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Academic Task

Number: 1

Annexure-V- Cover Page for Academic Tasks

Course Code: MKT501 Course Title: Marketing

Course Instructor: Mr. Abhishek Sahai

Academic Task No.: 1 Academic Task Title: Britannia

Date of Allotment:29|08|23 Date of submission: 16|10|23

Student’s Roll no: RDE568B63 Student’s Reg. no: 12204127

Evaluation Parameters: (Parameters on which student is to be evaluated- To
be mentioned
by students as specified at the time of assigning the task by the instructor)

Learning Outcomes: (Student to write briefly about learnings obtained

from the academic tasks)


I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied

it from any other student’s work or from any other source except
where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has
any part been written for me by any other person.
Evaluator’scomments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions Best part of

Improvemen Assignment

Evaluator’s Signature and Date:

Marks Obtained:
CCL Products (India) Limited
CCL Products (India) Limited is a prominent player in the global
coffee industry, renowned for its expertise in the manufacture
and export of instant coffee. Founded in 1994, CCL Products has
established itself as a leading producer and exporter of instant
coffee, catering to a diverse range of customers worldwide.

The company's headquarters are located in Hyderabad, India, and

it operates state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that adhere
to strict quality standards and sustainability practices. CCL
Products has carved a niche for itself in the coffee market by
consistently delivering high-quality products to its clients, which
include multinational corporations, leading coffee brands, and
retail chains.

CCL Products takes pride in its commitment to quality and

innovation, investing in research and development to meet the
evolving demands of the global coffee industry. With a focus on
sustainability, the company actively engages in responsible
sourcing practices and supports coffee farmers to ensure the
long-term viability of the coffee supply chain.

Over the years, CCL Products (India) Limited has expanded its
presence in international markets, establishing itself as a trusted
supplier of instant coffee to customers in Europe, the Americas,
Asia, and beyond. This global reach has solidified its position as a
key player in the competitive coffee industry.

CCL Products' dedication to excellence, sustainability, and

customer satisfaction has made it a prominent name in the world
of instant coffee production. As the company continues to grow
and adapt to changing market dynamics, it remains committed to
delivering the finest quality coffee products to its customers while
contributing positively to the coffee industry's sustainability
CCL Products (India) Limited
Founded: Founded in 1994
Chairman: Mr. Challa Rajendra Prasad

CCL Products (India) Limited is a well-established company based

in India that specializes in the production and export of instant
coffee. Founded in 1994, the company has since grown to
become a prominent player in the global coffee industry. CCL
Products was founded in Hyderabad, India, by Challa Rajendra
Prasad. It started as a modest coffee trading business but soon
expanded into coffee processing and manufacturing of instant

The company primarily focuses on the production of instant

coffee, offering a wide range of coffee products, including freeze-
dried, spray-dried, and agglomerated instant coffee. These
products cater to a diverse customer base, including retail
brands, coffee shops, and foodservice providers.

CCL Products places a strong emphasis on quality control and

adherence to international standards. Their manufacturing
facilities are equipped with modern technology to ensure the
consistent quality of their coffee products.

CCL Products has a significant global presence and exports its

products to over 90 countries worldwide. It has successfully built
strong partnerships with multinational corporations and major
coffee brands.

The company is actively involved in sustainability efforts within

the coffee industry. This includes supporting sustainable farming
practices, ethical sourcing of coffee beans, and environmentally
responsible production processes.

CCL Products invests in research and development to innovate

and stay competitive in the coffee market. This commitment to
R&D enables them to meet the evolving demands and preferences
of their customers.
CCL Products (India) Limited

 Spray Dried Coffee Powder

 Spray-Dried Agglomerated Coffee
 Freeze Concentrated Liquid Coffee
 Roast & Ground Coffee
 Roasted Coffee Beans
 Freeze Dried Coffee and Premix Coffee

Q1- Is CCL Products (India) Limited a success

or a failure?

CCL Products (India) Limited (CCL Products) is a success story in

the Indian coffee industry. The company has grown from a small
firm with an annual capacity of 3,000 tonnes to a global leader in
coffee with fully operational units in India, Switzerland, and
Vietnam. CCL Products is now one of the world's largest private
label coffee manufacturers, with a presence in over 90 countries.

