Achieve - Practice Exam 2

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2

Grammar Section (40 Questions)

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The quality of these products _________ really cheap.

(A) being
(B) is
(C) will be
(D) are

2. We discussed and solved the problems _________.

(A) myself
(B) ourselves
(C) themselves
(D) himself

3. To fail is not the end. You shouldn’t ___________________.

(A) beat around the bush
(B) cry over spilt milk
(C) feel a bit under the weather
(D) break a leg

4. According to the school’s rules, students who _________ in any school trip should get approval from
their parents.
(A) participate
(B) participates
(C) participated
(D) has participated

5. He felt _____________ as he was asking about his missing pet.

(A) miserable
(B) miserably
(C) miserability
(D) miserableness

6. In a nutshell, greed and hatred ruined her life and relationships with everyone.
In a nutshell means:
(A) in summary
(B) in details
(C) in confidence
(D) in fact

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
7. We have been working on our project for days, yet there is still __________ work to be done.
(A) many
(B) much
(C) most
(D) the more

8. In which sentence are the words in the correct order?

(A) Always Dina enjoys early in the morning a cup of coffee.
(B) Dina always enjoys a cup of coffee early in the morning.
(C) Dina enjoys always a cup of coffee early in the morning.
(D) Always in the morning a cup of coffee Dina enjoys.

9. Your life is so dull. You____________ to go out with your friends once in a while.
(A) may
(B) must
(C) should
(D) ought

10. ____________ there many people in the gym last weekend?

(A) Was
(B) Did
(C) Were
(D) Had

11. Even after their hard work and long hours of training, the soccer team members are still afraid
of____________ the match.
(A) lose
(B) losing
(C) to lose
(D) lost

12. The graduation party will take place ___________ the 22nd of August.
(A) in
(B) at
(C) on
(D) about

13. That’s the singer______________ songs are famous all over the world.
(A) whose
(B) who
(C) whom
(D) which

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
14. In which sentence are the words in the correct order?
(A) I speak to my neighbors rarely.
(B) I speak rarely to my neighbors.
(C) I rarely speak to my neighbors.
(D) Rarely I speak to my neighbors

15. I am going to the butcher to buy__________ meat for the upcoming barbecue.
(A) a
(B) an
(C) any
(D) ᴓ (sentence works with no answer)

16. Either your parents or your brother ____________to pay the water bill as soon as possible.
(A) have
(B) are
(C) has
(D) had

17. The neighbors haven’t seen ______________ of the children playing outside the house.
(A) many
(B) much
(C) a few
(D) any

18. A first aid training session ____________ by all our staff members this week.
(A) will attend
(B) will be attended
(C) be attended
(D) attended

19. My sink is clogged. Please _________________ the plumber and ask him to come immediately!
(A) calling
(B) called
(C) call
(D) is calling

20. Dan is _____________ than his partner. His partner is so arrogant.

(A) more modest
(B) modest
(C) most modest
(D) modester than

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
21. People in the Gulf love rice dishes. They do eat_______________ of rice!
(A) many
(B) a lot
(C) much
(D) several

22. Since you are standing close to the desk, can you hand me ____________ book?
(A) this
(B) that
(C) these
(D) those

23. Let’s have ________ lunch together some time soon.

(A) a
(B) the
(C) an
(D) ᴓ (sentence works with no answer)

24. Why didn’t you tell_________ that your mum is coming to visit?
(A) my
(B) myself
(C) mine
(D) me

25. I ____________ her since she was a child.

(A) has known
(B) have known
(C) knew
(D) had knowm

26. ___________ you lend me your book, I’ll have to buy one.
(A) So
(B) Unless
(C) Because
(D) Although

27. _________ I started working, I haven’t been able to see any of my friends.
(A) Unless
(B) Since
(C) Although
(D) For

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
28. You can take either Park Road __________ you can take Marble Road. You can reach your destination
using either of them.
(A) or
(B) yet
(C) also
(D) but

29. In which sentence are the words in the correct order?

(A) My sister baked a chocolate cake for my birthday.
(B) A chocolate cake baked my sister for my birthday.
(C) A chocolate cake for my birthday my sister baked.
(D) My sister for my birthday baked a chocolate cake.

