weapon attacks you make against creatures at or
below half their hit point maximum score a critical hit on a
roll of 18-20.

10th-Level Gladiator feature
Your confidence makes you a difficult foe to overcome both
physically and mentally. You gain a bonus to Wisdom saving
throws equal to your Charisma modifier.
Additionally, when you score a critical hit or reduce a
creature to 0 hit points, you can gain temporary hit points
equal to 1d10 + your Charisma modifier as a free action. You
can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses
upon finishing a long rest.
Master of Disaster
15th-level Gladiator feature
Your gladiatorial performances are second to none.
Whenever you make a Strength (Athletics), Charisma
(Intimidation), or Charisma (Performance) check, treat a roll
of 7 or lower as an 8.
Goliath Slayer
18th-level Gladiator feature
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Unarmed or
weapon attacks you make against Large or larger creatures
score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20, and you can roll one of
the weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to
the extra damage of the critical hit. You also gain a +2 bonus
to saving throws against spells or effects by Large or larger
creatures, as well as to your AC against attacks made by
Large or larger creatures.

Monastic Traditions
Way of Blossoms Leaf on the Wind
You follow a tradition that draws its inspiration from nature, 11th-level Way of Blossoms feature
one that values the existence of all living things whether large Your flowing movements make it difficult for your foes to
or small. While your teachings urge you to avoid conflict or corner you. Whenever an enemy misses you with an attack
you may move 5 feet as a free action. This movement does
violence you are more than capable of defending yourself, not provoke opportunity attacks. You can also add your
using your powers to heal your allies and evade your enemies proficiency bonus to your AC while moving.
in equal measure. Many elves follow this monastic tradition
in emulation of their ancestors, though its practice is by no Improved Blossoming Defense
means exclusive to them. 17th-level Way of Blossoms feature
When you use your blossoming defense feature you gain
Green Thumb resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn, as
3rd-level Way Blossoms feature enchanted flower petals linger around you and ward you
You can use your ki to duplicate the effects of certain spells against harm.
as you tap into the life energy of the natural world. You gain
the druidcraft cantrip if you don't already know it. Way of the Stone Fist
Additionally, you can spend 2 ki points as an action to cast
cure wounds, entangle, or lesser restoration. You do not You practice a technique that emphasizes patience and
require material components for any spells you cast using endurance, empowering your already impressive physical
this feature abilities with the latent energy of the earth itself . Like a
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for any spells you cast mountain in the midst of a storm you stand firm and hold
with this feature (your spell attack bonus equals your your ground in combat, your blows falling like a landslide
Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your spell DC upon those foolish enough to invite them. Dwarves especially
is equal to your Ki save DC). are drawn to this monastic tradition, which many believe was
Once you reach 5th level in this class, you can spend first perfected by dwarven masters long ago.
additional ki points to increase the level of a spell you cast
with this feature. The spell's level increases by 1 for each Immovable
additional ki point you spend. The maximum number of ki 3rd-level Way of the Stone Fist feature
points you can spend to cast a spell in this way (including its You are resilient in both mind and body. While you are not
base ki point cost and any additional ki points you spend to wearing armor or a shield, you may reduce any forced
increase its level) is determined by your monk level, as shown movement you are subjected to by 15 feet. Additionaly, you
in the Spells and Ki Points table. have proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.
Spells and Ki Points Titan's Strength
Monk Levels Maximum Ki Points for a Spell 3rd-level Way of the Stone Fist feature
5th-8th 3 While most monks rely on their agility to survive in
combat, you make use of your physical might. You may use
9th-12th 4 your Strength modifier in place of Dexterity modifier for your
13th-16th 5 unarmored defense and deflect missiles class features.
17th-20th 6
Strength of Stone
6th-level Way of the Stone Fist feature
Blossoming Defense Your endurance is as limitless as the earth itself. As a
6th-level Way of Blossoms feature bonus action, you can expend 1 ki point to regain a number of
You can vanish in a swirl of flower petals when struck, hit points equal to a roll of your Martial Arts die + your
appearing a short distance away perfectly unharmed. As a Strength modifier.
reaction when you are hit by an attack or fail a saving throw,
you can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can Mountain Stance
see. Doing also imposes disadvantage on the attacker or 11th-level Way of the Stone Fist feature
grants you advantage on the saving throw, potentially You can take a defensive stance that enables you to shrug
changing the result. off blows with ease. If you have not moved or been moved
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your since the start of your last turn, you cannot be knocked prone,
Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
on a long rest. damage from non-adamantium weapons, and may use your
deflect missiles feature as a free action.

Earth-Shattering Stomp Spellcasting Ability
17th-level Way of the Stone Fist feature Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for any spells you cast
As an action, you can expend 3 ki points to unleash a with this feature (your spell attack bonus equals your
devastating shockwave that tears through the ground around Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your spell DC
you. All grounded creatures within 10 feet of you must make is equal to your Ki save DC).
a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your Strength modifier + Once you reach 5th level in this class, you can spend
your proficiency bonus) or take 3d10 + your Strength additional ki points to increase the level of a spell you cast
modifier bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone, taking with this feature. The spell's level increases by 1 for each
half as much damage and remaining standing on a success. additional ki point you spend. The maximum number of ki
In addition, all spaces within 10 feet of you (including the points you can spent to cast a spell in this way (including its
space you are occupying) become difficult terrain. base ki point cost and any additional ki points you spend to
increase its level) is determined by your monk level, as shown
Way of the Third Eye in the Spells and Ki Points table.
You do not require material, verbal, or somatic components
You have awakened to psionic abilities through intense when casting spells using this subclass' features.
training and meditation. Combining body, mind, and spirit in
perfect harmony, you fight with a prowess that few others can Spells and Ki Points
replicate: shielding yourself from harm, unleashing gouts of Monk Levels Maximum Ki Points for a Spell
flame, hurling objects with your mind, and speaking 5th-8th 3
telepathically with other creatures are all within the realms of
your ability. 9th-12th 4
13th-16th 5
Psionic Focus
3rd-level Way of the Third Eye feature 17th-20th 6
Your psychic abilities fall into a specific area of psionic
focus. Choose one of the following psionic focuses, which You do not require material components for any spells you
grants you additional features at higher levels. Alternatively, cast using this feature.
you can choose a lower level feature from a different psionic
focus instead. Psionic Shield
3rd-level Way of the Third Eye feature
Pyrokinesis You can create a barrier of psychic energy around yourself
You can use your psionic abilities to summon flames. You that protects you from harm. You can cast shield without
gain the control flames cantrip if you don't already know it. In expending a spell slot. You may not do so again until you
addition, you can spend 2 ki points to cast burning hands. finish a short or long rest unless you also spend 2 ki points.
At 6th level, you can spend 3 ki points to cast flaming
sphere. Psionic Boost
At 11th level, you can spend 4 ki points to cast fireball. 6th-level Way of the Third Eye feature
At 17th level, you can spend 6 ki points to cast immolation. You can use your psyionic abilities to heighten your
abilities. You can cast enhance ability on yourself without
Telekinesis expending a spell slot or needing to maintain concentration
You can use your psionic abilities to manipulate the world on the spell. You may not do so again until you finish a short
around you. You gain the mage hand canrip if you don't or long rest unless you also spend 3 ki points.
already know it, and the spectral hand you create with it is
invisible. In addition, you can spend 2 ki points to cast Psionic Shift
catapult. 11th-level Way of the Third Eye feature
At 6th level, you can spend 3 ki points to cast levitate. Your psyhic powers allow you move between the real and
At 11th level, you can spend 4 ki points to cast psionic Ethereal realms with ease. You can cast blink without
blast. expending a spell slot. You may not do so again until you
At 17th level, you can spend 6 ki points to cast telekinesis. finish a long rest unless you also spend 4 ki points.
Telepathy Psionic Sight
You can use your psionic abilities to touch the minds of other 17th-level Way of the Third Eye feature
creatures. You gain the message cantrip if you don't already You can see through your third eye with much greater
know it. In addition, you can spend 2 ki points to cast sense precision. You can cast arcane eye without expending a spell
emotion. slot. You may not do so again until you finish a long rest
At 6th level, you can spend 3 ki points to cast detect unless you also spend 5 ki points.
At 11th level, you can spend 4 ki points to cast sending.
At 17th level, you can spend 6 ki points to cast Rary's
Telepathic Bond.