Factors that Contribute to CCL Products' Success

There are a number of factors that contribute to CCL Products'

success. These include:

 Focus on quality: CCL Products is committed to producing

high-quality coffee products. The company has a state-of-
the-art manufacturing facility and a team of experts who
work to ensure that its products meet the highest standards.

 Innovation: CCL Products is constantly innovating to develop

new and improved coffee products. The company has a
strong research and development team that is always
working on new ways to meet the needs of its customers.

 Customer focus: CCL Products is customer-centric and puts

its customers' needs first. The company works closely with
its customers to understand their requirements and develop
products that meet those requirements.

 Global reach: CCL Products has a global reach and exports

its products to over 90 countries. This gives the company a
significant competitive advantage over its regional

 Strong management team: CCL Products has a strong

management team with a wealth of experience in the coffee
industry. The management team is led by Mr. Challa
Rajendra Prasad, who is the founder and chairman of the

CCL Products' Success in the Indian Market

CCL Products has been particularly successful in the Indian

market. The company has a strong brand presence in India and
its products are popular with Indian consumers. CCL Products'
success in India can be attributed to a number of factors,

 Understanding of Indian consumer preferences: CCL

Products has a deep understanding of Indian consumer
preferences. The company develops products that are
tailored to the taste and budget of Indian consumers.

 Strong distribution network: CCL Products has a strong

distribution network in India. The company's products are
available in a wide range of retail outlets, including
supermarkets, grocery stores, and coffee shops.

 Effective marketing and advertising: CCL Products invests

heavily in marketing and advertising its products in India.
The company's marketing campaigns are designed to create
awareness of its brands and products and to generate
demand for its products.

CCL Products' Future Outlook

CCL Products has a bright future ahead. The company is well-

positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for coffee around
the world. CCL Products is also expanding its operations into new
markets and developing new products.CCL Products' Future
Outlook CCL Products has a bright future ahead. The company is
well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for coffee
around the world. CCL Products is also expanding its operations
into new markets and developing new products.CCL Products'
Future Outlook CCL Products has a bright future ahead. The
company is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand
for coffee around the world. CCL Products is also expanding its
operations into new markets and developing new products.
Q2.How does today's digital world
impact(positively and negatively) CCL
Products (India) Limited co-creations

The digital world has a significant impact on CCL Products (India)

Limited's co-creations strategy. Here are some of the positive and
negative impacts:

Positive Impacts

 Increased customer engagement and feedback: The digital

world has made it easier for CCL Products to engage with its
customers and get their feedback. This feedback can be
used to improve the company's products and services.

 Ability to reach a wider audience with co-creation initiatives:

The digital world has also made it easier for CCL Products to
reach a wider audience with its co-creation initiatives. This
is because the company can now use social media and other
digital platforms to promote its co-creation initiatives to a
global audience.

 More efficient and effective co-creation processes: The

digital world has also made co-creation processes more
efficient and effective. For example, CCL Products can now
use digital tools to collect and analyze customer feedback
more quickly and easily.
 Development of new and innovative products and services:
The digital world has also enabled CCL Products to develop
new and innovative products and services. For example, the
company can now use 3D printing to create custom
prototypes of new products.

 Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty: By using the

digital world to improve its co-creations strategy, CCL
Products has been able to improve customer satisfaction
and loyalty. This is because customers feel more valued and
involved when they are able to participate in the co-creation

Negative Impacts

 Increased risk of intellectual property theft: The digital world

has also increased the risk of intellectual property theft. For
example, if CCL Products shares its product designs with
customers online, there is a risk that these designs could be
stolen and copied.

 Potential for negative customer feedback and backlash: The

digital world has also made it easier for customers to share
their negative feedback about CCL Products' products and
services. This can lead to negative backlash against the

 Need to invest in digital infrastructure and resources: CCL

Products needs to invest in digital infrastructure and
resources in order to implement its co-creations strategy
effectively. This can be a significant investment.
 Challenges in managing and protecting customer data: CCL
Products needs to manage and protect customer data
carefully. If this data is not properly managed and protected,
it could be stolen or misused.

