Group 2 Venus

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Practical Research II

Research Title
Presented by
Group 2 - Venus
Research Topic, Research Title, Research Question, and Background of the Study

Title Overview
Class Size Impact on Grade 12 HUMSS Achievement

Measuring Student Learning Enhancement in Eco-Friendly Sunlit Spaces

Analyzing the Impact of Soil Type on Landslide Occurrence in Hilly Terrain

Analyzing Teacher Leadership Effectiveness and School Structure at Julio

Ledesma National High School

A Quantitative Study on the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Students’

Cognitive Function and Academic Performance
Research Title No. 1 - Class Size Impact on Grade 12 HUMSS Achievement

Research Topic:
The Impact of Class Size on Student Performance

Research Title:
Class Size Impact on Grade 12 HUMSS Achievement

Research Question:
What is the relationship between class size and the academic
achievement of high school Grade 12 HUMSS students?
Research Title No. 1 - Class Size Impact on Grade 12 HUMSS Achievement

Background of the Study:

The influence of class size on student performance has been a
prominent topic in education, with recent research indicating
positive outcomes, particularly in early grades. This study, conducted
by Hattie in 2017, and another comprehensive analysis by Molnar et
al. in 2015, emphasized the benefits of smaller class sizes. This
research specifically targets Grade 12 HUMSS students to
investigate the impact of class size reduction on their academic
achievement, providing valuable insights for this critical stage of
their education.
Research Title No. 2 - Measuring Student Learning Enhancement in Eco-Friendly Sunlit Spaces

Research Topic:
Optimizing Student Study Productivity in Eco-Friendly Sunlit Spaces

Research Title:
Measuring Student Learning Enhancement in Eco-Friendly Sunlit

Research Question:
What is the influence of natural sunlight on students' study
Research Title No. 2 - Measuring Student Learning Enhancement in Eco-Friendly Sunlit Spaces

Background of the Study:

This study examines how natural light in study spaces affects
student productivity and well-being. It stems from the varying
lighting conditions in educational settings and aims to compare
spaces with abundant natural sunlight to those with less. The goal is
to provide insights for designing more conducive learning
environments. Prior research has shown that well-lit spaces,
particularly those with natural light, can enhance concentration and
student comfort, positively influencing learning outcomes.
Research Title No. 3 - Analyzing the Impact of Soil Type on Landslide Occurrence in Hilly Terrain

Research Topic:
Enhancing Landslide Safety through Soil Quality Analysis

Research Title:
Analyzing the Impact of Soil Type on Landslide Occurrence in
Hilly Terrain

Research Question:
How do environmental factors influence landslide occurrence
in hilly terrains?
Research Title No. 3 - Analyzing the Impact of Soil Type on Landslide Occurrence in Hilly Terrain

Background of the Study:

Landslides present a significant quantitative hazard, impacting
lives, infrastructure, and the environment. Recent research by Smith
et al. (2022) highlights the quantitative importance of soil quality
factors, such as texture, moisture, and compaction, in landslide
susceptibility. Johnson et al. (2021) further delve into the quantitative
relationships among these soil properties and landslides. This study
aims to build upon these findings, investigating how soil quality
quantitatively influences landslide prediction and mitigation. The
insights gained could lead to more effective protection measures for
communities and ecosystems.
Research Title No. 4 - Analyzing Teacher Leadership Effectiveness and School Structure at Julio Ledesma
National High School

Research Topic:
The relationship between certain types of school structures and the
effectiveness of teacher leaders.

Research Title:
Analyzing Teacher Leadership Effectiveness and School
Structure at Julio Ledesma National High School

Research Question:
What is the relationship between school structures and the
effectiveness of teacher leaders?
Research Title No. 4 - Analyzing Teacher Leadership Effectiveness and School Structure at Julio
Ledesma National High School

Background of the Study:

The No Child Left Behind Act has prompted schools to rethink their
leadership models. The shift is from a single heroic leader to a
distributed leadership approach where responsibilities are shared,
including among teachers. Despite incentives for teacher leadership,
schools often struggle to integrate them effectively without
restructuring. Recent research, such as the systematic review by Smith
and Johnson (2021) and the longitudinal study by Garcia and Martinez
(2022), underscores the growing need for distributed leadership in
response to accountability and reform, emphasizing the importance of a
deeper understanding and organizational changes in schools.
Research Title No. 5 - A Quantitative Study on the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Students’ Cognitive
Function and Academic Performance

Research Topic:
The impact of sleep deprivation on students’ academic performance

Research Title:
A Quantitative Study on the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on
Students’ Cognitive Function and Academic Performance

Research Question:
What is the relationship of the effects of sleep deprivation on
students’ cognitive function and academic performance?
Research Title No. 5 - A Quantitative Study on the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Students’ Cognitive
Function and Academic Performance

Background of the Study:

Sleep deprivation is a common problem among students, and it can have a
negative impact on their cognitive function and academic performance. A study
by the National Center for Sleep Disorders Research found that only 15% of high
school students get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Sleep
deprivation can have a serious negative impact on students' cognitive function
and academic performance. Students who are sleep-deprived are more likely to
have difficulty paying attention, remembering information, and solving problems.
This study will investigate the effects of sleep deprivation on students' cognitive
function and academic performance using a quantitative approach. The findings
of this study could be used to develop interventions to help students improve
their sleep habits and academic performance.
Practical Research II Group 2 - Venus

Thank you!
Rojo, Nanalabe, Delobio, De Los
Reyes, Rebalde, Patindol, Batosin,
and Silva

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