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ASME PCC-2-2022 Cenc dace ei s)) Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ASME PCC-2-2022 (Revision of ASME PCC-2-2018) Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD iy BUR Crea a Pe TELE ud Date of Issuance: September 2, 2022 The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2026. [ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Standard. Interpretations are published on the Committee web page and under http// Periodically certain actions ofthe ASME PCC Committee may be published as Cases. Cases are published on the ASME Website under the PCC Committee Page at http://go.asme.ore/PCCcommittee as they are issued. Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME website under the Committee Pages to provide corrections to incorrectly published items, orto correct typographical or grammatical errors in codes and standards. Such errata shall be used fon the date posted The PCC Committee Page can be found at There is an option available to automatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard, This option can be found on the ‘appropriate Committee Page after selecting "Errata" in the "Publication Information” section. ASME le the cogetered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ‘This cade or standard was developed under procedutes accredited as meeting the citers for American National Standards. The standards committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to ensure that inviduls from competent and concerned interests had an ‘opportunity topartcipate. The proposed code or standard wes made available for publicreview and comment which proved an opportunity {or addtional public Input from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the publicatlorge. ASME doesnot ‘approve’ “rate or“endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity ASME does notiake any position with respect tothe validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document. and does not undertake to Insure anyone utlizing standard against liablity for infringement of any applicable letters petent, nor does ASME assume any such Hb. Users of code or standard are expressly advsed that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the ris of infringement of such rights is entirely their own responselity. Partiepation by federal agency representatives or persons affilated with Industry fs not to be interpreted as government or Industry endorsement of this code o standard ASME septs espursilily fy vn Unusehtoypretations of tis Juuunien ised i euanonve wil the establslied ASME procedines and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by Individuals, No part ofthis document may be reproduced in any form, In an electronic retrieval sytem or otherwise, Without the prior written permission of the publisher, ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5090, Copyright © 2022 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All rights reserved Printed in US. Foreword .. Committee Roster . Correspondence With the PCC Committee . Summary of Changes «2... 006 Part 1 Article 101 101-1 101-2 1013 Part 2 Article 201 201-1 201-2 2013 201-4 2015 201.6 aracie 202 202-4 202-2 202-3, 202-4 202-5 202.6 202-7 Article 203 203-1 203-2 203-3 203-4 2035 203-6 203-7 A 204-1 204.2 204-3 204-4 CONTENTS Scope, Organi Introduction . Scope . Organization Intent . Welded Repairs . roan ot Butt-Welded Insert Plates in Pressure Components Description Limitations Design Fabrication ...4++++6 Examination of Welds Pressure Testing . a External Weld Bulldup to Repatr Internal Thinning Descriptions... +sseeeeneeeee Limitations Design ... Fabrication Examination .. Testing . . References a ie apaaranIA Be BEIM FE Seal-Welded Threaded Connections and Seal Weld Repairs . Description Limitations Design «+. Fabrication Examination .. Testing ...++ +++ References . Welded Leak Box Repai Description Limitations Design Fabrication 208-5 Examination 204-6 Testing Article 205 Weld Ring Gaskets (Welded Lip Seals) . 205-1 Description 205-2 Limitations 6.22. . 2 205-3, Design 205-4 Fabrication . .. 205-5 NDE Examinations 205-6 Testing 205-7 References . 2 wate ae aie Article 206 Full Encirclement Steel Reinforcing Sleeves for Piping 206-1 Description 206-2 Cautions and Limitations ....sssseseseeeeseeseeterenseseee 206-3, Design 206-4 Fabrication 206-6 Testing... 