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A- Fill in the blanks by using appropriate word(s).

1- ___________________ theorem proposes that some of today’s eukaryotic organelles evolved by a

symbiosis arising between two cells that were each free-living

2- Monomers are joined to form polymers. Process of formation of large molecules by the removal of water
is called ______________________.

3- Polymers are broken down to monomers. Process of breakdown of large molecules by the addition of
water is called _____________.

4- Monomers of nucleic acids are called ________________.

5- A _______________ is a possible explanation for an observation and must be tested to determine its

B-Classical Questions

1 -Write down the four levels of structure of proteins.

C- Multiple choice questions

1- Which of the following is not a characteristic of all living organisms?

a) Composed of cells and complex and ordered b) Respond to their environment
c) Can grow, develop, reproduce, obtain and use energy d) Maintain internal balance
e) All are characteristics of living organisms.
2- All the populations of different species living in one area would be categorized as _______
a) Genus b) Ecosystem c) Community d) Genome e) Biosphere

3- Which of the following biological molecules contain peptide bonds?

a) Proteins b)Carbohydrates c) Lipids d) Nucleic Acids e) All

4- Which of the following is not a property of water molecules?

a) Water has a high specific heat capacity b) Water has a high heat of vaporization
c) Solid water is denser than liquid water d) Water is a good solvent
e) Water organizes nonpolar molecules

5- __________________ and __________________ are the organelles that have their own DNA.
a) nucleus, ribosomes b) nucleus, golgi aparatus c) mitochondrium, chloroplast
d) lysosome, chloroplast e) mitochondrium, golgi aparatus

6- If a molecule gains an electron it has been _____________

a. Oxidized b. Reduced c. Electrified d. Deprotonated e) Activated

7- A catalyst speeds up chemical reactions. How do catalysts do this?

a. Decreasing entropy b. Altering ∆G c. Consuming reactants
d. Lowering activation energy e. Making different products
8- ________________ is movement of molecules through the membrane in which no energy is required,
molecules move in response to a concentration gradient and no need for carrier proteins.
a) Active transport b) Passive transport c) Facilitated diffusion
d) Saturated diffusion e) none

9- _______________ is the repository of the genetic information. This organelle has double phospholipid
bilayers envelope and the pores on this envelope control passage in and out
a) golgi apparatus b) flagella c) vacuole d) nucleus e) endoplasmic reticulum

10- Which organelle contains digestive enzymes that are used to digest unwanted material in the cell?
a) Ribosome b) Desmosome c) Lysosome d) Macrosome e) None

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