Prior To Doing This SBA

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Prior to doing this SBA, I was

aware of the large number of

crimes committed in Jamaica,
but I
did not see myself as a part of
the solution. The newspaper
article entitled, “Crime and
in Jamaica; Time to Focus on
Embedded Institutional
Problems” speaks about crime
direct and indirect costs.
Everyone in society suffers in
some way from crime. Some
persons in
an attempt to increase their
value become involved in
crime. One thing is certain,
crime is
voluntary. The poem,
Crime and Violence, points
out the negative effects of
crime and
encourages citizens to unite
and preserve humanity. In the
video clip, Crime and Violence
Jamaica; what are the Causes,
the speaker highlights that
several things need to be done
prevent crime. One such is the
provision of employment for
citizens, so they can provide
themselves and not rob others.
Prior to doing this SBA, I was aware of the large number of crimes committed in Jamaica, but I

did not see myself as a part of the solution. The newspaper article entitled, “Crime and Violence

in Jamaica; Time to Focus on Embedded Institutional Problems” speaks about crime having

direct and indirect costs. Everyone in society suffers in some way from crime. Some persons in

an attempt to increase their value become involved in crime. One thing is certain, crime is

voluntary. The poem, Crime and Violence, points out the negative effects of crime and

encourages citizens to unite and preserve humanity. In the video clip, Crime and Violence in

Jamaica; what are the Causes, the speaker highlights that several things need to be done to

prevent crime. One such is the provision of employment for citizens, so they can provide for

themselves and not rob others.

Before doing this SBA, I knew children had mental disorders, but I didn’t know how to support them.
The news article entitled “Supporting Children with Mental Health Disorders” focuses on ways to
support and help children cope with their mental disorders on one hand, a diagnosis can help
alleviate much of the anger, helplessness and frustration felt by the whole family when confronted by
symptoms of mental illness without knowing why. On the other, the family and other people in
contact with the child must now learn new ways to deal with the child and cope with new demands.
The YouTube video titled “How to support your child’s mental health” from the channel “This May
Help” focuses on how parents can help their children who suffers with mental health problems. In
the video the speaker highlights 5 things that the parents can do to help their children. This includes
taking a step back this is when you wait until your emotions have died down and try to see from your
child’s point of view. The picture shows several different ways to support children’s mental health.
Before completing this School Based Assessment (S
In arti
HOW TO SUPPORT YOUR CHILD'S MENTAL HEALTH LOVE Be there for your child and show care and
love b EXERCISE Exercise has physical and emotional benefits 000 000 SUPPORT Encourage and
praise your child Ę CONVERSATION Encourage your child to talk to you FEELING Get to know how
your child is feeling EDUCATION Learn signs and symptoms of mental health problems BEHAVIOR
Keep an eye out for changes in behaviour LISTENING Make sure to listen to what your child has to say
REST TIME Help your child build 'rest time into their routine COPING Help your child learn simple
coping skills such as relaxation For more information on supporting your child's mental health,
contact your child's school counsellor or social worker.

In artifact 3 the steps for supporting a child's mental health align with established principles. They
emphasize the importance of emotional connection, physical activity, open communication,
understanding, and early intervention, all of which find support in existing research. These steps
provide a practical framework rooted in evidence to guide parents and guardians in promoting a
child's emotional well-being.

The poster is written in a semi-formal style. It maintains a balance between formality and informality
Reading artifact 1 was enlightening. It stressed the importance of diagnosis in reducing stress for
both children and their families. The article highlighted the added responsibilities that come with a
diagnosis and the need for empathy, routine, and self-care. This insight deepened my understanding
of children's mental health, emphasizing knowledge and compassion in effective support. Artifact 2
uses conversational language and a friendly tone, making it accessible and relatable to a broad
audience. The video provides practical and straightforward guidance on how parents can approach
and handle situations involving their child's mental health. It emphasizes emotional control, open
communication, teamwork, patience, and seeking support. While it may not involve creative or
imaginative elements, the message is straightforward and aimed at helping parents navigate the
challenges associated with their child's mental well-being. The poster is written in a semi-formal
style. in artifact 3 the steps for supporting a child's mental health align with established principles.
They emphasize the importance of emotional connection, physical activity, open communication,
understanding, and early intervention, all of which find support in existing research. These steps
provide a practical framework rooted in evidence to guide parents and guardians in promoting a
child's emotional well-being.
My English SBA has helped me tremendously. It has improved my ability to work with

people and in a group. People have different personalities and I have learnt to understand people.

and work with them to accomplish a common goal. I have also become better at

deadlines. Different parts of the SBA had to be submitted at different times and I was forced to.

balance my life to meet the timelines. I am now more organized and able to prioritize.