Sacred Oaths
Oath of Inquisition Inqusitor's Presence. As an action, you can present your
holy symbol and strike fear into the hearts of the wicked.
Paladins who take the Oath of Inqusition are often singularly All creatures of your choice within 30 feet of you must
zealous even compared to other Paladins. Rather than going make a Charisma saving throw. A creature that you are
forth to smite evils in the far corners of the world, they not fighting makes this save with disdvantage. On a
instead focus their efforts on rooting out threats that blend in failure, a creature is frightened of you for 1 minute. While
amongst the crowd. Whether such threats are real or believed frightened in this way, a creature has disadvantage on
is ultimately of little consequence however, as paladins of this Charisma (Deception) checks. At the start of each of its
oath rarely hesitate to dispense swift and brutal justice to turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw.
those they deem unfaithful. On a success, the spell ends on the target.
Tenets of Inquisition Aura of Verity
Paladins of this oath are ruthless and dogmatic in their 7th-level Oath of Inquisition feature
beliefs, forcing any personal connections they might have Your mere presence is enough to render most forms of
aside as they mete out justice in the name of the greater good. deceit useless. Whenever a hostile creature enters a space
Such paladins are usually lawful neutral, though the more within 10 feet of you it must make a Charisma saving throw
extreme among them may be closer to lawful evil. against your paladin spell save DC. On a failed save, the
Justice Before Mercy. Compassion, while important, must creature becomes visible (if it was hidden or invisible) and/or
never take precedence over objectivity. reverts back to its original form (if it was shapeshifted),
Leave No Stone Unturned. Evil often lurks in the places cannot become invisible or shapeshift again, and has
where it is least expected; I must always remain vigilant. disadvantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks. These
Show No Favorites. No one- be they complete strangers penalties last until the creature starts its turn outside the
or close friends- deserves any special treatment if they are radius of the aura. Additionally, creatures within the aura
found out to be agents of evil. suffer disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) checks when
Suffer Not The Wicked. Those who dabble with dark attempting to lie to you.
forces must be made an example of, lest their ways evil At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
spread to others.
Prison of Truth
Oath Spells 15th-level Oath of Inquisition feature
Paladin Level Spells Any creature that fails its saving throw against your zone of
3rd Command, Detect Magic truth spell cannot leave the radius of the spell's effect
(including by magical means) unless you consciously allow it
5th Detect Thoughts, Zone of Truth to do so. Additionally, creatures that you are not fighting
9th Fast Friends, Tongues make their saves against the spell with disadvantage.
13th Arcane Eye, Locate Creature Divine Alacrity
17th Legend Lore, Scrying 20th-level Paladin feature
You can enter a state of heightened consciousness in which
Channel Divinity no plot or deception slips past you. As a bonus action, you
You gain the following Channel Divinity options. gain the following benefits for 1 minute while you are
Inquisitor's Brand. As an action, you can place a magical
brand upon a humanoid you touch or hit with a melee You have truesight out to 120 feet.
weapon attack as a free action. For the next 24 hours the You cannot be surprised.
creature suffers disadvantage on all Dexterity (Sleight of
Hand), Dexterity (Stealth), and Charisma (Deception) You know if you hear a lie.
checks and does not gain any benefits from completing a
rest. You choose whether the mark is visible or invisible Attackers do not benefit from advantage when attacking
when you place it upon a creature (an invisible mark is you.
visible to a creature casting Detect Magic or that has You have advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom saving
truesight). If you mark another creature with this feature, throws.
its effect ends.
Once you use this bonus action, you can't use it again until
you finish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th-level spell slot
to use it again.

Oath of Penance Sinner's Curse As an action, you can present your holy
symbol to sacrifice a portion of your life force and cause
Paladins who take the Oath of Penance are both selfless your enemies to burn in holy fire. All hostile creatures
martyrs and merciless harbingers, inflicting what they believe within 30 feet of you must make a Charisma saving throw.
to be the harsh verdict of the gods upon both themselves and Fiends and undead make this save with disadvantage.
others. While many paladins who take the Oath of Penance On a failed save, a target takes 3d6 + your Charisma
are former Oathbreakers or otherwise haunted by an evil modifier radiant damage. If you are at or below half your
past, some do so simply from a broader belief that mortals as hit point maximum, increase the radiant damage dealt by
a collective are sinful and require redemption. Regardless of an amount equal to your Paladin level. Additionally, at the
their pasts, all of these paladins are united in their belief in start of each of its turns for the next minute an affected
spiritual cleansing through physical suffering. creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, it takes 1d6 radiant damage. On a successful
Tenets of Penance save, the effect ends.
Paladins of this oath are zealous and self-sacrificing in the
extreme, putting the needs of others before their own even- Aura of Absultion
often especially- if it comes at their own expense. Such 7th-level Oath of Penance feature
paladins vary in alignment based on their perceptions of sin You emit an aura of penance that allows you to redeem
in both themselves and others, ranging from those who seek your allies at your own expense. Whenever a creature within
merely to atone for their own misdeeds to others who see sin the 10 feet of you fails a saving throw, you can use your
everywhere they look. reaction to cause them to succeed the saving throw. If you do,
Avoid Excess. The pursuit of material things has been the you suffer the effects of failing the saving throw instead.
undoing of many a mortal; I shall not succumb to temptation. At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
Good For Goodness' Sake. While I do as much good as I
can for others, I do not do so in the hopes of being rewarded. Rapturous Agony
Modesty Is A Virtue. I must always remain humble in my 15th-level Oath of Penance feature
words and deeds, for pride begets sin. Your suffering fills you with a righteousnes conviction that
Pain Is Weakness Leaving The Body. Suffering is not guides your arm in battle. While at or below half your hit
something to be avoided, but an opportunity to demonstrate point maximum, you gain a bonus to all weapon damage rolls
my conviction. equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and your
Oath Spells melee weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.
Paladin Level Spells
Holy Martyr
3rd Bane, Inflict Wounds 20th-level Oath of Penance feature
5th Blindness/Deafness, Ray of Enfeeblement You can enter a state of supernatural selflesness in which
your sacrifice can turn the tides of battle as an action. For 1
9th Bestow Curse, Life Transferance minute, you gain the following benefits:
13th Blight, Death Ward
You can use your Aura of Absultion feature as a free
17th Contagion, Insect Plague action.
Channel Divinity When you are reduced to 0 hit points you may
3rd-level Oath of Penance feature immediately use one of your subclass Channel Divinity
You gain the following Channel Divinity options. options, even if you have no uses of it remaining.
Sinner's Blessing As an action, you can present your holy You have advantage on death saving throws.
symbol to fill your allies with divine vitality. All friendly
creatures within 30 feet of you immediately regain 3d6 + Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you
your Charisma modifier hit points. If you are at or below finish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th-level spell slot to
half your hit point maximum, increase the amount of hit use it again.
points regained by an amount equal to your Paladin level.
Additionally, until the start of your next turn affected
creatures have advantage on all saving throws.

