EN Technology and Engineering Sample Questions Grades 9-10-11

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Sample Questions / ENGLISH

Tech & Eng - Grade 9-10-11

The first picture above shows the first computer produced by Elliot Brothers and
the second picture shows a Raspberry Pi, a single-board computer. Both pictures
were taken at the same place, the second being taken 58 years after the first.

Given that the second computer has a greater capacity than the first one, which
of the following conclusions can be made?

I- In time, computers have advanced in capacity while shrinking in size

II- Advancements in technology have made computing more accessible to a

broader range of people.

III- computing technology has become more efficient and powerful over the years.

IV- The second computer, being more capable than the first, reflects the
continuous evolution of computing technology.

A) I, II and III
B) II, III and IV
C) I, III and IV
D) I, II, III and IV
Sample Questions / ENGLISH
Tech & Eng - Grade 9-10-11

What role do protocols play in computer networking?

A) Protocols are physical devices that connect computers in a network.

B) Protocols are guidelines that outline how data should be formatted, transmitted,
received, and interpreted in a network.
C) Protocols are software applications used for browsing the internet.
D) Protocols are virtual communities of devices in a network.

Which application of genetic engineering involves modifying crops to be more

resilient against pests, diseases, and harsh environmental conditions?

A) Medicine
B) Environmental Conservation
C) Agriculture
D) Isolation
Sample Questions / ENGLISH
Tech & Eng - Grade 9-10-11

Which industry uses 3D modeling and animation to create visual representations

of buildings and structures before they’re constructed?

A) Entertainment Industry
B) Medical Visualization
C) Architectural Visualization
D) Video Game Design

How does nanotechnology contribute to improving sports equipment like tennis

rackets and bicycle frames?

A) By making them heavier for better stability.

B) By using traditional materials for durability.
C) By incorporating nanomaterials to enhance strength and reduce weight.
D) By adding extra layers of protection to prevent scratches.
Sample Questions / ENGLISH
Tech & Eng - Grade 9-10-11

Which of the following is the primary factor that limits the range of
electric cars?

A) Battery efficiency
B) Charging speed
C) Tire wear
D) Motor power

Which of the following is a major technological challenge faced by

autonomous cars?

A) Limited availability of advanced sensors and cameras

B) Inability to adapt to changing weather conditions
C) High energy consumption leading to reduced efficiency
D) Lack of compatibility with existing road infrastructure
Sample Questions / ENGLISH
Tech & Eng - Grade 9-10-11

Which of the following questions is outside the scope of information an

artificial intelligence bot would provide?

A) What is the capital of France?

B) How many countries are there in the world?
C) Can you tell me how to hack into someone's computer?
D) Who directed the movie “Titanic”?

Tower cranes are essential for moving heavy goods, materials or tools
around a site. They’re great for speeding up construction, saving time and
manpower. Tower cranes are impressive works of engineering. Their height
can reach up to 75 metres and they can lift up to 20 tons.

Which of the following statements is false?

A) A hydraulic system provides the power of a tower crane and an electric motor
provides the pressure.
B) The weight lifting capacity at the far end of a tower crane is called the maximum
weight capacity.
C) The strongest point of a tower crane is the furthest from the center of gravity of
the pulley system.
D) Pulley and lever systems are used in tower cranes.
Sample Questions / ENGLISH
Tech & Eng - Grade 9-10-11

hot air

air cooled

cold air

hot water

water cooled

cold water

Car engines heat up very quickly, so engines have cooling systems. Cooling
systems are based on heat transfer. The heat generated in the engine is
transferred to the cooling system by the transfer method. While air-cooled engine
systems were used in the early days, liquid-cooled engine systems are more
common today.

Which property of matter has come forward in the development of cooling

systems in engines?

A) Physical state (solid, liquid, and gas)

B) Density
C) The heat of change of state
D) Specific heat
Sample Questions / ENGLISH
Tech & Eng - Grade 9-10-11

Thermal power plants are one of the most common ways to meet energy
demands. The reason for this is that coal reserves are plentiful and spread
across the globe. Coal’s high carbon emissions lead to global warming. Today,
over 2,400 coal-fired power plants operate in 79 countries. The Tuoketuo Power
Plant in China is the world’s largest activated coal power plant. Electrostatic
flue chimney filters are one of many effective solutions used by the power plant
to reduce carbon emissions. The electrification system in the electrostatic filter
installed in the chimney ensures that the dust passing through the chimney is
charged with an electrical charge. The dust then adheres to the electrostatic
surface that surrounds the chimney.

As a result, which of the following options correctly represents the charge

distribution of the powder particles in the gas with the electrostatic surface?

A) Both have the same charge.

B) Dust particles are uncharged, whereas the electrostatic surface is negatively (-)
C) Both are oppositely charged.
D) The electrostatic surface is positively (+) charged, whereas dust particles are
Sample Questions / ENGLISH
Tech & Eng - Grade 9-10-11

Maglev trains float on a cushion of air, eliminating friction. This lack of friction
and the trains’ aerodynamic designs allow these trains to reach unprecedented
ground transportation speeds of more than 500 kph.

A maglev system comprises 3 major components. The first system keeps the
maglev train vertical, while the second keeps it horizontally balanced. The
third system lets the train move on the rail using both magnetic attraction and
magnetic repulsion.

Which of the following statements about the working principle of maglev trains is
not correct?

A) Magnets have two poles, north and south.

B) The same poles used on trains and rails provide the magnetic lifting force for maglev
C) The horizontal balance of maglev trains on the rail is provided by magnetic repulsion.
D) Maglev trains move along the rail by using a combination of magnetic pull from the
same pole and magnetic repulsion from opposite poles.
Sample Questions / ENGLISH
Tech & Eng - Grade 9-10-11

The world experienced a historic event on 14 October 2012. In a unique suit and
capsule, Felix Baumgartner jumped to Earth from a height of 38,700 metres at the
Roswell spaceport in New Mexico, USA. Baumgartner broke the records for the
longest free fall, the highest jump, the highest jump made in a balloon, and the
fastest human during this test.

Which of the following statements about Felix’s exciting record attempt to

become the first human to fly faster than the speed of sound is not correct?

A) The frictional force generated by the air molecules is the only force acting on Felix
during his free fall.
B) The mass or weight of Felix has no bearing on the fall’s duration.
C) The parachute Felix uses increases air resistance.
D) Objects released in a deaerated environment always fall to the ground at the same
time, regardless of their mass.
Sample Questions / ENGLISH
Tech & Eng - Grade 9-10-11

The composite structures positioned between the interior and exterior structure
of the fuselage of the aircraft are primarily responsible for allowing the
passengers to sleep peacefully and in silence during their flights. After 1940,
the aviation industry began to use composite structures made of fibreglass and
carbon materials in the body panels of aircraft.

Which of the following is not among the properties of composite structures?

I. They are mechanically strong and have high bending properties.

II. They are not affected by extreme heat or cold.

III. Due to their high density, they are very heavy.

IV. They can easily expand or contract.

V. They have heat and sound insulation features.

VI. They are fireproof.

VII. They conduct electricity very well.

A) III, IV and VII

B) II, VI and VII
C) I, III and IV
D) I, II, V and VI

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