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Autonomous Driving Agent in Carla using DDPG

Ghanshyam S. Nair, MMV Sai Nikhil, Aniket Sarrin
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, Amrita Vishwa
Vidyapeetham, India , ,
with DRL-based algorithms. The potential to handle some of the
most challenging issues in autonomous automobiles, including
scheduling and judgement, has been demonstrated in this area.
Abstract—When driving a car, it’s important to make sure it Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) is one of the Deep
consistently moves toward the parking spot, achieves a great Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms (TD3). The primary
heading angle, and prevents major losses brought on by line methodology for the subjects of our forthcoming research is
pressure. It is suggested to use deep reinforcement learning to DDPG.
create an autonomous parking model. To determine the various
states of its movement, a parking kinematics model is constructed. LIMITATIONS:
A thorough reward function is created to take into account the Driverless cars (AD) is a challenging area for application of
emphasis of movement and security in various parking stages. deep learning (ML). It is challenging to provide the
Steering angle and displacement are employed to achieve appropriate behavioural outputs for a driverless car system
engagement as actions.The automatic parking of the vehicle is made
possible by training, and the many steps and circumstances because ”excel- lent” driving is already subject to arbitrary
involved in parking are thoroughly examined. Additionally, a interpretation. It can be challenging to choose the right input
subsequent generalisation experiment demonstrated the model’s properties for learning. There are many challenges involved in
strong generalizability. achieving such a sophisticated idealogy in the context of
Index Terms—CARLA , secure , autonomous autonomous driving, including Due to the complex driving,
such as the wide variations in traffic jams and human
involvement, as well as the need to balance efficiency (speed),
I. INTRODUCTION elegance (smoothness), and danger, self-driving in urban
Using automated technologies can help reduce traffic acci- contexts is still a major concern today. For autonomous
dents and disasters. As 94 percent of risky driving is caused by driving to work, decisions must be made in fluid, erratic
the actions or mistakes of the driver, self-driving vehicles can environments. Uncertainty in the prediction is caused by
significantly minimize it. A driver’s tendency for dangerous and imperfect data and a failure to accurately assess human
harmful driving behaviours may decline as freedom levels rise. drivers’ intentions. The other cars are intended to function as
Autonomous vehicles must pass a number of tests to ensure their hidden variables in this problem as a partly visible Markov
safe operation in everyday situations and to prevent fatal decision making process (POMDP).
collisions. However, conducting such research on the road is
difficult because it is expensive and difficult. Simulated scenario II. LITREATURE SURVEY
testing is a well-known practice in the automotive industry. For A. EXPERT DRIVERS’ DATA-BASED METHOD
example, the situations utilized in the past to instruct Automatic Typically, the data-based approaches for imitating experi-
Braking Systems are inadequate for training driverless cars. In enced drivers’ parking behaviours make use of supervised
essence, incredibly complex exercises are required to teach self learning techniques like neural networks. The network
driving cars to behave like humans. In this study, we used a self receives information about the surrounding environment as
driving simulation to examine the muti contextual perception inputs, including such visual information, location, and
problem of the sim- ulation model. AI is evolving through AV vehicle condi- tion, and produces the necessary driver action
design, addressing processes such as detection. The ego-vehicle [3], [4]. Due to the neural network’s limited ability to
may use Multi- Object Tracking (MOT), scenario forecasting, or generalise, a significant portion of training data is necessary to
evaluation of the current driving conditions to decide the safest adequately represent target working scenarios. Additionally,
course of action. Recently, approaches based on Deep the quality of parking data has a significant impact on the
Reinforcement Learning were used to resolve Markov Decision functioning of the network. As a result, the information must
Processes (MDPs), which aim to determine the best course of be of a high calibre. Expert data sets, however, are frequently
action for an agent to adopt in order to maximise a reward expensive and time and labour intensive. Additionally, the
function. These techniques have produced positive outcomes in effectiveness of algorithms trained in this way will be
fields like gaming and simple decision-making tools. To learn constrained by the expert data [5]. It is therefore challenging
how to utilise the AV also view inside the car, Deep to attain ideal multi-objective driving effectiveness because
Reinforcement Learning techniques are developed for the computer could only approximate but not match expert
autonomous vehicles. The Deep prefix in DRL relates to a time efficiency.
series prediction that enables the agent—in this case, the self- B. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE-BASED METHOD
driving car—to generalise the state value that it has only largely
A strategy that uses prior knowledge involves turning human
or never witnessed by drawing on the values of related states.
driving history into foreknowledge and using it to guide the
This method replaces tabular methods of forecasting state values
planning process. This strategy can be divided into three III. SYSTEM ARCHITECHTURE
categories: fuzzy logic control, heuristic search, and geometric A. Reinforcement Learning
approaches. The geometric method includes various types of