Oath of the Pantheon Prophetic Insight
Rather than devote themselves to a single higher power or 15th-level Oath of the Pantheon feature
set of tenets, paladins who take the Oath of the Pantheon The gods impart to you slivers of their knowledge of future
seek act as intermediaries between the mortal and divine events. When you make an attack roll, an ability check, or a
realms. Since gods are often mercurial in their moods and saving throw, you can roll a d20 and substitute the number
rolled for the result. Alternatively, when another creature
demands however, one who seeks to honor them all walk a makes an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw, you
fine line in balancing their devotion equally: one god may can substitute the number rolled for the result.
demand peaceful prayer, another bloodstained sacrifice, and Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
yet another both or neither. finish a long rest.
Tenets of the Pantheon Avatar of the Pantheon
Paladins of this oath are more broad in their allegiances and 20th-level Oath of the Pantheon feature
alliances than most. For while some pantheons are You can invoke the heavens to enter a demigodly state as
composed entirely of good-aligned deities, others include an action. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
deities whose desires may be neutral or even evil in nature.
Rather than reject or shun such deities however, these You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
paladins instead seek to appease them into levelling their
wrath against their enemies rather than their allies. You have resistance to necrotic and radiant damage.
Emulate The Gods. The gods are the example to which all You cannot be charmed or frightened.
mortals should aspire in their lives.
Honor The Gods. Appeasing the gods is critical, both to You emit dim light in a radius of 15 feet.
recieve their benevolence and to avoid their wrath. You have advantage on all Charisma ability checks and
Serve The Gods. Actions speak louder than words, saving throws.
especially in the eyes of the divine.
Uphold The Gods. It is my duty to restore mortal faith in
the divine when it is found wonting, for without faith despair Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you
is inevitable. finish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th-level spell slot to
use it again.
Paladin Level Spells
3rd Absorb Elements, Shield
5th Augury, Enhance Ability
9th Bestow Curse, Elemental Weapon
13th Death Ward, Polymorph
17th Commune, Hallow

Channel Divinity
3rd-level Oath of the Pantheon feature
You gain the following Channel Divinity options.
Divine Invocation As an action, you can present your holy
symbol and use the Channel Divinity option of any Cleric
Domain. When you use the Channel Divinity of a Cleric
Domain this way, you can't use that Channel Divinity
option again for 7 days.
Wisdom of the Gods For 1 hour, you gain your choice of
proficiency in a skill that you are not proficient in or
expertise in a skill that you are proficienct in.

Aura of Intervention
7th-level Oath of the Pantheon feature
Divine wards weaken the blows that fall upon you and your
allies. Whenever a creature within the 10 feet of you takes
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, that creature may
roll 1d4 and subtract it from the total.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.

Ranger Archetypes
Boreal Strider Arctic Storm
You are a veteran of the coldest of climates, capable of 15th-level Boreal Strider feature
surviving in lands that would prove inhospitable to most such You can summon an icy vortex that covers your allies and
as frozen tundra and snow-shrouded peaks. Such is your impairs your enemies. As an action, you can create a 10-foot-
radius sphere of howling blizzard centered on a point within
experience with the harshess of winter that you have learned 30 feet of you that grants you and any friendly creatures
how to harnass it towards your own ends, stalking your within it half-cover. For hostile creatures, the area of the
enemies in deadly silence before ambushing them with the sphere is considered to be difficult terrain and heavily
strength and fury of an avalanche. obscured. In addition, any hostile creature that starts its turn
in the sphere must make a Constitution saving throw against
Boreal Strider Magic your spell save DC or take cold damage equal to your
3rd-level Boreal Strider feature proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the sphere
this class, as shown in the Arctic Wanderer spell table. The up to 30 feet. The sphere lasts for 1 minute, until you are
spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count incapacitated, or until you choose to dispel it early as a bonus
against the number of ranger spells you know. action. You cannot concentrate on spells while benefitting
Boreal Strider Spells from this feature.
Ranger Level Spell Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
finish a long rest.
3rd ice knife
5th rime's binding ice Skybreaker
9th sleet storm You are empowered by the might of the harshest storms,
13th ice storm
devastating your enemies with lightning and thunder in equal
measure. Capable of darting across the battlefield with
17th cone of cold unnatural speed, you are all but impossible to pin down to
your enemies, devastating them with a whirlwind of attacks
Cold-Eyed and slipping past their reprisals with ease.
3rd-level Boreal Strider feature
Used to travailing through hazardous weather, you are Skybreaker Magic
experienced in filtering out visual distractions. You can 3rd-level Skybreaker feature
magically focus your senses as a bonus action: until the start You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in
of your next turn you have advantage on Wisdom (perception) this class, as shown in the Storm Strider spell table. The
checks relying on sight, can see into areas that are lightly spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn't count
obscured as if they were not obscured, and can see into areas against the number of ranger spells you know.
that are heavily obscured as if they were lightly obscured.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Skybreaker Spells
Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses Ranger Level Spell
when you finish a short or long rest. 3rd thunderwave
5th warding wind
Blizzard Stalker
7th-level Boreal Strider feature 9th thunder step
You are experienced in stalking prey through even the most 13th storm sphere
unforgiving of climates. You can attempt to hide even when
you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling 17th control winds
snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. You also gain
resistance to cold damage. Fulminating Strikes
3rd-level Skybreaker feature
Boreal Blessing You can supercharge your weapons with electrical energy.
11th-level Boreal Strider feature When you hit a creature with a weapn attack, you can deal
You can enchant your attacks with a biting frost that proves extra lightning damage equal to 1d10 + your Wisdom
especially effective against unsuspecting quarries. The first modifier. This damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th
creature you hit on each of your turns with a weapon or non- level in this class (2d10), 11th level in this class (3d10), and
cantrip spell attack takes extra 1d6 cold damage and has its and 17th level in this class (4d10).
movement speed reduced by 10 feet until the end of your next You can use this feature a number of time equal to your
turn. If the creature is surprised, triple the cold damage and Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), regaining all expended uses
movement penalties it suffers from this feature. when you finish a long rest.
Chain Lightning Trapcraft
7th-level Skybreaker feature 3rd-level Sniper feature
When you activate your fulminating strikes feature you can You can craft a number of useful magical traps. Crafting a
cause the lightning to jump to another target within 15 feet of trap with this feature requires functional tinker's tools, 1 hour
the first creature, which takes the same amount of lightning of labor, and for you to expend a ranger spell slot of a level
damage. In addition, creatures that take lightning damage equal to or greater than the spell which the trap is replicating
from your fulminating strikes feature cannot take reactions (the trap's spell is of the same level as the expended spell
until the start of their next turn. slot). The spell which the trap replicates is centered on the
trap and does not require concentration to maintain. A trap
Stormkin remains armed until it is triggered, or for up to 1 hour.
11th-level Skybreaker feature Alternatively, you may disarm a trap as a bonus action while
Storm magic empowers both your movement and adjacent to it, causing its duration to end early.
defensive abilities. You gain resistance to lightning and You know how to craft explosive traps and sleeping traps
thunder damage. Additionaly, you can take the Dash action as when you take this subclass and learn more trap designs
bonus action and opportunity attacks made against you while when you reach certain levels in this class:
dashing have disadvantage.
Explosive Trap: This trap explodes loudly when triggered,
Lightning Bolter functioning like a thunderwave spell.
15th-level Skybreaker feature Sleeping Trap: This trap emits a colorless, odorless gas
You can fly like a bolt of lightning across the battlefield, that causes loss of consciousness, functioning like a sleep
causing arcs of energy to strike at creatures you pass along spell.
the way. Whenever you take the Dash action, you can force
any creature you come within 5 feet of while moving to make Pyrotechnics Trap (5th-level or higher): This trap
a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier disorients nearby creatures when triggered, functioning
lightning damage or half as much on a success. Creatures like a pyrotechnics spell (you choose whether the effect is
made of metal or wearing metal armor make this save with fireworks or smoke when you arm the trap).
disadvantage. A creature can only take this damage once Web Trap (5th-level or higher): This trap bursts into sticky
during a turn. webbing when triggered, functioning like a web spell.
Trapper Fire Trap (9th-level or higher): This trap erupts into flames
As their name suggests, Trappers specialize in laying deadly when triggered, functioning like a fireball spell.
traps for their enemies rather than facing them head-on. Nausea Trap (9th-level or higher): This trap emits noxious
Combining the tinkering of artificers with the wiliness of fumes when triggered, functioning like a stinking cloud
rangers, these individuals sow chaos in their enemies' ranks spell.
with a myriad of hazards that can halt the advance of even the
most determined forces. The more experienced among their Arming and concealing a trap takes 1 minute, after which
ranks can even fine-tune their traps to only be activated by point the trap activates when a Small or larger creature
specific creatures, making them safer to their friends and moves into the same space as it. A trap is nearly invisible and
more surprising to their foes. requires a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check
Trapper Spells against your ranger spell save DC to be found. A space can
Ranger Level Spell only have one active trap at a time.
3rd snare Improved Trapcraft
5th detect traps 7th-level Trapper feature
Once armed, your traps remain operable for up to 24
9th glyph of warding hours. Additionally, when crafting a trap you may construct it
13th hallucinatory terrain so it is not triggered by Medium creatures.
17th wall of stone
Selective Traps
11th-level Trapper feature
Bonus Proficiencies When arming a trap, you can designate a number of
3rd-level Sniper feature creature groups (such as celestials or fiends) up to your
You gain proficiency with tinker's tools if you don't already Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) which cannot trigger the trap.
have it. Alternatively, you can designate those creature groups to be
the only ones who can trigger the trap. You can select two
races of humanoid (such as gnolls and orcs) in place of one
one or more of these creature groups.