30. A trained dog follows __________ owner’s instructions.

(A) it
(B) its
(C) it’s
(D) itself

31. ___________ eleven straight years, Jana has been working in this company without getting a salary raise.
(A) Although
(B) For
(C) Since
(D) In

32. The plane flew over ____________ Atlantic Ocean.

(A) the
(B) a
(C) an
(D) ᴓ (sentence works with no answer)

33. Some trains can travel __________ very high speeds.

(A) for
(B) at
(C) on
(D) over

34. I want to be fit and thin, __________ I can’t stop myself from eating junk food and sweets.
(A) yet
(B) so
(C) for
(D) nor

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
35. I’ve got to find a gas station; the car is running ________of petrol.
(A) out
(B) in
(C) down
(D) up

36. We divided the work ________________among our team members.

(A) equal
(B) equally
(C) equality
(D) equivalent

37. In which sentence are the words in the correct order?

(A) We’ll hear the answer soon.
(B) We’ll hear soon the answer.
(C) The answer hear we’ll soon.
(D) We soon hear the answer will.

38. Everyone _____________ to abide by the rules and respect the regulations.
(A) have
(B) has
(C) are
(D) must

39. My family _____________ different from any other family.

(A) is
(B) are
(C) has
(D) have

40. Reorder the words to form a correctly structured sentence/question.

(A) a/ for our guests /huge feast/ /prepared /My mum.
(B) yesterday/ Mira/ Did/ see/ you?
(C) he leader/ to the nation/ an excellent /delivered/ speech.
(D) theatre door/ by / got/closed/ the time/ was/ there/ The/ I.
(E) homework/ That/ rarely/ to do/ student/his.
(F) could/ I/ never/ passed/ have/ without/ this course/ your help.

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
Vocabulary Section (40 Questions)

Questions 1-10

Use the words in the box to complete the text and answer questions 1-10. There are two extra

treat  fighting  demand  products  pride   individuals
distribute  traditional  originally  root  standard  roles

It is well known that plants can be used to provide shade, food, decoration, and even scents, as found
in some perfumes, but did you know that many plants are also used for medical purposes? One example
of such a plant is ginseng. It has become an important ingredient in many (1) __________ now used in the
world. The ginseng plant has been used in the past to (2) _______ many different types of sicknesses. The
plant (3) __________was found in China, but it is now available in different parts of the world.

Although the (4) __________of the ginseng plant is mostly used in (5) __________Chinese medicine,
other parts of the plant can also be used. The leaf and stems of the plant can be used for preparation of
soups and salads. Consuming the plant is believed to have many benefits, such as helping the body in (6)
__________ heart disease and cancer.

Ginseng has become a (7) __________item found in many grocery stores all around the world. This has
caused the (8) __________ for the plant to increase. As ginseng becomes more popular, many companies
are starting to use it when making medicine to (9) __________all over the world. Ginseng is not only used
by big companies, (10) __________ also use the plant at home and grow it in their gardens to use in their
favorite recipes.

Questions 11-20

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

11. She tried to __________ her little brother, but he would not leave her alone.
(A) ignore
(B) defend
(C) gather
(D) provide

12. Sarah’s grade was very __________. Her parents and teachers were all very proud of her.
(A) social
(B) mysterious
(C) impressive
(D) equal

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
13. It is a good idea to wear several different __________ of clothes on a trip. If you get hot, you can always
take something off.
(A) layers
(B) vidence
(C) structure
(D) loyal

14. The main __________ of the class was to teach the students how to use write a 300-word essay.
(A) specific
(B) objective
(C) loyal
(D) temporary

15. She ate the whole __________ of cookies before she went to bed.
(A) package
(B) expense
(C) majority
(D) population

16. He has been collecting pictures for 20 years. He has a/an __________ amount to choose from.
(A) complex
(B) legal
(C) predicted
(D) massive

17. No one __________ the jacket that was left in the classroom, so we still do not know whom it belongs to.
(A) claimed
(B) absorbed
(C) confused
(D) occupy