206-7 References . sie, is UA as Article 207 Fillet Welded Patches With Reinforcing Plug Welds 207-1 Description . 207-2 Limitations «...esss 000+ an 207-3 Design 207-4 Fabrication 207-5 BRRRGRANOH os oe oe ceaeeenean ae oa oa ee ena EnEN Oa Oe 207-6 Testing 2077 References « . sees Article 208 Alternatives to Traditional Welding Preheat . 208-1 Description 208.2 Limitations 208-3, Design 208-4 Fabrication 208-5 Examination ... 208-6 Testing 208-7 References so... ess seveeeeee eee ee Article 209 “Alternatives to Postweld Heat Treatment 209-4 Description « 209-2 Limitations 209-3, Design vs... waarmee 209-4 Fabrication .. . 209-5 Examination... 209-6 Testing 209-7 References . cobb cette eee eeeeeceeeeeeeeeeees Article 210 In-Service Welding Onto Carbon Steel Pressure Components or Pipelines . 210-1 Description . . sees 210-2 Limitations «seeeee sees vats 23 23 24 24 24 24 26 28 28 28 30 30 30 a1 3 35 36 37 7 a7 37 4 42 2 a2 43 4B 43 43 45 46 47 47 9 Po 49 50 50 50 51 51 52 52 210-3, 210-4 2105 210-6 210-7 Mandatory Appendix 210-1 Article 211 au 212 2113 a4 21s 216 27 aa 212-4 2122 212-3 2124 2125 212-6 2127 Article 213 raat 213-2 213-3 234 213-5 213.6 2137 Article 214. aed 2142 2142 2d 2145 2146 2147 Mandatory Appendix 214-1 Mandatory Appendix 214-11 Article 215, 215-1 215-2 215-3 Design Fabrication «+4005 Examination . Testing References... a Z Hessen Wain Procedure/Weler Performance Qualification Setup . i Weld Buildup, Weld Overlay, and Clad Restoration - Description Limitations Design . ++ Fabrication . . Examination .. Testing . References vs ..ssee05 Fillet Welded Patches . Description Limitations Design s+ Fabrication Examination .. Testing eee eee eeeee References a ‘Threaded or Welded Plug Repairs Description « Limitations . Design «+++ Fabrication Examination ldtiina GEOL S & ERAS S ERED SF References Field Heat Treating of Vessels Description ...... Limitations Dosign, Fabrication Examination... 66sess00eeeeeeeeeeees Testing . References... : Developing a Heat Treatment Procedure . ‘Typical Hot Box Design . . sees Repair Welding Considerations for Cr-Mo Steol Pressure Vessels Description Limitations ...... Design ss seeeeee 53 54 58 58 58 2 64 of 6 6 65 6 er 68 70 70 70 70 2B "4 4 "4 76 76 76 76 76 @ ” 7 79 79 79 7 a2 83 83 a4 8s 86 88 88 88 00 215-4 Fabrication a) 215-5 Examination... see . sees 89 215-6 Pressure Testing . . WE eee ae | 215-7 ROLIONCES ooo. eee vee veeeeeeeeeeeeee cee a) Article 216 Welded Hot Taps in Pressure Equipment or Pipelines -.......-- 99 216-1 Description ea piace ti ws rr) 216-2 Limitations 100 216-3, Design 101 216-4 Fabrication 105 216-5 Examination .. 106 216-6 Pressure Testing . . 107 216-7 References 0.2... ve eeeee ceceeeeveceeeeeee 108 Nonmandatory Appendix 216-A. Glossary of Acronyms .....+..sssseees00esseeeeeeeeeerese 110 Article 217 Seal Welding of Leaking Water Systems ut 27-4 Description 11 27-2 Limitations... ua 217-3 Design ut 274 Fabrication . i ui 217-5 Examination of the Seal Weld . vee 2 217-6 Pressure Testing «.+sssseseeseerenneeeeneee ame Wa 277 References . uz Part 3 Mechanical Repairs een ye as 28 os 3 Article 301 Replacement of Pressure Components ...... 113 3011 Description 3 012 Limitations Frey 301.3 Design us 301-4 Fabrication ... 113 301-5 Examination .. 14 301-6 Testing ua 301-7 References 114 Article 302 Freeze Plugs us 302-1 Description us 302-2 Limitations 15 302-3, Design 16 302-4 Faviicativut .. . 17 302.5 Examination... .00ee0ceceeeeeeeeeseeeseneeeseeeesees HS) 302-6 Testingyeias oe va aaeaennes ae ee anaes anacis ge HBO Article 303, Damaged Threads in Tapped Holes ........0000ec00e0ee00ee 12D 303-1 Description... .sssereeveeeee mare | TE 303.2 Limitations ta aes —_ a: | 303-3 Design .. se teeeeeeeaeteererenateneeeeeee 122 303-4 Fabrication, 122 303.5 Examination .. 123 303-6 Testing . 