Masterful Trapcraft
15th-level trapper feature
Once armed, your traps remain operable for up to 7 days.
Additionally, when crafting a trap you may construct it so that
it is not triggered triggered by Large creatures.

Roguish Archetypes
Bruiser Sucker Punch
Less afraid to get their hands dirty than most other rogues, 17th-level Bruiser feature
you know when it's best to use a soft touch and when it's best Never hesitant to kick someone when they're down, you
to just to start swinging. You wear the title of "thug" like a make sure no opening in combat goes to waste. You can use
your reaction to make an unarmed strike against a creature
badge of honor, cracking locks and cracking skulls with equal within 5 feet of you that misses an attack, is hit by an attack,
enthusiasm and never backing down from a fight when you or fails a saving throw or ability check.
think you can gain the upper hand. While your techniques can
hardly be described as honorable, no one can deny that they
get the job done. Evasive
Your have honed your dexterousness to the limits of mortal
Adept Improviser ability. Darting across the battlefield with uncanny speeed
3rd-level Bruiser feature you make a mockery of your foes' abilities, slipping past even
You are an expert at fighting with whatever is closest at the fiercest of blows with an ease that is borderline
hand, especially if whatever is closest at hand is your fists. supernatural. While there are many styles of combat that
You are proficient with improvised weapons and can deal appear graceful to the observer, your ability to blend poise
Sneak Atack damage with them. In addition, whenever you with prowess is second to none.
take the Attack action with an improvised or Rogue weapon
on your turn, you may also make an unarmed strike as a Light-Footed
bonus action. 3rd-level Evasive feature
More nimble than most, you can maneuver expertly around
Brawny your enemies. You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of
3rd-level Bruiser feature your Strength modifier when performing high or long jumps.
Sworthier than the average rogue, you can the following Additionally, you can use Dexterity (Acrobatics) in place of
benefits: your hit point maximum increases by 3 and Athletics (Strength) when attepting or escaping a grapple.
increases by 1 whenever you gain another level in this class.
In addition, you learn the unarmed fighting fighting style if Aerialist
you don't already know it. 3rd-level Evasive feature
You can perform great feats of agility without slowing
Dirty Fighting down. You can use your reaction when you fall to reduce any
9th-level Bruiser feature falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your
You fight with every dirty trick in the book in order to gain rogue level. You also ignore difficult terrain and may add your
the uper hand: spit in the eyes, haymakers to the groin, and proficiency bonus to your AC while moving.
headlocks from behind are all standard fare, just to name a
few. Whenever you hit a creature of size Large or smaller Sixth Sense
with an unarmed attack, you may also impose one of the 9th-level Evasive feature
following effects: Your instincts are so honed that you can dodge with
The target must make a Constitution saving throw or be impossible speed. You have advantage on Dexterity saving
throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and
blinded until the start of its next turn. spells. To gain this benefit, you can't be blinded, deafened, or
The target must make a Dexterity saving throw or be incapacitated.
knocked prone. Additionally, your uncanny dodge feature causes you to
The target must make a Strength saving throw or become take no damage from the triggering attack, and you may use it
grappled by you. against an attack made by a creature you cannot see.
The save DC for all effects imposed by this feature is equal
to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. Slippery Target
13th-level Evasive feature
Brollic Brawler Your opponents find it extremely difficult to pin you down.
13th-level Bruiser feature You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made to
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws. If you avoid being grappled. In addition, whenever you make a
already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throw, treat a roll of 10 or lower on the d20
Constitution saving throws. You can also add half your as an 11.
proficiency modifier (rounded up) to any Strength, Dexterity,
or Constitution check you make that doesn’t already use your
proficiency bonus.

Elegant Maneuver Graverobber Spellcasting
17th-level Evasive feature Rogue Level Cantrips Known Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
You can move effortlessly between offense and defense, 3rd 3 3 2 — — —
turning the leftover momentum from a deadly strike into
evasive movements. You can take the Dodge action as a 4th 3 4 3 — — —
bonus action if you have dealt Sneak Attack damage or 5th 3 4 3 — — —
scored a critical hit this turn. 6th 3 4 3 — — —

Graverobber 7th 3 5 4 2 — —
You have made a living stealing wealth and secrets from the 8th 3 6 4 2 — —
dead, digging up graves and breaking into mausoleums in 9th 3 6 4 2 — —
pursuit of ancient riches. In addition to the practical 10th 4 7 4 3 — —
experience you have gained from your efforts you have also
picked up some knowledge of the occult, knowledge which 11th 4 8 4 3 — —
aids you both in and out of combat. 12th 4 8 4 3 — —
While there are many who would look down on you for
your morbid profession, you know better than anyone how 13th 4 9 4 3 2 —
much wealth lies buried in those dark and forgotten places 14th 4 10 4 3 2 —
where the sunlight does not reach. 15th 4 10 4 3 2 —
Spellcasting 16th 4 11 4 3 3 —
3rd-level Graverobber feature 17th 4 11 4 3 3 —
You have plundered forbidden knowledge from the resting
places of the dead. You learn three cantrips of your choice 18th 4 11 4 3 3 —
from the warlock spell list. You learn another warlock cantrip 19th 4 12 4 3 3 1
of your choice when you reach 10th-level in this class. 20th 4 13 4 3 3 1
You also know three 1st-level warlock spells of your choice.
The Spells Known column of the Graverobber Spellcasting
table shows when you learn more warlock spells of 1st-level Helping Hands
or higher and how many spell slots of each level you have 13th-level Graverobber feature
from this feature. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you You gain the ability to reanimate the dead in the tombs you
can replace one of the warlock spells you know with another rob to aid you in your looting. You learn the animate dead
spell of your choice from the warlock spell list. The new spell spell if you do not know it already, and may cast it once at
must be of a level for which you have spell slots. 3rd-level without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability
Your spell attack bonus for spells you cast with this feature to do so when you finish a short or long rest.
equals your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus, and
your spell DC is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Graveyard Shift
Charisma modifier. 17th-level Graverobber feature
You have learned how to vanish into the darkness of the
Tomb Raider shadowy haunts you frequent. You can use your action to
3rd-level Graverobber feature become invisible for 1 minute or until you take another action
Vigilant to the hazards present in moldering crypts, you or reaction. You must be in dim light or darkness to benefit
gain the following benefits: you learn the blind fighting from this feature. You can use this feature a number of times
fighting style if you do not already know it. Additionally, you equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), regaining all
have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on expended uses when you finish a long rest.
hearing and on Constitution saving throws made to resist
Taboo Knowledge
9th-level Graverobber feature
Your have gained greater command over the dark magics
you have plundered. You have resistance to necrotic damage,
and your hit point maximum can't be reduced. In addition,
you may add your Charisma modifier to the damage dealt by
any of your warlock spells that do not already add it.