18. My mother tried to __________ down my baby brother, who was crying. She picked him up and gave
him his bottle.
(A) surround
(B) stretch
(C) bserve
(D) calm

19. One house on our street has been _________. No one has lived there for years.
(A) appreciated
(B) enabled
(C) bandoned
(D) adjust

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
20. Oil and water will __________ when put together. They never mix.
(A) threaten
(B) separate
(C) stir
(D) surround

Questions 21-30

Use the words in the box to complete the text and answer questions 1-10. There are two extra

purchase  significantly  range  surface  wonder
local  satisfy  currently  destructive  comfortably  vary  extreme

In recent years, the price of shoes has (21) __________increased from what our parents and their
grandparents were used to. The price (22) __________of shoes can be from a few dollars to several
thousand dollars nowadays. A walk in the shoe department of your town’s (23) __________ shopping mall
will give you a wide variety of the different types of shoes now available. The styles available will help
(24) __________ your needs. Traditionally, shoes were made from leather, wood, and even canvas.
(25) __________, however, you find them made from rubber and plastics, which helps to make them less

One of the most expensive kinds of shoes you can buy is “moon boots.” Moon boots (26) __________
in price from 30,000 to 50,000 dollars. What makes these shoes so expensive? They are high tech boots
that are used to walk in space. Astronauts can walk in them (27) __________on the moon. This is important
because the moon’s rocky (28) __________is very hard to walk on without these special boots. The boots
also have to withstand the (29) __________hot and cold temperatures found on the moon, temperatures
that can average from between 212° C to –177°C. So, before you make your next shoe (30) __________,
think about the material used, the amount of comfort they offer, and then decide if you want to buy them.

Questions 31-40

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

31. The police officer __________ after working for 30 years. Now he enjoys spending time with his family.
(A) retired
(B) recovered
(C) slip
(D) provide

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
32. The cake had many __________ in it, including eggs, milk, oil, water, flour, and butter.
(A) roles
(B) ingredients
(C) techniques
(D) options

33. She is __________with her time and money, always making extra time for us and giving more than
everyone else.
(A) generous
(B) separate
(C) dishonest
(D) disturb

34. He has become more __________ when speaking English and is not as nervous anymore.
(A) conscious
(B) genuine
(C) expected
(D) confident

35. We have to write a paper in class and show how two items compare and __________ .
(A) credit
(B) contrast
(C) decline
(D) diet

36. She __________ that she had taken the book from the table. She said that she was not there and could
not have taken it.
(A) denied
(B) defined
(C) enabled
(D) disturb

37. Nowadays, most families need two __________ to pay all of their bills.
(A) justice
(B) incomes
(C) cars
(D) majority

38. She felt __________ when no one asked her what she thought about the issue.
(A) influenced
(B) insulted
(C) involved
(D) provided

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
39. The average ___________ of a tree is about 10 centimeters a year.
(A) leaf
(B) occasion
(C) growth
(D) roles

40. She couldn’t hide her __________ from the class when she dropped her papers on the floor.
(A) embarrassment
(B) pride
(C) opposition
(D) emphasis

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
Reading Section (45 Questions)

Part 1

Questions 1-10

Use the words in the box to complete the text and answer questions 1-10. There are two
extra words.

amazement  to  between  up  over  high
interested  these  them  amazing  height  a

When a river comes to a cliff, or high, rocky place, and goes 1. _____ the edge, it creates a waterfall.

Niagara Falls, on the border 2. _____ Canada and America, is made 3. _____ of three waterfalls. 4. _____
are the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls, and the Bridal Veil Falls. The Horseshoe Falls, the largest of

5. _____, is about 50 metres in 6. _____. Although the Horseshoe Falls is not the highest in the world, Angel

Falls in South America is around 900 metres higher, it is 7. _____ huge tourist attraction. Every year, more

than 20 million visitors view the falls. On the American side, 8. _____ visitors can take a short trip on the

Maid of the Mist. This is a small boat that travels along the Niagara River, goes past the American and Bridal

Veil Falls, and sits close 9. _____ the Horseshoe Falls. It offers visitors an 10. _____ view of the water as it

comes crashing down.