My English SBA has been incredibly beneficial, significantly enhancing my ability to collaborate with
new individuals and work effectively in group settings. I've gained a better understanding of people's
diverse personalities and how to cooperate with them to achieve common goals. Additionally, I've
become more adept at meeting deadlines as different segments of the SBA required submission at
various times, compelling me to improve my time management skills. This experience has also
fostered better organization and the ability to prioritize tasks. While I've always possessed leadership
qualities, this process has further developed my leadership skills. I took the initiative to organize
group meetings, which has made me a more effective leader."

My English SBA has been incredibly beneficial, significantly enhancing my ability to collaborate with
individuals and work effectively in group settings. I've gained a better understanding of people's
diverse personalities and how to cooperate with them to achieve common goals. Additionally, I've
become more adept at meeting deadlines as different segments of the SBA required submission at
various times, compelling me to improve my time management skills. This experience has also
fostered better organization and the ability to prioritize tasks. While I've always possessed leadership
qualities, this process has further developed my leadership skills.
I was struck by the depth of insight it provided into a critical and often overlooked aspect of
healthcare. The article's formal tone and factual approach served to convey its message with a sense
of authority and credibility.

One aspect that stood out to me was the emphasis on the significance of diagnosis in alleviating the
emotional burden experienced by both the child and their family. It made me realize that
understanding the root causes of mental health disorders can bring clarity to a situation often
clouded by confusion, frustration, and helplessness. This knowledge empowers families to take more
informed and targeted actions to support their children effectively.

The notion that a diagnosis also ushers in a new set of responsibilities for the family and caregivers
was enlightening. It reminded me that providing support to a child with a mental health disorder is
not merely a matter of acknowledging the diagnosis but also involves acquiring new coping strategies
and adapting to the child's unique needs. This reflection made me appreciate the resilience and
commitment required from parents and caregivers in these situations.

Additionally, the article's exploration of the challenges and practical strategies for supporting
children's mental health was invaluable. The video on "How to support your child's mental health"
also reinforced these insights, particularly the importance of empathetic communication, routine,
and self-care.

In conclusion, this article has broadened my understanding of the complexities surrounding

children's mental health disorders and the importance of a structured and supportive approach. It
underscores the need for empathy, patience, and a willingness to adapt while providing the essential
support these children require. As I reflect on its content, I am reminded of the vital role that
knowledge, understanding, and compassion play in helping children and their families navigate the
often-challenging terrain of mental health disorders.
BA) , I had some awareness of children facing mental health challenges, but I lacked the knowledge
on how to provide them with effective support. The news article titled "Supporting Children with
Mental Health Disorders" sheds light on methods to assist and help children in managing their
mental health issues. On one hand, receiving a diagnosis can significantly reduce the feelings of
anger, helplessness, and frustration experienced by the entire family when dealing with the
symptoms of mental illness without understanding the root cause. On the other hand, it places a
new set of responsibilities on the family and those in contact with the child, demanding the
acquisition of new coping strategies.

Furthermore, there is a YouTube video titled "How to Foster Your Child's Mental Health," which is
available on the "This May Help" channel. This video provides insights into how parents can support
their children who are grappling with mental health problems. The video's presenter highlights five
key actions that parents can take to assist their children. This includes the crucial step of taking a
moment to pause and allowing emotions to settle, to view the situation from the child's perspective.
Additionally, the video underscores the importance of open and empathetic communication, the
need to seek professional assistance when required, establishing a consistent routine to provide
stability, and the significance of self-care for caregivers.

The picture illustrates various approaches and techniques to bolster the mental health of children,
encompassing emotional support, effective communication, and the pursuit of professional guidance
where appropriate. It's crucial to bear in mind that aiding a child with a mental health disorder is a
multifaceted and ongoing process that requires patience and adaptability to best meet their unique

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