Sorcerous Origins
Fey Bloodline Fey Trickery
Your innate magic comes from the ancient forces of nature, 18th-level Fey Bloodline feature
far older than mortal civilization and even many of the gods. Your talent for mischief is rivalled only by the oldest fey.
There are many possible explanations for your sorcerous Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against your
sorcerer spells if you cast them while invisible.
abilities; you might have been born on the cusp of a new Additionally, when you succesfully save against a spell or
season, were found abandoned in a sacred grove as a baby, or effect that would charm or fighten you, you can use your
had a powerful fairy or hag for an ancestor. In any case, you reaction turn it against its caster. The creature that cast the
have a deep connection with the forces of nature that shape spell or effect must make a Wisdom saving throw against
the Multiverse and are adept at commanding them, be it for your sorcerer spell DC or subjected to the spell or effect as if
benign or malevolent intentions. you had cast it. You must maintain concentration on the spell
or effect if it requires it.
Fey Heritage Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you
1st-level Fey Bloodline feature finish a short or long rest.
Fey blood flows in your veins, manifesting itself in your
knowledge and abilities. You can speak, read, and write Fiendish Bloodline
Sylvan. Additionally, whenever you make a Charisma check
when interacting with fey creatures, your proficiency bonus is Fiendish blood courses through your veins, perhaps the
doubled if it applies to the check. You also gain proficiency in result of a ritual that imbued you with such power, a deal
the Deception, Insight, or Persuasion skill (your choice). struck by you or one of your family members with a fiend, or
even from one an ancestor's physical union with one.
Fey Magic Whatever the case, you have been tainted by dark powers
1st-level Fey Bloodline feature that manifest in dreadful and often ostracizing ways.
When your Spellcasting feature lets you learn or replace a Whether or not you use your abilities for evil lies in your
sorcerer cantrip or sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, you hands, though the more you tap into their strength the more
can choose the spell from any druid spell list or the sorcerer you may find yourself drawn towards darkness.
spell list. You must otherwise obey all restrictions for
selecting the spell, and it becomes a Sorcerer spell for you. Fiendish Heritage
1st-level Fiendish Bloodline feature
Sprite's Cunning Demonic blood flows in your veins, manifesting itself in
6th-level Fey Bloodline feature your knowledge and abilities. You can speak, read, and write
You have a knack for mindgames in the midst of combat. Abyssal or Infernal (your choice). Additionally, whenever you
When you cast a sorcerer spell, you can become invisible make a Charisma check when interacting with demons (if
until the end of your next turn or until attack or cast a spell as you chose Abyssal with this feature) or devils (if you chose
a bonus action. You can use this feature a number of times Infernal with this feature), your proficiency bonus is doubled
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), regaining all if it applies to the check.
expended uses when you finish a long rest. In addition, whenever a hostile creature within 30 feet of
Additionally, you can also spend 1 sorcery point to gain you hits an attack or succeeds a saving throw, you can use
advantage on Wisdom saving throws made against being your reaction to roll 2d4 and subtract it from the total,
charmed or frightened for 1 hour. possibly changing the outcome. Once you use this feature,
you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Sylvan Summoning
14th-level Fey Bloodline feature Fiendish Magic
You gain much greater ability to interact with and 1st-level Fiendish Bloodline feature
command the forces of nature. You can cast speak with When your Spellcasting feature lets you learn or replace a
animals and speak with plants at will, without expending a sorcerer cantrip or sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, you
spell slot or material components. In addition, any beasts, fey, can choose the spell from the warlock spell list or the
or plants you summon have their hit point maximum sorcerer spell list. You must otherwise obey all restrictions
increased by an amount equal to half your sorcerer level for selecting the spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.
(rounded up) and add your proficiency bonus to their damage

Friends in Low Places You may also use a bonus action to grant yourself
6th-level Fiendish Bloodline feature advantage on the next Dexterity (Stealth) or Wisdom
You learn the find familiar spell if you do not already know (Perception) check you make this turn. You may do so a
it and can cast it as a ritual. When you cast the spell, you can number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum
choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of 1), regaining all expended uses when you complete a short of
the following special forms: imp (Infernal) or quasit (Abyssal). long rest.
In addition, you can use a bonus action to command your
familiar to take an action (the action can be one in its stat Unholy Magic
block or some other action). 1st-level Vampiric Bloodline feature
When your Spellcasting feature lets you learn or replace a
Fiendish Wings sorcerer cantrip or sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, you
14th-level Fiendish Bloodline feature can choose the spell from any necromancy spell or the
You gain the ability to sprout a pair of leathery wings from Sorcerer spell list. You must otherwise obey all restrictions
your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. for selecting the spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.
You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn.
They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your Shapechanger
turn. 6th-level Vampiric Bloodline feature
You can't manifest your wings while wearing armor unless You gain the some of the transformative abilities of a
the armor is made to accommodate them, and clothing not vampire. You can spend 1 Sorcery Point to polymorph into a
made to accommodate your wings might be destroyed when Tiny bat or a Medium cloud of mist for 10 minutes as an
you manifest them. action. While transformed, you may expend a Sorcery point
as a bonus action to increase the duration of your
Fiendish Mastery transformation for another 10 minutes.
18th-level Fiendish Bloodline feature You may revert to your true form as a bonus action at any
You have mastered the fiendish magics of your bloodline. time. If you are in direct sunlight or running water, you
You have advantage on all Charisma checks made to interact cannot transform from or back to your original form with this
with demons (if you chose Abyssal with this subclass) or feature (except when the transformation’s duration ends) or
devils (if you chose Infernal with this subclass) that you spend Sorcery Points to extend the duration of your
summon with a Sorcerer spell. In addition, any fiends you transformation.
summon have their hit point maximum increased by an While in bat form you have advantage on Wisdom
amount equal to your sorcerer level and add your proficiency (Perception) checks that rely on hearing, cannot cast or
bonus to their damage rolls. concentrate on spells, cannot speak, your walking speed is
You can also spend 4 sorcery points to gain advantage on 5 feet, and you have a flying speed of 30 feet. Your
saving throws made against spells and other magical effects statistics, other than your size and speed, are unchanged.
as well as resistance to cold, fire, and lightning damage, for 1 Anything you are wearing transforms with you, but
hour. nothing you are carrying does.
Vampiric Bloodline While in mist form you cannot take actions (besides
extending the transformation), concentrate on spells,
You have become tainted with the curse of vampirism, speak, or manipulate objects. You are weightless, have a
lending you some of the supernatural abilities possesed by flying speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can enter a hostile
vampires. While you are not a "true" vampire you still share creature’s space and stop there. In addition, if air can pass
some of their dark heritage: perhaps you were preyed upon through a space, you can do so without squeezing, and you
by a vampire and left forever altered, or perhaps one of your can’t pass through water. You have advantage on all
ancestors was themselves a vampire. Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws, and
No matter what circumstances led to your condition your are immune to all nonmagical damage.
gifts are the same, and if cultivated enough might elevate you
to a fully-fledged vampire. But while the decision to use your
dark gifts for good or for evil however is ultimately in your Vampiric Hypnosis
hands, you may find yourself increasingly swayed by their 14th-level Vampiric Bloodline feature
insidious influence. You may use your action to attempt to charm a humanoid
you can see within 30 feet of you as an action. If the target
Dark Heritage can see you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
1st-level Vampiric Bloodline feature against your sorcerer spell save DC or be charmed by you.
Your vampiric curse begins to manifest itself in your While charmed the target regards you as a trusted friend to
physiology, granting you inhuman abilities. You have be heeded and protected. Although the target is not under
Darkvision out to 60 feet. If you already have Darkvision, its your control, it takes your requests or actions in the most
distance increases by 30 feet. favorable way it can (and is a willing target for your bite
attack at higher levels, as with the Necropotheosis feature.)

