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Nusriza - Starmourn https://www.starmourn.


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Excerpted from "A Catalog of Races of the

Starmourn Sector"

The Nusriza are a �erce race with perhaps the most di�cult language among the core
Starmourn species.

Home System Frixion

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Nusriza - Starmourn

Homeworld Frixion VI

Capital City Mir

Lifespan About 160 years.

Family They live in Throngs, where after the egg

structure hatches it is raised communally by others
in the Throng, which consists of multiple
families, unrelated by blood.

How do They have a fairly equal mix of void and

they view star kith users, but they're a new race to
kith kith. The Echanine religion prohibited its
users? use until the Schism.

Preferred Aside from algerion meat, they're

foods carnivores with a strong love of grubs,
worms, and small insects. They eat these
in a thousand different variations, full of
spices. They might be fried, baked,
roasted, eaten raw, poached, boiled, or any
number of methods. They also enjoy
smoking a substance made from the dried
skins of tiny grubs called 'leesa' that gets
them very mildly high, but is mainly about
social lubrication - it's nothing like the
drugs the Nabia peddle.

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Nusriza - Starmourn

Male Nusriza wielding vibroknives.

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Nusriza - Starmourn

A female Nusriza wielding a kithblade.

How do they Largely with disdain, though they do

treat 'others' venerate their elders.
within their

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Nusriza - Starmourn

Notable rituals On the age of maturity of a Nusriza -

17 - their relatives hold a celebration
that involves a 2 day event called,
translated of course, called
Seventeen Mirrors. In the first day, 17
people spend time with the young
Nusriza in a ritualistic circle, speaking
the truth about the shortcomings of
the young one with the aid of an
intoxicant they brew from the shells of
their eggs called 'poivirn'. On the
second day, the virtues of the person
coming-of-age are extolled and gifts
are presented by each of the 17 to the
subject of the ritual. At the end, that
Nusriza is formally welcomed as a full
member of the Throng.

Entertainment Their language - Nusrizan - is

renowed for its musicality and the
difficulty with which non-natives speak
it. It's both a tonal and gesture
language, with 14 different distinct
tones lending shading to the meaning
of words, and a wide variety of subtle
hand gestures that shade the
meaning of those toned words further.
The result is that those who can't
move both their hands sound 'flat' to
Nusrizan ears - their meaning can
certainly be understood, but to them it
is like listening to someone speak
without inflection, tone, or variation in
pacing. They are similarly skilled
singers, and vocal competitions are
very popular with the Nusrizans.

Government Monarchy. Ruler is titled the "Tajhan". It's a hereditary post, though there have been times
in its history where the ruling family was wiped out by accident or assassination, typically
leading to war among the Throngs until a new power structure emerges that is capable of
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Nusriza - Starmourn

When did they About 24,000 years ago.

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Religion They have a monotheistic religion called Echanism that worships a single god they call
Echanine, but it is by no means believed Press
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Nusriza. It is a warrior, protector God,
and much of their race lost faith in it during the Bushraki Wars, when it became clear that
Echanine either wouldn't protect them, couldn't protect them, or didn't exist, and they
joined into the Song Dominion with several other races. Echanism prohibited fraternization
with other races until then, as well as the use of kith, both of which were restrictions large
swathes of Nusrizan society were sick of and, under threat during the wars, rejected
completely. This led to the Echanine Schism, which took place from 31 A.E. to 35 A.E. This
internal religious war split their society, and over time those who reject Echanine have
come to dominate Nusrizan culture and leadership.

Architecture Their buildings have large open portals to the outside for young Nusriza to fly in and out of,
and they also build large living environments above the clouds, supported on huge, rigid

Architecture on the Nusriza homeworld.

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