Activity 11 Global Culture LLL

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• What was the main problem? What caused it? How could it have been avoided?

The main problem was the failure that occurred in the material for the use of the yogurt
containers, this was caused by the fact that they changed the raw material that the other
company sent for another generic one, which meant that the containers could not maintain
their new condition. presentation of a long size, and it could have been avoided if the change
that was made had been better translated.

• Who is responsible for a misunderstanding in language? The supplier or the customer?

I believe that the Turkish company, since you have to understand that translation into another
language is often not 100% literal, so if we offer a product and make a change, we must see
how they have their language, an example of This is Mexico, Spanish varies based on the
country you are in, and therefore you must be very clear that your language is as technical as
possible so that they understand you.

• If the company dictates thè case is closed with the financial compensation, do you
think they will address this or other translation issues they have with Turkish or other
languages? Why or why not?
I believe that when the economic compensation is closed, the issue of translation will be
touched upon, since if this problem is not resolved in the long term, it could generate problems
with the companies that have a contract, and thus replace the material and economic
compensation. which come to have losses in the company instead of profit.

• Reflect on the values mentioned above. Where did Generica's treatment of the
complaint failed on respecting these values?
I mainly consider the change of cultures when making the claim, since it usually requires making
a quick move to solve the problem and usually we prefer to speak with a manager, but when
wanting to do this someone from another culture will It could have offended, and with it the
values that we normally handle were lost and on both sides of the coin it was seen as

•The author mentions the following regarding Ethos, Logos and Pathos:
Pathos appeals to the emotions of individuals (e.g. fear greed, and so on) and to
an audience's self- interest.
Logos appeals to the methodical calculation of means and ends. It is a pragmatic
approach for justification.
Ethos appeals to moral or ethical sensibilities by appealing to socially accepted
norms and mores. Rather than individual concerns and interests, ethos appeals
focus on social and collective interests that produce moral legitimacy.
With this in consideration, what can be deduced about Turkish culture?
We can deduce from the Turkish culture it is changing based on the new technological trends in
order to grow its businesses and its industries, however, the values that are handled within the
companies are the same, that cannot change based on what we are told. mentions the text, so
they are prosperous in doing business, but they don't change their way of thinking many times
based on the ancient Akhish texts.

• What was Mr Yilzin's problem? What did he encounter when he contacted his
supplier? Think back to what you have learned regarding cultural dimensions
and the readings about Turkish culture; what would you think was the biggest
problem with the way the American customer service representative answered?
What about the Dutch woman?
First hand, he had a problem with the power distance index, since the lady who was in charge
of his case felt very offended by the fact that he did not use someone higher than her to fix the
mess, and on the other hand we are very used to the fact that if it is a serious problem they
send us a manager.
I consider that the main challenge is 2
The masculinity thing because at the operator that helped at the end of the day they taught her
that she could handle everything and that they had to ask them to leave with a manager which
generated a disagreement, and on the other hand for the company that must be a short-term
orientation, because it is seen that before it was already known what happens if the quality of
the material is lowered and in general they do not review what had happened before, so they
still sent it, and there is a probability that there have already been problems with how
translations are handled, but never with such bad consequences as could be seen in this case,
with which this comes to alter the vision of the company before the world in a very bad way.

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