At the end of each of the target’s turns and whenever you or
your companions do anything harmful to it, it can repeat the
saving throw, ending the effect on itself a success. If the
target’s saving throw is successful, it is immune to this effect
for the next 24 hours.
You may only use this feature once per long rest unless you
also expend 5 Sorcery Points or a 3rd level or higher
sorcerer spell slot.
18th-level Vampiric Bloodline feature
You can spend 9 Sorcery Points as a bonus action to
manifest the full extent of your vampirism for 1 minute or
until you end the transformation as a bonus action, provided
that you are not in running water or direct sunlight. For the
duration of the transformation, you gain the following
Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores all
become 18 if they are not higher already.
You do not need to breathe and are considered undead for
the purposes of all spells, effects, etc.
You have Darkvision out to 120 feet.
You gain a vampire’s Regeneration, Spider Climb,
Sunlight Hypersensitivity, and Vampire Weaknesses traits
You have resistance to necrotic damage and to
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
nonmagical attacks.
Your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 + your Strength modifier
bludgeoning damage instead of the normal damage for an
unarmed strike. Instead of dealing damage, you can
grapple the target.
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take
the Attack action on your turn.
You may make an unarmed bite attack against a willing
creature, or one that incapacitated, restrained, or that you
are grappling. On a hit it deals 1d6 + your Strength
modifier damage plus 3d6 necrotic damage. The target’s
hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the
necrotic damage taken, and you regain hit points equal to
that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a
long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit
points to 0. A humanoid slain this way rises at the end of
the round as a zombie under your control for the duration
of your transformation, sharing your initiative count but
taking its turn immediately after yours.
Once per use of this feature, you may use your action to
summon 2d4 swarms of bats or rats, provided that the
sun isn’t up. While outdoors, you can call 3d6 wolves
instead. The called creatures arrive at the beginning of the
next round of combat, acting as your allies and obeying
your spoken commands, sharing your initiative count but
taking their turns immediately after yours. They remain
for the duration of your transformation, until you are
reduced to 0 HP, or until you dismiss them as a bonus

Otherworldly Patrons
The Archmage Arcane Rebuttal
You have formed a pact with a being of tremendous arcane 14th-level Archmage feature
power. Such patrons include wizened archmages, devious So great is the magical knowledge imparted by your patron
liches, or even gods of magic such as Corellon, Hecate, or that you know how to turn your enemies' own spells against
them. You add counterspell to your warlock spell list if you
Vecna. While the aims and personalities of such entities may don't know it already, and can cast it once without expending
vary widly- ranging from most altruistic goodness to most a warlock spell slot. You regain the ability to do so when you
depraved evil- all of them wield tremendous influence over finish a long rest.
the multiverse, such that even the tiny fraction of their power In addition, when you succesfully cast counterspell you
you recieve from them is still greater than most spellcasters may choose to copy the triggering spell in addition to causing
could even dream of. it to fail. You ignore all material components for copied spells,
Expanded Spell List: casting them at the same level as the creature that attempted
1st-level Archmage feature to cast them. You do not need to expend an additional spell
The Archmage lets you choose from an expanded list of slot to copy a spell.
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The Archmage
Expanded Spells table shows the spells that are added to the The Dragon
warlock spell list for you. You have made a pact with one of the most powerful dragons
Warlock Level Spells
in the multiverse, a being of such great power and knowledge
that it rivals even that of gods. These beings include
1st magic missile, sleep greatwryms who have lived for eons, mythical sea serpents or
2nd enlarge/reduce, magic weapon dragon turtles, or even true draconic deities such as Bahamut
or Tiamat. While such beings vary considerably in
3rd fireball, fly temprament and goals, all wield tremendous influence over
4th greater invisibility, polymorph the Material Plane.
5th planar binding, scrying Expanded Spell List:
1st-level Dragon feature
Sage's Insight The Dragon lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
1st-level Archmage feature when you learn a warlock spell. The Dragon Expanded Spells
Your patron shares a portion of their vast knowledge with table shows the spells that are added to the warlock spell list
you. You gain proficiency in the Arcana skill and can add half for you.
your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any Intelligence-
based ability check you make that doesn't already include Warlock
your proficiency bonus. Level Spells
1st command, chromatic orb
Empowered Spellcasting 2nd alter self, dragon’s breath
6th-level Archmage feature
Your patron's magics allows you to maximize the output of 3rd protection from energy, elemental weapon
your spells. As a bonus action, you can empower the next (replace Thunder with Poison in both
Warlock spell you cast this turn: a creature makes its first instances)
saving throw against an empowered spell with disadvantage. 4th find greater steed (dragonell only), stoneskin
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you 5th summon draconic spirit
finish a short or long rest.
7th draconic transformation
Arcane Expertise
10th-level Archmage feature Wyrmtongue
The power granted by your patron allows you to cast more 1st-level Dragon feature
powerful spells as cantrips. Choose two 1st-level wizard You can speak, read, and write Draconic. Additionally,
spells, which count as Warlock spells for you: you may cast whenever you make a Charisma check when interacting with
either of them at their lowest level without expending a spell a dragon, your proficiency bonus is doubled if it applies to
slot. If you wish to cast them at higher levels, you must this check. You also gain proficiency in the Deception,
expend a Warlock spell slot as normal. Intimidation, or Persuasion skill (your choice).
Whenever you finish a long rest, you may exchange one or
both of these spells for different 1st-level spells from the
Wizard spell list.

Legendary Resistance Blessing of the Serpent God
6th-level Dragon feature 1st-level Serpent feature
You gain the ability to temporarily manifest the incredible You can cast animal friendship and speak with animals an
endurance of the oldest dragons. Once when you fail a saving unlimited number of times, but only to target snakes.
throw, you may instead choose to succeed the saving throw
as a free action. Curse of Slithering
You gain an additional use of this feature when you reach 6th-level Serpent feature
12th-level in this class and again when you reach 18th-level in You can invoke dark magic to twist another creature’s form
this class, regaining all expended uses when you finish a long into one reminiscent of that of your patron. You can cast
rest. polymorph without using a warlock spell slot to attempt to
transform a creature into a Tiny poisonous snake. Once you
Draconic Affinity use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long
10th-level Dragon feature rest.
You gain some of your draconic patron’s mental and
physical tenacity. You can choose either acid, cold, fire, Ophidian Resistance
lightning, or poison damage when you finish a short or long 10th-level Serpent feature
rest. You have resistance to that damage type until you Your body gains some of the unnatural resistances of your
choose a different one with this feature. patron. You have resistance to poison damage, as well as
advantage on Constitution saving throws made against being
Voice of the Elder Dragon poisoned.
14th-level Dragon feature
You become a conduit for the sovereign voice of your Shadow of the Serpent God
patron. As an action, you can force each hostile creature that 14th-level Serpent feature
can hear you to make a Wisdom saving throw. The creatures You gain the ability to summon a figment of your patron’s
that fail their saving throws are stunned until the end of your power, a nightmarish serpent formed from writhing shadows.
next turn. As an action on your turn, you may summon a summon a
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you shadow serpent, the statistics for which are the same as
finish a long rest unless you also expend a warlock spell slot. those of a giant constrictor snake with the following
The Serpent Damage Immunities: Necrotic, Poison
You have made a pact with one of the serpent gods, dark and
enigmatic beings whose whispers poison the minds of Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened, exhaustion,
mortals and whose machinations are beyond the scope of grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained,
rational understanding. These deities lurk and scheme in the unconscious
darkest of shadows, preferring stealth and subterfuge to Senses: Darkvison (120 feet), passive Perception 18
advance their twisted agendas over direct confrontation.
Such beings include the dark gods revered by the Yuan-Ti, Incorporeal Movement: The serpent can move through
Jormungandr, and Apophis. other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain.
It takes 5 force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Expanded Spell List:
1st-level Serpent feature Living Shadow: While in dim light or darkness, the
The Serpent lets you choose from an expanded list of serpent has resistance to damage that isn’t force, psychic,
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The Serpent Expanded or radiant damage.
Spells table shows the spells that are added to the warlock Skill Proficiency: Stealth: The serpent adds your
spell list for you. proficiency bonus to its Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Warlock Level Spells Shadow Stealth: When in dim light or darkness, the
1st command, dissonant whispers serpent can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
2nd blur, pass without trace Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the serpent has
3rd fear, sending disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.
4th confusion, dominate beast
5th dominate person, modify memory The serpent counts as a monstrosity, not a beast.
The serpent’s hit point maximum is increased by an
amount equal to your Warlock level.
The serpent has a bonus to its attack and damage rolls
equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

