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I think Arnold is (USE) his great musical talent by singing in

a country band. He should have become an opera soloisL
6. The central heating system can easily be (ACTIVE) by turning
I. Write in the correct words. this green knob.
7. Due to my complete (IGNORE) of the tribal customs I was
For thousands of years, stone, wood and animai skin had been the basic materials used wrongly considered an enemy rather than a friend.
by ancient civilisations for house building, ship construction or producing elementary tools.
8. The boy's account lacked (ACCURATE) . For example, he didn't
However,the first syntheticproductswhich- P - - - - - d (1) in the 19th century mention anything about such a relevant event as the Queen's presence.
were - - - - f - - - - - - d (2) from cellulose and quickly gained - r - - - - (3)
9. You can't expect to keep healthy if your diet is (DEFICIT) in fruit
replacing their heavy, less durable and antiquated counterparts. The commercial success
and vegetables.
of celluloids has become even more conspicuous in the twentieth century as dozens ol
10. That vaccum cleaner he showed us was too (COST) and we
new - - p - - - - - - - - s (4) for plastic goods have been invented.
decided to opt for a cheaper one.
Nowadays, life without celluloid dishes, synthetic furniture and garments as well as other
11. What they told us had no (FOUND) in reality. It was just an
manifold polimeric products would be un - - - - - n - - - - (5).
imaginary story they made up to deceive us.
What makes them so favoured and common a merchandise are their exceptional
12. Iwonder if he is ever going to grow out of his (CHILD) behaviour.
- t - - - - - - - s (6). Besides being - - s - - - - - - (7) to mechanical

damage, they have outstanding thermal and electrical insulation properties and certain 13. One more thing necessary for putting the bill into operation is the prim e minister's

kinds of synthetic products - - d - - - - (8) the process of fast biodegradation, which (SIG N).

makes them environment - - - - - - - - y (9). In addition, the cost of the production 14. Let's rep lace Ann with a more resolute person. I can't stand her being so

of plastic is relatively low. Hence, the polimerie - - t - - - - s (10) are being (HESITATE) about her every decision.

churned out for use of the packaging, motor, construction, aviation, medical and many 15. Gordon Ashley is going to stand trial for the daring bank (ROB)
otherindustries.Recyclingas meansof - e - - - - g (11) with this massive plastic he made in Southampton in 1993.
waste is easy and effective, too. Thus, one may safely assume that our
- - - - n - - - - - (12) on synthetic materials will never end. III. Insert the correct prepositions.

II. Put the words in the correct form. AGAINST AT BY FOR FROM IN OF ON TO UNDER

1. Patricia's ski!! in playing the piano is quite (COMPARE). No other

1. Please, take this money as a token of my great gratitude saving
child in this group can play the difficult pieces wit h similar mastery.
my life.
2. Have our arguments convinced you or do you need any more
2. The mechanic was most kind and repaired my carburettor . no
time at alI.
3. Mr Simpson's (DEVOTE) to his fishing hobby is absolutely
3. We don't need any extra supplies, we can do with those we have
4. His trembling voice and the itlogical story he produced prove that his
4. The court has sentenced the two men exile for spying
(SINCERE) leaves much to be desired.
the military bases in the country.

88 89
5. The farmers' hopes """"""""""""""" any better weather faded away after they had 6. Nobody knows what caused the collapse of the building.
heard the forecast for the weeks to come.
6. Their political opinions have always been harmony with ours and
7. You'lI be in serious trouble unless you apologize to Mrs Dempsey.
therefore we have been getting on so wel!.
You'lI get
7. The Greenpeace movement is going to launch another campaign
8. The American champion is very tough; he'lI never give up. (too)
8. She is too weak mathematics to ever pass the exam. She won't
succeed even """"""""""""""" her hundredth attempt. 9. If you scream again, 1'11
make you leave the room.
9. Are you still an il!usion that Mr Spike will agree to your conditions?
10. He said he wouldn't be able to tum up person, and so he would 10. We hadn't been told about the removal untillast Friday.

have to send his deputy to t~e conference. It was not

11. We can safely trust Iris. She is the know about everything that
happens on the Stock Exchange. V. Fili the gaps wit h the correct words.
12. Andrew is a draftsman """""""" profession, but he works as a clerk at the
post office. arms course drain face granted
13. You cannot expect absolute obedience Tommy. He's still hang liking means mercy plenty
a teenager ful! of wild ideas. random saying shadow shop vicinity
14. The code says people under eighteen aren't eligible membership
in the party. 1. Women don't like to be taken for by their husbands no matter
15. Bob, don't be cruel and stop mocking the way Lucy pronounces how busy the men are.
French words.
2. I think it goes without that you must love animals if you hope to
make a good veterinary surgeon.
IV. Rewrite the sentences using the given forms so that they retain their original
3. Ever since Paula started earning her own money, she's called herself a woman of
independent .
1. It was a long time ago when horsecarts were replaced by motor vehicles. (place) 4. Unfortunately, we have been at the of the weather. We can't go

..................... on climbing until the heavy snowfall subsides.

2. When the official part of the meeting ended, everyone rushed to the buffet. (close) 5. The doctors didn't make any special selection. They chose a few patients at

. ... . ... ........... for their experimental treatment.

6. It's much better for the children that we have bought a house in the ............
3. Patrick is not feeling healthy today. (colour)
of their schoo!. Now, they won't have to waste time waiting for their schoolbus.
7. Don't worry, everybody will get a free ticket for the concert. They are in
4. Let's ask somebody to take a photo for us. (have)
in our studio.
8. The defence minister lost with the public after his controversial
5. John was sorry to have made such a fuss at the party.
past was revealed.
John regretted

90 l ' 91

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