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Fundamentals of Graphic Design for

(Course ID: 35233)
First 2023/2024
Department of E-Marketing & Social Media
King Talal School of Business Technology

1. Course Information:

First Semester 2023/2024

Course Name & ID Fundamentals of Graphic Design for Business (35233)
Prerequisites Department Requirements 81 Credit Hours
Mandatory Requirements 66 Credit Hours
Course Type Compulsory Program Requirements
Sustainable Development SDG 3 Sustainable Development Goal
Goal For more details, please click the picture below:

Course Teaching Method Blended

Credit Hours 3
Level 3rd Year
Lecture Schedule Section 2: Sun, Tues, Thurs (9:00-10:00 am)
Section 1+3: Mon, Wed (8:00-09:30 am)
Lecture Location Section 1: Mon: in campus – 706 (Wednesday: Online)
Section 2: Sun, Tues: in campus – 706 (Thursday: Online)
Section 3: Wed: in campus – 706 (Monday: Online)
Textbook Chavez, C. and Faulkner, A. (2022) Adobe Photoshop CC
Classroom in a Book (1st edition). Pearson Education.
References Eismann,K., Palmer, W. and Dunbar,D. (2019). Photoshop
Restoration & Retouching(4th edition). Pearson Education
Jackson,C., and Ciolek,N.(2017) Digital Design in Action:
Creative Solutions for Designers. FocalPress/CRC Press
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design, By Jason Beaird & James
Instructor Name: Rand Badran* Office No: Building D, 2nd Floor
Office Hours Sunday-Tuesday: 10:00-11:00,
Monday-Wednesday: 9:30-10:30,
Thursday: by appointment.
Teaching Assistant NA

2. Course Description:
Adobe Photoshop is a complex graphics and image editing software and paint program. In this
course you will start with an introduction to Photoshop’s interface, tools and potential application
for both web and print. You will learn how to make basic edits like corrections to exposure, color
& lighting adjustments and cropping. You’ll gain skills in retouching tasks such as restoring old
photos or editing portraits. The course continues with more sophisticated edits like text, layer and
blur effects. When you are finished you will be able to edit and manipulate photos to create the
perfect image for your wall or combine multiple images to create an entirely new scene. Whether
you want to be a photographer, graphic designer or web designer this course will prepare you for
all of your image editing needs.

3. Course Objectives:
Have a proficiency in a broad range of design skills
pertaining to publication & web design.

Have a basic understanding of text, typography, vector

tools and animated GIFs.

Be able to color correct, optimize, retouch, and

enhance digital images.
Course Objectives

Be able to navigate Photoshop’s Workspace, Create &

setup documents

Understand Layers and Masking

Be able to work with effects, filters and adjustments

Understand differences in files types, and color profiles

Be able to appropriately output files for both print and

web Import images using Bridge, Scanners and Cameras

Have the ability to create a well-designed photo, raster

images and design materials for print or web

Explore the use of AI in graphic design

Figure 1 The Objectives of this Module

4. Program Learning Outcomes:

The program learning outcomes that is mapped for the course and accreditation purposes are:

Table 1: Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcome (PLO) PLOs

Develop an understanding of contemporary concepts that are required for the
effective implementation of digital marketing.
Evaluate key features of digital marketing and the growing use of digital channels
and technologies.
Analyse the complex process of decision-making in contemporary marketing
Interpret a wide range of analysis techniques in the marketing context to support
the decision-making process.
Communicate effectively through written projects and presentations that are
essential to digital marketing strategies.
Discuss issues related to privacy, ethics, and social responsibility in digital
marketing applications.

5. Course learning outcomes (Knowledge, Understanding and Skills):

This course is intended to provide students with core understanding of graphic design concepts
and allow them to demonstrate practical knowledge of the theory. Hence, the course learning
outcomes (CLO) are:

Table 2 [Fundamentals of Graphic Design for Business] Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes Aligned Program Learning Outcomes

(CLOs) (PLOs)
CLO 1: Explain the basic concepts of graphic design. PLO 1
CLO 2: Identify and explain the differences between
various elements and relations in any design through
applying 2-D design principles when creating and
editing digital graphics
CLO 3: Explain the process of planning, designing,
publishing, and managing a digital project
CLO 4: Demonstrate competency in identifying
Photoshop interface elements including AI features.

