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Annotated Bibliography – Due Week 6 (15%)

The Basics

2 two An Annotated Bibliography is a list of sources (eg. books, academic journals, websites,
etc.) that you used to research the topic you have chosen for your research essay. In an
Annotated Bibliography each source is listed and followed by an overview and evaluation of the

Connections to Course Objectives

 Organize information into a clear, coherent messages

 Evaluate information for currency, reliability, authority and purpose
 Show academic integrity by integrating a documentation system to acknowledge sources

How to do this assignment

 Use the research topic that you selected as a group.

 Review relevant literature options shared by your group members.

 Identify your position on the issue to focus your research. You may have to revise your
position during the research process. That is fine! This should just a starting point.

 Select 3 CREDIBLE sources from your group’s source list for your bibliography. Group
members may share sources, but no 2 class members should have the same summaries.
(see below)

o Recall, CREDIBLE SOURCES include:

o Book/E-Book
o Academic journal article,
o Internet source - you can use traditional web search tool
for this

o If you need to seek additional sources, use the Georgian College Library Multi-
Search tool or other resources such as a public library in your city s to identify
THREE (3) credible sources on your topic.

 Develop an annotation for each source (you will have 3 in total) . EACH annotation should
come in three parts:

Part A: Full APA reference entry at the top of the page. Organize your sources in
alphabetical order as you would in an APA reference list.
Part B: Your summary should be close to 150 words, but equally as important, it should
effectively summarize the main argument(s)/thesis and key evidence/information in the
source. This should be in your own words and should NOT be a simple summary of the

Part C: Evaluate each source using the C.R.A.A.P. Model discussed in class. Provide 2-3
sentences for each aspect of the model reflected in the criteria below. You should
include specific information as justification for your discussion around each evaluation

IMPORTANT: Use the handout posted to Blackboard (Week 4) for a more detailed
breakdown of the model and to develop your evaluations. You may need to respond to
more than one question to provide sufficient detail per criteria):

NOTE: Please start each source on a NEW page and indicate which part of the CRAAP model
you are referring to in your evaluation.

 Carefully proofread your writing for spelling/grammar errors.

 The assignment must be formatted according to APA guidelines for formatting and

 See rubric below


Source in APA Source in APA Source in APA

Title Page Format
Format Format

Summary – 150 Summary – 150 Summary – 150

words words words

CRAAP Analysis CRAAP Analysis CRAAP Analysis

Cada pagina vou falar sobre uma fonte escolhida. 3 bibliografias.

Olhar as regras da APA no blackboard e fazer tudo igual, inclusive a pagina de titulo
Annotated Bibliography Rubric (45 marks total)
Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
80%-100% 70%-79% 60%-69% 0%-59%
Summary Summaries clearly Summaries identify Summaries only Summaries a
(5 x 3 = 15 marks) and engagingly the focus of the vaguely identify the missing or do
identify the focus of source, the author focus of the source, identify the fo
the source, the and title, and the the author and title, the source, th
author and title, and main argument (s) and the main author and tit
the main argument and key information. argument (s) and key the main
(s) and key Sources are relevant information. Sources argument(s) a
information. Sources to topic. are not very relevant information.
are clearly relevant to topic. are not releva
to topic. topic.

Evaluation/CRAP Evaluations provide Evaluations provide Evaluations provide Evaluations a

Model thorough and a review of the vague or incomplete missing or do
(8 x 3 = 24 marks) engaging review of sources according to reviews of the provide revie
the source according the criteria in the sources according to the sources
*2 marks for each to the criteria in the CRAP model. the CRAP model. following the
criteria – one for CRAP model. Clear Evaluations are Some parts of the model. Ineffe
response to question(s) and accurate justified using detail evaluation justified justification
and the other for supporting details from the sources. using supporting provided for
appropriate justification are included to detail from the evaluations.
justify the sources, however
evaluations. this is inconsistent.

APA Style APA format is Elements of APA Several elements of Major errors
(6 marks) complete including: format or citation are APA format or elements of A
cover page, running missing or there is a citation are missing format or cita
header, page major error with one or there are serious elements are
numbers, title, element: cover page, errors: cover page, missing: cove
indented paragraphs, running header, page running header, page running head
proper reference numbers, title, numbers, title, numbers, title
format. indented paragraphs, indented paragraphs, indented para
proper reference proper reference proper refere
format. format. format.

Writing Mechanics Writing errors will result in a deduction of marks up to 5 marks

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