123 30st keterences « 1s Mandatory Appendix 303-1 Mandatory Appendix 303-11 308-11 303-2 Article 304 304-1 304-2 304.3, 3044 3085 304.6 3047 Mandatory Appendix 304-1 30841 304.12 3041.3 306-44 30415 3041-6 304-17 Article 305 305-1 305-2 305-3 305-4 305.5 305.6 305-7 Article 306, 306-1 306-2 305.3, 306-4 306-5 306-6 306-7 a 307-1 307-2 307-3 307-4 307-5 307-6 307-7 Recommended Detail for Stud Threads Modification to Prevent Damage to Threads in Tapped Holes . ‘An Illustrative Example Showing an. Engineering Analy Associated ‘With Enlarging a Tapped Hole . a Example 1. Example 2 « ' Flaw Excavation and Weld Repair Description Limitations Design Fabrication Examination .. Testing. . References Metal Removal Process... ++ 00005 Flapping . Grinding . Honing . Lapping ..... Machining .. Thermal Gouging Boat Sample Cutting . Flange Repair and Conversion Description Limitations . Design + .seeeeee Fabrication Examination .. Testing . References Mechanical Clamp Repair - Description Limitations Design Fabrication Examination «.... Testing . References Pipe Straightening or Alignment Bending ++ -+++s-++0+++4 Description Limitations «0.24.44 Design Fabrication Examination .. Tosting Reference 125 129 129 132 183 133 133 134 135 136 136 136 437 137 437 137 137 437 138 138 140 140 140 140 ut 142 142 142 143 143 3 144 146 146 46 146 a7 147 447 uy 148 48 149 149 Article 308, Damaged Anchors in Concrete (Postinstalled Mechanical Anchors) 150 308-1 Description : sees 150 308-2 Umitations sive 0s 04 va tensors ers 151 308-3, Design : cee cece a . 1L 308-4 Fabrication ame , a ses 182 308-5 Examination potas Se . 156 308-6 Testing 187 308-7 References . ose 187 Mandatory Appendix 3084 Anchors Installation Using Chemical Means (Adhesive)... 158 308-11 ‘Adhesive Anchors .... 158 Article 209 Valves With Pressure SealType Bonnets - 159 Article 310 Hot Bolting ... cee cee cee 160 Article 311 Hot and Half Bolting Removal Procedures 666 161 314 Description . 161 311.2 Limitations 161 3113 Design : 162 314 Fabrication... 163 31s Examination... 164 3116 Testing : 164 31-7 Titres re orm | Article 312 Inspection and Repair of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers 165 312-1 Description . 15 312-2 LRRRRERGRB vwsian oe 0s we ene 165 312.3 Design 165 a2 Fabrication 167 312.5 Examination .. m 312-6 Testing ...-. 172 312-7 References . ahah RENT MIE ma ws Mandatory Appendix 312-1 Methods for Determining Minimum Number of Tubes to Inspect a 312-44 Introduction : aaa cee a ‘Mandatory Appendix 312-1 Examination of Pressure Containment Components . 17 312-114 Examination . . 7 312-112 Inspection 177 312.3 Suitability... i 17 Asticle $13 Crimping uf Metalic Pipe « 178 313-1 Description . 178 313-2 Limitations ....eess 000 sf 178 313.3 Design 178 313-4 Fabrication ...s.+00se+ severe 179 313.5 Examination 192 313-6 Testing. . 182 313-7 References . ewan ve 0 182 Part 4 Nonmetallic and Bonded Repairs cee 188 Article 401 Nonmetallic Composite Repair Systems: High-Risk Appltcations -. 193 auLL Description rss 401-2 401-3 4014 4015 401-6 401-7 Mandatory Appendix 401-1 Mandatory Appendix 401-11 Mandatory Appendix 401-111 Mandatory Appendix 401-1V Mandatory Appendix 401-V Mandatory Appendix 401-V1 Mandatory Appendix 401-VIt 401A 401-Vi2 40LviL 40LVIL4 Mandatory Appendix 401-VIIL 401.ViIL 401-2 401.-VL3 401-VIIL4 401-VIIE-5 Nonmandatory Appendix 401-A 4o1A1 401.a2 Nonmandatory Appendix 401-B Article 402 402-1 402-2 402-3, 402-4 402-5, 402.6 2027 Mandatory Appendix 402-1 Mandatory Appendix 402-11 Mandatory Appendix 402-111 Mandatory Appendix 402-1V 4024-1 402-V-2 4021-3 4021-4 Mandatory Appendix 402-V auev-L Limitations Desig vvveeeeeeeees Fabrication (Installation) Examination System Pressure Testing References Design Data Sheet atest at Qualification Data for the Repair System . Short-Term Pipe Spool Survival Test Measurement of y for Leaking Defect Calculation . Measurement of Performance Test Data Measurement of Impact Performance Installer Qualification «6.66.6... 6eeee eee Introduction . Tralning . Training Records Requalification Installation . Introduction . Surface Preparation Laminate Lay-Up . cure . Documentation... .seeseee05 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms Glossary of Terma. Glossary of Acronyms Recommended Retesting for a Modified Qualified Repair System « Nonmetallic Composite Repair Systems: Low-Risk Applications . Description Limitations . Design _— Fabrication (Installation) . Examination system Pressure Testing Refereues a Repair Data Sheet . Qualification Data for Repair System Validation for Repair of Leaking Component . Installer Qualification ..... Introduction . Training . Training Records (Qualification Period Installation . introauction . 14 184 193 195 196 196 201 204 205 206 207 208, 209 209 209 209 210 2a zat aut zat 2 2a 23 2a 24 25 216 216 27 27 29 220 220 zz 224 226 27 228 228 228 228 228 29 uy

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