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5 Best Things About Islam

1. Accountability and Justice

In Islam it is taught that Allah is the most just, and everyone regardless of their status will
be held accountable for their actions on the day of judgment. The concept of the day of
judgment instills fear in the heart of Muslims that they will be held accountable for their
wrongdoings and will be judged by Allah. This encourages a more harmonious society
and gives people contentment knowing that justice will ultimately prevail. Islam
promotes justice in the society as, everyone is equal before the law. That is to say
everyone is required to be protected before the law regardless of race, religion, origin,
gender and language. Thus, individuals have to be treated equally before the law without
any discrimination.

2. Optimistic view of life

Islam provides a distinct perspective on life's events, both good and negative, as they are
tests from God. Islam urges people to focus on what they can control, to be grateful to
God for their blessings, and to be patient during difficult times. By not being overly
attached to the material world, a Muslim is empowered not only to better handle any
calamities, but to be beneficial and generous to society. This leads to a more balanced
and optimistic outlook on life.

3. Status of women in Islam

In Islam a woman has an independent identity. Women have as much right to education
as men do. Islam elevated the position of women in society and treated them on an equal
footing with men. As daughters, women have a right to just and equitable treatment from
their parents. A woman has the right to accept or reject marriage proposals, and her
consent is a prerequisite to the validity of the marriage contract. Islam grants women
equal rights to contract, to enterprise, to earn and possess independently. The status of
women in Islam is very high. Islam has granted them rights that match beautifully with
their duties

4. Promotes Peace
Islam in itself means a religion of peace. The Quran says: And God calls to the home of
peace. (10:25). There are three elements of building peace that are: compassion,
forgiveness and respect for all. Islam makes compassion a matter of self-interest for every
man. As one’s future depends on the compassionate behavior to other person. Islam
encourages us to be sympathetic towards one another. The Qur'an gives examples of
forgiveness, showing it is important to forgive others.
5. Practical Way of Life
Islam provides the right balance between faith and action, as both are essential for a
stable life. It gives advice in every situation and conditions. It is a practical religion with
practical acts of worship that guide people in spiritual and physical way. The laws of
Islam promotes a society that is just for everyone, the act of zakat and sadqah purifies a
person from selfishness, reduces poverty and brings empathy for poor. The fasting in
Ramadan promotes self-restraint and growth. every command found in Islam is
ultimately good and beneficial to the individual and society when practiced correctly

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