 Difficulty in maintaining a personal touch with customers:

The digital world can make it difficult for CCL Products to
maintain a personal touch with its customers. This is
because the company is now interacting with customers
online instead of face-to-face.

Overall, the digital world has a positive impact on CCL Products'

co-creations strategy. However, the company needs to be aware
of and manage the potential negative impacts as well.

Here are some specific examples of how CCL Products is using

the digital world to improve its co-creations strategy:

 CCL Products uses social media to engage with its

customers and get their feedback on new product ideas.

 CCL Products uses a digital platform to collect and analyze

customer feedback on its existing products and services.

 CCL Products uses 3D printing to create custom prototypes

of new products for testing with customers.

 CCL Products uses digital tools to collaborate with

customers on the development of new products and

By using the digital world in these ways, CCL Products is able to

develop more innovative products and services that meet the
needs of its customers.

Q3.How could CCL Products (India) Limited

improve its co- creation strategy?

CCL Products (India) Limited could improve its co-creation

strategy in a number of ways. Here are a few suggestions:

 Identify and target the right stakeholders for co-creation.

CCL Products should identify the stakeholders who are most
likely to have valuable insights and ideas to contribute to the
co-creation process. These stakeholders may include
customers, employees, suppliers, and other partners.

 Develop clear and specific goals for each co-creation

initiative. CCL Products should clearly define what it wants
to achieve with each co-creation initiative. This will help to
ensure that the initiative is focused and productive.

 Use the right digital tools and platforms for co-creation.

CCL Products should use digital tools and platforms that are
appropriate for the specific co-creation initiative. For
example, if CCL Products is collecting customer feedback on
a new product idea, it could use a social media platform or a
dedicated online survey tool.
 Provide incentives for participation in co-creation initiatives.
CCL Products should provide incentives for stakeholders to
participate in co-creation initiatives. This could include
offering rewards, such as discounts on products or exclusive
access to new products.

 Recognize and reward participants for their contributions.

CCL Products should recognize and reward participants for
their contributions to co-creation initiatives. This could
include featuring their contributions in the company's
marketing materials or giving them early access to new

In addition to the above suggestions, CCL Products could also

improve its co-creation strategy by:

 Creating a culture of co-creation within the company. CCL

Products should create a culture of co-creation within the
company by encouraging employees to share their ideas and
collaborate with each other.

 Partnering with other companies and organizations for co-

creation. CCL Products could partner with other companies
and organizations to expand the scope of its co-creation
initiatives and get access to a wider range of perspectives
and ideas.

 Measuring and evaluating the results of co-creation

initiatives. CCL Products should measure and evaluate the
results of its co-creation initiatives to ensure that they are
achieving their desired goals.

Q4. What tactics or tools they will use to

enhance CCL Products (India) Limited success.

CCL Products (India) Limited can use a variety of tactics and tools
to enhance its success. Here are a few suggestions:


Focus on innovation: CCL Products should continue to focus on

innovation and developing new products and services that meet
the needs of its customers. The company can use co-creation
initiatives to get feedback from its customers and develop new
products that they are interested in.Focus on innovation: CCL
Products should continue to focus on innovation and developing
new products and services that meet the needs of its customers.
The company can use co-creation initiatives to get feedback from
its customers and develop new products that they are interested
Expand into new markets: CCL Products can expand into new
markets to increase its sales and reach a wider customer base.
The company can target emerging markets with high growth

Invest in digital marketing: CCL Products should invest in digital

marketing to reach its target customers more effectively. The
company can use social media, search engine optimization (SEO),
and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to reach its target customers.
Improve customer service: CCL Products can improve its customer
service to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. The
company can provide its customers with multiple channels to
contact them, such as phone, email, and social media.

Build a strong brand: CCL Products should build a strong brand to

differentiate itself from its competitors. The company can invest
in branding and advertising to create a strong brand image in the
minds of its customers.


Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system: CCL Products can use

an ERP system to manage its business processes more efficiently.
An ERP system can help the company to manage its inventory,
production, and sales more effectively.

Customer relationship management (CRM) system: CCL Products

can use a CRM system to manage its customer relationships more
effectively. A CRM system can help the company to track
customer interactions, manage sales leads, and provide customer

Social media analytics tools: CCL Products can use social media
analytics tools to track customer sentiment and identify trends.
This information can be used to develop new products and
services that meet the needs of its customers.