The DC for escaping the serpent's grapple is equal to your Fang of the Serpent
Warlock spell save DC Prerequesite: Pact of the Blade, Serpent patron
The serpent’s attacks deal psychic damage. Attacks made with your pact weapon deal an additional
1d4 poison damage on a hit. Additionally, whenever a
The serpent appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet creature scores a critical hit with your pact weapon the target
of you. In combat, the serpent acts during your turn. It can must make a Constitution saving throw equal to your
move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it Warlock spell save DC or be poisoned for 1 minute. The
takes is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on target may repeat this saving throw once at the end of each of
your turn to command it to take another action. That action their turns, ending the condition early on a success.
can be one in its stat block or some other action. The serpent Your pact weapon must deal piercing damage for you to
lasts for 1 minute, until it dies, or until you dismiss it as a benefit from this feature.
bonus action on your turn. You cannot concentrate on spells Fiend's Vengeance
while benefitting from this feature. Prerequesite: 12th-level warlock, Fiend patron
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you You can cast hellish rebuke at 1st-level without expending a
finish a long rest unless you also expend a warlock spell slot. spell slot.
Eldritch Invocation One with Light
Prerequesite: 5th-level warlock, Celestial patron
Options When you are in an area of sunlight, you can use your
When you choose eldritch invocations, you have access to action to become invisible until you move or take an action or
these additional options. reaction.
Aquaturgy Patron of Five Fates
Prerequisite: 12th-level warlock, Fathomless patron Prerequesite: Celetial patron
You can cast create or destroy water at 1st-level without You can cast bless once using a Warlock spell slot. You
expending a spell slot. can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
Cursed Blade Polyglot's Handbook
Prerequisite: 9th-level warlock, Pact of the Blade Prerequesite: Pact of the Tome
Your pact weapon does not disappear if it is more than 5 While your Tome of Shadows is on your person, you can
feet away from you for 1 minute or more (you can still cast the comprehend languages spell without expending a
summon it to yourself as normal). You may also cast spell slot.
dominate person at 6th-level on a creature on the same plane
as you that picks up your pact weapon as a free action, Quickling's Haste
ignoring all spell slot, range, or component requirements the Prerequesite: 12th-level warlock, Archfey patron
spell normally has. The creature makes its save against the You can cast expeditious retreat without expending a spell
spell with disadvantage. If the creature succeeds its saving slot.
throw or when the spell ends, it may immediately drop your
pact weapon as a free action. Shield of Shadows
Prerequesite: 5th-level warlock
Dance of Shadows You may cast shield without expending a spell slot as long
Prerequesite: 9th-level warlock, Pact of the Blade as you are in dim light or darkness. You may do so a number
You can cast steel wind strike once using a Warlock spell of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1),
slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. regaining all expended uses when you complete a long rest.
Draconic Familiar Umbral Blessing
Prerequisite: 12th-level warlock, Dragon patron, Pact of the You gain proficiency in the Stealth and Sleight of Hand skills.
When you cast the find familiar spell, you can choose for it Vital Wellspring
to take the form of a guard drake. You can expend a portion of your life force to fuel your spells.
As an action, you can suffer a level of exhaustion to regain an
expended Warlock spell slot. Any exhaustion gained with this
feature cannot be removed except by completing a long rest.

Arcane Traditions
Companiomancer Masterful Companiomancy
Companiomancers are wizards to whom a familiar is not a 14th-level Companiomancer feature
mere pet, but a lifelong friend. Scholars of this tradition are Your familiar’s attacks count as magical for the purposes of
form a powerful magical bond with their chosen familiar, overcoming resistances and immunities. In addition, your
familiar gains advantage on saving throws against spells and
allowing them to cast spells and conduct arcane energy from spell effects. Finally, if your familiar drops to 0 HP its body
their familiar’s location on a level unrivaled by othe turns to dust and its spirit persists as a magical apparition for
spellcasters. Unlike Conjurers who specialize in summoning a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier
multiple creatures, Companiomancers favor quality over (minimum 1). In this state your familiar gains the Incorporeal
quantity and are capable of turning even the smallest of Movement ability and is completely immune to all damage
animals into unstoppable conduits of arcane power. and effects. At the end of the last round, it vanishes (when you
resummon it in the future it is summoned at as normal).
When you choose this subclass at 2nd level you add the find
familiar spell to your spellbook if it is not there already. Your Golemancer
familiar gains the following bonuses: Golemancers use their magics to animate powerful
Add your proficiency bonus to your familiar's AC, attack constructs to aid them in battle. While the golems they create
van take a wide range of forms, all are powerful threats that
rolls, and damage rolls, as well as to all saving throws and can often turn the tide of battle singlehandedly through their
any skills it is proficient in. resilience and capacity to serve as conduits for their master's
Your familiar’s Intelligence score becomes 6 if it is not spells. Though these golems are simpleminded on their own,
higher already, and it can understand (but not speak) any such creations prove dangerous weapons for a mind with the
languages that you know. intelligence and skill to command them.
In combat, your familiar acts during your turn. It can only Golemancy
move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it Starting at 2nd level when you choose this subclass your
takes is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action study of the arcane allows you to creat a golem, a process
on your turn to command it to take another action. That which takes 24 hours and 10 GP per your Wizard level's
action can be one in its stat block or some other action. If worth of materials. It is friendly to you and your companions,
you are incapacitated, your familiar can take any action of and it obeys your commands. You determine the golem’s
its choice, not just Dodge. appearance, and your choice has no effect on its statistics.
Your familiar’s hit point maximum is equal to 4 + three You may only control one golem at a time: if you create a new
times your wizard level (with a number of hit dice [d4s] one, the old one immediately perishes.
equal to your Wizard level). In combat, the golem shares your initiative count, but it
takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its
reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is
Improved Companiomancy the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus action on your turn
6th-level Companiomancer feature to command it to take another action. That action can be one
You may allow any spell you cast that targets yourself to in its start block or some other action. If you are
also target your familiar: if so, it receives the same effects incapacitated, the golem can take any action of its choice, not
that you do (healing, buffs, etc.) Your familiar also gains just Dodge.
Evasion (if it is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a You may heal the golem with magic by expending spell
Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead slots as an action with a range of touch. When you do, the
takes no damage on a success and only half on a failure). golem regains 1d8 hit points for every level of the spell slot
expended. If it has died within the last twenty four hours, you
Superior Companiomancy can use your action to revive it, provided you are within 5 feet
10th-level Companiomancer feature of it and expend a spell slot of 1st-level or higher. The golem
You may cast any spell from your familiar’s space if it is returns to life after 1 minute with all its hit points restored.
within 100 feet of you and may cast spells which do not have
a range of touch.
Additionally, you can magically swap places with your
familiar as a bonus action as long as it is within 100 feet of
you, and may do so a number of times equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). You regain all expended
uses of this feature upon completing a long rest.