Self-driving cars will likely become a common type of
curves such as the Reeds-Shepp curve, clothoid curve, Bezier
vehicle and symbolize future transportation within the next
curve, spline curve, and polynomial curve. Heuristic functions
ten years. The vehicle must be secure, reliable, and
used in search algorithms like A* and fuzzy rules used in fuzzy
comfortable for the user for this to operate. Driverless cars
inference methods are also based on real-world parking
must be ex- tremely good mediators when making right or
situations. However, abstracting knowledge from the driving left movements if they are to progress in crowded places. It
environment can lead to a loss of information and make it more is believed that the primary mechanism for teaching driving
difficult to achieve the best multi-objective driving efficiency. laws is reinforcement learning. We provide an improved Q-
learning reinforced learning method that will maximize the
C. REINFORCEMENT LEARNING-BASED METHOD advantages of large state space. For our research on driverless
As was already said, approaches based on specialist data and autos, we only use the open-source simulation CARLA. This
foreknowledge primarily draw from or abstract from human study simulates a real-world situation where a robot provides
experience, which calls for a significant amount of highquality data to attempt to resolve issues.
parking data. The performance of the system will be constrained
also when professional sets of data are accessible.
Reinforcement learning systems, on the other hand, are educated
by their own history, which theoretically enables them to
outperform humans [5]. By engagement between the agent and
environment, the reinforcement instruction learns tactics.
Prototype methods and model-free methods are the two primary
divisions of reinforcement learning, depending on a criterion
that takes into account whether it is essential to represent the
environment. In the framework approach, a strategy to maximise
the cumulative reward is discovered after obtaining a state
transition probability matrix and reward function. Fig 1.Implementation Architecture
Model-free reinforcement learning methods estimate the value of
taking an action in a particular state and select the action with the
highest estimated return value to be taken in each state.[16][17] B. Deep Q-Network
There has not been much research on using reinforcement DDPG The DDPG (Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient)
learning to solve vehicle planning problems. Zhang et al. used a method is a model of a policy-supervised learning technique
experimental reinforcement learning technique called deeper that can be applied to issues involving continuous action
programme slope to solve the perpendicular parking vectors and high-dimensional space. Actor-critic, the central
problem.[26][27] They first trained the operator in a simulated component of DDPG, is made up of a weighted linear net
environment before moving the trained agent to the actual (critic) and a policy nets (actor). There are several advantages
vehicle for further training. The speed policy was simplified to a to the randomized planning networking which the DDPG
single fixed command, and the focus was only on the final method employs and upgrades with strategy gradients. This
portion of the two phases in perpendicular parking. Other enables the network to manage consistently high activity
researchers have used model-free reinforcement learning levels. In order to increase data utilisation, seasoned playback
arrays were developed, making it possible to execute double
techniques to study autonomous driving scenarios such as lane
wiring updates for the intended system and the existing or
change decisions and lane-keeping assistance. These techniques
specific current network. Convergence of the techniques or
include actor-critic, deep Q-network, DDPG, and others. Model-
strategy is facilitated by this. The targeted system employs
free methods do not require modeling of the environment, but
the mild update technique, which increases the stability of the
rely on actual agent-environment interaction, which can be less
person. The DDPG simulates a human brain to approach the
effective for learning. In a study comparing model-based and
model-free methods for playing video games, the model-based
method was found to be faster at learning in most cases and
significantly faster in a few cases. Previous research on steering
column attitude change has been limited to either the final
portion of perpendicular parking or high-speed situations such as
lane changes and lane-keeping assistance.[28] In this study,
parallel parking, which is generally considered more challenging
Fig. 2. Showing car approaching the target first and reaching the target
than perpendicular parking, is addressed. The steering wheel in
this case has a wide range of input angles, requiring efficient
functional form. This weighed sum network is also known as a Replay buffer: buffer size – 100000, with 100 steps in each
feedback net. Its input are the activity and state values [a,s], and buffer
its output are Q. (s, a). There seems to be a neural network to
roughly represent the strategy function. Plan network is another A. Reward Structure
name for this actor network. It specifically has an operator as a
result and a state as an input. The steepest descent approach is There are 2 kinds of reward structures used in this project
used in the critical network to reduce loss and update connection both varied in penalty and formulation. Angle penalty –
weights. The specific strategy is as follows. Mini-batch learning Cos(a).
requires the usage of knowledge replay arrays because DDPG
requires that samples be evenly and freely distributed.
Additionally, in order to allude to DQN’s split data network,
DDPG divides both of the agent nodes and the critique networks
into the aim system and the present network. The soft update
method also significantly increases the channel’s stability.