6. Curriculum Design:

This course will cover core concepts in the Fundamentals of Graphic Design for Business where
the students are expected to be able to edit, retouch and even create images. The topics and their
respective chapter in the recommended textbook are highlighted below:

Table 3 Course Topics and their Respective Chapters

Week Topic Chapter

1 General introduction to syllabus
Installing Adobe Photoshop and Getting Started with 1
1 Introduction to adobe Photoshop cc 1
1 Getting to know the work area 1
2 Basic photo corrections 2
2 Working with selections 3
3 Layer basics 4
3-4 Quick fixes 5
5 Photoshop & color (basics) Online Material
6 Photoshop image processing + workflow suggestions Online Material
7 Masks and channels 6
8 Typographic design 7
9 Vector drawing techniques 8
10 Advanced compositing 9
11 Painting with the mixer brush 10
12 Working with camera raw 12
13 Preparing files for the web 13
14 Producing and printing consistent color 14
14 Exploring neural filters 15
15 Exploring the use of AI in graphic design Online Material
16 Revision
Disclaimer: Instructors may deviate from schedule

7. Teaching Methods

Several teaching techniques and methods will be used to effectively facilitate the learning process
of this course. These methods will include lectures, coursework, group discussions, tests and
exams. Where possible, guest speakers will be invited to provide students with practical
experiences that will help them to deepen their theoretical knowledge.

8. Assessment:

The course is intended to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge that will help
them in putting theory in practice. Various assessment techniques will be used to assess students’
understanding of the module. The breakdown of the weight of each element is:

Table 4 Assessment Breakdown for this Module

Assessment Expected Due Date Weight

Final Exam TBD 40%
Midterm Exam TBD 30%
In-class activities Applying the lesson after each class 15%
Group Project TBD 15%
Total 100%

The link between each assessment and CLO/PLO are:

Assessment type CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4

Final Exam √ √
Midterm Exam √ √
In-class activities √ √
Group Project √ √ √ √

As for the marking criteria for each assessment technique, each has a rubric that demonstrates the
mark/band the students can achieve in this

Rubric for Evaluating Project

Fail Marginal Merit Distinction

Content Lacks theoretical Shows good Shows good Shows solid understanding of
& understanding of the understanding of understanding of the core concepts with strong
Knowledge core concepts and no the theory and its the subject area. link between theory and
link to practice. application in There is a good link practice.
practice between theory and

Organization Sequence of Good presentation Information is Arguments are well-put and

& information is difficult of information with presented in a justified properly.
Style to follow. No apparent some flow in logical manner,
structure or continuity. sections. which is easily Purpose is clearly stated and
followed. explains the structure of work.
Purpose of work is not Purpose of work is
clearly stated. present.
Purpose of work is
clearly stated and
assists the structure
of work.

Format Work is illegible, Format is generally Report is well- Professionally presented with
& format changes consistent structured with exceptional structure and use
Aesthetics throughout, e.g. font including heading figures/tables are of captions.
type, size etc. styles and captions. clearly captioned.
Figures/tables are Heading styles
captioned appropriately used.

Spelling Numerous spelling Minor spelling and Limited Negligible misspellings

& and grammatical grammatical misspellings and/or and/or grammatical errors.
Grammar errors. mistakes grammatical errors.

(out of X marks)

Rubric for Exams

Criteria/band Fail Marginal Merit Distinction

Proficiency in Lacks the basic Shows some basic Shows good skills of Shows professional skills
using the tools skills of using skills of using using photoshop tools. of using photoshop tools.
photoshop tools. photoshop tools.

(Out of X marks)

9. Rules and Regulations:

Class Attendance and Participation:

According to the University rules, class attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to attend
all classes. Students who repeatedly arrive late to the lecture will be considered absent.
Participation points are given to encourage students’ active class participation and discussion.
Students will be rewarded with a high score as long as they come to class and actively contribute
to the class discussion during recitations and lectures.

Use of Mobile Devices, Laptops, etc. during Class:

As research on learning shows, unexpected noises and movement automatically divert and capture
people's attention, which means students are affecting everyone’s learning experience if their cell
phones, laptops, etc. make noise or are visually distracting during class. For this reason, students
are required to turn off their mobile devices and close their laptops during class.

Academic Integrity:
Students must refrain from copying each other's work or using information without acknowledging
the source of this information (i.e., providing a reference and in-text citation). A Turnitin
plagiarism of 15-20% could result in a range of disciplinary measures ranging from written
warning to deductions of marks from the submitted work. However, if the submitted work exceeds
this percentage, the academic staff reserves the right to open a plagiarism investigation case. At
the initial investigation stage (before any formal allegation of academic misconduct is made) a
decision will be reached about whether the case constitutes plagiarism as opposed to poor
scholarship. Where an initial investigation is conducted, the case will be forwarded to the Students’
Violation Committee to take appropriate actions. If the case constitutes plagiarism, the student(s)
will be given a “0” mark for the entire module.

Late Assignments:
Assignments must be completed and submitted to me by the due date assigned by the module leader.
Failure to submit the assignment by the due date will automatically result in “0” mark given for this
assignment. If a student has an exceptional circumstance, they have to submit a mitigating
circumstances form to the module leader a week prior to the assignment due date. If the form is
approved, the student will receive an extra week to submit their work.

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