Golem Actions
Medium Contruct
Slam (Melee Attack): + Strength modifier + PB to
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) hit, reach 5 feet, one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + PB)
Hit Points 2 + your Intelligence modifier + five Deflect Attack (Reaction): The golem imposes
times your Wizard level (the golem has a number disadvantage on the attack roll of one creature it
of Hit Dice [d8s] equal to your Wizard level). can see that is within 5 feet of it, provided the
Speed 30 feet attack roll is against a creature other than the


18 (+4) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 10 (--) 6 (-2)
Improved Golemcraft
6th-level Golemancer feature
Saving Throws Strength, Constitution You may heal your golem by expending a spell slot if it is
Damage Immunities Acid (clay golem), Fire (metal
golem), Poison, Lightning (flesh golem), Psychic
within 60 feet of you. In addition, as a reaction when you take
(stone golem)
damage of a type besides poison that your golem has
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhausted,
immunity to, you may transfer half the damage (rounded
Frightened, Poisoned down) that you would have taken to the golem, provided that
Senses passive Perception 9 it is within 60 feet of you. You may use this feature a number
Languages Understands (but cannot speak) any of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1),
languages you know recharging all expended uses upon completing a long rest.
Proficiency Bonus Equals your proficiency bonus
Superior Golemcraft
Elemental Absorbtion Whenever the golem is 10th-level Golemancer feature
subjected to Acid, Fire, Lightning, or Psychic Increase the damage of your golem’s Slam attack by 1d8. In
damage that it is immune to based on its type, it addition, your golem gains a special ability depending on its
takes no damage and instead regains a number of type:
hit points equal to the damage dealt. This effect
does not apply to damage that you would deal to it Corrosive Aura (clay golem): Any hostile creature that
by any of your spells or spell effects. starts its turn within 5 feet of your golem must succeed on
a Constitution saving throw against your wizard spell save
Immutable Form The golem is immune to any spell DC or suffer a -2 penalty to its AC and to saving throws
or effect that would alter its form. until the start of its next turn. Creatures that are immune
Amorphous (clay golem) The golem can enter a to Acid damage are immune to this effect.
hostile enemy’s space and stop there. It can also
move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide
Putrid Aura (flesh golem): Any hostile creature that starts
without squeezing, though its movement speed is
its turn within 5 feet of your golem must succeed on a
halved until the start of its next turn if it does. An Constitution saving throw equal against your wizard spell
enemy that starts its turn in the golem space has its save DC or suffer a -2 penalty to its attack rolls and ability
movement halved until the start of its next turn if it checks until the start of its next turn. Creatures that are
is size Medium or smaller. immune to the Poisoned condition are immune to this
Meatshield (flesh golem) The golem’s AC is reduced
by 6. However, its total hit points, hit dice, and the Fiery Aura (metal golem): Any hostile creature that starts
amount of healing it receives from you expending a its turn within 5 feet of your golem must succeed on a
spell slot are all doubled. Constitution saving throw against your wizard spell save
Armor Plated (metal golem) The golem’s AC is DC or take 2d6 fire damage.
increased by 3.
Magnetic Aura (stone golem): Any hostile creature that
Rock Solid (stone golem) The golem's AC is starts its turn within 5 feet of your golem must succeed on
increased by 1. Additionally, treat any critical hits a Constitution saving throw against your wizard spell save
scored against it as though they were normal hits. DC or have its movement speed reduced to 5 feet until the
start of its next turn. Creatures that are immune to
Lightning damage have disadvantage on this saving throw.

Masterful Golemcraft Frenzied Casting
14th-level Golemancer feature 6th-level Swordmage feature
Your golem’s attacks count as magical for the purposes of When it comes to magic, you tend to prefer quantity over
overcoming resistances and immunities. In addition, your quality. Whenever you cast a wizard cantrip that requires an
golem gains advantage on saving throws against spells and attack roll while spellraging, you can roll the attack with
spell effects. disadvantage. If you do, you may cast the wizard cantrip
again with disadvantage as part of the same action.
An unusual combination of brains and brawn, Spellragers Improved Spellrage
combine the arcane power of wizards with the destructive 10th-level Swordmage feature
Empowered by your anger, your spells are unusually
fury of barbarians. By entering a state of magically-enhanced powerful. While you are spellraging, a creature that fails its
wroth, Spellragers are capable of unleashing devastating save against one of your wizard spells by 5 or more takes the
volleys of spells against their foes, often causing a the maximum damage possible from the spell.
considerable amount of collateral damage on the process.
Though Spellragers are generally considered the Masterful Spellrage
"meatheads" of the wizarding world, they are often quite 14th-level Swordmage feature
levelheaded outside of combat. The magics of your spellrage grow even more potent,
improving your offensive and defensive capabilities. While
Spellrage spellraging, you have advantage on saving throws against
2nd-level Swordmage feature spells and other magical effects. and you may cast a wizard
In battle, you fight with magic-enhanced ferocity. On your cantrip as a bonus action on your each of your turns.
turn, you can enter a spellrage as a bonus action. While
spellraging, you gain the following benefits if you aren't
wearing heavy armor:
You gain temporary hit points equal to three times your
Wizard level for the duration of the spellrage.
You have resistance to fire, cold, and lightning damage.
You can add your Intelligence modifier to any Strength
checks or Strength saving throws you make.
Your wizard Spell Save DC is increased by 2.
You can cast but cannot concentrate on spells while
spellraging. Your spellrage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if
you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you
haven't cast a spell since your last turn or taken damage since
then. You can also end your spellrage on your turn as a bonus
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when you
finish a long rest.
Arcane Vitality
2nd-level Spellrager feature
The magics you channel increases your toughness in
subtle ways as well as overt ones. At 2nd level, your hit point
maximum increases by 2 and increases by 1 whenever you
gain a level in this class. Additionally, you may cast the mage
armor spell on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot
or material components.

Dagger Master Sling Master
While a dagger is of little consequence to most adventurers, You have mastered the sling to the point that you can
in your hands it is a weapon of unparalleled swiftness and supernaturally aim your shots to bounce between multiple
precision. You gain the following benefits: targets. You gain the following benefits:
Ranged attacks you make with a dagger ignore half and Ranged weapon attacks you make with a sling deal an
three-quarters cover. additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
Weapon attacks you make with a dagger score a critical When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack
hit on a roll of 19 or 20. made with a sling, you can cause the projectile to ricochet
You can draw a dagger as part of the attack you make with to another creature within 5 feet of it. Make a second
it. ranged weapon attack against the second target, rolling
the damage as normal if it hits. You can use this feature a
number of times equal to your proficiency modifier,
Net Master regaining all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
You have practiced extensively with net casting such that you
can easily snare creatures in combat. You gain the following Whip Master
benefits: You have trained with the whip so much that it acts almost as
You can use Strength or Dexterity when attacking with an extension of your own body. You gain the following
nets. benefits:
Whenever you hit a creature with an attack made with a Melee weapon attacks you make with a whip deal an
net, you can make a single melee attack against that additional 1d4 slashing damage.
creature as a bonus action. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack
The DC for creatures attempting to escape your nets is made with a whip, instead of dealing damage you can
increased by an amount equal to your proficiency modifier. attempt to disarm the target (cause it to drop one item it is
holding), trip it (knocking it prone), or pull it up to 10 feet
closer to you if it is size Large or smaller. For all effects
Scythe Master the target must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 +
In your hands, even simple farming tools become deadly your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity
weapons. You gain the following benefits: modifier [your choice]) or suffer the chosen effect. You can
use this feature a number of times equal to your
Melee weapon attacks you make with a sickle or scythe proficiency modifier, regaining all expended uses when
deal 1d6 or 2d6 slashing damage respectively. you finish a long rest.
When you score a critical hit with a scythe, you can roll
one of the weapon's damage dice one additional time and
add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Sickles are considered finesse weapons for you.
Additionally, when you make an offhand attack with a
sickle you can add your ability modifier to the damage of
the attack.


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