Market research tools: CCL Products can use market research

tools to gather data about its target markets. This information
can be used to develop marketing strategies and target new

Business intelligence tools: CCL Products can use business

intelligence tools to analyze its data and identify trends. This
information can be used to improve decision-making and make
better business decisions.
By using these tactics and tools, CCL Products can enhance its
success and achieve its business goals.

Q5. How does CCL Products (India)

Limited adapt its marketing strategies to
regional preferences and cultural diversity
in India?

CCL Products (India) Limited adapts its marketing strategies to

regional preferences and cultural diversity in India in a number of

 Researching regional preferences: CCL Products conducts

research to understand the regional preferences of Indian
consumers. This research includes surveys, interviews, and
focus groups.

 Segmenting the market: CCL Products segments the Indian

market based on regional preferences. This allows the
company to develop targeted marketing campaigns for each

 Developing regional-specific products: CCL Products

develops regional-specific products to meet the needs of
Indian consumers in different regions. For example, the
company offers different types of coffee to meet the taste
preferences of consumers in different regions.

 Using regional languages in marketing materials: CCL

Products uses regional languages in its marketing materials
to reach a wider audience. For example, the company's
website is available in multiple regional languages.

 Partnering with regional brands: CCL Products partners with

regional brands to promote its products. This allows the
company to leverage the brand equity of regional brands
and reach a wider audience.

Here are some specific examples of how CCL Products adapts its
marketing strategies to regional preferences and cultural diversity
in India:

 In South India, where coffee is traditionally consumed with

milk and sugar, CCL Products offers a variety of sweet coffee
flavors, such as cardamom coffee and filter coffee.

 In North India, where coffee is traditionally consumed black,

CCL Products offers a variety of strong coffee flavors, such
as espresso and cappuccino.

 In East India, where coffee is traditionally consumed with

tea, CCL Products offers a variety of coffee-tea blends, such
as masala chai and coffee latte.

CCL Products also adapts its marketing campaigns to reflect the

cultural diversity of India. For example, the company's Diwali
marketing campaign features Hindu symbols and imagery. The
company's Christmas marketing campaign features Christian
symbols and imagery.

By adapting its marketing strategies to regional preferences and

cultural diversity, CCL Products has been able to reach a wider
audience and become one of the leading coffee companies in

Q6- In what ways does CCL Products (India)

Limited utilize customer feedback and market
research to refine its marketing strategies and
product offerings?

CCL Products (India) Limited utilizes customer feedback and

market research in a number of ways to refine its marketing
strategies and product offerings. Here are a few examples:

 Understanding customer needs and preferences: CCL

Products uses customer feedback and market research to
understand the needs and preferences of its customers. This
information is used to develop new products and services,
improve existing products and services, and create targeted
marketing campaigns.

 Identifying new market opportunities: CCL Products uses

customer feedback and market research to identify new
market opportunities. This information is used to expand
into new markets and launch new products and services in
those markets.
 Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing campaigns: CCL
Products uses customer feedback and market research to
evaluate the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns. This
information is used to improve the effectiveness of future
marketing campaigns.

 Measuring customer satisfaction: CCL Products uses

customer feedback and market research to measure
customer satisfaction. This information is used to identify
areas where the company can improve its products, services,
and marketing strategies.

Here are some specific examples of how CCL Products utilizes

customer feedback and market research to refine its marketing
strategies and product offerings:

 CCL Products uses customer feedback to develop new coffee

flavors. For example, the company developed a new
cardamom coffee flavor based on feedback from customers
in South India.

 CCL Products uses market research to identify new market

opportunities. For example, the company expanded into the
Vietnamese market after identifying it as a growing market
for coffee.

 CCL Products uses customer feedback to evaluate the

effectiveness of its marketing campaigns. For example, the
company uses customer feedback to determine which
marketing channels are most effective at reaching its target
 CCL Products uses market research to measure customer
satisfaction. For example, the company conducts surveys to
measure customer satisfaction with its products, services,
and marketing strategies.

By utilizing customer feedback and market research, CCL

Products is able to refine its marketing strategies and product
offerings to meet the needs of its customers and stay ahead of
the competition.

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