1. _____ 6. _____

2. _____ 7. _____

3. _____ 8. _____

4. _____ 9. _____

5. _____ 10. _____

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
Questions 11-20

Use the words in the box to complete the text and answer questions 11-20. There are two extra

happiness  experience  better  compared  compare  importance
happily  unless  about  happy  against  on

Do you want to be rich and famous? Do you want to 11. _____ personal growth? Which of these aims

is the most important to you? The 12. _____ you attach to these different goals may have an effect on your

levels of 13. _____ and your academic performance at school. Recently, researchers asked students in

the UK and Hong Kong to think 14. _____ their life aspirations, or goals. Those students who said money

and possessions were more important to them tended to be less 15. _____ and less successful at school.

In contrast, those who said personal growth was important tended to be happier and achieve 16. _____

grades. Why? The students who were more interested in money and expensive possessions liked to

17. _____ their performance with others and compete 18. _____ them. Because they concentrated on

grades, they weren’t focused 19. _____ learning. As a result, they often performed poorly. Therefore,

20. _____ you focus on learning, it will be hard to improve your academic performance.

11. _____ 16. _____

12. _____ 17. _____

13. _____ 18. _____

14. _____ 19. _____

15. _____ 20. _____

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
Part 2
Text A

Questions 21-29

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

The Song dynasty was a period of time in ancient China starting in 960 CE and ending in 1279 CE
when the grand general of the Song, Zhang Shijie, lost the battle of Yamen. The Song dynasty is famous
in world history. Some of its cities were the largest in the world at that time, with populations in excess of
one million, and its government was responsible for introducing the world’s first paper money. 1. _____ it
was during this time that one of China’s most famous works of art, Along the River During the Quingming
Festival, was painted. However, not many people know that the world’s earliest example of printed
advertising appeared at this time, too.

The advertisement was created using a metal plate made of copper. Before the plate was covered with
ink, words and images were engraved, or cut, into it. After that paper was pressed against the plate so that
the words and images engraved on it were transferred to the paper. Can you guess what the advertisement
was for? The answer is a shop selling needles, which are small instruments used for making and repairing
clothes. The paper advert said: ‘Jinan Lui’s Fine Needle Shop’ and was decorated with an image of a rabbit.
Was it successful? Did it generate more business for the needle shop? We will never know.

For companies, generating more business and attracting more customers is the main purpose of
advertising. Apple, for example, spent nearly two billion dollars on it in 2016. It’s a huge amount, but it is still
much less than one of its biggest competitors, Samsung. For consumers, advertising can be useful. It can
make them aware of new products or tell them about new features in an already existing good. However,
this is not to say that all advertising is helpful. Sometimes companies may not be honest about how unique
their product is, or the effect it has on our health. For example, before 1984, cigarette companies in America
did not have to put warnings on cigarette packets telling consumers about the health risks associated with
smoking and the greater chance that smokers will suffer from heart disease and cancer. In addition, some
advertising is unethical because it encourages people to buy products they may not need or cannot afford.
Children and young people in particular are easily influenced by adverts that show the latest toys, clothing or
music, and this can force parents to buy these products for their children.

In the modern world, companies send SMS messages to consumers’ phones whenever they want, and
we see ads on TV, in cinemas, on posters in malls, in newspapers and magazines. 2. _____ it seems that
nowadays there are very few places where we can avoid adverts.

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
21. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) Some adverts are printed on paper
(B) Advertising is a part of our lives
(C) Advertisements are useful
(D) The first advertisement appeared in ancient China

22. Choose the best answer for 1. _____ above.

(A) Furthermore,
(B) Although
(C) Nevertheless,
(D) In contrast,

23. Choose the best answer for 2. _____ above.

(A) However,
(B) Therefore,
(C) Nevertheless,
(D) In contrast,

24. All of the following are true EXCEPT that

(A) the first printed advertisement appeared in China a long time ago
(B) not every advertisement tells the truth
(C) Apple spent more on advertising than Samsung
(D) cigarette packets in America carried warnings in the mid 1990s

25. Which of the following about the first ever printed advert is NOT mentioned?
(A) The picture that was on it
(B) The material the advertisement was made of
(C) The text that was on it
(D) The number of customers it attracted