C. Environment
CARLA is a simulation platform that was designed to make
it easier to develop, train, and test autonomous systems. It
provides open digital content such as urban designs, houses, and
vehicles, as well as tools and protocols for gathering and sharing
data. CARLA has many customizable features including various
climatic conditions, control over all static and dynamic
characters, and the ability to create maps. It is a comprehensive
platform for simulating autonomous driving scenarios.
There are two impediments surrounding the parking place,
and the project’s simulation of the parking environment is ver-
tical. Figure 1 depicts the creation of the parking surroundings Fig.4 Angular Penalty Structure
reference system using the base as the centre of the parking spot.

Fig 3.Vertical Parking Environment


Environment : CARLA - developed from the ground up to
support development, training, and validation of autonomous
driving systems.
Action Space : 1 or 2 – depending on the mode set from the
user (Only throttle / steer and throttle)
State Space : 16
RL algorithm/- policy: Soft Actor Critic Fig.5 Constructed Reward Function
Actor - State space - 16 -512-256-Tanh-1 Or 2 action output. Throttle Penalty - The reward can be calculated using
Critic - Action space - 2-64-128-OUT 1 linear or gaussian methodology.Linear methodology -
State pace - 16 -64-128 OUT 2 [Max(dis) - curr(dis)] / [max(dis) - prev(dis)]. Gaussian
Concatenate OUT 1 and OUT 2 to give out 256 layered methodology -
neurons which then gives out 1 dense output Max(reward)( − dis2/2 ∗ sigma2)
Noise addition: Ornstein Uhlenbeck Process

Fig 7.System Architecture is accomplished by introducing noise to the motion itself.

The method has a few intriguing characteristics. It is both a
B. Model Structure Markov and a Gaussian process. Theta, sigma, and mew are its
two hyperparameters. Mew is set to 0, theta is adjusted to
0.015, and sigma is an array of numpy values between 0.3 and

D. Hyper Parameter values

Final Actor Structure: Input layer: The input layer has state
space as input size . State pace - 16 -512-256-Tanh-1 Or 2 Given below are the hyper-parameters used their respective
action output. Final Critic Structure: Input layer: This values:
structure has 2 different neural networks combining to give a MEMORY FRACTION = 0.3333
single output. One input layer has action space as input size TOTAL EPISODES = 1000
while the other has the state space. STEPS PER EPISODE = 100
Action space - 2-64-128-OUT 1
State space - 16 -64-128-OUT 2 OFF POSITION NON MOVING STEPS = 20
Concatenate OUT 1 and OUT 2 to give out 256 layered neurons REPLAY BUFFER CAPACITY = 100000
which then gives out 1 dense output. THROTTLE NOISE FACTOR -

Critic Model

Moving target input - Concatenated reward + gamma*(target

critic).Distance is calculated using Euclidian method.

Fig 8. Actor Model

C. Ornstein Uhlenbeck Process

By choosing a random response based on probabilities, exploration is carried out in reinforcement learning for fi- nite action
spaces (such as epsilon-greedy or Boltzmann Fig exploration). Exploration in continuous action environments
CRITIC LR = 0.002
ACTOR LR = 0.001
GAMMA = 0.99
TAU = 0.005
EXPLORE = 100000.0
MIN EPSILON = 0.000001

Fig.6 Experiment 2 Result


Parallel parking was difficult to implement due to high level of
crashes with other cars slow learning rate.
Fig 9.Concatenated NN Traffic management - Various flows and management in
different localities . The constraints of the vehicle cannot remain
the same.
Research gap - Most of the autonomous cars make use of the
fuzzy logic and sensory based output deep learning models they
do not rely much on reinforcement learning.

We created learning data for the neural network utilizing the
deep semisupervised method DDPG. Then, to guarantee that the
automobile is always approaching the parking centre and
achieves the ideal car inclination during the parking process, a
straightforward and efficient reward system is built.
Additionally, in order to secure the safety of the parking process,
the converging of the strategy, and the commuter lot
The experiences replayed pool’s good parking activities and
states are sampled with a step size of 100 rounds, and the
overall converging of the reward value in 500 separate episodes
over the course of the full DDPG algorithm training procedure
is as follows:

Fig 10.Experiment 1 result


data, we penalise the line pressing action. learning how to

prevent data un-sampling.


Consider using some other, quicker, and more effective
strategies. constructing a more intricate custom parking sce-
nario to up the challenge and precision. Consider simulating
traffic in different simulation environments.

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