The Litany of God Re

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The Litany of God Re 2021 Walid H.


The Litany of God Re

Introduction: It is known as book of praying to Re in the west; it contains
75 different aspects of Re, each one with an invocation, accompanies the
figures of the 74 forms of Re; his descent to the netherworld, his death, and
his rebirth.

Importance: It was recited during the night, every day when Re goes to
rest in the West. this ritual was used to transform the dead into a new sun
and thus send him on his ascending path after entered the tomb of Osiris
he was to rise again as the young Re on the eastern horizon od heaven.

Types: It is divided into two types; the little Litany: includes the 75 aspects
of god Re, and the great Litany: An introductory spell in which the King
praises Re and Osiris, then the 74 names of Re are revealed, and ended by
a series of prayers and hymns in which the identity of Re and Osiris is
constantly stressed.

Inscriptions: It is inscribed in many tombs; Thutmosis III, Sethi I, Ramses

III, Seti II Ramesses III, Ramesses IV. It was also inscribed on the Shroud
of king Thutmosis III.

one of the columns in the tomb of king Thutmosis III KV.34

The Litany of God Re 2021 Walid H. Ghareeb

another column one of the columns in the tomb of king Thutmosis III KV.34

The litany of Re was usually inscribed on the walls of the first two corridors
of the royal tombs. It begins at the entrance, on the left wall after the
representation of the king in front of Re and goes down to the second
corridor, then crosses over continues on the right wall returns back and
finishes opposite its beginning.

It is inscribed in the mortuary temple of king Ramses II at Abydos, and it

is inscribed on many sarcophagi date back to the late period.

The sarcophagus of king Nectnebo II in the British Museum No. EA 10

The Litany of God Re 2021 Walid H. Ghareeb

The sarcophagus of king Nectnebo II No. EA 10

The Litany of God Re 2021 Walid H. Ghareeb

The Litany of God Re

1-The Becoming One

2-Ra of the Great Disk
3-He of the Severe Face
4-He Who punishes with the Stake
5-He Who gives Light to the Bodies
6-The Becoming One
7-The Goddess Tefnut
8-The Goddess Nut
9-The Goddess Nephthys
10-The Watery Abyss (the God Nun)

11-The Decomposed One

12-The Great Ram
The Litany of God Re 2021 Walid H. Ghareeb

13-The Divine Eye

14-The One of the Cavern
15-He of the Hidden Members
16-The Ever becoming One
17-The Ejector
18-He Who causes to Breathe
19-The Resting Ba
20-The Flaming One

21-The Brilliant One

22-The Hidden One
23-The Jubilating One
24-He Whose ways are correct
25-The Lightning One
26-The Shining Horn
27-He of the Exalted Forms
28-The Distant Ba
29-The High Ba
30-He of the Two Children

The Litany of God Re 2021 Walid H. Ghareeb

31-The Blazing One in the Earth

32-He of the Caldron
33-The Watchers
34-The Baboon of the Netherworld
35-The Eternal One
36-Lord of Might
37-Lord of Darkness

38-The One Joined Together

39-He at the Head of His Cavern
40-He who protects the Ba
41-The Wind in the Ba
42-The Dark One
43-The Ba of Ra

The Litany of God Re 2021 Walid H. Ghareeb

44-The God Atum

45-The God Shu

46-The God Geb

47-The Goddess Isis
48-The God Horus
49-The Weeper
50-Those of the Adu-fish
51-The God Netuty

52-The West, the Netherworld

53-The Mourner
54-He at the Head of the Westerners
55-The One of the Cat
56-He of the Coffin

The Litany of God Re 2021 Walid H. Ghareeb

57-The God Shay

58-He of the Hidden Bodies

59-Lord of the Netherworld
60-He with Reassembled Members
61-The Provider of the Earth
62-The Venerable One
63-The Traveller

64-The Maker of Bodies

65-The Hidden One
66-The Elevated One
67-The Great Cat
68-He Whose Brilliant Eye Speaks
69-The God Iuty

The Litany of God Re 2021 Walid H. Ghareeb

70-He of the Dark Face

71-The Binder
72-The Exalted Earth
73-The Outflow the Walker
74-The Renewer of the Earth -He of the House of the Obelisk

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