26. In the text above, which word below is closest to the meaning of associated?
(A) Connected
(B) Announced
(C) Released
(D) Decreased

27. In the text above, what does ‘it’ (line 14) refer to?
(A) A rabbit
(B) The paper advert
(C) Jinan Lui’s Fine Needle Shop
(D) The clothes

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
28. When the first advertisement was made,
(A) words and images were engraved after the ink was put on the plate
(B) ink was put on the plate before paper was pressed against it
(C) paper was pressed against the plate and ink was put on
(D) ink was put on the plate then the words and images were engraved

29. Which of these CANNOT be inferred?

(A) American cigarette packets now have warnings on them.
(B) American cigarette packets once had no warnings on them.
(C) Cigarettes can badly affect our health.
(D) Everyone pays attention to the warnings on cigarette packets.

Text B

Questions 30-37

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

At present, there are probably at least ten thousand of them. They are young, and most of them live
in the UK, Canada, Australia, and the USA. About 1,000 of them are Emiratis but the rest are not. The
subjects they study include engineering, business, law, and medicine. Who are they? They are students who
left their high school in the UAE and went to study at universities abroad.

Why do these students choose to leave their homes in the UAE and go to such English-speaking
countries? There are several reasons. First, they may wish to study a course that is not offered in the UAE.
Second, they may want the prestige that comes from studying at a world-famous university such as Oxford,
Cambridge, Harvard, or Yale. Third, they may wish to improve their English language skills. One of the
fastest ways that students can improve their ability to communicate in English is to go and live in an
English-speaking country, where they are required to speak English in their daily lives outside of college.
A final reason is it’s an adventure. Living in another country is attractive to some because it is a chance to
live independently.

Although completing a degree at a foreign university can be interesting and can improve your language
skills and future job prospects, students should ensure they are well-informed about which one to choose.
Universities are different from country to country. Even within the same country, differences exist which
may make one university a better choice for Emirati students than another. For example, both Edinburgh
University, which is in the capital city of Scotland, and King’s College, which is in the heart of London, are
excellent universities in the UK. 1. _____ both are among the 25 best universities in the world, according
to the QS World University Rankings. However, there is a single direct flight from Edinburgh airport to
Dubai, whereas the airports that serve London offer a dozen at least. In addition, the weather in Scotland is

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
generally colder than in London. A similar situation exists in America. Cornell University, which is in Ithaca,
New York State, has an excellent reputation, but it is quite isolated compared to Colombia University, which
is in New York City and has great transport links a short distance away.

If you are a high school student in the UAE who is considering studying abroad, it is a good idea to
begin the process of selecting your university at least a year before you finish high school. There are several
reasons for this. First, it is a complicated process with many factors that must be considered. Second,
applying to various universities takes time and you do not want to feel rushed.

30. What is an appropriate title for the passage?

(A) Students who Study in Other Countries
(B) Vacations Abroad
(C) Studying in America
(D) Great Cities

31. Choose the best answer for 1. _____ above.

(A) A final reason
(B) Eventually,
(C) Nevertheless,
(D) In fact,

32. All of the following about students from the UAE who study abroad are true EXCEPT that
(A) most of them are not Emiratis
(B) about a thousand of them are non-Emiratis
(C) engineering, business, law, and medicine are subjects they most often select
(D) not all of them go to the UK

33. According to the text, which of the following is NOT a reason why students from the UAE study at a
foreign university?
(A) Students can find courses that aren’t available in the UAE.
(B) Students can teach the English language well.
(C) Students can learn to take care of themselves.
(D) Students may want to join one of the greatest universities in the world.

34. In the text above, which word below is closest to the meaning of isolated?
(A) Recognized
(B) Recorded
(C) Remote
(D) Reserved

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
35. In the text above, what does ‘it’ (line 30) refer to?
(A) Entering the UAE
(B) Choosing a university
(C) Returning from abroad
(D) Picking a high school

36. According to the text, students should

(A) wait until they leave high school and then choose a university
(B) leave high school and then apply to their chosen university
(C) investigate their options and then choose a university
(D) begin the process of choosing a university after leaving high school

37. Why is King’s College and not Edinburgh recommended for students from Dubai?
(A) Students can fly non-stop to Dubai.
(B) It is more popular than Edinburgh University.
(C) It is one of best universities in the world.
(D) Edinburgh has fewer direct flights.

