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© 2022

If your foundation is rocky or rushed, chances are you’re going to

struggle when times get hard.

Every business needs a strong foundation in order to survive and scale.

According to a recent report by CBI Insights, some of the main reasons

that 50% of startups don’t make it include lack of capital, no market
need, a flawed business model, hiring the wrong team, having a poor
product/service, and ineffective marketing.

Add to that, a myriad of overcomplicated advice from online experts to

follow “proven” formulas for success - it’s no wonder you feel confused,
overwhelmed, and burnt out.

That’s why having a business plan and clear strategy is the key to

I’m not talking about your typical business plan that investors and
banks want you to do - those 100+ pages of analyses, market research
and projections. I’m talking about a simple, clear strategy that helps
you build your business foundation and get results at the same time.

As an entrepreneur, your time is your most valuable asset, so it’s

important that you invest it in things that will help move you and your
business forward.

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I developed the 5 Pillar Business Strategy to help you eliminate all the
distractions and zero in on the 5 pillars that will have the biggest
impact on your business.

Before we get into it, let me make one thing absolutely clear - like
everything I teach, this strategy is completely customizable to you and
your business goals. Do NOT expect to find a one size fits none
blueprint for success here or in any of my programs.

In order for this strategy to work, you have to know and understand
what your business objectives are and you must be willing to put in the

Benefits of using the 5 Pillar Business Strategy

This strategy will:

Allow you to work on the business as well as in the business (make

sure you know the difference between the two)
Encourage you to think like a strategist and operate like a tactician
so you can achieve multiple strategic objectives with one stroke
Help you simplify your entire business plan and communicate it
effectively with your team, customers, investors, partners and wider
Allow your business to be driven by your mission and key objectives
Eliminate all your excuses for not knowing what you should be
working on
Reduce overwhelm so you can stay focused

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Think about your business, foundations and overall strategy like your

The palm of your hand represents your vision and mission

(This is what drives you beyond profits)

Vision - What you want to achieve

Mission - How you’re going to achieve your vision

Examples of companies who do this really well are:

Vision: To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where
customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy

Mission: We strive to offer our customers the lowest possible prices, the
best available selection, and the utmost convenience.

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Vision: We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change
attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.

Mission: Spread ideas.

Vision: To provide access to the world’s information in one click.

Mission: To organize the world’s information and make it universally

accessible and useful.

How you can gain clarity on your vision and mission:

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast - What are you trying to achieve
and why? Don’t rush this process, get really clear.

Outline your values, core principles and non-negotiables - These are

how you operate as an individual and as a company. It’s what’s
important to you and the culture this will create. Knowing this will
help you make decisions that are in alignment with your vision and
mission as you move forwards.

Your vision and mission are important to you - great! Now step back
and ask yourself why other people should care about them too?
What are the benefits for them? Being able to understand, outline
and effectively communicate this to your team and customers will
help you scale more effectively, generate more revenue, increase
your consumer loyalty and raise your brand equity.

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Each Finger on your hand is a pillar

(These are areas of your business that will help you accomplish your
vision and mission if you prioritize and focus on them)

There are 5 pillars that will form the foundation of your business, no
matter what you sell or what industry you’re in.

These 5 pillars are:

1. Finance
2. Branding
3. Sales + Marketing
4. Infrastructure
5. Leadership

Now, each pillar will also have its own impact areas (which we’ll get to
in the next section), but the important thing to understand is that
these pillars are going to be your main focus for the lifetime of your
business if you want to see real results.

A great business is one that layers its foundations piece by piece. By

committing to these 5 foundational pillars - you can go really deep and
make sure they’re fit for purpose versus running around trying to do
everything all at once and barely skimming the surface with each task
or area.

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The 3 lines on each finger represent 3 different impact areas within

your chosen pillar
(These are the areas that will have the biggest impact on your bottom
line…if you work on them strategically and consistently)

Impact areas for your business pillars can include:

Operations (systems and processes)

PR and Communications
Customer Service and Retention
Team Recruitment and Development
Organizational Culture
Products and/or Services
Research and Development
Networking and Collaborations
Distribution Channels

And more.

For example, if my 5 pillars were as follows, my 3 impact areas for each

pillar could be:

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Pillar Impact Areas

Finance Accounting
Cash flow
Building business credit

Branding Creating my brand story

Clarity on my value proposition and messaging
Creating the visual aesthetic for my business

Marketing Market positioning

Email marketing
Building Credibility and Authority on Social Media

Infrastructure Create SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures)

Automate systems and processes
Improve productivity and efficiency

Leadership Develop organization culture

Hire the right team
Create an effective onboarding and training system for my

Ok great. Now you have your vision and mission clear in your mind,
your 5 pillars outlined and you know the impact areas you need to
focus on to build a strong business. But how do you accomplish that?

It’s time to get tactical with the final step…

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Each section of your finger in between the 3 lines represents 3 core (or
micro) actions to help you achieve mission success

Here’s how:
1. Identify 3 tactical actions you can do to accomplish your impact
2. Break these down into micro steps
3. Execute consistently on a daily basis (schedule on your calendar
and be disciplined to show up for them)

Let me give you an example for my 3 impact areas within my finance


Pillar Impact Areas Micro Actions

Finance Accounting Purchase and learn how to use accounting

software such as Quickbooks or Xero (spend
1 hour a day dedicated to learning this)

Hire an accountant and set up

weekly/monthly finance meetings

Set up a calendar system to remind me of

all upcoming due dates for payments,
subscriptions, taxes and filing dates so I
don’t miss anything

Cash flow Break down my business and product costs

so I know exactly what my monthly
expenses are

Calculate my break even point and number

of sales to get there so I can create a plan
for income generation

Create a 90 day budget for my business

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Pillar Impact Areas Micro Actions

Finance Building business credit Make a list of all my current debts and
make a plan to clear them

Monitor my credit score rating with Capital

One or another credit agency

Partner with suppliers who can give me a

credit reference

As you can see, working consistently on these micro actions will make
a significant dent in my finance pillar and in my business overall.

And as I accomplish my micro actions, I can continue to add new

actions to help me really move the needle in my business and establish
solid foundations.

Working in this way does a few things. It:

Builds your discipline
Keeps you focused and on track
Gives you a sense of achievement
Reduces your stress and overwhelm
Gives you back your time and freedom
Helps you scale effectively
Allows you to measure what’s working and what’s not in your
Ultimately helps you achieve your vision and mission - which is why
you started your business in the first place

And there’s never any excuse for you to lose focus or forget what you’re
supposed to be working on, because instead of having a 100+ page
business plan that you’re never going to remember, you have a clean,
simple, and effective business strategy to help you gain momentum
and keep moving forward.

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If you found this 5 Pillar Strategy useful, upload a photo and tag me
@lawofambition) and my team (@nosympathyforthelazy) on
Instagram so we can share your wins.

Remember, the key to any kind of success is in taking action. So make

sure you use the knowledge from this pdf to execute.

And if you want more strategies, tools and resources to help you grow
and scale your business, join my Inner Circle Membership at

As always, No sympathy for the lazy.


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