Text C

Questions 38-45

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.

A rabbit is a small animal. It has large front teeth for eating grass, long ears, and a very short tail.
A deer is medium-sized, plant-eating animal. It has long legs and a small head. A gazelle (Al ghazal in
Arabic) looks similar to a deer. A mouse is smaller than a rabbit or a deer. Mice have long noses and long,
thin tails. Their bodies generally grow to about 8 cm and their tails are usually shorter than their bodies.
What is the connection between a rabbit, a deer, and a mouse? It is true that they all have four legs. It is
also true they are all mammals, which means they give birth to live young and females produce milk. But did
you know that they are all animals that have become famous cartoon characters?

There are at least two famous cartoon characters that were rabbits. The first was Bugs Bunny, who
was created in 1938 but whose famous catch-phrase “What’s up, Doc?’ was not used until 1940. He loved
eating carrots and making his enemy, Elmer Fudd, look stupid. The second was Roger Rabbit, who first
appeared in print in 1981 and in a movie in 1988. In the movie, he is wrongly accused of murdering a film
producer and has to find the real criminal.

As for deer, many people know about Bambi, which was made into a film in 1942. In the film, Bambi
makes friends with Thumper, who is a rabbit, and they play together. 1. _____ Bambi grows up and
becomes the Great Prince of the Forest, protecting all the animals there from Man. Many years later, when

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the American Film Institute asked people to recommend their favourite cartoon, Bambi was placed 3rd on
the list of best cartoon films. Although in 1942 some newspaper writers did not like the movie, most people
now recognize it to be an all-time classic.

Finally, perhaps the most famous cartoon character of all time is Mickey Mouse. Amazingly, he has
appeared in over 130 films, starting his public career in a short film called Steamboat Willie in 1928. Mickey
Mouse even won an Academy Award of Merit, the top prize for film-makers and actors given by the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), for his part in the 1941 film Lend a Paw. Many
people are surprised to find out that from 1928 to 1947, the voice of Mickey Mouse was actually that of
Walt Disney. Some people think he was a genius because he created so many cartoon characters such as
Bambi, Dumbo, Mickey Mouse, and Pinocchio.

38. What is an appropriate title for the passage?

(A) Three Animals in Cartoons
(B) Walt Disney Cartoons
(C) Al ghazal
(D) Small Animals are Beautiful

39. Choose the best answer for 1. _____ above.

(A) Therefore,
(B) Because
(C) Although
(D) Eventually,

40. All of the following about rabbits are true EXCEPT that
(A) they eat plants.
(B) they are smaller than mice.
(C) females feed their young.
(D) they do not lay eggs.

41. According to the text, which of the following is FALSE?

(A) Bambi the movie was not appreciated by everyone in 1942.
(B) Lend a Paw features Mickey Mouse.
(C) The AMPAS is given by the Academy Award of Merit.
(D) Bugs Bunny began his cartoon career after Mickey Mouse.

42. In the text above, which word below is closest to the meaning of genius?
(A) Very offended person
(B) Very capable person
(C) Very genuine person
(D) Very suspicious person

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43. In the text above, what does ‘it (line 19) refer to?
(A) A newspaper writer
(B) Bambi the movie
(C) 1942
(D) The American Film Institute

44. Before 1939,

(A) there was no cartoon character called Bugs Bunny
(B) people could watch Roger Rabbit
(C) Bugs Bunny did not say ‘What’s up, Doc?’
(D) no cartoon characters were animals

45. What can you NOT infer from the text?

(A) Walt Disney had an unsuccessful career.
(B) No crime is committed in Roger Rabbit the movie.
(C) Man is a threat in Bambi the movie.
(D) Few people know the words: ‘What’s up, Doc?’

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ACHIEVE Practice Exam 2
Writing Section

Write an essay of 200-250 words on the following topic:

Governments should stop companies from selling junk food in order to promote healthy eating.
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons to support your opinion.

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